diff options
authorBodigrim <>2022-12-16 23:49:00 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2022-12-20 21:16:37 -0500
commitbefe6ff8660c6dc535b414cf372cb76f5681457f (patch)
parent36c5d98e54c5ab9ede8c06f4501ed1ac83069f90 (diff)
GHCi.UI: fix various usages of head and tail
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
index a2d16080f8..1178655451 100644
--- a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
+++ b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.IORef ( IORef, modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
-import Data.List ( elemIndices, find, intercalate, intersperse,
+import Data.List ( elemIndices, find, intercalate, intersperse, minimumBy,
isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, nub, partition, sort, sortBy, (\\) )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Set as S
@@ -1374,12 +1374,13 @@ afterRunStmt step_here run_result = do
show_types <- isOptionSet ShowType
when show_types $ printTypeOfNames names
GHC.ExecBreak names mb_info
- | isNothing mb_info ||
- step_here (GHC.resumeSpan $ head resumes) -> do
+ | first_resume : _ <- resumes
+ , isNothing mb_info ||
+ step_here (GHC.resumeSpan first_resume) -> do
mb_id_loc <- toBreakIdAndLocation mb_info
let bCmd = maybe "" ( \(_,l) -> onBreakCmd l ) mb_id_loc
if (null bCmd)
- then printStoppedAtBreakInfo (head resumes) names
+ then printStoppedAtBreakInfo first_resume names
else enqueueCommands [bCmd]
-- run the command set with ":set stop <cmd>"
st <- getGHCiState
@@ -2607,15 +2608,14 @@ guessCurrentModule :: GHC.GhcMonad m => String -> m Module
-- Guess which module the user wants to browse. Pick
-- modules that are interpreted first. The most
-- recently-added module occurs last, it seems.
-guessCurrentModule cmd
- = do imports <- GHC.getContext
- when (null imports) $ throwGhcException $
- CmdLineError (':' : cmd ++ ": no current module")
- case (head imports) of
- IIModule m -> GHC.findQualifiedModule NoPkgQual m
- IIDecl d -> do
- pkgqual <- GHC.renameRawPkgQualM (unLoc $ ideclName d) (ideclPkgQual d)
- GHC.findQualifiedModule pkgqual (unLoc (ideclName d))
+guessCurrentModule cmd = do
+ imports <- GHC.getContext
+ case imports of
+ [] -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError (':' : cmd ++ ": no current module")
+ IIModule m : _ -> GHC.findQualifiedModule NoPkgQual m
+ IIDecl d : _ -> do
+ pkgqual <- GHC.renameRawPkgQualM (unLoc $ ideclName d) (ideclPkgQual d)
+ GHC.findQualifiedModule pkgqual (unLoc (ideclName d))
-- without bang, show items in context of their parents and omit children
-- with bang, show class methods and data constructors separately, and
@@ -3507,18 +3507,15 @@ completeCmd argLine0 = case parseLine argLine0 of
liftIO $ print r
_ -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError "Syntax: :complete repl [<range>] <quoted-string-to-complete>")
- parseLine argLine
- | null argLine = Nothing
- | null rest1 = Nothing
- | otherwise = (,,) dom <$> resRange <*> s
- where
- (dom, rest1) = breakSpace argLine
- (rng, rest2) = breakSpace rest1
- resRange | head rest1 == '"' = parseRange ""
- | otherwise = parseRange rng
- s | head rest1 == '"' = readMaybe rest1 :: Maybe String
- | otherwise = readMaybe rest2
- breakSpace = fmap (dropWhile isSpace) . break isSpace
+ parseLine [] = Nothing
+ parseLine argLine = case breakSpace argLine of
+ (_, []) -> Nothing
+ (dom, rest1@('"' : _)) -> (dom,,) <$> parseRange "" <*> (readMaybe rest1 :: Maybe String)
+ (dom, rest1) -> (dom,,) <$> parseRange rng <*> readMaybe rest2
+ where
+ (rng, rest2) = breakSpace rest1
+ breakSpace = fmap (dropWhile isSpace) . break isSpace
takeRange (lb,ub) = maybe id (drop . pred) lb . maybe id take ub
@@ -3666,7 +3663,7 @@ completeBreakpoint = wrapCompleter spaces $ \w -> do -- #3000
addNestedDecls (ident, mod) = do
(_, decls) <- getModBreak mod
let (mod_str, topLvl, _) = splitIdent ident
- ident_decls = filter ((topLvl ==) . head) $ elems decls
+ ident_decls = [ elm | elm@(el : _) <- elems decls, el == topLvl ]
bids = nub $ declPath <$> ident_decls
pure $ map (combineModIdent mod_str) bids
@@ -3843,7 +3840,7 @@ enclosingTickSpan md (RealSrcSpan src _) = do
massert (inRange (bounds ticks) line)
let enclosing_spans = [ pan | (_,pan) <- ticks ! line
, realSrcSpanEnd pan >= realSrcSpanEnd src]
- return . head . sortBy leftmostLargestRealSrcSpan $ enclosing_spans
+ return . minimumBy leftmostLargestRealSrcSpan $ enclosing_spans
leftmostLargestRealSrcSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan -> Ordering
@@ -4110,7 +4107,7 @@ breakById inp = do
lookupModuleInscope :: GhciMonad m => String -> m (Maybe Module)
lookupModuleInscope mod_top_lvl = do
names <- GHC.parseName mod_top_lvl
- pure $ Just $ head $ GHC.nameModule <$> names
+ pure $ listToMaybe $ GHC.nameModule <$> names
-- if GHC.parseName succeeds `names` is not empty!
-- if it fails, the last line will not be evaluated.