path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-02 11:43:03 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-03-16 23:53:24 -0400
commit18a346a4b5a02b8c62e8eedb91b35c2d8e754b96 (patch)
tree59121ffd5a46c1987a184db3842a3089f6250d11 /compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
parent818b3c38e7548f4720815f76969238d82c9650f7 (diff)
Modules: Core (#13009)
Update submodule: haddock
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs')
1 files changed, 2906 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e59a6ef85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2906 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, CPP, MultiWayIf, FlexibleContexts, BangPatterns,
+ ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Module for (a) type kinds and (b) type coercions,
+-- as used in System FC. See 'GHC.Core.Expr' for
+-- more on System FC and how coercions fit into it.
+module GHC.Core.Coercion (
+ -- * Main data type
+ Coercion, CoercionN, CoercionR, CoercionP, MCoercion(..), MCoercionR,
+ UnivCoProvenance, CoercionHole(..), coHoleCoVar, setCoHoleCoVar,
+ LeftOrRight(..),
+ Var, CoVar, TyCoVar,
+ Role(..), ltRole,
+ -- ** Functions over coercions
+ coVarTypes, coVarKind, coVarKindsTypesRole, coVarRole,
+ coercionType, mkCoercionType,
+ coercionKind, coercionLKind, coercionRKind,coercionKinds,
+ coercionRole, coercionKindRole,
+ -- ** Constructing coercions
+ mkGReflCo, mkReflCo, mkRepReflCo, mkNomReflCo,
+ mkCoVarCo, mkCoVarCos,
+ mkAxInstCo, mkUnbranchedAxInstCo,
+ mkAxInstRHS, mkUnbranchedAxInstRHS,
+ mkAxInstLHS, mkUnbranchedAxInstLHS,
+ mkPiCo, mkPiCos, mkCoCast,
+ mkSymCo, mkTransCo, mkTransMCo,
+ mkNthCo, nthCoRole, mkLRCo,
+ mkInstCo, mkAppCo, mkAppCos, mkTyConAppCo, mkFunCo,
+ mkForAllCo, mkForAllCos, mkHomoForAllCos,
+ mkPhantomCo,
+ mkHoleCo, mkUnivCo, mkSubCo,
+ mkAxiomInstCo, mkProofIrrelCo,
+ downgradeRole, mkAxiomRuleCo,
+ mkGReflRightCo, mkGReflLeftCo, mkCoherenceLeftCo, mkCoherenceRightCo,
+ mkKindCo, castCoercionKind, castCoercionKindI,
+ mkHeteroCoercionType,
+ mkPrimEqPred, mkReprPrimEqPred, mkPrimEqPredRole,
+ mkHeteroPrimEqPred, mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred,
+ -- ** Decomposition
+ instNewTyCon_maybe,
+ NormaliseStepper, NormaliseStepResult(..), composeSteppers,
+ mapStepResult, unwrapNewTypeStepper,
+ topNormaliseNewType_maybe, topNormaliseTypeX,
+ decomposeCo, decomposeFunCo, decomposePiCos, getCoVar_maybe,
+ splitTyConAppCo_maybe,
+ splitAppCo_maybe,
+ splitFunCo_maybe,
+ splitForAllCo_maybe,
+ splitForAllCo_ty_maybe, splitForAllCo_co_maybe,
+ nthRole, tyConRolesX, tyConRolesRepresentational, setNominalRole_maybe,
+ pickLR,
+ isGReflCo, isReflCo, isReflCo_maybe, isGReflCo_maybe, isReflexiveCo, isReflexiveCo_maybe,
+ isReflCoVar_maybe, isGReflMCo, coToMCo,
+ -- ** Coercion variables
+ mkCoVar, isCoVar, coVarName, setCoVarName, setCoVarUnique,
+ isCoVar_maybe,
+ -- ** Free variables
+ tyCoVarsOfCo, tyCoVarsOfCos, coVarsOfCo,
+ tyCoFVsOfCo, tyCoFVsOfCos, tyCoVarsOfCoDSet,
+ coercionSize,
+ -- ** Substitution
+ CvSubstEnv, emptyCvSubstEnv,
+ lookupCoVar,
+ substCo, substCos, substCoVar, substCoVars, substCoWith,
+ substCoVarBndr,
+ extendTvSubstAndInScope, getCvSubstEnv,
+ -- ** Lifting
+ liftCoSubst, liftCoSubstTyVar, liftCoSubstWith, liftCoSubstWithEx,
+ emptyLiftingContext, extendLiftingContext, extendLiftingContextAndInScope,
+ liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing, isMappedByLC,
+ mkSubstLiftingContext, zapLiftingContext,
+ substForAllCoBndrUsingLC, lcTCvSubst, lcInScopeSet,
+ LiftCoEnv, LiftingContext(..), liftEnvSubstLeft, liftEnvSubstRight,
+ substRightCo, substLeftCo, swapLiftCoEnv, lcSubstLeft, lcSubstRight,
+ -- ** Comparison
+ eqCoercion, eqCoercionX,
+ -- ** Forcing evaluation of coercions
+ seqCo,
+ -- * Pretty-printing
+ pprCo, pprParendCo,
+ pprCoAxiom, pprCoAxBranch, pprCoAxBranchLHS,
+ pprCoAxBranchUser, tidyCoAxBndrsForUser,
+ etaExpandCoAxBranch,
+ -- * Tidying
+ tidyCo, tidyCos,
+ -- * Other
+ promoteCoercion, buildCoercion,
+ simplifyArgsWorker
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.CoreToIface (toIfaceTyCon, tidyToIfaceTcArgs)
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Iface.Type
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Tidy
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import Var
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Name hiding ( varName )
+import Util
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import Pair
+import SrcLoc
+import PrelNames
+import TysPrim
+import ListSetOps
+import Maybes
+import UniqFM
+import Control.Monad (foldM, zipWithM)
+import Data.Function ( on )
+import Data.Char( isDigit )
+%* *
+ -- The coercion arguments always *precisely* saturate
+ -- arity of (that branch of) the CoAxiom. If there are
+ -- any left over, we use AppCo. See
+ -- See [Coercion axioms applied to coercions] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+\subsection{Coercion variables}
+%* *
+coVarName :: CoVar -> Name
+coVarName = varName
+setCoVarUnique :: CoVar -> Unique -> CoVar
+setCoVarUnique = setVarUnique
+setCoVarName :: CoVar -> Name -> CoVar
+setCoVarName = setVarName
+%* *
+ Pretty-printing CoAxioms
+%* *
+Defined here to avoid module loops. CoAxiom is loaded very early on.
+etaExpandCoAxBranch :: CoAxBranch -> ([TyVar], [Type], Type)
+-- Return the (tvs,lhs,rhs) after eta-expanding,
+-- to the way in which the axiom was originally written
+-- See Note [Eta reduction for data families] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+etaExpandCoAxBranch (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs
+ , cab_eta_tvs = eta_tvs
+ , cab_lhs = lhs
+ , cab_rhs = rhs })
+ -- ToDo: what about eta_cvs?
+ = (tvs ++ eta_tvs, lhs ++ eta_tys, mkAppTys rhs eta_tys)
+ where
+ eta_tys = mkTyVarTys eta_tvs
+pprCoAxiom :: CoAxiom br -> SDoc
+-- Used in debug-printing only
+pprCoAxiom ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tc, co_ax_branches = branches })
+ = hang (text "axiom" <+> ppr ax <+> dcolon)
+ 2 (vcat (map (pprCoAxBranchUser tc) (fromBranches branches)))
+pprCoAxBranchUser :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> SDoc
+-- Used when printing injectivity errors (FamInst.reportInjectivityErrors)
+-- and inaccessible branches (TcValidity.inaccessibleCoAxBranch)
+-- This happens in error messages: don't print the RHS of a data
+-- family axiom, which is meaningless to a user
+pprCoAxBranchUser tc br
+ | isDataFamilyTyCon tc = pprCoAxBranchLHS tc br
+ | otherwise = pprCoAxBranch tc br
+pprCoAxBranchLHS :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> SDoc
+-- Print the family-instance equation when reporting
+-- a conflict between equations (FamInst.conflictInstErr)
+-- For type families the RHS is important; for data families not so.
+-- Indeed for data families the RHS is a mysterious internal
+-- type constructor, so we suppress it (#14179)
+-- See FamInstEnv Note [Family instance overlap conflicts]
+pprCoAxBranchLHS = ppr_co_ax_branch pp_rhs
+ where
+ pp_rhs _ _ = empty
+pprCoAxBranch :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> SDoc
+pprCoAxBranch = ppr_co_ax_branch ppr_rhs
+ where
+ ppr_rhs env rhs = equals <+> pprPrecTypeX env topPrec rhs
+ppr_co_ax_branch :: (TidyEnv -> Type -> SDoc)
+ -> TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> SDoc
+ppr_co_ax_branch ppr_rhs fam_tc branch
+ = foldr1 (flip hangNotEmpty 2)
+ [ pprUserForAll (mkTyCoVarBinders Inferred bndrs')
+ -- See Note [Printing foralls in type family instances] in GHC.Iface.Type
+ , pp_lhs <+> ppr_rhs tidy_env ee_rhs
+ , text "-- Defined" <+> pp_loc ]
+ where
+ loc = coAxBranchSpan branch
+ pp_loc | isGoodSrcSpan loc = text "at" <+> ppr (srcSpanStart loc)
+ | otherwise = text "in" <+> ppr loc
+ -- Eta-expand LHS and RHS types, because sometimes data family
+ -- instances are eta-reduced.
+ -- See Note [Eta reduction for data families] in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.
+ (ee_tvs, ee_lhs, ee_rhs) = etaExpandCoAxBranch branch
+ pp_lhs = pprIfaceTypeApp topPrec (toIfaceTyCon fam_tc)
+ (tidyToIfaceTcArgs tidy_env fam_tc ee_lhs)
+ (tidy_env, bndrs') = tidyCoAxBndrsForUser emptyTidyEnv ee_tvs
+tidyCoAxBndrsForUser :: TidyEnv -> [Var] -> (TidyEnv, [Var])
+-- Tidy wildcards "_1", "_2" to "_", and do not return them
+-- in the list of binders to be printed
+-- This is so that in error messages we see
+-- forall a. F _ [a] _ = ...
+-- rather than
+-- forall a _1 _2. F _1 [a] _2 = ...
+-- This is a rather disgusting function
+tidyCoAxBndrsForUser init_env tcvs
+ = (tidy_env, reverse tidy_bndrs)
+ where
+ (tidy_env, tidy_bndrs) = foldl tidy_one (init_env, []) tcvs
+ tidy_one (env@(occ_env, subst), rev_bndrs') bndr
+ | is_wildcard bndr = (env_wild, rev_bndrs')
+ | otherwise = (env', bndr' : rev_bndrs')
+ where
+ (env', bndr') = tidyVarBndr env bndr
+ env_wild = (occ_env, extendVarEnv subst bndr wild_bndr)
+ wild_bndr = setVarName bndr $
+ tidyNameOcc (varName bndr) (mkTyVarOcc "_")
+ -- Tidy the binder to "_"
+ is_wildcard :: Var -> Bool
+ is_wildcard tv = case occNameString (getOccName tv) of
+ ('_' : rest) -> all isDigit rest
+ _ -> False
+%* *
+ Destructing coercions
+%* *
+Note [Function coercions]
+Remember that
+ (->) :: forall r1 r2. TYPE r1 -> TYPE r2 -> TYPE LiftedRep
+ FunCo r co1 co2 :: (s1->t1) ~r (s2->t2)
+is short for
+ TyConAppCo (->) co_rep1 co_rep2 co1 co2
+where co_rep1, co_rep2 are the coercions on the representations.
+-- | This breaks a 'Coercion' with type @T A B C ~ T D E F@ into
+-- a list of 'Coercion's of kinds @A ~ D@, @B ~ E@ and @E ~ F@. Hence:
+-- > decomposeCo 3 c [r1, r2, r3] = [nth r1 0 c, nth r2 1 c, nth r3 2 c]
+decomposeCo :: Arity -> Coercion
+ -> [Role] -- the roles of the output coercions
+ -- this must have at least as many
+ -- entries as the Arity provided
+ -> [Coercion]
+decomposeCo arity co rs
+ = [mkNthCo r n co | (n,r) <- [0..(arity-1)] `zip` rs ]
+ -- Remember, Nth is zero-indexed
+decomposeFunCo :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => Role -- Role of the input coercion
+ -> Coercion -- Input coercion
+ -> (Coercion, Coercion)
+-- Expects co :: (s1 -> t1) ~ (s2 -> t2)
+-- Returns (co1 :: s1~s2, co2 :: t1~t2)
+-- See Note [Function coercions] for the "2" and "3"
+decomposeFunCo r co = ASSERT2( all_ok, ppr co )
+ (mkNthCo r 2 co, mkNthCo r 3 co)
+ where
+ Pair s1t1 s2t2 = coercionKind co
+ all_ok = isFunTy s1t1 && isFunTy s2t2
+{- Note [Pushing a coercion into a pi-type]
+Suppose we have this:
+ (f |> co) t1 .. tn
+Then we want to push the coercion into the arguments, so as to make
+progress. For example of why you might want to do so, see Note
+[Respecting definitional equality] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.
+This is done by decomposePiCos. Specifically, if
+ decomposePiCos co [t1,..,tn] = ([co1,...,cok], cor)
+ (f |> co) t1 .. tn = (f (t1 |> co1) ... (tk |> cok)) |> cor) t(k+1) ... tn
+* k can be smaller than n! That is decomposePiCos can return *fewer*
+ coercions than there are arguments (ie k < n), if the kind provided
+ doesn't have enough binders.
+* If there is a type error, we might see
+ (f |> co) t1
+ where co :: (forall a. ty) ~ (ty1 -> ty2)
+ Here 'co' is insoluble, but we don't want to crash in decoposePiCos.
+ So decomposePiCos carefully tests both sides of the coercion to check
+ they are both foralls or both arrows. Not doing this caused #15343.
+decomposePiCos :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => CoercionN -> Pair Type -- Coercion and its kind
+ -> [Type]
+ -> ([CoercionN], CoercionN)
+-- See Note [Pushing a coercion into a pi-type]
+decomposePiCos orig_co (Pair orig_k1 orig_k2) orig_args
+ = go [] (orig_subst,orig_k1) orig_co (orig_subst,orig_k2) orig_args
+ where
+ orig_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet $
+ tyCoVarsOfTypes orig_args `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo orig_co
+ go :: [CoercionN] -- accumulator for argument coercions, reversed
+ -> (TCvSubst,Kind) -- Lhs kind of coercion
+ -> CoercionN -- coercion originally applied to the function
+ -> (TCvSubst,Kind) -- Rhs kind of coercion
+ -> [Type] -- Arguments to that function
+ -> ([CoercionN], Coercion)
+ -- Invariant: co :: subst1(k2) ~ subst2(k2)
+ go acc_arg_cos (subst1,k1) co (subst2,k2) (ty:tys)
+ | Just (a, t1) <- splitForAllTy_maybe k1
+ , Just (b, t2) <- splitForAllTy_maybe k2
+ -- know co :: (forall a:s1.t1) ~ (forall b:s2.t2)
+ -- function :: forall a:s1.t1 (the function is not passed to decomposePiCos)
+ -- a :: s1
+ -- b :: s2
+ -- ty :: s2
+ -- need arg_co :: s2 ~ s1
+ -- res_co :: t1[ty |> arg_co / a] ~ t2[ty / b]
+ = let arg_co = mkNthCo Nominal 0 (mkSymCo co)
+ res_co = mkInstCo co (mkGReflLeftCo Nominal ty arg_co)
+ subst1' = extendTCvSubst subst1 a (ty `CastTy` arg_co)
+ subst2' = extendTCvSubst subst2 b ty
+ in
+ go (arg_co : acc_arg_cos) (subst1', t1) res_co (subst2', t2) tys
+ | Just (_s1, t1) <- splitFunTy_maybe k1
+ , Just (_s2, t2) <- splitFunTy_maybe k2
+ -- know co :: (s1 -> t1) ~ (s2 -> t2)
+ -- function :: s1 -> t1
+ -- ty :: s2
+ -- need arg_co :: s2 ~ s1
+ -- res_co :: t1 ~ t2
+ = let (sym_arg_co, res_co) = decomposeFunCo Nominal co
+ arg_co = mkSymCo sym_arg_co
+ in
+ go (arg_co : acc_arg_cos) (subst1,t1) res_co (subst2,t2) tys
+ | not (isEmptyTCvSubst subst1) || not (isEmptyTCvSubst subst2)
+ = go acc_arg_cos (zapTCvSubst subst1, substTy subst1 k1)
+ co
+ (zapTCvSubst subst2, substTy subst1 k2)
+ (ty:tys)
+ -- tys might not be empty, if the left-hand type of the original coercion
+ -- didn't have enough binders
+ go acc_arg_cos _ki1 co _ki2 _tys = (reverse acc_arg_cos, co)
+-- | Attempts to obtain the type variable underlying a 'Coercion'
+getCoVar_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe CoVar
+getCoVar_maybe (CoVarCo cv) = Just cv
+getCoVar_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Attempts to tease a coercion apart into a type constructor and the application
+-- of a number of coercion arguments to that constructor
+splitTyConAppCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (TyCon, [Coercion])
+splitTyConAppCo_maybe co
+ | Just (ty, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ = do { (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ ; let args = zipWith mkReflCo (tyConRolesX r tc) tys
+ ; return (tc, args) }
+splitTyConAppCo_maybe (TyConAppCo _ tc cos) = Just (tc, cos)
+splitTyConAppCo_maybe (FunCo _ arg res) = Just (funTyCon, cos)
+ where cos = [mkRuntimeRepCo arg, mkRuntimeRepCo res, arg, res]
+splitTyConAppCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- first result has role equal to input; third result is Nominal
+splitAppCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Coercion)
+-- ^ Attempt to take a coercion application apart.
+splitAppCo_maybe (AppCo co arg) = Just (co, arg)
+splitAppCo_maybe (TyConAppCo r tc args)
+ | args `lengthExceeds` tyConArity tc
+ , Just (args', arg') <- snocView args
+ = Just ( mkTyConAppCo r tc args', arg' )
+ | not (mustBeSaturated tc)
+ -- Never create unsaturated type family apps!
+ , Just (args', arg') <- snocView args
+ , Just arg'' <- setNominalRole_maybe (nthRole r tc (length args')) arg'
+ = Just ( mkTyConAppCo r tc args', arg'' )
+ -- Use mkTyConAppCo to preserve the invariant
+ -- that identity coercions are always represented by Refl
+splitAppCo_maybe co
+ | Just (ty, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , Just (ty1, ty2) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty
+ = Just (mkReflCo r ty1, mkNomReflCo ty2)
+splitAppCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+splitFunCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (Coercion, Coercion)
+splitFunCo_maybe (FunCo _ arg res) = Just (arg, res)
+splitFunCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+splitForAllCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (TyCoVar, Coercion, Coercion)
+splitForAllCo_maybe (ForAllCo tv k_co co) = Just (tv, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Like 'splitForAllCo_maybe', but only returns Just for tyvar binder
+splitForAllCo_ty_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (TyVar, Coercion, Coercion)
+splitForAllCo_ty_maybe (ForAllCo tv k_co co)
+ | isTyVar tv = Just (tv, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_ty_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Like 'splitForAllCo_maybe', but only returns Just for covar binder
+splitForAllCo_co_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (CoVar, Coercion, Coercion)
+splitForAllCo_co_maybe (ForAllCo cv k_co co)
+ | isCoVar cv = Just (cv, k_co, co)
+splitForAllCo_co_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- and some coercion kind stuff
+coVarLType, coVarRType :: HasDebugCallStack => CoVar -> Type
+coVarLType cv | (_, _, ty1, _, _) <- coVarKindsTypesRole cv = ty1
+coVarRType cv | (_, _, _, ty2, _) <- coVarKindsTypesRole cv = ty2
+coVarTypes :: HasDebugCallStack => CoVar -> Pair Type
+coVarTypes cv
+ | (_, _, ty1, ty2, _) <- coVarKindsTypesRole cv
+ = Pair ty1 ty2
+coVarKindsTypesRole :: HasDebugCallStack => CoVar -> (Kind,Kind,Type,Type,Role)
+coVarKindsTypesRole cv
+ | Just (tc, [k1,k2,ty1,ty2]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (varType cv)
+ = (k1, k2, ty1, ty2, eqTyConRole tc)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "coVarKindsTypesRole, non coercion variable"
+ (ppr cv $$ ppr (varType cv))
+coVarKind :: CoVar -> Type
+coVarKind cv
+ = ASSERT( isCoVar cv )
+ varType cv
+coVarRole :: CoVar -> Role
+coVarRole cv
+ = eqTyConRole (case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (varType cv) of
+ Just tc0 -> tc0
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "coVarRole: not tyconapp" (ppr cv))
+eqTyConRole :: TyCon -> Role
+-- Given (~#) or (~R#) return the Nominal or Representational respectively
+eqTyConRole tc
+ | tc `hasKey` eqPrimTyConKey
+ = Nominal
+ | tc `hasKey` eqReprPrimTyConKey
+ = Representational
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "eqTyConRole: unknown tycon" (ppr tc)
+-- | Given a coercion @co1 :: (a :: TYPE r1) ~ (b :: TYPE r2)@,
+-- produce a coercion @rep_co :: r1 ~ r2@.
+mkRuntimeRepCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion
+mkRuntimeRepCo co
+ = mkNthCo Nominal 0 kind_co
+ where
+ kind_co = mkKindCo co -- kind_co :: TYPE r1 ~ TYPE r2
+ -- (up to silliness with Constraint)
+isReflCoVar_maybe :: Var -> Maybe Coercion
+-- If cv :: t~t then isReflCoVar_maybe cv = Just (Refl t)
+-- Works on all kinds of Vars, not just CoVars
+isReflCoVar_maybe cv
+ | isCoVar cv
+ , Pair ty1 ty2 <- coVarTypes cv
+ , ty1 `eqType` ty2
+ = Just (mkReflCo (coVarRole cv) ty1)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+-- | Tests if this coercion is obviously a generalized reflexive coercion.
+-- Guaranteed to work very quickly.
+isGReflCo :: Coercion -> Bool
+isGReflCo (GRefl{}) = True
+isGReflCo (Refl{}) = True -- Refl ty == GRefl N ty MRefl
+isGReflCo _ = False
+-- | Tests if this MCoercion is obviously generalized reflexive
+-- Guaranteed to work very quickly.
+isGReflMCo :: MCoercion -> Bool
+isGReflMCo MRefl = True
+isGReflMCo (MCo co) | isGReflCo co = True
+isGReflMCo _ = False
+-- | Tests if this coercion is obviously reflexive. Guaranteed to work
+-- very quickly. Sometimes a coercion can be reflexive, but not obviously
+-- so. c.f. 'isReflexiveCo'
+isReflCo :: Coercion -> Bool
+isReflCo (Refl{}) = True
+isReflCo (GRefl _ _ mco) | isGReflMCo mco = True
+isReflCo _ = False
+-- | Returns the type coerced if this coercion is a generalized reflexive
+-- coercion. Guaranteed to work very quickly.
+isGReflCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
+isGReflCo_maybe (GRefl r ty _) = Just (ty, r)
+isGReflCo_maybe (Refl ty) = Just (ty, Nominal)
+isGReflCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Returns the type coerced if this coercion is reflexive. Guaranteed
+-- to work very quickly. Sometimes a coercion can be reflexive, but not
+-- obviously so. c.f. 'isReflexiveCo_maybe'
+isReflCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
+isReflCo_maybe (Refl ty) = Just (ty, Nominal)
+isReflCo_maybe (GRefl r ty mco) | isGReflMCo mco = Just (ty, r)
+isReflCo_maybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Slowly checks if the coercion is reflexive. Don't call this in a loop,
+-- as it walks over the entire coercion.
+isReflexiveCo :: Coercion -> Bool
+isReflexiveCo = isJust . isReflexiveCo_maybe
+-- | Extracts the coerced type from a reflexive coercion. This potentially
+-- walks over the entire coercion, so avoid doing this in a loop.
+isReflexiveCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (Type, Role)
+isReflexiveCo_maybe (Refl ty) = Just (ty, Nominal)
+isReflexiveCo_maybe (GRefl r ty mco) | isGReflMCo mco = Just (ty, r)
+isReflexiveCo_maybe co
+ | ty1 `eqType` ty2
+ = Just (ty1, r)
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where (Pair ty1 ty2, r) = coercionKindRole co
+coToMCo :: Coercion -> MCoercion
+coToMCo c = if isReflCo c
+ then MRefl
+ else MCo c
+%* *
+ Building coercions
+%* *
+These "smart constructors" maintain the invariants listed in the definition
+of Coercion, and they perform very basic optimizations.
+Note [Role twiddling functions]
+There are a plethora of functions for twiddling roles:
+mkSubCo: Requires a nominal input coercion and always produces a
+representational output. This is used when you (the programmer) are sure you
+know exactly that role you have and what you want.
+downgradeRole_maybe: This function takes both the input role and the output role
+as parameters. (The *output* role comes first!) It can only *downgrade* a
+role -- that is, change it from N to R or P, or from R to P. This one-way
+behavior is why there is the "_maybe". If an upgrade is requested, this
+function produces Nothing. This is used when you need to change the role of a
+coercion, but you're not sure (as you're writing the code) of which roles are
+This function could have been written using coercionRole to ascertain the role
+of the input. But, that function is recursive, and the caller of downgradeRole_maybe
+often knows the input role. So, this is more efficient.
+downgradeRole: This is just like downgradeRole_maybe, but it panics if the
+conversion isn't a downgrade.
+setNominalRole_maybe: This is the only function that can *upgrade* a coercion.
+The result (if it exists) is always Nominal. The input can be at any role. It
+works on a "best effort" basis, as it should never be strictly necessary to
+upgrade a coercion during compilation. It is currently only used within GHC in
+splitAppCo_maybe. In order to be a proper inverse of mkAppCo, the second
+coercion that splitAppCo_maybe returns must be nominal. But, it's conceivable
+that splitAppCo_maybe is operating over a TyConAppCo that uses a
+representational coercion. Hence the need for setNominalRole_maybe.
+splitAppCo_maybe, in turn, is used only within coercion optimization -- thus,
+it is not absolutely critical that setNominalRole_maybe be complete.
+Note that setNominalRole_maybe will never upgrade a phantom UnivCo. Phantom
+UnivCos are perfectly type-safe, whereas representational and nominal ones are
+not. (Nominal ones are no worse than representational ones, so this function *will*
+change a UnivCo Representational to a UnivCo Nominal.)
+Conal Elliott also came across a need for this function while working with the
+GHC API, as he was decomposing Core casts. The Core casts use representational
+coercions, as they must, but his use case required nominal coercions (he was
+building a GADT). So, that's why this function is exported from this module.
+One might ask: shouldn't downgradeRole_maybe just use setNominalRole_maybe as
+appropriate? I (Richard E.) have decided not to do this, because upgrading a
+role is bizarre and a caller should have to ask for this behavior explicitly.
+-- | Make a generalized reflexive coercion
+mkGReflCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflCo r ty mco
+ | isGReflMCo mco = if r == Nominal then Refl ty
+ else GRefl r ty MRefl
+ | otherwise = GRefl r ty mco
+-- | Make a reflexive coercion
+mkReflCo :: Role -> Type -> Coercion
+mkReflCo Nominal ty = Refl ty
+mkReflCo r ty = GRefl r ty MRefl
+-- | Make a representational reflexive coercion
+mkRepReflCo :: Type -> Coercion
+mkRepReflCo ty = GRefl Representational ty MRefl
+-- | Make a nominal reflexive coercion
+mkNomReflCo :: Type -> Coercion
+mkNomReflCo = Refl
+-- | Apply a type constructor to a list of coercions. It is the
+-- caller's responsibility to get the roles correct on argument coercions.
+mkTyConAppCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> TyCon -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
+mkTyConAppCo r tc cos
+ | tc `hasKey` funTyConKey
+ , [_rep1, _rep2, co1, co2] <- cos -- See Note [Function coercions]
+ = -- (a :: TYPE ra) -> (b :: TYPE rb) ~ (c :: TYPE rc) -> (d :: TYPE rd)
+ -- rep1 :: ra ~ rc rep2 :: rb ~ rd
+ -- co1 :: a ~ c co2 :: b ~ d
+ mkFunCo r co1 co2
+ -- Expand type synonyms
+ | Just (tv_co_prs, rhs_ty, leftover_cos) <- expandSynTyCon_maybe tc cos
+ = mkAppCos (liftCoSubst r (mkLiftingContext tv_co_prs) rhs_ty) leftover_cos
+ | Just tys_roles <- traverse isReflCo_maybe cos
+ = mkReflCo r (mkTyConApp tc (map fst tys_roles))
+ -- See Note [Refl invariant]
+ | otherwise = TyConAppCo r tc cos
+-- | Build a function 'Coercion' from two other 'Coercion's. That is,
+-- given @co1 :: a ~ b@ and @co2 :: x ~ y@ produce @co :: (a -> x) ~ (b -> y)@.
+mkFunCo :: Role -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkFunCo r co1 co2
+ -- See Note [Refl invariant]
+ | Just (ty1, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co1
+ , Just (ty2, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co2
+ = mkReflCo r (mkVisFunTy ty1 ty2)
+ | otherwise = FunCo r co1 co2
+-- | Apply a 'Coercion' to another 'Coercion'.
+-- The second coercion must be Nominal, unless the first is Phantom.
+-- If the first is Phantom, then the second can be either Phantom or Nominal.
+mkAppCo :: Coercion -- ^ :: t1 ~r t2
+ -> Coercion -- ^ :: s1 ~N s2, where s1 :: k1, s2 :: k2
+ -> Coercion -- ^ :: t1 s1 ~r t2 s2
+mkAppCo co arg
+ | Just (ty1, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , Just (ty2, _) <- isReflCo_maybe arg
+ = mkReflCo r (mkAppTy ty1 ty2)
+ | Just (ty1, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ -- Expand type synonyms; a TyConAppCo can't have a type synonym (#9102)
+ = mkTyConAppCo r tc (zip_roles (tyConRolesX r tc) tys)
+ where
+ zip_roles (r1:_) [] = [downgradeRole r1 Nominal arg]
+ zip_roles (r1:rs) (ty1:tys) = mkReflCo r1 ty1 : zip_roles rs tys
+ zip_roles _ _ = panic "zip_roles" -- but the roles are infinite...
+mkAppCo (TyConAppCo r tc args) arg
+ = case r of
+ Nominal -> mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc (args ++ [arg])
+ Representational -> mkTyConAppCo Representational tc (args ++ [arg'])
+ where new_role = (tyConRolesRepresentational tc) !! (length args)
+ arg' = downgradeRole new_role Nominal arg
+ Phantom -> mkTyConAppCo Phantom tc (args ++ [toPhantomCo arg])
+mkAppCo co arg = AppCo co arg
+-- Note, mkAppCo is careful to maintain invariants regarding
+-- where Refl constructors appear; see the comments in the definition
+-- of Coercion and the Note [Refl invariant] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.
+-- | Applies multiple 'Coercion's to another 'Coercion', from left to right.
+-- See also 'mkAppCo'.
+mkAppCos :: Coercion
+ -> [Coercion]
+ -> Coercion
+mkAppCos co1 cos = foldl' mkAppCo co1 cos
+{- Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+See Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllTy] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep for the
+motivation for checking coercion variable in types.
+To lift the design choice to (ForAllCo cv kind_co body_co), we have two options:
+(1) In mkForAllCo, we check whether cv is a coercion variable
+ and whether it is not used in body_co. If so we construct a FunCo.
+(2) We don't do this check in mkForAllCo.
+ In coercionKind, we use mkTyCoForAllTy to perform the check and construct
+ a FunTy when necessary.
+We chose (2) for two reasons:
+* for a coercion, all that matters is its kind, So ForAllCo or FunCo does not
+ make a difference.
+* even if cv occurs in body_co, it is possible that cv does not occur in the kind
+ of body_co. Therefore the check in coercionKind is inevitable.
+The last wrinkle is that there are restrictions around the use of the cv in the
+coercion, as described in Section of Richard's thesis. The idea is that
+we cannot prove that the type system is consistent with unrestricted use of this
+cv; the consistency proof uses an untyped rewrite relation that works over types
+with all coercions and casts removed. So, we can allow the cv to appear only in
+positions that are erased. As an approximation of this (and keeping close to the
+published theory), we currently allow the cv only within the type in a Refl node
+and under a GRefl node (including in the Coercion stored in a GRefl). It's
+possible other places are OK, too, but this is a safe approximation.
+Sadly, with heterogeneous equality, this restriction might be able to be violated;
+Richard's thesis is unable to prove that it isn't. Specifically, the liftCoSubst
+function might create an invalid coercion. Because a violation of the
+restriction might lead to a program that "goes wrong", it is checked all the time,
+even in a production compiler and without -dcore-list. We *have* proved that the
+problem does not occur with homogeneous equality, so this check can be dropped
+once ~# is made to be homogeneous.
+-- | Make a Coercion from a tycovar, a kind coercion, and a body coercion.
+-- The kind of the tycovar should be the left-hand kind of the kind coercion.
+-- See Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo]
+mkForAllCo :: TyCoVar -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkForAllCo v kind_co co
+ | ASSERT( varType v `eqType` (pFst $ coercionKind kind_co)) True
+ , ASSERT( isTyVar v || almostDevoidCoVarOfCo v co) True
+ , Just (ty, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , isGReflCo kind_co
+ = mkReflCo r (mkTyCoInvForAllTy v ty)
+ | otherwise
+ = ForAllCo v kind_co co
+-- | Like 'mkForAllCo', but the inner coercion shouldn't be an obvious
+-- reflexive coercion. For example, it is guaranteed in 'mkForAllCos'.
+-- The kind of the tycovar should be the left-hand kind of the kind coercion.
+mkForAllCo_NoRefl :: TyCoVar -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkForAllCo_NoRefl v kind_co co
+ | ASSERT( varType v `eqType` (pFst $ coercionKind kind_co)) True
+ , ASSERT( isTyVar v || almostDevoidCoVarOfCo v co) True
+ , ASSERT( not (isReflCo co)) True
+ , isCoVar v
+ , not (v `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co)
+ = FunCo (coercionRole co) kind_co co
+ | otherwise
+ = ForAllCo v kind_co co
+-- | Make nested ForAllCos
+mkForAllCos :: [(TyCoVar, CoercionN)] -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkForAllCos bndrs co
+ | Just (ty, r ) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ = let (refls_rev'd, non_refls_rev'd) = span (isReflCo . snd) (reverse bndrs) in
+ foldl' (flip $ uncurry mkForAllCo_NoRefl)
+ (mkReflCo r (mkTyCoInvForAllTys (reverse (map fst refls_rev'd)) ty))
+ non_refls_rev'd
+ | otherwise
+ = foldr (uncurry mkForAllCo_NoRefl) co bndrs
+-- | Make a Coercion quantified over a type/coercion variable;
+-- the variable has the same type in both sides of the coercion
+mkHomoForAllCos :: [TyCoVar] -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkHomoForAllCos vs co
+ | Just (ty, r) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ = mkReflCo r (mkTyCoInvForAllTys vs ty)
+ | otherwise
+ = mkHomoForAllCos_NoRefl vs co
+-- | Like 'mkHomoForAllCos', but the inner coercion shouldn't be an obvious
+-- reflexive coercion. For example, it is guaranteed in 'mkHomoForAllCos'.
+mkHomoForAllCos_NoRefl :: [TyCoVar] -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkHomoForAllCos_NoRefl vs orig_co
+ = ASSERT( not (isReflCo orig_co))
+ foldr go orig_co vs
+ where
+ go v co = mkForAllCo_NoRefl v (mkNomReflCo (varType v)) co
+mkCoVarCo :: CoVar -> Coercion
+-- cv :: s ~# t
+-- See Note [mkCoVarCo]
+mkCoVarCo cv = CoVarCo cv
+mkCoVarCos :: [CoVar] -> [Coercion]
+mkCoVarCos = map mkCoVarCo
+{- Note [mkCoVarCo]
+In the past, mkCoVarCo optimised (c :: t~t) to (Refl t). That is
+valid (although see Note [Unbound RULE binders] in GHC.Core.Rules), but
+it's a relatively expensive test and perhaps better done in
+optCoercion. Not a big deal either way.
+-- | Extract a covar, if possible. This check is dirty. Be ashamed
+-- of yourself. (It's dirty because it cares about the structure of
+-- a coercion, which is morally reprehensible.)
+isCoVar_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe CoVar
+isCoVar_maybe (CoVarCo cv) = Just cv
+isCoVar_maybe _ = Nothing
+mkAxInstCo :: Role -> CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex -> [Type] -> [Coercion]
+ -> Coercion
+-- mkAxInstCo can legitimately be called over-staturated;
+-- i.e. with more type arguments than the coercion requires
+mkAxInstCo role ax index tys cos
+ | arity == n_tys = downgradeRole role ax_role $
+ mkAxiomInstCo ax_br index (rtys `chkAppend` cos)
+ | otherwise = ASSERT( arity < n_tys )
+ downgradeRole role ax_role $
+ mkAppCos (mkAxiomInstCo ax_br index
+ (ax_args `chkAppend` cos))
+ leftover_args
+ where
+ n_tys = length tys
+ ax_br = toBranchedAxiom ax
+ branch = coAxiomNthBranch ax_br index
+ tvs = coAxBranchTyVars branch
+ arity = length tvs
+ arg_roles = coAxBranchRoles branch
+ rtys = zipWith mkReflCo (arg_roles ++ repeat Nominal) tys
+ (ax_args, leftover_args)
+ = splitAt arity rtys
+ ax_role = coAxiomRole ax
+-- worker function
+mkAxiomInstCo :: CoAxiom Branched -> BranchIndex -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
+mkAxiomInstCo ax index args
+ = ASSERT( args `lengthIs` coAxiomArity ax index )
+ AxiomInstCo ax index args
+-- to be used only with unbranched axioms
+mkUnbranchedAxInstCo :: Role -> CoAxiom Unbranched
+ -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
+mkUnbranchedAxInstCo role ax tys cos
+ = mkAxInstCo role ax 0 tys cos
+mkAxInstRHS :: CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> Type
+-- Instantiate the axiom with specified types,
+-- returning the instantiated RHS
+-- A companion to mkAxInstCo:
+-- mkAxInstRhs ax index tys = snd (coercionKind (mkAxInstCo ax index tys))
+mkAxInstRHS ax index tys cos
+ = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys1 )
+ mkAppTys rhs' tys2
+ where
+ branch = coAxiomNthBranch ax index
+ tvs = coAxBranchTyVars branch
+ cvs = coAxBranchCoVars branch
+ (tys1, tys2) = splitAtList tvs tys
+ rhs' = substTyWith tvs tys1 $
+ substTyWithCoVars cvs cos $
+ coAxBranchRHS branch
+mkUnbranchedAxInstRHS :: CoAxiom Unbranched -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> Type
+mkUnbranchedAxInstRHS ax = mkAxInstRHS ax 0
+-- | Return the left-hand type of the axiom, when the axiom is instantiated
+-- at the types given.
+mkAxInstLHS :: CoAxiom br -> BranchIndex -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> Type
+mkAxInstLHS ax index tys cos
+ = ASSERT( tvs `equalLength` tys1 )
+ mkTyConApp fam_tc (lhs_tys `chkAppend` tys2)
+ where
+ branch = coAxiomNthBranch ax index
+ tvs = coAxBranchTyVars branch
+ cvs = coAxBranchCoVars branch
+ (tys1, tys2) = splitAtList tvs tys
+ lhs_tys = substTysWith tvs tys1 $
+ substTysWithCoVars cvs cos $
+ coAxBranchLHS branch
+ fam_tc = coAxiomTyCon ax
+-- | Instantiate the left-hand side of an unbranched axiom
+mkUnbranchedAxInstLHS :: CoAxiom Unbranched -> [Type] -> [Coercion] -> Type
+mkUnbranchedAxInstLHS ax = mkAxInstLHS ax 0
+-- | Make a coercion from a coercion hole
+mkHoleCo :: CoercionHole -> Coercion
+mkHoleCo h = HoleCo h
+-- | Make a universal coercion between two arbitrary types.
+mkUnivCo :: UnivCoProvenance
+ -> Role -- ^ role of the built coercion, "r"
+ -> Type -- ^ t1 :: k1
+ -> Type -- ^ t2 :: k2
+ -> Coercion -- ^ :: t1 ~r t2
+mkUnivCo prov role ty1 ty2
+ | ty1 `eqType` ty2 = mkReflCo role ty1
+ | otherwise = UnivCo prov role ty1 ty2
+-- | Create a symmetric version of the given 'Coercion' that asserts
+-- equality between the same types but in the other "direction", so
+-- a kind of @t1 ~ t2@ becomes the kind @t2 ~ t1@.
+mkSymCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+-- Do a few simple optimizations, but don't bother pushing occurrences
+-- of symmetry to the leaves; the optimizer will take care of that.
+mkSymCo co | isReflCo co = co
+mkSymCo (SymCo co) = co
+mkSymCo (SubCo (SymCo co)) = SubCo co
+mkSymCo co = SymCo co
+-- | Create a new 'Coercion' by composing the two given 'Coercion's transitively.
+-- (co1 ; co2)
+mkTransCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkTransCo co1 co2 | isReflCo co1 = co2
+ | isReflCo co2 = co1
+mkTransCo (GRefl r t1 (MCo co1)) (GRefl _ _ (MCo co2))
+ = GRefl r t1 (MCo $ mkTransCo co1 co2)
+mkTransCo co1 co2 = TransCo co1 co2
+-- | Compose two MCoercions via transitivity
+mkTransMCo :: MCoercion -> MCoercion -> MCoercion
+mkTransMCo MRefl co2 = co2
+mkTransMCo co1 MRefl = co1
+mkTransMCo (MCo co1) (MCo co2) = MCo (mkTransCo co1 co2)
+mkNthCo :: HasDebugCallStack
+ => Role -- The role of the coercion you're creating
+ -> Int -- Zero-indexed
+ -> Coercion
+ -> Coercion
+mkNthCo r n co
+ = ASSERT2( good_call, bad_call_msg )
+ go r n co
+ where
+ Pair ty1 ty2 = coercionKind co
+ go r 0 co
+ | Just (ty, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , Just (tv, _) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty
+ = -- works for both tyvar and covar
+ ASSERT( r == Nominal )
+ mkNomReflCo (varType tv)
+ go r n co
+ | Just (ty, r0) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ , let tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ = ASSERT2( ok_tc_app ty n, ppr n $$ ppr ty )
+ ASSERT( nthRole r0 tc n == r )
+ mkReflCo r (tyConAppArgN n ty)
+ where ok_tc_app :: Type -> Int -> Bool
+ ok_tc_app ty n
+ | Just (_, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = tys `lengthExceeds` n
+ | isForAllTy ty -- nth:0 pulls out a kind coercion from a hetero forall
+ = n == 0
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ go r 0 (ForAllCo _ kind_co _)
+ = ASSERT( r == Nominal )
+ kind_co
+ -- If co :: (forall a1:k1. t1) ~ (forall a2:k2. t2)
+ -- then (nth 0 co :: k1 ~N k2)
+ -- If co :: (forall a1:t1 ~ t2. t1) ~ (forall a2:t3 ~ t4. t2)
+ -- then (nth 0 co :: (t1 ~ t2) ~N (t3 ~ t4))
+ go r n co@(FunCo r0 arg res)
+ -- See Note [Function coercions]
+ -- If FunCo _ arg_co res_co :: (s1:TYPE sk1 -> s2:TYPE sk2)
+ -- ~ (t1:TYPE tk1 -> t2:TYPE tk2)
+ -- Then we want to behave as if co was
+ -- TyConAppCo argk_co resk_co arg_co res_co
+ -- where
+ -- argk_co :: sk1 ~ tk1 = mkNthCo 0 (mkKindCo arg_co)
+ -- resk_co :: sk2 ~ tk2 = mkNthCo 0 (mkKindCo res_co)
+ -- i.e. mkRuntimeRepCo
+ = case n of
+ 0 -> ASSERT( r == Nominal ) mkRuntimeRepCo arg
+ 1 -> ASSERT( r == Nominal ) mkRuntimeRepCo res
+ 2 -> ASSERT( r == r0 ) arg
+ 3 -> ASSERT( r == r0 ) res
+ _ -> pprPanic "mkNthCo(FunCo)" (ppr n $$ ppr co)
+ go r n (TyConAppCo r0 tc arg_cos) = ASSERT2( r == nthRole r0 tc n
+ , (vcat [ ppr tc
+ , ppr arg_cos
+ , ppr r0
+ , ppr n
+ , ppr r ]) )
+ arg_cos `getNth` n
+ go r n co =
+ NthCo r n co
+ -- Assertion checking
+ bad_call_msg = vcat [ text "Coercion =" <+> ppr co
+ , text "LHS ty =" <+> ppr ty1
+ , text "RHS ty =" <+> ppr ty2
+ , text "n =" <+> ppr n, text "r =" <+> ppr r
+ , text "coercion role =" <+> ppr (coercionRole co) ]
+ good_call
+ -- If the Coercion passed in is between forall-types, then the Int must
+ -- be 0 and the role must be Nominal.
+ | Just (_tv1, _) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty1
+ , Just (_tv2, _) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty2
+ = n == 0 && r == Nominal
+ -- If the Coercion passed in is between T tys and T tys', then the Int
+ -- must be less than the length of tys/tys' (which must be the same
+ -- lengths).
+ --
+ -- If the role of the Coercion is nominal, then the role passed in must
+ -- be nominal. If the role of the Coercion is representational, then the
+ -- role passed in must be tyConRolesRepresentational T !! n. If the role
+ -- of the Coercion is Phantom, then the role passed in must be Phantom.
+ --
+ -- See also Note [NthCo Cached Roles] if you're wondering why it's
+ -- blaringly obvious that we should be *computing* this role instead of
+ -- passing it in.
+ | Just (tc1, tys1) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , Just (tc2, tys2) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty2
+ , tc1 == tc2
+ = let len1 = length tys1
+ len2 = length tys2
+ good_role = case coercionRole co of
+ Nominal -> r == Nominal
+ Representational -> r == (tyConRolesRepresentational tc1 !! n)
+ Phantom -> r == Phantom
+ in len1 == len2 && n < len1 && good_role
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+-- | If you're about to call @mkNthCo r n co@, then @r@ should be
+-- whatever @nthCoRole n co@ returns.
+nthCoRole :: Int -> Coercion -> Role
+nthCoRole n co
+ | Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe lty
+ = nthRole r tc n
+ | Just _ <- splitForAllTy_maybe lty
+ = Nominal
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "nthCoRole" (ppr co)
+ where
+ lty = coercionLKind co
+ r = coercionRole co
+mkLRCo :: LeftOrRight -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkLRCo lr co
+ | Just (ty, eq) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ = mkReflCo eq (pickLR lr (splitAppTy ty))
+ | otherwise
+ = LRCo lr co
+-- | Instantiates a 'Coercion'.
+mkInstCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkInstCo (ForAllCo tcv _kind_co body_co) co
+ | Just (arg, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co
+ -- works for both tyvar and covar
+ = substCoUnchecked (zipTCvSubst [tcv] [arg]) body_co
+mkInstCo co arg = InstCo co arg
+-- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@,
+-- produces @co' :: ty ~r (ty |> co)@
+mkGReflRightCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflRightCo r ty co
+ | isGReflCo co = mkReflCo r ty
+ -- the kinds of @k1@ and @k2@ are the same, thus @isGReflCo@
+ -- instead of @isReflCo@
+ | otherwise = GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+-- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@,
+-- produces @co' :: (ty |> co) ~r ty@
+mkGReflLeftCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflLeftCo r ty co
+ | isGReflCo co = mkReflCo r ty
+ -- the kinds of @k1@ and @k2@ are the same, thus @isGReflCo@
+ -- instead of @isReflCo@
+ | otherwise = mkSymCo $ GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+-- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@, @co2:: ty ~r ty'@,
+-- produces @co' :: (ty |> co) ~r ty'
+-- It is not only a utility function, but it saves allocation when co
+-- is a GRefl coercion.
+mkCoherenceLeftCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkCoherenceLeftCo r ty co co2
+ | isGReflCo co = co2
+ | otherwise = (mkSymCo $ GRefl r ty (MCo co)) `mkTransCo` co2
+-- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@, @co2:: ty' ~r ty@,
+-- produces @co' :: ty' ~r (ty |> co)
+-- It is not only a utility function, but it saves allocation when co
+-- is a GRefl coercion.
+mkCoherenceRightCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
+ | isGReflCo co = co2
+ | otherwise = co2 `mkTransCo` GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+-- | Given @co :: (a :: k) ~ (b :: k')@ produce @co' :: k ~ k'@.
+mkKindCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+mkKindCo co | Just (ty, _) <- isReflCo_maybe co = Refl (typeKind ty)
+mkKindCo (GRefl _ _ (MCo co)) = co
+mkKindCo (UnivCo (PhantomProv h) _ _ _) = h
+mkKindCo (UnivCo (ProofIrrelProv h) _ _ _) = h
+mkKindCo co
+ | Pair ty1 ty2 <- coercionKind co
+ -- generally, calling coercionKind during coercion creation is a bad idea,
+ -- as it can lead to exponential behavior. But, we don't have nested mkKindCos,
+ -- so it's OK here.
+ , let tk1 = typeKind ty1
+ tk2 = typeKind ty2
+ , tk1 `eqType` tk2
+ = Refl tk1
+ | otherwise
+ = KindCo co
+mkSubCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+-- Input coercion is Nominal, result is Representational
+-- see also Note [Role twiddling functions]
+mkSubCo (Refl ty) = GRefl Representational ty MRefl
+mkSubCo (GRefl Nominal ty co) = GRefl Representational ty co
+mkSubCo (TyConAppCo Nominal tc cos)
+ = TyConAppCo Representational tc (applyRoles tc cos)
+mkSubCo (FunCo Nominal arg res)
+ = FunCo Representational
+ (downgradeRole Representational Nominal arg)
+ (downgradeRole Representational Nominal res)
+mkSubCo co = ASSERT2( coercionRole co == Nominal, ppr co <+> ppr (coercionRole co) )
+ SubCo co
+-- | Changes a role, but only a downgrade. See Note [Role twiddling functions]
+downgradeRole_maybe :: Role -- ^ desired role
+ -> Role -- ^ current role
+ -> Coercion -> Maybe Coercion
+-- In (downgradeRole_maybe dr cr co) it's a precondition that
+-- cr = coercionRole co
+downgradeRole_maybe Nominal Nominal co = Just co
+downgradeRole_maybe Nominal _ _ = Nothing
+downgradeRole_maybe Representational Nominal co = Just (mkSubCo co)
+downgradeRole_maybe Representational Representational co = Just co
+downgradeRole_maybe Representational Phantom _ = Nothing
+downgradeRole_maybe Phantom Phantom co = Just co
+downgradeRole_maybe Phantom _ co = Just (toPhantomCo co)
+-- | Like 'downgradeRole_maybe', but panics if the change isn't a downgrade.
+-- See Note [Role twiddling functions]
+downgradeRole :: Role -- desired role
+ -> Role -- current role
+ -> Coercion -> Coercion
+downgradeRole r1 r2 co
+ = case downgradeRole_maybe r1 r2 co of
+ Just co' -> co'
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "downgradeRole" (ppr co)
+mkAxiomRuleCo :: CoAxiomRule -> [Coercion] -> Coercion
+mkAxiomRuleCo = AxiomRuleCo
+-- | Make a "coercion between coercions".
+mkProofIrrelCo :: Role -- ^ role of the created coercion, "r"
+ -> Coercion -- ^ :: phi1 ~N phi2
+ -> Coercion -- ^ g1 :: phi1
+ -> Coercion -- ^ g2 :: phi2
+ -> Coercion -- ^ :: g1 ~r g2
+-- if the two coercion prove the same fact, I just don't care what
+-- the individual coercions are.
+mkProofIrrelCo r co g _ | isGReflCo co = mkReflCo r (mkCoercionTy g)
+ -- kco is a kind coercion, thus @isGReflCo@ rather than @isReflCo@
+mkProofIrrelCo r kco g1 g2 = mkUnivCo (ProofIrrelProv kco) r
+ (mkCoercionTy g1) (mkCoercionTy g2)
+%* *
+ Roles
+%* *
+-- | Converts a coercion to be nominal, if possible.
+-- See Note [Role twiddling functions]
+setNominalRole_maybe :: Role -- of input coercion
+ -> Coercion -> Maybe Coercion
+setNominalRole_maybe r co
+ | r == Nominal = Just co
+ | otherwise = setNominalRole_maybe_helper co
+ where
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (SubCo co) = Just co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper co@(Refl _) = Just co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (GRefl _ ty co) = Just $ GRefl Nominal ty co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (TyConAppCo Representational tc cos)
+ = do { cos' <- zipWithM setNominalRole_maybe (tyConRolesX Representational tc) cos
+ ; return $ TyConAppCo Nominal tc cos' }
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (FunCo Representational co1 co2)
+ = do { co1' <- setNominalRole_maybe Representational co1
+ ; co2' <- setNominalRole_maybe Representational co2
+ ; return $ FunCo Nominal co1' co2'
+ }
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (SymCo co)
+ = SymCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (TransCo co1 co2)
+ = TransCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co1 <*> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co2
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (AppCo co1 co2)
+ = AppCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co1 <*> pure co2
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (ForAllCo tv kind_co co)
+ = ForAllCo tv kind_co <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (NthCo _r n co)
+ -- NB, this case recurses via setNominalRole_maybe, not
+ -- setNominalRole_maybe_helper!
+ = NthCo Nominal n <$> setNominalRole_maybe (coercionRole co) co
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (InstCo co arg)
+ = InstCo <$> setNominalRole_maybe_helper co <*> pure arg
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper (UnivCo prov _ co1 co2)
+ | case prov of PhantomProv _ -> False -- should always be phantom
+ ProofIrrelProv _ -> True -- it's always safe
+ PluginProv _ -> False -- who knows? This choice is conservative.
+ = Just $ UnivCo prov Nominal co1 co2
+ setNominalRole_maybe_helper _ = Nothing
+-- | Make a phantom coercion between two types. The coercion passed
+-- in must be a nominal coercion between the kinds of the
+-- types.
+mkPhantomCo :: Coercion -> Type -> Type -> Coercion
+mkPhantomCo h t1 t2
+ = mkUnivCo (PhantomProv h) Phantom t1 t2
+-- takes any coercion and turns it into a Phantom coercion
+toPhantomCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
+toPhantomCo co
+ = mkPhantomCo (mkKindCo co) ty1 ty2
+ where Pair ty1 ty2 = coercionKind co
+-- Convert args to a TyConAppCo Nominal to the same TyConAppCo Representational
+applyRoles :: TyCon -> [Coercion] -> [Coercion]
+applyRoles tc cos
+ = zipWith (\r -> downgradeRole r Nominal) (tyConRolesRepresentational tc) cos
+-- the Role parameter is the Role of the TyConAppCo
+-- defined here because this is intimately concerned with the implementation
+-- of TyConAppCo
+-- Always returns an infinite list (with a infinite tail of Nominal)
+tyConRolesX :: Role -> TyCon -> [Role]
+tyConRolesX Representational tc = tyConRolesRepresentational tc
+tyConRolesX role _ = repeat role
+-- Returns the roles of the parameters of a tycon, with an infinite tail
+-- of Nominal
+tyConRolesRepresentational :: TyCon -> [Role]
+tyConRolesRepresentational tc = tyConRoles tc ++ repeat Nominal
+nthRole :: Role -> TyCon -> Int -> Role
+nthRole Nominal _ _ = Nominal
+nthRole Phantom _ _ = Phantom
+nthRole Representational tc n
+ = (tyConRolesRepresentational tc) `getNth` n
+ltRole :: Role -> Role -> Bool
+-- Is one role "less" than another?
+-- Nominal < Representational < Phantom
+ltRole Phantom _ = False
+ltRole Representational Phantom = True
+ltRole Representational _ = False
+ltRole Nominal Nominal = False
+ltRole Nominal _ = True
+-- | like mkKindCo, but aggressively & recursively optimizes to avoid using
+-- a KindCo constructor. The output role is nominal.
+promoteCoercion :: Coercion -> CoercionN
+-- First cases handles anything that should yield refl.
+promoteCoercion co = case co of
+ _ | ki1 `eqType` ki2
+ -> mkNomReflCo (typeKind ty1)
+ -- no later branch should return refl
+ -- The ASSERT( False )s throughout
+ -- are these cases explicitly, but they should never fire.
+ Refl _ -> ASSERT( False )
+ mkNomReflCo ki1
+ GRefl _ _ MRefl -> ASSERT( False )
+ mkNomReflCo ki1
+ GRefl _ _ (MCo co) -> co
+ TyConAppCo _ tc args
+ | Just co' <- instCoercions (mkNomReflCo (tyConKind tc)) args
+ -> co'
+ | otherwise
+ -> mkKindCo co
+ AppCo co1 arg
+ | Just co' <- instCoercion (coercionKind (mkKindCo co1))
+ (promoteCoercion co1) arg
+ -> co'
+ | otherwise
+ -> mkKindCo co
+ ForAllCo tv _ g
+ | isTyVar tv
+ -> promoteCoercion g
+ ForAllCo _ _ _
+ -> ASSERT( False )
+ mkNomReflCo liftedTypeKind
+ -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in GHC.Core.Type
+ FunCo _ _ _
+ -> ASSERT( False )
+ mkNomReflCo liftedTypeKind
+ CoVarCo {} -> mkKindCo co
+ HoleCo {} -> mkKindCo co
+ AxiomInstCo {} -> mkKindCo co
+ AxiomRuleCo {} -> mkKindCo co
+ UnivCo (PhantomProv kco) _ _ _ -> kco
+ UnivCo (ProofIrrelProv kco) _ _ _ -> kco
+ UnivCo (PluginProv _) _ _ _ -> mkKindCo co
+ SymCo g
+ -> mkSymCo (promoteCoercion g)
+ TransCo co1 co2
+ -> mkTransCo (promoteCoercion co1) (promoteCoercion co2)
+ NthCo _ n co1
+ | Just (_, args) <- splitTyConAppCo_maybe co1
+ , args `lengthExceeds` n
+ -> promoteCoercion (args !! n)
+ | Just _ <- splitForAllCo_maybe co
+ , n == 0
+ -> ASSERT( False ) mkNomReflCo liftedTypeKind
+ | otherwise
+ -> mkKindCo co
+ LRCo lr co1
+ | Just (lco, rco) <- splitAppCo_maybe co1
+ -> case lr of
+ CLeft -> promoteCoercion lco
+ CRight -> promoteCoercion rco
+ | otherwise
+ -> mkKindCo co
+ InstCo g _
+ | isForAllTy_ty ty1
+ -> ASSERT( isForAllTy_ty ty2 )
+ promoteCoercion g
+ | otherwise
+ -> ASSERT( False)
+ mkNomReflCo liftedTypeKind
+ -- See Note [Weird typing rule for ForAllTy] in GHC.Core.Type
+ KindCo _
+ -> ASSERT( False )
+ mkNomReflCo liftedTypeKind
+ SubCo g
+ -> promoteCoercion g
+ where
+ Pair ty1 ty2 = coercionKind co
+ ki1 = typeKind ty1
+ ki2 = typeKind ty2
+-- | say @g = promoteCoercion h@. Then, @instCoercion g w@ yields @Just g'@,
+-- where @g' = promoteCoercion (h w)@.
+-- fails if this is not possible, if @g@ coerces between a forall and an ->
+-- or if second parameter has a representational role and can't be used
+-- with an InstCo.
+instCoercion :: Pair Type -- g :: lty ~ rty
+ -> CoercionN -- ^ must be nominal
+ -> Coercion
+ -> Maybe CoercionN
+instCoercion (Pair lty rty) g w
+ | (isForAllTy_ty lty && isForAllTy_ty rty)
+ || (isForAllTy_co lty && isForAllTy_co rty)
+ , Just w' <- setNominalRole_maybe (coercionRole w) w
+ -- g :: (forall t1. t2) ~ (forall t1. t3)
+ -- w :: s1 ~ s2
+ -- returns mkInstCo g w' :: t2 [t1 |-> s1 ] ~ t3 [t1 |-> s2]
+ = Just $ mkInstCo g w'
+ | isFunTy lty && isFunTy rty
+ -- g :: (t1 -> t2) ~ (t3 -> t4)
+ -- returns t2 ~ t4
+ = Just $ mkNthCo Nominal 3 g -- extract result type, which is the 4th argument to (->)
+ | otherwise -- one forall, one funty...
+ = Nothing
+-- | Repeated use of 'instCoercion'
+instCoercions :: CoercionN -> [Coercion] -> Maybe CoercionN
+instCoercions g ws
+ = let arg_ty_pairs = map coercionKind ws in
+ snd <$> foldM go (coercionKind g, g) (zip arg_ty_pairs ws)
+ where
+ go :: (Pair Type, Coercion) -> (Pair Type, Coercion)
+ -> Maybe (Pair Type, Coercion)
+ go (g_tys, g) (w_tys, w)
+ = do { g' <- instCoercion g_tys g w
+ ; return (piResultTy <$> g_tys <*> w_tys, g') }
+-- | Creates a new coercion with both of its types casted by different casts
+-- @castCoercionKind g r t1 t2 h1 h2@, where @g :: t1 ~r t2@,
+-- has type @(t1 |> h1) ~r (t2 |> h2)@.
+-- @h1@ and @h2@ must be nominal.
+castCoercionKind :: Coercion -> Role -> Type -> Type
+ -> CoercionN -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+castCoercionKind g r t1 t2 h1 h2
+ = mkCoherenceRightCo r t2 h2 (mkCoherenceLeftCo r t1 h1 g)
+-- | Creates a new coercion with both of its types casted by different casts
+-- @castCoercionKind g h1 h2@, where @g :: t1 ~r t2@,
+-- has type @(t1 |> h1) ~r (t2 |> h2)@.
+-- @h1@ and @h2@ must be nominal.
+-- It calls @coercionKindRole@, so it's quite inefficient (which 'I' stands for)
+-- Use @castCoercionKind@ instead if @t1@, @t2@, and @r@ are known beforehand.
+castCoercionKindI :: Coercion -> CoercionN -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+castCoercionKindI g h1 h2
+ = mkCoherenceRightCo r t2 h2 (mkCoherenceLeftCo r t1 h1 g)
+ where (Pair t1 t2, r) = coercionKindRole g
+-- See note [Newtype coercions] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+mkPiCos :: Role -> [Var] -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkPiCos r vs co = foldr (mkPiCo r) co vs
+-- | Make a forall 'Coercion', where both types related by the coercion
+-- are quantified over the same variable.
+mkPiCo :: Role -> Var -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkPiCo r v co | isTyVar v = mkHomoForAllCos [v] co
+ | isCoVar v = ASSERT( not (v `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co) )
+ -- We didn't call mkForAllCo here because if v does not appear
+ -- in co, the argement coercion will be nominal. But here we
+ -- want it to be r. It is only called in 'mkPiCos', which is
+ -- only used in SimplUtils, where we are sure for
+ -- now (Aug 2018) v won't occur in co.
+ mkFunCo r (mkReflCo r (varType v)) co
+ | otherwise = mkFunCo r (mkReflCo r (varType v)) co
+-- mkCoCast (c :: s1 ~?r t1) (g :: (s1 ~?r t1) ~#R (s2 ~?r t2)) :: s2 ~?r t2
+-- The first coercion might be lifted or unlifted; thus the ~? above
+-- Lifted and unlifted equalities take different numbers of arguments,
+-- so we have to make sure to supply the right parameter to decomposeCo.
+-- Also, note that the role of the first coercion is the same as the role of
+-- the equalities related by the second coercion. The second coercion is
+-- itself always representational.
+mkCoCast :: Coercion -> CoercionR -> Coercion
+mkCoCast c g
+ | (g2:g1:_) <- reverse co_list
+ = mkSymCo g1 `mkTransCo` c `mkTransCo` g2
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "mkCoCast" (ppr g $$ ppr (coercionKind g))
+ where
+ -- g :: (s1 ~# t1) ~# (s2 ~# t2)
+ -- g1 :: s1 ~# s2
+ -- g2 :: t1 ~# t2
+ (tc, _) = splitTyConApp (coercionLKind g)
+ co_list = decomposeCo (tyConArity tc) g (tyConRolesRepresentational tc)
+%* *
+ Newtypes
+%* *
+-- | If @co :: T ts ~ rep_ty@ then:
+-- > instNewTyCon_maybe T ts = Just (rep_ty, co)
+-- Checks for a newtype, and for being saturated
+instNewTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe (Type, Coercion)
+instNewTyCon_maybe tc tys
+ | Just (tvs, ty, co_tc) <- unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe tc -- Check for newtype
+ , tvs `leLength` tys -- Check saturated enough
+ = Just (applyTysX tvs ty tys, mkUnbranchedAxInstCo Representational co_tc tys [])
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+* *
+ Type normalisation
+* *
+-- | A function to check if we can reduce a type by one step. Used
+-- with 'topNormaliseTypeX'.
+type NormaliseStepper ev = RecTcChecker
+ -> TyCon -- tc
+ -> [Type] -- tys
+ -> NormaliseStepResult ev
+-- | The result of stepping in a normalisation function.
+-- See 'topNormaliseTypeX'.
+data NormaliseStepResult ev
+ = NS_Done -- ^ Nothing more to do
+ | NS_Abort -- ^ Utter failure. The outer function should fail too.
+ | NS_Step RecTcChecker Type ev -- ^ We stepped, yielding new bits;
+ -- ^ ev is evidence;
+ -- Usually a co :: old type ~ new type
+mapStepResult :: (ev1 -> ev2)
+ -> NormaliseStepResult ev1 -> NormaliseStepResult ev2
+mapStepResult f (NS_Step rec_nts ty ev) = NS_Step rec_nts ty (f ev)
+mapStepResult _ NS_Done = NS_Done
+mapStepResult _ NS_Abort = NS_Abort
+-- | Try one stepper and then try the next, if the first doesn't make
+-- progress.
+-- So if it returns NS_Done, it means that both steppers are satisfied
+composeSteppers :: NormaliseStepper ev -> NormaliseStepper ev
+ -> NormaliseStepper ev
+composeSteppers step1 step2 rec_nts tc tys
+ = case step1 rec_nts tc tys of
+ success@(NS_Step {}) -> success
+ NS_Done -> step2 rec_nts tc tys
+ NS_Abort -> NS_Abort
+-- | A 'NormaliseStepper' that unwraps newtypes, careful not to fall into
+-- a loop. If it would fall into a loop, it produces 'NS_Abort'.
+unwrapNewTypeStepper :: NormaliseStepper Coercion
+unwrapNewTypeStepper rec_nts tc tys
+ | Just (ty', co) <- instNewTyCon_maybe tc tys
+ = case checkRecTc rec_nts tc of
+ Just rec_nts' -> NS_Step rec_nts' ty' co
+ Nothing -> NS_Abort
+ | otherwise
+ = NS_Done
+-- | A general function for normalising the top-level of a type. It continues
+-- to use the provided 'NormaliseStepper' until that function fails, and then
+-- this function returns. The roles of the coercions produced by the
+-- 'NormaliseStepper' must all be the same, which is the role returned from
+-- the call to 'topNormaliseTypeX'.
+-- Typically ev is Coercion.
+-- If topNormaliseTypeX step plus ty = Just (ev, ty')
+-- then ty ~ev1~ t1 ~ev2~ t2 ... ~evn~ ty'
+-- and ev = ev1 `plus` ev2 `plus` ... `plus` evn
+-- If it returns Nothing then no newtype unwrapping could happen
+topNormaliseTypeX :: NormaliseStepper ev -> (ev -> ev -> ev)
+ -> Type -> Maybe (ev, Type)
+topNormaliseTypeX stepper plus ty
+ | Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , NS_Step rec_nts ty' ev <- stepper initRecTc tc tys
+ = go rec_nts ev ty'
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ go rec_nts ev ty
+ | Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = case stepper rec_nts tc tys of
+ NS_Step rec_nts' ty' ev' -> go rec_nts' (ev `plus` ev') ty'
+ NS_Done -> Just (ev, ty)
+ NS_Abort -> Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just (ev, ty)
+topNormaliseNewType_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Coercion, Type)
+-- ^ Sometimes we want to look through a @newtype@ and get its associated coercion.
+-- This function strips off @newtype@ layers enough to reveal something that isn't
+-- a @newtype@. Specifically, here's the invariant:
+-- > topNormaliseNewType_maybe rec_nts ty = Just (co, ty')
+-- then (a) @co : ty0 ~ ty'@.
+-- (b) ty' is not a newtype.
+-- The function returns @Nothing@ for non-@newtypes@,
+-- or unsaturated applications
+-- This function does *not* look through type families, because it has no access to
+-- the type family environment. If you do have that at hand, consider to use
+-- topNormaliseType_maybe, which should be a drop-in replacement for
+-- topNormaliseNewType_maybe
+-- If topNormliseNewType_maybe ty = Just (co, ty'), then co : ty ~R ty'
+topNormaliseNewType_maybe ty
+ = topNormaliseTypeX unwrapNewTypeStepper mkTransCo ty
+%* *
+ Comparison of coercions
+%* *
+-- | Syntactic equality of coercions
+eqCoercion :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Bool
+eqCoercion = eqType `on` coercionType
+-- | Compare two 'Coercion's, with respect to an RnEnv2
+eqCoercionX :: RnEnv2 -> Coercion -> Coercion -> Bool
+eqCoercionX env = eqTypeX env `on` coercionType
+%* *
+ "Lifting" substitution
+ [(TyCoVar,Coercion)] -> Type -> Coercion
+%* *
+Note [Lifting coercions over types: liftCoSubst]
+The KPUSH rule deals with this situation
+ data T a = K (a -> Maybe a)
+ g :: T t1 ~ T t2
+ x :: t1 -> Maybe t1
+ case (K @t1 x) |> g of
+ K (y:t2 -> Maybe t2) -> rhs
+We want to push the coercion inside the constructor application.
+So we do this
+ g' :: t1~t2 = Nth 0 g
+ case K @t2 (x |> g' -> Maybe g') of
+ K (y:t2 -> Maybe t2) -> rhs
+The crucial operation is that we
+ * take the type of K's argument: a -> Maybe a
+ * and substitute g' for a
+thus giving *coercion*. This is what liftCoSubst does.
+In the presence of kind coercions, this is a bit
+of a hairy operation. So, we refer you to the paper introducing kind coercions,
+available at
+Note [extendLiftingContextEx]
+Consider we have datatype
+ K :: \/k. \/a::k. P -> T k -- P be some type
+ g :: T k1 ~ T k2
+ case (K @k1 @t1 x) |> g of
+ K y -> rhs
+We want to push the coercion inside the constructor application.
+We first get the coercion mapped by the universal type variable k:
+ lc = k |-> Nth 0 g :: k1~k2
+Here, the important point is that the kind of a is coerced, and P might be
+dependent on the existential type variable a.
+Thus we first get the coercion of a's kind
+ g2 = liftCoSubst lc k :: k1 ~ k2
+Then we store a new mapping into the lifting context
+ lc2 = a |-> (t1 ~ t1 |> g2), lc
+So later when we can correctly deal with the argument type P
+ liftCoSubst lc2 P :: P [k|->k1][a|->t1] ~ P[k|->k2][a |-> (t1|>g2)]
+This is exactly what extendLiftingContextEx does.
+* For each (tyvar:k, ty) pair, we product the mapping
+ tyvar |-> (ty ~ ty |> (liftCoSubst lc k))
+* For each (covar:s1~s2, ty) pair, we produce the mapping
+ covar |-> (co ~ co')
+ co' = Sym (liftCoSubst lc s1) ;; covar ;; liftCoSubst lc s2 :: s1'~s2'
+This follows the lifting context extension definition in the
+"FC with Explicit Kind Equality" paper.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------
+-- See Note [Lifting coercions over types: liftCoSubst]
+-- ----------------------------------------------------
+data LiftingContext = LC TCvSubst LiftCoEnv
+ -- in optCoercion, we need to lift when optimizing InstCo.
+ -- See Note [Optimising InstCo] in GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt
+ -- We thus propagate the substitution from GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt here.
+instance Outputable LiftingContext where
+ ppr (LC _ env) = hang (text "LiftingContext:") 2 (ppr env)
+type LiftCoEnv = VarEnv Coercion
+ -- Maps *type variables* to *coercions*.
+ -- That's the whole point of this function!
+ -- Also maps coercion variables to ProofIrrelCos.
+-- like liftCoSubstWith, but allows for existentially-bound types as well
+liftCoSubstWithEx :: Role -- desired role for output coercion
+ -> [TyVar] -- universally quantified tyvars
+ -> [Coercion] -- coercions to substitute for those
+ -> [TyCoVar] -- existentially quantified tycovars
+ -> [Type] -- types and coercions to be bound to ex vars
+ -> (Type -> Coercion, [Type]) -- (lifting function, converted ex args)
+liftCoSubstWithEx role univs omegas exs rhos
+ = let theta = mkLiftingContext (zipEqual "liftCoSubstWithExU" univs omegas)
+ psi = extendLiftingContextEx theta (zipEqual "liftCoSubstWithExX" exs rhos)
+ in (ty_co_subst psi role, substTys (lcSubstRight psi) (mkTyCoVarTys exs))
+liftCoSubstWith :: Role -> [TyCoVar] -> [Coercion] -> Type -> Coercion
+liftCoSubstWith r tvs cos ty
+ = liftCoSubst r (mkLiftingContext $ zipEqual "liftCoSubstWith" tvs cos) ty
+-- | @liftCoSubst role lc ty@ produces a coercion (at role @role@)
+-- that coerces between @lc_left(ty)@ and @lc_right(ty)@, where
+-- @lc_left@ is a substitution mapping type variables to the left-hand
+-- types of the mapped coercions in @lc@, and similar for @lc_right@.
+liftCoSubst :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> LiftingContext -> Type -> Coercion
+liftCoSubst r lc@(LC subst env) ty
+ | isEmptyVarEnv env = mkReflCo r (substTy subst ty)
+ | otherwise = ty_co_subst lc r ty
+emptyLiftingContext :: InScopeSet -> LiftingContext
+emptyLiftingContext in_scope = LC (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) emptyVarEnv
+mkLiftingContext :: [(TyCoVar,Coercion)] -> LiftingContext
+mkLiftingContext pairs
+ = LC (mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfCos (map snd pairs))
+ (mkVarEnv pairs)
+mkSubstLiftingContext :: TCvSubst -> LiftingContext
+mkSubstLiftingContext subst = LC subst emptyVarEnv
+-- | Extend a lifting context with a new mapping.
+extendLiftingContext :: LiftingContext -- ^ original LC
+ -> TyCoVar -- ^ new variable to map...
+ -> Coercion -- ^ this lifted version
+ -> LiftingContext
+ -- mappings to reflexive coercions are just substitutions
+extendLiftingContext (LC subst env) tv arg
+ | Just (ty, _) <- isReflCo_maybe arg
+ = LC (extendTCvSubst subst tv ty) env
+ | otherwise
+ = LC subst (extendVarEnv env tv arg)
+-- | Extend a lifting context with a new mapping, and extend the in-scope set
+extendLiftingContextAndInScope :: LiftingContext -- ^ Original LC
+ -> TyCoVar -- ^ new variable to map...
+ -> Coercion -- ^ to this coercion
+ -> LiftingContext
+extendLiftingContextAndInScope (LC subst env) tv co
+ = extendLiftingContext (LC (extendTCvInScopeSet subst (tyCoVarsOfCo co)) env) tv co
+-- | Extend a lifting context with existential-variable bindings.
+-- See Note [extendLiftingContextEx]
+extendLiftingContextEx :: LiftingContext -- ^ original lifting context
+ -> [(TyCoVar,Type)] -- ^ ex. var / value pairs
+ -> LiftingContext
+-- Note that this is more involved than extendLiftingContext. That function
+-- takes a coercion to extend with, so it's assumed that the caller has taken
+-- into account any of the kind-changing stuff worried about here.
+extendLiftingContextEx lc [] = lc
+extendLiftingContextEx lc@(LC subst env) ((v,ty):rest)
+-- This function adds bindings for *Nominal* coercions. Why? Because it
+-- works with existentially bound variables, which are considered to have
+-- nominal roles.
+ | isTyVar v
+ = let lc' = LC (subst `extendTCvInScopeSet` tyCoVarsOfType ty)
+ (extendVarEnv env v $
+ mkGReflRightCo Nominal
+ ty
+ (ty_co_subst lc Nominal (tyVarKind v)))
+ in extendLiftingContextEx lc' rest
+ | CoercionTy co <- ty
+ = -- co :: s1 ~r s2
+ -- lift_s1 :: s1 ~r s1'
+ -- lift_s2 :: s2 ~r s2'
+ -- kco :: (s1 ~r s2) ~N (s1' ~r s2')
+ ASSERT( isCoVar v )
+ let (_, _, s1, s2, r) = coVarKindsTypesRole v
+ lift_s1 = ty_co_subst lc r s1
+ lift_s2 = ty_co_subst lc r s2
+ kco = mkTyConAppCo Nominal (equalityTyCon r)
+ [ mkKindCo lift_s1, mkKindCo lift_s2
+ , lift_s1 , lift_s2 ]
+ lc' = LC (subst `extendTCvInScopeSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co)
+ (extendVarEnv env v
+ (mkProofIrrelCo Nominal kco co $
+ (mkSymCo lift_s1) `mkTransCo` co `mkTransCo` lift_s2))
+ in extendLiftingContextEx lc' rest
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "extendLiftingContextEx" (ppr v <+> text "|->" <+> ppr ty)
+-- | Erase the environments in a lifting context
+zapLiftingContext :: LiftingContext -> LiftingContext
+zapLiftingContext (LC subst _) = LC (zapTCvSubst subst) emptyVarEnv
+-- | Like 'substForAllCoBndr', but works on a lifting context
+substForAllCoBndrUsingLC :: Bool
+ -> (Coercion -> Coercion)
+ -> LiftingContext -> TyCoVar -> Coercion
+ -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion)
+substForAllCoBndrUsingLC sym sco (LC subst lc_env) tv co
+ = (LC subst' lc_env, tv', co')
+ where
+ (subst', tv', co') = substForAllCoBndrUsing sym sco subst tv co
+-- | The \"lifting\" operation which substitutes coercions for type
+-- variables in a type to produce a coercion.
+-- For the inverse operation, see 'liftCoMatch'
+ty_co_subst :: LiftingContext -> Role -> Type -> Coercion
+ty_co_subst lc role ty
+ = go role ty
+ where
+ go :: Role -> Type -> Coercion
+ go r ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+ = go r ty'
+ go Phantom ty = lift_phantom ty
+ go r (TyVarTy tv) = expectJust "ty_co_subst bad roles" $
+ liftCoSubstTyVar lc r tv
+ go r (AppTy ty1 ty2) = mkAppCo (go r ty1) (go Nominal ty2)
+ go r (TyConApp tc tys) = mkTyConAppCo r tc (zipWith go (tyConRolesX r tc) tys)
+ go r (FunTy _ ty1 ty2) = mkFunCo r (go r ty1) (go r ty2)
+ go r t@(ForAllTy (Bndr v _) ty)
+ = let (lc', v', h) = liftCoSubstVarBndr lc v
+ body_co = ty_co_subst lc' r ty in
+ if isTyVar v' || almostDevoidCoVarOfCo v' body_co
+ -- Lifting a ForAllTy over a coercion variable could fail as ForAllCo
+ -- imposes an extra restriction on where a covar can appear. See last
+ -- wrinkle in Note [Unused coercion variable in ForAllCo].
+ -- We specifically check for this and panic because we know that
+ -- there's a hole in the type system here, and we'd rather panic than
+ -- fall into it.
+ then mkForAllCo v' h body_co
+ else pprPanic "ty_co_subst: covar is not almost devoid" (ppr t)
+ go r ty@(LitTy {}) = ASSERT( r == Nominal )
+ mkNomReflCo ty
+ go r (CastTy ty co) = castCoercionKindI (go r ty) (substLeftCo lc co)
+ (substRightCo lc co)
+ go r (CoercionTy co) = mkProofIrrelCo r kco (substLeftCo lc co)
+ (substRightCo lc co)
+ where kco = go Nominal (coercionType co)
+ lift_phantom ty = mkPhantomCo (go Nominal (typeKind ty))
+ (substTy (lcSubstLeft lc) ty)
+ (substTy (lcSubstRight lc) ty)
+Note [liftCoSubstTyVar]
+This function can fail if a coercion in the environment is of too low a role.
+liftCoSubstTyVar is called from two places: in liftCoSubst (naturally), and
+also in matchAxiom in GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt. From liftCoSubst, the so-called lifting
+lemma guarantees that the roles work out. If we fail in this
+case, we really should panic -- something is deeply wrong. But, in matchAxiom,
+failing is fine. matchAxiom is trying to find a set of coercions
+that match, but it may fail, and this is healthy behavior.
+-- See Note [liftCoSubstTyVar]
+liftCoSubstTyVar :: LiftingContext -> Role -> TyVar -> Maybe Coercion
+liftCoSubstTyVar (LC subst env) r v
+ | Just co_arg <- lookupVarEnv env v
+ = downgradeRole_maybe r (coercionRole co_arg) co_arg
+ | otherwise
+ = Just $ mkReflCo r (substTyVar subst v)
+{- Note [liftCoSubstVarBndr]
+ We want 'liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing' to be general enough to be reused in
+ FamInstEnv, therefore the input arg 'fun' returns a pair with polymorphic type
+ in snd.
+ However in 'liftCoSubstVarBndr', we don't need the snd, so we use unit and
+ ignore the fourth component of the return value.
+ Given
+ forall tv:k. t
+ We want to get
+ forall (tv:k1) (kind_co :: k1 ~ k2) body_co
+ We lift the kind k to get the kind_co
+ kind_co = ty_co_subst k :: k1 ~ k2
+ Now in the LiftingContext, we add the new mapping
+ tv |-> (tv :: k1) ~ ((tv |> kind_co) :: k2)
+ Given
+ forall cv:(s1 ~ s2). t
+ We want to get
+ forall (cv:s1'~s2') (kind_co :: (s1'~s2') ~ (t1 ~ t2)) body_co
+ We lift s1 and s2 respectively to get
+ eta1 :: s1' ~ t1
+ eta2 :: s2' ~ t2
+ And
+ kind_co = TyConAppCo Nominal (~#) eta1 eta2
+ Now in the liftingContext, we add the new mapping
+ cv |-> (cv :: s1' ~ s2') ~ ((sym eta1;cv;eta2) :: t1 ~ t2)
+-- See Note [liftCoSubstVarBndr]
+liftCoSubstVarBndr :: LiftingContext -> TyCoVar
+ -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion)
+liftCoSubstVarBndr lc tv
+ = let (lc', tv', h, _) = liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing callback lc tv in
+ (lc', tv', h)
+ where
+ callback lc' ty' = (ty_co_subst lc' Nominal ty', ())
+-- the callback must produce a nominal coercion
+liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing :: (LiftingContext -> Type -> (CoercionN, a))
+ -> LiftingContext -> TyCoVar
+ -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, CoercionN, a)
+liftCoSubstVarBndrUsing fun lc old_var
+ | isTyVar old_var
+ = liftCoSubstTyVarBndrUsing fun lc old_var
+ | otherwise
+ = liftCoSubstCoVarBndrUsing fun lc old_var
+-- Works for tyvar binder
+liftCoSubstTyVarBndrUsing :: (LiftingContext -> Type -> (CoercionN, a))
+ -> LiftingContext -> TyVar
+ -> (LiftingContext, TyVar, CoercionN, a)
+liftCoSubstTyVarBndrUsing fun lc@(LC subst cenv) old_var
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar old_var )
+ ( LC (subst `extendTCvInScope` new_var) new_cenv
+ , new_var, eta, stuff )
+ where
+ old_kind = tyVarKind old_var
+ (eta, stuff) = fun lc old_kind
+ k1 = coercionLKind eta
+ new_var = uniqAway (getTCvInScope subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
+ lifted = mkGReflRightCo Nominal (TyVarTy new_var) eta
+ -- :: new_var ~ new_var |> eta
+ new_cenv = extendVarEnv cenv old_var lifted
+-- Works for covar binder
+liftCoSubstCoVarBndrUsing :: (LiftingContext -> Type -> (CoercionN, a))
+ -> LiftingContext -> CoVar
+ -> (LiftingContext, CoVar, CoercionN, a)
+liftCoSubstCoVarBndrUsing fun lc@(LC subst cenv) old_var
+ = ASSERT( isCoVar old_var )
+ ( LC (subst `extendTCvInScope` new_var) new_cenv
+ , new_var, kind_co, stuff )
+ where
+ old_kind = coVarKind old_var
+ (eta, stuff) = fun lc old_kind
+ k1 = coercionLKind eta
+ new_var = uniqAway (getTCvInScope subst) (setVarType old_var k1)
+ -- old_var :: s1 ~r s2
+ -- eta :: (s1' ~r s2') ~N (t1 ~r t2)
+ -- eta1 :: s1' ~r t1
+ -- eta2 :: s2' ~r t2
+ -- co1 :: s1' ~r s2'
+ -- co2 :: t1 ~r t2
+ -- kind_co :: (s1' ~r s2') ~N (t1 ~r t2)
+ -- lifted :: co1 ~N co2
+ role = coVarRole old_var
+ eta' = downgradeRole role Nominal eta
+ eta1 = mkNthCo role 2 eta'
+ eta2 = mkNthCo role 3 eta'
+ co1 = mkCoVarCo new_var
+ co2 = mkSymCo eta1 `mkTransCo` co1 `mkTransCo` eta2
+ kind_co = mkTyConAppCo Nominal (equalityTyCon role)
+ [ mkKindCo co1, mkKindCo co2
+ , co1 , co2 ]
+ lifted = mkProofIrrelCo Nominal kind_co co1 co2
+ new_cenv = extendVarEnv cenv old_var lifted
+-- | Is a var in the domain of a lifting context?
+isMappedByLC :: TyCoVar -> LiftingContext -> Bool
+isMappedByLC tv (LC _ env) = tv `elemVarEnv` env
+-- If [a |-> g] is in the substitution and g :: t1 ~ t2, substitute a for t1
+-- If [a |-> (g1, g2)] is in the substitution, substitute a for g1
+substLeftCo :: LiftingContext -> Coercion -> Coercion
+substLeftCo lc co
+ = substCo (lcSubstLeft lc) co
+-- Ditto, but for t2 and g2
+substRightCo :: LiftingContext -> Coercion -> Coercion
+substRightCo lc co
+ = substCo (lcSubstRight lc) co
+-- | Apply "sym" to all coercions in a 'LiftCoEnv'
+swapLiftCoEnv :: LiftCoEnv -> LiftCoEnv
+swapLiftCoEnv = mapVarEnv mkSymCo
+lcSubstLeft :: LiftingContext -> TCvSubst
+lcSubstLeft (LC subst lc_env) = liftEnvSubstLeft subst lc_env
+lcSubstRight :: LiftingContext -> TCvSubst
+lcSubstRight (LC subst lc_env) = liftEnvSubstRight subst lc_env
+liftEnvSubstLeft :: TCvSubst -> LiftCoEnv -> TCvSubst
+liftEnvSubstLeft = liftEnvSubst pFst
+liftEnvSubstRight :: TCvSubst -> LiftCoEnv -> TCvSubst
+liftEnvSubstRight = liftEnvSubst pSnd
+liftEnvSubst :: (forall a. Pair a -> a) -> TCvSubst -> LiftCoEnv -> TCvSubst
+liftEnvSubst selector subst lc_env
+ = composeTCvSubst (TCvSubst emptyInScopeSet tenv cenv) subst
+ where
+ pairs = nonDetUFMToList lc_env
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because we
+ -- immediately forget the ordering by creating
+ -- a VarEnv
+ (tpairs, cpairs) = partitionWith ty_or_co pairs
+ tenv = mkVarEnv_Directly tpairs
+ cenv = mkVarEnv_Directly cpairs
+ ty_or_co :: (Unique, Coercion) -> Either (Unique, Type) (Unique, Coercion)
+ ty_or_co (u, co)
+ | Just equality_co <- isCoercionTy_maybe equality_ty
+ = Right (u, equality_co)
+ | otherwise
+ = Left (u, equality_ty)
+ where
+ equality_ty = selector (coercionKind co)
+-- | Extract the underlying substitution from the LiftingContext
+lcTCvSubst :: LiftingContext -> TCvSubst
+lcTCvSubst (LC subst _) = subst
+-- | Get the 'InScopeSet' from a 'LiftingContext'
+lcInScopeSet :: LiftingContext -> InScopeSet
+lcInScopeSet (LC subst _) = getTCvInScope subst
+%* *
+ Sequencing on coercions
+%* *
+seqMCo :: MCoercion -> ()
+seqMCo MRefl = ()
+seqMCo (MCo co) = seqCo co
+seqCo :: Coercion -> ()
+seqCo (Refl ty) = seqType ty
+seqCo (GRefl r ty mco) = r `seq` seqType ty `seq` seqMCo mco
+seqCo (TyConAppCo r tc cos) = r `seq` tc `seq` seqCos cos
+seqCo (AppCo co1 co2) = seqCo co1 `seq` seqCo co2
+seqCo (ForAllCo tv k co) = seqType (varType tv) `seq` seqCo k
+ `seq` seqCo co
+seqCo (FunCo r co1 co2) = r `seq` seqCo co1 `seq` seqCo co2
+seqCo (CoVarCo cv) = cv `seq` ()
+seqCo (HoleCo h) = coHoleCoVar h `seq` ()
+seqCo (AxiomInstCo con ind cos) = con `seq` ind `seq` seqCos cos
+seqCo (UnivCo p r t1 t2)
+ = seqProv p `seq` r `seq` seqType t1 `seq` seqType t2
+seqCo (SymCo co) = seqCo co
+seqCo (TransCo co1 co2) = seqCo co1 `seq` seqCo co2
+seqCo (NthCo r n co) = r `seq` n `seq` seqCo co
+seqCo (LRCo lr co) = lr `seq` seqCo co
+seqCo (InstCo co arg) = seqCo co `seq` seqCo arg
+seqCo (KindCo co) = seqCo co
+seqCo (SubCo co) = seqCo co
+seqCo (AxiomRuleCo _ cs) = seqCos cs
+seqProv :: UnivCoProvenance -> ()
+seqProv (PhantomProv co) = seqCo co
+seqProv (ProofIrrelProv co) = seqCo co
+seqProv (PluginProv _) = ()
+seqCos :: [Coercion] -> ()
+seqCos [] = ()
+seqCos (co:cos) = seqCo co `seq` seqCos cos
+%* *
+ The kind of a type, and of a coercion
+%* *
+-- | Apply 'coercionKind' to multiple 'Coercion's
+coercionKinds :: [Coercion] -> Pair [Type]
+coercionKinds tys = sequenceA $ map coercionKind tys
+-- | Get a coercion's kind and role.
+coercionKindRole :: Coercion -> (Pair Type, Role)
+coercionKindRole co = (coercionKind co, coercionRole co)
+coercionType :: Coercion -> Type
+coercionType co = case coercionKindRole co of
+ (Pair ty1 ty2, r) -> mkCoercionType r ty1 ty2
+-- | If it is the case that
+-- > c :: (t1 ~ t2)
+-- i.e. the kind of @c@ relates @t1@ and @t2@, then @coercionKind c = Pair t1 t2@.
+coercionKind :: Coercion -> Pair Type
+coercionKind co = Pair (coercionLKind co) (coercionRKind co)
+coercionLKind :: Coercion -> Type
+coercionLKind co
+ = go co
+ where
+ go (Refl ty) = ty
+ go (GRefl _ ty _) = ty
+ go (TyConAppCo _ tc cos) = mkTyConApp tc (map go cos)
+ go (AppCo co1 co2) = mkAppTy (go co1) (go co2)
+ go (ForAllCo tv1 _ co1) = mkTyCoInvForAllTy tv1 (go co1)
+ go (FunCo _ co1 co2) = mkVisFunTy (go co1) (go co2)
+ go (CoVarCo cv) = coVarLType cv
+ go (HoleCo h) = coVarLType (coHoleCoVar h)
+ go (UnivCo _ _ ty1 _) = ty1
+ go (SymCo co) = coercionRKind co
+ go (TransCo co1 _) = go co1
+ go (LRCo lr co) = pickLR lr (splitAppTy (go co))
+ go (InstCo aco arg) = go_app aco [go arg]
+ go (KindCo co) = typeKind (go co)
+ go (SubCo co) = go co
+ go (NthCo _ d co) = go_nth d (go co)
+ go (AxiomInstCo ax ind cos) = go_ax_inst ax ind (map go cos)
+ go (AxiomRuleCo ax cos) = pFst $ expectJust "coercionKind" $
+ coaxrProves ax $ map coercionKind cos
+ go_ax_inst ax ind tys
+ | CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
+ , cab_lhs = lhs } <- coAxiomNthBranch ax ind
+ , let (tys1, cotys1) = splitAtList tvs tys
+ cos1 = map stripCoercionTy cotys1
+ = ASSERT( tys `equalLength` (tvs ++ cvs) )
+ -- Invariant of AxiomInstCo: cos should
+ -- exactly saturate the axiom branch
+ substTyWith tvs tys1 $
+ substTyWithCoVars cvs cos1 $
+ mkTyConApp (coAxiomTyCon ax) lhs
+ go_app :: Coercion -> [Type] -> Type
+ -- Collect up all the arguments and apply all at once
+ -- See Note [Nested InstCos]
+ go_app (InstCo co arg) args = go_app co (go arg:args)
+ go_app co args = piResultTys (go co) args
+go_nth :: Int -> Type -> Type
+go_nth d ty
+ | Just args <- tyConAppArgs_maybe ty
+ = ASSERT( args `lengthExceeds` d )
+ args `getNth` d
+ | d == 0
+ , Just (tv,_) <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty
+ = tyVarKind tv
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "coercionLKind:nth" (ppr d <+> ppr ty)
+coercionRKind :: Coercion -> Type
+coercionRKind co
+ = go co
+ where
+ go (Refl ty) = ty
+ go (GRefl _ ty MRefl) = ty
+ go (GRefl _ ty (MCo co1)) = mkCastTy ty co1
+ go (TyConAppCo _ tc cos) = mkTyConApp tc (map go cos)
+ go (AppCo co1 co2) = mkAppTy (go co1) (go co2)
+ go (CoVarCo cv) = coVarRType cv
+ go (HoleCo h) = coVarRType (coHoleCoVar h)
+ go (FunCo _ co1 co2) = mkVisFunTy (go co1) (go co2)
+ go (UnivCo _ _ _ ty2) = ty2
+ go (SymCo co) = coercionLKind co
+ go (TransCo _ co2) = go co2
+ go (LRCo lr co) = pickLR lr (splitAppTy (go co))
+ go (InstCo aco arg) = go_app aco [go arg]
+ go (KindCo co) = typeKind (go co)
+ go (SubCo co) = go co
+ go (NthCo _ d co) = go_nth d (go co)
+ go (AxiomInstCo ax ind cos) = go_ax_inst ax ind (map go cos)
+ go (AxiomRuleCo ax cos) = pSnd $ expectJust "coercionKind" $
+ coaxrProves ax $ map coercionKind cos
+ go co@(ForAllCo tv1 k_co co1) -- works for both tyvar and covar
+ | isGReflCo k_co = mkTyCoInvForAllTy tv1 (go co1)
+ -- kind_co always has kind @Type@, thus @isGReflCo@
+ | otherwise = go_forall empty_subst co
+ where
+ empty_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst (mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfCo co)
+ go_ax_inst ax ind tys
+ | CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
+ , cab_rhs = rhs } <- coAxiomNthBranch ax ind
+ , let (tys2, cotys2) = splitAtList tvs tys
+ cos2 = map stripCoercionTy cotys2
+ = ASSERT( tys `equalLength` (tvs ++ cvs) )
+ -- Invariant of AxiomInstCo: cos should
+ -- exactly saturate the axiom branch
+ substTyWith tvs tys2 $
+ substTyWithCoVars cvs cos2 rhs
+ go_app :: Coercion -> [Type] -> Type
+ -- Collect up all the arguments and apply all at once
+ -- See Note [Nested InstCos]
+ go_app (InstCo co arg) args = go_app co (go arg:args)
+ go_app co args = piResultTys (go co) args
+ go_forall subst (ForAllCo tv1 k_co co)
+ -- See Note [Nested ForAllCos]
+ | isTyVar tv1
+ = mkInvForAllTy tv2 (go_forall subst' co)
+ where
+ k2 = coercionRKind k_co
+ tv2 = setTyVarKind tv1 (substTy subst k2)
+ subst' | isGReflCo k_co = extendTCvInScope subst tv1
+ -- kind_co always has kind @Type@, thus @isGReflCo@
+ | otherwise = extendTvSubst (extendTCvInScope subst tv2) tv1 $
+ TyVarTy tv2 `mkCastTy` mkSymCo k_co
+ go_forall subst (ForAllCo cv1 k_co co)
+ | isCoVar cv1
+ = mkTyCoInvForAllTy cv2 (go_forall subst' co)
+ where
+ k2 = coercionRKind k_co
+ r = coVarRole cv1
+ eta1 = mkNthCo r 2 (downgradeRole r Nominal k_co)
+ eta2 = mkNthCo r 3 (downgradeRole r Nominal k_co)
+ -- k_co :: (t1 ~r t2) ~N (s1 ~r s2)
+ -- k1 = t1 ~r t2
+ -- k2 = s1 ~r s2
+ -- cv1 :: t1 ~r t2
+ -- cv2 :: s1 ~r s2
+ -- eta1 :: t1 ~r s1
+ -- eta2 :: t2 ~r s2
+ -- n_subst = (eta1 ; cv2 ; sym eta2) :: t1 ~r t2
+ cv2 = setVarType cv1 (substTy subst k2)
+ n_subst = eta1 `mkTransCo` (mkCoVarCo cv2) `mkTransCo` (mkSymCo eta2)
+ subst' | isReflCo k_co = extendTCvInScope subst cv1
+ | otherwise = extendCvSubst (extendTCvInScope subst cv2)
+ cv1 n_subst
+ go_forall subst other_co
+ -- when other_co is not a ForAllCo
+ = substTy subst (go other_co)
+Note [Nested ForAllCos]
+Suppose we need `coercionKind (ForAllCo a1 (ForAllCo a2 ... (ForAllCo an
+co)...) )`. We do not want to perform `n` single-type-variable
+substitutions over the kind of `co`; rather we want to do one substitution
+which substitutes for all of `a1`, `a2` ... simultaneously. If we do one
+at a time we get the performance hole reported in #11735.
+Solution: gather up the type variables for nested `ForAllCos`, and
+substitute for them all at once. Remarkably, for #11735 this single
+change reduces /total/ compile time by a factor of more than ten.
+-- | Retrieve the role from a coercion.
+coercionRole :: Coercion -> Role
+coercionRole = go
+ where
+ go (Refl _) = Nominal
+ go (GRefl r _ _) = r
+ go (TyConAppCo r _ _) = r
+ go (AppCo co1 _) = go co1
+ go (ForAllCo _ _ co) = go co
+ go (FunCo r _ _) = r
+ go (CoVarCo cv) = coVarRole cv
+ go (HoleCo h) = coVarRole (coHoleCoVar h)
+ go (AxiomInstCo ax _ _) = coAxiomRole ax
+ go (UnivCo _ r _ _) = r
+ go (SymCo co) = go co
+ go (TransCo co1 _co2) = go co1
+ go (NthCo r _d _co) = r
+ go (LRCo {}) = Nominal
+ go (InstCo co _) = go co
+ go (KindCo {}) = Nominal
+ go (SubCo _) = Representational
+ go (AxiomRuleCo ax _) = coaxrRole ax
+Note [Nested InstCos]
+In #5631 we found that 70% of the entire compilation time was
+being spent in coercionKind! The reason was that we had
+ (g @ ty1 @ ty2 .. @ ty100) -- The "@s" are InstCos
+ g :: forall a1 a2 .. a100. phi
+If we deal with the InstCos one at a time, we'll do this:
+ 1. Find the kind of (g @ ty1 .. @ ty99) : forall a100. phi'
+ 2. Substitute phi'[ ty100/a100 ], a single tyvar->type subst
+But this is a *quadratic* algorithm, and the blew up #5631.
+So it's very important to do the substitution simultaneously;
+cf Type.piResultTys (which in fact we call here).
+-- | Makes a coercion type from two types: the types whose equality
+-- is proven by the relevant 'Coercion'
+mkCoercionType :: Role -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkCoercionType Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
+mkCoercionType Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
+mkCoercionType Phantom = \ty1 ty2 ->
+ let ki1 = typeKind ty1
+ ki2 = typeKind ty2
+ in
+ TyConApp eqPhantPrimTyCon [ki1, ki2, ty1, ty2]
+mkHeteroCoercionType :: Role -> Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroCoercionType Nominal = mkHeteroPrimEqPred
+mkHeteroCoercionType Representational = mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred
+mkHeteroCoercionType Phantom = panic "mkHeteroCoercionType"
+-- | Creates a primitive type equality predicate.
+-- Invariant: the types are not Coercions
+mkPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+ where
+ k1 = typeKind ty1
+ k2 = typeKind ty2
+-- | Makes a lifted equality predicate at the given role
+mkPrimEqPredRole :: Role -> Type -> Type -> PredType
+mkPrimEqPredRole Nominal = mkPrimEqPred
+mkPrimEqPredRole Representational = mkReprPrimEqPred
+mkPrimEqPredRole Phantom = panic "mkPrimEqPredRole phantom"
+-- | Creates a primitive type equality predicate with explicit kinds
+mkHeteroPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2 = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+-- | Creates a primitive representational type equality predicate
+-- with explicit kinds
+mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred :: Kind -> Kind -> Type -> Type -> Type
+mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred k1 k2 ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+mkReprPrimEqPred :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkReprPrimEqPred ty1 ty2
+ = mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon [k1, k2, ty1, ty2]
+ where
+ k1 = typeKind ty1
+ k2 = typeKind ty2
+-- | Assuming that two types are the same, ignoring coercions, find
+-- a nominal coercion between the types. This is useful when optimizing
+-- transitivity over coercion applications, where splitting two
+-- AppCos might yield different kinds. See Note [EtaAppCo] in
+-- GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt.
+buildCoercion :: Type -> Type -> CoercionN
+buildCoercion orig_ty1 orig_ty2 = go orig_ty1 orig_ty2
+ where
+ go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- coreView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
+ | Just ty2' <- coreView ty2 = go ty1 ty2'
+ go (CastTy ty1 co) ty2
+ = let co' = go ty1 ty2
+ r = coercionRole co'
+ in mkCoherenceLeftCo r ty1 co co'
+ go ty1 (CastTy ty2 co)
+ = let co' = go ty1 ty2
+ r = coercionRole co'
+ in mkCoherenceRightCo r ty2 co co'
+ go ty1@(TyVarTy tv1) _tyvarty
+ = ASSERT( case _tyvarty of
+ { TyVarTy tv2 -> tv1 == tv2
+ ; _ -> False } )
+ mkNomReflCo ty1
+ go (FunTy { ft_arg = arg1, ft_res = res1 })
+ (FunTy { ft_arg = arg2, ft_res = res2 })
+ = mkFunCo Nominal (go arg1 arg2) (go res1 res2)
+ go (TyConApp tc1 args1) (TyConApp tc2 args2)
+ = ASSERT( tc1 == tc2 )
+ mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc1 (zipWith go args1 args2)
+ go (AppTy ty1a ty1b) ty2
+ | Just (ty2a, ty2b) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
+ = mkAppCo (go ty1a ty2a) (go ty1b ty2b)
+ go ty1 (AppTy ty2a ty2b)
+ | Just (ty1a, ty1b) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty1
+ = mkAppCo (go ty1a ty2a) (go ty1b ty2b)
+ go (ForAllTy (Bndr tv1 _flag1) ty1) (ForAllTy (Bndr tv2 _flag2) ty2)
+ | isTyVar tv1
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar tv2 )
+ mkForAllCo tv1 kind_co (go ty1 ty2')
+ where kind_co = go (tyVarKind tv1) (tyVarKind tv2)
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfType ty2 `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo kind_co
+ ty2' = substTyWithInScope in_scope [tv2]
+ [mkTyVarTy tv1 `mkCastTy` kind_co]
+ ty2
+ go (ForAllTy (Bndr cv1 _flag1) ty1) (ForAllTy (Bndr cv2 _flag2) ty2)
+ = ASSERT( isCoVar cv1 && isCoVar cv2 )
+ mkForAllCo cv1 kind_co (go ty1 ty2')
+ where s1 = varType cv1
+ s2 = varType cv2
+ kind_co = go s1 s2
+ -- s1 = t1 ~r t2
+ -- s2 = t3 ~r t4
+ -- kind_co :: (t1 ~r t2) ~N (t3 ~r t4)
+ -- eta1 :: t1 ~r t3
+ -- eta2 :: t2 ~r t4
+ r = coVarRole cv1
+ kind_co' = downgradeRole r Nominal kind_co
+ eta1 = mkNthCo r 2 kind_co'
+ eta2 = mkNthCo r 3 kind_co'
+ subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet $
+ tyCoVarsOfType ty2 `unionVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo kind_co
+ ty2' = substTy (extendCvSubst subst cv2 $ mkSymCo eta1 `mkTransCo`
+ mkCoVarCo cv1 `mkTransCo`
+ eta2)
+ ty2
+ go ty1@(LitTy lit1) _lit2
+ = ASSERT( case _lit2 of
+ { LitTy lit2 -> lit1 == lit2
+ ; _ -> False } )
+ mkNomReflCo ty1
+ go (CoercionTy co1) (CoercionTy co2)
+ = mkProofIrrelCo Nominal kind_co co1 co2
+ where
+ kind_co = go (coercionType co1) (coercionType co2)
+ go ty1 ty2
+ = pprPanic "buildKindCoercion" (vcat [ ppr orig_ty1, ppr orig_ty2
+ , ppr ty1, ppr ty2 ])
+%* *
+ Simplifying types
+%* *
+The function below morally belongs in TcFlatten, but it is used also in
+FamInstEnv, and so lives here.
+Note [simplifyArgsWorker]
+Invariant (F2) of Note [Flattening] says that flattening is homogeneous.
+This causes some trouble when flattening a function applied to a telescope
+of arguments, perhaps with dependency. For example, suppose
+ type family F :: forall (j :: Type) (k :: Type). Maybe j -> Either j k -> Bool -> [k]
+and we wish to flatten the args of (with kind applications explicit)
+ F a b (Just a c) (Right a b d) False
+where all variables are skolems and
+ a :: Type
+ b :: Type
+ c :: a
+ d :: k
+ [G] aco :: a ~ fa
+ [G] bco :: b ~ fb
+ [G] cco :: c ~ fc
+ [G] dco :: d ~ fd
+The first step is to flatten all the arguments. This is done before calling
+simplifyArgsWorker. We start from
+ a
+ b
+ Just a c
+ Right a b d
+ False
+and get
+ (fa, co1 :: fa ~ a)
+ (fb, co2 :: fb ~ b)
+ (Just fa (fc |> aco) |> co6, co3 :: (Just fa (fc |> aco) |> co6) ~ (Just a c))
+ (Right fa fb (fd |> bco) |> co7, co4 :: (Right fa fb (fd |> bco) |> co7) ~ (Right a b d))
+ (False, co5 :: False ~ False)
+ co6 :: Maybe fa ~ Maybe a
+ co7 :: Either fa fb ~ Either a b
+We now process the flattened args in left-to-right order. The first two args
+need no further processing. But now consider the third argument. Let f3 = the flattened
+result, Just fa (fc |> aco) |> co6.
+This f3 flattened argument has kind (Maybe a), due to
+(F2). And yet, when we build the application (F fa fb ...), we need this
+argument to have kind (Maybe fa), not (Maybe a). We must cast this argument.
+The coercion to use is
+determined by the kind of F: we see in F's kind that the third argument has
+kind Maybe j. Critically, we also know that the argument corresponding to j
+(in our example, a) flattened with a coercion co1. We can thus know the
+coercion needed for the 3rd argument is (Maybe (sym co1)), thus building
+(f3 |> Maybe (sym co1))
+More generally, we must use the Lifting Lemma, as implemented in
+Coercion.liftCoSubst. As we work left-to-right, any variable that is a
+dependent parameter (j and k, in our example) gets mapped in a lifting context
+to the coercion that is output from flattening the corresponding argument (co1
+and co2, in our example). Then, after flattening later arguments, we lift the
+kind of these arguments in the lifting context that we've be building up.
+This coercion is then used to keep the result of flattening well-kinded.
+Working through our example, this is what happens:
+ 1. Extend the (empty) LC with [j |-> co1]. No new casting must be done,
+ because the binder associated with the first argument has a closed type (no
+ variables).
+ 2. Extend the LC with [k |-> co2]. No casting to do.
+ 3. Lifting the kind (Maybe j) with our LC
+ yields co8 :: Maybe fa ~ Maybe a. Use (f3 |> sym co8) as the argument to
+ F.
+ 4. Lifting the kind (Either j k) with our LC
+ yields co9 :: Either fa fb ~ Either a b. Use (f4 |> sym co9) as the 4th
+ argument to F, where f4 is the flattened form of argument 4, written above.
+ 5. We lift Bool with our LC, getting <Bool>;
+ casting has no effect.
+We're now almost done, but the new application (F fa fb (f3 |> sym co8) (f4 > sym co9) False)
+has the wrong kind. Its kind is [fb], instead of the original [b].
+So we must use our LC one last time to lift the result kind [k],
+getting res_co :: [fb] ~ [b], and we cast our result.
+Accordingly, the final result is
+ F fa fb (Just fa (fc |> aco) |> Maybe (sym aco) |> sym (Maybe (sym aco)))
+ (Right fa fb (fd |> bco) |> Either (sym aco) (sym bco) |> sym (Either (sym aco) (sym bco)))
+ False
+ |> [sym bco]
+The res_co (in this case, [sym bco])
+is returned as the third return value from simplifyArgsWorker.
+Note [Last case in simplifyArgsWorker]
+In writing simplifyArgsWorker's `go`, we know here that args cannot be empty,
+because that case is first. We've run out of
+binders. But perhaps inner_ki is a tyvar that has been instantiated with a
+Here is an example.
+ a :: forall (k :: Type). k -> k
+ type family Star
+ Proxy :: forall j. j -> Type
+ axStar :: Star ~ Type
+ type family NoWay :: Bool
+ axNoWay :: NoWay ~ False
+ bo :: Type
+ [G] bc :: bo ~ Bool (in inert set)
+ co :: (forall j. j -> Type) ~ (forall (j :: Star). (j |> axStar) -> Star)
+ co = forall (j :: sym axStar). (<j> -> sym axStar)
+ We are flattening:
+ a (forall (j :: Star). (j |> axStar) -> Star) -- 1
+ (Proxy |> co) -- 2
+ (bo |> sym axStar) -- 3
+ (NoWay |> sym bc) -- 4
+ :: Star
+First, we flatten all the arguments (before simplifyArgsWorker), like so:
+ (forall j. j -> Type, co1 :: (forall j. j -> Type) ~
+ (forall (j :: Star). (j |> axStar) -> Star)) -- 1
+ (Proxy |> co, co2 :: (Proxy |> co) ~ (Proxy |> co)) -- 2
+ (Bool |> sym axStar, co3 :: (Bool |> sym axStar) ~ (bo |> sym axStar)) -- 3
+ (False |> sym bc, co4 :: (False |> sym bc) ~ (NoWay |> sym bc)) -- 4
+Then we do the process described in Note [simplifyArgsWorker].
+1. Lifting Type (the kind of the first arg) gives us a reflexive coercion, so we
+ don't use it. But we do build a lifting context [k -> co1] (where co1 is a
+ result of flattening an argument, written above).
+2. Lifting k gives us co1, so the second argument becomes (Proxy |> co |> sym co1).
+ This is not a dependent argument, so we don't extend the lifting context.
+Now we need to deal with argument (3).
+The way we normally proceed is to lift the kind of the binder, to see whether
+it's dependent.
+But here, the remainder of the kind of `a` that we're left with
+after processing two arguments is just `k`.
+The way forward is look up k in the lifting context, getting co1. If we're at
+all well-typed, co1 will be a coercion between Π-types, with at least one binder.
+So, let's
+decompose co1 with decomposePiCos. This decomposition needs arguments to use
+to instantiate any kind parameters. Look at the type of co1. If we just
+decomposed it, we would end up with coercions whose types include j, which is
+out of scope here. Accordingly, decomposePiCos takes a list of types whose
+kinds are the *right-hand* types in the decomposed coercion. (See comments on
+decomposePiCos.) Because the flattened types have unflattened kinds (because
+flattening is homogeneous), passing the list of flattened types to decomposePiCos
+just won't do: later arguments' kinds won't be as expected. So we need to get
+the *unflattened* types to pass to decomposePiCos. We can do this easily enough
+by taking the kind of the argument coercions, passed in originally.
+(Alternative 1: We could re-engineer decomposePiCos to deal with this situation.
+But that function is already gnarly, and taking the right-hand types is correct
+at its other call sites, which are much more common than this one.)
+(Alternative 2: We could avoid calling decomposePiCos entirely, integrating its
+behavior into simplifyArgsWorker. This would work, I think, but then all of the
+complication of decomposePiCos would end up layered on top of all the complication
+here. Please, no.)
+(Alternative 3: We could pass the unflattened arguments into simplifyArgsWorker
+so that we don't have to recreate them. But that would complicate the interface
+of this function to handle a very dark, dark corner case. Better to keep our
+demons to ourselves here instead of exposing them to callers. This decision is
+easily reversed if there is ever any performance trouble due to the call of
+So we now call
+ decomposePiCos co1
+ (Pair (forall j. j -> Type) (forall (j :: Star). (j |> axStar) -> Star))
+ [bo |> sym axStar, NoWay |> sym bc]
+to get
+ co5 :: Star ~ Type
+ co6 :: (j |> axStar) ~ (j |> co5), substituted to
+ (bo |> sym axStar |> axStar) ~ (bo |> sym axStar |> co5)
+ == bo ~ bo
+ res_co :: Type ~ Star
+We then use these casts on (the flattened) (3) and (4) to get
+ (Bool |> sym axStar |> co5 :: Type) -- (C3)
+ (False |> sym bc |> co6 :: bo) -- (C4)
+We can simplify to
+ Bool -- (C3)
+ (False |> sym bc :: bo) -- (C4)
+Of course, we still must do the processing in Note [simplifyArgsWorker] to finish
+the job. We thus want to recur. Our new function kind is the left-hand type of
+co1 (gotten, recall, by lifting the variable k that was the return kind of the
+original function). Why the left-hand type (as opposed to the right-hand type)?
+Because we have casted all the arguments according to decomposePiCos, which gets
+us from the right-hand type to the left-hand one. We thus recur with that new
+function kind, zapping our lifting context, because we have essentially applied
+This recursive call returns ([Bool, False], [...], Refl). The Bool and False
+are the correct arguments we wish to return. But we must be careful about the
+result coercion: our new, flattened application will have kind Type, but we
+want to make sure that the result coercion casts this back to Star. (Why?
+Because we started with an application of kind Star, and flattening is homogeneous.)
+So, we have to twiddle the result coercion appropriately.
+Let's check whether this is well-typed. We know
+ a :: forall (k :: Type). k -> k
+ a (forall j. j -> Type) :: (forall j. j -> Type) -> forall j. j -> Type
+ a (forall j. j -> Type)
+ Proxy
+ :: forall j. j -> Type
+ a (forall j. j -> Type)
+ Proxy
+ Bool
+ :: Bool -> Type
+ a (forall j. j -> Type)
+ Proxy
+ Bool
+ False
+ :: Type
+ a (forall j. j -> Type)
+ Proxy
+ Bool
+ False
+ |> res_co
+ :: Star
+as desired.
+Historical note: I (Richard E) once thought that the final part of the kind
+had to be a variable k (as in the example above). But it might not be: it could
+be an application of a variable. Here is the example:
+ let f :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: a -> Type). b (Any @a)
+ k :: Type
+ x :: k
+ flatten (f @Type @((->) k) x)
+After instantiating [a |-> Type, b |-> ((->) k)], we see that `b (Any @a)`
+is `k -> Any @a`, and thus the third argument of `x :: k` is well-kinded.
+-- This is shared between the flattener and the normaliser in GHC.Core.FamInstEnv.
+-- See Note [simplifyArgsWorker]
+{-# INLINE simplifyArgsWorker #-}
+simplifyArgsWorker :: [TyCoBinder] -> Kind
+ -- the binders & result kind (not a Π-type) of the function applied to the args
+ -- list of binders can be shorter or longer than the list of args
+ -> TyCoVarSet -- free vars of the args
+ -> [Role] -- list of roles, r
+ -> [(Type, Coercion)] -- flattened type arguments, arg
+ -- each comes with the coercion used to flatten it,
+ -- with co :: flattened_type ~ original_type
+ -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+-- Returns (xis, cos, res_co), where each co :: xi ~ arg,
+-- and res_co :: kind (f xis) ~ kind (f tys), where f is the function applied to the args
+-- Precondition: if f :: forall bndrs. inner_ki (where bndrs and inner_ki are passed in),
+-- then (f orig_tys) is well kinded. Note that (f flattened_tys) might *not* be well-kinded.
+-- Massaging the flattened_tys in order to make (f flattened_tys) well-kinded is what this
+-- function is all about. That is, (f xis), where xis are the returned arguments, *is*
+-- well kinded.
+simplifyArgsWorker orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_fvs
+ orig_roles orig_simplified_args
+ = go [] [] orig_lc orig_ki_binders orig_inner_ki orig_roles orig_simplified_args
+ where
+ orig_lc = emptyLiftingContext $ mkInScopeSet $ orig_fvs
+ go :: [Type] -- Xis accumulator, in reverse order
+ -> [Coercion] -- Coercions accumulator, in reverse order
+ -- These are in 1-to-1 correspondence
+ -> LiftingContext -- mapping from tyvars to flattening coercions
+ -> [TyCoBinder] -- Unsubsted binders of function's kind
+ -> Kind -- Unsubsted result kind of function (not a Pi-type)
+ -> [Role] -- Roles at which to flatten these ...
+ -> [(Type, Coercion)] -- flattened arguments, with their flattening coercions
+ -> ([Type], [Coercion], CoercionN)
+ go acc_xis acc_cos lc binders inner_ki _ []
+ = (reverse acc_xis, reverse acc_cos, kind_co)
+ where
+ final_kind = mkPiTys binders inner_ki
+ kind_co = liftCoSubst Nominal lc final_kind
+ go acc_xis acc_cos lc (binder:binders) inner_ki (role:roles) ((xi,co):args)
+ = -- By Note [Flattening] in TcFlatten invariant (F2),
+ -- tcTypeKind(xi) = tcTypeKind(ty). But, it's possible that xi will be
+ -- used as an argument to a function whose kind is different, if
+ -- earlier arguments have been flattened to new types. We thus
+ -- need a coercion (kind_co :: old_kind ~ new_kind).
+ --
+ -- The bangs here have been observed to improve performance
+ -- significantly in optimized builds.
+ let kind_co = mkSymCo $
+ liftCoSubst Nominal lc (tyCoBinderType binder)
+ !casted_xi = xi `mkCastTy` kind_co
+ casted_co = mkCoherenceLeftCo role xi kind_co co
+ -- now, extend the lifting context with the new binding
+ !new_lc | Just tv <- tyCoBinderVar_maybe binder
+ = extendLiftingContextAndInScope lc tv casted_co
+ | otherwise
+ = lc
+ in
+ go (casted_xi : acc_xis)
+ (casted_co : acc_cos)
+ new_lc
+ binders
+ inner_ki
+ roles
+ args
+ -- See Note [Last case in simplifyArgsWorker]
+ go acc_xis acc_cos lc [] inner_ki roles args
+ = let co1 = liftCoSubst Nominal lc inner_ki
+ co1_kind = coercionKind co1
+ unflattened_tys = map (coercionRKind . snd) args
+ (arg_cos, res_co) = decomposePiCos co1 co1_kind unflattened_tys
+ casted_args = ASSERT2( equalLength args arg_cos
+ , ppr args $$ ppr arg_cos )
+ [ (casted_xi, casted_co)
+ | ((xi, co), arg_co, role) <- zip3 args arg_cos roles
+ , let casted_xi = xi `mkCastTy` arg_co
+ casted_co = mkCoherenceLeftCo role xi arg_co co ]
+ -- In general decomposePiCos can return fewer cos than tys,
+ -- but not here; because we're well typed, there will be enough
+ -- binders. Note that decomposePiCos does substitutions, so even
+ -- if the original substitution results in something ending with
+ -- ... -> k, that k will be substituted to perhaps reveal more
+ -- binders.
+ zapped_lc = zapLiftingContext lc
+ Pair flattened_kind _ = co1_kind
+ (bndrs, new_inner) = splitPiTys flattened_kind
+ (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out)
+ = go acc_xis acc_cos zapped_lc bndrs new_inner roles casted_args
+ in
+ (xis_out, cos_out, res_co_out `mkTransCo` res_co)
+ go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic
+ "simplifyArgsWorker wandered into deeper water than usual"
+ -- This debug information is commented out because leaving it in
+ -- causes a ~2% increase in allocations in T9872d.
+ -- That's independent of the analogous case in flatten_args_fast
+ -- in TcFlatten:
+ -- each of these causes a 2% increase on its own, so commenting them
+ -- both out gives a 4% decrease in T9872d.
+ {-
+ (vcat [ppr orig_binders,
+ ppr orig_inner_ki,
+ ppr (take 10 orig_roles), -- often infinite!
+ ppr orig_tys])
+ -}