path: root/compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-01-21 02:55:49 +0000 <unknown>2009-01-21 02:55:49 +0000
commit2922c9ae951271a60db6fd6b2488f9d8111e442e (patch)
tree7c30c5dfcadc842172e6686de71b3b28e57cfdf9 /compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
parent70800c2246c28ca1cc8152876372b9a62cac84ed (diff)
SPARC NCG: Clean up formatting and add comments in genCCall
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
index b685c9db7f..c340b9d8d0 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
@@ -3606,191 +3606,247 @@ genCCall target dest_regs args = do
in preparation for the outer call. Upshot: we need to calculate the
args into temporary regs, and move those to arg regs or onto the
stack only immediately prior to the call proper. Sigh.
+ :: CmmCallTarget -- function to call
+ -> HintedCmmFormals -- where to put the result
+ -> HintedCmmActuals -- arguments (of mixed type)
+ -> NatM InstrBlock
-genCCall target dest_regs argsAndHints = do
- let
- args = map hintlessCmm argsAndHints
- argcode_and_vregs <- mapM arg_to_int_vregs args
- let
- (argcodes, vregss) = unzip argcode_and_vregs
- n_argRegs = length allArgRegs
- n_argRegs_used = min (length vregs) n_argRegs
- vregs = concat vregss
- -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
- callinsns <- (case target of
- CmmCallee (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) conv -> do
- return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
- CmmCallee expr conv -> do
- (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs expr
- return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
- CmmPrim mop -> do
- (res, reduce) <- outOfLineFloatOp mop
- lblOrMopExpr <- case res of
- Left lbl -> do
- return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
- Right mopExpr -> do
- (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs mopExpr
- return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
- if reduce then panic "genCCall(sparc): can not reduce" else return lblOrMopExpr
- )
- let
- argcode = concatOL argcodes
- (move_sp_down, move_sp_up)
- = let diff = length vregs - n_argRegs
- nn = if odd diff then diff + 1 else diff -- keep 8-byte alignment
- in if nn <= 0
- then (nilOL, nilOL)
- else (unitOL (moveSp (-1*nn)), unitOL (moveSp (1*nn)))
+genCCall target dest_regs argsAndHints
+ = do
+ -- strip hints from the arg regs
+ let args :: [CmmExpr]
+ args = map hintlessCmm argsAndHints
- transfer_code
- = toOL (move_final vregs allArgRegs eXTRA_STK_ARGS_HERE)
- -- assign the results, if necessary
- assign_code [] = nilOL
- assign_code [CmmHinted dest _hint]
- = let rep = localRegType dest
- width = typeWidth rep
- r_dest = getRegisterReg (CmmLocal dest)
- result
- | isFloatType rep
- , W32 <- width
- = unitOL $ FMOV FF32 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
- | isFloatType rep
- , W64 <- width
- = unitOL $ FMOV FF64 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
+ -- work out the arguments, and assign them to integer regs
+ argcode_and_vregs <- mapM arg_to_int_vregs args
+ let (argcodes, vregss) = unzip argcode_and_vregs
+ let vregs = concat vregss
+ let n_argRegs = length allArgRegs
+ let n_argRegs_used = min (length vregs) n_argRegs
+ -- deal with static vs dynamic call targets
+ callinsns <- case target of
+ CmmCallee (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) conv ->
+ return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
+ CmmCallee expr conv
+ -> do (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs expr
+ return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
+ CmmPrim mop
+ -> do (res, reduce) <- outOfLineFloatOp mop
+ lblOrMopExpr <- case res of
+ Left lbl -> do
+ return (unitOL (CALL (Left (litToImm (CmmLabel lbl))) n_argRegs_used False))
+ Right mopExpr -> do
+ (dyn_c, [dyn_r]) <- arg_to_int_vregs mopExpr
+ return (dyn_c `snocOL` CALL (Right dyn_r) n_argRegs_used False)
+ if reduce
+ then panic ("genCCall(sparc): can not reduce mach op " ++ show mop)
+ else return lblOrMopExpr
+ let argcode = concatOL argcodes
+ let (move_sp_down, move_sp_up)
+ = let diff = length vregs - n_argRegs
+ nn = if odd diff then diff + 1 else diff -- keep 8-byte alignment
+ in if nn <= 0
+ then (nilOL, nilOL)
+ else (unitOL (moveSp (-1*nn)), unitOL (moveSp (1*nn)))
+ let transfer_code
+ = toOL (move_final vregs allArgRegs eXTRA_STK_ARGS_HERE)
+ return
+ $ argcode `appOL`
+ move_sp_down `appOL`
+ transfer_code `appOL`
+ callinsns `appOL`
+ unitOL NOP `appOL`
+ move_sp_up `appOL`
+ assign_code dest_regs
+-- | Generate code to calculate an argument, and move it into one
+-- or two integer vregs.
+arg_to_int_vregs :: CmmExpr -> NatM (OrdList Instr, [Reg])
+arg_to_int_vregs arg
+ -- If the expr produces a 64 bit int, then we can just use iselExpr64
+ | isWord64 (cmmExprType arg)
+ = do (ChildCode64 code r_lo) <- iselExpr64 arg
+ let r_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_lo
+ return (code, [r_hi, r_lo])
+ | otherwise
+ = do (src, code) <- getSomeReg arg
+ tmp <- getNewRegNat (cmmTypeSize $ cmmExprType arg)
+ let pk = cmmExprType arg
+ case cmmTypeSize pk of
+ -- Load a 64 bit float return value into two integer regs.
+ FF64 -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ v2 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let Just f0_high = fPair f0
- | not $ isFloatType rep
- , W32 <- width
- = unitOL $ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest
- | not $ isFloatType rep
- , W64 <- width
- , r_dest_hi <- getHiVRegFromLo r_dest
- = toOL [ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest_hi
- , mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 1) r_dest]
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ FMOV FF64 src f0 `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 f0 (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v1 `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 f0_high (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v2
+ return (code2, [v1,v2])
+ -- Load a 32 bit float return value into an integer reg
+ FF32 -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
- in result
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ ST FF32 src (spRel 16) `snocOL`
+ LD II32 (spRel 16) v1
- return (argcode `appOL`
- move_sp_down `appOL`
- transfer_code `appOL`
- callinsns `appOL`
- unitOL NOP `appOL`
- move_sp_up `appOL`
- assign_code dest_regs)
- where
- -- move args from the integer vregs into which they have been
- -- marshalled, into %o0 .. %o5, and the rest onto the stack.
- move_final :: [Reg] -> [Reg] -> Int -> [Instr]
- move_final [] _ offset -- all args done
- = []
- move_final (v:vs) [] offset -- out of aregs; move to stack
- = ST II32 v (spRel offset)
- : move_final vs [] (offset+1)
- move_final (v:vs) (a:az) offset -- move into an arg (%o[0..5]) reg
- = OR False g0 (RIReg v) a
- : move_final vs az offset
- -- generate code to calculate an argument, and move it into one
- -- or two integer vregs.
- arg_to_int_vregs :: CmmExpr -> NatM (OrdList Instr, [Reg])
- arg_to_int_vregs arg
- | isWord64 (cmmExprType arg)
- = do
- (ChildCode64 code r_lo) <- iselExpr64 arg
- let
- r_hi = getHiVRegFromLo r_lo
- return (code, [r_hi, r_lo])
- | otherwise
- = do
- (src, code) <- getSomeReg arg
- tmp <- getNewRegNat (cmmTypeSize $ cmmExprType arg)
- let
- pk = cmmExprType arg
- Just f0_high = fPair f0
- case cmmTypeSize pk of
- FF64 -> do
- v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
- v2 <- getNewRegNat II32
- return (
- code `snocOL`
- FMOV FF64 src f0 `snocOL`
- ST FF32 f0 (spRel 16) `snocOL`
- LD II32 (spRel 16) v1 `snocOL`
- ST FF32 f0_high (spRel 16) `snocOL`
- LD II32 (spRel 16) v2
- ,
- [v1,v2]
- )
- FF32 -> do
- v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
- return (
- code `snocOL`
- ST FF32 src (spRel 16) `snocOL`
- LD II32 (spRel 16) v1
- ,
- [v1]
- )
- other -> do
- v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
- return (
- code `snocOL` OR False g0 (RIReg src) v1
- ,
- [v1]
- )
-outOfLineFloatOp mop =
- do
- dflags <- getDynFlagsNat
- mopExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags addImportNat CallReference $
- mkForeignLabel functionName Nothing True
- let mopLabelOrExpr = case mopExpr of
- CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) -> Left lbl
- _ -> Right mopExpr
- return (mopLabelOrExpr, reduce)
- where
- (reduce, functionName) = case mop of
- MO_F32_Exp -> (True, fsLit "exp")
- MO_F32_Log -> (True, fsLit "log")
- MO_F32_Sqrt -> (True, fsLit "sqrt")
+ return (code2, [v1])
+ -- Move an integer return value into its destination reg.
+ other -> do
+ v1 <- getNewRegNat II32
+ let code2 =
+ code `snocOL`
+ OR False g0 (RIReg src) v1
+ return (code2, [v1])
+-- | Move args from the integer vregs into which they have been
+-- marshalled, into %o0 .. %o5, and the rest onto the stack.
+move_final :: [Reg] -> [Reg] -> Int -> [Instr]
+-- all args done
+move_final [] _ offset
+ = []
+-- out of aregs; move to stack
+move_final (v:vs) [] offset
+ = ST II32 v (spRel offset)
+ : move_final vs [] (offset+1)
+-- move into an arg (%o[0..5]) reg
+move_final (v:vs) (a:az) offset
+ = OR False g0 (RIReg v) a
+ : move_final vs az offset
+-- | Assign results returned from the call into their
+-- desination regs.
+assign_code :: [CmmHinted LocalReg] -> OrdList Instr
+assign_code [] = nilOL
+assign_code [CmmHinted dest _hint]
+ = let rep = localRegType dest
+ width = typeWidth rep
+ r_dest = getRegisterReg (CmmLocal dest)
+ result
+ | isFloatType rep
+ , W32 <- width
+ = unitOL $ FMOV FF32 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
+ | isFloatType rep
+ , W64 <- width
+ = unitOL $ FMOV FF64 (RealReg $ fReg 0) r_dest
+ | not $ isFloatType rep
+ , W32 <- width
+ = unitOL $ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest
+ | not $ isFloatType rep
+ , W64 <- width
+ , r_dest_hi <- getHiVRegFromLo r_dest
+ = toOL [ mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 0) r_dest_hi
+ , mkRegRegMoveInstr (RealReg $ oReg 1) r_dest]
+ in result
+-- | Generate a call to implement an out-of-line floating point operation
+ :: CallishMachOp
+ -> NatM ( Either CLabel CmmExpr
+ , Bool)
+outOfLineFloatOp mop
+ = do let (reduce, functionName)
+ = outOfLineFloatOp_table mop
+ dflags <- getDynFlagsNat
+ mopExpr <- cmmMakeDynamicReference dflags addImportNat CallReference
+ $ mkForeignLabel functionName Nothing True
+ let mopLabelOrExpr
+ = case mopExpr of
+ CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) -> Left lbl
+ _ -> Right mopExpr
+ return (mopLabelOrExpr, reduce)
+ :: CallishMachOp
+ -> (Bool, FastString)
+outOfLineFloatOp_table mop
+ = case mop of
+ MO_F32_Exp -> (True, fsLit "exp")
+ MO_F32_Log -> (True, fsLit "log")
+ MO_F32_Sqrt -> (True, fsLit "sqrt")
+ MO_F32_Sin -> (True, fsLit "sin")
+ MO_F32_Cos -> (True, fsLit "cos")
+ MO_F32_Tan -> (True, fsLit "tan")
- MO_F32_Sin -> (True, fsLit "sin")
- MO_F32_Cos -> (True, fsLit "cos")
- MO_F32_Tan -> (True, fsLit "tan")
+ MO_F32_Asin -> (True, fsLit "asin")
+ MO_F32_Acos -> (True, fsLit "acos")
+ MO_F32_Atan -> (True, fsLit "atan")
- MO_F32_Asin -> (True, fsLit "asin")
- MO_F32_Acos -> (True, fsLit "acos")
- MO_F32_Atan -> (True, fsLit "atan")
+ MO_F32_Sinh -> (True, fsLit "sinh")
+ MO_F32_Cosh -> (True, fsLit "cosh")
+ MO_F32_Tanh -> (True, fsLit "tanh")
- MO_F32_Sinh -> (True, fsLit "sinh")
- MO_F32_Cosh -> (True, fsLit "cosh")
- MO_F32_Tanh -> (True, fsLit "tanh")
+ MO_F64_Exp -> (False, fsLit "exp")
+ MO_F64_Log -> (False, fsLit "log")
+ MO_F64_Sqrt -> (False, fsLit "sqrt")
- MO_F64_Exp -> (False, fsLit "exp")
- MO_F64_Log -> (False, fsLit "log")
- MO_F64_Sqrt -> (False, fsLit "sqrt")
+ MO_F64_Sin -> (False, fsLit "sin")
+ MO_F64_Cos -> (False, fsLit "cos")
+ MO_F64_Tan -> (False, fsLit "tan")
- MO_F64_Sin -> (False, fsLit "sin")
- MO_F64_Cos -> (False, fsLit "cos")
- MO_F64_Tan -> (False, fsLit "tan")
+ MO_F64_Asin -> (False, fsLit "asin")
+ MO_F64_Acos -> (False, fsLit "acos")
+ MO_F64_Atan -> (False, fsLit "atan")
- MO_F64_Asin -> (False, fsLit "asin")
- MO_F64_Acos -> (False, fsLit "acos")
- MO_F64_Atan -> (False, fsLit "atan")
+ MO_F64_Sinh -> (False, fsLit "sinh")
+ MO_F64_Cosh -> (False, fsLit "cosh")
+ MO_F64_Tanh -> (False, fsLit "tanh")
- MO_F64_Sinh -> (False, fsLit "sinh")
- MO_F64_Cosh -> (False, fsLit "cosh")
- MO_F64_Tanh -> (False, fsLit "tanh")
+ other -> pprPanic "outOfLineFloatOp(sparc): Unknown callish mach op "
+ (pprCallishMachOp mop)
- other -> pprPanic "outOfLineFloatOp(sparc) "
- (pprCallishMachOp mop)
#endif /* sparc_TARGET_ARCH */