path: root/docs/stg-spec
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authorEdward Z. Yang <>2015-01-27 10:43:57 -0800
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2015-01-27 11:03:02 -0800
commit0af1b73e10ccb232af568cda5acf59e5ab1eaa85 (patch)
treed504dfab95dfafc9d4dde0e69bc0b0696a65ea11 /docs/stg-spec
parentb9063703301f0d902b4bb2eb28ac27e9bc050ea0 (diff)
Add cost semantics for STG profiling.
Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/stg-spec')
5 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
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+%% Cost semantics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+heap :: 'Heap_' ::= {{ com Values on the heap }}
+ | cl :: :: HeapClosure {{ com Closure }}
+ | K args :: :: HeapConstructor {{ com Data constructor }}
+ | x :: :: HeapIndirection {{ com Indirection }}
+cost :: 'cost_' ::=
+ | alloc K :: :: AllocateCon
+ | alloc cl :: :: AllocateClosure
+ | alloc PAP :: :: AllocatePAP
+t {{ tex \theta }} :: 't_' ::=
+ | {} :: :: empty
+ | { ccs |-> cost } :: :: inject
+ | t <> t' :: :: append
+G {{ tex \Gamma }}, D {{ tex \Delta }}, T {{ tex \Theta }} :: 'G_' ::= {{ com Heap }}
+ | G [ Gp ] :: :: vn {{ com Heap with assignment }}
+Gp :: 'Gp_' ::= {{ com Heap assignment }}
+ | x |- ccs -> heap :: :: prod
+ {{ tex [[x]] \overset{[[ccs]]}{\mapsto} [[heap]] }}
+formula :: 'formula_' ::=
+ | judgement :: :: judgement
+ % all the random extra stuff we didn't want to gunk up the inductive
+ % types with...
+ | alt' = alt :: :: Galt
+ | ccs' /= ccs :: :: Gccsneq
+ | Gp in G :: :: Gin
+ | x fresh :: :: Gfresh
+v :: 'v_' ::=
+ | cl :: :: HClosureReentrant
+ | K args :: :: HConstructor
+ret :: 'ret_' ::= {{ com Return values }}
+ | a :: :: Return {{ com Normal return }}
+ | { x args } :: :: LetNoEscape {{ com Jump to let-no-escape }}
+ v <:: heap
+Jcost :: '' ::=
+ ccs , G : e >- t -> D : ret , ccs' :: :: cost :: ''
+ {{tex [[ccs]] [[,]] [[G]] [[:]] [[e]]\ \Downarrow_{[[t]]}\ [[D]] [[:]] [[ret]] [[,]] [[ccs']] }}
+ by
+ --------------------------------------- :: Lit
+ ccs, G : lit >-{}-> G : lit, ccs
+ x |- ccs0 -> v in G
+ --------------------------------------- :: Whnf
+ ccs, G : x nil >-{}-> G : x, ccs
+ ccs0, G : e >-t-> D : z, ccs'
+ --------------------------------------- :: Thunk
+ ccs, G [ x |- ccs0 -> \ u _ nil . e ] : x nil >-t-> D [ x |- ccs0 -> z ] : z, ccs'
+ f |- ccs0 -> \ r ccs1 </ yi // i /> </ xj // j /> . e in G
+ z fresh
+ --------------------------------------- :: AppUnder
+ ccs, G : f </ ai // i /> >- { ccs |-> alloc PAP } -> G [ z |- ccs -> \ r _ </ xj // j /> . f </ ai // i /> </ xj // j /> ] : z, ccs
+ % NB: PAPs not charged!
+ ccs ^ ccs0, G : e >-t-> D : z, ccs'
+ ------------------------------------------------- :: App
+ ccs, G [ f |- ccs0 -> \ r CCCS </ xi // i /> . e ] : f </ ai // i /> >-t-> D : z, ccs'
+ ccs, G : e >-t-> D : z, ccs'
+ ccs1 /= CCCS
+ ------------------------------------------------- :: AppTop
+ ccs, G [ f |- _ -> \ r ccs1 </ xi // i /> . e ] : f </ ai // i /> >-t-> D : z, ccs'
+ ccs, G : f </ ai // i /> >-t-> D : f', ccs'
+ ccs, D : f' </ bj // j /> >-t'-> T : z, ccs''
+ ---------------------------------------- :: AppOver
+ ccs, G : f </ ai // i /> </ bj // j /> >-t <> t'-> T : z, ccs''
+ z fresh
+ ---------------------------------------- :: ConApp
+ ccs, G : K </ ai // i /> >- { ccs |-> alloc K } -> G [ z |- ccs -> K </ ai // i /> ] : z, ccs
+ altj = Kk </ xi // i /> -> e'
+ ccs, G : e >- t -> D [ y |- _ -> Kk </ ai // i /> ] : y, ccs'
+ ccs, D [ y |- _ -> Kk </ ai // i /> ] : e' [ y / x ] </ [ ai / xi ] // i /> >- t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ --------------------------------------------------------------- :: Case
+ ccs, G : case e as x of </ altj // j /> >- t <> t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ y fresh
+ ccs, G [ y |- ccs -> cl ] : e [ x / y ] >- t -> D : z, ccs'
+ ------------------------------------------------------------ :: LetClosure
+ ccs, G : let x = cl in e >- { ccs |-> alloc cl } <> t -> D : z, ccs'
+ y fresh
+ ccs, G [ y |- ccs -> K </ ai // i /> ] : e [ x / y ] >- t -> D : z, ccs'
+ ------------------------------------------------------------ :: LetCon
+ ccs, G : let x = K CCCS </ ai // i /> in e >- { ccs |-> alloc K } <> t -> D : z, ccs'
+ ccs, G : e >- t -> D : { f </ ai // i /> } , ccs'
+ ccs, D : e' </ [ ai / xi ] // i /> >- t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ ------------------------------------------------------------ :: LneClosure
+ ccs, G : lne f = \ upd _ </ x // i /> . e' in e >- t <> t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ ccs, G : e >- t -> D : x , ccs'
+ ccs, D : K </ ai // i /> >- t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ --------------------------------------------------------------- :: LneCon
+ ccs, G : lne x = K _ </ ai // i /> in e >- t <> t' -> T : z, ccs''
+ ccs # cc, G : e >- t -> D : z, ccs'
+ --------------------------------------- :: SCC
+ ccs, G : scc cc e >- t -> D : z, ccs'
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+OTT_TEX = StgOtt.tex
+OTT_OPTS = -tex_show_meta false
+TARGET = stg-spec
+$(TARGET).pdf: $(TARGET).tex $(OTT_TEX)
+ latex -output-format=pdf $<
+ latex -output-format=pdf $<
+$(TARGET).tex: $(TARGET).mng $(OTT_FILES)
+ ott $(OTT_OPTS) -tex_filter $< $@ $(OTT_FILES)
+ ott -tex_wrap false $(OTT_OPTS) -o $@ $^
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f $(TARGET).pdf $(TARGET).tex $(OTT_TEX) *.aux *.fdb_latexmk *.log
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+%% defines formal version of core syntax
+%% See accompanying README file
+embed {{ tex-preamble
+ \newcommand{\coderef}[2]{\ghcfile{#1}:\texttt{#2}%
+ \newcommand{\keyword}[1]{\textbf{#1} }
+ \newcommand{\labeledjudge}[1]{\vdash_{\!\!\mathsf{#1} } }
+%% Metavariables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+metavar f, x, y, z ::= {{ com Variable names }}
+metavar K ::= {{ com Data constructor names }}
+indexvar i, j, k, n ::= {{ com Indices to be used in lists }}
+%% Syntax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+lit {{ tex \textsf{lit} }} :: 'Literal_' ::=
+ {{ com Literals, \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.lhs}{Literal} }}
+op {{ tex \textsf{op} }} :: 'StgOp_' ::=
+ {{ com Primitive operation or foreign call, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgOp} }}
+cc {{ tex \textsf{cc} }} :: 'CostCentre_' ::=
+ {{ com Cost-centre, \coderef{profiling/CostCentre.lhs}{CostCentre} }}
+ccs {{ tex \textsf{ccs} }} :: 'CostCentreStack_' ::=
+ | CCCS :: :: CurrentCCS {{ com Current cost-centre stack }}
+ {{ tex \bullet }}
+ | _ :: :: DontCareCCS {{ com Don't care cost-centre stack }}
+ | ccs ^ ccs' :: :: EnterFunCCS {{ com Function entry, \coderef{rts/Profiling.c}{enterFunCCS} }}
+ | ccs # cc :: :: PushCC {{ com Push a cost-centre, \coderef{rts/Profiling.c}{pushCostCentre} }}
+ {{ com Cost-centre stack, \coderef{profiling/CostCentre.lhs}{CostCentreStack} }}
+a, b, c :: 'StgArg_' ::= {{ com Arguments, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgArg} }}
+ | x :: :: StgVarArg {{ com Variable }}
+ | lit :: :: StgLitArg {{ com Literal }}
+args :: 'StgArgs_' ::= {{ com List of arguments }}
+ | </ ai // , // i /> :: :: List
+ | args args' :: :: Append
+ | xs :: :: CastVariables
+ | nil :: :: EmptyList
+xs :: 'Ids_' ::= {{ com List of variables }}
+ | </ xi // , // i /> :: :: List
+ | nil :: :: EmptyList
+ | xs xs' :: :: Append
+e :: 'StgExpr_' ::= {{ com Expressions, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgExpr} }}
+ | lit :: :: StgLit {{ com Literal }}
+ | x args :: :: StgApp {{ com Function application (or variable) }}
+ | K args :: :: StgConApp {{ com Saturated constructor application }}
+ | op args :: :: StgOpApp {{ com Saturated primitive application }}
+ | case e as x of </ alti // | // i /> :: :: StgCase {{ com Pattern match }}
+ | let binding in e :: :: StgLet {{ com Let binding }}
+ | lne binding in e :: :: StgLetNoEscape {{ com Let-no-escape binding }}
+ | scc cc e :: :: StgSCC {{ com Set cost-centre }}
+ | ( e ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parenthesized expression }}
+ | e' subst :: M :: Tsub
+subst :: 'Subst_' ::= {{ com List of substitutions }}
+ | [ a / x ] :: :: Mapping
+ | </ substi // i /> :: :: List
+binding :: 'StgBind_' ::= {{ com Let-bindings, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgBind} }}
+ | x = rhs :: :: StgNonRec {{ com Non-recursive binding }}
+ | rec </ xi = rhsi // and // i /> :: :: StgRec {{ com Recursive binding }}
+upd :: 'UpdateFlag_' ::= {{ com Update flag, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{UpdateFlag} }}
+ | r :: :: ReEntrant {{ com Function (re-entrant closure) }}
+ | u :: :: Updatable {{ com Thunk (updatable closure) }}
+cl :: 'StgRhsClosure_' ::= {{ com StgRhsClosure }}
+ | \ upd ccs xs . e :: :: StgRhsClosure
+rhs :: 'StgRhs_' ::= {{ com Right-hand sides, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgRhs} }}
+ | cl :: :: StgRhsClosure {{ com Closure }}
+ | K ccs args :: :: StgRhsCon {{ com Constructor }}
+ | x :: :: StgRhsIndirection {{ com Indirection (runtime only) }}
+alt :: 'StgAlt_' ::= {{ com Case alternative, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs}{StgAlt} }}
+ | K </ xi // i /> -> e :: :: StgAlt {{ com Constructor applied to fresh names }}
+terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
+ | \ :: :: lambda {{ tex \lambda }}
+ | -> :: :: arrow {{ tex \rightarrow }}
+ | |-> :: :: mapsto {{ tex \mapsto }}
+ | <> :: :: union {{ tex \mathbin{\mathaccent\cdot\cup} }}
+ | nil :: :: empty {{ tex \cdot }}
+ | /= :: :: neq {{ tex \neq }}
+ | ^ :: :: enterFun {{ tex \bowtie }}
+ | # :: :: push {{ tex \triangleright }}
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+% increase spacing between rules for ease of reading:
+\title{The Spineless Tagless G-Machine, as implemented by GHC}
+This document presents the syntax of STG, and the cost semantics utilized
+for profiling. While this document will be primarily useful for people
+looking to work on profiling in GHC, the hope is that this will eventually
+expanded to also have operational semantics for modern STG.
+While care has been taken to adhere to the behavior in GHC, these rules
+have not yet been used to perform any proofs. There is some sloppiness
+in here that probably would have to be cleaned up, especially with
+respect to let-no-escape. Some details are elided from this
+presentation, especially extra annotated data in the STG data type
+itself which is useful for code generation but not strictly necessary.
+We will use the following metavariables:
+Literals do not play a big role, so they are kept abstract:
+Primitive operations and foreign calls can influence the costs of
+an application, but because their behavior depends on the specific
+operation in question, they are kept abstract for simplicity's sake.
+Arguments in STG are restricted to be literals or variables:
+\subsection{Cost centres}
+Cost centres are abstract labels to which costs can be attributed. They
+are collected into cost centre stacks. Entering a
+function requires us to combine two cost-centre stacks ($\bowtie$),
+while entering a SCC pushes a cost-centre onto a cost-centre stack
+($\triangleright$); both of these functions are kept abstract in this
+presentation. The special current cost-centre stack ($\bullet$) occurs
+only in STG and not at runtime and indicates that the lexically current
+cost-centre should be used at runtime (see the cost semantics for details).
+Some times we do not care about the choice of cost centre stack, in which case
+we will use the don't care cost centre stack.
+The STG datatype that represents expressions:
+STG is a lot like Core, but with some differences:
+\item Function arguments must be literals or variables (thus, function application does not allocate),
+\item Constructor and primitive applications are saturated,
+\item Let-bindings can only have constructor applications or closures on the right-hand-side, and
+\item Lambdas are forbidden outside of let-bindings.
+The details of bindings for let statements:
+Closures have an update flag, which indicates whether or not they are
+functions or thunks:
+Details for case alternatives:
+\section{Runtime productions}
+In our cost semantics, we will explicitly model the heap:
+Assignments on the heap are from names to heap values with an associated
+cost-centre stack. In our model, allocation produces a fresh name which
+acts as a pointer to the value on the heap.
+Execution procedes until a return value (a literal or a variable, i.e.
+pointer to the heap) is produced. To accomodate for let-no-escape
+bindings, we also allow execution to terminate with a jump to a function
+application of a let-no-escape variable.
+Values $v$ are functions (re-entrant closures) and constructors; thunks
+are not considered vaules. Evaluation guarantees that a value will be
+Profiling also records allocation costs for creating objects on the heap:
+\section{Cost semantics}
+The judgment can be read as follows: with current cost centre $\textsf{ccs}$
+and current heap $\Gamma$, the expression $e$ evaluates to $ret$, producing
+a new heap $\Delta$ and a new current cost centre $\textsf{ccs'}$, performing
+$\theta$ allocations.
+\item These semantics disagree with the executable semantics presented
+by Simon Marlow at the Haskell Implementor's Workshop 2012. (ToDo:
+explain what the difference is.)
+\item In the \textsc{Thunk} rule, while the indirection is attributed to
+$\textsf{ccs}_0$, the result of the thunk itself ($y$) may be attributed
+to someone else.
+\item \textsc{AppUnder} and \textsc{AppOver} deal with under-saturated
+and over-saturated function application.
+The implementations of \textsc{App} rules are spread across two
+different calling conventions for functions: slow calls and
+direct calls. Direct calls handle saturated and over-applied
+cases (\coderef{codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs}{slowArgs}), while slow
+calls handle all cases (\textit{utils/genapply/GenApply.hs});
+in particular, these cases ensure that the current cost-center
+reverts to the one originally at the call site.
+\item The \textsc{App} rule demonstrates that modern GHC
+profiling uses neither evaluation scoping or lexical scoping; rather,
+it uses a hybrid of the two (though with an appropriate definition
+of $\bowtie$, either can be recovered.) The presence of cost centre stacks is one of the primary
+differences between modern GHC and Sansom'95.
+\item The \textsc{AppTop} rule utilizes $\bullet$ to notate when a
+function should influence the current cost centre stack. The data type
+used here could probably be simplified, since we never actually take
+advantage of the fact that it is a cost centre.
+\item As it turns out, the state of the current cost centre after
+evaluation is never utilized. In the original Sansom'95, this information
+was necessary to allow for the implementation of lexical scoping; in
+this presentation, all closures must live on the heap, and the cost centre
+is thus recorded there.
+\item \textsc{LneClosure} must explicitly save and reset the $\textsf{ccs}$ when the
+binding is evaluated, whereas \textsc{LetClosure} takes advantage of the
+fact that when the closure is allocated on the heap the $\text{ccs}$ is saved.
+(ToDo: But isn't there a behavior difference when the closure is re-entrant?
+Note that re-entrant/updatable is indistinguishable to a let-no-escape.)
+\item Recursive bindings have been omitted but they work in the way you would expect.