path: root/ghc/compiler/rename
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authorpartain <unknown>1996-04-07 15:44:00 +0000
committerpartain <unknown>1996-04-07 15:44:00 +0000
commitf9120c200bcf613b58d742802172fb4c08171f0d (patch)
treeeded2634a1a763253341a4290a83dbd3e339374c /ghc/compiler/rename
parente5401e80e37622869b31d646a25da413c6801bae (diff)
[project @ 1996-04-07 15:41:24 by partain]
Sansom 1.3 changes through 960407
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename')
15 files changed, 3040 insertions, 2514 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index 3b7cdf2c86..386dcbe9a2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -8,115 +8,145 @@
module Rename ( renameModule ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import PreludeGlaST ( thenPrimIO, returnPrimIO, fixPrimIO, newVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn ( ProtoNameHsModule(..) )
-import RnHsSyn ( RenamedHsModule(..) )
-import Bag ( isEmptyBag, unionBags )
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_UseGetMentionedVars )
-import ErrUtils ( Error(..) )
-import Pretty ( Pretty(..){-ToDo:rm?-} )
-import RnMonad12 ( initRn12 )
-import RnMonad4 ( initRn4 )
-import RnPass1
-import RnPass2
-import RnPass3
-import RnPass4
-import RnUtils ( PreludeNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMappers(..) )
+import RdrHsSyn ( RdrNameHsModule(..), RdrNameImportDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn ( RnName, RenamedHsModule(..), isRnTyCon, isRnClass )
+import RnMonad
+import RnNames ( getGlobalNames, GlobalNameInfo(..) )
+import RnSource ( rnSource )
+import RnIfaces ( rnInterfaces, finalIfaceInfo, VersionInfo(..), ParsedIface )
+import RnUtils ( extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv, multipleOccWarn )
+import MainMonad
+import Bag ( isEmptyBag, unionBags, bagToList, listToBag )
+import ErrUtils ( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, eltsFM )
+import Name ( Name, RdrName(..) )
+import Outputable ( getOrigNameRdr, isLocallyDefined )
+import PrelInfo ( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import UniqFM ( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply )
-import Util ( panic )
+import Util ( panic, assertPanic )
-Here's what the renamer does, basically:
-Flattens out the declarations from the interfaces which this module
-imports. The result is a new module with no imports, but with more
-declarations. (Obviously, the imported declarations have ``funny
-names'' [@ProtoNames@] to indicate their origin.) Handles selective
-import, renaming, \& such.
-Removes duplicate declarations. Duplicates can arise when two
-imported interface have a signature (or whatever) for the same
-thing. We check that the two are consistent and then drop one.
-Considerable huff and puff to pick the one with the ``better''
-pragmatic information.
-Find all the top-level-ish (i.e., global) entities, assign them
-@Uniques@, and make a \tr{ProtoName -> Name} mapping for them,
-in preparation for...
-Actually prepare the ``renamed'' module. In sticking @Names@ on
-everything, it will catch out-of-scope errors (and a couple of similar
-type-variable-use errors). We also our initial dependency analysis of
-the program (required before typechecking).
+findHiFiles :: PrimIO (FiniteMap Module FAST_STRING)
+findHiFiles = returnPrimIO emptyFM
-renameModule :: PreludeNameMappers -- lookup funs for deeply wired-in names
- -> ProtoNameHsModule -- input
+renameModule :: BuiltinNames
+ -> BuiltinKeys
-> UniqSupply
- -> (RenamedHsModule, -- output, after renaming
- Bag FAST_STRING, -- Names of the imported modules
- -- (profiling needs to know this)
- GlobalNameMappers, -- final name funs; used later
- -- to rename generated `deriving'
- -- bindings.
- Bag Error -- Errors, from passes 1-4
+ -> RdrNameHsModule
+ -> MainIO
+ (
+ RenamedHsModule, -- output, after renaming
+ [Module], -- imported modules; for profiling
+ VersionInfo, -- version info; for usage
+ [Module], -- instance modules; for iface
+ Bag Error,
+ Bag Warning
--- Very space-leak sensitive
+ToDo: May want to arrange to return old interface for this module!
+ToDo: Return OrigName RnEnv to rename derivings etc with.
+ToDo: Builtin names which must be read.
+ToDo: Deal with instances (instance version, this module on instance list ???)
-renameModule gnfs@(val_pnf, tc_pnf)
- input@(HsModule mod_name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
- uniqs
- = let
- use_mentioned_vars = opt_UseGetMentionedVars
- in
- case (initRn12 mod_name (rnModule1 gnfs use_mentioned_vars input))
- of { ((mod1, imported_module_names), errs1) ->
+renameModule b_names b_keys us
+ input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ = findHiFiles `thenPrimIO` \ hi_files ->
+ newVar (emptyFM, hi_files) `thenPrimIO` \ iface_var ->
- case (initRn12 mod_name (rnModule2 mod1)) of { (mod2, errs2) ->
+ fixPrimIO ( \ (_, _, _, _, rec_occ_fm, rec_export_fn) ->
+ let
+ rec_occ_fn :: Name -> [RdrName]
+ rec_occ_fn n = case lookupUFM rec_occ_fm n of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just (rn,occs) -> occs
- case (splitUniqSupply uniqs) of { (us1, us2) ->
+ global_name_info = (b_names, b_keys, rec_export_fn, rec_occ_fn)
+ in
+ getGlobalNames iface_var global_name_info us1 input
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (occ_env, imp_mods, imp_fixes, top_errs, top_warns) ->
- case (initRn3 (rnModule3 gnfs imported_module_names mod2) us1)
- of { (val_space, tc_space, v_gnf, tc_gnf, errs3) ->
+ if not (isEmptyBag top_errs) then
+ returnPrimIO (rn_panic, rn_panic, top_errs, top_warns, emptyUFM, rn_panic)
+ else
+ -- No top-level name errors so rename source ...
+ case initRn True mod occ_env us2
+ (rnSource imp_mods imp_fixes input) of {
+ ((rn_module, export_fn, src_occs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
- final_name_funs = (v_gnf, tc_gnf)
+ occ_fm :: UniqFM (RnName, [RdrName])
+ occ_list = [ (rn,(rn,[occ])) | (rn,occ) <- bagToList src_occs]
+ occ_fm = addListToUFM_C insert_occ emptyUFM occ_list
- errs_so_far = errs1 `unionBags` errs2 `unionBags` errs3
- -- see note below about why we consult errs at this pt
+ insert_occ (rn,olds) (rn',[new]) = (rn, insert new olds)
+ insert new [] = [new]
+ insert new xxs@(x:xs) = case cmp new x of LT_ -> new : xxs
+ EQ_ -> xxs
+ GT__ -> x : insert new xs
+ occ_warns = map multipleOccWarn (filter multiple_occs (eltsUFM occ_fm))
+ multiple_occs (rn, (o1:o2:_)) = True
+ multiple_occs _ = False
- if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then -- give up now
- ( panic "rename", imported_module_names, final_name_funs, errs_so_far )
+ returnPrimIO (rn_module, imp_mods,
+ top_errs `unionBags` src_errs,
+ top_warns `unionBags` src_warns `unionBags` listToBag occ_warns,
+ occ_fm, export_fn)
+ }) `thenPrimIO` \ (rn_module, imp_mods, errs_so_far, warns_so_far, occ_fm, _) ->
+ if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then
+ returnMn (rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic,
+ errs_so_far, warns_so_far)
- case (initRn4 final_name_funs (rnModule mod2) us2)
- of { (mod4, errs4) ->
- ( mod4, imported_module_names, final_name_funs, errs4 ) }
- }}}}
+ -- No errors renaming source so rename the interfaces ...
+ let
+ imports_used = [ rn | (rn,_) <- eltsUFM occ_fm, not (isLocallyDefined rn) ]
+ (import_tcs, import_vals) = partition (\ rn -> isRnTyCon rn || isRnClass rn) imports_used
+ (orig_env, orig_dups) = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pair_orig import_vals)
+ (map pair_orig import_tcs)
+ pair_orig rn = (getOrigNameRdr rn, rn)
-Why stop if errors in the first three passes: Suppose you're compiling
-a module with a top-level definition named \tr{scaleFloat}. Sadly,
-this is also a Prelude class-method name. \tr{rnModule3} will have
-detected this error, but: it will also have picked (arbitrarily) one
-of the two definitions for its final ``value'' name-function. If, by
-chance, it should have picked the class-method... when it comes to pin
-a Unique on the top-level (bogus) \tr{scaleFloat}, it will ask for the
-class-method's Unique (!); it doesn't have one, and you will get a
-Another way to handle this would be for the duplicate detector to
-clobber duplicates with some ``safe'' value. Then things would be
-fine in \tr{rnModule}. Maybe some other time...
+ -- ToDo: Do we need top-level names from this module in orig_env ???
+ in
+ ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_dups)
+ rnInterfaces iface_var orig_env us3 rn_module imports_used
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (rn_module_with_imports,
+ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm),
+ iface_errs, iface_warns) ->
+ let
+ all_imports_used = imports_used ++ eltsFM implicit_tc_fm ++ eltsFM implicit_val_fm
+ in
+ finalIfaceInfo iface_var all_imports_used imp_mods
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (version_info, instance_mods) ->
+ returnMn (rn_module_with_imports, imp_mods,
+ version_info, instance_mods,
+ errs_so_far `unionBags` iface_errs,
+ warns_so_far `unionBags` iface_warns)
+ where
+ rn_panic = panic "renameModule: aborted with errors"
+ (us1, us') = splitUniqSupply us
+ (us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply us'
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d934449ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnBinds]{Renaming and dependency analysis of bindings}
+This module does renaming and dependency analysis on value bindings in
+the abstract syntax. It does {\em not} do cycle-checks on class or
+type-synonym declarations; those cannot be done at this stage because
+they may be affected by renaming (which isn't fully worked out yet).
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnBinds (
+ rnTopBinds,
+ rnMethodBinds,
+ rnBinds,
+ FreeVars(..),
+ DefinedVars(..)
+ ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop -- break the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loops
+import HsSyn
+import HsPragmas ( isNoGenPragmas, noGenPragmas )
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnExpr ( rnMatch, rnGRHSsAndBinds, rnPat )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_SigsRequired )
+import Digraph ( stronglyConnComp )
+import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine )
+import Name ( RdrName )
+import Maybes ( catMaybes )
+import Pretty
+import UniqSet ( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet, mkUniqSet,
+ unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
+ elementOfUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
+import Util ( thenCmp, isIn, removeDups, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
+-- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
+-- place and can be used when complaining.
+The code tree received by the function @rnBinds@ contains definitions
+in where-clauses which are all apparently mutually recursive, but which may
+not really depend upon each other. For example, in the top level program
+f x = y where a = x
+ y = x
+the definitions of @a@ and @y@ do not depend on each other at all.
+Unfortunately, the typechecker cannot always check such definitions.
+\footnote{Mycroft, A. 1984. Polymorphic type schemes and recursive
+definitions. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Programming,
+Toulouse, pp. 217-39. LNCS 167. Springer Verlag.}
+However, the typechecker usually can check definitions in which only the
+strongly connected components have been collected into recursive bindings.
+This is precisely what the function @rnBinds@ does.
+ToDo: deal with case where a single monobinds binds the same variable
+Sets of variable names are represented as sets explicitly, rather than lists.
+type DefinedVars = UniqSet RnName
+type FreeVars = UniqSet RnName
+i.e., binders.
+The vertag tag is a unique @Int@; the tags only need to be unique
+within one @MonoBinds@, so that unique-Int plumbing is done explicitly
+(heavy monad machinery not needed).
+type VertexTag = Int
+type Cycle = [VertexTag]
+type Edge = (VertexTag, VertexTag)
+%* *
+%* naming conventions *
+%* *
+\subsection[name-conventions]{Name conventions}
+The basic algorithm involves walking over the tree and returning a tuple
+containing the new tree plus its free variables. Some functions, such
+as those walking polymorphic bindings (HsBinds) and qualifier lists in
+list comprehensions (@Quals@), return the variables bound in local
+environments. These are then used to calculate the free variables of the
+expression evaluated in these environments.
+Conventions for variable names are as follows:
+new code is given a prime to distinguish it from the old.
+a set of variables defined in @Exp@ is written @dvExp@
+a set of variables free in @Exp@ is written @fvExp@
+%* *
+%* analysing polymorphic bindings (HsBinds, Bind, MonoBinds) *
+%* *
+\subsubsection[dep-HsBinds]{Polymorphic bindings}
+Non-recursive expressions are reconstructed without any changes at top
+level, although their component expressions may have to be altered.
+However, non-recursive expressions are currently not expected as
+\Haskell{} programs, and this code should not be executed.
+Monomorphic bindings contain information that is returned in a tuple
+(a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@) containing:
+a unique @Int@ that serves as the ``vertex tag'' for this binding.
+the name of a function or the names in a pattern. These are a set
+referred to as @dvLhs@, the defined variables of the left hand side.
+the free variables of the body. These are referred to as @fvBody@.
+the definition's actual code. This is referred to as just @code@.
+The function @nonRecDvFv@ returns two sets of variables. The first is
+the set of variables defined in the set of monomorphic bindings, while the
+second is the set of free variables in those bindings.
+The set of variables defined in a non-recursive binding is just the
+union of all of them, as @union@ removes duplicates. However, the
+free variables in each successive set of cumulative bindings is the
+union of those in the previous set plus those of the newest binding after
+the defined variables of the previous set have been removed.
+@rnMethodBinds@ deals only with the declarations in class and
+instance declarations. It expects only to see @FunMonoBind@s, and
+it expects the global environment to contain bindings for the binders
+(which are all class operations).
+rnTopBinds :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsBinds
+rnMethodBinds :: RnName{-class-} -> RdrNameMonoBinds -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedMonoBinds
+rnBinds :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnTopBinds EmptyBinds = returnRn EmptyBinds
+rnTopBinds (SingleBind (RecBind bind)) = rnTopMonoBinds bind []
+rnTopBinds (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnTopMonoBinds bind sigs
+ -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnMethodBinds class_name EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn EmptyMonoBinds
+rnMethodBinds class_name (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
+ = andRn AndMonoBinds (rnMethodBinds class_name mb1)
+ (rnMethodBinds class_name mb2)
+rnMethodBinds class_name (FunMonoBind occname matches locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp class_name occname `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch matches `thenRn` \ (new_matches, _) ->
+ returnRn (FunMonoBind op_name new_matches locn)
+rnMethodBinds class_name (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn occname) grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp class_name occname `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds `thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', _) ->
+ returnRn (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn op_name) grhss_and_binds' locn)
+-- Can't handle method pattern-bindings which bind multiple methods.
+rnMethodBinds _ mbind@(PatMonoBind other_pat _ locn)
+ = failButContinueRn EmptyMonoBinds (methodBindErr mbind locn)
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnBinds EmptyBinds = returnRn (EmptyBinds,emptyUniqSet,[])
+rnBinds (SingleBind (RecBind bind)) = rnNestedMonoBinds bind []
+rnBinds (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnNestedMonoBinds bind sigs
+ -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+ - collects up the binders for this declaration group,
+ - checkes that they form a set
+ - extends the environment to bind them to new local names
+ - calls @rnMonoBinds@ to do the real work
+In contrast, @rnTopMonoBinds@ doesn't extend the environment, because that's
+already done in pass3. All it does is call @rnMonoBinds@ and discards
+the free var info.
+rnTopMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds -> [RdrNameSig] -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds sigs = returnRn EmptyBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds mbs sigs
+ = rnBindSigs True{-top-level-} (collectMonoBinders mbs) sigs `thenRn` \ siglist ->
+ rnMonoBinds mbs siglist `thenRn` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+ returnRn new_binds
+rnNestedMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds -> [RdrNameSig]
+ -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnNestedMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds sigs
+ = returnRn (EmptyBinds, emptyUniqSet, [])
+rnNestedMonoBinds mbinds sigs -- Non-empty monobinds
+ =
+ -- Extract all the binders in this group,
+ -- and extend current scope, inventing new names for the new binders
+ -- This also checks that the names form a set
+ let
+ mbinders_w_srclocs = collectMonoBindersAndLocs mbinds
+ mbinders = map fst mbinders_w_srclocs
+ in
+ newLocalNames "variable"
+ mbinders_w_srclocs `thenRn` \ new_mbinders ->
+ extendSS2 new_mbinders (
+ rnBindSigs False{-not top- level-} mbinders sigs `thenRn` \ siglist ->
+ rnMonoBinds mbinds siglist
+ ) `thenRn` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+ returnRn (new_binds, fv_set, new_mbinders)
+@rnMonoBinds@ is used by *both* top-level and nested bindings. It
+assumes that all variables bound in this group are already in scope.
+This is done *either* by pass 3 (for the top-level bindings),
+*or* by @rnNestedMonoBinds@ (for the nested ones).
+rnMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds
+ -> [RenamedSig] -- Signatures attached to this group
+ -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars)
+rnMonoBinds mbinds siglist
+ =
+ -- Rename the bindings, returning a MonoBindsInfo
+ -- which is a list of indivisible vertices so far as
+ -- the strongly-connected-components (SCC) analysis is concerned
+ flattenMonoBinds 0 siglist mbinds `thenRn` \ (_, mbinds_info) ->
+ -- Do the SCC analysis
+ let vertices = mkVertices mbinds_info
+ edges = mkEdges vertices mbinds_info
+ scc_result = stronglyConnComp (==) edges vertices
+ -- Deal with bound and free-var calculation
+ rhs_free_vars = foldr f emptyUniqSet mbinds_info
+ final_binds = reconstructRec scc_result edges mbinds_info
+ happy_answer = returnRn (final_binds, rhs_free_vars)
+ in
+ case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds final_binds) of
+ Nothing -> happy_answer
+ Just names_n_locns ->
+-- SLPJ: sometimes want recursive INLINE for worker wrapper style stuff
+-- addErrRn (inlineInRecursiveBindsErr names_n_locns) `thenRn_`
+ {-not so-}happy_answer
+ where
+ f :: (a,b, FreeVars, c,d) -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+ f (_, _, fvs_body, _, _) fvs_sofar = fvs_sofar `unionUniqSets` fvs_body
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (BindWith (RecBind _) sigs)
+ = case [(n, locn) | (InlineSig n locn) <- sigs ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ sigh ->
+ Just sigh
+ -- Allow INLINEd recursive functions if they are
+ -- designated DEFORESTable too.
+ case [(n, locn) | (DeforestSig n locn) <- sigs ] of
+ [] -> Just sigh
+ sigh -> Nothing
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (ThenBinds b1 b2)
+ = case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b1) of
+ Nothing -> inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b2
+ Just x -> Just x -- NB: won't report error(s) in b2
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds anything_else = Nothing
+@flattenMonoBinds@ is ever-so-slightly magical in that it sticks
+unique ``vertex tags'' on its output; minor plumbing required.
+flattenMonoBinds :: Int -- Next free vertex tag
+ -> [RenamedSig] -- Signatures
+ -> RdrNameMonoBinds
+ -> RnM_Fixes s (Int, FlatMonoBindsInfo)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn (uniq, [])
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds mB1 mB2)
+ = flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs mB1 `thenRn` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
+ flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs mB2 `thenRn` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
+ returnRn (uniq2, flat1 ++ flat2)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds `thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
+ -- Find which things are bound in this group
+ let
+ names_bound_here = collectPatBinders pat'
+ sigs_etc_for_here = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n `is_elem` names_bound_here))
+ [] sigs
+ sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_etc_for_here
+ is_elem = isIn "flattenMonoBinds"
+ in
+ returnRn (
+ uniq + 1,
+ [(uniq,
+ mkUniqSet names_bound_here,
+ fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+ PatMonoBind pat' grhss_and_binds' locn,
+ sigs_etc_for_here
+ )]
+ )
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (FunMonoBind name matches locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupValue name `thenRn` \ name' ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch matches `thenRn` \ (new_matches, fv_lists) ->
+ let
+ fvs = unionManyUniqSets fv_lists
+ sigs_for_me = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n == name')) [] sigs
+ sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_for_me
+ in
+ returnRn (
+ uniq + 1,
+ [(uniq,
+ unitUniqSet name',
+ fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+ FunMonoBind name' new_matches locn,
+ sigs_for_me
+ )]
+ )
+Grab type-signatures/user-pragmas of interest:
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(Sig n _ _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(InlineSig n _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(DeforestSig n _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(SpecSig n _ _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _)
+ | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc other_wise = acc
+-- If a SPECIALIZE pragma is of the "... = blah" form,
+-- then we'd better make sure "blah" is taken into
+-- acct in the dependency analysis (or we get an
+-- unexpected out-of-scope error)! WDP 95/07
+sig_fv (SpecSig _ _ (Just blah) _) acc = acc `unionUniqSets` unitUniqSet blah
+sig_fv _ acc = acc
+%* *
+\subsection[reconstruct-deps]{Reconstructing dependencies}
+%* *
+This @MonoBinds@- and @ClassDecls@-specific code is segregated here,
+as the two cases are similar.
+reconstructRec :: [Cycle] -- Result of SCC analysis; at least one
+ -> [Edge] -- Original edges
+ -> FlatMonoBindsInfo
+ -> RenamedHsBinds
+reconstructRec cycles edges mbi
+ = foldr1 ThenBinds (map (reconstructCycle mbi) cycles)
+ where
+ reconstructCycle :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> Cycle -> RenamedHsBinds
+ reconstructCycle mbi2 cycle
+ = BIND [(binds,sigs) | (vertex, _, _, binds, sigs) <- mbi2, vertex `is_elem` cycle]
+ _TO_ relevant_binds_and_sigs ->
+ BIND (unzip relevant_binds_and_sigs) _TO_ (binds, sig_lists) ->
+ BIND (foldr AndMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds binds) _TO_ this_gp_binds ->
+ let
+ this_gp_sigs = foldr1 (++) sig_lists
+ have_sigs = not (null sig_lists)
+ -- ToDo: this might not be the right
+ -- thing to call this predicate;
+ -- e.g. "have_sigs [[], [], []]" ???????????
+ in
+ mk_binds this_gp_binds this_gp_sigs (isCyclic edges cycle) have_sigs
+ where
+ is_elem = isIn "reconstructRec"
+ mk_binds :: RenamedMonoBinds -> [RenamedSig]
+ -> Bool -> Bool -> RenamedHsBinds
+ mk_binds bs ss True False = SingleBind (RecBind bs)
+ mk_binds bs ss True True{-have sigs-} = BindWith (RecBind bs) ss
+ mk_binds bs ss False False = SingleBind (NonRecBind bs)
+ mk_binds bs ss False True{-have sigs-} = BindWith (NonRecBind bs) ss
+ -- moved from Digraph, as this is the only use here
+ -- (avoid overloading cost). We have to use elem
+ -- (not FiniteMaps or whatever), because there may be
+ -- many edges out of one vertex. We give it its own
+ -- "elem" just for speed.
+ isCyclic es [] = panic "isCyclic: empty component"
+ isCyclic es [v] = (v,v) `elem` es
+ isCyclic es vs = True
+ elem _ [] = False
+ elem x (y:ys) = x==y || elem x ys
+%* *
+%* Manipulating FlatMonoBindInfo *
+%* *
+During analysis a @MonoBinds@ is flattened to a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@.
+The @RenamedMonoBinds@ is always an empty bind, a pattern binding or
+a function binding, and has itself been dependency-analysed and
+type FlatMonoBindsInfo
+ = [(VertexTag, -- Identifies the vertex
+ UniqSet RnName, -- Set of names defined in this vertex
+ UniqSet RnName, -- Set of names used in this vertex
+ RenamedMonoBinds, -- Binding for this vertex (always just one binding, either fun or pat)
+ [RenamedSig]) -- Signatures, if any, for this vertex
+ ]
+mkVertices :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [VertexTag]
+mkVertices info = [ vertex | (vertex,_,_,_,_) <- info]
+mkEdges :: [VertexTag] -> FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [Edge]
+mkEdges vertices flat_info
+ -- An edge (v,v') indicates that v depends on v'
+ = [ (source_vertex, target_vertex)
+ | (source_vertex, _, used_names, _, _) <- flat_info,
+ target_name <- uniqSetToList used_names,
+ target_vertex <- vertices_defining target_name flat_info
+ ]
+ where
+ -- If each name only has one binding in this group, then
+ -- vertices_defining will always return the empty list, or a
+ -- singleton. The case when there is more than one binding (an
+ -- error) needs more thought.
+ vertices_defining name flat_info2
+ = [ vertex | (vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info2,
+ name `elementOfUniqSet` names_defined
+ ]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[dep-Sigs]{Signatures (and user-pragmas for values)}
+%* *
+@rnBindSigs@ checks for: (a)~more than one sig for one thing;
+(b)~signatures given for things not bound here; (c)~with suitably
+flaggery, that all top-level things have type signatures.
+rnBindSigs :: Bool -- True <=> top-level binders
+ -> [RdrName] -- Binders for this decl group
+ -> [RdrNameSig]
+ -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedSig] -- List of Sig constructors
+rnBindSigs is_toplev binder_occnames sigs
+ =
+ -- Rename the signatures
+ -- Will complain about sigs for variables not in this group
+ mapRn rename_sig sigs `thenRn` \ sigs_maybe ->
+ let
+ sigs' = catMaybes sigs_maybe
+ -- Discard unbound ones we've already complained about, so we
+ -- complain about duplicate ones.
+ (goodies, dups) = removeDups compare (filter not_unbound sigs')
+ in
+ mapRn (addErrRn . dupSigDeclErr) dups `thenRn_`
+ getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ locn ->
+ (if (is_toplev && opt_SigsRequired) then
+ let
+ sig_frees = catMaybes (map (sig_free sigs) binder_occnames)
+ in
+ mapRn (addErrRn . missingSigErr locn) sig_frees
+ else
+ returnRn []
+ ) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn sigs' -- bad ones and all:
+ -- we need bindings of *some* sort for every name
+ where
+ rename_sig (Sig v ty pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+ addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "type signature" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ ASSERT(isNoGenPragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (Just (Sig new_v new_ty noGenPragmas src_loc))
+ -- and now, the various flavours of value-modifying user-pragmas:
+ rename_sig (SpecSig v ty using src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+ addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "SPECIALIZE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ rn_using using `thenRn` \ new_using ->
+ returnRn (Just (SpecSig new_v new_ty new_using src_loc))
+ where
+ rn_using Nothing = returnRn Nothing
+ rn_using (Just x) = lookupValue x `thenRn` \ new_x ->
+ returnRn (Just new_x)
+ rename_sig (InlineSig v src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+ addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "INLINE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn (Just (InlineSig new_v src_loc))
+ rename_sig (DeforestSig v src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+ addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "DEFOREST pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn (Just (DeforestSig new_v src_loc))
+ rename_sig (MagicUnfoldingSig v str src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+ addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn (Just (MagicUnfoldingSig new_v str src_loc))
+ not_unbound :: RenamedSig -> Bool
+ not_unbound (Sig n _ _ _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+ not_unbound (SpecSig n _ _ _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+ not_unbound (InlineSig n _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+ not_unbound (DeforestSig n _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+ not_unbound (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+ -------------------------------------
+ sig_free :: [RdrNameSig] -> RdrName -> Maybe RdrName
+ -- Return "Just x" if "x" has no type signature in
+ -- sigs. Nothing, otherwise.
+ sig_free [] ny = Just ny
+ sig_free (Sig nx _ _ _ : rest) ny
+ = if (nx == ny) then Nothing else sig_free rest ny
+ sig_free (_ : rest) ny = sig_free rest ny
+ -------------------------------------
+ compare :: RenamedSig -> RenamedSig -> TAG_
+ compare (Sig n1 _ _ _) (Sig n2 _ _ _) = n1 `cmp` n2
+ compare (InlineSig n1 _) (InlineSig n2 _) = n1 `cmp` n2
+ compare (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) (MagicUnfoldingSig n2 _ _) = n1 `cmp` n2
+ compare (SpecSig n1 ty1 _ _) (SpecSig n2 ty2 _ _)
+ = -- may have many specialisations for one value;
+ -- but not ones that are exactly the same...
+ thenCmp (n1 `cmp` n2) (cmpPolyType cmp ty1 ty2)
+ compare other_1 other_2 -- tags *must* be different
+ = let tag1 = tag other_1
+ tag2 = tag other_2
+ in
+ if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
+ tag (Sig n1 _ _ _) = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
+ tag (SpecSig n1 _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
+ tag (InlineSig n1 _) = ILIT(3)
+ tag (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) = ILIT(4)
+ tag (DeforestSig n1 _) = ILIT(5)
+ tag _ = panic# "tag(RnBinds)"
+%* *
+\subsection{Error messages}
+%* *
+dupSigDeclErr sigs
+ = let
+ undup_sigs = fst (removeDups cmp_sig sigs)
+ in
+ addErrLoc locn1
+ ("more than one "++what_it_is++"\n\thas been given for these variables") ( \ sty ->
+ ppAboves (map (ppr sty) undup_sigs) )
+ where
+ (what_it_is, locn1)
+ = case (head sigs) of
+ Sig _ _ _ loc -> ("type signature",loc)
+ ClassOpSig _ _ _ loc -> ("class-method type signature", loc)
+ SpecSig _ _ _ loc -> ("SPECIALIZE pragma",loc)
+ InlineSig _ loc -> ("INLINE pragma",loc)
+ MagicUnfoldingSig _ _ loc -> ("MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma",loc)
+ cmp_sig a b = get_name a `cmp` get_name b
+ get_name (Sig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (ClassOpSig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (SpecSig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (InlineSig n _) = n
+ get_name (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = n
+methodBindErr mbind locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "Can't handle multiple methods defined by one pattern binding"
+ (\ sty -> ppr sty mbind)
+missingSigErr locn var
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "a definition but no type signature for `",
+ ppr sty var,
+ ppStr "'."])
+unknownSigDeclErr flavor var locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr flavor, ppStr " but no definition for `",
+ ppr sty var,
+ ppStr "'."])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86ba6803bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnExpr]{Renaming of expressions}
+Basically dependency analysis.
+Handles @Match@, @GRHSsAndBinds@, @HsExpr@, and @Qual@ datatypes. In
+general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of
+free variables.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnExpr (
+ rnMatch, rnGRHSsAndBinds, rnPat
+ ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop -- break the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loops
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc )
+import Name ( isLocallyDefinedName, Name, RdrName )
+import Outputable ( pprOp )
+import Pretty
+import UniqFM ( lookupUFM )
+import UniqSet ( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet,
+ unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
+ UniqSet(..) )
+import Util ( Ord3(..), panic )
+* *
+* *
+rnPat :: RdrNamePat -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPat
+rnPat WildPatIn = returnRn WildPatIn
+rnPat (VarPatIn name)
+ = lookupValue name `thenRn` \ vname ->
+ returnRn (VarPatIn vname)
+rnPat (LitPatIn n) = returnRn (LitPatIn n)
+rnPat (LazyPatIn pat)
+ = rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ returnRn (LazyPatIn pat')
+rnPat (AsPatIn name pat)
+ = rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ lookupValue name `thenRn` \ vname ->
+ returnRn (AsPatIn vname pat')
+rnPat (ConPatIn name pats)
+ = lookupValue name `thenRn` \ name' ->
+ mapRn rnPat pats `thenRn` \ patslist ->
+ returnRn (ConPatIn name' patslist)
+rnPat (ConOpPatIn pat1 name pat2)
+ = lookupValue name `thenRn` \ name' ->
+ rnPat pat1 `thenRn` \ pat1' ->
+ rnPat pat2 `thenRn` \ pat2' ->
+ precParsePat (ConOpPatIn pat1' name' pat2')
+rnPat neg@(NegPatIn pat)
+ = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ addErrIfRn (not (is_lit pat)) (negPatErr neg src_loc)
+ `thenRn_`
+ rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ returnRn (NegPatIn pat')
+ where
+ is_lit (LitPatIn _) = True
+ is_lit _ = False
+rnPat (ParPatIn pat)
+ = rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ returnRn (ParPatIn pat')
+rnPat (ListPatIn pats)
+ = mapRn rnPat pats `thenRn` \ patslist ->
+ returnRn (ListPatIn patslist)
+rnPat (TuplePatIn pats)
+ = mapRn rnPat pats `thenRn` \ patslist ->
+ returnRn (TuplePatIn patslist)
+rnPat (RecPatIn con rpats)
+ = panic "rnPat:RecPatIn"
+* *
+* *
+rnMatch :: RdrNameMatch -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedMatch, FreeVars)
+rnMatch match
+ = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ newLocalNames "variable in pattern"
+ (binders `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+ extendSS2 new_binders (rnMatch_aux match)
+ where
+ binders = collect_binders match
+ collect_binders :: RdrNameMatch -> [RdrName]
+ collect_binders (GRHSMatch _) = []
+ collect_binders (PatMatch pat match)
+ = collectPatBinders pat ++ collect_binders match
+rnMatch_aux (PatMatch pat match)
+ = rnPat pat `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ rnMatch_aux match `thenRn` \ (match', fvMatch) ->
+ returnRn (PatMatch pat' match', fvMatch)
+rnMatch_aux (GRHSMatch grhss_and_binds)
+ = rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds `thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
+ returnRn (GRHSMatch grhss_and_binds', fvs)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Guarded right-hand sides (GRHSsAndBinds)}
+%* *
+rnGRHSsAndBinds :: RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedGRHSsAndBinds, FreeVars)
+rnGRHSsAndBinds (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhss binds)
+ = rnBinds binds `thenRn` \ (binds', fvBinds, scope) ->
+ extendSS2 scope (rnGRHSs grhss) `thenRn` \ (grhss', fvGRHS) ->
+ returnRn (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhss' binds', fvBinds `unionUniqSets` fvGRHS)
+ where
+ rnGRHSs [] = returnRn ([], emptyUniqSet)
+ rnGRHSs (grhs:grhss)
+ = rnGRHS grhs `thenRn` \ (grhs', fvs) ->
+ rnGRHSs grhss `thenRn` \ (grhss', fvss) ->
+ returnRn (grhs' : grhss', fvs `unionUniqSets` fvss)
+ rnGRHS (GRHS guard expr locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ rnExpr guard `thenRn` \ (guard', fvsg) ->
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvse) ->
+ returnRn (GRHS guard' expr' locn, fvsg `unionUniqSets` fvse)
+ rnGRHS (OtherwiseGRHS expr locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+ returnRn (OtherwiseGRHS expr' locn, fvs)
+%* *
+%* *
+rnExprs :: [RdrNameHsExpr] -> RnM_Fixes s ([RenamedHsExpr], FreeVars)
+rnExprs [] = returnRn ([], emptyUniqSet)
+rnExprs (expr:exprs)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ rnExprs exprs `thenRn` \ (exprs', fvExprs) ->
+ returnRn (expr':exprs', fvExpr `unionUniqSets` fvExprs)
+Variables. We look up the variable and return the resulting name. The
+interesting question is what the free-variable set should be. We
+don't want to return imported or prelude things as free vars. So we
+look at the RnName returned from the lookup, and make it part of the
+free-var set iff if it's a LocallyDefined RnName.
+ToDo: what about RnClassOps ???
+rnExpr :: RdrNameHsExpr -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsExpr, FreeVars)
+rnExpr (HsVar v)
+ = lookupValue v `thenRn` \ vname ->
+ returnRn (HsVar vname, fv_set vname)
+ where
+ fv_set vname@(RnName n)
+ | isLocallyDefinedName n = unitUniqSet vname
+ | otherwise = emptyUniqSet
+rnExpr (HsLit lit)
+ = returnRn (HsLit lit, emptyUniqSet)
+rnExpr (HsLam match)
+ = rnMatch match `thenRn` \ (match', fvMatch) ->
+ returnRn (HsLam match', fvMatch)
+rnExpr (HsApp fun arg)
+ = rnExpr fun `thenRn` \ (fun',fvFun) ->
+ rnExpr arg `thenRn` \ (arg',fvArg) ->
+ returnRn (HsApp fun' arg', fvFun `unionUniqSets` fvArg)
+rnExpr (OpApp e1 op e2)
+ = rnExpr e1 `thenRn` \ (e1', fvs_e1) ->
+ rnExpr op `thenRn` \ (op', fvs_op) ->
+ rnExpr e2 `thenRn` \ (e2', fvs_e2) ->
+ precParseExpr (OpApp e1' op' e2') `thenRn` \ exp ->
+ returnRn (exp, (fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_e1) `unionUniqSets` fvs_e2)
+rnExpr (NegApp e)
+ = rnExpr e `thenRn` \ (e', fvs_e) ->
+ returnRn (NegApp e', fvs_e)
+rnExpr (HsPar e)
+ = rnExpr e `thenRn` \ (e', fvs_e) ->
+ returnRn (HsPar e', fvs_e)
+rnExpr (SectionL expr op)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+ rnExpr op `thenRn` \ (op', fvs_op) ->
+ returnRn (SectionL expr' op', fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (SectionR op expr)
+ = rnExpr op `thenRn` \ (op', fvs_op) ->
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+ returnRn (SectionR op' expr', fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (CCall fun args may_gc is_casm fake_result_ty)
+ = rnExprs args `thenRn` \ (args', fvs_args) ->
+ returnRn (CCall fun args' may_gc is_casm fake_result_ty, fvs_args)
+rnExpr (HsSCC label expr)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+ returnRn (HsSCC label expr', fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (HsCase expr ms src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (new_expr, e_fvs) ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch ms `thenRn` \ (new_ms, ms_fvs) ->
+ returnRn (HsCase new_expr new_ms src_loc, unionManyUniqSets (e_fvs : ms_fvs))
+rnExpr (HsLet binds expr)
+ = rnBinds binds `thenRn` \ (binds', fvBinds, new_binders) ->
+ extendSS2 new_binders (rnExpr expr) `thenRn` \ (expr',fvExpr) ->
+ returnRn (HsLet binds' expr', fvBinds `unionUniqSets` fvExpr)
+rnExpr (HsDo stmts src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ rnStmts stmts `thenRn` \ (stmts', fvStmts) ->
+ returnRn (HsDo stmts' src_loc, fvStmts)
+rnExpr (ListComp expr quals)
+ = rnQuals quals `thenRn` \ ((quals', qual_binders), fvQuals) ->
+ extendSS2 qual_binders (rnExpr expr) `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ returnRn (ListComp expr' quals', fvExpr `unionUniqSets` fvQuals)
+rnExpr (ExplicitList exps)
+ = rnExprs exps `thenRn` \ (exps', fvs) ->
+ returnRn (ExplicitList exps', fvs)
+rnExpr (ExplicitTuple exps)
+ = rnExprs exps `thenRn` \ (exps', fvExps) ->
+ returnRn (ExplicitTuple exps', fvExps)
+rnExpr (RecordCon con rbinds)
+ = panic "rnExpr:RecordCon"
+rnExpr (RecordUpd exp rbinds)
+ = panic "rnExpr:RecordUpd"
+rnExpr (ExprWithTySig expr pty)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv pty `thenRn` \ pty' ->
+ returnRn (ExprWithTySig expr' pty', fvExpr)
+rnExpr (HsIf p b1 b2 src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ rnExpr p `thenRn` \ (p', fvP) ->
+ rnExpr b1 `thenRn` \ (b1', fvB1) ->
+ rnExpr b2 `thenRn` \ (b2', fvB2) ->
+ returnRn (HsIf p' b1' b2' src_loc, unionManyUniqSets [fvP, fvB1, fvB2])
+rnExpr (ArithSeqIn seq)
+ = rn_seq seq `thenRn` \ (new_seq, fvs) ->
+ returnRn (ArithSeqIn new_seq, fvs)
+ where
+ rn_seq (From expr)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ returnRn (From expr', fvExpr)
+ rn_seq (FromThen expr1 expr2)
+ = rnExpr expr1 `thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+ rnExpr expr2 `thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+ returnRn (FromThen expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `unionUniqSets` fvExpr2)
+ rn_seq (FromTo expr1 expr2)
+ = rnExpr expr1 `thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+ rnExpr expr2 `thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+ returnRn (FromTo expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `unionUniqSets` fvExpr2)
+ rn_seq (FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3)
+ = rnExpr expr1 `thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+ rnExpr expr2 `thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+ rnExpr expr3 `thenRn` \ (expr3', fvExpr3) ->
+ returnRn (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3',
+ unionManyUniqSets [fvExpr1, fvExpr2, fvExpr3])
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Qual@s: in list comprehensions}
+%* *
+Note that although some bound vars may appear in the free var set for
+the first qual, these will eventually be removed by the caller. For
+example, if we have @[p | r <- s, q <- r, p <- q]@, when doing
+@[q <- r, p <- q]@, the free var set for @q <- r@ will
+be @{r}@, and the free var set for the entire Quals will be @{r}@. This
+@r@ will be removed only when we finally return from examining all the
+rnQuals :: [RdrNameQual]
+ -> RnM_Fixes s (([RenamedQual], -- renamed qualifiers
+ [RnName]), -- qualifiers' binders
+ FreeVars) -- free variables
+rnQuals [qual] -- must be at least one qual
+ = rnQual qual `thenRn` \ ((new_qual, bs), fvs) ->
+ returnRn (([new_qual], bs), fvs)
+rnQuals (qual: quals)
+ = rnQual qual `thenRn` \ ((qual', bs1), fvQuals1) ->
+ extendSS2 bs1 (rnQuals quals) `thenRn` \ ((quals', bs2), fvQuals2) ->
+ returnRn
+ ((qual' : quals', bs2 ++ bs1), -- The ones on the right (bs2) shadow the
+ -- ones on the left (bs1)
+ fvQuals1 `unionUniqSets` fvQuals2)
+rnQual (GeneratorQual pat expr)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ let
+ binders = collectPatBinders pat
+ in
+ getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ newLocalNames "variable in list-comprehension-generator pattern"
+ (binders `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+ extendSS new_binders (rnPat pat) `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ returnRn ((GeneratorQual pat' expr', new_binders), fvExpr)
+rnQual (FilterQual expr)
+ = rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+ returnRn ((FilterQual expr', []), fvs)
+rnQual (LetQual binds)
+ = rnBinds binds `thenRn` \ (binds', binds_fvs, new_binders) ->
+ returnRn ((LetQual binds', new_binders), binds_fvs)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{@Stmt@s: in @do@ expressions}
+%* *
+rnStmts :: [RdrNameStmt] -> RnM_Fixes s ([RenamedStmt], FreeVars)
+rnStmts [stmt@(ExprStmt _ _)] -- last stmt must be ExprStmt
+ = rnStmt stmt `thenRn` \ ((stmt',[]), fvStmt) ->
+ returnRn ([stmt'], fvStmt)
+rnStmts (stmt:stmts)
+ = rnStmt stmt `thenRn` \ ((stmt',bs), fvStmt) ->
+ extendSS2 bs (rnStmts stmts) `thenRn` \ (stmts', fvStmts) ->
+ returnRn (stmt':stmts', fvStmt `unionUniqSets` fvStmts)
+rnStmt (BindStmt pat expr src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+ let
+ binders = collectPatBinders pat
+ in
+ newLocalNames "variable in do binding"
+ (binders `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+ extendSS new_binders (rnPat pat) `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+ returnRn ((BindStmt pat' expr' src_loc, new_binders), fvExpr)
+rnStmt (ExprStmt expr src_loc)
+ =
+ rnExpr expr `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+ returnRn ((ExprStmt expr' src_loc, []), fvs)
+rnStmt (LetStmt binds)
+ = rnBinds binds `thenRn` \ (binds', binds_fvs, new_binders) ->
+ returnRn ((LetStmt binds', new_binders), binds_fvs)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Precedence Parsing}
+%* *
+precParseExpr :: RenamedHsExpr -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsExpr
+precParsePat :: RenamedPat -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPat
+precParseExpr exp@(OpApp (NegApp e1) (HsVar op) e2)
+ = lookupFixity op `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+ if 6 < op_prec then
+ -- negate precedence 6 wired in
+ -- (-x)*y ==> -(x*y)
+ precParseExpr (OpApp e1 (HsVar op) e2) `thenRn` \ op_app ->
+ returnRn (NegApp op_app)
+ else
+ returnRn exp
+precParseExpr exp@(OpApp (OpApp e11 (HsVar op1) e12) (HsVar op) e2)
+ = lookupFixity op `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+ lookupFixity op1 `thenRn` \ (op1_fix, op1_prec) ->
+ case cmp op1_prec op_prec of
+ LT_ -> rearrange
+ EQ_ -> case (op1_fix, op_fix) of
+ (INFIXR, INFIXR) -> rearrange
+ (INFIXL, INFIXL) -> returnRn exp
+ _ -> getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ failButContinueRn exp
+ (precParseErr (op1,op1_fix,op1_prec) (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+ GT__ -> returnRn exp
+ where
+ rearrange = precParseExpr (OpApp e12 (HsVar op) e2) `thenRn` \ e2' ->
+ returnRn (OpApp e11 (HsVar op1) e2')
+precParseExpr exp = returnRn exp
+precParsePat pat@(ConOpPatIn (NegPatIn e1) op e2)
+ = lookupFixity op `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+ if 6 < op_prec then
+ -- negate precedence 6 wired in
+ getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ failButContinueRn pat (precParseNegPatErr (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+ else
+ returnRn pat
+precParsePat pat@(ConOpPatIn (ConOpPatIn p11 op1 p12) op p2)
+ = lookupFixity op `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+ lookupFixity op1 `thenRn` \ (op1_fix, op1_prec) ->
+ case cmp op1_prec op_prec of
+ LT_ -> rearrange
+ EQ_ -> case (op1_fix, op_fix) of
+ (INFIXR, INFIXR) -> rearrange
+ (INFIXL, INFIXL) -> returnRn pat
+ _ -> getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ failButContinueRn pat
+ (precParseErr (op1,op1_fix,op1_prec) (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+ GT__ -> returnRn pat
+ where
+ rearrange = precParsePat (ConOpPatIn p12 op p2) `thenRn` \ p2' ->
+ returnRn (ConOpPatIn p11 op1 p2')
+precParsePat pat = returnRn pat
+lookupFixity :: RnName -> RnM_Fixes s (INFIX, Int)
+lookupFixity op
+ = getExtraRn `thenRn` \ fixity_fm ->
+ case lookupUFM fixity_fm op of
+ Nothing -> returnRn (INFIXL, 9)
+ Just (InfixL _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXL, n)
+ Just (InfixR _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXR, n)
+ Just (InfixN _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXN, n)
+negPatErr pat src_loc
+ = addErrLoc src_loc "prefix `-' not applied to literal in pattern" ( \sty ->
+ ppr sty pat)
+precParseNegPatErr op src_loc
+ = addErrLoc src_loc "precedence parsing error" (\ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "prefix `-' has lower precedence than ", pp_op sty op, ppStr " in pattern"])
+precParseErr op1 op2 src_loc
+ = addErrLoc src_loc "precedence parsing error" (\ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "cannot mix ", pp_op sty op1, ppStr " and ", pp_op sty op2,
+ ppStr " in the same infix expression"])
+pp_op sty (op, fix, prec) = ppBesides [pprOp sty op, ppLparen, pp_fix fix, ppSP, ppInt prec, ppRparen]
+pp_fix INFIXL = ppStr "infixl"
+pp_fix INFIXR = ppStr "infixr"
+pp_fix INFIXN = ppStr "infix"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index 278fc65897..9c8ab0dfdf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -8,49 +8,150 @@
module RnHsSyn where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
import HsSyn
+import Name ( isLocalName, nameUnique, Name, RdrName )
+import Id ( GenId, Id(..) )
+import Outputable ( Outputable(..) )
+import PprType ( GenType, GenTyVar, TyCon )
+import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
+import Pretty
+import TyCon ( TyCon )
+import TyVar ( GenTyVar )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import Util ( panic, pprPanic )
+data RnName
+ = WiredInId Id
+ | WiredInTyCon TyCon
+ | RnName Name -- funtions/binders/tyvars
+ | RnSyn Name -- type synonym
+ | RnData Name [Name] -- data type (with constrs)
+ | RnConstr Name Name -- constructor (with data type)
+ | RnClass Name [Name] -- class (with class ops)
+ | RnClassOp Name Name -- class op (with class)
+ | RnImplicit Name -- implicitly imported
+ | RnImplicitTyCon Name -- implicitly imported
+ | RnImplicitClass Name -- implicitly imported
+ | RnUnbound RdrName -- place holder
+mkRnName = RnName
+mkRnImplicit = RnImplicit
+mkRnImplicitTyCon = RnImplicitTyCon
+mkRnImplicitClass = RnImplicitClass
+mkRnUnbound = RnUnbound
+isRnWired (WiredInId _) = True
+isRnWired (WiredInTyCon _) = True
+isRnWired _ = False
+isRnLocal (RnName n) = isLocalName n
+isRnLocal _ = False
+isRnTyCon (WiredInTyCon _) = True
+isRnTyCon (RnSyn _) = True
+isRnTyCon (RnData _ _) = True
+isRnTyCon (RnImplicitTyCon _) = True
+isRnTyCon _ = False
+isRnClass (RnClass _ _) = True
+isRnClass (RnImplicitClass _) = True
+isRnClass _ = False
+isRnClassOp cls (RnClassOp _ op_cls) = eqUniqsNamed cls op_cls
+isRnClassOp cls (RnImplicit _) = True -- ho hummm ...
+isRnClassOp cls _ = False
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicit _) = True
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicitTyCon _) = True
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicitClass _) = True
+isRnImplicit _ = False
+isRnUnbound (RnUnbound _) = True
+isRnUnbound _ = False
+-- Very general NamedThing comparison, used when comparing
+-- Uniquable things with different types
+eqUniqsNamed n1 n2 = uniqueOf n1 == uniqueOf n2
+cmpUniqsNamed n1 n2 = uniqueOf n1 `cmp` uniqueOf n2
+instance Eq RnName where
+ a == b = eqUniqsNamed a b
+instance Ord3 RnName where
+ a `cmp` b = cmpUniqsNamed a b
+instance Uniquable RnName where
+ uniqueOf = nameUnique . getName
+instance NamedThing RnName where
+ getName (WiredInId id) = getName id
+ getName (WiredInTyCon tc) = getName tc
+ getName (RnName n) = n
+ getName (RnSyn n) = n
+ getName (RnData n _) = n
+ getName (RnConstr n _) = n
+ getName (RnClass n _) = n
+ getName (RnClassOp n _) = n
+ getName (RnImplicit n) = n
+ getName (RnUnbound occ) = pprPanic "getRnName:RnUnbound" (ppr PprDebug occ)
+instance Outputable RnName where
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnData n cs) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty cs, ppStr "-}"]
+ ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnConstr n d) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty d, ppStr "-}"]
+ ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnClass n ops) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty ops, ppStr "-}"]
+ ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnClassOp n c) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty c, ppStr "-}"]
+ ppr sty (WiredInId id) = ppr sty id
+ ppr sty (WiredInTyCon tycon)= ppr sty tycon
+ ppr sty (RnUnbound occ) = ppBeside (ppr sty occ) (ppPStr SLIT("{-UNBOUND-}"))
+ ppr sty rn_name = ppr sty (getName rn_name)
-type RenamedArithSeqInfo = ArithSeqInfo Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedBind = Bind Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedClassDecl = ClassDecl Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedClassOpPragmas = ClassOpPragmas Name
-type RenamedClassOpSig = Sig Name
-type RenamedClassPragmas = ClassPragmas Name
-type RenamedConDecl = ConDecl Name
-type RenamedContext = Context Name
-type RenamedDataPragmas = DataPragmas Name
-type RenamedSpecDataSig = SpecDataSig Name
-type RenamedDefaultDecl = DefaultDecl Name
-type RenamedFixityDecl = FixityDecl Name
-type RenamedGRHS = GRHS Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedGRHSsAndBinds = GRHSsAndBinds Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedGenPragmas = GenPragmas Name
-type RenamedHsBinds = HsBinds Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedHsExpr = HsExpr Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedHsModule = HsModule Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedRecordBinds = HsRecordBinds Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedImportedInterface = ImportedInterface Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedInstDecl = InstDecl Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedInstancePragmas = InstancePragmas Name
-type RenamedInterface = Interface Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMatch = Match Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMonoBinds = MonoBinds Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMonoType = MonoType Name
-type RenamedPat = InPat Name
-type RenamedPolyType = PolyType Name
-type RenamedQual = Qual Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedSig = Sig Name
-type RenamedSpecInstSig = SpecInstSig Name
-type RenamedStmt = Stmt Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedTyDecl = TyDecl Name
+type RenamedArithSeqInfo = ArithSeqInfo Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedBind = Bind Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedClassDecl = ClassDecl Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedClassOpSig = Sig RnName
+type RenamedConDecl = ConDecl RnName
+type RenamedContext = Context RnName
+type RenamedSpecDataSig = SpecDataSig RnName
+type RenamedDefaultDecl = DefaultDecl RnName
+type RenamedFixityDecl = FixityDecl RnName
+type RenamedGRHS = GRHS Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedGRHSsAndBinds = GRHSsAndBinds Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsBinds = HsBinds Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsExpr = HsExpr Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsModule = HsModule Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedInstDecl = InstDecl Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMatch = Match Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMonoBinds = MonoBinds Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMonoType = MonoType RnName
+type RenamedPat = InPat RnName
+type RenamedPolyType = PolyType RnName
+type RenamedRecordBinds = HsRecordBinds Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedQual = Qual Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedSig = Sig RnName
+type RenamedSpecInstSig = SpecInstSig RnName
+type RenamedStmt = Stmt Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedTyDecl = TyDecl RnName
+type RenamedClassOpPragmas = ClassOpPragmas RnName
+type RenamedClassPragmas = ClassPragmas RnName
+type RenamedDataPragmas = DataPragmas RnName
+type RenamedGenPragmas = GenPragmas RnName
+type RenamedInstancePragmas = InstancePragmas RnName
-collectQualBinders :: [RenamedQual] -> [Name]
+collectQualBinders :: [RenamedQual] -> [RnName]
collectQualBinders quals
= concat (map collect quals)
@@ -59,3 +160,4 @@ collectQualBinders quals
collect (FilterQual expr) = []
collect (LetQual binds) = collectTopLevelBinders binds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..797f8aa895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnIfaces]{Cacheing and Renaming of Interfaces}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnIfaces (
+ cacheInterface,
+ readInterface,
+ rnInterfaces,
+ finalIfaceInfo,
+ IfaceCache(..),
+ VersionInfo(..),
+ ParsedIface(..)
+ ) where
+import PreludeGlaST ( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO,
+ readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnUtils ( RnEnv(..) )
+import Bag ( emptyBag )
+import ErrUtils ( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
+import Pretty
+import Maybes ( MaybeErr(..) )
+import Util ( panic )
+type IfaceCache = MutableVar _RealWorld (FiniteMap Module ParsedIface,
+ FiniteMap Module FAST_STRING)
+data ParsedIface = ParsedIface
+cacheInterface :: IfaceCache -> Module
+ -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+cacheInterface iface_var mod
+ = readVar iface_var `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, file_fm) ->
+ case lookupFM iface_fm mod of
+ Just iface -> returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
+ Nothing ->
+ case lookupFM file_fm mod of
+ Nothing -> returnPrimIO (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
+ Just file ->
+ readInterface file mod `thenPrimIO` \ read_iface ->
+ case read_iface of
+ Failed err -> returnPrimIO (Failed err)
+ Succeeded iface ->
+ let
+ iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm mod iface
+ in
+ writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', file_fm) `thenPrimIO` \ _ ->
+ returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
+readInterface :: FAST_STRING -> Module
+ -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+readInterface file mod = panic "readInterface"
+rnInterfaces ::
+ IfaceCache -- iface cache
+ -> RnEnv -- original name env
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> RenamedHsModule -- module to extend with iface decls
+ -> [RnName] -- imported names required
+ -> PrimIO (RenamedHsModule, -- extended module
+ ImplicitEnv, -- implicit names required
+ Bag Error,
+ Bag Warning)
+rnInterfaces iface_var occ_env us rn_module todo
+ = returnPrimIO (rn_module, (emptyFM, emptyFM), emptyBag, emptyBag)
+finalIfaceInfo ::
+ IfaceCache -- iface cache
+ -> [RnName] -- all imported names required
+ -> [Module] -- directly imported modules
+ -> PrimIO (VersionInfo, -- info about version numbers
+ [Module]) -- special instance modules
+type VersionInfo = [(Module, Version, [(FAST_STRING, Version)])]
+finalIfaceInfo iface_var imps_reqd imp_mods
+ = returnPrimIO ([], [])
+noIfaceErr mod sty
+ = ppCat [ppStr "Could not find interface for", ppPStr mod]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
index 92b7d418b6..f228aee0b9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
-Breaks the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBind4 loops.
+Breaks the RnSource/RnExpr/RnBinds loops.
interface RnLoop where
-import Name ( Name )
-import RdrHsSyn ( ProtoNameHsBinds(..), ProtoNamePolyType(..), ProtoNameGenPragmas(..) )
-import RnHsSyn ( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedPolyType(..), RenamedGenPragmas(..) )
-import RnBinds4 ( rnBinds, FreeVars(..) )
-import RnMonad4 ( TyVarNamesEnv(..), Rn4M(..) )
-import RnPass4 ( rnPolyType, rnGenPragmas )
+import RdrHsSyn ( RdrNameHsBinds(..), RdrNamePolyType(..) )
+import RnHsSyn ( RnName, RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedPolyType(..) )
+import RnBinds ( rnBinds, FreeVars(..) )
+import RnMonad ( TyVarNamesEnv(..), RnM_Fixes(..) )
+import RnSource ( rnPolyType )
import UniqSet ( UniqSet(..) )
-rnBinds :: ProtoNameHsBinds -> Rn4M (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [Name])
-rnGenPragmas :: ProtoNameGenPragmas -> Rn4M RenamedGenPragmas
-rnPolyType :: Bool
- -> TyVarNamesEnv
- -> ProtoNamePolyType
- -> Rn4M RenamedPolyType
-type FreeVars = UniqSet Name
+rnBinds :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnPolyType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> RdrNamePolyType
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+type FreeVars = UniqSet RnName
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49765f117f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnMonad]{The monad used by the renamer}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnMonad (
+ RnMonad(..), RnM(..), RnM_Fixes(..), RnDown, SST_R,
+ initRn, thenRn, thenRn_, andRn, returnRn,
+ mapRn, mapAndUnzipRn,
+ addErrRn, addErrIfRn, addWarnRn, addWarnIfRn,
+ failButContinueRn, warnAndContinueRn,
+ setExtraRn, getExtraRn,
+ getModuleRn, pushSrcLocRn, getSrcLocRn,
+ getSourceRn, getOccurrenceUpRn,
+ getImplicitUpRn, ImplicitEnv(..),
+ rnGetUnique, rnGetUniques,
+ newLocalNames,
+ lookupValue, lookupValueMaybe,
+ lookupTyCon, lookupClass, lookupClassOp,
+ extendSS2, extendSS,
+ TyVarNamesEnv(..), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
+ lookupTyVarName, nullTyVarNamesEnv, catTyVarNamesEnvs
+ ) where
+import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import SST
+import HsSyn ( FixityDecl )
+import RnHsSyn ( RnName, mkRnName, mkRnUnbound, mkRnImplicit,
+ mkRnImplicitTyCon, mkRnImplicitClass,
+ isRnLocal, isRnWired, isRnTyCon, isRnClass, isRnClassOp,
+ RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+import RnUtils ( RnEnv(..), extendLocalRnEnv,
+ lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
+ unknownNameErr, badClassOpErr, qualNameErr,
+ dupNamesErr, shadowedNameWarn )
+import Bag ( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_WarnNameShadowing )
+import ErrUtils ( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
+import Maybes ( assocMaybe )
+import Name ( Module(..), RdrName(..), isQual,
+ Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName
+ )
+import Outputable ( getOccName )
+import PprStyle ( PprStyle )
+import Pretty ( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import UniqFM ( UniqFM, emptyUFM )
+import UniqSet ( UniqSet(..), mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, getUnique, getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenRn`, `thenRn_`
+type RnM s r = RnMonad () s r
+type RnM_Fixes s r = RnMonad (UniqFM RenamedFixityDecl) s r
+type RnMonad x s r = RnDown x s -> SST s r
+data RnDown x s
+ = RnDown
+ x
+ Module -- Module name
+ SrcLoc -- Source location
+ (RnMode s) -- Source or Iface
+ RnEnv -- Renaming environment
+ (MutableVar s UniqSupply) -- Unique supply
+ (MutableVar s (Bag Warning, -- Warnings and Errors
+ Bag Error))
+data RnMode s
+ = RnSource (MutableVar s (Bag (RnName, RdrName)))
+ -- Renaming source; returning occurences
+ | RnIface (MutableVar s ImplicitEnv)
+ -- Renaming interface; creating and returning implicit names
+ -- One map for Values and one for TyCons/Classes.
+type ImplicitEnv = (FiniteMap RdrName RnName, FiniteMap RdrName RnName)
+-- With a builtin polymorphic type for _runSST the type for
+-- initTc should use RnM s r instead of RnM _RealWorld r
+initRn :: Bool -- True => Source; False => Iface
+ -> Module
+ -> RnEnv
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> RnM _RealWorld r
+ -> (r, Bag Error, Bag Warning)
+initRn source mod env us do_rn
+ = _runSST (
+ newMutVarSST emptyBag `thenSST` \ occ_var ->
+ newMutVarSST (emptyFM,emptyFM) `thenSST` \ imp_var ->
+ newMutVarSST us `thenSST` \ us_var ->
+ newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag) `thenSST` \ errs_var ->
+ let
+ mode = if source then
+ RnSource occ_var
+ else
+ RnIface imp_var
+ rn_down = RnDown () mod mkUnknownSrcLoc mode env us_var errs_var
+ in
+ -- do the buisness
+ do_rn rn_down `thenSST` \ res ->
+ -- grab errors and return
+ readMutVarSST errs_var `thenSST` \ (warns,errs) ->
+ returnSST (res, errs, warns)
+ )
+{-# INLINE thenRn #-}
+{-# INLINE thenRn_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnRn #-}
+{-# INLINE andRn #-}
+returnRn :: a -> RnMonad x s a
+thenRn :: RnMonad x s a -> (a -> RnMonad x s b) -> RnMonad x s b
+thenRn_ :: RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s b -> RnMonad x s b
+andRn :: (a -> a -> a) -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a
+mapRn :: (a -> RnMonad x s b) -> [a] -> RnMonad x s [b]
+mapAndUnzipRn :: (a -> RnMonad x s (b,c)) -> [a] -> RnMonad x s ([b],[c])
+returnRn v down = returnSST v
+thenRn m k down = m down `thenSST` \ r -> k r down
+thenRn_ m k down = m down `thenSST_` k down
+andRn combiner m1 m2 down
+ = m1 down `thenSST` \ res1 ->
+ m2 down `thenSST` \ res2 ->
+ returnSST (combiner res1 res2)
+mapRn f [] = returnRn []
+mapRn f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenRn` \ r ->
+ mapRn f xs `thenRn` \ rs ->
+ returnRn (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipRn f [] = returnRn ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipRn f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenRn` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn f xs `thenRn` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnRn (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+For errors and warnings ...
+failButContinueRn :: a -> Error -> RnMonad x s a
+failButContinueRn res err (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ _ errs_var)
+ = readMutVarSST errs_var `thenSST` \ (warns,errs) ->
+ writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns, errs `snocBag` err) `thenSST_`
+ returnSST res
+warnAndContinueRn :: a -> Warning -> RnMonad x s a
+warnAndContinueRn res warn (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ _ errs_var)
+ = readMutVarSST errs_var `thenSST` \ (warns,errs) ->
+ writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns `snocBag` warn, errs) `thenSST_`
+ returnSST res
+addErrRn :: Error -> RnMonad x s ()
+addErrRn err = failButContinueRn () err
+addErrIfRn :: Bool -> Error -> RnMonad x s ()
+addErrIfRn True err = addErrRn err
+addErrIfRn False err = returnRn ()
+addWarnRn :: Warning -> RnMonad x s ()
+addWarnRn warn = warnAndContinueRn () warn
+addWarnIfRn :: Bool -> Warning -> RnMonad x s ()
+addWarnIfRn True warn = addWarnRn warn
+addWarnIfRn False warn = returnRn ()
+setExtraRn :: x -> RnMonad x s r -> RnMonad y s r
+setExtraRn x m (RnDown _ mod locn mode env us errs)
+ = m (RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+getExtraRn :: RnMonad x s x
+getExtraRn (RnDown x _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ = returnSST x
+getModuleRn :: RnMonad x s Module
+getModuleRn (RnDown _ mod _ _ _ _ _)
+ = returnSST mod
+pushSrcLocRn :: SrcLoc -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a
+pushSrcLocRn locn m (RnDown x mod _ mode env us errs)
+ = m (RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+getSrcLocRn :: RnMonad x s SrcLoc
+getSrcLocRn (RnDown _ _ locn _ _ _ _)
+ = returnSST locn
+getSourceRn :: RnMonad x s Bool
+getSourceRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource _) _ _ _) = returnSST True
+getSourceRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface _) _ _ _) = returnSST False
+getOccurrenceUpRn :: RnMonad x s (Bag (RnName, RdrName))
+getOccurrenceUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource occ_var) _ _ _)
+ = readMutVarSST occ_var
+getOccurrenceUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface _) _ _ _)
+ = panic "getOccurrenceUpRn:RnIface"
+getImplicitUpRn :: RnMonad x s (FiniteMap RdrName RnName, FiniteMap RdrName RnName)
+getImplicitUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface imp_var) _ _ _)
+ = readMutVarSST imp_var
+getImplicitUpRn (RnDown _ _ _(RnSource _) _ _ _)
+ = panic "getImplicitUpRn:RnIface"
+rnGetUnique :: RnMonad x s Unique
+rnGetUnique (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ us_var _)
+ = get_unique us_var
+rnGetUniques :: Int -> RnMonad x s [Unique]
+rnGetUniques n (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ us_var _)
+ = get_uniques n us_var
+get_unique us_var
+ = readMutVarSST us_var `thenSST` \ uniq_supply ->
+ let
+ (new_uniq_supply, uniq_s) = splitUniqSupply uniq_supply
+ uniq = getUnique uniq_s
+ in
+ writeMutVarSST us_var new_uniq_supply `thenSST_`
+ returnSST uniq
+get_uniques n us_var
+ = readMutVarSST us_var `thenSST` \ uniq_supply ->
+ let
+ (new_uniq_supply, uniq_s) = splitUniqSupply uniq_supply
+ uniqs = getUniques n uniq_s
+ in
+ writeMutVarSST us_var new_uniq_supply `thenSST_`
+ returnSST uniqs
+snoc_bag_var add bag_var
+ = readMutVarSST bag_var `thenSST` \ bag ->
+ writeMutVarSST bag_var (bag `snocBag` add)
+* *
+\subsection{Making new names}
+* *
+@newLocalNames@ takes a bunch of RdrNames, which are defined together
+in a group (eg a pattern or set of bindings), checks they are
+unqualified and distinct, and creates new Names for them.
+newLocalNames :: String -- Documentation string
+ -> [(RdrName, SrcLoc)]
+ -> RnMonad x s [RnName]
+newLocalNames str names_w_loc
+ = mapRn (addErrRn . qualNameErr str) quals `thenRn_`
+ mapRn (addErrRn . dupNamesErr str) dups `thenRn_`
+ mkLocalNames these
+ where
+ quals = filter (isQual.fst) names_w_loc
+ (these, dups) = removeDups cmp_fst names_w_loc
+ cmp_fst (a,_) (b,_) = cmp a b
+mkLocalNames :: [(RdrName, SrcLoc)] -> RnMonad x s [RnName]
+mkLocalNames names_w_locs
+ = rnGetUniques (length names_w_locs) `thenRn` \ uniqs ->
+ returnRn (zipWithEqual new_local uniqs names_w_locs)
+ where
+ new_local uniq (Unqual str, srcloc)
+ = mkRnName (mkLocalName uniq str srcloc)
+* *
+\subsection{Looking up values}
+* *
+Action to look up a value depends on the RnMode.
+Lookup value in RnEnv, recording occurrence for non-local values found.
+If not found report error and return Unbound name.
+Lookup value in RnEnv. If not found lookup in implicit name env.
+If not found create new implicit name, adding it to the implicit env.
+lookupValue :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupClassOp :: RnName -> RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupValue rdr
+ = lookup_val rdr (\ rn -> True) (unknownNameErr "value")
+lookupClassOp cls rdr
+ = lookup_val rdr (isRnClassOp cls) (badClassOpErr cls)
+lookup_val rdr check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var) env _ _)
+ = case lookupRnEnv env rdr of
+ Just name | check name -> succ name
+ | otherwise -> fail
+ Nothing -> fail
+ where
+ succ name = if isRnLocal name || isRnWired name then
+ returnSST name
+ else
+ snoc_bag_var (name,rdr) occ_var `thenSST_`
+ returnSST name
+ fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (do_err rdr locn) down
+lookup_val rdr check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface imp_var) env us_var _)
+ = case lookupRnEnv env rdr of
+ Just name | check name -> returnSST name
+ | otherwise -> failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (do_err rdr locn) down
+ Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_val imp_var us_var rdr
+lookup_or_create_implicit_val imp_var us_var rdr
+ = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm)->
+ case lookupFM implicit_val_fm rdr of
+ Just implicit -> returnSST implicit
+ Nothing ->
+ get_unique us_var `thenSST` \ uniq ->
+ let
+ implicit = mkRnImplicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
+ new_val_fm = addToFM implicit_val_fm rdr implicit
+ in
+ writeMutVarSST imp_var (new_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) `thenSST_`
+ returnSST implicit
+lookupValueMaybe :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s (Maybe RnName)
+lookupValueMaybe rdr down@(RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource _) env _ _)
+ = returnSST (lookupRnEnv env rdr)
+lookupTyCon :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupClass :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupTyCon rdr
+ = lookup_tc rdr isRnTyCon mkRnImplicitTyCon "type constructor"
+lookupClass rdr
+ = lookup_tc rdr isRnClass mkRnImplicitClass "class"
+lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var) env _ _)
+ = case lookupTcRnEnv env rdr of
+ Just name | check name -> succ name
+ | otherwise -> fail
+ Nothing -> fail
+ where
+ succ name = snoc_bag_var (name,rdr) occ_var `thenSST_`
+ returnSST name
+ fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
+lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface imp_var) env us_var _)
+ = case lookupTcRnEnv env rdr of
+ Just name | check name -> returnSST name
+ | otherwise -> fail
+ Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail imp_var us_var rdr
+ where
+ fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
+lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail imp_var us_var rdr
+ = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm)->
+ case lookupFM implicit_tc_fm rdr of
+ Just implicit | check implicit -> returnSST implicit
+ | otherwise -> fail
+ Nothing ->
+ get_unique us_var `thenSST` \ uniq ->
+ let
+ implicit = mk_implicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
+ new_tc_fm = addToFM implicit_tc_fm rdr implicit
+ in
+ writeMutVarSST imp_var (implicit_val_fm, new_tc_fm) `thenSST_`
+ returnSST implicit
+@extendSS@ extends the scope; @extendSS2@ also removes the newly bound
+free vars from the result.
+extendSS :: [RnName] -- Newly bound names
+ -> RnMonad x s a
+ -> RnMonad x s a
+extendSS binders m down@(RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+ = (mapRn (addErrRn . shadowedNameWarn locn) dups `thenRn_`
+ m) (RnDown x mod locn mode new_env us errs)
+ where
+ (new_env,dups) = extendLocalRnEnv opt_WarnNameShadowing env binders
+extendSS2 :: [RnName] -- Newly bound names
+ -> RnMonad x s (a, UniqSet RnName)
+ -> RnMonad x s (a, UniqSet RnName)
+extendSS2 binders m
+ = extendSS binders m `thenRn` \ (r, fvs) ->
+ returnRn (r, fvs `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet binders))
+The free var set returned by @(extendSS binders m)@ is that returned
+by @m@, {\em minus} binders.
+* *
+* *
+type TyVarNamesEnv = [(RdrName, RnName)]
+nullTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv
+nullTyVarNamesEnv = []
+catTyVarNamesEnvs :: TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv
+catTyVarNamesEnvs e1 e2 = e1 ++ e2
+domTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv -> [RdrName]
+domTyVarNamesEnv env = map fst env
+@mkTyVarNamesEnv@ checks for duplicates, and complains if so.
+ :: SrcLoc
+ -> [RdrName] -- The type variables
+ -> RnMonad x s (TyVarNamesEnv,[RnName]) -- Environment and renamed tyvars
+mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars
+ = newLocalNames "type variable"
+ (tyvars `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn` \ rn_tyvars ->
+ -- rn_tyvars may not be in the same order as tyvars, so we need some
+ -- jiggery pokery to build the right tyvar env, and return the
+ -- renamed tyvars in the original order.
+ let tv_occ_name_pairs = map tv_occ_name_pair rn_tyvars
+ tv_env = map (lookup_occ_name tv_occ_name_pairs) tyvars
+ rn_tyvars_in_orig_order = map snd tv_env
+ in
+ returnRn (tv_env, rn_tyvars_in_orig_order)
+ where
+ tv_occ_name_pair :: RnName -> (RdrName, RnName)
+ tv_occ_name_pair rn_name = (getOccName rn_name, rn_name)
+ lookup_occ_name :: [(RdrName, RnName)] -> RdrName -> (RdrName, RnName)
+ lookup_occ_name pairs tyvar_occ
+ = (tyvar_occ, assoc "mkTyVarNamesEnv" pairs tyvar_occ)
+lookupTyVarName :: TyVarNamesEnv -> RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupTyVarName env occ
+ = case (assocMaybe env occ) of
+ Just name -> returnRn name
+ Nothing -> getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ loc ->
+ failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound occ)
+ (unknownNameErr "type variable" occ loc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index bfb7814657..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad12]{The monad used by the renamer passes 1 and 2}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad12 (
- Rn12M(..),
- initRn12, thenRn12, returnRn12,
- mapRn12, zipWithRn12, foldrRn12,
- addErrRn12, getModuleNameRn12, recoverQuietlyRn12
- -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
- ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Bag ( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, Bag )
-import ErrUtils ( Error(..) )
-import Pretty ( Pretty(..) )
-infixr 9 `thenRn12`
-In this monad, we pass down the name of the module we are working on,
-and we thread the collected errors.
-type Rn12M result
- = FAST_STRING{-module name-}
- -> Bag Error
- -> (result, Bag Error)
-{-# INLINE thenRn12 #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn12 #-}
-initRn12 :: FAST_STRING{-module name-} -> Rn12M a -> (a, Bag Error)
-initRn12 mod action = action mod emptyBag
-thenRn12 :: Rn12M a -> (a -> Rn12M b) -> Rn12M b
-thenRn12 expr continuation mod errs_so_far
- = case (expr mod errs_so_far) of
- (res1, errs1) -> continuation res1 mod errs1
-returnRn12 :: a -> Rn12M a
-returnRn12 x mod errs_so_far = (x, errs_so_far)
-mapRn12 :: (a -> Rn12M b) -> [a] -> Rn12M [b]
-mapRn12 f [] = returnRn12 []
-mapRn12 f (x:xs)
- = f x `thenRn12` \ r ->
- mapRn12 f xs `thenRn12` \ rs ->
- returnRn12 (r:rs)
-zipWithRn12 :: (a -> b -> Rn12M c) -> [a] -> [b] -> Rn12M [c]
-zipWithRn12 f [] [] = returnRn12 []
-zipWithRn12 f (x:xs) (y:ys)
- = f x y `thenRn12` \ r ->
- zipWithRn12 f xs ys `thenRn12` \ rs ->
- returnRn12 (r:rs)
--- NB: zipWithRn12 behaves like zipWithEqual
--- (requires equal-length lists)
-foldrRn12 :: (a -> b -> Rn12M b) -> b -> [a] -> Rn12M b
-foldrRn12 f z [] = returnRn12 z
-foldrRn12 f z (x:xs)
- = foldrRn12 f z xs `thenRn12` \ rest ->
- f x rest
-addErrRn12 :: Error -> Rn12M ()
-addErrRn12 err mod errs_so_far
- = ( (), errs_so_far `snocBag` err )
-getModuleNameRn12 :: Rn12M FAST_STRING
-getModuleNameRn12 mod errs_so_far = (mod, errs_so_far)
-recoverQuietlyRn12 :: a -> Rn12M a -> Rn12M a
-recoverQuietlyRn12 use_this_if_err action mod errs_so_far
- = let
- (result, errs_out)
- = case (action mod emptyBag{-no errors-}) of { (res, errs) ->
- if isEmptyBag errs then
- (res, errs_so_far) -- retain incoming errs
- else
- (use_this_if_err, errs_so_far)
- }
- in
- (result, errs_out)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca69b1d575..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad3]{The monad used by the third renamer pass}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad3 (
- Rn3M(..),
- initRn3, thenRn3, andRn3, returnRn3, mapRn3, fixRn3,
- putInfoDownM3,
- newFullNameM3, newInvisibleNameM3
- -- for completeness
- ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, isEmptyFM, lookupFM,
- emptySet, isEmptySet, elementOf
- )
-import HsSyn ( IE )
-import NameTypes -- lots of stuff
-import Outputable ( ExportFlag(..) )
-import ProtoName ( ProtoName(..) )
-import RdrHsSyn ( getExportees, ExportListInfo(..), ProtoNameIE(..) )
-import UniqSupply ( getUnique, splitUniqSupply )
-import Util ( panic )
-infixr 9 `thenRn3`
-%* *
-\subsection{Plain @RnPass3@ monadery}
-%* *
-type Rn3M result
- = ExportListInfo -> FAST_STRING{-ModuleName-} -> UniqSupply
- -> result
-{-# INLINE andRn3 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn3 #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn3 #-}
-initRn3 :: Rn3M a -> UniqSupply -> a
-initRn3 m us = m Nothing{-no export list-} (panic "initRn3: uninitialised module name") us
-thenRn3 :: Rn3M a -> (a -> Rn3M b) -> Rn3M b
-andRn3 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a
-thenRn3 expr continuation exps mod_name uniqs
- = case splitUniqSupply uniqs of { (s1, s2) ->
- case (expr exps mod_name s1) of { res1 ->
- continuation res1 exps mod_name s2 }}
-andRn3 combiner m1 m2 exps mod_name uniqs
- = case splitUniqSupply uniqs of { (s1, s2) ->
- case (m1 exps mod_name s1) of { res1 ->
- case (m2 exps mod_name s2) of { res2 ->
- combiner res1 res2 }}}
-returnRn3 :: a -> Rn3M a
-returnRn3 result exps mod_name uniqs = result
-mapRn3 :: (a -> Rn3M b) -> [a] -> Rn3M [b]
-mapRn3 f [] = returnRn3 []
-mapRn3 f (x:xs)
- = f x `thenRn3` \ r ->
- mapRn3 f xs `thenRn3` \ rs ->
- returnRn3 (r:rs)
-fixRn3 :: (a -> Rn3M a) -> Rn3M a
-fixRn3 m exps mod_name us
- = result
- where
- result = m result exps mod_name us
-putInfoDownM3 :: FAST_STRING{-ModuleName-} -> Maybe [ProtoNameIE] -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a
-putInfoDownM3 mod_name exports cont _ _ uniqs
- = cont (getExportees exports) mod_name uniqs
-%* *
-\subsection[RnMonad3-new-names]{Making new names}
-%* *
-@newFullNameM3@ makes a new user-visible FullName (the usual);
-@newInvisibleNameM3@ is the odd case. @new_name@ does all the work.
-newFullNameM3, newInvisibleNameM3
- :: ProtoName -- input
- -> SrcLoc -- where it started life
- -> Bool -- if it is "TyCon"ish (rather than "val"ish)
- -> Maybe ExportFlag -- Just flag => force the use of that exportness
- -> Rn3M (Unique, FullName)
-newFullNameM3 pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp exps mod_name uniqs
- = new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp False{-visible-} exps mod_name uniqs
-newInvisibleNameM3 pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp exps mod_name uniqs
- = new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp True{-invisible-} exps mod_name uniqs
-new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_export_flag want_invisible exps mod_name uniqs
- = (uniq, name)
- where
- uniq = getUnique uniqs
- mk_name = if want_invisible then mkPrivateFullName else mkFullName
- name = case pn of
- Unk s -> mk_name mod_name s
- (if fromPrelude mod_name
- && is_tycon_ish then -- & tycon/clas/datacon => Core
- HereInPreludeCore
- else
- ThisModule
- )
- (case frcd_export_flag of
- Just fl -> fl
- Nothing -> mk_export_flag True [mod_name] s exps)
- src_loc
- Qunk m s -> mk_name mod_name s
- (if fromPrelude mod_name
- && is_tycon_ish then -- & tycon/clas/datacon => Core
- HereInPreludeCore
- else
- ThisModule
- )
- (case frcd_export_flag of
- Just fl -> fl
- Nothing -> mk_export_flag (_trace "mk_export_flag?" True) [m] s exps)
- src_loc
- -- note: the assigning of prelude-ness is most dubious (ToDo)
- Imp m d informant_mods l
- -> mk_name m d
- (if fromPrelude m then -- as above
- if is_tycon_ish then
- ExportedByPreludeCore
- else
- OtherPrelude l
- else if m == mod_name then -- pretty dang weird... (ToDo: anything?)
- ThisModule
- else
- OtherModule l informant_mods -- for Other*, we save its occurrence name
- )
- (case frcd_export_flag of
- Just fl -> fl
- Nothing -> mk_export_flag (m==mod_name) informant_mods l exps)
- src_loc
- Prel n -> panic "RnMonad3.new_name: prelude name"
-In deciding the ``exportness'' of something, there are these cases to
-\item[No explicit export list:]
-Everything defined in this module goes out.
-\item[Matches a non-\tr{M..} item in the export list:]
-Then it's exported as its @name_pr@ item suggests.
-\item[Matches a \tr{M..} item in the export list:]
-(Note: the module \tr{M} may be {\em this} module!) It's exported if
-we got it from \tr{M}'s interface; {\em most emphatically not} the
-same thing as ``it originally came from \tr{M}''.
-It isn't exported.
-mk_export_flag :: Bool -- True <=> originally from the module we're compiling
- -> [FAST_STRING]-- modules that told us about this thing
- -> FAST_STRING -- name of the thing we're looking at
- -> ExportListInfo
- -> ExportFlag -- result
-mk_export_flag this_module informant_mods thing Nothing{-no export list-}
- = if this_module then ExportAll else NotExported
-mk_export_flag this_module informant_mods thing (Just (exports_alist, dotdot_modules))
- | otherwise
- = case (lookupFM exports_alist thing) of
- Just how_to_export -> how_to_export
- Nothing -> if (or [ im `elementOf` dotdot_modules | im <- informant_mods ])
- then ExportAll
- else NotExported
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e2e37099..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad4]{The monad used by the fourth renamer pass}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad4 (
- Rn4M(..),
- initRn4, thenRn4, thenRn4_, andRn4, returnRn4, mapRn4, mapAndUnzipRn4,
- addErrRn4, failButContinueRn4, recoverQuietlyRn4,
- pushSrcLocRn4,
- getSrcLocRn4,
- lookupValue, lookupValueEvenIfInvisible,
- lookupClassOp, lookupFixityOp,
- lookupTyCon, lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible,
- lookupClass,
- extendSS2, extendSS,
- namesFromProtoNames,
- TyVarNamesEnv(..), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
- lookupTyVarName, nullTyVarNamesEnv, catTyVarNamesEnvs
- -- for completeness
- ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Bag ( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, snocBag, Bag )
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs, opt_NameShadowingNotOK )
-import ErrUtils
-import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, addListToFM, addToFM, lookupFM )
-import Name ( invisibleName, isTyConName, isClassName,
- isClassOpName, isUnboundName, Name(..)
- )
-import NameTypes ( mkShortName, ShortName{-instances-} )
-import Outputable ( pprNonOp )
-import Pretty
-import ProtoName ( eqProtoName, cmpByLocalName, ProtoName(..) )
-import RnUtils ( dupNamesErr, GlobalNameMappers(..) )
-import SrcLoc ( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc{-instance-} )
-import UniqSet ( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, UniqSet(..) )
-import UniqSupply ( getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
-import Util ( assoc, removeDups, zipWithEqual, panic )
-infixr 9 `thenRn4`, `thenRn4_`
-%* *
-\subsection[RnMonad4]{Plain @Rename@ monadery for pass~4}
-%* *
-type ScopeStack = FiniteMap FAST_STRING Name
-type Rn4M result
- = GlobalNameMappers
- -> ScopeStack
- -> Bag Error
- -> UniqSupply
- -> SrcLoc
- -> (result, Bag Error)
-{-# INLINE andRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenLazilyRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn4_ #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn4 #-}
-initRn4 :: GlobalNameMappers
- -> Rn4M result
- -> UniqSupply
- -> (result, Bag Error)
-initRn4 gnfs renamer init_us
- = renamer gnfs emptyFM emptyBag init_us mkUnknownSrcLoc
-thenRn4, thenLazilyRn4
- :: Rn4M a -> (a -> Rn4M b) -> Rn4M b
-thenRn4_ :: Rn4M a -> Rn4M b -> Rn4M b
-andRn4 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-thenRn4 expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
- = case (splitUniqSupply uniqs) of { (s1, s2) ->
- case (expr gnfs ss errs s1 locn) of { (res1, errs1) ->
- case (cont res1 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
- (res2, errs2) }}}
-thenLazilyRn4 expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
- = let
- (s1, s2) = splitUniqSupply uniqs
- (res1, errs1) = expr gnfs ss errs s1 locn
- (res2, errs2) = cont res1 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn
- in
- (res2, errs2)
-thenRn4_ expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
- = case (splitUniqSupply uniqs) of { (s1, s2) ->
- case (expr gnfs ss errs s1 locn) of { (_, errs1) ->
- case (cont gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
- (res2, errs2) }}}
-andRn4 combiner m1 m2 gnfs ss errs us locn
- = case (splitUniqSupply us) of { (s1, s2) ->
- case (m1 gnfs ss errs s1 locn) of { (res1, errs1) ->
- case (m2 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
- (combiner res1 res2, errs2) }}}
-returnRn4 :: a -> Rn4M a
-returnRn4 result gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
- = (result, errs_so_far)
-failButContinueRn4 :: a -> Error -> Rn4M a
-failButContinueRn4 res err gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
- = (res, errs_so_far `snocBag` err)
-addErrRn4 :: Error -> Rn4M ()
-addErrRn4 err gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
- = ((), errs_so_far `snocBag` err)
-When we're looking at interface pragmas, we want to be able to recover
-back to a ``I don't know anything pragmatic'' state if we encounter
-some problem. @recoverQuietlyRn4@ is given a ``use-this-instead'' value,
-as well as the action to perform. This code is intentionally very lazy,
-returning a triple immediately, no matter what.
-recoverQuietlyRn4 :: a -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-recoverQuietlyRn4 use_this_if_err action gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
- = let
- (result, errs_out)
- = case (action gnfs ss emptyBag{-leav out errs-} uniqs locn) of
- (result1, errs1) ->
- if isEmptyBag errs1 then -- all's well! (but retain incoming errs)
- (result1, errs_so_far)
- else -- give up; return *incoming* UniqueSupply...
- (use_this_if_err,
- if opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs
- then errs_so_far `unionBags` errs1
- else errs_so_far) -- toss errs, otherwise
- in
- (result, errs_out)
-mapRn4 :: (a -> Rn4M b) -> [a] -> Rn4M [b]
-mapRn4 f [] = returnRn4 []
-mapRn4 f (x:xs)
- = f x `thenRn4` \ r ->
- mapRn4 f xs `thenRn4` \ rs ->
- returnRn4 (r:rs)
-mapAndUnzipRn4 :: (a -> Rn4M (b,c)) -> [a] -> Rn4M ([b],[c])
-mapAndUnzipRn4 f [] = returnRn4 ([],[])
-mapAndUnzipRn4 f (x:xs)
- = f x `thenRn4` \ (r1, r2) ->
- mapAndUnzipRn4 f xs `thenRn4` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
- returnRn4 (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
-pushSrcLocRn4 :: SrcLoc -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-pushSrcLocRn4 locn exp gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply old_locn
- = exp gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
-getSrcLocRn4 :: Rn4M SrcLoc
-getSrcLocRn4 gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
- = returnRn4 locn gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
-getNextUniquesFromRn4 :: Int -> Rn4M [Unique]
-getNextUniquesFromRn4 n gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = case (getUniques n us) of { next_uniques ->
- (next_uniques, errs_so_far) }
-* *
-\subsection{Making new names}
-* *
-@namesFromProtoNames@ takes a bunch of protonames, which are defined
-together in a group (eg a pattern or set of bindings), checks they
-are distinct, and creates new full names for them.
-namesFromProtoNames :: String -- Documentation string
- -> [(ProtoName, SrcLoc)]
- -> Rn4M [Name]
-namesFromProtoNames kind pnames_w_src_loc gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = (mapRn4 (addErrRn4 . dupNamesErr kind) dups `thenRn4_`
- mkNewNames goodies
- ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- where
- (goodies, dups) = removeDups cmp pnames_w_src_loc
- -- We want to compare their local names rather than their
- -- full protonames. It probably doesn't matter here, but it
- -- does in RnPass3.lhs!
- cmp (a, _) (b, _) = cmpByLocalName a b
-@mkNewNames@ assumes the names are unique.
-mkNewNames :: [(ProtoName, SrcLoc)] -> Rn4M [Name]
-mkNewNames pnames_w_locs
- = getNextUniquesFromRn4 (length pnames_w_locs) `thenRn4` \ uniqs ->
- returnRn4 (zipWithEqual new_short_name uniqs pnames_w_locs)
- where
- new_short_name uniq (Unk str, srcloc) -- gotta be an Unk...
- = Short uniq (mkShortName str srcloc)
-* *
-\subsection{Local scope extension and lookup}
-* *
-If the input name is an @Imp@, @lookupValue@ looks it up in the GNF.
-If it is an @Unk@, it looks it up first in the local environment
-(scope stack), and if it isn't found there, then in the value GNF. If
-it isn't found at all, @lookupValue@ adds an error message, and
-returns an @Unbound@ name.
-unboundName :: ProtoName -> Name
-unboundName pn
- = Unbound (grab_string pn)
- where
- grab_string (Unk s) = s
- grab_string (Qunk _ s) = s
- grab_string (Imp _ _ _ s) = s
-@lookupValue@ looks up a non-invisible value;
-@lookupValueEvenIfInvisible@ gives a successful lookup even if the
-value is not visible to the user (e.g., came out of a pragma).
-@lookup_val@ is the help function to do the work.
-lookupValue v {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = (lookup_val v `thenLazilyRn4` \ name ->
- if invisibleName name
- then failButContinueRn4 (unboundName v) (unknownNameErr "value" v mkUnknownSrcLoc)
- else returnRn4 name
- ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-lookupValueEvenIfInvisible v = lookup_val v
-lookup_val :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookup_val pname@(Unk v) gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
- = case (lookupFM ss v) of
- Just name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
- Nothing -> case (v_gnf pname) of
- Just name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
- Nothing -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (unknownNameErr "value" pname locn)
- gnfs ss a b locn
-lookup_val (Qunk _ _) _ _ _ _ _ = panic "RnMonad4:lookup_val:Qunk"
--- If it ain't an Unk it must be in the global name fun; that includes
--- prelude things.
-lookup_val pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
- = case (v_gnf pname) of
- Just name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
- Nothing -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (unknownNameErr "value" pname locn)
- gnfs ss a b locn
-Looking up the operators in a fixity decl is done differently. We
-want to simply drop any fixity decls which refer to operators which
-aren't in scope. Unfortunately, such fixity decls {\em will} appear
-because the parser collects *all* the fixity decls from {\em all} the
-imported interfaces (regardless of selective import), and dumps them
-together as the module fixity decls. This is really a bug. In
-We won't complain about fixity decls for operators which aren't
-We won't attach the right fixity to something which has been renamed.
-We're not going to export Prelude-related fixities (ToDo: correctly),
-so we nuke those, too.
-lookupFixityOp (Prel _) gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) = returnRn4 Nothing gnfs
-lookupFixityOp pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) = returnRn4 (v_gnf pname) gnfs
-lookupTyCon, lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
--- The global name funs handle Prel things
-lookupTyCon tc {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = (lookup_tycon tc `thenLazilyRn4` \ name ->
- if invisibleName name
- then failButContinueRn4 (unboundName tc) (unknownNameErr "type constructor" tc mkUnknownSrcLoc)
- else returnRn4 name
- ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible tc = lookup_tycon tc
-lookup_tycon (Prel name) gnfs ss a b locn = returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-lookup_tycon pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
- = case (tc_gnf pname) of
- Just name | isTyConName name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
- _ -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (unknownNameErr "type constructor" pname locn)
- gnfs ss a b locn
-lookupClass :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupClass pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
- = case (tc_gnf pname) of
- Just name | isClassName name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
- _ -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (unknownNameErr "class" pname locn)
- gnfs ss a b locn
-@lookupClassOp@ is used when looking up the lhs identifiers in a class
-or instance decl. It checks that the name it finds really is a class
-op, and that its class matches that of the class or instance decl
-being looked at.
-lookupClassOp :: Name -> ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupClassOp class_name pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
- = case v_gnf pname of
- Just op_name | isClassOpName class_name op_name
- || isUnboundName class_name -- avoid spurious errors
- -> returnRn4 op_name gnfs ss a b locn
- other -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (badClassOpErr class_name pname locn)
- gnfs ss a b locn
-@extendSS@ extends the scope; @extendSS2@ also removes the newly bound
-free vars from the result.
-extendSS :: [Name] -- Newly bound names
- -> Rn4M a
- -> Rn4M a
-extendSS binders expr gnfs ss errs us locn
- = case (extend binders ss gnfs ss errs us locn) of { (new_ss, new_errs) ->
- expr gnfs new_ss new_errs us locn }
- where
- extend :: [Name] -> ScopeStack -> Rn4M ScopeStack
- extend names ss
- = if opt_NameShadowingNotOK then
- hard_way names ss
- else -- ignore shadowing; blast 'em in
- returnRn4 (
- addListToFM ss [ (getOccurrenceName x, n) | n@(Short _ x) <- names]
- )
- hard_way [] ss = returnRn4 ss
- hard_way (name@(Short _ sname):names) ss
- = let
- str = getOccurrenceName sname
- in
- (case (lookupFM ss str) of
- Nothing -> returnRn4 (addToFM ss str name)
- Just _ -> failButContinueRn4 ss (shadowedNameErr name locn)
- ) `thenRn4` \ new_ss ->
- hard_way names new_ss
-extendSS2 :: [Name] -- Newly bound names
- -> Rn4M (a, UniqSet Name)
- -> Rn4M (a, UniqSet Name)
-extendSS2 binders expr gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = case (extendSS binders expr gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn) of
- ((e2, freevars), errs)
- -> ((e2, freevars `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet binders)),
- errs)
-The free var set returned by @(extendSS binders m)@ is that returned
-by @m@, {\em minus} binders.
-* *
-* *
-type TyVarNamesEnv = [(ProtoName, Name)]
-nullTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv
-nullTyVarNamesEnv = []
-catTyVarNamesEnvs :: TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv
-catTyVarNamesEnvs e1 e2 = e1 ++ e2
-domTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv -> [ProtoName]
-domTyVarNamesEnv env = map fst env
-@mkTyVarNamesEnv@ checks for duplicates, and complains if so.
- :: SrcLoc
- -> [ProtoName] -- The type variables
- -> Rn4M (TyVarNamesEnv,[Name]) -- Environment and renamed tyvars
-mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = (namesFromProtoNames "type variable"
- (tyvars `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn4` \ tyvars2 ->
- -- tyvars2 may not be in the same order as tyvars, so we need some
- -- jiggery pokery to build the right tyvar env, and return the
- -- renamed tyvars in the original order.
- let tv_string_name_pairs = extend tyvars2 []
- tv_env = map (lookup tv_string_name_pairs) tyvars
- tyvars2_in_orig_order = map snd tv_env
- in
- returnRn4 (tv_env, tyvars2_in_orig_order)
- ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- where
- extend :: [Name] -> [(FAST_STRING, Name)] -> [(FAST_STRING, Name)]
- extend [] ss = ss
- extend (name@(Short _ sname):names) ss
- = (getOccurrenceName sname, name) : extend names ss
- lookup :: [(FAST_STRING, Name)] -> ProtoName -> (ProtoName, Name)
- lookup pairs tyvar_pn
- = (tyvar_pn, assoc "mkTyVarNamesEnv" pairs (getOccurrenceName tyvar_pn))
-lookupTyVarName :: TyVarNamesEnv -> ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupTyVarName env pname {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- = (case (assoc_maybe env pname) of
- Just name -> returnRn4 name
- Nothing -> getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ loc ->
- failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
- (unknownNameErr "type variable" pname loc)
- ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
- where
- assoc_maybe [] _ = Nothing
- assoc_maybe ((tv,xxx) : tvs) key
- = if tv `eqProtoName` key then Just xxx else assoc_maybe tvs key
-%* *
-\subsection{Error messages}
-%* *
-badClassOpErr clas op locn
- = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonOp sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
- ppr sty clas, ppStr "'."] )
--- dupNamesErr: from RnUtils
-shadowedNameErr shadow locn
- = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ",
- ppr sty shadow] )
-unknownNameErr descriptor undef_thing locn
- = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
- pprNonOp sty undef_thing] )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..384f9f844a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnNames]{Extracting imported and top-level names in scope}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnNames (
+ getGlobalNames,
+ GlobalNameInfo(..)
+ ) where
+import PreludeGlaST ( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnIfaces ( IfaceCache(..), cacheInterface, ParsedIface )
+import RnUtils ( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, qualNameErr, dupNamesErr )
+import Bag ( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, mapBag, listToBag, bagToList )
+import ErrUtils ( Error(..), Warning(..), addShortErrLocLine )
+import FiniteMap ( fmToList )
+import Name ( RdrName(..), isQual, mkTopLevName, mkImportedName, nameExportFlag, Name )
+import Outputable ( getLocalName, getSrcLoc, pprNonOp )
+import PrelInfo ( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import PrelMods ( fromPrelude )
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply )
+import Util ( equivClasses, panic )
+type GlobalNameInfo = (BuiltinNames,
+ BuiltinKeys,
+ Name -> ExportFlag,
+ Name -> [RdrName])
+type RnM_Info s r = RnMonad GlobalNameInfo s r
+getGlobalNames ::
+ IfaceCache
+ -> GlobalNameInfo
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> RdrNameHsModule
+ -> PrimIO (RnEnv,
+ [Module],
+ Bag RenamedFixityDecl,
+ Bag Error,
+ Bag Warning)
+getGlobalNames iface_var info us
+ (HsModule mod _ _ imports _ ty_decls _ cls_decls _ _ _ binds _ _)
+ = case initRn True mod emptyRnEnv us1
+ (setExtraRn info $
+ getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds)
+ of { ((src_vals, src_tcs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
+ getImportedNames iface_var info us2 imports `thenPrimIO`
+ \ (imp_vals, imp_tcs, imp_mods, imp_fixes, imp_errs, imp_warns) ->
+ let
+ unqual_vals = mapBag (\rn -> (Unqual (getLocalName rn), rn)) src_vals
+ unqual_tcs = mapBag (\rn -> (Unqual (getLocalName rn), rn)) src_tcs
+ all_vals = bagToList (unqual_vals `unionBags` imp_vals)
+ all_tcs = bagToList (unqual_tcs `unionBags` imp_tcs)
+ (all_env, dups) = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv all_vals all_tcs
+ dup_errs = map dup_err (equivClasses cmp_rdr (bagToList dups))
+ cmp_rdr (rdr1,_,_) (rdr2,_,_) = cmp rdr1 rdr2
+ dup_err ((rdr,rn,rn'):rest) = globalDupNamesErr rdr (rn:rn': [rn|(_,_,rn)<-rest])
+ all_errs = src_errs `unionBags` imp_errs `unionBags` listToBag dup_errs
+ all_warns = src_warns `unionBags` imp_warns
+ in
+ returnPrimIO (all_env, bagToList imp_mods, imp_fixes, all_errs, all_warns)
+ }
+ where
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+* *
+\subsection{Top-level source names}
+* *
+getSourceNames ::
+ [RdrNameTyDecl]
+ -> [RdrNameClassDecl]
+ -> RdrNameHsBinds
+ -> RnM_Info s (Bag RnName, -- values
+ Bag RnName) -- tycons/classes
+getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds
+ = mapAndUnzipRn getTyDeclNames ty_decls `thenRn` \ (tycon_s, constrs_s) ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn getClassNames cls_decls `thenRn` \ (cls_s, cls_ops_s) ->
+ getTopBindsNames binds `thenRn` \ bind_names ->
+ returnRn (unionManyBags constrs_s `unionBags`
+ unionManyBags cls_ops_s `unionBags` bind_names,
+ listToBag tycon_s `unionBags` listToBag cls_s)
+getTyDeclNames :: RdrNameTyDecl
+ -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName) -- tycon and constrs
+getTyDeclNames (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ mapRn (getConDeclName (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)))
+ condecls `thenRn` \ con_names ->
+ returnRn (RnData tycon_name con_names,
+ listToBag (map (\ n -> RnConstr n tycon_name) con_names))
+getTyDeclNames (TyNew _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ mapRn (getConDeclName (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)))
+ condecls `thenRn` \ con_names ->
+ returnRn (RnData tycon_name con_names,
+ listToBag (map (\ n -> RnConstr n tycon_name) con_names))
+getTyDeclNames (TySynonym tycon _ _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+ returnRn (RnSyn tycon_name, emptyBag)
+getConDeclName exp (ConDecl con _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getConDeclName exp (ConOpDecl _ op _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc exp op
+getConDeclName exp (NewConDecl con _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getConDeclName exp (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
+ = panic "getConDeclName:RecConDecl"
+ newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getClassNames :: RdrNameClassDecl
+ -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName) -- class and class ops
+getClassNames (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing cname `thenRn` \ class_name ->
+ getClassOpNames (Just (nameExportFlag class_name))
+ sigs `thenRn` \ op_names ->
+ returnRn (RnClass class_name op_names,
+ listToBag (map (\ n -> RnClassOp n class_name) op_names))
+getClassOpNames exp []
+ = returnRn []
+getClassOpNames exp (ClassOpSig op _ _ src_loc : sigs)
+ = newGlobalName src_loc exp op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ getClassOpNames exp sigs `thenRn` \ op_names ->
+ returnRn (op_name : op_names)
+getClassOpNames exp (_ : sigs)
+ = getClassOpNames exp sigs
+* *
+* *
+getTopBindsNames :: RdrNameHsBinds
+ -> RnM_Info s (Bag RnName)
+getTopBindsNames binds = doBinds binds
+doBinds EmptyBinds = returnRn emptyBag
+doBinds (SingleBind bind) = doBind bind
+doBinds (BindWith bind sigs) = doBind bind
+doBinds (ThenBinds binds1 binds2)
+ = andRn unionBags (doBinds binds1) (doBinds binds2)
+doBind EmptyBind = returnRn emptyBag
+doBind (NonRecBind mbind) = doMBinds mbind
+doBind (RecBind mbind) = doMBinds mbind
+doMBinds EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn emptyBag
+doMBinds (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn) = doPat locn pat
+doMBinds (FunMonoBind p_name _ locn) = doName locn p_name
+doMBinds (AndMonoBinds mbinds1 mbinds2)
+ = andRn unionBags (doMBinds mbinds1) (doMBinds mbinds2)
+doPats locn pats
+ = mapRn (doPat locn) pats `thenRn` \ pats_s ->
+ returnRn (unionManyBags pats_s)
+doPat locn WildPatIn = returnRn emptyBag
+doPat locn (LitPatIn _) = returnRn emptyBag
+doPat locn (LazyPatIn pat) = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (VarPatIn var) = doName locn var
+doPat locn (NegPatIn pat) = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (ParPatIn pat) = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (ListPatIn pats) = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (TuplePatIn pats) = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (ConPatIn name pats) = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (ConOpPatIn p1 op p2)
+ = andRn unionBags (doPat locn p1) (doPat locn p2)
+doPat locn (AsPatIn as_name pat)
+ = andRn unionBags (doName locn as_name) (doPat locn pat)
+doPat locn (RecPatIn name fields)
+ = mapRn (doField locn) fields `thenRn` \ fields_s ->
+ returnRn (unionManyBags fields_s)
+doField locn (field, _, True{-pun-}) = doName locn field
+doField locn (field, pat, _) = doPat locn pat
+doName locn rdr
+ = newGlobalName locn Nothing rdr `thenRn` \ name ->
+ returnRn (unitBag (RnName name))
+* *
+\subsection{Creating a new global name}
+* *
+newGlobalName :: SrcLoc -> Maybe ExportFlag
+ -> RdrName -> RnM_Info s Name
+newGlobalName locn maybe_exp rdr
+ = getExtraRn `thenRn` \ (_,_,exp_fn,occ_fn) ->
+ getModuleRn `thenRn` \ mod ->
+ getSourceRn `thenRn` \ source ->
+ rnGetUnique `thenRn` \ u ->
+ let
+ src_unqual = getLocalName rdr
+ src_orig = if fromPrelude mod
+ then (Unqual src_unqual)
+ else (Qual mod src_unqual)
+ exp = case maybe_exp of
+ Just exp -> exp
+ Nothing -> exp_fn n
+ n = if source then
+ mkTopLevName u src_orig locn exp (occ_fn n)
+ else
+ mkImportedName u rdr locn exp (occ_fn n)
+ in
+ addErrIfRn (source && isQual rdr)
+ (qualNameErr "name in definition" (rdr, locn)) `thenRn_`
+ returnRn n
+* *
+\subsection{Imported names}
+* *
+getImportedNames ::
+ IfaceCache
+ -> GlobalNameInfo -- builtin and knot name info
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> [RdrNameImportDecl] -- import declarations
+ -> PrimIO (Bag (RdrName,RnName), -- imported values in scope
+ Bag (RdrName,RnName), -- imported tycons/classes in scope
+ Bag Module, -- directly imported modules
+ Bag RenamedFixityDecl, -- fixity info for imported names
+ Bag Error,
+ Bag Warning)
+getImportedNames iface_var info us imports
+ = returnPrimIO (builtin_vals, builtin_tcs, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
+ where
+ -- For now jsut add the builtin names ...
+ (b_names,_,_,_) = info
+ builtin_vals = listToBag [(Unqual s, rn) | (s,rn) <- fmToList b_names, not (isRnTyCon rn)]
+ builtin_tcs = listToBag [(Unqual s, rn) | (s,rn) <- fmToList b_names, isRnTyCon rn]
+globalDupNamesErr rdr rns sty
+ = ppHang (ppBesides [pprNonOp sty rdr, ppStr " multiply defined:"])
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pp_def rns))
+ where
+ pp_def rn = addShortErrLocLine (getSrcLoc rn) (\ sty -> ppr sty rn) sty
+ -- ToDo: print import src locs for imported names
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3feb281dbd..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnPass2]{Second renaming pass: boil down to non-duplicated info}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnPass2 (
- rnModule2
- -- for completeness
- ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import HsSyn
-import HsCore
-import HsPragmas
-import RdrHsSyn
-import RnMonad12
-import Bag ( Bag )
-import IdInfo ( DeforestInfo(..), Demand{-instances-}, UpdateInfo{-instance-} )
-import Outputable ( Outputable(..){-instances-} )
-import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
-import Pretty -- quite a bit of it
-import ProtoName ( cmpProtoName, eqProtoName, eqByLocalName,
- elemProtoNames, elemByLocalNames,
- ProtoName(..)
- )
-import RnUtils ( dupNamesErr )
-import SrcLoc ( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc{-instances-} )
-import Util ( isIn, equivClasses,
- panic, panic#, pprTrace, assertPanic
- )
-This pass removes duplicate declarations. Duplicates can arise when
-two imported interface have a signature (or whatever) for the same
-thing. We check that the two are consistent and then drop one.
-For preference, if one is declared in this module and the other is
-imported, we keep the former; in the case of an instance decl or type
-decl, the local version has a lot more information which we must not
-Similarly, if one has interesting pragmas and one has not, we keep the
-The notion of ``duplicate'' includes an imported signature and a
-binding in this module. In this case, the signature is discarded.
-See note below about how this should be improved.
-ToDo: There are still known cases in which we blithely consider two
-declarations to be ``duplicates'' and we then select one of them, {\em
-without} actually checking that they contain the same information!
-[WDP 93/8/16] [Improved, at least WDP 93/08/26]
-rnModule2 :: ProtoNameHsModule -> Rn12M ProtoNameHsModule
-rnModule2 (HsModule mod_name exports imports fixes
- ty_decls absty_sigs class_decls inst_decls specinst_sigs
- defaults binds int_sigs src_loc)
- = uniquefy mod_name cmpFix selFix fixes
- `thenRn12` \ fixes ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpTys selTys ty_decls
- `thenRn12` \ ty_decls ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpTySigs selTySigs absty_sigs
- `thenRn12` \ absty_sigs ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpClassDecl selClass class_decls
- `thenRn12` \ class_decls ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpInst selInst inst_decls
- `thenRn12` \ inst_decls ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpSpecInstSigs selSpecInstSigs specinst_sigs
- `thenRn12` \ specinst_sigs ->
- -- From the imported signatures discard any which are for
- -- variables bound in this module.
- -- But, be wary of those that *clash* with those for this
- -- module...
- -- Note that we want to do this properly later (ToDo) because imported
- -- signatures may differ from those declared in the module itself.
- rm_sigs_for_here mod_name int_sigs
- `thenRn12` \ non_here_int_sigs ->
- uniquefy mod_name cmpSig selSig non_here_int_sigs
- `thenRn12` \ int_sigs ->
- returnRn12
- (HsModule mod_name
- exports -- export and import lists are passed along
- imports -- for checking in RnPass3; no other reason
- fixes
- ty_decls
- absty_sigs
- class_decls
- inst_decls
- specinst_sigs
- defaults
- binds
- int_sigs
- src_loc)
- where
- top_level_binders = collectTopLevelBinders binds
- rm_sigs_for_here :: FAST_STRING -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn12M [ProtoNameSig]
- -- NB: operates only on interface signatures, so don't
- -- need to worry about user-pragmas, etc.
- rm_sigs_for_here mod_name [] = returnRn12 []
- rm_sigs_for_here mod_name (sig@(Sig name _ _ src_loc) : more_sigs)
- = rm_sigs_for_here mod_name more_sigs `thenRn12` \ rest_sigs ->
- if not (name `elemByLocalNames` top_level_binders) then -- no name clash...
- returnRn12 (sig : rest_sigs)
- else -- name clash...
- if name `elemProtoNames` top_level_binders
- && name_for_this_module name then
- -- the very same thing; just drop it
- returnRn12 rest_sigs
- else
- -- a different thing with the same name (due to renaming?)
- -- ToDo: locations need improving
- report_dup "(renamed?) variable"
- name src_loc name mkUnknownSrcLoc
- rest_sigs
- where
- name_for_this_module (Imp m _ _ _) = m == mod_name
- name_for_this_module other = True
-%* *
-\subsection[FixityDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @FixityDecls@}
-%* *
-cmpFix :: ProtoNameFixityDecl -> ProtoNameFixityDecl -> TAG_
-cmpFix (InfixL n1 i1) (InfixL n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix (InfixL n1 i1) other = LT_
-cmpFix (InfixR n1 i1) (InfixR n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix (InfixR n1 i1) (InfixN n2 i2) = LT_
-cmpFix (InfixN n1 i1) (InfixN n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix a b = GT_
-We are pretty un-fussy about which FixityDecl we keep.
-selFix :: ProtoNameFixityDecl -> ProtoNameFixityDecl -> Rn12M ProtoNameFixityDecl
-selFix f1 f2 = returnRn12 f1
-%* *
-\subsection[TyDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @TyDecls@}
-%* *
-cmpTys :: ProtoNameTyDecl -> ProtoNameTyDecl -> TAG_
-cmpTys (TyData _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (TyData _ n2 _ _ _ _ _) = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys (TyNew _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (TyNew _ n2 _ _ _ _ _) = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys (TySynonym n1 _ _ _) (TySynonym n2 _ _ _) = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys a b
- = let tag1 = tag a
- tag2 = tag b
- in
- if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
- where
- tag (TyData _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
- tag (TyNew _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
- tag (TySynonym _ _ _ _) = ILIT(3)
-selTys :: ProtoNameTyDecl -> ProtoNameTyDecl
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameTyDecl
--- Note: we could check these more closely.
--- NB: It would be a mistake to cross-check derivings,
--- because we don't preserve those in interfaces.
-selTys td1@(TyData c name1 tvs cons1 ds pragmas1 locn1)
- td2@(TyData _ name2 _ cons2 _ pragmas2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "algebraic datatype"
- name1 pragmas1 locn1 td1
- name2 pragmas2 locn2 td2
- (\ p -> TyData c name1 tvs cons1 ds p locn1)
- chooser_TyData
-selTys td1@(TyNew c name1 tvs con1 ds pragmas1 locn1)
- td2@(TyNew _ name2 _ con2 _ pragmas2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "algebraic newtype"
- name1 pragmas1 locn1 td1
- name2 pragmas2 locn2 td2
- (\ p -> TyNew c name1 tvs con1 ds p locn1)
- chooser_TyNew
-selTys ts1@(TySynonym name1 tvs expand1 locn1)
- ts2@(TySynonym name2 _ expand2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "type synonym"
- name1 bottom locn1 ts1
- name2 bottom locn2 ts2
- (\ p -> TySynonym name1 tvs expand1 locn1)
- chooser_TySynonym
- where
- bottom = panic "RnPass2:selTys:TySynonym"
-If only one is ``abstract'' (no condecls), we take the other.
-Next, we check that they don't have differing lists of data
-constructors (what a disaster if those get through...); then we do a
-similar thing using pragmatic info.
-chooser_TyNew wout pragmas1 locn1 td1@(TyNew _ name1 _ con1 _ _ _)
- pragmas2 locn2 td2@(TyNew _ name2 _ con2 _ _ _)
- = panic "RnPass2:chooser_TyNew"
-chooser_TyData wout pragmas1 locn1 td1@(TyData _ name1 _ cons1 _ _ _)
- pragmas2 locn2 td2@(TyData _ name2 _ cons2 _ _ _)
- = let
- td1_abstract = null cons1
- td2_abstract = null cons2
- choose_by_pragmas = sub_chooser pragmas1 pragmas2
- in
- if td1_abstract && td2_abstract then
- choose_by_pragmas
- else if td1_abstract then
- returnRn12 td2
- else if td2_abstract then
- returnRn12 td1
- else if not (eqConDecls cons1 cons2) then
- report_dup "algebraic datatype (mismatched data constuctors)"
- name1 locn1 name2 locn2 td1
- else
- sub_chooser pragmas1 pragmas2
- where
- sub_chooser (DataPragmas [] []) b = returnRn12 (wout b)
- sub_chooser a (DataPragmas [] []) = returnRn12 (wout a)
- sub_chooser a@(DataPragmas cons1 specs1) (DataPragmas cons2 specs2)
- = if not (eqConDecls cons1 cons2) then
- pprTrace "Mismatched info in DATA pragmas:\n"
- (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug cons1) (ppr PprDebug cons2)) (
- returnRn12 (wout (DataPragmas [] []))
- )
- else if not (eq_data_specs specs1 specs2) then
- pprTrace "Mismatched specialisation info in DATA pragmas:\n"
- (ppAbove (ppr_data_specs specs1) (ppr_data_specs specs2)) (
- returnRn12 (wout (DataPragmas [] []))
- )
- else
- returnRn12 (wout a) -- same, pick one
- -- ToDo: Should we use selByBetterName ???
- -- ToDo: Report errors properly and recover quietly ???
- -- ToDo: Should we merge specialisations ???
- eq_data_specs [] [] = True
- eq_data_specs (spec1:specs1) (spec2:specs2)
- = eq_spec spec1 spec2 && eq_data_specs specs1 specs2
- eq_data_specs _ _ = False
- eq_spec spec1 spec2 = case cmp_spec spec1 spec2 of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False}
- ppr_data_specs specs
- = ppBesides [ppStr "_SPECIALISE_ ", pp_the_list [
- ppCat [ppLbrack, ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_maybe ty_maybes), ppRbrack]
- | ty_maybes <- specs ]]
- pp_the_list [p] = p
- pp_the_list (p:ps) = ppAbove (ppBeside p ppComma) (pp_the_list ps)
- pp_maybe Nothing = pp_NONE
- pp_maybe (Just ty) = pprParendMonoType PprDebug ty
- pp_NONE = ppStr "_N_"
-Sort of similar deal on synonyms: this is the time to check that the
-expansions are really the same; otherwise, we use the pragmas.
-chooser_TySynonym wout _ locn1 ts1@(TySynonym name1 _ expand1 _)
- _ locn2 ts2@(TySynonym name2 _ expand2 _)
- = if not (eqMonoType expand1 expand2) then
- report_dup "type synonym" name1 locn1 name2 locn2 ts1
- else
- returnRn12 ts1 -- same, just pick one
-%* *
-\subsection[SpecDataSigs-RnPass2]{Functions for @SpecDataSigs@}
-%* *
-cmpTySigs :: ProtoNameSpecDataSig -> ProtoNameSpecDataSig -> TAG_
-cmpTySigs (SpecDataSig n1 ty1 _) (SpecDataSig n2 ty2 _)
- = case cmpProtoName n1 n2 of
- EQ_ -> LT_ -- multiple SPECIALIZE data pragmas allowed
- other -> other
-selTySigs :: ProtoNameSpecDataSig
- -> ProtoNameSpecDataSig
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameSpecDataSig
-selTySigs s1@(SpecDataSig n1 ty1 locn1) s2@(SpecDataSig n2 ty2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "SPECIALIZE data user-pragma"
- n1 bottom locn1 s1
- n2 bottom locn2 s2
- bottom bottom
- where
- bottom = panic "RnPass2:selTySigs:SpecDataSig"
-%* *
-\subsection[ClassDecl-RnPass2]{Functions for @ClassDecls@}
-%* *
-cmpClassDecl :: ProtoNameClassDecl -> ProtoNameClassDecl -> TAG_
-cmpClassDecl (ClassDecl _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (ClassDecl _ n2 _ _ _ _ _)
- = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-selClass :: ProtoNameClassDecl -> ProtoNameClassDecl
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameClassDecl
-selClass cd1@(ClassDecl ctxt n1 tv sigs bs pragmas1 locn1)
- cd2@(ClassDecl _ n2 _ _ _ pragmas2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "class"
- n1 pragmas1 locn1 cd1
- n2 pragmas2 locn2 cd2
- (\ p -> ClassDecl ctxt n1 tv sigs bs p locn1)
- chooser_Class
-chooser_Class wout NoClassPragmas _ _ b _ _ = returnRn12 (wout b)
-chooser_Class wout a _ _ NoClassPragmas _ _ = returnRn12 (wout a)
-chooser_Class wout sd1@(SuperDictPragmas gs1) l1 _ sd2@(SuperDictPragmas gs2) l2 _
- = if length gs1 /= length gs2 then -- urgh
- returnRn12 (wout NoClassPragmas)
- else
- recoverQuietlyRn12 [{-no gen prags-}] (
- zipWithRn12 choose_prag gs1 gs2
- ) `thenRn12` \ new_gprags ->
- returnRn12 (wout (
- if null new_gprags then
- pprTrace "tossed all SuperDictPragmas (rename2):"
- (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug sd1) (ppr PprDebug sd2))
- NoClassPragmas
- else
- SuperDictPragmas new_gprags
- ))
- where
- choose_prag g1 g2 = selGenPragmas g1 l1 g2 l2
-%* *
-\subsection[InstDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @InstDecls@}
-%* *
-cmpInst :: ProtoNameInstDecl -> ProtoNameInstDecl -> TAG_
-cmpInst (InstDecl c1 ty1 _ _ _ _ _ _) (InstDecl c2 ty2 _ _ _ _ _ _)
- = case cmpProtoName c1 c2 of
- EQ_ -> cmpInstanceTypes ty1 ty2
- other -> other
-Select the instance declaration from the module (rather than an
-interface), if it exists.
-selInst :: ProtoNameInstDecl -> ProtoNameInstDecl
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameInstDecl
-selInst i1@(InstDecl c ty bs from_here1 orig_mod1 uprags pragmas1 locn1)
- i2@(InstDecl _ _ _ from_here2 orig_mod2 _ pragmas2 locn2)
- = let
- have_orig_mod1 = not (_NULL_ orig_mod1)
- have_orig_mod2 = not (_NULL_ orig_mod2)
- choose_no1 = returnRn12 i1
- choose_no2 = returnRn12 i2
- in
- -- generally: try to keep the locally-defined instance decl
- if from_here1 && from_here2 then
- -- If they are both from this module, don't throw either away,
- -- otherwise we silently discard erroneous duplicates
- trace ("selInst: duplicate instance in this module (ToDo: msg!)")
- choose_no1
- else if from_here1 then
- if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
- trace ("selInst: instance in this module also defined somewhere else! (ToDo: msg!)")
- choose_no1
- else
- choose_no1
- else if from_here2 then
- if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
- trace ("selInst: instance in this module also defined somewhere else! (ToDo: msg!)")
- choose_no2
- else
- choose_no2
- else -- it's definitely an imported instance;
- -- first, a quick sanity check...
- if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
- trace ("selInst: `same' instances coming in from two modules! (ToDo: msg!)")
- choose_no2 -- arbitrary
- else
- panic "RnPass2: need original modules for imported instances"
-{- LATER ???
- -- now we *cheat*: so we can use the "informing module" stuff
- -- in "selByBetterName", we *make up* some ProtoNames for
- -- these instance decls
- let
- ii = SLIT("!*INSTANCE*!")
- n1 = Imp orig_mod1 ii [infor_mod1] ii
- n2 = Imp orig_mod2 ii [infor_mod2] ii
- in
- selByBetterName "instance"
- n1 pragmas1 locn1 i1
- n2 pragmas2 locn2 i2
- (\ p -> InstDecl c ty bs from_here1 orig_mod1 infor_mod1
- [{-none-}] p locn1)
- chooser_Inst
-chooser_Inst wout iprags1 loc1 i1 iprags2 loc2 i2
- = chk_pragmas iprags1 iprags2
- where
- -- easy cases:
- chk_pragmas NoInstancePragmas b = returnRn12 (wout b)
- chk_pragmas a NoInstancePragmas = returnRn12 (wout a)
- -- SimpleInstance pragmas meet: choose by GenPragmas
- chk_pragmas (SimpleInstancePragma gprags1) (SimpleInstancePragma gprags2)
- = recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
- selGenPragmas gprags1 loc1 gprags2 loc2
- ) `thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
- returnRn12 (wout (
- case new_prags of
- NoGenPragmas -> NoInstancePragmas -- bottled out
- _ -> SimpleInstancePragma new_prags
- ))
- -- SimpleInstance pragma meets anything else... take the "else"
- chk_pragmas (SimpleInstancePragma _) b = returnRn12 (wout b)
- chk_pragmas a (SimpleInstancePragma _) = returnRn12 (wout a)
- chk_pragmas (ConstantInstancePragma gp1 prs1) (ConstantInstancePragma gp2 prs2)
- = recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
- selGenPragmas gp1 loc1 gp2 loc2
- ) `thenRn12` \ dfun_prags ->
- recoverQuietlyRn12 [] (
- selNamePragmaPairs prs1 loc1 prs2 loc2
- ) `thenRn12` \ new_pairs ->
- returnRn12 (wout (
- if null new_pairs then -- bottled out
- case dfun_prags of
- NoGenPragmas -> NoInstancePragmas -- doubly bottled out
- _ -> SimpleInstancePragma dfun_prags
- else
- ConstantInstancePragma dfun_prags new_pairs
- ))
- -- SpecialisedInstancePragmas: choose by gens, then specialisations
- chk_pragmas a@(SpecialisedInstancePragma _ _) (SpecialisedInstancePragma _ _)
- = trace "not checking two SpecialisedInstancePragma pragmas!" (returnRn12 (wout a))
- chk_pragmas other1 other2 -- oops, bad mismatch
- = pRAGMA_ERROR "instance pragmas" (wout other1) -- ToDo: msg
-%* *
-\subsection[SpecInstSigs-RnPass2]{Functions for @AbstractTypeSigs@}
-%* *
-We don't make any effort to look for duplicate ``SPECIALIZE instance''
-pragmas. (Later??)
-We do this by make \tr{cmp*} always return \tr{LT_}---then there's
-nothing for \tr{sel*} to do!
- :: ProtoNameSpecInstSig -> ProtoNameSpecInstSig -> TAG_
-selSpecInstSigs :: ProtoNameSpecInstSig
- -> ProtoNameSpecInstSig
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameSpecInstSig
-cmpSpecInstSigs a b = LT_
-selSpecInstSigs a b = panic "RnPass2:selSpecInstSigs"
-%* *
-\subsection{Functions for SigDecls}
-%* *
-These \tr{*Sig} functions only operate on things from interfaces, so
-we don't have to worry about user-pragmas and other such junk.
-cmpSig :: ProtoNameSig -> ProtoNameSig -> TAG_
-cmpSig (Sig n1 _ _ _) (Sig n2 _ _ _) = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpSig _ _ = panic# "cmpSig (rename2)"
-selSig :: ProtoNameSig -> ProtoNameSig -> Rn12M ProtoNameSig
-selSig s1@(Sig n1 ty pragmas1 locn1) s2@(Sig n2 _ pragmas2 locn2)
- = selByBetterName "type signature"
- n1 pragmas1 locn1 s1
- n2 pragmas2 locn2 s2
- (\ p -> Sig n1 ty p locn1) -- w/out its pragmas
- chooser_Sig
-chooser_Sig wout_prags g1 l1 s1@(Sig n1 ty1 _ _) g2 l2 s2@(Sig n2 ty2 _ _)
- = case (cmpPolyType cmpProtoName ty1 ty2) of
- EQ_ ->
- recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
- selGenPragmas g1 l1 g2 l2
- ) `thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
- returnRn12 (wout_prags new_prags)
- _ -> report_dup "signature" n1 l1 n2 l2 s1
-%* *
-\subsection{Help functions: selecting based on pragmas}
-%* *
- :: ProtoNameGenPragmas -> SrcLoc
- -> ProtoNameGenPragmas -> SrcLoc
- -> Rn12M ProtoNameGenPragmas
-selGenPragmas NoGenPragmas _ b _ = returnRn12 b
-selGenPragmas a _ NoGenPragmas _ = returnRn12 a
-selGenPragmas g1@(GenPragmas arity1 upd1 def1 strict1 unfold1 specs1) locn1
- g2@(GenPragmas arity2 upd2 def2 strict2 unfold2 specs2) locn2
- = sel_arity arity1 arity2 `thenRn12` \ arity ->
- sel_upd upd1 upd2 `thenRn12` \ upd ->
- sel_def def1 def2 `thenRn12` \ def ->
- sel_strict strict1 strict2 `thenRn12` \ strict ->
- sel_unfold unfold1 unfold2 `thenRn12` \ unfold ->
- sel_specs specs1 specs2 `thenRn12` \ specs ->
- returnRn12 (GenPragmas arity upd def strict unfold specs)
- where
- sel_arity Nothing Nothing = returnRn12 Nothing
- sel_arity a@(Just a1) (Just a2) = if a1 == a2
- then returnRn12 a
- else pRAGMA_ERROR "arity pragmas" a
- sel_arity a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "arity pragmas" a
- -------
- sel_upd Nothing Nothing = returnRn12 Nothing
- sel_upd a@(Just u1) (Just u2) = if u1 == u2
- then returnRn12 a
- else pRAGMA_ERROR "update pragmas" a
- sel_upd a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "update pragmas" a
- -------
- sel_def Don'tDeforest Don'tDeforest = returnRn12 Don'tDeforest
- sel_def DoDeforest DoDeforest = returnRn12 DoDeforest
- sel_def a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "deforest pragmas" a
- ----------
- sel_unfold NoImpUnfolding b = returnRn12 b
- sel_unfold a NoImpUnfolding = returnRn12 a
- sel_unfold a@(ImpUnfolding _ c1) (ImpUnfolding _ c2)
- = if c1 `eqUfExpr` c2 -- very paranoid (and rightly so)
- then returnRn12 a
- else pprTrace "mismatched unfoldings:\n" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug c1) (ppr PprDebug c2)) (
- returnRn12 NoImpUnfolding
- )
- sel_unfold a@(ImpMagicUnfolding b) (ImpMagicUnfolding c)
- = if b == c then returnRn12 a else pRAGMA_ERROR "magic unfolding" a
- sel_unfold a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "unfolding pragmas" a
- ----------
- sel_strict NoImpStrictness NoImpStrictness = returnRn12 NoImpStrictness
- sel_strict a@(ImpStrictness b1 i1 g1) (ImpStrictness b2 i2 g2)
- = if b1 /= b2 || i1 /= i2
- then pRAGMA_ERROR "strictness pragmas" a
- else recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
- selGenPragmas g1 locn1 g2 locn2
- ) `thenRn12` \ wrkr_prags ->
- returnRn12 (ImpStrictness b1 i1 wrkr_prags)
- sel_strict a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "strictness pragmas" a
- ---------
- sel_specs specs1 specs2
- = selSpecialisations specs1 locn1 specs2 locn2
- :: [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
- -> [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
- -> Rn12M [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)]
-selNamePragmaPairs [] _ [] _ = returnRn12 []
-selNamePragmaPairs [] _ bs _ = returnRn12 bs
-selNamePragmaPairs as _ [] _ = returnRn12 as
-selNamePragmaPairs ((name1, prags1) : pairs1) loc1
- ((name2, prags2) : pairs2) loc2
- = if not (name1 `eqProtoName` name2) then
- -- msg of any kind??? ToDo
- pRAGMA_ERROR "named pragmas" pairs1
- else
- selGenPragmas prags1 loc1 prags2 loc2 `thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
- selNamePragmaPairs pairs1 loc1 pairs2 loc2 `thenRn12` \ rest ->
- returnRn12 ( (name1, new_prags) : rest )
-For specialisations we merge the lists from each Sig. This allows the user to
-declare specialised prelude functions in their own PreludeSpec module.
- :: [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
- -> [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
- -> Rn12M [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)]
-selSpecialisations [] _ [] _ = returnRn12 []
-selSpecialisations [] _ bs _ = returnRn12 bs -- arguable ... ToDo?
-selSpecialisations as _ [] _ = returnRn12 as -- ditto
-selSpecialisations all_specs1@((spec1, dicts1, prags1) : rest_specs1) loc1
- all_specs2@((spec2, dicts2, prags2) : rest_specs2) loc2
- = case (cmp_spec spec1 spec2) of
- LT_ -> selSpecialisations rest_specs1 loc1 all_specs2 loc2
- `thenRn12` \ rest ->
- returnRn12 ( (spec1, dicts1, prags1) : rest )
- EQ_ -> ASSERT(dicts1 == dicts2)
- recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
- selGenPragmas prags1 loc1 prags2 loc2
- ) `thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
- selSpecialisations rest_specs1 loc1 rest_specs2 loc2
- `thenRn12` \ rest ->
- returnRn12 ( (spec1, dicts1, new_prags) : rest )
- GT_ -> selSpecialisations all_specs1 loc1 rest_specs2 loc2
- `thenRn12` \ rest ->
- returnRn12 ( (spec2, dicts2, prags2) : rest )
-cmp_spec [] [] = EQ_
-cmp_spec (Nothing:xs) (Nothing:ys) = cmp_spec xs ys
-cmp_spec (Just t1:xs) (Just t2:ys) = case cmpMonoType cmpProtoName t1 t2 of
- EQ_ -> cmp_spec xs ys
- xxx -> xxx
-cmp_spec (Nothing:xs) (Just t2:ys) = LT_
-cmp_spec (Just t1:xs) (Nothing:ys) = GT_
-%* *
-\subsection{Help functions: @uniquefy@ and @selByBetterName@}
-%* *
-uniquefy :: FAST_STRING -- Module name
- -> (a -> a -> TAG_) -- Comparison function
- -> (a -> a -> Rn12M a) -- Selection function
- -> [a] -- Things to be processed
- -> Rn12M [a] -- Processed things
-uniquefy mod cmp sel things
- = mapRn12 (check_group_consistency sel) grouped_things
- where
- grouped_things = equivClasses cmp things
- check_group_consistency :: (a -> a -> Rn12M a) -- Selection function
- -> [a] -- things to be compared
- -> Rn12M a
- check_group_consistency sel [] = panic "RnPass2: runs produced an empty list"
- check_group_consistency sel (thing:things) = foldrRn12 sel thing things
-@selByBetterName@: There are two ways one thing can have a ``better
-name'' than another.
-First: Something with an @Unk@ name is declared in this module, so we
-keep that, rather than something from an interface (with an @Imp@
-name, probably).
-Second: If we have two non-@Unk@ names, but one ``informant module''
-is also the {\em original} module for the entity, then we choose that
-one. I.e., if one interface says, ``I am the module that created this
-thing'' then we believe it and take that one.
-If we can't figure out which one to choose by the names, we use the
-info provided to select based on the pragmas.
-LATER: but surely we have to worry about different-by-original-name
-things which are same-by-local-name things---these should be reported
-as errors.
-selByBetterName :: String -- class/datatype/synonym (for error msg)
- -- 1st/2nd comparee name/pragmas + their things
- -> ProtoName -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing
- -> ProtoName -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing
- -- a thing without its pragmas
- -> (pragmas -> thing)
- -- choose-by-pragma function
- -> ((pragmas -> thing) -- thing minus its pragmas
- -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing -- comparee 1
- -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing -- comparee 2
- -> Rn12M thing ) -- thing w/ its new pragmas
- -> Rn12M thing -- selected thing
-selByBetterName dup_msg
- pn1 pragmas1 locn1 thing1
- pn2 pragmas2 locn2 thing2
- thing_wout_pragmas
- chooser
- = getModuleNameRn12 `thenRn12` \ mod_name ->
- let
- choose_thing1 = chk_eq (returnRn12 thing1)
- choose_thing2 = chk_eq (returnRn12 thing2)
- check_n_choose = chk_eq (chooser thing_wout_pragmas
- pragmas1 locn1 thing1
- pragmas2 locn2 thing2)
- dup_error = report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing1
- in
- case pn1 of
- Unk _ -> case pn2 of
- Unk _ -> dup_error
- _ -> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn2
- then dup_error
- else choose_thing1
- Prel _ -> case pn2 of
- Unk _ -> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn1
- then dup_error
- else choose_thing2
- _ -> check_n_choose
- Imp om1 _ im1 _ -> -- we're gonna check `informant module' info...
- case pn2 of
- Unk _ -> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn1
- then dup_error
- else choose_thing2
- Prel _ -> check_n_choose
- Imp om2 _ im2 _
- -> let
- is_elem = isIn "selByBetterName"
- name1_claims_orig = om1 `is_elem` im1 && not (_NULL_ om1)
- name2_claims_orig = om2 `is_elem` im2 && not (_NULL_ om2)
- in
- if name1_claims_orig
- then if name2_claims_orig then check_n_choose else choose_thing1
- else if name2_claims_orig then choose_thing2 else check_n_choose
- where
- chk_eq if_OK
- = if not (eqProtoName pn1 pn2) && eqByLocalName pn1 pn2
- then report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing1
- else if_OK
- orig_modules_clash this_module pn
- = case (getOrigName pn) of { (that_module, _) ->
- not (this_module == that_module) }
-report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing
- = addErrRn12 err_msg `thenRn12` \ _ ->
- returnRn12 thing
- where
- err_msg = dupNamesErr dup_msg [(pn1,locn1), (pn2,locn2)]
-pRAGMA_ERROR :: String -> a -> Rn12M a
- = addErrRn12 (\ sty -> ppStr ("PRAGMA ERROR:"++msg)) `thenRn12` \ _ ->
- returnRn12 x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index ce905edec1..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnPass3]{Third of the renaming passes}
-The business of this pass is to:
-\item find all the things declared at top level,
-\item assign uniques to them
-\item return an association list mapping their @ProtoName@s to
- freshly-minted @Names@ for them.
-No attempt is made to discover whether the same thing is declared
-twice: that is up to the caller to sort out.
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnPass3 (
- rnModule3,
- initRn3, Rn3M(..) -- re-exported from monad
- -- for completeness
- ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import RnMonad3
-import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn
-import Bag ( emptyBag, listToBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
- unitBag, snocBag, elemBag, bagToList, Bag
- )
-import ErrUtils
-import HsPragmas ( DataPragmas(..) )
-import Name ( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes ( fromPrelude, FullName{-instances-} )
-import Pretty
-import ProtoName ( cmpByLocalName, ProtoName(..) )
-import RnUtils ( mkGlobalNameFun,
- GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..),
- PreludeNameMappers(..), PreludeNameMapper(..),
- dupNamesErr
- )
-import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc{-instance-} )
-import Util ( isIn, removeDups, cmpPString, panic )
-* *
-\subsection{Type declarations}
-* *
-type BagAssoc = Bag (ProtoName, Name) -- Bag version
-type NameSpaceAssoc = [(ProtoName, Name)] -- List version
-* *
-\subsection{Main function: @rnModule3@}
-* *
-rnModule3 :: PreludeNameMappers
- -> Bag FAST_STRING -- list of imported module names
- -> ProtoNameHsModule
- -> Rn3M ( NameSpaceAssoc, NameSpaceAssoc,
- GlobalNameMapper, GlobalNameMapper,
- Bag Error )
-rnModule3 pnfs@(val_pnf, tc_pnf) imported_mod_names
- (HsModule mod_name exports imports _ ty_decls _ class_decls
- inst_decls _ _ binds sigs _)
- = putInfoDownM3 {- ???pnfs -} mod_name exports (
- doTyDecls3 ty_decls `thenRn3` \ (constrs, tycons) ->
- doClassDecls3 class_decls `thenRn3` \ (ops, classes) ->
- doBinds3 binds `thenRn3` \ val_binds ->
- doIntSigs3 sigs `thenRn3` \ val_sigs ->
- let val_namespace = constrs `unionBags` ops `unionBags` val_binds
- `unionBags` val_sigs
- tc_namespace = tycons `unionBags` classes
- (var_alist, var_dup_errs) = deal_with_dups "variable" val_pnf (bagToList val_namespace)
- (tc_alist, tc_dup_errs) = deal_with_dups "type or class" tc_pnf (bagToList tc_namespace)
- v_gnf = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name val_pnf var_alist
- tc_gnf = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name tc_pnf tc_alist
- in
- verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf (imported_mod_names `snocBag` mod_name) exports
- `thenRn3` \ export_errs ->
- verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports `thenRn3` \ import_errs ->
- returnRn3 ( var_alist, tc_alist,
- v_gnf, tc_gnf,
- var_dup_errs `unionBags` tc_dup_errs `unionBags`
- export_errs `unionBags` import_errs
- ))
- where
- deal_with_dups :: String -> PreludeNameMapper -> NameSpaceAssoc
- -> (NameSpaceAssoc, Bag Error)
- deal_with_dups kind_str pnf alist
- = (goodies,
- listToBag (map mk_dup_err dup_lists) `unionBags`
- listToBag (map mk_prel_dup_err prel_dups)
- )
- where
- goodies :: [(ProtoName,Name)] --NameSpaceAssoc
- dup_lists :: [[(ProtoName, Name)]]
- -- Find all the names which are defined twice.
- -- By "name" here, we mean "string"; that is, we are looking
- -- for places where two strings are bound to different Names
- -- in the top-level scope of this module.
- (singles, dup_lists) = removeDups cmp alist
- -- We want to compare their *local* names; the removeDups thing
- -- is checking for whether two objects have the same local name.
- cmp (a, _) (b, _) = cmpByLocalName a b
- -- Anything in alist with a Unk name is defined right here in
- -- this module; hence, it should not be a prelude name. We
- -- need to check this separately, because the prelude is
- -- imported only implicitly, via the PrelNameFuns argument
- (goodies, prel_dups) = if fromPrelude mod_name then
- (singles, []) -- Compiling the prelude, so ignore this check
- else
- partition local_def_of_prelude_thing singles
- local_def_of_prelude_thing (Unk s, _)
- = case pnf s of
- Just _ -> False -- Eek! It's a prelude name
- Nothing -> True -- It isn't; all is ok
- local_def_of_prelude_thing other = True
- mk_dup_err :: [(ProtoName, Name)] -> Error
- mk_dup_err dups_of_name
- = let
- dup_pnames_w_src_loc = [ (pn, getSrcLoc name) | (pn,name) <- dups_of_name ]
- in
- dupNamesErr kind_str dup_pnames_w_src_loc
- -- This module defines a prelude thing
- mk_prel_dup_err :: (ProtoName, Name) -> Error
- mk_prel_dup_err (pn, name)
- = dupPreludeNameErr kind_str (pn, getSrcLoc name)
-* *
-\subsection{Type and class declarations}
-* *
-doTyDecls3 :: [ProtoNameTyDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
-doTyDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
-doTyDecls3 (tyd:tyds)
- = andRn3 combiner (do_decl tyd) (doTyDecls3 tyds)
- where
- combiner (cons1, tycons1) (cons2, tycons2)
- = (cons1 `unionBags` cons2, tycons1 `unionBags` tycons2)
- do_decl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls _ pragmas src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
- `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
- let
- exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
- -- we want to force all data cons to have the very
- -- same export flag as their type constructor
- in
- doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecls `thenRn3` \ data_cons ->
- do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_cons ->
- returnRn3 (data_cons `unionBags` pragma_data_cons,
- unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
- True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
- [ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_cons ]))
- do_decl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl _ pragmas src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
- `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
- let
- exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
- -- we want to force all data cons to have the very
- -- same export flag as their type constructor
- in
- doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecl `thenRn3` \ data_con ->
- do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_con ->
- returnRn3 (data_con `unionBags` pragma_data_con,
- unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
- True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
- [ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_con ]))
- do_decl (TySynonym tycon tyvars monoty src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
- `thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
- returnRn3 (emptyBag,
- unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars) False bottom))
- -- Flase indicates type tycon
- where
- bottom = panic "do_decl: data cons on synonym?"
- do_data_pragmas exp_flag (DataPragmas con_decls specs)
- = doConDecls3 True{-invisibles-} exp_flag con_decls
-doConDecls3 :: Bool -- True <=> mk invisible FullNames
- -> ExportFlag -- Export flag of the TyCon; we want
- -- to force its use.
- -> [ProtoNameConDecl]
- -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doConDecls3 _ _ [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag (cd:cds)
- = andRn3 unionBags (do_decl cd) (doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag cds)
- where
- mk_name = if want_invisibles then newInvisibleNameM3 else newFullNameM3
- do_decl (ConDecl con tys src_loc)
- = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
- do_decl (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
- = mk_name op src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (op, ValName uniq con_name))
- do_decl (NewConDecl con ty src_loc)
- = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
- do_decl (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
- = _trace "doConDecls3:RecConDecl:nothing for fields\n" $
- mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
-@doClassDecls3@ uses the `name function' to map local class names into
-original names, calling @doClassOps3@ to do the same for the
-class operations. @doClassDecls3@ is used to process module
-class declarations.
-doClassDecls3 :: [ProtoNameClassDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
-doClassDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
-doClassDecls3 (cd:cds)
- = andRn3 combiner (do_decl cd) (doClassDecls3 cds)
- where
- combiner (ops1, classes1) (ops2, classes2)
- = (ops1 `unionBags` ops2, classes1 `unionBags` classes2)
- do_decl (ClassDecl context cname@(Prel c) tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
- = doClassOps3 c 1 sigs `thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
- returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, c))
- do_decl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 cname src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
- `thenRn3` \ (uniq, class_name) ->
- fixRn3 ( \ ~(clas_ops,_) ->
- let
- class_Name = ClassName uniq class_name
- [ o | (_,o) <- bagToList clas_ops ]
- in
- doClassOps3 class_Name 1 sigs `thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
- returnRn3 (ops, class_Name)
- ) `thenRn3` \ (ops, class_Name) ->
- returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, class_Name))
-We stitch on a class-op tag to each class operation. They are guaranteed
-to be done in left-to-right order.
-doClassOps3 :: Name{-class-} -> Int -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M (Int, BagAssoc)
-doClassOps3 clas tag [] = returnRn3 (tag, emptyBag)
-doClassOps3 clas tag (sig:rest)
- = do_op sig `thenRn3` \ (tag1, bag1) ->
- doClassOps3 clas tag1 rest `thenRn3` \ (tagr, bagr) ->
- returnRn3 (tagr, bag1 `unionBags` bagr)
- where
-{- LATER: NB: OtherVal is a Name, not a ProtoName
- do_op (ClassOpSig op@(OtherVal uniq name) ty pragma src_loc)
- = -- A classop whose unique is pre-ordained, so the type checker
- -- can look it up easily
- let
- op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (snd (getOrigName name)) tag
- in
- returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
- do_op (ClassOpSig op ty pragma src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 op src_loc False{-not tyconish-} Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, _) ->
- let
- op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (get_str op) tag
- in
- returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
- where
- -- A rather yukky function to get the original name out of a
- -- class operation. The "snd (getOrigName ...)" in the other
- -- ClassOpSig case does the corresponding yukky thing.
- get_str :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
- get_str (Unk s) = s
- get_str (Qunk _ s) = s
- get_str (Imp _ d _ _) = d
-Remember, interface signatures don't have user-pragmas, etc., in them.
-doIntSigs3 :: [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doIntSigs3 [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doIntSigs3 (s:ss)
- = andRn3 unionBags (do_sig s) (doIntSigs3 ss)
- where
- do_sig (Sig v ty pragma src_loc)
- = newFullNameM3 v src_loc False{-distinctly untycon-ish-} Nothing
- `thenRn3` \ (uniq, v_fname) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (v, ValName uniq v_fname))
-* *
-* *
-doBinds3 :: ProtoNameHsBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doBinds3 EmptyBinds = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doBinds3 (ThenBinds binds1 binds2)
- = andRn3 unionBags (doBinds3 binds1) (doBinds3 binds2)
-doBinds3 (SingleBind bind) = doBind3 bind
-doBinds3 (BindWith bind sigs) = doBind3 bind
-doBind3 :: ProtoNameBind -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doBind3 EmptyBind = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doBind3 (NonRecBind mbind) = doMBinds3 mbind
-doBind3 (RecBind mbind) = doMBinds3 mbind
-doMBinds3 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doMBinds3 EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doMBinds3 (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn) = doPat3 locn pat
-doMBinds3 (FunMonoBind p_name _ locn) = doTopLevName locn p_name
-doMBinds3 (AndMonoBinds mbinds1 mbinds2)
- = andRn3 unionBags (doMBinds3 mbinds1) (doMBinds3 mbinds2)
-Fold over a list of patterns:
-doPats3 locn [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPats3 locn (pat:pats)
- = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat) (doPats3 locn pats)
-doPat3 :: SrcLoc -> ProtoNamePat -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doPat3 locn WildPatIn = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPat3 locn (LitPatIn _) = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPat3 locn (LazyPatIn pat) = doPat3 locn pat
-doPat3 locn (VarPatIn n) = doTopLevName locn n
-doPat3 locn (ListPatIn pats) = doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (TuplePatIn pats) = doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (AsPatIn p_name pat)
- = andRn3 unionBags (doTopLevName locn p_name) (doPat3 locn pat)
-doPat3 locn (ConPatIn name pats) = doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (ConOpPatIn pat1 name pat2)
- = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat1) (doPat3 locn pat2)
-doTopLevName :: SrcLoc -> ProtoName -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doTopLevName locn pn
- = newFullNameM3 pn locn False{-un-tycon-ish-} Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, name) ->
- returnRn3 (unitBag (pn, ValName uniq name))
-Have to check that export/imports lists aren't too drug-crazed.
-verifyExports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
- -> Bag FAST_STRING -- module names that might appear
- -- in an export list; includes the
- -- name of this module
- -> Maybe [IE ProtoName] -- export list
- -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-verifyExports _ _ _ Nothing{-no export list-} = returnRn3 emptyBag
-verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf imported_mod_names export_list@(Just exports)
- = mapRn3 verify exports `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- chk_exp_dups export_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs ++ dup_errs))
- where
- ok = returnRn3 emptyBag
- naughty nm msg = returnRn3 (unitBag (badExportNameErr (_UNPK_ nm) msg))
- undef_name nm = naughty nm "is not defined."
- dup_name (nm:_)= naughty nm "occurs more than once."
- undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- ----------------
- chk_exp_dups :: Maybe [IE ProtoName] -> Rn3M [Bag Error]
- chk_exp_dups exports
- = let
- export_strs = [ nm | (nm, _) <- fst (getRawExportees exports) ]
- (_, dup_lists) = removeDups cmpByLocalName{-????-} export_strs
- in
- mapRn3 dup_name [map getOccurrenceName dl | dl <- dup_lists]
- ---------------- the more serious checking
- verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- verify (IEVar v)
- = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
- verify (IEModuleContents mod)
- = if not (mod `elemBag` imported_mod_names) then undef_name mod else ok
- verify (IEThingAbs tc)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
- Just nm -> let
- naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
- in
- case nm of
- TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
- -> naughty_tc "must be exported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
- ClassName _ _ _
- -> naughty_tc "cannot be exported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
- _ -> ok
- verify (IEThingAll tc)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
- Just nm -> let
- naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
- in
- case nm of
- TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
- -> naughty_tc "can't be exported with a `(..)' -- it was imported abstractly."
- _ -> ok
-{- OLD:
- verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name tc
- Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
- -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
- verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
- = case (tc_gnf c) of
- Nothing -> undef_name c
- Just _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
- -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
-Note: we're not too particular about whether something mentioned in an
-import list is in {\em that} interface... (ToDo? Probably not.)
-verifyImports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
- -> [ProtoNameImportedInterface]
- -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports
- = mapRn3 chk_one (map collect imports) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
- where
- -- collect: name/locn, import list
- collect (ImportMod iff qual asmod details)
- = (iface iff, imp_list, hide_list)
- where
- (imp_list, hide_list)
- = case details of
- Nothing -> ([], [])
- Just (True{-hidden-}, ies) -> ([], ies)
- Just (_ {-unhidden-}, ies) -> (ies, [])
- ------------
- iface (Interface name _ _ _ _ _ _ locn) = (name, locn)
- ------------
- chk_one :: ((FAST_STRING, SrcLoc), [IE ProtoName], [IE ProtoName])
- -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- chk_one ((mod_name, locn), import_list, hide_list)
- = mapRn3 verify import_list `thenRn3` \ errs1 ->
- chk_imp_dups import_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
- -- ToDo: we could check the hiding list more carefully
- chk_imp_dups hide_list `thenRn3` \ dup_errs2 ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs1 ++ dup_errs ++ dup_errs2))
- where
- ok = returnRn3 emptyBag
- naughty nm msg = returnRn3 (unitBag (badImportNameErr (_UNPK_ mod_name) (_UNPK_ nm) msg locn))
- undef_name nm = naughty nm "is not defined."
- dup_name (nm:_) = naughty nm "occurs more than once."
- undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- ----------------
- chk_imp_dups imports
- = let
- import_strs = getRawImportees imports
- (_, dup_lists) = removeDups _CMP_STRING_ import_strs
- in
- mapRn3 dup_name dup_lists
- ----------------
- verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
- verify (IEVar v)
- = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
- verify (IEThingAbs tc)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
- Just nm -> let
- naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
- in
- case nm of
- TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
- -> naughty_tc "must be imported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
- ClassName _ _ _
- -> naughty_tc "cannot be imported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
- _ -> ok
- verify (IEThingAll tc)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
- Just nm -> let
- naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
- in
- case nm of
- TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
- -> naughty_tc "can't be imported with a `(..)' -- the interface says it's abstract."
- _ -> ok
-{- OLD:
- verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
- = case (tc_gnf tc) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
- Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
- -- One could add a great wad of tedious checking
- -- here, but I am too lazy to do so. WDP 94/10
- verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
- = case (tc_gnf c) of
- Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName c)
- Just _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
- returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
- -- Ditto about tedious checking. WDP 94/10
-%* *
-\subsection{Error messages}
-%* *
-badExportNameErr name whats_wrong
- = dontAddErrLoc
- "Error in the export list" ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
-badImportNameErr mod name whats_wrong locn
- = addErrLoc locn
- ("Error in an import list for the module `"++mod++"'") ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
--- dupNamesErr: from RnUtils
-dupPreludeNameErr descriptor (nm, locn)
- = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
- ppBesides [ ppStr "A conflict with a Prelude ", ppStr descriptor,
- ppStr ": ", ppr sty nm ])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..235e945938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnSource]{Main pass of renamer}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnSource ( rnSource, rnPolyType ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop -- *check* the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loop-breaking
+import HsSyn
+import HsPragmas
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnBinds ( rnTopBinds, rnMethodBinds )
+import Bag ( bagToList )
+import Class ( derivableClassKeys )
+import ListSetOps ( unionLists, minusList )
+import Name ( RdrName )
+import Maybes ( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
+import Outputable ( isLocallyDefined, isAvarid, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..) )
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import UniqFM ( addListToUFM, listToUFM )
+import UniqSet ( UniqSet(..) )
+import Util ( isn'tIn, panic, assertPanic )
+rnExports mods Nothing = returnRn (\n -> ExportAll)
+rnExports mods (Just exps) = returnRn (\n -> ExportAll)
+rnSource `renames' the source module and export list.
+It simultaneously performs dependency analysis and precedence parsing.
+It also does the following error checks:
+Checks that tyvars are used properly. This includes checking
+for undefined tyvars, and tyvars in contexts that are ambiguous.
+Checks that all variable occurences are defined.
+Checks the (..) etc constraints in the export list.
+rnSource :: [Module] -- imported modules
+ -> Bag RenamedFixityDecl -- fixity info for imported names
+ -> RdrNameHsModule
+ -> RnM s (RenamedHsModule,
+ Name -> ExportFlag, -- export info
+ Bag (RnName, RdrName)) -- occurrence info
+rnSource imp_mods imp_fixes (HsModule mod version exports _ fixes
+ ty_decls specdata_sigs class_decls
+ inst_decls specinst_sigs defaults
+ binds _ src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ rnExports (mod:imp_mods) exports `thenRn` \ exported_fn ->
+ rnFixes fixes `thenRn` \ src_fixes ->
+ let
+ pair_name (InfixL n i) = (n, i)
+ pair_name (InfixR n i) = (n, i)
+ pair_name (InfixN n i) = (n, i)
+ imp_fixes_fm = listToUFM (map pair_name (bagToList imp_fixes))
+ all_fixes_fm = addListToUFM imp_fixes_fm (map pair_name src_fixes)
+ in
+ setExtraRn {-all_fixes_fm-}(panic "rnSource:all_fixes_fm") $
+ mapRn rnTyDecl ty_decls `thenRn` \ new_ty_decls ->
+ mapRn rnSpecDataSig specdata_sigs `thenRn` \ new_specdata_sigs ->
+ mapRn rnClassDecl class_decls `thenRn` \ new_class_decls ->
+ mapRn rnInstDecl inst_decls `thenRn` \ new_inst_decls ->
+ mapRn rnSpecInstSig specinst_sigs `thenRn` \ new_specinst_sigs ->
+ rnDefaultDecl defaults `thenRn` \ new_defaults ->
+ rnTopBinds binds `thenRn` \ new_binds ->
+ getOccurrenceUpRn `thenRn` \ occ_info ->
+ returnRn (
+ HsModule mod version
+ trashed_exports trashed_imports
+ {-new_fixes-}(panic "rnSource:new_fixes (Hi, Patrick!)")
+ new_ty_decls new_specdata_sigs new_class_decls
+ new_inst_decls new_specinst_sigs new_defaults
+ new_binds [] src_loc,
+ exported_fn,
+ occ_info
+ )
+ where
+ trashed_exports = panic "rnSource:trashed_exports"
+ trashed_imports = panic "rnSource:trashed_imports"
+%* *
+\subsection{Type declarations}
+%* *
+@rnTyDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new type
+declaration in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+Renaming type variables is a pain. Because they now contain uniques,
+it is necessary to pass in an association list which maps a parsed
+tyvar to its Name representation. In some cases (type signatures of
+values), it is even necessary to go over the type first in order to
+get the set of tyvars used by it, make an assoc list, and then go over
+it again to rename the tyvars! However, we can also do some scoping
+checks at the same time.
+rnTyDecl :: RdrNameTyDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedTyDecl
+rnTyDecl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls derivings pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+ rnContext tv_env context `thenRn` \ context' ->
+ rnConDecls tv_env condecls `thenRn` \ condecls' ->
+ rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
+ ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (TyData context' tycon' tyvars' condecls' derivings' noDataPragmas src_loc)
+rnTyDecl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl derivings pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+ rnContext tv_env context `thenRn` \ context' ->
+ rnConDecls tv_env condecl `thenRn` \ condecl' ->
+ rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
+ ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (TyNew context' tycon' tyvars' condecl' derivings' noDataPragmas src_loc)
+rnTyDecl (TySynonym name tyvars ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupTyCon name `thenRn` \ name' ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+ rnMonoType tv_env ty `thenRn` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn (TySynonym name' tyvars' ty' src_loc)
+rn_derivs tycon2 locn Nothing -- derivs not specified
+ = returnRn Nothing
+rn_derivs tycon2 locn (Just ds)
+ = mapRn (rn_deriv tycon2 locn) ds `thenRn` \ derivs ->
+ returnRn (Just derivs)
+ where
+ rn_deriv tycon2 locn clas
+ = lookupClass clas `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
+ addErrIfRn (uniqueOf clas_name `not_elem` derivableClassKeys)
+ (derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn)
+ `thenRn_`
+ returnRn clas_name
+ where
+ not_elem = isn'tIn "rn_deriv"
+@rnConDecls@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+constructor in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnConDecls :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> [RdrNameConDecl]
+ -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedConDecl]
+rnConDecls tv_env con_decls
+ = mapRn rn_decl con_decls
+ where
+ rn_decl (ConDecl name tys src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupValue name `thenRn` \ new_name ->
+ mapRn rn_bang_ty tys `thenRn` \ new_tys ->
+ returnRn (ConDecl new_name new_tys src_loc)
+ rn_decl (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupValue op `thenRn` \ new_op ->
+ rn_bang_ty ty1 `thenRn` \ new_ty1 ->
+ rn_bang_ty ty2 `thenRn` \ new_ty2 ->
+ returnRn (ConOpDecl new_ty1 new_op new_ty2 src_loc)
+ rn_decl (NewConDecl name ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupValue name `thenRn` \ new_name ->
+ rn_mono_ty ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn (NewConDecl new_name new_ty src_loc)
+ rn_decl (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
+ = panic "rnConDecls:RecConDecl"
+ ----------
+ rn_mono_ty = rnMonoType tv_env
+ rn_bang_ty (Banged ty)
+ = rn_mono_ty ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn (Banged new_ty)
+ rn_bang_ty (Unbanged ty)
+ = rn_mono_ty ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn (Unbanged new_ty)
+%* *
+\subsection{SPECIALIZE data pragmas}
+%* *
+rnSpecDataSig :: RdrNameSpecDataSig
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedSpecDataSig
+rnSpecDataSig (SpecDataSig tycon ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ let
+ tyvars = extractMonoTyNames ty
+ in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+ rnMonoType tv_env ty `thenRn` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn (SpecDataSig tycon' ty' src_loc)
+%* *
+\subsection{Class declarations}
+%* *
+@rnClassDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+class declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnClassDecl :: RdrNameClassDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedClassDecl
+rnClassDecl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs mbinds pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tyvar] `thenRn` \ (tv_env, [tyvar']) ->
+ rnContext tv_env context `thenRn` \ context' ->
+ lookupClass cname `thenRn` \ cname' ->
+ mapRn (rn_op cname' tv_env) sigs `thenRn` \ sigs' ->
+ rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds `thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
+ ASSERT(isNoClassPragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (ClassDecl context' cname' tyvar' sigs' mbinds' NoClassPragmas src_loc)
+ where
+ rn_op clas tv_env (ClassOpSig op ty pragmas locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp clas op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ rnPolyType tv_env ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+*** Please check here that tyvar' appears in new_ty ***
+*** (used to be in tcClassSig, but it's better here)
+*** not_elem = isn'tIn "tcClassSigs"
+*** -- Check that the class type variable is mentioned
+*** checkTc (clas_tyvar `not_elem` extractTyVarTemplatesFromTy local_ty)
+*** (methodTypeLacksTyVarErr clas_tyvar (_UNPK_ op_name) src_loc) `thenTc_`
+ ASSERT(isNoClassOpPragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (ClassOpSig op_name new_ty noClassOpPragmas locn)
+%* *
+\subsection{Instance declarations}
+%* *
+@rnInstDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new of
+instance declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnInstDecl :: RdrNameInstDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedInstDecl
+rnInstDecl (InstDecl cname ty mbinds from_here modname uprags pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupClass cname `thenRn` \ cname' ->
+ rnPolyType [] ty `thenRn` \ ty' ->
+ -- [] tv_env ensures that tyvars will be foralled
+ rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds `thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
+ mapRn (rn_uprag cname') uprags `thenRn` \ new_uprags ->
+ ASSERT(isNoInstancePragmas pragmas)
+ returnRn (InstDecl cname' ty' mbinds'
+ from_here modname new_uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc)
+ where
+ rn_uprag class_name (SpecSig op ty using locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ lookupClassOp class_name op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ rn_using using `thenRn` \ new_using ->
+ returnRn (SpecSig op_name new_ty new_using locn)
+ rn_uprag class_name (InlineSig op locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp class_name op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ returnRn (InlineSig op_name locn)
+ rn_uprag class_name (DeforestSig op locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp class_name op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ returnRn (DeforestSig op_name locn)
+ rn_uprag class_name (MagicUnfoldingSig op str locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+ lookupClassOp class_name op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+ returnRn (MagicUnfoldingSig op_name str locn)
+ rn_using Nothing
+ = returnRn Nothing
+ rn_using (Just v)
+ = lookupValue v `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn (Just new_v)
+%* *
+\subsection{@SPECIALIZE instance@ user-pragmas}
+%* *
+rnSpecInstSig :: RdrNameSpecInstSig
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedSpecInstSig
+rnSpecInstSig (SpecInstSig clas ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ let
+ tyvars = extractMonoTyNames ty
+ in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+ lookupClass clas `thenRn` \ new_clas ->
+ rnMonoType tv_env ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn (SpecInstSig new_clas new_ty src_loc)
+%* *
+\subsection{Default declarations}
+%* *
+@rnDefaultDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new set
+of default declarations in which local names have been replaced by
+their original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnDefaultDecl :: [RdrNameDefaultDecl] -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedDefaultDecl]
+rnDefaultDecl [] = returnRn []
+rnDefaultDecl [DefaultDecl tys src_loc]
+ = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+ mapRn (rnMonoType nullTyVarNamesEnv) tys `thenRn` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn [DefaultDecl tys' src_loc]
+rnDefaultDecl defs@(d:ds)
+ = addErrRn (dupDefaultDeclErr defs) `thenRn_`
+ rnDefaultDecl [d]
+%* *
+\subsection{Fixity declarations}
+%* *
+rnFixes :: [RdrNameFixityDecl] -> RnM s [RenamedFixityDecl]
+rnFixes fixities
+ = mapRn rn_fixity fixities `thenRn` \ fixes_maybe ->
+ returnRn (catMaybes fixes_maybe)
+ where
+ rn_fixity fix@(InfixL name i)
+ = rn_fixity_pieces InfixL name i fix
+ rn_fixity fix@(InfixR name i)
+ = rn_fixity_pieces InfixR name i fix
+ rn_fixity fix@(InfixN name i)
+ = rn_fixity_pieces InfixN name i fix
+ rn_fixity_pieces mk_fixity name i fix
+ = lookupValueMaybe name `thenRn` \ maybe_res ->
+ case maybe_res of
+ Just res | isLocallyDefined res
+ -> returnRn (Just (mk_fixity res i))
+ _ -> failButContinueRn Nothing (undefinedFixityDeclErr fix)
+%* *
+\subsection{Support code to rename types}
+%* *
+rnPolyType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> RdrNamePolyType
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+rnPolyType tv_env (HsForAllTy tvs ctxt ty)
+ = rn_poly_help tv_env tvs ctxt ty
+rnPolyType tv_env poly_ty@(HsPreForAllTy ctxt ty)
+ = rn_poly_help tv_env forall_tyvars ctxt ty
+ where
+ mentioned_tyvars = extract_poly_ty_names poly_ty
+ forall_tyvars = mentioned_tyvars `minusList` domTyVarNamesEnv tv_env
+extract_poly_ty_names (HsPreForAllTy ctxt ty)
+ = extractCtxtTyNames ctxt
+ `unionLists`
+ extractMonoTyNames ty
+rn_poly_help :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> [RdrName]
+ -> RdrNameContext
+ -> RdrNameMonoType
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+rn_poly_help tv_env tyvars ctxt ty
+ = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn` \ (tv_env1, new_tyvars) ->
+ let
+ tv_env2 = catTyVarNamesEnvs tv_env1 tv_env
+ in
+ rnContext tv_env2 ctxt `thenRn` \ new_ctxt ->
+ rnMonoType tv_env2 ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn (HsForAllTy new_tyvars new_ctxt new_ty)
+rnMonoType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> RdrNameMonoType
+ -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedMonoType
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTyVar tyvar)
+ = lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn` \ tyvar' ->
+ returnRn (MonoTyVar tyvar')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoListTy ty)
+ = rnMonoType tv_env ty `thenRn` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn (MonoListTy ty')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2)
+ = andRn MonoFunTy (rnMonoType tv_env ty1)
+ (rnMonoType tv_env ty2)
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTupleTy tys)
+ = mapRn (rnMonoType tv_env) tys `thenRn` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn (MonoTupleTy tys')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTyApp name tys)
+ = let
+ lookup_fn = if isAvarid (getLocalName name)
+ then lookupTyVarName tv_env
+ else lookupTyCon
+ in
+ lookup_fn name `thenRn` \ name' ->
+ mapRn (rnMonoType tv_env) tys `thenRn` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn (MonoTyApp name' tys')
+rnContext :: TyVarNamesEnv -> RdrNameContext -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedContext
+rnContext tv_env ctxt
+ = mapRn rn_ctxt ctxt
+ where
+ rn_ctxt (clas, tyvar)
+ = lookupClass clas `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
+ lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn` \ tyvar_name ->
+ returnRn (clas_name, tyvar_name)
+derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn sty
+ = ppHang (ppStr "Non-standard class in deriving")
+ 4 (ppCat [ppr sty clas, ppr sty locn])
+dupDefaultDeclErr defs sty
+ = ppHang (ppStr "Duplicate default declarations")
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pp_def_loc defs))
+ where
+ pp_def_loc (DefaultDecl _ src_loc) = ppr sty src_loc
+undefinedFixityDeclErr decl sty
+ = ppHang (ppStr "Fixity declaration for unknown operator")
+ 4 (ppr sty decl)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
index 1d4e45ba12..f79e7c47a4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
@@ -7,132 +7,186 @@
#include "HsVersions.h"
module RnUtils (
- mkGlobalNameFun, mkNameFun,
- GlobalNameMapper(..), GlobalNameMappers(..),
- PreludeNameMapper(..), PreludeNameMappers(..),
- dupNamesErr -- used in various places
+ RnEnv(..), QualNames(..),
+ UnqualNames(..), ScopeStack(..),
+ emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, extendLocalRnEnv,
+ lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
+ unknownNameErr,
+ badClassOpErr,
+ qualNameErr,
+ dupNamesErr,
+ shadowedNameWarn,
+ multipleOccWarn,
+ -- ToDo: nuke/move? WDP 96/04/05
+ GlobalNameMapper(..), GlobalNameMappers(..)
) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
-import Bag ( bagToList, Bag )
-import FiniteMap ( lookupFM, listToFM )
-import Name ( Name{-instances-} )
-import Outputable ( pprNonOp )
+import Bag ( Bag, emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags )
+import ErrUtils ( addShortErrLocLine, addErrLoc )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM,
+ lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM )
+import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
+import Name ( RdrName(..), isQual )
+import Outputable ( pprNonOp, getLocalName )
import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
import Pretty
-import ProtoName ( ProtoName(..) )
-import Util ( cmpPString, removeDups, pprPanic, panic )
+import RnHsSyn ( RnName )
+import Util ( assertPanic )
-type GlobalNameMapper = ProtoName -> Maybe Name
+type GlobalNameMapper = RnName -> Maybe Name
type GlobalNameMappers = (GlobalNameMapper, GlobalNameMapper)
-type PreludeNameMapper = FAST_STRING -> Maybe Name
-type PreludeNameMappers = (PreludeNameMapper, -- Values
- PreludeNameMapper -- Types and classes
- )
-mkGlobalNameFun :: FAST_STRING -- The module name
- -> PreludeNameMapper -- The prelude things
- -> [(ProtoName, Name)] -- The local and imported things
- -> GlobalNameMapper -- The global name function
+* *
+\subsection{RnEnv: renaming environment}
+* *
-mkGlobalNameFun this_module prel_nf alist
- = the_fun
- where
- the_fun (Prel n) = Just n
- the_fun (Unk s) = case (unk_fun s) of
- Just n -> Just n
- Nothing -> prel_nf s
- the_fun (Imp m d _ _) = imp_fun (d, m) -- NB: module-name 2nd!
- -- Things in the domain of the prelude function shouldn't be put
- -- in the unk_fun; because the prel_nf will catch them.
- -- This can arise if, for example, an interface gives a signature
- -- for a prelude thing.
- --
- -- Neither should they be in the domain of the imp_fun, because
- -- prelude things will have been converted to Prel x rather than
- -- Imp p q r s.
- --
- -- So we strip out prelude things from the alist; this is not just
- -- desirable, it's essential because get_orig and get_local don't handle
- -- prelude things.
- non_prel_alist = filter non_prel alist
- non_prel (Prel _, _) = False
- non_prel other = True
- -- unk_fun looks up local names (just strings),
- -- imp_fun looks up original names: (string,string) pairs
- unk_fun = lookupFM (listToFM [(get_local pn,n) | (pn,n) <- non_prel_alist])
- imp_fun = lookupFM (listToFM [(get_orig pn,n) | (pn,n) <- non_prel_alist])
- -- the lists *are* sorted by *some* ordering (by local
- -- names), but not generally, and not in some way we
- -- are going to rely on.
- get_local :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
- get_local (Unk s) = s
- get_local (Imp _ _ _ l) = l
- get_local (Prel n) = pprPanic "get_local: " (ppr PprShowAll n)
- get_orig :: ProtoName -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -- **NB**! module-name 2nd!
- get_orig (Unk s) = (s, this_module)
- get_orig (Imp m d _ _) = (d, m)
- get_orig (Prel n) = pprPanic "get_orig: " (ppr PprShowAll n)
+Seperate FiniteMaps are kept for lookup up Qual names,
+Unqual names and Local names.
+type RnEnv = ((QualNames, UnqualNames, QualNames, UnqualNames), ScopeStack)
+type QualNames = FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) RnName
+type UnqualNames = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RnName
+type ScopeStack = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RnName
+emptyRnEnv :: RnEnv
+extendGlobalRnEnv :: RnEnv -> [(RdrName,RnName)] -> [(RdrName,RnName)]
+ -> (RnEnv, Bag (RdrName, RnName, RnName))
+extendLocalRnEnv :: Bool -> RnEnv -> [RnName] -> (RnEnv, [RnName])
+lookupRnEnv :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
+lookupTcRnEnv :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
+If the @RdrName@ is a @Qual@, @lookupValue@ looks it up in the global
+value QualNames. If it is @Unqual@, it looks it up first in the
+ScopeStack, and if it isn't found there, then in the global
+vaule Unqual Names.
-@mkNameFun@ builds a function from @ProtoName@s to things, where a
-``thing'' is either a @ProtoName@ (in the case of values), or a
-@(ProtoName, ProtoName -> ProtoName)@ pair in the case of types and
-classes. It takes:
+@lookupTcRnEnv@ looks up tycons/classes in the alternative global
+name space.
-\item The name of the interface
-\item A bag of new string-to-thing bindings to add,
+@extendGlobalRnEnv@ adds global names to the RnEnv. It takes seperate
+value and tycon/class name lists. It returns any duplicate names
-\item An extractor function, to get a @ProtoName@ out of a thing,
- for use in error messages.
-The function it returns only expects to see @Unk@ things.
+@extendRnEnv@ adds new local names to the ScopeStack in an RnEnv.
+It optionally reports any shadowed names.
-@mkNameFun@ checks for clashes in the domain of the new bindings.
+ = ((emptyFM, emptyFM, emptyFM, emptyFM), emptyFM)
-ToDo: it should check for clashes with the prelude bindings too.
-mkNameFun :: Bag (FAST_STRING, thing) -- Value bindings
- -> (FAST_STRING -> Maybe thing, -- The function to use
- [[(FAST_STRING,thing)]]) -- Duplicates, if any
-mkNameFun the_bag
- = case (removeDups cmp (bagToList the_bag)) of { (no_dup_list, dups) ->
- case (lookupFM (listToFM no_dup_list)) of { the_fun ->
- (the_fun, dups) }}
+extendGlobalRnEnv ((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) val_list tc_list
+ = ASSERT(isEmptyFM stack)
+ (((qual', unqual', tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack), tc_dups `unionBags` dups)
- cmp :: (FAST_STRING, a) -> (FAST_STRING, a) -> TAG_
+ (qual', unqual', dups) = extend_global qual unqual val_list
+ (tc_qual', tc_unqual', tc_dups) = extend_global tc_qual tc_unqual tc_list
+ extend_global qual unqual rdr_list = (qual', unqual', dups)
+ where
+ (qual_list, unqual_list) = partition (isQual.fst) rdr_list
+ qual_in = map mk_qual qual_list
+ unqual_in = map mk_unqual unqual_list
+ mk_qual (Qual m s, rn) = ((s,m), rn)
+ mk_unqual (Unqual s, rn) = (s, rn)
+ (qual', qual_dups) = do_dups qual_in qual emptyBag (\ (s,m) -> Qual m s)
+ (unqual', unqual_dups) = do_dups unqual_in unqual emptyBag Unqual
- cmp (s1,_) (s2,_) = _CMP_STRING_ s1 s2
+ dups = unqual_dups `unionBags` qual_dups
+ do_dups [] fm dups to_rdr = (fm, dups)
+ do_dups ((k,v):rest) fm dups to_rdr
+ = case lookupFM fm k of
+ Nothing -> do_dups rest (addToFM fm k v) dups to_rdr
+ Just cur -> do_dups rest fm (dups `snocBag` (to_rdr k, cur, v)) to_rdr
+extendLocalRnEnv report_shadows (global, stack) new_local
+ = ((global, new_stack), dups)
+ where
+ (new_stack, dups) = extend new_local stack
+ extend names stack
+ = if report_shadows then
+ do_shadows names stack []
+ else
+ (addListToFM stack [ (getLocalName n, n) | n <- names], [])
+ do_shadows [] stack dups = (stack, dups)
+ do_shadows (name:names) stack dups
+ = do_shadows names (addToFM stack str name) ext_dups
+ where
+ str = getLocalName name
+ ext_dups = if maybeToBool (lookupFM stack str)
+ then name:dups
+ else dups
+lookupRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), stack) rdr
+ = case rdr of
+ Unqual str -> lookup stack str (lookup unqual str Nothing)
+ Qual mod str -> lookup qual (str,mod) Nothing
+ where
+ lookup fm thing do_on_fail
+ = case lookupFM fm thing of
+ found@(Just name) -> found
+ Nothing -> do_on_fail
+lookupTcRnEnv ((_, _, tc_qual, tc_unqual), _) rdr
+ = case rdr of
+ Unqual str -> lookupFM tc_unqual str
+ Qual mod str -> lookupFM tc_qual (str,mod)
+* *
+\subsection{Errors used in RnMonad}
+* *
-dupNamesErr descriptor ((first_pname,locn1) : dup_things) sty
- = ppAboves (first_item : map dup_item dup_things)
+unknownNameErr descriptor name locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonOp sty name] )
+badClassOpErr clas op locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonOp sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
+ ppr sty clas, ppStr "'"] )
+qualNameErr descriptor (name,locn)
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "invalid use of qualified ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonOp sty name ] )
+dupNamesErr descriptor ((name1,locn1) : dup_things) sty
+ = ppAboves (item1 : map dup_item dup_things)
- first_item
+ item1
= ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn1,
ppStr ": multiple declarations of a ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
- pprNonOp sty first_pname ]
+ pprNonOp sty name1 ]
- dup_item (pname, locn)
+ dup_item (name, locn)
= ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn,
- ppStr ": here was another declaration of `", pprNonOp sty pname, ppStr "'" ]
+ ppStr ": here was another declaration of `", pprNonOp sty name, ppStr "'" ]
+shadowedNameWarn locn shadow
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ", ppr sty shadow] )
+multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
+ = ppBesides [ppStr "multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
+ ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]