path: root/ghc/interpreter/prelude.h
diff options
authorsimonm <unknown>1998-12-02 13:32:30 +0000
committersimonm <unknown>1998-12-02 13:32:30 +0000
commit438596897ebbe25a07e1c82085cfbc5bdb00f09e (patch)
treeda7a441396aed2e13f6e0cc55282bf041b0cf72c /ghc/interpreter/prelude.h
parent967cc47f37cb93a5e2b6df7822c9a646f0428247 (diff)
[project @ 1998-12-02 13:17:09 by simonm]
Move 4.01 onto the main trunk.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/interpreter/prelude.h')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/prelude.h b/ghc/interpreter/prelude.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6abd9aa5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/prelude.h
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+/* -*- mode: hugs-c; -*- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Basic data type definitions, prototypes and standard macros including
+ * machine dependent variations...
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) The University of Nottingham and Yale University, 1994-1997.
+ * All rights reserved. See NOTICE for details and conditions of use etc...
+ * Hugs version 1.4, December 1997
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: prelude.h,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ * $Date: 1998/12/02 13:22:33 $
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "config.h"
+#include "options.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * Most of the configuration code from earlier versions of Hugs has been moved
+ * into config.h (which is usually automatically generated).
+ *
+ * Most of the configuration code is "feature based". That is, the
+ * configure script looks to see if a particular feature (or misfeature)
+ * is present on the compiler/OS.
+ *
+ * A small amount of configuration code is still "system based": it tests
+ * flags to determine what kind of compiler/system it's running on - from
+ * which it infers what features the compiler/system has. Use of system
+ * based tests generally indicates that we can't remember/figure out
+ * what the original problem was and so we can't add an appropriate feature
+ * test to the configure script.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifdef __RISCOS__ /* Acorn DesktopC running RISCOS2 or 3 */
+# define RISCOS 1
+# define RISCOS 0
+#if defined __DJGPP__ && __DJGPP__==2
+# define DJGPP2 1
+# define DJGPP2 0
+#if defined __MSDOS__ && __MSDOS__ && !DJGPP2
+# define DOS 1
+# define DOS 0
+#if defined _WIN32 | defined __WIN32__
+# define IS_WIN32 1
+# define IS_WIN32 0
+ * Platform-dependent settings:
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * Include windows.h and friends:
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <windows.h> /* Misc. Windows hackery */
+#if __MSDOS__
+# define INT int
+# define UNSIGNED unsigned
+# define CHAR char
+# define TCHAR char
+# define ULONG unsigned long
+# define HUGE huge
+# define CMDdata(w,l) (HIWORD(l)) /* decoding WM_COMMAND message */
+# define CMDitem(w,l) (w)
+# define CMDhwnd(w,l) ((HWND)(LOWORD(l)))
+# define HUGE
+# define CMDdata(w,l) (HIWORD(w)) /* decoding WM_COMMAND message */
+# define CMDitem(w,l) (LOWORD(w))
+# define CMDhwnd(w,l) ((HWND)(l))
+#include "win-menu.h"
+extern char *appName;
+extern HWND hWndText; /* text output window handle */
+extern HWND hWndMain; /* main window handle */
+#include "win-text.h"
+ * Macros used in declarations:
+ * function prototypes
+ * local/far declarations
+ * HUGS_noreturn/HUGS_unused (prevent spurious warnings)
+ * result type of main
+ * dynamic linking declarations
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#if HAVE_PROTOTYPES /* To enable use of prototypes whenever possible */
+#define Args(x) x
+#define Args(x) ()
+/* local = prefix for locally defined functions */
+/* far = prefix for far pointers */
+#if DOS
+# define local near pascal
+# define local
+# define far
+#ifdef __GNUC__ /* Avoid spurious warnings */
+#if __GNUC__ >= 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7
+#define HUGS_noreturn __attribute__ ((noreturn))
+#define HUGS_unused __attribute__ ((unused))
+#define HUGS_noreturn
+#define HUGS_unused
+#define HUGS_noreturn
+#define HUGS_unused
+/* result type of main function */
+/* Hugs 1.01 could be configured to return void on Unix-like systems
+ * but I don't think this is necessary. ADR
+ */
+#define Main int
+#define MainDone() return 0/*NOTUSED*/
+ * String operations:
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+# include <string.h>
+extern int strcmp Args((const char*, const char*));
+extern int strncmp Args((const char*, const char*, int));
+extern char *strchr Args((const char*, int));
+extern char *strrchr Args((const char*, int));
+extern size_t strlen Args((const char *));
+extern char *strcpy Args((char *, const char*));
+extern char *strcat Args((char *, const char*));
+#define strCompare strcmp
+#else /* probably only used for DOS - ADR */
+extern int stricmp Args((const char *, const char*));
+#define strCompare stricmp
+# include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef isascii
+#define isascii(c) (((unsigned)(c))<128)
+ * Memory allocation
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+# include <alloc.h>
+# define farCalloc(n,s) farcalloc((unsigned long)n,(unsigned long)s)
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <malloc.h>
+# define farCalloc(n,s) (Void *)valloc(((unsigned)n)*((unsigned)s))
+# define farCalloc(n,s) (Void *)calloc(((unsigned)n),((unsigned)s))
+/* bison-generated parsers like to have alloca - so try to define it */
+#include <malloc.h>
+#ifndef alloca
+#define alloca _alloca
+ * Interrupting execution (signals, allowBreak):
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+# define sigProto(nm) void nm Args((int))
+# define sigRaise(nm) nm(1)
+# define sigHandler(nm) void nm(sig_arg) int sig_arg;
+# define sigResume return
+# define sigProto(nm) int nm Args((Void))
+# define sigRaise(nm) nm()
+# define sigHandler(nm) int nm(Void)
+# define sigResume return 1
+ * Assertions
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <assert.h>
+#define assert(x) doNothing()
+ * General settings:
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define Void void /* older compilers object to: typedef void Void; */
+typedef unsigned Bool;
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+typedef char *String;
+typedef int Int;
+typedef long Long;
+typedef int Char;
+typedef unsigned int Word; /* at least 32 bits */
+typedef void* Ptr;
+typedef void* Addr;
+typedef Word* HpPtr;
+/* ToDo: this should probably go in dynamic.h - but then
+ * storage.h has to include dynamic.h!
+ */
+typedef void* ObjectFile;
+#elif HAVE_DL_H /* eg HPUX */
+typedef shl_t ObjectFile;
+#elif HAVE_WINDOWS_H && !defined(__MSDOS__)
+typedef HINSTANCE ObjectFile;
+#warning GHC file loading not available on this machine
+#define doNothing() do { } while (0) /* Null statement */
+#ifndef STD_PRELUDE
+#define STD_PRELUDE "prelude"
+#define STD_PRELUDE "Prelude.hs"
+#if DYN_TABLES /* Tables may be alloc'd at runtime*/
+#define DECTABLE(tab) far *tab /* macros for declaration & defn */
+#define DEFTABLE(tab,sz) far *tab = 0
+#else /* or at compile-time: */
+#define DECTABLE(tab) tab[]
+#define DEFTABLE(tab,sz) tab[sz]
+ * Printf-related operations:
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <varargs.h>
+#if !defined(HAVE_SNPRINTF)
+extern int snprintf Args((char*, int, const char*, ...));
+#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF)
+extern int vsnprintf Args((char*, int, const char*, va_list));
+ * Compiler output
+ * Tweaking this lets us redirect prompts, error messages, etc - but has no
+ * effect on output of Haskell programs (which should use hPutStr and friends).
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern Void hugsPrintf Args((const char *, ...));
+extern Void hugsPutchar Args((int));
+extern Void hugsFlushStdout Args((Void));
+extern Void hugsEnableOutput Args((Bool));
+extern String hugsClearOutputBuffer Args((Void));
+extern Void hugsFFlush Args((FILE*));
+extern Void hugsFPrintf Args((FILE*, const char*, ...));
+extern Void hugsPutc Args((int, FILE*));
+#define Printf hugsPrintf
+#define Putchar hugsPutchar
+#define FlushStdout hugsFlushStdout
+#define EnableOutput hugsEnableOutput
+#define ClearOutputBuffer hugsClearOutputBuffer
+#define FFlush hugsFFlush
+#define FPrintf hugsFPrintf
+#define Putc hugsPutc
+#define Printf printf
+#define Putchar putchar
+#define FlushStdout() fflush(stdout)
+#define EnableOutput(f) doNothing()
+#define ClearOutputBuffer() 0
+#define FFlush fflush
+#define FPrintf fprintf
+#define Putc putc