path: root/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
diff options
authorViktor Dukhovni <>2021-10-01 15:07:39 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2021-10-05 14:33:29 -0400
commitf49c70122cf1599ca670b18fecbe5634c0cf9691 (patch)
tree1d7190d12d12f91b555751269860cb4f26d3b079 /libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
parentfb6b772fd016961be5d8d7755e83dea08f5cad99 (diff)
Adopt David Feuer's explantion of foldl' via foldr
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
index ac187943f5..57ffcfa98a 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs
@@ -2115,36 +2115,45 @@ elements in a single pass.
-- #strictlazy#
--- The left fold:
+-- Sometimes, it is useful for the result of applying 'foldr' to be a
+-- /function/. This is done by mapping the structure elements to functions
+-- with the same argument and result types. The per-element functions are then
+-- composed to give the final result.
--- @foldl' f z [a, b, &#x2026;, x, y]@
+-- For example, we can /flip/ the strict left fold 'foldl'' by writing:
--- can be expanded as:
+-- > foldl' f z xs = flippedFoldl' f xs z
--- @
--- id . g y . g x . &#x2026; . g b . g a $ z
--- where g = flip f
--- @
+-- with the function 'flippedFoldl'' defined as below, with 'seq' used to
+-- ensure the strictness in the accumulator:
+-- > flippedFoldl' f [] z = z
+-- > flippedFoldl' f (x : xs) z = z `seq` flippedFoldl' f xs (f z x)
+-- Rewriting to use lambdas, this is:
+-- > flippedFoldl' f [] = \ b -> b
+-- > flippedFoldl' f (x : xs) = \ b -> b `seq` r (f b x)
+-- > where r = flippedFoldl' f xs
+-- The above has the form of a right fold, enabling a rewrite to:
--- In which to ensure the correct strictness we must evaluate the accumulator
--- before applying the next function. We therefore introduce a helper function
--- @f'@ which maps each element @x@ to an application of @g x@ to its eagerly
--- evaluated argument, followed by similar application of the @g e@ functions
--- for the remaining elements @e@:
+-- > flippedFoldl' f = \ xs -> foldr f' id xs
+-- > where f' x r = \ b -> b `seq` r (f b x)
--- > f' x k = \ z -> z `seq` k (f z x)
+-- We can now unflip this to get 'foldl'':
--- We see that a lazy 'foldr' combining the @g e :: b -> b@ terms, with @f'@ as
--- the operator evaluated at the base case `z0` yields a strict left fold that
--- avoids building a deep chain of intermediate thunks:
+-- > foldl' f z = \ xs -> foldr f' id xs z
+-- > -- \ xs -> flippedFoldl' f xs z
+-- > where f' x r = \ b -> b `seq` r (f b x)
--- > foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
--- > where f' x k = \ z -> z `seq` k (f z x)
+-- The function __@foldr f' id xs@__ applied to @z@ is built corecursively, and
+-- its terms are applied to an eagerly evaluated accumulator before further
+-- terms are applied to the result. As required, this runs in constant space,
+-- and can be optimised to an efficient loop.
--- The function applied to @z0@ is built corecursively, and its terms are
--- applied to an eagerly evaluated accumulator before further terms are applied
--- to the result. As promised, this runs in constant space, and can be
--- optimised to an efficient loop.
+-- (The actual definition of 'foldl'' labels the lambdas in the definition of
+-- __@f'@__ above as /oneShot/, which enables further optimisations).