path: root/utils/ghctags
diff options
authorNorman Ramsey <>2006-09-15 23:50:33 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2006-09-15 23:50:33 +0000
commit2e6bfe90491d5ab2ea58b4b1e60debd4738be643 (patch)
tree0f0d8cc96bad1ceee8608c6e0d22007a91b00c6d /utils/ghctags
parent85e16365444e938b4adff9d241d56df4c1fbca91 (diff)
initial, very incomplete tags generator
The ultimate goal is to replace hasktags with a tags generator based on GHC-as-a-library. This file is a very incomplete first cut.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghctags')
2 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs b/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe5cd64114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghctags/GhcTags.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+module Main where
+import Bag
+import Char
+import DynFlags(GhcMode, defaultDynFlags)
+import FastString
+import GHC
+import HscTypes (msHsFilePath)
+import List
+import IO
+import Name
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import System.Environment
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Exit
+-- search for definitions of things
+-- we do this by parsing the source and grabbing top-level definitions
+-- We generate both CTAGS and ETAGS format tags files
+-- The former is for use in most sensible editors, while EMACS uses ETAGS
+placateGhc :: IO ()
+placateGhc = defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
+ GHC.init (Just "/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.5") -- or your build tree!
+ s <- newSession mode
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ progName <- getProgName
+ args <- getArgs
+ let usageString = "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " [OPTION...] [files...]"
+ let (modes, filenames, errs) = getOpt Permute options args
+ if errs /= [] || elem Help modes || filenames == []
+ then do
+ putStr $ unlines errs
+ putStr $ usageInfo usageString options
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ else return ()
+ let mode = getMode (Append `delete` modes)
+ let openFileMode = if elem Append modes
+ then AppendMode
+ else WriteMode
+ GHC.init (Just "/usr/local/lib/ghc-6.5")
+ GHC.defaultErrorHandler defaultDynFlags $ do
+ session <- newSession JustTypecheck
+ print "created a session"
+ flags <- getSessionDynFlags session
+ (flags, _) <- parseDynamicFlags flags ["-package", "ghc"]
+ GHC.defaultCleanupHandler flags $ do
+ flags <- initPackages flags
+ setSessionDynFlags session flags
+ filedata <- mapM (findthings session) filenames
+ if mode == BothTags || mode == CTags
+ then do
+ ctagsfile <- openFile "tags" openFileMode
+ writectagsfile ctagsfile filedata
+ hClose ctagsfile
+ else return ()
+ if mode == BothTags || mode == ETags
+ then do
+ etagsfile <- openFile "TAGS" openFileMode
+ writeetagsfile etagsfile filedata
+ hClose etagsfile
+ else return ()
+-- | getMode takes a list of modes and extract the mode with the
+-- highest precedence. These are as follows: Both, CTags, ETags
+-- The default case is Both.
+getMode :: [Mode] -> Mode
+getMode [] = BothTags
+getMode [x] = x
+getMode (x:xs) = max x (getMode xs)
+data Mode = ETags | CTags | BothTags | Append | Help deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
+options :: [OptDescr Mode]
+options = [ Option "c" ["ctags"]
+ (NoArg CTags) "generate CTAGS file (ctags)"
+ , Option "e" ["etags"]
+ (NoArg ETags) "generate ETAGS file (etags)"
+ , Option "b" ["both"]
+ (NoArg BothTags) ("generate both CTAGS and ETAGS")
+ , Option "a" ["append"]
+ (NoArg Append) ("append to existing CTAGS and/or ETAGS file(s)")
+ , Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "This help"
+ ]
+type FileName = String
+type ThingName = String
+-- The position of a token or definition
+data Pos = Pos
+ FileName -- file name
+ Int -- line number
+ Int -- token number
+ String -- string that makes up that line
+ deriving Show
+srcLocToPos :: SrcLoc -> Pos
+srcLocToPos loc =
+ Pos (unpackFS $ srcLocFile loc) (srcLocLine loc) (srcLocCol loc) "bogus"
+-- A definition we have found
+data FoundThing = FoundThing ThingName Pos
+ deriving Show
+-- Data we have obtained from a file
+data FileData = FileData FileName [FoundThing]
+data Token = Token String Pos
+ deriving Show
+-- stuff for dealing with ctags output format
+writectagsfile :: Handle -> [FileData] -> IO ()
+writectagsfile ctagsfile filedata = do
+ let things = concat $ map getfoundthings filedata
+ mapM_ (\x -> hPutStrLn ctagsfile $ dumpthing x) things
+getfoundthings :: FileData -> [FoundThing]
+getfoundthings (FileData filename things) = things
+dumpthing :: FoundThing -> String
+dumpthing (FoundThing name (Pos filename line _ _)) =
+ name ++ "\t" ++ filename ++ "\t" ++ (show $ line + 1)
+-- stuff for dealing with etags output format
+writeetagsfile :: Handle -> [FileData] -> IO ()
+writeetagsfile etagsfile filedata = do
+ mapM_ (\x -> hPutStr etagsfile $ e_dumpfiledata x) filedata
+e_dumpfiledata :: FileData -> String
+e_dumpfiledata (FileData filename things) =
+ "\x0c\n" ++ filename ++ "," ++ (show thingslength) ++ "\n" ++ thingsdump
+ where
+ thingsdump = concat $ map e_dumpthing things
+ thingslength = length thingsdump
+e_dumpthing :: FoundThing -> String
+e_dumpthing (FoundThing name (Pos filename line token fullline)) =
+ ---- (concat $ take (token + 1) $ spacedwords fullline)
+ name
+ ++ "\x7f" ++ (show line) ++ "," ++ (show $ line+1) ++ "\n"
+-- like "words", but keeping the whitespace, and so letting us build
+-- accurate prefixes
+spacedwords :: String -> [String]
+spacedwords [] = []
+spacedwords xs = (blanks ++ wordchars):(spacedwords rest2)
+ where
+ (blanks,rest) = span Char.isSpace xs
+ (wordchars,rest2) = span (\x -> not $ Char.isSpace x) rest
+-- Find the definitions in a file
+modsummary :: ModuleGraph -> FileName -> Maybe ModSummary
+modsummary graph n =
+ List.find matches graph
+ where matches ms = n == msHsFilePath ms
+modname :: ModSummary -> ModuleName
+modname summary = moduleName $ ms_mod $ summary
+findthings :: Session -> FileName -> IO FileData
+findthings session filename = do
+ setTargets session [Target (TargetFile filename Nothing) Nothing]
+ print "set targets"
+ success <- load session LoadAllTargets --- bring module graph up to date
+ case success of
+ Failed -> do { print "load failed"; return emptyFileData }
+ Succeeded ->
+ do print "loaded all targets"
+ graph <- getModuleGraph session
+ print "got modules graph"
+ case modsummary graph filename of
+ Nothing -> panic "loaded a module from a file but then could not find its summary"
+ Just ms -> do
+ mod <- checkModule session (modname ms)
+ print "got the module"
+ case mod of
+ Nothing -> return emptyFileData
+ Just m -> case renamedSource m of
+ Nothing -> return emptyFileData
+ Just s -> return $ fileData filename s
+ where emptyFileData = FileData filename []
+fileData :: FileName -> RenamedSource -> FileData
+fileData filename (group, imports, lie) =
+ -- lie is related to type checking and so is irrelevant
+ -- imports contains import declarations and no definitions
+ FileData filename (boundValues group)
+boundValues :: HsGroup Name -> [FoundThing]
+boundValues group =
+ case hs_valds group of
+ ValBindsOut nest sigs ->
+ [ x | (_rec, binds) <- nest, bind <- bagToList binds, x <- boundThings bind ]
+posOfLocated :: Located a -> Pos
+posOfLocated lHs = srcLocToPos $ srcSpanStart $ getLoc lHs
+boundThings :: LHsBind Name -> [FoundThing]
+boundThings lbinding =
+ let thing id = FoundThing (getOccString $ unLoc id) (posOfLocated id)
+ in case unLoc lbinding of
+ FunBind { fun_id = id } -> [thing id]
+ PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs } -> patBoundIds lhs
+-- VarBind { var_id = id } -> [thing id]
+ _ -> []
+patBoundIds :: a -> b
+patBoundIds _ = panic "not on your life"
+-- actually pick up definitions
+findstuff :: [Token] -> [FoundThing]
+findstuff ((Token "data" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : (getcons xs) ++ (findstuff xs)
+findstuff ((Token "newtype" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
+findstuff ((Token "type" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
+findstuff ((Token name pos):(Token "::" _):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : findstuff xs
+findstuff (x:xs) = findstuff xs
+findstuff [] = []
+-- get the constructor definitions, knowing that a datatype has just started
+getcons :: [Token] -> [FoundThing]
+getcons ((Token "=" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : getcons2 xs
+getcons (x:xs) = getcons xs
+getcons [] = []
+getcons2 ((Token "=" _):xs) = []
+getcons2 ((Token "|" _):(Token name pos):xs) =
+ FoundThing name pos : getcons2 xs
+getcons2 (x:xs) = getcons2 xs
+getcons2 [] = []
diff --git a/utils/ghctags/Makefile b/utils/ghctags/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f27d31e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghctags/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+HS_PROG = ghctags
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -package ghc
+CLEAN_FILES += Main.hi
+include $(TOP)/mk/