path: root/utils/testremove
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2011-11-27 21:27:34 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2011-11-29 19:28:32 +0000
commitaee8fe257668e4eeb3ef28f2c6c69e8f973e9670 (patch)
treec4a58d279e122f2a165a01ec8f24681d62e5cc6c /utils/testremove
parent42e3b5bd3ee9c555adaaf1e5a12f7ddd71423c0c (diff)
Improve the checkremove util
We now put the before and after filenames into a tree structure, which vastly improves performance when simulating the delete commands.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/testremove')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/utils/testremove/checkremove.hs b/utils/testremove/checkremove.hs
index 54745122c4..d903d1be52 100644
--- a/utils/testremove/checkremove.hs
+++ b/utils/testremove/checkremove.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad
+import Data.Function
import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import System.Environment
@@ -14,6 +17,84 @@ data CleanWhat = CleanFile FilePath
| CleanRec FilePath
deriving (Read, Show)
+data Tree = Node FileInfo (Map FilePath Tree)
+data FileInfo = FileInfo {
+ fiBefore :: Bool,
+ fiAfter :: Bool,
+ fiDeleted :: Bool
+ }
+beforeFileInfo :: FileInfo
+beforeFileInfo = noFileInfo { fiBefore = True }
+afterFileInfo :: FileInfo
+afterFileInfo = noFileInfo { fiAfter = True }
+noFileInfo :: FileInfo
+noFileInfo = FileInfo {
+ fiBefore = False,
+ fiAfter = False,
+ fiDeleted = False
+ }
+readTree :: FileInfo -> FilePath -> IO (Tree)
+readTree fi fp = do xs <- readFile fp
+ let ls = lines xs
+ return $ mkTree fi $ lines xs
+mkTree :: FileInfo -> [FilePath] -> Tree
+mkTree fi fps = f $ sort $ map splitDirectories $ map normalise fps
+ where f xs = let xs' = g $ groupBy ((==) `on` head)
+ $ filter (not . null) xs
+ in Node fi xs'
+ g xss = Map.fromList [ (head (head xs),
+ f (map tail xs))
+ | xs <- xss ]
+... = OK: will happen if a file in a non-existant directory is rm'd [1]
+..D = OK: will happen if a non-existant file is rm'd [1]
+.A. = suspicious: Why wasn't this file cleaned?
+.AD = OK: This is what object files look like
+B.. = suspicious: Where did the file go?
+B.D = suspicious: Why are we removing a file that existed before?
+BA. = OK: This is what source files look like
+BAD = suspicious: Why are we removing a file that existed before?
+[1] some files may only be created on certain platforms, or in certain
+ build-system configurations, but the cleaning code is deliberately
+ simple so it will always clean them regardless
+pprSuspicious :: Tree -> [String]
+pprSuspicious t = f [] t
+ where f ps (Node fi m) = suspicious (joinPath (reverse ps)) fi
+ ++ concat [ f (p : ps) m' | (p, m') <- Map.toList m ]
+ suspicious fp (FileInfo False True False) = ["File not deleted: " ++ show fp]
+ suspicious fp (FileInfo True False False) = ["File disappeared: " ++ show fp]
+ suspicious fp (FileInfo True False True) = ["Deleted before file: " ++ show fp]
+ suspicious fp (FileInfo True True True) = ["Deleted before file: " ++ show fp]
+ suspicious _ _ = []
+pprTree :: Tree -> [String]
+pprTree t = f [] t
+ where f ps (Node fi m) = (pprInfo fi ++ " " ++ joinPath (reverse ps))
+ : concat [ f (p : ps) m' | (p, m') <- Map.toList m ]
+pprInfo :: FileInfo -> String
+pprInfo (FileInfo before after deleted) = [if before then 'B' else '.',
+ if after then 'A' else '.',
+ if deleted then 'D' else '.']
+mergeTree :: Tree -> Tree -> Tree
+mergeTree (Node fi1 m1) (Node fi2 m2)
+ = Node (mergeFileInfo fi1 fi2)
+ (Map.unionWith mergeTree m1 m2)
+mergeFileInfo :: FileInfo -> FileInfo -> FileInfo
+mergeFileInfo (FileInfo before1 after1 deleted1)
+ (FileInfo before2 after2 deleted2)
+ = FileInfo (before1 || before2) (after1 || after2) (deleted1 || deleted2)
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- getArgs
case args of
@@ -22,27 +103,36 @@ main = do args <- getArgs
_ ->
error "Bad args"
-readSet :: FilePath -> IO (Set FilePath)
-readSet fp = liftM (Set.fromList . lines) $ readFile fp
doit :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
doit contentsBeforeFile contentsAfterFile wouldBeCleanedFile
- = do contentsBefore <- readSet contentsBeforeFile
- contentsAfter <- readSet contentsAfterFile
+ = do contentsBefore <- readTree beforeFileInfo contentsBeforeFile
+ contentsAfter <- readTree afterFileInfo contentsAfterFile
+ let contentsMerged = mergeTree contentsBefore contentsAfter
wouldBeCleaned <- liftM (map read . lines) $ readFile wouldBeCleanedFile
- let newContentsAfter = contentsAfter `Set.difference` contentsBefore
- let cleanedAfter = simulateCleans newContentsAfter wouldBeCleaned
- unless (Set.null cleanedAfter) $ do
- hPutStrLn stderr "Files not cleaned:"
- mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr . show) (Set.toList cleanedAfter)
- exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
-simulateCleans :: Set FilePath -> [CleanWhat] -> Set FilePath
-simulateCleans fs cws = Set.filter (not . cleaned) fs
- where cleaned f = any (`willClean` f) cws
-willClean :: CleanWhat -> FilePath -> Bool
-CleanFile fp `willClean` f = fp `equalFilePath` f
-CleanRec fp `willClean` f
- = any (fp `equalFilePath`) (map joinPath $ inits $ splitPath f)
+ let contentsCleaned = simulateCleans contentsMerged wouldBeCleaned
+ mapM_ putStrLn $ pprSuspicious contentsCleaned
+simulateCleans :: Tree -> [CleanWhat] -> Tree
+simulateCleans = foldl' simulateClean
+simulateClean :: Tree -> CleanWhat -> Tree
+simulateClean t (CleanFile fp) = at t fp markDeleted
+simulateClean t (CleanRec fp) = at t fp markSubtreeDeleted
+markDeleted :: Tree -> Tree
+markDeleted (Node fi m) = Node (fi { fiDeleted = True }) m
+markSubtreeDeleted :: Tree -> Tree
+markSubtreeDeleted (Node fi m) = Node fi' ( markSubtreeDeleted m)
+ where fi' = -- "rm -r" will only delete things that are there afterwards
+ if fiAfter fi then fi { fiDeleted = True } else fi
+at :: Tree -> FilePath -> (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree
+at t fp f = at' t (splitDirectories $ normalise fp) f
+at' :: Tree -> [FilePath] -> (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree
+at' t [] f = f t
+at' (Node fi m) (p : ps) f = Node fi m'
+ where m' = Map.insert p (at' t ps f) m
+ t = Map.findWithDefault (Node noFileInfo Map.empty) p m