diff options
48 files changed, 552 insertions, 457 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs
index c6226cac67..98579ac4c3 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ types that
module BasicTypes(
Version, bumpVersion, initialVersion,
- Arity,
+ Arity, RepArity,
@@ -101,7 +101,18 @@ import Data.Function (on)
+-- | The number of value arguments that can be applied to a value before it does
+-- "real work". So:
+-- fib 100 has arity 0
+-- \x -> fib x has arity 1
type Arity = Int
+-- | The number of represented arguments that can be applied to a value before it does
+-- "real work". So:
+-- fib 100 has representation arity 0
+-- \x -> fib x has representation arity 1
+-- \(# x, y #) -> fib (x + y) has representation arity 2
+type RepArity = Int
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
index 2fbedd610c..d56aaac4ba 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/DataCon.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module DataCon (
dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType,
dataConStrictMarks, dataConExStricts,
- dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity,
+ dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity, dataConRepRepArity,
dataConWorkId, dataConWrapId, dataConWrapId_maybe, dataConImplicitIds,
@@ -692,9 +692,14 @@ dataConSourceArity dc = length (dcOrigArgTys dc)
-- | Gives the number of actual fields in the /representation/ of the
-- data constructor. This may be more than appear in the source code;
-- the extra ones are the existentially quantified dictionaries
-dataConRepArity :: DataCon -> Int
+dataConRepArity :: DataCon -> Arity
dataConRepArity (MkData {dcRepArgTys = arg_tys}) = length arg_tys
+-- | The number of fields in the /representation/ of the constructor
+-- AFTER taking into account the unpacking of any unboxed tuple fields
+dataConRepRepArity :: DataCon -> RepArity
+dataConRepRepArity dc = typeRepArity (dataConRepArity dc) (dataConRepType dc)
-- | Return whether there are any argument types for this 'DataCon's original source type
isNullarySrcDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isNullarySrcDataCon dc = null (dcOrigArgTys dc)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index 299ea17d8f..e6e221bfce 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ module Id (
mkWorkerId, mkWiredInIdName,
-- ** Taking an Id apart
- idName, idType, idUnique, idInfo, idDetails,
- idPrimRep, recordSelectorFieldLabel,
+ idName, idType, idUnique, idInfo, idDetails, idRepArity,
+ recordSelectorFieldLabel,
-- ** Modifying an Id
setIdName, setIdUnique, Id.setIdType,
@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@ idUnique = Var.varUnique
idType :: Id -> Kind
idType = Var.varType
-idPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
-idPrimRep id = typePrimRep (idType id)
setIdName :: Id -> Name -> Id
setIdName = Var.setVarName
@@ -462,6 +459,9 @@ idArity id = arityInfo (idInfo id)
setIdArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id
setIdArity id arity = modifyIdInfo (`setArityInfo` arity) id
+idRepArity :: Id -> RepArity
+idRepArity x = typeRepArity (idArity x) (idType x)
-- | Returns true if an application to n args would diverge
isBottomingId :: Id -> Bool
isBottomingId id = isBottomingSig (idStrictness id)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
index e5de4e551d..0756c87583 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module CmmUtils(
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
-import Type ( Type, typePrimRep )
+import Type ( UnaryType, typePrimRep )
import SMRep
import Cmm
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ primRepCmmType AddrRep = bWord
primRepCmmType FloatRep = f32
primRepCmmType DoubleRep = f64
-typeCmmType :: Type -> CmmType
+typeCmmType :: UnaryType -> CmmType
typeCmmType ty = primRepCmmType (typePrimRep ty)
primRepForeignHint :: PrimRep -> ForeignHint
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ primRepForeignHint AddrRep = AddrHint -- NB! AddrHint, but NonPtrArg
primRepForeignHint FloatRep = NoHint
primRepForeignHint DoubleRep = NoHint
-typeForeignHint :: Type -> ForeignHint
+typeForeignHint :: UnaryType -> ForeignHint
typeForeignHint = primRepForeignHint . typePrimRep
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index 198e192f5c..06442dc004 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -411,15 +411,12 @@ getArgAmode (StgLitArg lit)
= do { cmm_lit <- cgLit lit
; return (typeCgRep (literalType lit), CmmLit cmm_lit) }
-getArgAmode (StgTypeArg _) = panic "getArgAmode: type arg"
getArgAmodes :: [StgArg] -> FCode [(CgRep, CmmExpr)]
getArgAmodes [] = returnFC []
getArgAmodes (atom:atoms)
- | isStgTypeArg atom = getArgAmodes atoms
- | otherwise = do { amode <- getArgAmode atom
- ; amodes <- getArgAmodes atoms
- ; return ( amode : amodes ) }
+ = do { amode <- getArgAmode atom
+ ; amodes <- getArgAmodes atoms
+ ; return ( amode : amodes ) }
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index 9049504dca..9ad8d13b5f 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
; when (platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32) $
-- Windows DLLs have a problem with static cross-DLL refs.
ASSERT( not (isDllConApp dflags con args) ) return ()
- ; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con ) return ()
+ ; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con ) return ()
; amodes <- getArgAmodes args
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ cgReturnDataCon con amodes
-- for it to be marked as "used" for LDV profiling.
| opt_SccProfilingOn = build_it_then enter_it
| otherwise
- = ASSERT( amodes `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con )
+ = ASSERT( amodes `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con )
do { EndOfBlockInfo _ sequel <- getEndOfBlockInfo
; case sequel of
CaseAlts _ (Just (alts, deflt_lbl)) bndr
@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ cgDataCon data_con
; ldvEnter (CmmReg nodeReg)
; body_code }
- arg_reps :: [(CgRep, Type)]
- arg_reps = [(typeCgRep ty, ty) | ty <- dataConRepArgTys data_con]
+ arg_reps :: [(CgRep, UnaryType)]
+ arg_reps = [(typeCgRep rep_ty, rep_ty) | ty <- dataConRepArgTys data_con, rep_ty <- flattenRepType (repType ty)]
body_code = do {
-- NB: We don't set CC when entering data (WDP 94/06)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index cb3a86ef7f..f935f95726 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ Little helper for primitives that return unboxed tuples.
newUnboxedTupleRegs :: Type -> FCode ([CgRep], [LocalReg], [ForeignHint])
newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty =
- ty_args = tyConAppArgs (repType res_ty)
+ UbxTupleRep ty_args = repType res_ty
(reps,hints) = unzip [ (rep, typeForeignHint ty) | ty <- ty_args,
let rep = typeCgRep ty,
nonVoidArg rep ]
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
index 16e77eca35..600bbbe0df 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
@@ -311,4 +311,5 @@ shimForeignCallArg arg expr
| otherwise = expr
-- should be a tycon app, since this is a foreign call
- tycon = tyConAppTyCon (repType (stgArgType arg))
+ UnaryRep rep_ty = repType (stgArgType arg)
+ tycon = tyConAppTyCon rep_ty
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index 23ae4270f4..b3a365b201 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ the STG paper.
-- for details
module ClosureInfo (
+ idRepArity,
ClosureInfo(..), LambdaFormInfo(..), -- would be abstract but
StandardFormInfo(..), -- mkCmmInfo looks inside
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ ClosureInfo contains a LambdaFormInfo.
data LambdaFormInfo
= LFReEntrant -- Reentrant closure (a function)
TopLevelFlag -- True if top level
- !Int -- Arity. Invariant: always > 0
+ !RepArity -- Arity. Invariant: always > 0
!Bool -- True <=> no fvs
ArgDescr -- Argument descriptor (should reall be in ClosureInfo)
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ data LambdaFormInfo
| LFLetNoEscape -- See LetNoEscape module for precise description of
-- these "lets".
- !Int -- arity;
+ !RepArity -- arity;
| LFBlackHole -- Used for the closures allocated to hold the result
-- of a CAF. We want the target of the update frame to
@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ data StandardFormInfo
-- The code for the thunk just pushes x2..xn on the stack and enters x1.
-- There are a few of these (for 1 <= n <= MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE) pre-compiled
-- in the RTS to save space.
- Int -- Arity, n
+ RepArity -- Arity, n
@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ idCgRep x = typeCgRep . idType $ x
tyConCgRep :: TyCon -> CgRep
tyConCgRep = primRepToCgRep . tyConPrimRep
-typeCgRep :: Type -> CgRep
+typeCgRep :: UnaryType -> CgRep
typeCgRep = primRepToCgRep . typePrimRep
@@ -385,9 +387,12 @@ might_be_a_function :: Type -> Bool
-- Return False only if we are *sure* it's a data type
-- Look through newtypes etc as much as poss
might_be_a_function ty
- = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (repType ty) of
- Just tc -> not (isDataTyCon tc)
- Nothing -> True
+ | UnaryRep rep <- repType ty
+ , Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep
+ , isDataTyCon tc
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
@mkConLFInfo@ is similar, for constructors.
@@ -405,7 +410,7 @@ mkSelectorLFInfo id offset updatable
= LFThunk NotTopLevel False updatable (SelectorThunk offset)
(might_be_a_function (idType id))
-mkApLFInfo :: Id -> UpdateFlag -> Int -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkApLFInfo :: Id -> UpdateFlag -> RepArity -> LambdaFormInfo
mkApLFInfo id upd_flag arity
= LFThunk NotTopLevel (arity == 0) (isUpdatable upd_flag) (ApThunk arity)
(might_be_a_function (idType id))
@@ -417,12 +422,12 @@ Miscellaneous LF-infos.
mkLFArgument :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo
mkLFArgument id = LFUnknown (might_be_a_function (idType id))
-mkLFLetNoEscape :: Int -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFLetNoEscape :: RepArity -> LambdaFormInfo
mkLFLetNoEscape = LFLetNoEscape
mkLFImported :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo
mkLFImported id
- = case idArity id of
+ = case idRepArity id of
n | n > 0 -> LFReEntrant TopLevel n True (panic "arg_descr") -- n > 0
_ -> mkLFArgument id -- Not sure of exact arity
@@ -635,13 +640,13 @@ data CallMethod
| DirectEntry -- Jump directly, with args in regs
CLabel -- The code label
- Int -- Its arity
+ RepArity -- Its arity
getCallMethod :: DynFlags
-> Name -- Function being applied
-> CafInfo -- Can it refer to CAF's?
-> LambdaFormInfo -- Its info
- -> Int -- Number of available arguments
+ -> RepArity -- Number of available arguments
-> CallMethod
getCallMethod _ _ _ lf_info _
@@ -912,11 +917,11 @@ isConstrClosure_maybe :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe DataCon
isConstrClosure_maybe (ConInfo { closureCon = data_con }) = Just data_con
isConstrClosure_maybe _ = Nothing
-closureFunInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe (Int, ArgDescr)
+closureFunInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
closureFunInfo (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info }) = lfFunInfo lf_info
closureFunInfo _ = Nothing
-lfFunInfo :: LambdaFormInfo -> Maybe (Int, ArgDescr)
+lfFunInfo :: LambdaFormInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
lfFunInfo (LFReEntrant _ arity _ arg_desc) = Just (arity, arg_desc)
lfFunInfo _ = Nothing
@@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ funTagLFInfo lf
| otherwise
= 0
-tagForArity :: Int -> Maybe Int
+tagForArity :: RepArity -> Maybe Int
tagForArity i | i <= mAX_PTR_TAG = Just i
| otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
index 6e99543064..17a7062559 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ cgDataCon data_con
(tagForCon data_con)] }
-- The case continuation code expects a tagged pointer
- arg_reps :: [(PrimRep, Type)]
- arg_reps = [(typePrimRep ty, ty) | ty <- dataConRepArgTys data_con]
+ arg_reps :: [(PrimRep, UnaryType)]
+ arg_reps = [(typePrimRep rep_ty, rep_ty) | ty <- dataConRepArgTys data_con, rep_ty <- flattenRepType (repType ty)]
-- Dynamic closure code for non-nullary constructors only
; whenC (not (isNullaryRepDataCon data_con))
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
index 708b2bd0a7..9185002354 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ module StgCmmClosure (
DynTag, tagForCon, isSmallFamily,
ConTagZ, dataConTagZ,
- isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep, addIdReps, addArgReps,
- argPrimRep,
+ idPrimRep, isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep, addIdReps, addArgReps,
+ argPrimRep,
-- * LambdaFormInfo
LambdaFormInfo, -- Abstract
@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ import Util
-- Why are these here?
+-- NB: this is reliable because by StgCmm no Ids have unboxed tuple type
+idPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
+idPrimRep id = typePrimRep (idType id)
addIdReps :: [Id] -> [(PrimRep, Id)]
addIdReps ids = [(idPrimRep id, id) | id <- ids]
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ isGcPtrRep _ = False
data LambdaFormInfo
= LFReEntrant -- Reentrant closure (a function)
TopLevelFlag -- True if top level
- !Int -- Arity. Invariant: always > 0
+ !RepArity -- Arity. Invariant: always > 0
!Bool -- True <=> no fvs
ArgDescr -- Argument descriptor (should really be in ClosureInfo)
@@ -189,7 +193,7 @@ data StandardFormInfo
-- The code for the thunk just pushes x2..xn on the stack and enters x1.
-- There are a few of these (for 1 <= n <= MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE) pre-compiled
-- in the RTS to save space.
- Int -- Arity, n
+ RepArity -- Arity, n
@@ -232,9 +236,12 @@ might_be_a_function :: Type -> Bool
-- Return False only if we are *sure* it's a data type
-- Look through newtypes etc as much as poss
might_be_a_function ty
- = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (repType ty) of
- Just tc -> not (isDataTyCon tc)
- Nothing -> True
+ | UnaryRep rep <- repType ty
+ , Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep
+ , isDataTyCon tc
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
mkConLFInfo :: DataCon -> LambdaFormInfo
@@ -267,7 +274,7 @@ mkLFImported id
| otherwise
= mkLFArgument id -- Not sure of exact arity
- arity = idArity id
+ arity = idRepArity id
mkLFBlackHole :: LambdaFormInfo
@@ -310,7 +317,7 @@ tagForCon con
con_tag = dataConTagZ con
fam_size = tyConFamilySize (dataConTyCon con)
-tagForArity :: Int -> DynTag
+tagForArity :: RepArity -> DynTag
tagForArity arity | isSmallFamily arity = arity
| otherwise = 0
@@ -459,13 +466,13 @@ data CallMethod
| DirectEntry -- Jump directly, with args in regs
CLabel -- The code label
- Int -- Its arity
+ RepArity -- Its arity
getCallMethod :: DynFlags
-> Name -- Function being applied
-> CafInfo -- Can it refer to CAF's?
-> LambdaFormInfo -- Its info
- -> Int -- Number of available arguments
+ -> RepArity -- Number of available arguments
-> CallMethod
getCallMethod _ _name _ lf_info _n_args
@@ -745,10 +752,10 @@ closureReEntrant :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
closureReEntrant (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = LFReEntrant _ _ _ _ }) = True
closureReEntrant _ = False
-closureFunInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe (Int, ArgDescr)
+closureFunInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
closureFunInfo (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info }) = lfFunInfo lf_info
-lfFunInfo :: LambdaFormInfo -> Maybe (Int, ArgDescr)
+lfFunInfo :: LambdaFormInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
lfFunInfo (LFReEntrant _ arity _ arg_desc) = Just (arity, arg_desc)
lfFunInfo _ = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
index ee71f5c86a..a7af5662e9 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ cgTopRhsCon id con args
; when (platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32) $
-- Windows DLLs have a problem with static cross-DLL refs.
ASSERT( not (isDllConApp dflags con args) ) return ()
- ; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con ) return ()
+ ; ASSERT( args `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con ) return ()
; let
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
index d8a7061eec..f128e3ad60 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ getArgAmode :: NonVoid StgArg -> FCode CmmExpr
getArgAmode (NonVoid (StgVarArg var)) =
do { info <- getCgIdInfo var; return (idInfoToAmode info) }
getArgAmode (NonVoid (StgLitArg lit)) = liftM CmmLit $ cgLit lit
-getArgAmode (NonVoid (StgTypeArg _)) = panic "getArgAmode: type arg"
getNonVoidArgAmodes :: [StgArg] -> FCode [CmmExpr]
-- NB: Filters out void args,
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
index 5ea935984d..9faad02f46 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ cgConApp con stg_args
; emitReturn arg_exprs }
| otherwise -- Boxed constructors; allocate and return
- = ASSERT( stg_args `lengthIs` dataConRepArity con )
+ = ASSERT( stg_args `lengthIs` dataConRepRepArity con )
do { (idinfo, init) <- buildDynCon (dataConWorkId con) currentCCS con stg_args
-- The first "con" says that the name bound to this closure is
-- is "con", which is a bit of a fudge, but it only affects profiling
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
index c41832a0ab..5bc0f7af4e 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
@@ -304,5 +304,6 @@ add_shim arg_ty expr
| otherwise = expr
- tycon = tyConAppTyCon (repType arg_ty)
+ UnaryRep rep_ty = repType arg_ty
+ tycon = tyConAppTyCon rep_ty
-- should be a tycon app, since this is a foreign call
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
index 9afcd029a4..c33524636b 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import StgSyn
import Id
import Name
import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
-import BasicTypes ( Arity )
+import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ adjustHpBackwards
-- Making calls: directCall and slowCall
-directCall :: CLabel -> Arity -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
+directCall :: CLabel -> RepArity -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
-- (directCall f n args)
-- calls f(arg1, ..., argn), and applies the result to the remaining args
-- The function f has arity n, and there are guaranteed at least n args
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ slowCall fun stg_args
; slow_call fun cmm_args (argsReps stg_args) }
-direct_call :: String -> CLabel -> Arity -> [CmmExpr] -> [ArgRep] -> FCode ()
+direct_call :: String -> CLabel -> RepArity -> [CmmExpr] -> [ArgRep] -> FCode ()
-- NB1: (length args) may be less than (length reps), because
-- the args exclude the void ones
-- NB2: 'arity' refers to the *reps*
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ slow_call fun args reps
(rts_fun, arity) = slowCallPattern reps
-- These cases were found to cover about 99% of all slow calls:
-slowCallPattern :: [ArgRep] -> (FastString, Arity)
+slowCallPattern :: [ArgRep] -> (FastString, RepArity)
-- Returns the generic apply function and arity
slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppppp", 6)
slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppppp", 5)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
index a6c592cfd8..da69030ddf 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
(CmmLit (mkIntCLit 1)) ]
ticky_entry_ctrs = mkLblExpr (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "ticky_entry_ctrs"))
-tickyReturnOldCon, tickyReturnNewCon :: Arity -> FCode ()
+tickyReturnOldCon, tickyReturnNewCon :: RepArity -> FCode ()
tickyReturnOldCon arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_OLD_ctr")
; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_OLD_hst") arity }
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ tickyReturnNewCon arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_NEW_ctr")
; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_NEW_hst") arity }
-tickyUnboxedTupleReturn :: Int -> FCode ()
+tickyUnboxedTupleReturn :: RepArity -> FCode ()
tickyUnboxedTupleReturn arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_UNBOXED_TUP_ctr")
; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_UNBOXED_TUP_hst") arity }
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ tickyVectoredReturn family_size
-- Ticky calls
-- Ticks at a *call site*:
-tickyDirectCall :: Arity -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
+tickyDirectCall :: RepArity -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
tickyDirectCall arity args
| arity == length args = tickyKnownCallExact
| otherwise = do tickyKnownCallExtraArgs
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
index c3327138b3..dda2260a04 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty
; ASSERT( regs `equalLength` reps )
return (regs, map primRepForeignHint reps) }
- ty_args = tyConAppArgs (repType res_ty)
+ UbxTupleRep ty_args = repType res_ty
reps = [ rep
| ty <- ty_args
, let rep = typePrimRep ty
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index 41b0f3bd2f..ba6a14739a 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -352,17 +352,11 @@ lintCoreExpr e@(Case scrut var alt_ty alts) =
; subst <- getTvSubst
; checkTys var_ty scrut_ty (mkScrutMsg var var_ty scrut_ty subst)
- -- If the binder is an unboxed tuple type, don't put it in scope
- ; let scope = if (isUnboxedTupleType (idType var)) then
- pass_var
- else lintAndScopeId var
- ; scope $ \_ ->
+ ; lintAndScopeId var $ \_ ->
do { -- Check the alternatives
mapM_ (lintCoreAlt scrut_ty alt_ty) alts
; checkCaseAlts e scrut_ty alts
; return alt_ty } }
- where
- pass_var f = f var
lintCoreExpr (Type ty)
= do { ty' <- lintInTy ty
@@ -598,10 +592,7 @@ lintIdBndr :: Id -> (Id -> LintM a) -> LintM a
-- ToDo: lint its rules
lintIdBndr id linterF
- = do { checkL (not (isUnboxedTupleType (idType id)))
- (mkUnboxedTupleMsg id)
- -- No variable can be bound to an unboxed tuple.
- ; lintAndScopeId id $ \id' -> linterF id' }
+ = do { lintAndScopeId id $ \id' -> linterF id' }
lintAndScopeIds :: [Var] -> ([Var] -> LintM a) -> LintM a
lintAndScopeIds ids linterF
@@ -1257,11 +1248,6 @@ mkArityMsg binder
where (StrictSig dmd_ty) = idStrictness binder
-mkUnboxedTupleMsg :: Id -> MsgDoc
-mkUnboxedTupleMsg binder
- = vcat [hsep [ptext (sLit "A variable has unboxed tuple type:"), ppr binder],
- hsep [ptext (sLit "Binder's type:"), ppr (idType binder)]]
mkCastErr :: CoreExpr -> Coercion -> Type -> Type -> MsgDoc
mkCastErr expr co from_ty expr_ty
= vcat [ptext (sLit "From-type of Cast differs from type of enclosed expression"),
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index 04424cde3e..7fa35e30eb 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ dsStrictBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss, pat_rhs_ty = ty }) body
eqn_rhs = cantFailMatchResult body }
; var <- selectMatchVar upat
; result <- matchEquations PatBindRhs [var] [eqn] (exprType body)
- ; return (scrungleMatch var rhs result) }
+ ; return (bindNonRec var rhs result) }
dsStrictBind bind body = pprPanic "dsLet: unlifted" (ppr bind $$ ppr body)
@@ -164,38 +164,13 @@ strictMatchOnly :: HsBind Id -> Bool
strictMatchOnly (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
= anyBag (strictMatchOnly . unLoc) binds
strictMatchOnly (PatBind { pat_lhs = lpat, pat_rhs_ty = ty })
- = isUnboxedTupleType ty
+ = isUnLiftedType ty
|| isBangLPat lpat
|| any (isUnLiftedType . idType) (collectPatBinders lpat)
strictMatchOnly (FunBind { fun_id = L _ id })
= isUnLiftedType (idType id)
strictMatchOnly _ = False -- I hope! Checked immediately by caller in fact
-scrungleMatch :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
--- Returns something like (let var = scrut in body)
--- but if var is an unboxed-tuple type, it inlines it in a fragile way
--- Special case to handle unboxed tuple patterns; they can't appear nested
--- The idea is that
--- case e of (# p1, p2 #) -> rhs
--- should desugar to
--- case e of (# x1, x2 #) -> ... match p1, p2 ...
--- NOT
--- let x = e in case x of ....
--- But there may be a big
--- let fail = ... in case e of ...
--- wrapping the whole case, which complicates matters slightly
--- It all seems a bit fragile. Test is dsrun013.
-scrungleMatch var scrut body
- | isUnboxedTupleType (idType var) = scrungle body
- | otherwise = bindNonRec var scrut body
- where
- scrungle (Case (Var x) bndr ty alts)
- | x == var = Case scrut bndr ty alts
- scrungle (Let binds body) = Let binds (scrungle body)
- scrungle other = panic ("scrungleMatch: tuple pattern:\n" ++ showSDoc (ppr other))
@@ -327,7 +302,7 @@ dsExpr (HsCase discrim matches@(MatchGroup _ rhs_ty))
| otherwise
= do { core_discrim <- dsLExpr discrim
; ([discrim_var], matching_code) <- matchWrapper CaseAlt matches
- ; return (scrungleMatch discrim_var core_discrim matching_code) }
+ ; return (bindNonRec discrim_var core_discrim matching_code) }
-- Pepe: The binds are in scope in the body but NOT in the binding group
-- This is to avoid silliness in breakpoints
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
index e5cd98f5f3..93dc627f14 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
@@ -709,9 +709,12 @@ toCType = f False
= pprPanic "toCType" (ppr t)
typeTyCon :: Type -> TyCon
-typeTyCon ty = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (repType ty) of
- Just (tc,_) -> tc
- Nothing -> pprPanic "DsForeign.typeTyCon" (ppr ty)
+typeTyCon ty
+ | UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType ty
+ , Just (tc, _) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_ty
+ = tc
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "DsForeign.typeTyCon" (ppr ty)
insertRetAddr :: DynFlags -> CCallConv
-> [(SDoc, SDoc, Type, CmmType)]
@@ -754,7 +757,7 @@ ret_addr_arg = (text "original_return_addr", text "void*", undefined,
-- This function returns the primitive type associated with the boxed
-- type argument to a foreign export (eg. Int ==> Int#).
-getPrimTyOf :: Type -> Type
+getPrimTyOf :: Type -> UnaryType
getPrimTyOf ty
| isBoolTy rep_ty = intPrimTy
-- Except for Bool, the types we are interested in have a single constructor
@@ -767,7 +770,7 @@ getPrimTyOf ty
_other -> pprPanic "DsForeign.getPrimTyOf" (ppr ty)
- rep_ty = repType ty
+ UnaryRep rep_ty = repType ty
-- represent a primitive type as a Char, for building a string that
-- described the foreign function type. The types are size-dependent,
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 090c34ffc0..bfd44384bb 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ Library
+ UnariseStg
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
index c84d84a78c..851ca389ab 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
@@ -271,8 +271,12 @@ collect :: AnnExpr Id VarSet -> ([Var], AnnExpr' Id VarSet)
collect (_, e) = go [] e
go xs e | Just e' <- bcView e = go xs e'
- go xs (AnnLam x (_,e)) = go (x:xs) e
- go xs not_lambda = (reverse xs, not_lambda)
+ go xs (AnnLam x (_,e))
+ | UbxTupleRep _ <- repType (idType x)
+ = unboxedTupleException
+ | otherwise
+ = go (x:xs) e
+ go xs not_lambda = (reverse xs, not_lambda)
schemeR_wrk :: [Id] -> Id -> AnnExpr Id VarSet -> ([Var], AnnExpr' Var VarSet) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
schemeR_wrk fvs nm original_body (args, body)
@@ -486,7 +490,7 @@ schemeE d s p (AnnCase (_,scrut) _ _ []) = schemeE d s p scrut
-- no alts: scrut is guaranteed to diverge
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut _ _ [(DataAlt dc, [bind1, bind2], rhs)])
- | isUnboxedTupleCon dc, VoidArg <- typeCgRep (idType bind1)
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon dc, UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType (idType bind1), VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty
-- Convert
-- case .... of x { (# VoidArg'd-thing, a #) -> ... }
-- to
@@ -499,12 +503,12 @@ schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut _ _ [(DataAlt dc, [bind1, bind2], rhs)])
= --trace "automagic mashing of case alts (# VoidArg, a #)" $
doCase d s p scrut bind2 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] True{-unboxed tuple-}
- | isUnboxedTupleCon dc, VoidArg <- typeCgRep (idType bind2)
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon dc, UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType (idType bind2), VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty
= --trace "automagic mashing of case alts (# a, VoidArg #)" $
doCase d s p scrut bind1 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] True{-unboxed tuple-}
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut _ _ [(DataAlt dc, [bind1], rhs)])
- | isUnboxedTupleCon dc
+ | isUnboxedTupleCon dc, UnaryRep _ <- repType (idType bind1)
-- Similarly, convert
-- case .... of x { (# a #) -> ... }
-- to
@@ -603,7 +607,8 @@ schemeT d s p app
-- Detect and extract relevant info for the tagToEnum kludge.
= let extract_constr_Names ty
- | Just tyc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (repType ty),
+ | UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType ty
+ , Just tyc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep_ty,
isDataTyCon tyc
= map (getName . dataConWorkId) (tyConDataCons tyc)
-- NOTE: use the worker name, not the source name of
@@ -746,6 +751,9 @@ doCase :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> Bool -- True <=> is an unboxed tuple case, don't enter the result
-> BcM BCInstrList
doCase d s p (_,scrut) bndr alts is_unboxed_tuple
+ | UbxTupleRep _ <- repType (idType bndr)
+ = unboxedTupleException
+ | otherwise
= let
-- Top of stack is the return itbl, as usual.
-- underneath it is the pointer to the alt_code BCO.
@@ -785,6 +793,8 @@ doCase d s p (_,scrut) bndr alts is_unboxed_tuple
| null real_bndrs = do
rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
return (my_discr alt, rhs_code)
+ | any (\bndr -> case repType (idType bndr) of UbxTupleRep _ -> True; _ -> False) bndrs
+ = unboxedTupleException
-- algebraic alt with some binders
| otherwise =
@@ -903,7 +913,7 @@ generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) fn args_r_to_l
pargs _ [] = return []
pargs d (a:az)
- = let arg_ty = repType (exprType (deAnnotate' a))
+ = let UnaryRep arg_ty = repType (exprType (deAnnotate' a))
in case tyConAppTyCon_maybe arg_ty of
-- Don't push the FO; instead push the Addr# it
@@ -1107,13 +1117,11 @@ maybe_getCCallReturnRep fn_ty
= let (_a_tys, r_ty) = splitFunTys (dropForAlls fn_ty)
= if isSingleton r_reps then Nothing else Just (r_reps !! 1)
- (r_tycon, r_reps)
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe (repType r_ty) of
- (Just (tyc, tys)) -> (tyc, map typePrimRep tys)
- Nothing -> blargh
+ r_reps = case repType r_ty of
+ UbxTupleRep reps -> map typePrimRep reps
+ UnaryRep _ -> blargh
ok = ( ( r_reps `lengthIs` 2 && VoidRep == head r_reps)
|| r_reps == [VoidRep] )
- && isUnboxedTupleTyCon r_tycon
&& case maybe_r_rep_to_go of
Nothing -> True
Just r_rep -> r_rep /= PtrRep
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
index e6da6407bb..7378141e3d 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import NameEnv
import ClosureInfo
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArgTys, dataConIdentity )
import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConFamilySize, isDataTyCon, tyConDataCons )
+import Type ( flattenRepType, repType )
import Constants ( mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE, wORD_SIZE )
import CgHeapery ( mkVirtHeapOffsets )
import Util
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ make_constr_itbls cons
mk_itbl :: DataCon -> Int -> Ptr () -> IO (Name,ItblPtr)
mk_itbl dcon conNo entry_addr = do
- let rep_args = [ (typeCgRep arg,arg) | arg <- dataConRepArgTys dcon ]
+ let rep_args = [ (typeCgRep rep_arg,rep_arg) | arg <- dataConRepArgTys dcon, rep_arg <- flattenRepType (repType arg) ]
(tot_wds, ptr_wds, _) = mkVirtHeapOffsets False{-not a THUNK-} rep_args
ptrs' = ptr_wds
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 121b269d64..4be3d87f31 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ import Name
import VarEnv
import Util
import VarSet
+import BasicTypes ( TupleSort(UnboxedTuple) )
import TysPrim
import PrelNames
import TysWiredIn
import DynFlags
import Outputable as Ppr
-import FastString
import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
import GHC.Arr ( Array(..) )
import GHC.Exts
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
return $ fixFunDictionaries $ expandNewtypes term'
else do
(old_ty', rev_subst) <- instScheme quant_old_ty
- my_ty <- newVar argTypeKind
+ my_ty <- newVar openTypeKind
when (check1 quant_old_ty) (traceTR (text "check1 passed") >>
addConstraint my_ty old_ty')
term <- go max_depth my_ty sigma_old_ty hval
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
zterm' <- mapTermTypeM
(\ty -> case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
Just (tc, _:_) | tc /= funTyCon
- -> newVar argTypeKind
+ -> newVar openTypeKind
_ -> return ty)
zonkTerm zterm'
@@ -759,32 +759,13 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
Just dc -> do
traceTR (text "Just" <+> ppr dc)
subTtypes <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
- let (subTtypesP, subTtypesNP) = partition isPtrType subTtypes
- subTermsP <- sequence
- [ appArr (go (pred max_depth) ty ty) (ptrs clos) i
- | (i,ty) <- zip [0..] subTtypesP]
- let unboxeds = extractUnboxed subTtypesNP clos
- subTermsNP = zipWith Prim subTtypesNP unboxeds
- subTerms = reOrderTerms subTermsP subTermsNP subTtypes
+ subTerms <- extractSubTerms (\ty -> go (pred max_depth) ty ty) clos subTtypes
return (Term my_ty (Right dc) a subTerms)
-- The otherwise case: can be a Thunk,AP,PAP,etc.
tipe_clos ->
return (Suspension tipe_clos my_ty a Nothing)
- -- put together pointed and nonpointed subterms in the
- -- correct order.
- reOrderTerms _ _ [] = []
- reOrderTerms pointed unpointed (ty:tys)
- | isPtrType ty = ASSERT2(not(null pointed)
- , ptext (sLit "reOrderTerms") $$
- (ppr pointed $$ ppr unpointed))
- let (t:tt) = pointed in t : reOrderTerms tt unpointed tys
- | otherwise = ASSERT2(not(null unpointed)
- , ptext (sLit "reOrderTerms") $$
- (ppr pointed $$ ppr unpointed))
- let (t:tt) = unpointed in t : reOrderTerms pointed tt tys
-- insert NewtypeWraps around newtypes
expandNewtypes = foldTerm idTermFold { fTerm = worker } where
worker ty dc hval tt
@@ -802,6 +783,46 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
worker ct ty hval n | isFunTy ty = Suspension ct (dictsView ty) hval n
| otherwise = Suspension ct ty hval n
+extractSubTerms :: (Type -> HValue -> TcM Term)
+ -> Closure -> [Type] -> TcM [Term]
+extractSubTerms recurse clos = liftM thirdOf3 . go 0 (nonPtrs clos)
+ where
+ go ptr_i ws [] = return (ptr_i, ws, [])
+ go ptr_i ws (ty:tys)
+ | Just (tc, elem_tys) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+ = do (ptr_i, ws, terms0) <- go ptr_i ws elem_tys
+ (ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
+ return (ptr_i, ws, unboxedTupleTerm ty terms0 : terms1)
+ | otherwise
+ = case repType ty of
+ UnaryRep rep_ty -> do
+ (ptr_i, ws, term0) <- go_rep ptr_i ws ty (typePrimRep rep_ty)
+ (ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
+ return (ptr_i, ws, term0 : terms1)
+ UbxTupleRep rep_tys -> do
+ (ptr_i, ws, terms0) <- go_unary_types ptr_i ws rep_tys
+ (ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go ptr_i ws tys
+ return (ptr_i, ws, unboxedTupleTerm ty terms0 : terms1)
+ go_unary_types ptr_i ws [] = return (ptr_i, ws, [])
+ go_unary_types ptr_i ws (rep_ty:rep_tys) = do
+ tv <- newVar liftedTypeKind
+ (ptr_i, ws, term0) <- go_rep ptr_i ws tv (typePrimRep rep_ty)
+ (ptr_i, ws, terms1) <- go_unary_types ptr_i ws rep_tys
+ return (ptr_i, ws, term0 : terms1)
+ go_rep ptr_i ws ty rep = case rep of
+ PtrRep -> do
+ t <- appArr (recurse ty) (ptrs clos) ptr_i
+ return (ptr_i + 1, ws, t)
+ _ -> do
+ let (ws0, ws1) = splitAt (primRepSizeW rep) ws
+ return (ptr_i, ws1, Prim ty ws0)
+ unboxedTupleTerm ty terms = Term ty (Right (tupleCon UnboxedTuple (length terms)))
+ (error "unboxedTupleTerm: no HValue for unboxed tuple") terms
-- Fast, breadth-first Type reconstruction
@@ -814,7 +835,7 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
then return old_ty
else do
(old_ty', rev_subst) <- instScheme sigma_old_ty
- my_ty <- newVar argTypeKind
+ my_ty <- newVar openTypeKind
when (check1 sigma_old_ty) (traceTR (text "check1 passed") >>
addConstraint my_ty old_ty')
search (isMonomorphic `fmap` zonkTcType my_ty)
@@ -870,11 +891,36 @@ cvReconstructType hsc_env max_depth old_ty hval = runTR_maybe hsc_env $ do
Just dc -> do
arg_tys <- getDataConArgTys dc my_ty
- traceTR (text "Constr2" <+> ppr dcname <+> ppr arg_tys)
+ (_, itys) <- findPtrTyss 0 arg_tys
+ traceTR (text "Constr2" <+> ppr dcname <+> ppr arg_tys)
return $ [ appArr (\e-> (ty,e)) (ptrs clos) i
- | (i,ty) <- zip [0..] (filter isPtrType arg_tys)]
+ | (i,ty) <- itys]
_ -> return []
+findPtrTys :: Int -- Current pointer index
+ -> Type -- Type
+ -> TR (Int, [(Int, Type)])
+findPtrTys i ty
+ | Just (tc, elem_tys) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ , isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+ = findPtrTyss i elem_tys
+ | otherwise
+ = case repType ty of
+ UnaryRep rep_ty | typePrimRep rep_ty == PtrRep -> return (i + 1, [(i, ty)])
+ | otherwise -> return (i, [])
+ UbxTupleRep rep_tys -> foldM (\(i, extras) rep_ty -> if typePrimRep rep_ty == PtrRep
+ then newVar liftedTypeKind >>= \tv -> return (i + 1, extras ++ [(i, tv)])
+ else return (i, extras))
+ (i, []) rep_tys
+findPtrTyss :: Int
+ -> [Type]
+ -> TR (Int, [(Int, Type)])
+findPtrTyss i tys = foldM step (i, []) tys
+ where step (i, discovered) elem_ty = findPtrTys i elem_ty >>= \(i, extras) -> return (i, discovered ++ extras)
-- Compute the difference between a base type and the type found by RTTI
-- improveType <base_type> <rtti_type>
-- The types can contain skolem type variables, which need to be treated as normal vars.
@@ -890,7 +936,7 @@ getDataConArgTys :: DataCon -> Type -> TR [Type]
-- if so, make up fresh RTTI type variables for them
getDataConArgTys dc con_app_ty
= do { (_, ex_tys, _) <- instTyVars ex_tvs
- ; let rep_con_app_ty = repType con_app_ty
+ ; let UnaryRep rep_con_app_ty = repType con_app_ty
; ty_args <- case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_con_app_ty of
Just (tc, ty_args) | dataConTyCon dc == tc
-> ASSERT( univ_tvs `equalLength` ty_args)
@@ -909,11 +955,6 @@ getDataConArgTys dc con_app_ty
univ_tvs = dataConUnivTyVars dc
ex_tvs = dataConExTyVars dc
-isPtrType :: Type -> Bool
-isPtrType ty = case typePrimRep ty of
- PtrRep -> True
- _ -> False
-- Soundness checks
@@ -1111,7 +1152,8 @@ congruenceNewtypes lhs rhs = go lhs rhs >>= \rhs' -> return (lhs,rhs')
text " in presence of newtype evidence " <> ppr new_tycon)
(_, vars, _) <- instTyVars (tyConTyVars new_tycon)
let ty' = mkTyConApp new_tycon vars
- _ <- liftTcM (unifyType ty (repType ty'))
+ UnaryRep rep_ty = repType ty'
+ _ <- liftTcM (unifyType ty rep_ty)
-- assumes that reptype doesn't ^^^^ touch tyconApp args
return ty'
@@ -1158,7 +1200,8 @@ isMonomorphic ty = noExistentials && noUniversals
-- Use only for RTTI types
isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs :: RttiType -> Bool
isMonomorphicOnNonPhantomArgs ty
- | Just (tc, all_args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (repType ty)
+ | UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType ty
+ , Just (tc, all_args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rep_ty
, phantom_vars <- tyConPhantomTyVars tc
, concrete_args <- [ arg | (tyv,arg) <- tyConTyVars tc `zip` all_args
, tyv `notElem` phantom_vars]
@@ -1196,11 +1239,3 @@ amap' :: (t -> b) -> Array Int t -> [b]
amap' f (Array i0 i _ arr#) = map g [0 .. i - i0]
where g (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of
(# e #) -> f e
-extractUnboxed :: [Type] -> Closure -> [[Word]]
-extractUnboxed tt clos = go tt (nonPtrs clos)
- where sizeofType t = primRepSizeW (typePrimRep t)
- go [] _ = []
- go (t:tt) xx
- | (x, rest) <- splitAt (sizeofType t) xx
- = x : go tt rest
diff --git a/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs b/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
index 43b60afae0..8f810eaead 100644
--- a/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import HscMain
import HsSyn
import HscTypes
import InstEnv
+import TyCon
import Type hiding( typeKind )
import TcType hiding( typeKind )
import Var
@@ -608,8 +609,9 @@ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack (Just info) = do
-- Filter out any unboxed ids;
-- we can't bind these at the prompt
pointers = filter (\(id,_) -> isPointer id) vars
- isPointer id | PtrRep <- idPrimRep id = True
- | otherwise = False
+ isPointer id | UnaryRep ty <- repType (idType id)
+ , PtrRep <- typePrimRep ty = True
+ | otherwise = False
(ids, offsets) = unzip pointers
@@ -644,7 +646,6 @@ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack (Just info) = do
-- - globalise the Id (Ids are supposed to be Global, apparently).
let result_ok = isPointer result_id
- && not (isUnboxedTupleType (idType result_id))
all_ids | result_ok = result_id : new_ids
| otherwise = new_ids
diff --git a/compiler/parser/ParserCore.y b/compiler/parser/ParserCore.y
index 0382fcae7d..edb8b50864 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/ParserCore.y
+++ b/compiler/parser/ParserCore.y
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import OccName
import TypeRep ( TyThing(..) )
import Type ( Kind,
liftedTypeKindTyCon, openTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon,
- argTypeKindTyCon, ubxTupleKindTyCon, mkTyConApp
+ mkTyConApp
import Kind( mkArrowKind )
import Name( Name, nameOccName, nameModule, mkExternalName, wiredInNameTyThing_maybe )
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
index bc76c77b98..73b07db703 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.lhs
@@ -1299,14 +1299,11 @@ superKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 85
-- Kind constructors
liftedTypeKindTyConKey, anyKindTyConKey, openTypeKindTyConKey,
- unliftedTypeKindTyConKey, ubxTupleKindTyConKey, argTypeKindTyConKey,
- constraintKindTyConKey :: Unique
+ unliftedTypeKindTyConKey, constraintKindTyConKey :: Unique
anyKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 86
liftedTypeKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 87
openTypeKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 88
unliftedTypeKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 89
-ubxTupleKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 90
-argTypeKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 91
constraintKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 92
-- Coercion constructors
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index 89181e89cb..1b8d96df35 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -21,22 +21,18 @@ module TysPrim(
tyVarList, alphaTyVars, betaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar,
alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy, deltaTy,
openAlphaTy, openBetaTy, openAlphaTyVar, openBetaTyVar, openAlphaTyVars,
- argAlphaTy, argAlphaTyVar, argAlphaTyVars, argBetaTy, argBetaTyVar,
-- Kind constructors...
- superKindTyCon, superKind, anyKindTyCon,
- liftedTypeKindTyCon, openTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon,
- argTypeKindTyCon, ubxTupleKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon,
+ superKindTyCon, superKind, anyKindTyCon, liftedTypeKindTyCon,
+ openTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon,
superKindTyConName, anyKindTyConName, liftedTypeKindTyConName,
openTypeKindTyConName, unliftedTypeKindTyConName,
- ubxTupleKindTyConName, argTypeKindTyConName,
-- Kinds
- anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind,
- argTypeKind, ubxTupleKind, constraintKind,
+ anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind, constraintKind,
mkArrowKind, mkArrowKinds,
typeNatKind, typeStringKind,
@@ -137,8 +133,6 @@ primTyCons
, liftedTypeKindTyCon
, unliftedTypeKindTyCon
, openTypeKindTyCon
- , argTypeKindTyCon
- , ubxTupleKindTyCon
, constraintKindTyCon
, superKindTyCon
, anyKindTyCon
@@ -226,13 +220,6 @@ openAlphaTy, openBetaTy :: Type
openAlphaTy = mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar
openBetaTy = mkTyVarTy openBetaTyVar
-argAlphaTyVars :: [TyVar]
-argAlphaTyVar, argBetaTyVar :: TyVar
-argAlphaTyVars@(argAlphaTyVar : argBetaTyVar : _) = tyVarList argTypeKind
-argAlphaTy, argBetaTy :: Type
-argAlphaTy = mkTyVarTy argAlphaTyVar
-argBetaTy = mkTyVarTy argBetaTyVar
kKiVar :: KindVar
kKiVar = (tyVarList superKind) !! 10
@@ -305,12 +292,10 @@ So you can see it's convenient to have BOX:BOX
-- | See "Type#kind_subtyping" for details of the distinction between the 'Kind' 'TyCon's
superKindTyCon, anyKindTyCon, liftedTypeKindTyCon,
openTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon,
- ubxTupleKindTyCon, argTypeKindTyCon,
:: TyCon
superKindTyConName, anyKindTyConName, liftedTypeKindTyConName,
openTypeKindTyConName, unliftedTypeKindTyConName,
- ubxTupleKindTyConName, argTypeKindTyConName,
:: Name
@@ -321,8 +306,6 @@ anyKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon anyKindTyConName superKind
liftedTypeKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon liftedTypeKindTyConName superKind
openTypeKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon openTypeKindTyConName superKind
unliftedTypeKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon unliftedTypeKindTyConName superKind
-ubxTupleKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon ubxTupleKindTyConName superKind
-argTypeKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon argTypeKindTyConName superKind
constraintKindTyCon = mkKindTyCon constraintKindTyConName superKind
@@ -333,8 +316,6 @@ anyKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "AnyK") anyKindTyConKey anyKi
liftedTypeKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "*") liftedTypeKindTyConKey liftedTypeKindTyCon
openTypeKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "OpenKind") openTypeKindTyConKey openTypeKindTyCon
unliftedTypeKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "#") unliftedTypeKindTyConKey unliftedTypeKindTyCon
-ubxTupleKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "(#)") ubxTupleKindTyConKey ubxTupleKindTyCon
-argTypeKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "ArgKind") argTypeKindTyConKey argTypeKindTyCon
constraintKindTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "Constraint") constraintKindTyConKey constraintKindTyCon
mkPrimTyConName :: FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
@@ -352,17 +333,13 @@ kindTyConType :: TyCon -> Type
kindTyConType kind = TyConApp kind []
-- | See "Type#kind_subtyping" for details of the distinction between these 'Kind's
-anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind,
- argTypeKind, ubxTupleKind, constraintKind,
- superKind :: Kind
+anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind, constraintKind, superKind :: Kind
superKind = kindTyConType superKindTyCon
anyKind = kindTyConType anyKindTyCon -- See Note [Any kinds]
liftedTypeKind = kindTyConType liftedTypeKindTyCon
unliftedTypeKind = kindTyConType unliftedTypeKindTyCon
openTypeKind = kindTyConType openTypeKindTyCon
-argTypeKind = kindTyConType argTypeKindTyCon
-ubxTupleKind = kindTyConType ubxTupleKindTyCon
constraintKind = kindTyConType constraintKindTyCon
typeNatKind :: Kind
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index f36e717950..60518bfd9f 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -354,12 +354,12 @@ mk_tuple sort arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
tc_kind = mkArrowKinds (map tyVarKind tyvars) res_kind
res_kind = case sort of
BoxedTuple -> liftedTypeKind
- UnboxedTuple -> ubxTupleKind
+ UnboxedTuple -> unliftedTypeKind
ConstraintTuple -> constraintKind
tyvars = take arity $ case sort of
BoxedTuple -> alphaTyVars
- UnboxedTuple -> argAlphaTyVars -- No nested unboxed tuples
+ UnboxedTuple -> openAlphaTyVars
ConstraintTuple -> tyVarList constraintKind
tuple_con = pcDataCon dc_name tyvars tyvar_tys tycon
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
index 4a92f818d4..18c0178900 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CSE.lhs
@@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ import CoreSubst
import Var ( Var )
import Id ( Id, idType, idInlineActivation, zapIdOccInfo )
import CoreUtils ( mkAltExpr
- , exprIsTrivial, exprIsCheap )
-import DataCon ( isUnboxedTupleCon )
+ , exprIsTrivial)
import Type ( tyConAppArgs )
import CoreSyn
import Outputable
@@ -112,19 +111,6 @@ to the reverse CSE mapping if the scrutinee is a non-trivial expression.
case binder -> scrutinee
to the substitution
-Note [Unboxed tuple case binders]
- case f x of t { (# a,b #) ->
- case ... of
- True -> f x
- False -> 0 }
-We must not replace (f x) by t, because t is an unboxed-tuple binder.
-Instead, we shoudl replace (f x) by (# a,b #). That is, the "reverse mapping" is
- f x --> (# a,b #)
-That is why the CSEMap has pairs of expressions.
We are careful to do no CSE inside functions that the user has marked as
@@ -258,20 +244,6 @@ cseExpr env (Case scrut bndr ty alts) = Case scrut' bndr'' ty alts'
cseAlts :: CSEnv -> OutExpr -> InBndr -> InBndr -> [InAlt] -> [OutAlt]
-cseAlts env scrut' bndr _bndr' [(DataAlt con, args, rhs)]
- | isUnboxedTupleCon con
- -- Unboxed tuples are special because the case binder isn't
- -- a real value. See Note [Unboxed tuple case binders]
- = [(DataAlt con, args'', tryForCSE new_env rhs)]
- where
- (env', args') = addBinders env args
- args'' = map zapIdOccInfo args' -- They should all be ids
- -- Same motivation for zapping as [Case binders 2] only this time
- -- it's Note [Unboxed tuple case binders]
- new_env | exprIsCheap scrut' = env'
- | otherwise = extendCSEnv env' scrut' tup_value
- tup_value = mkAltExpr (DataAlt con) args'' (tyConAppArgs (idType bndr))
cseAlts env scrut' bndr bndr' alts
= map cse_alt alts
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
index 1bec3925ac..8493d9c275 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import CostCentre ( CollectedCCs )
import SCCfinal ( stgMassageForProfiling )
import StgLint ( lintStgBindings )
import StgStats ( showStgStats )
+import UnariseStg ( unarise )
import SRT ( computeSRTs )
import DynFlags ( DynFlags(..), DynFlag(..), dopt, StgToDo(..),
@@ -50,10 +51,11 @@ stg2stg dflags module_name binds
; (binds', us', ccs) <- end_pass us "Stg2Stg" ([],[],[]) binds
-- Do the main business!
+ ; let (us0, us1) = splitUniqSupply us'
; (processed_binds, _, cost_centres)
- <- foldl_mn do_stg_pass (binds', us', ccs) (getStgToDo dflags)
+ <- foldl_mn do_stg_pass (binds', us0, ccs) (getStgToDo dflags)
- ; let srt_binds = computeSRTs processed_binds
+ ; let srt_binds = computeSRTs (unarise us1 processed_binds)
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg "STG syntax:"
(pprStgBindingsWithSRTs srt_binds)
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.lhs b/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac439ebfd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/UnariseStg.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-2012
+Note [Unarisation]
+The idea of this pass is to translate away *all* unboxed-tuple binders. So for example:
+f (x :: (# Int, Bool #)) = f x + f (# 1, True #)
+ ==>
+f (x1 :: Int) (x2 :: Bool) = f x1 x2 + f 1 True
+It is important that we do this at the STG level and NOT at the core level
+because it would be very hard to make this pass Core-type-preserving.
+STG fed to the code generators *must* be unarised because the code generators do
+not support unboxed tuple binders natively.
+Note [Unarisation and arity]
+Because of unarisation, the arity that will be recorded in the generated info table
+for an Id may be larger than the idArity. Instead we record what we call the RepArity,
+which is the Arity taking into account any expanded arguments, and corresponds to
+the number of (possibly-void) *registers* arguments will arrive in.
+module UnariseStg (unarise) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import StgSyn
+import VarEnv
+import UniqSupply
+import Id
+import MkId (realWorldPrimId)
+import Type
+import TysWiredIn
+import DataCon
+import VarSet
+import OccName
+import Name
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import BasicTypes
+-- | A mapping from unboxed-tuple binders to the Ids they were expanded to.
+-- INVARIANT: Ids in the range don't have unboxed tuple types.
+-- Those in-scope variables without unboxed-tuple types are not present in
+-- the domain of the mapping at all.
+type UnariseEnv = VarEnv [Id]
+ubxTupleId0 :: Id
+ubxTupleId0 = dataConWorkId (tupleCon UnboxedTuple 0)
+unarise :: UniqSupply -> [StgBinding] -> [StgBinding]
+unarise us binds = zipWith (\us -> unariseBinding us init_env) (listSplitUniqSupply us) binds
+ where -- See Note [Nullary unboxed tuple] in Type.lhs
+ init_env = unitVarEnv ubxTupleId0 [realWorldPrimId]
+unariseBinding :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgBinding -> StgBinding
+unariseBinding us rho bind = case bind of
+ StgNonRec x rhs -> StgNonRec x (unariseRhs us rho rhs)
+ StgRec xrhss -> StgRec $ zipWith (\us (x, rhs) -> (x, unariseRhs us rho rhs)) (listSplitUniqSupply us) xrhss
+unariseRhs :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgRhs -> StgRhs
+unariseRhs us rho rhs = case rhs of
+ StgRhsClosure ccs b_info fvs update_flag srt args expr
+ -> StgRhsClosure ccs b_info (unariseIds rho fvs) update_flag (unariseSRT rho srt) args' (unariseExpr us' rho' expr)
+ where (us', rho', args') = unariseIdBinders us rho args
+ StgRhsCon ccs con args
+ -> StgRhsCon ccs con (unariseArgs rho args)
+unariseExpr :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
+unariseExpr us rho e = case e of
+ -- Particularly important where (##) is concerned (Note [The nullary (# #) constructor])
+ StgApp f [] | UbxTupleRep tys <- repType (idType f)
+ -> StgConApp (tupleCon UnboxedTuple (length tys)) (map StgVarArg (unariseId rho f))
+ StgApp f args -> StgApp f (unariseArgs rho args)
+ StgLit l -> StgLit l
+ StgConApp dc args | isUnboxedTupleCon dc -> StgConApp (tupleCon UnboxedTuple (length args')) args'
+ | otherwise -> StgConApp dc args'
+ where args' = unariseArgs rho args
+ StgOpApp op args ty -> StgOpApp op (unariseArgs rho args) ty
+ StgLam xs e -> StgLam xs' (unariseExpr us' rho' e)
+ where (us', rho', xs') = unariseIdBinders us rho xs
+ StgCase e case_lives alts_lives bndr srt alt_ty alts
+ -> StgCase (unariseExpr us1 rho e) (unariseLives rho case_lives) (unariseLives rho alts_lives) bndr (unariseSRT rho srt) alt_ty' alts'
+ where (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ (alt_ty', alts') = case repType (idType bndr) of
+ UbxTupleRep tys -> case alts of
+ (DEFAULT, [], [], e):_ -> (UbxTupAlt n, [(DataAlt (tupleCon UnboxedTuple n), ys, uses, unariseExpr us2' rho' e)])
+ where (us2', rho', ys) = unariseIdBinder us2 rho bndr
+ uses = replicate (length ys) (not (isDeadBinder bndr))
+ n = length tys
+ [(DataAlt _, ys, uses, e)] -> (UbxTupAlt n, [(DataAlt (tupleCon UnboxedTuple n), ys', uses', unariseExpr us2' rho'' e)])
+ where (us2', rho', ys', uses') = unariseUsedIdBinders us2 rho ys uses
+ rho'' = extendVarEnv rho' bndr ys'
+ n = length ys'
+ _ -> panic "unariseExpr: strange unboxed tuple alts"
+ UnaryRep _ -> (alt_ty, zipWith (\us alt -> unariseAlt us rho alt) (listSplitUniqSupply us2) alts)
+ StgLet bind e -> StgLet (unariseBinding us1 rho bind) (unariseExpr us2 rho e)
+ where (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ StgLetNoEscape live_in_let live_in_bind bind e
+ -> StgLetNoEscape (unariseLives rho live_in_let) (unariseLives rho live_in_bind) (unariseBinding us1 rho bind) (unariseExpr us2 rho e)
+ where (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ StgSCC cc bump_entry push_cc e -> StgSCC cc bump_entry push_cc (unariseExpr us rho e)
+ StgTick mod tick_n e -> StgTick mod tick_n (unariseExpr us rho e)
+unariseAlt :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> StgAlt -> StgAlt
+unariseAlt us rho (con, xs, uses, e) = (con, xs', uses', unariseExpr us' rho' e)
+ where (us', rho', xs', uses') = unariseUsedIdBinders us rho xs uses
+unariseSRT :: UnariseEnv -> SRT -> SRT
+unariseSRT _ NoSRT = NoSRT
+unariseSRT rho (SRTEntries ids) = SRTEntries (concatMapVarSet (unariseId rho) ids)
+unariseSRT _ (SRT {}) = panic "unariseSRT"
+unariseLives :: UnariseEnv -> StgLiveVars -> StgLiveVars
+unariseLives rho ids = concatMapVarSet (unariseId rho) ids
+unariseArgs :: UnariseEnv -> [StgArg] -> [StgArg]
+unariseArgs rho = concatMap (unariseArg rho)
+unariseArg :: UnariseEnv -> StgArg -> [StgArg]
+unariseArg rho (StgVarArg x) = map StgVarArg (unariseId rho x)
+unariseArg _ (StgLitArg l) = [StgLitArg l]
+unariseIds :: UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> [Id]
+unariseIds rho = concatMap (unariseId rho)
+unariseId :: UnariseEnv -> Id -> [Id]
+unariseId rho x = case lookupVarEnv rho x of
+ Just ys -> ASSERT2(case repType (idType x) of UbxTupleRep _ -> True; _ -> x == ubxTupleId0, text "unariseId: not unboxed tuple" <+> ppr x)
+ ys
+ Nothing -> ASSERT2(case repType (idType x) of UbxTupleRep _ -> False; _ -> True, text "unariseId: was unboxed tuple" <+> ppr x)
+ [x]
+unariseUsedIdBinders :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> [Bool] -> (UniqSupply, UnariseEnv, [Id], [Bool])
+unariseUsedIdBinders us rho xs uses = case mapAccumL2 (\us rho (x, use) -> third3 (map (flip (,) use)) $ unariseIdBinder us rho x)
+ us rho (zipEqual "unariseUsedIdBinders" xs uses) of
+ (us', rho', xs_usess) -> uncurry ((,,,) us' rho') (unzip (concat xs_usess))
+unariseIdBinders :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> [Id] -> (UniqSupply, UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseIdBinders us rho xs = third3 concat $ mapAccumL2 unariseIdBinder us rho xs
+unariseIdBinder :: UniqSupply -> UnariseEnv -> Id -> (UniqSupply, UnariseEnv, [Id])
+unariseIdBinder us rho x = case repType (idType x) of
+ UnaryRep _ -> (us, rho, [x])
+ UbxTupleRep tys -> let (us0, us1) = splitUniqSupply us
+ ys = unboxedTupleBindersFrom us0 x tys
+ rho' = extendVarEnv rho x ys
+ in (us1, rho', ys)
+unboxedTupleBindersFrom :: UniqSupply -> Id -> [UnaryType] -> [Id]
+unboxedTupleBindersFrom us x tys = zipWith (mkSysLocal fs) (uniqsFromSupply us) tys
+ where fs = occNameFS (getOccName x)
+concatMapVarSet :: (Var -> [Var]) -> VarSet -> VarSet
+concatMapVarSet f xs = mkVarSet [x' | x <- varSetElems xs, x' <- f x]
+\end{code} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index c4f289c68e..6dc091961a 100644
--- a/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ mkTopStgRhs :: DynFlags -> FreeVarsInfo
-> SRT -> StgBinderInfo -> StgExpr
-> StgRhs
-mkTopStgRhs _ rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam _ bndrs body)
+mkTopStgRhs _ rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam bndrs body)
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ coreToStgExpr expr@(Lam _ _)
fvs = args' `minusFVBinders` body_fvs
escs = body_escs `delVarSetList` args'
result_expr | null args' = body
- | otherwise = StgLam (exprType expr) args' body
+ | otherwise = StgLam args' body
return (result_expr, fvs, escs)
@@ -454,15 +454,15 @@ coreToStgExpr e = pprPanic "coreToStgExpr" (ppr e)
mkStgAltType :: Id -> [CoreAlt] -> AltType
-mkStgAltType bndr alts
- = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (repType (idType bndr)) of
- Just tc | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc -> UbxTupAlt tc
- | isUnLiftedTyCon tc -> PrimAlt tc
- | isAbstractTyCon tc -> look_for_better_tycon
- | isAlgTyCon tc -> AlgAlt tc
- | otherwise -> ASSERT2( _is_poly_alt_tycon tc, ppr tc )
- PolyAlt
- Nothing -> PolyAlt
+mkStgAltType bndr alts = case repType (idType bndr) of
+ UnaryRep rep_ty -> case tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep_ty of
+ Just tc | isUnLiftedTyCon tc -> PrimAlt tc
+ | isAbstractTyCon tc -> look_for_better_tycon
+ | isAlgTyCon tc -> AlgAlt tc
+ | otherwise -> ASSERT2( _is_poly_alt_tycon tc, ppr tc )
+ PolyAlt
+ Nothing -> PolyAlt
+ UbxTupleRep rep_tys -> UbxTupAlt (length rep_tys)
_is_poly_alt_tycon tc
@@ -623,7 +623,8 @@ coreToStgArgs (arg : args) = do -- Non-type argument
arg_ty = exprType arg
stg_arg_ty = stgArgType stg_arg
bad_args = (isUnLiftedType arg_ty && not (isUnLiftedType stg_arg_ty))
- || (typePrimRep arg_ty /= typePrimRep stg_arg_ty)
+ || (map typePrimRep (flattenRepType (repType arg_ty))
+ /= map typePrimRep (flattenRepType (repType stg_arg_ty)))
-- In GHCi we coerce an argument of type BCO# (unlifted) to HValue (lifted),
-- and pass it to a function expecting an HValue (arg_ty). This is ok because
-- we can treat an unlifted value as lifted. But the other way round
@@ -783,7 +784,7 @@ mkStgRhs :: FreeVarsInfo -> SRT -> StgBinderInfo -> StgExpr -> StgRhs
mkStgRhs _ _ _ (StgConApp con args) = StgRhsCon noCCS con args
-mkStgRhs rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam _ bndrs body)
+mkStgRhs rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam bndrs body)
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
diff --git a/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
index ec09c4d9a7..ac394164b7 100644
--- a/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ lintStgBindings whodunnit binds
lintStgArg :: StgArg -> LintM (Maybe Type)
lintStgArg (StgLitArg lit) = return (Just (literalType lit))
lintStgArg (StgVarArg v) = lintStgVar v
-lintStgArg a = pprPanic "lintStgArg" (ppr a)
lintStgVar :: Id -> LintM (Maybe Kind)
lintStgVar v = do checkInScope v
@@ -175,7 +174,7 @@ lintStgExpr (StgOpApp _ args res_ty) = runMaybeT $ do
_maybe_arg_tys <- mapM (MaybeT . lintStgArg) args
return res_ty
-lintStgExpr (StgLam _ bndrs _) = do
+lintStgExpr (StgLam bndrs _) = do
addErrL (ptext (sLit "Unexpected StgLam") <+> ppr bndrs)
return Nothing
@@ -196,18 +195,19 @@ lintStgExpr (StgSCC _ _ _ expr) = lintStgExpr expr
lintStgExpr (StgCase scrut _ _ bndr _ alts_type alts) = runMaybeT $ do
_ <- MaybeT $ lintStgExpr scrut
- MaybeT $ liftM Just $
+ in_scope <- MaybeT $ liftM Just $
case alts_type of
- AlgAlt tc -> check_bndr tc
- PrimAlt tc -> check_bndr tc
- UbxTupAlt tc -> check_bndr tc
- PolyAlt -> return ()
+ AlgAlt tc -> check_bndr tc >> return True
+ PrimAlt tc -> check_bndr tc >> return True
+ UbxTupAlt _ -> return False -- Binder is always dead in this case
+ PolyAlt -> return True
- MaybeT $ addInScopeVars [bndr] $
+ MaybeT $ addInScopeVars [bndr | in_scope] $
lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty
- scrut_ty = idType bndr
- check_bndr tc = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe (repType scrut_ty) of
+ scrut_ty = idType bndr
+ UnaryRep scrut_rep = repType scrut_ty -- Not used if scrutinee is unboxed tuple
+ check_bndr tc = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe scrut_rep of
Just bndr_tc -> checkL (tc == bndr_tc) bad_bndr
Nothing -> addErrL bad_bndr
@@ -431,24 +431,27 @@ stgEqType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
-- Fundamentally this is a losing battle because of unsafeCoerce
stgEqType orig_ty1 orig_ty2
- = go rep_ty1 rep_ty2
+ = gos (repType orig_ty1) (repType orig_ty2)
- rep_ty1 = deepRepType orig_ty1
- rep_ty2 = deepRepType orig_ty2
+ gos :: RepType -> RepType -> Bool
+ gos (UbxTupleRep tys1) (UbxTupleRep tys2)
+ = equalLength tys1 tys2 && and (zipWith go tys1 tys2)
+ gos (UnaryRep ty1) (UnaryRep ty2) = go ty1 ty2
+ gos _ _ = False
+ go :: UnaryType -> UnaryType -> Bool
go ty1 ty2
| Just (tc1, tc_args1) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
, Just (tc2, tc_args2) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty2
, let res = if tc1 == tc2
- then equalLength tc_args1 tc_args2
- && and (zipWith go tc_args1 tc_args2)
+ then equalLength tc_args1 tc_args2 && and (zipWith (gos `on` repType) tc_args1 tc_args2)
else -- TyCons don't match; but don't bleat if either is a
-- family TyCon because a coercion might have made it
-- equal to something else
(isFamilyTyCon tc1 || isFamilyTyCon tc2)
= if res then True
- pprTrace "stgEqType: unequal" (vcat [ppr orig_ty1, ppr orig_ty2, ppr rep_ty1
- , ppr rep_ty2, ppr ty1, ppr ty2])
+ pprTrace "stgEqType: unequal" (vcat [ppr ty1, ppr ty2])
| otherwise = True -- Conservatively say "fine".
diff --git a/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs b/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
index a55a3ee2e6..3e801c6328 100644
--- a/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module StgSyn (
-- utils
stgBindHasCafRefs, stgArgHasCafRefs, stgRhsArity,
- isDllConApp, isStgTypeArg,
+ isDllConApp,
pprStgBinding, pprStgBindings, pprStgBindingsWithSRTs,
@@ -100,11 +100,6 @@ data GenStgBinding bndr occ
data GenStgArg occ
= StgVarArg occ
| StgLitArg Literal
- | StgTypeArg Type -- For when we want to preserve all type info
-isStgTypeArg :: StgArg -> Bool
-isStgTypeArg (StgTypeArg _) = True
-isStgTypeArg _ = False
-- | Does this constructor application refer to
-- anything in a different *Windows* DLL?
@@ -115,6 +110,8 @@ isDllConApp dflags con args
= isDllName this_pkg (dataConName con) || any is_dll_arg args
| otherwise = False
+ -- NB: typePrimRep is legit because any free variables won't have
+ -- unlifted type (there are no unlifted things at top level)
is_dll_arg :: StgArg -> Bool
is_dll_arg (StgVarArg v) = isAddrRep (typePrimRep (idType v))
&& isDllName this_pkg (idName v)
@@ -145,7 +142,6 @@ isAddrRep _ = False
stgArgType :: StgArg -> Type
stgArgType (StgVarArg v) = idType v
stgArgType (StgLitArg lit) = literalType lit
-stgArgType (StgTypeArg _) = panic "stgArgType called on stgTypeArg"
@@ -213,8 +209,6 @@ finished it encodes (\x -> e) as (let f = \x -> e in f)
| StgLam
- Type -- Type of whole lambda (useful when
- -- making a binder for it)
StgExpr -- Body of lambda
@@ -521,7 +515,7 @@ type GenStgAlt bndr occ
data AltType
= PolyAlt -- Polymorphic (a type variable)
- | UbxTupAlt TyCon -- Unboxed tuple
+ | UbxTupAlt Int -- Unboxed tuple of this arity
| AlgAlt TyCon -- Algebraic data type; the AltCons will be DataAlts
| PrimAlt TyCon -- Primitive data type; the AltCons will be LitAlts
@@ -637,11 +631,11 @@ Robin Popplestone asked for semi-colon separators on STG binds; here's
hoping he likes terminators instead... Ditto for case alternatives.
-pprGenStgBinding :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+pprGenStgBinding :: (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> GenStgBinding bndr bdee -> SDoc
pprGenStgBinding (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
- = hang (hsep [ppr bndr, equals])
+ = hang (hsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr, equals])
4 ((<>) (ppr rhs) semi)
pprGenStgBinding (StgRec pairs)
@@ -649,7 +643,7 @@ pprGenStgBinding (StgRec pairs)
map (ppr_bind) pairs ++ [ifPprDebug $ ptext $ sLit "{- StgRec (end) -}"]
ppr_bind (bndr, expr)
- = hang (hsep [ppr bndr, equals])
+ = hang (hsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr, equals])
4 ((<>) (ppr expr) semi)
pprStgBinding :: StgBinding -> SDoc
@@ -658,7 +652,7 @@ pprStgBinding bind = pprGenStgBinding bind
pprStgBindings :: [StgBinding] -> SDoc
pprStgBindings binds = vcat (map pprGenStgBinding binds)
-pprGenStgBindingWithSRT :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+pprGenStgBindingWithSRT :: (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> (GenStgBinding bndr bdee,[(Id,[Id])]) -> SDoc
pprGenStgBindingWithSRT (bind,srts)
= vcat $ pprGenStgBinding bind : map pprSRT srts
@@ -671,24 +665,23 @@ pprStgBindingsWithSRTs binds = vcat (map pprGenStgBindingWithSRT binds)
instance (Outputable bdee) => Outputable (GenStgArg bdee) where
ppr = pprStgArg
-instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+instance (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> Outputable (GenStgBinding bndr bdee) where
ppr = pprGenStgBinding
-instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+instance (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> Outputable (GenStgExpr bndr bdee) where
ppr = pprStgExpr
-instance (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+instance (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> Outputable (GenStgRhs bndr bdee) where
ppr rhs = pprStgRhs rhs
pprStgArg :: (Outputable bdee) => GenStgArg bdee -> SDoc
pprStgArg (StgVarArg var) = ppr var
pprStgArg (StgLitArg con) = ppr con
-pprStgArg (StgTypeArg ty) = char '@' <+> ppr ty
-pprStgExpr :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+pprStgExpr :: (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> GenStgExpr bndr bdee -> SDoc
-- special case
pprStgExpr (StgLit lit) = ppr lit
@@ -703,9 +696,11 @@ pprStgExpr (StgConApp con args)
pprStgExpr (StgOpApp op args _)
= hsep [ pprStgOp op, brackets (interppSP args)]
-pprStgExpr (StgLam _ bndrs body)
- =sep [ char '\\' <+> ppr bndrs <+> ptext (sLit "->"),
+pprStgExpr (StgLam bndrs body)
+ = sep [ char '\\' <+> ppr_list (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) bndrs)
+ <+> ptext (sLit "->"),
pprStgExpr body ]
+ where ppr_list = brackets . fsep . punctuate comma
-- special case: let v = <very specific thing>
-- in
@@ -768,7 +763,7 @@ pprStgExpr (StgCase expr lvs_whole lvs_rhss bndr srt alt_type alts)
= sep [sep [ptext (sLit "case"),
nest 4 (hsep [pprStgExpr expr,
ifPprDebug (dcolon <+> ppr alt_type)]),
- ptext (sLit "of"), ppr bndr, char '{'],
+ ptext (sLit "of"), pprBndr CaseBind bndr, char '{'],
ifPprDebug (
nest 4 (
hcat [ptext (sLit "-- lvs: ["), interppSP (uniqSetToList lvs_whole),
@@ -778,10 +773,10 @@ pprStgExpr (StgCase expr lvs_whole lvs_rhss bndr srt alt_type alts)
nest 2 (vcat (map pprStgAlt alts)),
char '}']
-pprStgAlt :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable occ, Ord occ)
+pprStgAlt :: (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable occ, Ord occ)
=> GenStgAlt bndr occ -> SDoc
pprStgAlt (con, params, _use_mask, expr)
- = hang (hsep [ppr con, interppSP params, ptext (sLit "->")])
+ = hang (hsep [ppr con, sep (map (pprBndr CaseBind) params), ptext (sLit "->")])
4 (ppr expr <> semi)
pprStgOp :: StgOp -> SDoc
@@ -791,7 +786,7 @@ pprStgOp (StgFCallOp op _) = ppr op
instance Outputable AltType where
ppr PolyAlt = ptext (sLit "Polymorphic")
- ppr (UbxTupAlt tc) = ptext (sLit "UbxTup") <+> ppr tc
+ ppr (UbxTupAlt n) = ptext (sLit "UbxTup") <+> ppr n
ppr (AlgAlt tc) = ptext (sLit "Alg") <+> ppr tc
ppr (PrimAlt tc) = ptext (sLit "Prim") <+> ppr tc
@@ -803,7 +798,7 @@ pprStgLVs lvs
hcat [text "{-lvs:", interpp'SP (uniqSetToList lvs), text "-}"]
-pprStgRhs :: (Outputable bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
+pprStgRhs :: (OutputableBndr bndr, Outputable bdee, Ord bdee)
=> GenStgRhs bndr bdee -> SDoc
-- special case
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index e6e07576d2..1194e235a3 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ tcLocalBinds (HsIPBinds (IPBinds ip_binds _)) thing_inside
-- Consider ?x = 4
-- ?y = ?x + 1
tc_ip_bind (IPBind ip expr)
- = do { ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy argTypeKind
+ = do { ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
; ip_id <- newIP ip ty
; expr' <- tcMonoExpr expr ty
; return (ip_id, (IPBind (IPName ip_id) expr')) }
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name, fun_infix = inf, fun_matc
= do { mono_id <- newSigLetBndr no_gen name sig
; return (TcFunBind (name, Just sig, mono_id) nm_loc inf matches) }
| otherwise
- = do { mono_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy argTypeKind
+ = do { mono_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
; mono_id <- newNoSigLetBndr no_gen name mono_ty
; return (TcFunBind (name, Nothing, mono_id) nm_loc inf matches) }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index b864a13872..163a581dcc 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ cond_typeableOK :: Condition
-- (b) 7 or fewer args
cond_typeableOK (_, tc)
| tyConArity tc > 7 = Just too_many
- | not (all (isSubArgTypeKind . tyVarKind) (tyConTyVars tc))
+ | not (all (isSubOpenTypeKind . tyVarKind) (tyConTyVars tc))
= Just bad_kind
| otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 488e65458c..c915b16c42 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ tcExpr (HsIPVar ip) res_ty
-- type scheme. We enforce this by creating a fresh
-- type variable as its type. (Because res_ty may not
-- be a tau-type.)
- ; ip_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy argTypeKind -- argTypeKind: it can't be an unboxed tuple
+ ; ip_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
; ip_var <- emitWanted origin (mkIPPred ip ip_ty)
; tcWrapResult (HsIPVar (IPName ip_var)) ip_ty res_ty }
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ tcExpr (ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity) res_ty
| otherwise
= -- The tup_args are a mixture of Present and Missing (for tuple sections)
do { let kind = case boxity of { Boxed -> liftedTypeKind
- ; Unboxed -> argTypeKind }
+ ; Unboxed -> openTypeKind }
arity = length tup_args
tup_tc = tupleTyCon (boxityNormalTupleSort boxity) arity
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
index a8837a78f7..dd8a421f27 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ tcHsConArgType NewType bty = tcHsLiftedType (getBangType bty)
-- Newtypes can't have bangs, but we don't check that
-- until checkValidDataCon, so do not want to crash here
-tcHsConArgType DataType bty = tcHsArgType (getBangType bty)
+tcHsConArgType DataType bty = tcHsOpenType (getBangType bty)
-- Can't allow an unlifted type for newtypes, because we're effectively
-- going to remove the constructor while coercing it to a lifted type.
-- And newtypes can't be bang'd
@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ tc_hs_arg_tys what tys kinds
| (ty,kind,n) <- zip3 tys kinds [1..] ]
-tcHsArgType, tcHsLiftedType :: LHsType Name -> TcM TcType
+tcHsOpenType, tcHsLiftedType :: LHsType Name -> TcM TcType
-- Used for type signatures
-- Do not do validity checking
-tcHsArgType ty = addTypeCtxt ty $ tc_lhs_type ty ekArg
+tcHsOpenType ty = addTypeCtxt ty $ tc_lhs_type ty ekOpen
tcHsLiftedType ty = addTypeCtxt ty $ tc_lhs_type ty ekLifted
-- Like tcHsType, but takes an expected kind
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ tc_hs_type hs_ty@(HsTyVar name) exp_kind
; return ty }
tc_hs_type ty@(HsFunTy ty1 ty2) exp_kind@(EK _ ctxt)
- = do { ty1' <- tc_lhs_type ty1 (EK argTypeKind ctxt)
+ = do { ty1' <- tc_lhs_type ty1 (EK openTypeKind ctxt)
; ty2' <- tc_lhs_type ty2 (EK openTypeKind ctxt)
; checkExpectedKind ty liftedTypeKind exp_kind
; return (mkFunTy ty1' ty2') }
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ tc_tuple hs_ty tup_sort tys exp_kind
arg_kind = case tup_sort of
HsBoxedTuple -> liftedTypeKind
- HsUnboxedTuple -> argTypeKind
+ HsUnboxedTuple -> openTypeKind
HsConstraintTuple -> constraintKind
_ -> panic "tc_hs_type arg_kind"
cxt_doc = case tup_sort of
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ finish_tuple hs_ty tup_sort tau_tys exp_kind
_ -> panic "tc_hs_type HsTupleTy"
res_kind = case tup_sort of
- HsUnboxedTuple -> ubxTupleKind
+ HsUnboxedTuple -> unliftedTypeKind
HsBoxedTuple -> liftedTypeKind
HsConstraintTuple -> constraintKind
_ -> panic "tc_hs_type arg_kind"
@@ -1203,9 +1203,9 @@ data ExpKind = EK TcKind SDoc
instance Outputable ExpKind where
ppr (EK k _) = ptext (sLit "Expected kind:") <+> ppr k
-ekLifted, ekArg, ekConstraint :: ExpKind
+ekLifted, ekOpen, ekConstraint :: ExpKind
ekLifted = EK liftedTypeKind (ptext (sLit "Expected"))
-ekArg = EK argTypeKind (ptext (sLit "Expected"))
+ekOpen = EK openTypeKind (ptext (sLit "Expected"))
ekConstraint = EK constraintKind (ptext (sLit "Expected"))
-- Build an ExpKind for arguments
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
index fed96e2ecb..f68b8a4df6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
@@ -849,19 +849,16 @@ expectedKindInCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> Maybe Kind
expectedKindInCtxt (TySynCtxt _) = Nothing -- Any kind will do
expectedKindInCtxt ThBrackCtxt = Nothing
expectedKindInCtxt GhciCtxt = Nothing
-expectedKindInCtxt ResSigCtxt = Just openTypeKind
-expectedKindInCtxt ExprSigCtxt = Just openTypeKind
expectedKindInCtxt (ForSigCtxt _) = Just liftedTypeKind
expectedKindInCtxt InstDeclCtxt = Just constraintKind
expectedKindInCtxt SpecInstCtxt = Just constraintKind
-expectedKindInCtxt _ = Just argTypeKind
+expectedKindInCtxt _ = Just openTypeKind
checkValidType :: UserTypeCtxt -> Type -> TcM ()
-- Checks that the type is valid for the given context
-- Not used for instance decls; checkValidInstance instead
checkValidType ctxt ty
= do { traceTc "checkValidType" (ppr ty <+> text "::" <+> ppr (typeKind ty))
- ; unboxed <- xoptM Opt_UnboxedTuples
; rank2_flag <- xoptM Opt_Rank2Types
; rankn_flag <- xoptM Opt_RankNTypes
; polycomp <- xoptM Opt_PolymorphicComponents
@@ -908,18 +905,9 @@ checkValidType ctxt ty
kind_ok = case expectedKindInCtxt ctxt of
Nothing -> True
Just k -> tcIsSubKind actual_kind k
- ubx_tup
- | not unboxed = UT_NotOk
- | otherwise = case ctxt of
- TySynCtxt _ -> UT_Ok
- ExprSigCtxt -> UT_Ok
- ThBrackCtxt -> UT_Ok
- GhciCtxt -> UT_Ok
- _ -> UT_NotOk
-- Check the internal validity of the type itself
- ; check_type rank ubx_tup ty
+ ; check_type rank ty
-- Check that the thing has kind Type, and is lifted if necessary
-- Do this second, because we can't usefully take the kind of an
@@ -970,49 +958,45 @@ forAllAllowed (LimitedRank forall_ok _) = forall_ok
forAllAllowed _ = False
-data UbxTupFlag = UT_Ok | UT_NotOk
- -- The "Ok" version means "ok if UnboxedTuples is on"
check_mono_type :: Rank -> KindOrType -> TcM () -- No foralls anywhere
-- No unlifted types of any kind
check_mono_type rank ty
| isKind ty = return () -- IA0_NOTE: Do we need to check kinds?
| otherwise
- = do { check_type rank UT_NotOk ty
+ = do { check_type rank ty
; checkTc (not (isUnLiftedType ty)) (unliftedArgErr ty) }
-check_type :: Rank -> UbxTupFlag -> Type -> TcM ()
+check_type :: Rank -> Type -> TcM ()
-- The args say what the *type context* requires, independent
-- of *flag* settings. You test the flag settings at usage sites.
-- Rank is allowed rank for function args
-- Rank 0 means no for-alls anywhere
-check_type rank ubx_tup ty
+check_type rank ty
| not (null tvs && null theta)
= do { checkTc (forAllAllowed rank) (forAllTyErr rank ty)
-- Reject e.g. (Maybe (?x::Int => Int)),
-- with a decent error message
; check_valid_theta SigmaCtxt theta
- ; check_type rank ubx_tup tau -- Allow foralls to right of arrow
+ ; check_type rank tau -- Allow foralls to right of arrow
; checkAmbiguity tvs theta (tyVarsOfType tau) }
(tvs, theta, tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
-check_type _ _ (TyVarTy _) = return ()
+check_type _ (TyVarTy _) = return ()
-check_type rank _ (FunTy arg_ty res_ty)
- = do { check_type arg_rank UT_NotOk arg_ty
- ; check_type res_rank UT_Ok res_ty }
+check_type rank (FunTy arg_ty res_ty)
+ = do { check_type arg_rank arg_ty
+ ; check_type res_rank res_ty }
(arg_rank, res_rank) = funArgResRank rank
-check_type rank _ (AppTy ty1 ty2)
+check_type rank (AppTy ty1 ty2)
= do { check_arg_type rank ty1
; check_arg_type rank ty2 }
-check_type rank ubx_tup ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
+check_type rank ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
| isSynTyCon tc
= do { -- Check that the synonym has enough args
-- This applies equally to open and closed synonyms
@@ -1030,38 +1014,34 @@ check_type rank ubx_tup ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
else -- In the liberal case (only for closed syns), expand then check
case tcView ty of
- Just ty' -> check_type rank ubx_tup ty'
+ Just ty' -> check_type rank ty'
Nothing -> pprPanic "check_tau_type" (ppr ty)
| isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
= do { ub_tuples_allowed <- xoptM Opt_UnboxedTuples
- ; checkTc (ubx_tup_ok ub_tuples_allowed) ubx_tup_msg
+ ; checkTc ub_tuples_allowed ubx_tup_msg
; impred <- xoptM Opt_ImpredicativeTypes
; let rank' = if impred then ArbitraryRank else tyConArgMonoType
-- c.f. check_arg_type
-- However, args are allowed to be unlifted, or
-- more unboxed tuples, so can't use check_arg_ty
- ; mapM_ (check_type rank' UT_Ok) tys }
+ ; mapM_ (check_type rank') tys }
| otherwise
= mapM_ (check_arg_type rank) tys
- ubx_tup_ok ub_tuples_allowed = case ubx_tup of
- UT_Ok -> ub_tuples_allowed
- _ -> False
n_args = length tys
tc_arity = tyConArity tc
arity_msg = arityErr "Type synonym" (tyConName tc) tc_arity n_args
ubx_tup_msg = ubxArgTyErr ty
-check_type _ _ (LitTy {}) = return ()
+check_type _ (LitTy {}) = return ()
-check_type _ _ ty = pprPanic "check_type" (ppr ty)
+check_type _ ty = pprPanic "check_type" (ppr ty)
check_arg_type :: Rank -> KindOrType -> TcM ()
@@ -1096,7 +1076,7 @@ check_arg_type rank ty
-- (Ord (forall a.a)) => a -> a
-- and so that if it Must be a monotype, we check that it is!
- ; check_type rank' UT_NotOk ty
+ ; check_type rank' ty
; checkTc (not (isUnLiftedType ty)) (unliftedArgErr ty) }
-- NB the isUnLiftedType test also checks for
-- T State#
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 38ef6bc380..8f5287b9f6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -276,20 +276,7 @@ warnPrags id bad_sigs herald
mkLocalBinder :: Name -> TcType -> TcM TcId
mkLocalBinder name ty
- = do { checkUnboxedTuple ty $
- ptext (sLit "The variable") <+> quotes (ppr name)
- ; return (Id.mkLocalId name ty) }
-checkUnboxedTuple :: TcType -> SDoc -> TcM ()
--- Check for an unboxed tuple type
--- f = (# True, False #)
--- Zonk first just in case it's hidden inside a meta type variable
--- (This shows up as a (more obscure) kind error
--- in the 'otherwise' case of tcMonoBinds.)
-checkUnboxedTuple ty what
- = do { zonked_ty <- zonkTcType ty
- ; checkTc (not (isUnboxedTupleType zonked_ty))
- (unboxedTupleErr what zonked_ty) }
+ = return (Id.mkLocalId name ty)
Note [Polymorphism and pattern bindings]
@@ -413,9 +400,7 @@ tc_pat _ p@(QuasiQuotePat _) _ _
= pprPanic "Should never see QuasiQuotePat in type checker" (ppr p)
tc_pat _ (WildPat _) pat_ty thing_inside
- = do { checkUnboxedTuple pat_ty $
- ptext (sLit "A wild-card pattern")
- ; res <- thing_inside
+ = do { res <- thing_inside
; return (WildPat pat_ty, res) }
tc_pat penv (AsPat (L nm_loc name) pat) pat_ty thing_inside
@@ -431,11 +416,9 @@ tc_pat penv (AsPat (L nm_loc name) pat) pat_ty thing_inside
-- If you fix it, don't forget the bindInstsOfPatIds!
; return (mkHsWrapPatCo co (AsPat (L nm_loc bndr_id) pat') pat_ty, res) }
-tc_pat penv vpat@(ViewPat expr pat _) overall_pat_ty thing_inside
- = do { checkUnboxedTuple overall_pat_ty $
- ptext (sLit "The view pattern") <+> ppr vpat
- -- Morally, expr must have type `forall a1...aN. OPT' -> B`
+tc_pat penv (ViewPat expr pat _) overall_pat_ty thing_inside
+ = do {
+ -- Morally, expr must have type `forall a1...aN. OPT' -> B`
-- where overall_pat_ty is an instance of OPT'.
-- Here, we infer a rho type for it,
-- which replaces the leading foralls and constraints
@@ -1060,9 +1043,4 @@ lazyUnliftedPatErr pat
= failWithTc $
hang (ptext (sLit "A lazy (~) pattern cannot contain unlifted types:"))
2 (ppr pat)
-unboxedTupleErr :: SDoc -> Type -> SDoc
-unboxedTupleErr what ty
- = hang (what <+> ptext (sLit "cannot have an unboxed tuple type:"))
- 2 (ppr ty)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index da55e72a54..effc30d946 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ module TcType (
-- Rexported from Kind
Kind, typeKind,
- unliftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind, argTypeKind,
+ unliftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind,
openTypeKind, constraintKind, mkArrowKind, mkArrowKinds,
isLiftedTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind, isSubOpenTypeKind,
- isSubArgTypeKind, tcIsSubKind, splitKindFunTys, defaultKind,
+ tcIsSubKind, splitKindFunTys, defaultKind,
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
index c44ce31f2e..29f46f629c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ matchExpectedFunTys herald arity orig_ty
defer n_req fun_ty
= addErrCtxtM mk_ctxt $
- do { arg_tys <- newFlexiTyVarTys n_req argTypeKind
+ do { arg_tys <- newFlexiTyVarTys n_req openTypeKind
; res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
; co <- unifyType fun_ty (mkFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
; return (co, arg_tys, res_ty) }
diff --git a/compiler/types/Kind.lhs b/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
index bb1b5d7bfa..5f567eba36 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
@@ -15,15 +15,13 @@ module Kind (
SuperKind, Kind, typeKind,
-- Kinds
- anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind,
- argTypeKind, ubxTupleKind, constraintKind,
+ anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind, constraintKind,
mkArrowKind, mkArrowKinds,
typeNatKind, typeStringKind,
-- Kind constructors...
anyKindTyCon, liftedTypeKindTyCon, openTypeKindTyCon,
- unliftedTypeKindTyCon, argTypeKindTyCon, ubxTupleKindTyCon,
- constraintKindTyCon,
+ unliftedTypeKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon,
-- Super Kinds
superKind, superKindTyCon,
@@ -36,14 +34,13 @@ module Kind (
-- ** Predicates on Kinds
isLiftedTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind, isOpenTypeKind,
- isUbxTupleKind, isArgTypeKind, isConstraintKind,
- isConstraintOrLiftedKind, isKind, isKindVar,
+ isConstraintKind, isConstraintOrLiftedKind, isKind, isKindVar,
isSuperKind, isSuperKindTyCon,
isLiftedTypeKindCon, isConstraintKindCon,
isAnyKind, isAnyKindCon,
okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind,
- isSubArgTypeKind, isSubOpenTypeKind,
+ isSubOpenTypeKind,
isSubKind, isSubKindCon,
tcIsSubKind, tcIsSubKindCon,
@@ -108,11 +105,10 @@ synTyConResKind :: TyCon -> Kind
synTyConResKind tycon = kindAppResult (tyConKind tycon) (map mkTyVarTy (tyConTyVars tycon))
-- | See "Type#kind_subtyping" for details of the distinction between these 'Kind's
-isUbxTupleKind, isOpenTypeKind, isArgTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind,
+isOpenTypeKind, isUnliftedTypeKind,
isConstraintKind, isAnyKind, isConstraintOrLiftedKind :: Kind -> Bool
-isOpenTypeKindCon, isUbxTupleKindCon, isArgTypeKindCon,
- isUnliftedTypeKindCon, isSubArgTypeKindCon,
+isOpenTypeKindCon, isUnliftedTypeKindCon,
isSubOpenTypeKindCon, isConstraintKindCon,
isLiftedTypeKindCon, isAnyKindCon :: TyCon -> Bool
@@ -120,8 +116,6 @@ isOpenTypeKindCon, isUbxTupleKindCon, isArgTypeKindCon,
isLiftedTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == liftedTypeKindTyConKey
isAnyKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == anyKindTyConKey
isOpenTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == openTypeKindTyConKey
-isUbxTupleKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == ubxTupleKindTyConKey
-isArgTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == argTypeKindTyConKey
isUnliftedTypeKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == unliftedTypeKindTyConKey
isConstraintKindCon tc = tyConUnique tc == constraintKindTyConKey
@@ -131,12 +125,6 @@ isAnyKind _ = False
isOpenTypeKind (TyConApp tc _) = isOpenTypeKindCon tc
isOpenTypeKind _ = False
-isUbxTupleKind (TyConApp tc _) = isUbxTupleKindCon tc
-isUbxTupleKind _ = False
-isArgTypeKind (TyConApp tc _) = isArgTypeKindCon tc
-isArgTypeKind _ = False
isUnliftedTypeKind (TyConApp tc _) = isUnliftedTypeKindCon tc
isUnliftedTypeKind _ = False
@@ -159,10 +147,7 @@ okArrowArgKindCon kc
| isConstraintKindCon kc = True
| otherwise = False
-okArrowResultKindCon kc
- | okArrowArgKindCon kc = True
- | isUbxTupleKindCon kc = True
- | otherwise = False
+okArrowResultKindCon = okArrowArgKindCon
okArrowArgKind, okArrowResultKind :: Kind -> Bool
okArrowArgKind (TyConApp kc []) = okArrowArgKindCon kc
@@ -182,23 +167,13 @@ isSubOpenTypeKind (TyConApp kc []) = isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc
isSubOpenTypeKind _ = False
isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc
- = isSubArgTypeKindCon kc
- || isUbxTupleKindCon kc
- || isOpenTypeKindCon kc
-isSubArgTypeKindCon kc
- = isUnliftedTypeKindCon kc
+ = isOpenTypeKindCon kc
+ || isUnliftedTypeKindCon kc
|| isLiftedTypeKindCon kc
- || isArgTypeKindCon kc
|| isConstraintKindCon kc -- Needed for error (Num a) "blah"
-- and so that (Ord a -> Eq a) is well-kinded
-- and so that (# Eq a, Ord b #) is well-kinded
-isSubArgTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
--- ^ True of any sub-kind of ArgTypeKind
-isSubArgTypeKind (TyConApp kc []) = isSubArgTypeKindCon kc
-isSubArgTypeKind _ = False
-- | Is this a kind (i.e. a type-of-types)?
isKind :: Kind -> Bool
isKind k = isSuperKind (typeKind k)
@@ -234,7 +209,6 @@ isSubKindCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool
-- ^ @kc1 \`isSubKindCon\` kc2@ checks that @kc1@ <: @kc2@
isSubKindCon kc1 kc2
| kc1 == kc2 = True
- | isArgTypeKindCon kc2 = isSubArgTypeKindCon kc1
| isOpenTypeKindCon kc2 = isSubOpenTypeKindCon kc1
| otherwise = False
@@ -282,7 +256,6 @@ defaultKind :: Kind -> Kind
-- The test is really whether the kind is strictly above '*'
defaultKind (TyConApp kc _args)
| isOpenTypeKindCon kc = ASSERT( null _args ) liftedTypeKind
- | isArgTypeKindCon kc = ASSERT( null _args ) liftedTypeKind
defaultKind k = k
-- Returns the free kind variables in a kind
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index 62cc7bbfd1..4726f26213 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -82,13 +82,11 @@ module Type (
-- ** Common Kinds and SuperKinds
anyKind, liftedTypeKind, unliftedTypeKind, openTypeKind,
- argTypeKind, ubxTupleKind, constraintKind,
- superKind,
+ constraintKind, superKind,
-- ** Common Kind type constructors
liftedTypeKindTyCon, openTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon,
- argTypeKindTyCon, ubxTupleKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon,
- anyKindTyCon,
+ constraintKindTyCon, anyKindTyCon,
-- * Type free variables
tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes,
@@ -105,12 +103,10 @@ module Type (
-- * Other views onto Types
coreView, tcView,
- repType, deepRepType,
+ UnaryType, RepType(..), flattenRepType, repType,
-- * Type representation for the code generator
- PrimRep(..),
- typePrimRep,
+ typePrimRep, typeRepArity,
-- * Main type substitution data types
TvSubstEnv, -- Representation widely visible
@@ -162,7 +158,7 @@ import PrelNames ( eqTyConKey )
-- others
import {-# SOURCE #-} IParam ( ipTyCon )
import Unique ( Unique, hasKey )
-import BasicTypes ( IPName(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, RepArity, IPName(..) )
import Name ( Name )
import NameSet
import StaticFlags
@@ -616,7 +612,27 @@ newtype at outermost level; and bale out if we see it again.
Representation types
+Note [Nullary unboxed tuple]
+We represent the nullary unboxed tuple as the unary (but void) type State# RealWorld.
+The reason for this is that the ReprArity is never less than the Arity (as it would
+otherwise be for a function type like (# #) -> Int).
+As a result, ReprArity is always strictly positive if Arity is. This is important
+because it allows us to distinguish at runtime between a thunk and a function
+ takes a nullary unboxed tuple as an argument!
+type UnaryType = Type
+data RepType = UbxTupleRep [UnaryType] -- INVARIANT: never an empty list (see Note [Nullary unboxed tuple])
+ | UnaryRep UnaryType
+flattenRepType :: RepType -> [UnaryType]
+flattenRepType (UbxTupleRep tys) = tys
+flattenRepType (UnaryRep ty) = [ty]
-- | Looks through:
-- 1. For-alls
@@ -625,29 +641,11 @@ newtype at outermost level; and bale out if we see it again.
-- 4. All newtypes, including recursive ones, but not newtype families
-- It's useful in the back end of the compiler.
-repType :: Type -> Type
+repType :: Type -> RepType
repType ty
= go emptyNameSet ty
- go :: NameSet -> Type -> Type
- go rec_nts ty -- Expand predicates and synonyms
- | Just ty' <- coreView ty
- = go rec_nts ty'
- go rec_nts (ForAllTy _ ty) -- Drop foralls
- = go rec_nts ty
- go rec_nts (TyConApp tc tys) -- Expand newtypes
- | Just (rec_nts', ty') <- carefullySplitNewType_maybe rec_nts tc tys
- = go rec_nts' ty'
- go _ ty = ty
-deepRepType :: Type -> Type
--- Same as repType, but looks recursively
-deepRepType ty
- = go emptyNameSet ty
- where
+ go :: NameSet -> Type -> RepType
go rec_nts ty -- Expand predicates and synonyms
| Just ty' <- coreView ty
= go rec_nts ty'
@@ -659,12 +657,12 @@ deepRepType ty
| Just (rec_nts', ty') <- carefullySplitNewType_maybe rec_nts tc tys
= go rec_nts' ty'
- -- Apply recursively; this is the "deep" bit
- go rec_nts (TyConApp tc tys) = TyConApp tc (map (go rec_nts) tys)
- go rec_nts (AppTy ty1 ty2) = mkAppTy (go rec_nts ty1) (go rec_nts ty2)
- go rec_nts (FunTy ty1 ty2) = FunTy (go rec_nts ty1) (go rec_nts ty2)
+ | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
+ = if null tys
+ then UnaryRep realWorldStatePrimTy -- See Note [Nullary unboxed tuple]
+ else UbxTupleRep (concatMap (flattenRepType . go rec_nts) tys)
- go _ ty = ty
+ go _ ty = UnaryRep ty
carefullySplitNewType_maybe :: NameSet -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe (NameSet,Type)
-- Return the representation of a newtype, unless
@@ -684,15 +682,23 @@ carefullySplitNewType_maybe rec_nts tc tys
-- ToDo: this could be moved to the code generator, using splitTyConApp instead
-- of inspecting the type directly.
--- | Discovers the primitive representation of a more abstract 'Type'
--- Only applied to types of values
-typePrimRep :: Type -> PrimRep
-typePrimRep ty = case repType ty of
- TyConApp tc _ -> tyConPrimRep tc
- FunTy _ _ -> PtrRep
- AppTy _ _ -> PtrRep -- See Note [AppTy rep]
- TyVarTy _ -> PtrRep
- _ -> pprPanic "typePrimRep" (ppr ty)
+-- | Discovers the primitive representation of a more abstract 'UnaryType'
+typePrimRep :: UnaryType -> PrimRep
+typePrimRep ty
+ = case repType ty of
+ UbxTupleRep _ -> pprPanic "typePrimRep: UbxTupleRep" (ppr ty)
+ UnaryRep rep -> case rep of
+ TyConApp tc _ -> tyConPrimRep tc
+ FunTy _ _ -> PtrRep
+ AppTy _ _ -> PtrRep -- See Note [AppTy rep]
+ TyVarTy _ -> PtrRep
+ _ -> pprPanic "typePrimRep: UnaryRep" (ppr ty)
+typeRepArity :: Arity -> Type -> RepArity
+typeRepArity 0 _ = 0
+typeRepArity n ty = case repType ty of
+ UnaryRep (FunTy ty1 ty2) -> length (flattenRepType (repType ty1)) + typeRepArity (n - 1) ty2
+ _ -> pprPanic "typeRepArity: arity greater than type can handle" (ppr (n, ty))
Note [AppTy rep]
diff --git a/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs b/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
index 32d4ee2d99..3605851101 100644
--- a/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/TypeRep.lhs
@@ -159,9 +159,7 @@ Note [The kind invariant]
The kinds
# UnliftedTypeKind
- ArgKind super-kind of *, #
- (#) UbxTupleKind
- OpenKind super-kind of ArgKind, ubxTupleKind
+ OpenKind super-kind of *, #
can never appear under an arrow or type constructor in a kind; they
can only be at the top level of a kind. It follows that primitive TyCons,
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index 12249d3a2b..d87f526bc8 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Util (
mapFst, mapSnd,
- mapAndUnzip, mapAndUnzip3,
+ mapAndUnzip, mapAndUnzip3, mapAccumL2,
nOfThem, filterOut, partitionWith, splitEithers,
foldl1', foldl2, count, all2,
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Util (
-- * Tuples
fstOf3, sndOf3, thirdOf3,
firstM, first3M,
+ third3,
-- * List operations controlled by another list
@@ -224,6 +225,9 @@ fstOf3 (a,_,_) = a
sndOf3 (_,b,_) = b
thirdOf3 (_,_,c) = c
+third3 :: (c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b, d)
+third3 f (a, b, c) = (a, b, f c)
uncurry3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a, b, c) -> d
uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c
@@ -353,6 +357,12 @@ mapAndUnzip3 f (x:xs)
(rs1, rs2, rs3) = mapAndUnzip3 f xs
(r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3)
+mapAccumL2 :: (s1 -> s2 -> a -> (s1, s2, b)) -> s1 -> s2 -> [a] -> (s1, s2, [b])
+mapAccumL2 f s1 s2 xs = (s1', s2', ys)
+ where ((s1', s2'), ys) = mapAccumL (\(s1, s2) x -> case f s1 s2 x of
+ (s1', s2', y) -> ((s1', s2'), y))
+ (s1, s2) xs