path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[CoreRules]{Transformation rules}
+-- | Functions for collecting together and applying rewrite rules to a module.
+-- The 'CoreRule' datatype itself is declared elsewhere.
+module GHC.Core.Rules (
+ -- ** Constructing
+ emptyRuleBase, mkRuleBase, extendRuleBaseList,
+ unionRuleBase, pprRuleBase,
+ -- ** Checking rule applications
+ ruleCheckProgram,
+ -- ** Manipulating 'RuleInfo' rules
+ mkRuleInfo, extendRuleInfo, addRuleInfo,
+ addIdSpecialisations,
+ -- * Misc. CoreRule helpers
+ rulesOfBinds, getRules, pprRulesForUser,
+ lookupRule, mkRule, roughTopNames
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core -- All of it
+import Module ( Module, ModuleSet, elemModuleSet )
+import GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( exprIsLambda_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.FVs ( exprFreeVars, exprsFreeVars, bindFreeVars
+ , rulesFreeVarsDSet, exprsOrphNames, exprFreeVarsList )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, eqExpr, mkTick, mkTicks
+ , stripTicksTopT, stripTicksTopE
+ , isJoinBind )
+import GHC.Core.Ppr ( pprRules )
+import Type ( Type, TCvSubst, extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst
+ , mkEmptyTCvSubst, substTy )
+import TcType ( tcSplitTyConApp_maybe )
+import TysWiredIn ( anyTypeOfKind )
+import Coercion
+import GHC.Core.Op.Tidy ( tidyRules )
+import Id
+import IdInfo ( RuleInfo( RuleInfo ) )
+import Var
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), nameIsLocalOrFrom )
+import NameSet
+import NameEnv
+import UniqFM
+import Unify ( ruleMatchTyKiX )
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Driver.Session ( DynFlags )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Maybes
+import Bag
+import Util
+import Data.List
+import Data.Ord
+import Control.Monad ( guard )
+Note [Overall plumbing for rules]
+* After the desugarer:
+ - The ModGuts initially contains mg_rules :: [CoreRule] of
+ locally-declared rules for imported Ids.
+ - Locally-declared rules for locally-declared Ids are attached to
+ the IdInfo for that Id. See Note [Attach rules to local ids] in
+ GHC.HsToCore.Binds
+* GHC.Iface.Tidy strips off all the rules from local Ids and adds them to
+ mg_rules, so that the ModGuts has *all* the locally-declared rules.
+* The HomePackageTable contains a ModDetails for each home package
+ module. Each contains md_rules :: [CoreRule] of rules declared in
+ that module. The HomePackageTable grows as ghc --make does its
+ up-sweep. In batch mode (ghc -c), the HPT is empty; all imported modules
+ are treated by the "external" route, discussed next, regardless of
+ which package they come from.
+* The ExternalPackageState has a single eps_rule_base :: RuleBase for
+ Ids in other packages. This RuleBase simply grow monotonically, as
+ ghc --make compiles one module after another.
+ During simplification, interface files may get demand-loaded,
+ as the simplifier explores the unfoldings for Ids it has in
+ its hand. (Via an unsafePerformIO; the EPS is really a cache.)
+ That in turn may make the EPS rule-base grow. In contrast, the
+ HPT never grows in this way.
+* The result of all this is that during Core-to-Core optimisation
+ there are four sources of rules:
+ (a) Rules in the IdInfo of the Id they are a rule for. These are
+ easy: fast to look up, and if you apply a substitution then
+ it'll be applied to the IdInfo as a matter of course.
+ (b) Rules declared in this module for imported Ids, kept in the
+ ModGuts. If you do a substitution, you'd better apply the
+ substitution to these. There are seldom many of these.
+ (c) Rules declared in the HomePackageTable. These never change.
+ (d) Rules in the ExternalPackageTable. These can grow in response
+ to lazy demand-loading of interfaces.
+* At the moment (c) is carried in a reader-monad way by the CoreMonad.
+ The HomePackageTable doesn't have a single RuleBase because technically
+ we should only be able to "see" rules "below" this module; so we
+ generate a RuleBase for (c) by combing rules from all the modules
+ "below" us. That's why we can't just select the home-package RuleBase
+ from HscEnv.
+ [NB: we are inconsistent here. We should do the same for external
+ packages, but we don't. Same for type-class instances.]
+* So in the outer simplifier loop, we combine (b-d) into a single
+ RuleBase, reading
+ (b) from the ModGuts,
+ (c) from the CoreMonad, and
+ (d) from its mutable variable
+ [Of course this means that we won't see new EPS rules that come in
+ during a single simplifier iteration, but that probably does not
+ matter.]
+* *
+\subsection[specialisation-IdInfo]{Specialisation info about an @Id@}
+* *
+A @CoreRule@ holds details of one rule for an @Id@, which
+includes its specialisations.
+For example, if a rule for @f@ contains the mapping:
+ forall a b d. [Type (List a), Type b, Var d] ===> f' a b
+then when we find an application of f to matching types, we simply replace
+it by the matching RHS:
+ f (List Int) Bool dict ===> f' Int Bool
+All the stuff about how many dictionaries to discard, and what types
+to apply the specialised function to, are handled by the fact that the
+Rule contains a template for the result of the specialisation.
+There is one more exciting case, which is dealt with in exactly the same
+way. If the specialised value is unboxed then it is lifted at its
+definition site and unlifted at its uses. For example:
+ pi :: forall a. Num a => a
+might have a specialisation
+ [Int#] ===> (case pi' of Lift pi# -> pi#)
+where pi' :: Lift Int# is the specialised version of pi.
+mkRule :: Module -> Bool -> Bool -> RuleName -> Activation
+ -> Name -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr -> CoreRule
+-- ^ Used to make 'CoreRule' for an 'Id' defined in the module being
+-- compiled. See also 'GHC.Core.CoreRule'
+mkRule this_mod is_auto is_local name act fn bndrs args rhs
+ = Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act,
+ ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args,
+ ru_rhs = rhs,
+ ru_rough = roughTopNames args,
+ ru_origin = this_mod,
+ ru_orphan = orph,
+ ru_auto = is_auto, ru_local = is_local }
+ where
+ -- Compute orphanhood. See Note [Orphans] in InstEnv
+ -- A rule is an orphan only if none of the variables
+ -- mentioned on its left-hand side are locally defined
+ lhs_names = extendNameSet (exprsOrphNames args) fn
+ -- Since rules get eventually attached to one of the free names
+ -- from the definition when compiling the ABI hash, we should make
+ -- it deterministic. This chooses the one with minimal OccName
+ -- as opposed to uniq value.
+ local_lhs_names = filterNameSet (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod) lhs_names
+ orph = chooseOrphanAnchor local_lhs_names
+roughTopNames :: [CoreExpr] -> [Maybe Name]
+-- ^ Find the \"top\" free names of several expressions.
+-- Such names are either:
+-- 1. The function finally being applied to in an application chain
+-- (if that name is a GlobalId: see "Var#globalvslocal"), or
+-- 2. The 'TyCon' if the expression is a 'Type'
+-- This is used for the fast-match-check for rules;
+-- if the top names don't match, the rest can't
+roughTopNames args = map roughTopName args
+roughTopName :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Name
+roughTopName (Type ty) = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc,_) -> Just (getName tc)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+roughTopName (Coercion _) = Nothing
+roughTopName (App f _) = roughTopName f
+roughTopName (Var f) | isGlobalId f -- Note [Care with roughTopName]
+ , isDataConWorkId f || idArity f > 0
+ = Just (idName f)
+roughTopName (Tick t e) | tickishFloatable t
+ = roughTopName e
+roughTopName _ = Nothing
+ruleCantMatch :: [Maybe Name] -> [Maybe Name] -> Bool
+-- ^ @ruleCantMatch tpl actual@ returns True only if @actual@
+-- definitely can't match @tpl@ by instantiating @tpl@.
+-- It's only a one-way match; unlike instance matching we
+-- don't consider unification.
+-- Notice that [_$_]
+-- @ruleCantMatch [Nothing] [Just n2] = False@
+-- Reason: a template variable can be instantiated by a constant
+-- Also:
+-- @ruleCantMatch [Just n1] [Nothing] = False@
+-- Reason: a local variable @v@ in the actuals might [_$_]
+ruleCantMatch (Just n1 : ts) (Just n2 : as) = n1 /= n2 || ruleCantMatch ts as
+ruleCantMatch (_ : ts) (_ : as) = ruleCantMatch ts as
+ruleCantMatch _ _ = False
+Note [Care with roughTopName]
+Consider this
+ module M where { x = a:b }
+ module N where { ...f x...
+ RULE f (p:q) = ... }
+You'd expect the rule to match, because the matcher can
+look through the unfolding of 'x'. So we must avoid roughTopName
+returning 'M.x' for the call (f x), or else it'll say "can't match"
+and we won't even try!!
+However, suppose we have
+ RULE g (M.h x) = ...
+ foo = ...(g (M.k v))....
+where k is a *function* exported by M. We never really match
+functions (lambdas) except by name, so in this case it seems like
+a good idea to treat 'M.k' as a roughTopName of the call.
+pprRulesForUser :: DynFlags -> [CoreRule] -> SDoc
+-- (a) tidy the rules
+-- (b) sort them into order based on the rule name
+-- (c) suppress uniques (unless -dppr-debug is on)
+-- This combination makes the output stable so we can use in testing
+-- It's here rather than in GHC.Core.Ppr because it calls tidyRules
+pprRulesForUser dflags rules
+ = withPprStyle (defaultUserStyle dflags) $
+ pprRules $
+ sortBy (comparing ruleName) $
+ tidyRules emptyTidyEnv rules
+* *
+ RuleInfo: the rules in an IdInfo
+* *
+-- | Make a 'RuleInfo' containing a number of 'CoreRule's, suitable
+-- for putting into an 'IdInfo'
+mkRuleInfo :: [CoreRule] -> RuleInfo
+mkRuleInfo rules = RuleInfo rules (rulesFreeVarsDSet rules)
+extendRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> [CoreRule] -> RuleInfo
+extendRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1 fvs1) rs2
+ = RuleInfo (rs2 ++ rs1) (rulesFreeVarsDSet rs2 `unionDVarSet` fvs1)
+addRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> RuleInfo -> RuleInfo
+addRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1 fvs1) (RuleInfo rs2 fvs2)
+ = RuleInfo (rs1 ++ rs2) (fvs1 `unionDVarSet` fvs2)
+addIdSpecialisations :: Id -> [CoreRule] -> Id
+addIdSpecialisations id rules
+ | null rules
+ = id
+ | otherwise
+ = setIdSpecialisation id $
+ extendRuleInfo (idSpecialisation id) rules
+-- | Gather all the rules for locally bound identifiers from the supplied bindings
+rulesOfBinds :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreRule]
+rulesOfBinds binds = concatMap (concatMap idCoreRules . bindersOf) binds
+getRules :: RuleEnv -> Id -> [CoreRule]
+-- See Note [Where rules are found]
+getRules (RuleEnv { re_base = rule_base, re_visible_orphs = orphs }) fn
+ = idCoreRules fn ++ filter (ruleIsVisible orphs) imp_rules
+ where
+ imp_rules = lookupNameEnv rule_base (idName fn) `orElse` []
+ruleIsVisible :: ModuleSet -> CoreRule -> Bool
+ruleIsVisible _ BuiltinRule{} = True
+ruleIsVisible vis_orphs Rule { ru_orphan = orph, ru_origin = origin }
+ = notOrphan orph || origin `elemModuleSet` vis_orphs
+{- Note [Where rules are found]
+The rules for an Id come from two places:
+ (a) the ones it is born with, stored inside the Id itself (idCoreRules fn),
+ (b) rules added in other modules, stored in the global RuleBase (imp_rules)
+It's tempting to think that
+ - LocalIds have only (a)
+ - non-LocalIds have only (b)
+but that isn't quite right:
+ - PrimOps and ClassOps are born with a bunch of rules inside the Id,
+ even when they are imported
+ - The rules in PrelRules.builtinRules should be active even
+ in the module defining the Id (when it's a LocalId), but
+ the rules are kept in the global RuleBase
+* *
+ RuleBase
+* *
+-- RuleBase itself is defined in GHC.Core, along with CoreRule
+emptyRuleBase :: RuleBase
+emptyRuleBase = emptyNameEnv
+mkRuleBase :: [CoreRule] -> RuleBase
+mkRuleBase rules = extendRuleBaseList emptyRuleBase rules
+extendRuleBaseList :: RuleBase -> [CoreRule] -> RuleBase
+extendRuleBaseList rule_base new_guys
+ = foldl' extendRuleBase rule_base new_guys
+unionRuleBase :: RuleBase -> RuleBase -> RuleBase
+unionRuleBase rb1 rb2 = plusNameEnv_C (++) rb1 rb2
+extendRuleBase :: RuleBase -> CoreRule -> RuleBase
+extendRuleBase rule_base rule
+ = extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton rule_base (ruleIdName rule) rule
+pprRuleBase :: RuleBase -> SDoc
+pprRuleBase rules = pprUFM rules $ \rss ->
+ vcat [ pprRules (tidyRules emptyTidyEnv rs)
+ | rs <- rss ]
+* *
+ Matching
+* *
+-- | The main rule matching function. Attempts to apply all (active)
+-- supplied rules to this instance of an application in a given
+-- context, returning the rule applied and the resulting expression if
+-- successful.
+lookupRule :: DynFlags -> InScopeEnv
+ -> (Activation -> Bool) -- When rule is active
+ -> Id -> [CoreExpr]
+ -> [CoreRule] -> Maybe (CoreRule, CoreExpr)
+-- See Note [Extra args in rule matching]
+-- See comments on matchRule
+lookupRule dflags in_scope is_active fn args rules
+ = -- pprTrace "matchRules" (ppr fn <+> ppr args $$ ppr rules ) $
+ case go [] rules of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (m:ms) -> Just (findBest (fn,args') m ms)
+ where
+ rough_args = map roughTopName args
+ -- Strip ticks from arguments, see note [Tick annotations in RULE
+ -- matching]. We only collect ticks if a rule actually matches -
+ -- this matters for performance tests.
+ args' = map (stripTicksTopE tickishFloatable) args
+ ticks = concatMap (stripTicksTopT tickishFloatable) args
+ go :: [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)] -> [CoreRule] -> [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)]
+ go ms [] = ms
+ go ms (r:rs)
+ | Just e <- matchRule dflags in_scope is_active fn args' rough_args r
+ = go ((r,mkTicks ticks e):ms) rs
+ | otherwise
+ = -- pprTrace "match failed" (ppr r $$ ppr args $$
+ -- ppr [ (arg_id, unfoldingTemplate unf)
+ -- | Var arg_id <- args
+ -- , let unf = idUnfolding arg_id
+ -- , isCheapUnfolding unf] )
+ go ms rs
+findBest :: (Id, [CoreExpr])
+ -> (CoreRule,CoreExpr) -> [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)] -> (CoreRule,CoreExpr)
+-- All these pairs matched the expression
+-- Return the pair the most specific rule
+-- The (fn,args) is just for overlap reporting
+findBest _ (rule,ans) [] = (rule,ans)
+findBest target (rule1,ans1) ((rule2,ans2):prs)
+ | rule1 `isMoreSpecific` rule2 = findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs
+ | rule2 `isMoreSpecific` rule1 = findBest target (rule2,ans2) prs
+ | debugIsOn = let pp_rule rule
+ = ifPprDebug (ppr rule)
+ (doubleQuotes (ftext (ruleName rule)))
+ in pprTrace "Rules.findBest: rule overlap (Rule 1 wins)"
+ (vcat [ whenPprDebug $
+ text "Expression to match:" <+> ppr fn
+ <+> sep (map ppr args)
+ , text "Rule 1:" <+> pp_rule rule1
+ , text "Rule 2:" <+> pp_rule rule2]) $
+ findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs
+ | otherwise = findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs
+ where
+ (fn,args) = target
+isMoreSpecific :: CoreRule -> CoreRule -> Bool
+-- This tests if one rule is more specific than another
+-- We take the view that a BuiltinRule is less specific than
+-- anything else, because we want user-define rules to "win"
+-- In particular, class ops have a built-in rule, but we
+-- any user-specific rules to win
+-- eg (#4397)
+-- truncate :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b
+-- {-# RULES "truncate/Double->Int" truncate = double2Int #-}
+-- double2Int :: Double -> Int
+-- We want the specific RULE to beat the built-in class-op rule
+isMoreSpecific (BuiltinRule {}) _ = False
+isMoreSpecific (Rule {}) (BuiltinRule {}) = True
+isMoreSpecific (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs1, ru_args = args1 })
+ (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs2, ru_args = args2
+ , ru_name = rule_name2, ru_rhs = rhs })
+ = isJust (matchN (in_scope, id_unfolding_fun) rule_name2 bndrs2 args2 args1 rhs)
+ where
+ id_unfolding_fun _ = NoUnfolding -- Don't expand in templates
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet bndrs1)
+ -- Actually we should probably include the free vars
+ -- of rule1's args, but I can't be bothered
+noBlackList :: Activation -> Bool
+noBlackList _ = False -- Nothing is black listed
+Note [Extra args in rule matching]
+If we find a matching rule, we return (Just (rule, rhs)),
+but the rule firing has only consumed as many of the input args
+as the ruleArity says. It's up to the caller to keep track
+of any left-over args. E.g. if you call
+ lookupRule ... f [e1, e2, e3]
+and it returns Just (r, rhs), where r has ruleArity 2
+then the real rewrite is
+ f e1 e2 e3 ==> rhs e3
+You might think it'd be cleaner for lookupRule to deal with the
+leftover arguments, by applying 'rhs' to them, but the main call
+in the Simplifier works better as it is. Reason: the 'args' passed
+to lookupRule are the result of a lazy substitution
+matchRule :: DynFlags -> InScopeEnv -> (Activation -> Bool)
+ -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> [Maybe Name]
+ -> CoreRule -> Maybe CoreExpr
+-- If (matchRule rule args) returns Just (name,rhs)
+-- then (f args) matches the rule, and the corresponding
+-- rewritten RHS is rhs
+-- The returned expression is occurrence-analysed
+-- Example
+-- The rule
+-- forall f g x. map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x
+-- is stored
+-- CoreRule "map/map"
+-- [f,g,x] -- tpl_vars
+-- [f,map g x] -- tpl_args
+-- map (f.g) x) -- rhs
+-- Then the call: matchRule the_rule [e1,map e2 e3]
+-- = Just ("map/map", (\f,g,x -> rhs) e1 e2 e3)
+-- Any 'surplus' arguments in the input are simply put on the end
+-- of the output.
+matchRule dflags rule_env _is_active fn args _rough_args
+ (BuiltinRule { ru_try = match_fn })
+-- Built-in rules can't be switched off, it seems
+ = case match_fn dflags rule_env fn args of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just expr -> Just expr
+matchRule _ in_scope is_active _ args rough_args
+ (Rule { ru_name = rule_name, ru_act = act, ru_rough = tpl_tops
+ , ru_bndrs = tpl_vars, ru_args = tpl_args, ru_rhs = rhs })
+ | not (is_active act) = Nothing
+ | ruleCantMatch tpl_tops rough_args = Nothing
+ | otherwise = matchN in_scope rule_name tpl_vars tpl_args args rhs
+matchN :: InScopeEnv
+ -> RuleName -> [Var] -> [CoreExpr]
+ -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr -- ^ Target; can have more elements than the template
+ -> Maybe CoreExpr
+-- For a given match template and context, find bindings to wrap around
+-- the entire result and what should be substituted for each template variable.
+-- Fail if there are two few actual arguments from the target to match the template
+matchN (in_scope, id_unf) rule_name tmpl_vars tmpl_es target_es rhs
+ = do { rule_subst <- go init_menv emptyRuleSubst tmpl_es target_es
+ ; let (_, matched_es) = mapAccumL (lookup_tmpl rule_subst)
+ (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) $
+ tmpl_vars `zip` tmpl_vars1
+ bind_wrapper = rs_binds rule_subst
+ -- Floated bindings; see Note [Matching lets]
+ ; return (bind_wrapper $
+ mkLams tmpl_vars rhs `mkApps` matched_es) }
+ where
+ (init_rn_env, tmpl_vars1) = mapAccumL rnBndrL (mkRnEnv2 in_scope) tmpl_vars
+ -- See Note [Cloning the template binders]
+ init_menv = RV { rv_tmpls = mkVarSet tmpl_vars1
+ , rv_lcl = init_rn_env
+ , rv_fltR = mkEmptySubst (rnInScopeSet init_rn_env)
+ , rv_unf = id_unf }
+ go _ subst [] _ = Just subst
+ go _ _ _ [] = Nothing -- Fail if too few actual args
+ go menv subst (t:ts) (e:es) = do { subst1 <- match menv subst t e
+ ; go menv subst1 ts es }
+ lookup_tmpl :: RuleSubst -> TCvSubst -> (InVar,OutVar) -> (TCvSubst, CoreExpr)
+ -- Need to return a RuleSubst solely for the benefit of mk_fake_ty
+ lookup_tmpl (RS { rs_tv_subst = tv_subst, rs_id_subst = id_subst })
+ tcv_subst (tmpl_var, tmpl_var1)
+ | isId tmpl_var1
+ = case lookupVarEnv id_subst tmpl_var1 of
+ Just e | Coercion co <- e
+ -> (Type.extendCvSubst tcv_subst tmpl_var1 co, Coercion co)
+ | otherwise
+ -> (tcv_subst, e)
+ Nothing | Just refl_co <- isReflCoVar_maybe tmpl_var1
+ , let co = Coercion.substCo tcv_subst refl_co
+ -> -- See Note [Unbound RULE binders]
+ (Type.extendCvSubst tcv_subst tmpl_var1 co, Coercion co)
+ | otherwise
+ -> unbound tmpl_var
+ | otherwise
+ = (Type.extendTvSubst tcv_subst tmpl_var1 ty', Type ty')
+ where
+ ty' = case lookupVarEnv tv_subst tmpl_var1 of
+ Just ty -> ty
+ Nothing -> fake_ty -- See Note [Unbound RULE binders]
+ fake_ty = anyTypeOfKind (Type.substTy tcv_subst (tyVarKind tmpl_var1))
+ -- This substitution is the sole reason we accumulate
+ -- TCvSubst in lookup_tmpl
+ unbound tmpl_var
+ = pprPanic "Template variable unbound in rewrite rule" $
+ vcat [ text "Variable:" <+> ppr tmpl_var <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType tmpl_var)
+ , text "Rule" <+> pprRuleName rule_name
+ , text "Rule bndrs:" <+> ppr tmpl_vars
+ , text "LHS args:" <+> ppr tmpl_es
+ , text "Actual args:" <+> ppr target_es ]
+{- Note [Unbound RULE binders]
+It can be the case that the binder in a rule is not actually
+bound on the LHS:
+* Type variables. Type synonyms with phantom args can give rise to
+ unbound template type variables. Consider this (#10689,
+ simplCore/should_compile/T10689):
+ type Foo a b = b
+ f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
+ f x = x==x
+ {-# RULES "foo" forall (x :: Foo a Char). f x = True #-}
+ finkle = f 'c'
+ The rule looks like
+ forall (a::*) (d::Eq Char) (x :: Foo a Char).
+ f (Foo a Char) d x = True
+ Matching the rule won't bind 'a', and legitimately so. We fudge by
+ pretending that 'a' is bound to (Any :: *).
+* Coercion variables. On the LHS of a RULE for a local binder
+ we might have
+ RULE forall (c :: a~b). f (x |> c) = e
+ Now, if that binding is inlined, so that a=b=Int, we'd get
+ RULE forall (c :: Int~Int). f (x |> c) = e
+ and now when we simplify the LHS (Simplify.simplRule) we
+ optCoercion (look at the CoVarCo case) will turn that 'c' into Refl:
+ RULE forall (c :: Int~Int). f (x |> <Int>) = e
+ and then perhaps drop it altogether. Now 'c' is unbound.
+ It's tricky to be sure this never happens, so instead I
+ say it's OK to have an unbound coercion binder in a RULE
+ provided its type is (c :: t~t). Then, when the RULE
+ fires we can substitute <t> for c.
+ This actually happened (in a RULE for a local function)
+ in #13410, and also in test T10602.
+Note [Cloning the template binders]
+Consider the following match (example 1):
+ Template: forall x. f x
+ Target: f (x+1)
+This should succeed, because the template variable 'x' has nothing to
+do with the 'x' in the target.
+Likewise this one (example 2):
+ Template: forall x. f (\x.x)
+ Target: f (\y.y)
+We achieve this simply by using rnBndrL to clone the template
+binders if they are already in scope.
+------ Historical note -------
+At one point I tried simply adding the template binders to the
+in-scope set /without/ cloning them, but that failed in a horribly
+obscure way in #14777. Problem was that during matching we look
+up target-term variables in the in-scope set (see Note [Lookup
+in-scope]). If a target-term variable happens to name-clash with a
+template variable, that lookup will find the template variable, which
+is /utterly/ bogus. In #14777, this transformed a term variable
+into a type variable, and then crashed when we wanted its idInfo.
+------ End of historical note -------
+* *
+ The main matcher
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- * The domain of the TvSubstEnv and IdSubstEnv are the template
+-- variables passed into the match.
+-- * The BindWrapper in a RuleSubst are the bindings floated out
+-- from nested matches; see the Let case of match, below
+data RuleMatchEnv
+ = RV { rv_lcl :: RnEnv2 -- Renamings for *local bindings*
+ -- (lambda/case)
+ , rv_tmpls :: VarSet -- Template variables
+ -- (after applying envL of rv_lcl)
+ , rv_fltR :: Subst -- Renamings for floated let-bindings
+ -- (domain disjoint from envR of rv_lcl)
+ -- See Note [Matching lets]
+ , rv_unf :: IdUnfoldingFun
+ }
+rvInScopeEnv :: RuleMatchEnv -> InScopeEnv
+rvInScopeEnv renv = (rnInScopeSet (rv_lcl renv), rv_unf renv)
+data RuleSubst = RS { rs_tv_subst :: TvSubstEnv -- Range is the
+ , rs_id_subst :: IdSubstEnv -- template variables
+ , rs_binds :: BindWrapper -- Floated bindings
+ , rs_bndrs :: VarSet -- Variables bound by floated lets
+ }
+type BindWrapper = CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ -- See Notes [Matching lets] and [Matching cases]
+ -- we represent the floated bindings as a core-to-core function
+emptyRuleSubst :: RuleSubst
+emptyRuleSubst = RS { rs_tv_subst = emptyVarEnv, rs_id_subst = emptyVarEnv
+ , rs_binds = \e -> e, rs_bndrs = emptyVarSet }
+-- At one stage I tried to match even if there are more
+-- template args than real args.
+-- I now think this is probably a bad idea.
+-- Should the template (map f xs) match (map g)? I think not.
+-- For a start, in general eta expansion wastes work.
+-- SLPJ July 99
+match :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> CoreExpr -- Template
+ -> CoreExpr -- Target
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+-- We look through certain ticks. See note [Tick annotations in RULE matching]
+match renv subst e1 (Tick t e2)
+ | tickishFloatable t
+ = match renv subst' e1 e2
+ where subst' = subst { rs_binds = rs_binds subst . mkTick t }
+match _ _ e@Tick{} _
+ = pprPanic "Tick in rule" (ppr e)
+-- See the notes with Unify.match, which matches types
+-- Everything is very similar for terms
+-- Interesting examples:
+-- Consider matching
+-- \x->f against \f->f
+-- When we meet the lambdas we must remember to rename f to f' in the
+-- second expression. The RnEnv2 does that.
+-- Consider matching
+-- forall a. \b->b against \a->3
+-- We must rename the \a. Otherwise when we meet the lambdas we
+-- might substitute [a/b] in the template, and then erroneously
+-- succeed in matching what looks like the template variable 'a' against 3.
+-- The Var case follows closely what happens in Unify.match
+match renv subst (Var v1) e2
+ = match_var renv subst v1 e2
+match renv subst e1 (Var v2) -- Note [Expanding variables]
+ | not (inRnEnvR rn_env v2) -- Note [Do not expand locally-bound variables]
+ , Just e2' <- expandUnfolding_maybe (rv_unf renv v2')
+ = match (renv { rv_lcl = nukeRnEnvR rn_env }) subst e1 e2'
+ where
+ v2' = lookupRnInScope rn_env v2
+ rn_env = rv_lcl renv
+ -- Notice that we look up v2 in the in-scope set
+ -- See Note [Lookup in-scope]
+ -- No need to apply any renaming first (hence no rnOccR)
+ -- because of the not-inRnEnvR
+match renv subst e1 (Let bind e2)
+ | -- pprTrace "match:Let" (vcat [ppr bind, ppr $ okToFloat (rv_lcl renv) (bindFreeVars bind)]) $
+ not (isJoinBind bind) -- can't float join point out of argument position
+ , okToFloat (rv_lcl renv) (bindFreeVars bind) -- See Note [Matching lets]
+ = match (renv { rv_fltR = flt_subst' })
+ (subst { rs_binds = rs_binds subst . Let bind'
+ , rs_bndrs = extendVarSetList (rs_bndrs subst) new_bndrs })
+ e1 e2
+ where
+ flt_subst = addInScopeSet (rv_fltR renv) (rs_bndrs subst)
+ (flt_subst', bind') = substBind flt_subst bind
+ new_bndrs = bindersOf bind'
+{- Disabled: see Note [Matching cases] below
+match renv (tv_subst, id_subst, binds) e1
+ (Case scrut case_bndr ty [(con, alt_bndrs, rhs)])
+ | exprOkForSpeculation scrut -- See Note [Matching cases]
+ , okToFloat rn_env bndrs (exprFreeVars scrut)
+ = match (renv { me_env = rn_env' })
+ (tv_subst, id_subst, binds . case_wrap)
+ e1 rhs
+ where
+ rn_env = me_env renv
+ rn_env' = extendRnInScopeList rn_env bndrs
+ bndrs = case_bndr : alt_bndrs
+ case_wrap rhs' = Case scrut case_bndr ty [(con, alt_bndrs, rhs')]
+match _ subst (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2)
+ | lit1 == lit2
+ = Just subst
+match renv subst (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2)
+ = do { subst' <- match renv subst f1 f2
+ ; match renv subst' a1 a2 }
+match renv subst (Lam x1 e1) e2
+ | Just (x2, e2, ts) <- exprIsLambda_maybe (rvInScopeEnv renv) e2
+ = let renv' = renv { rv_lcl = rnBndr2 (rv_lcl renv) x1 x2
+ , rv_fltR = delBndr (rv_fltR renv) x2 }
+ subst' = subst { rs_binds = rs_binds subst . flip (foldr mkTick) ts }
+ in match renv' subst' e1 e2
+match renv subst (Case e1 x1 ty1 alts1) (Case e2 x2 ty2 alts2)
+ = do { subst1 <- match_ty renv subst ty1 ty2
+ ; subst2 <- match renv subst1 e1 e2
+ ; let renv' = rnMatchBndr2 renv subst x1 x2
+ ; match_alts renv' subst2 alts1 alts2 -- Alts are both sorted
+ }
+match renv subst (Type ty1) (Type ty2)
+ = match_ty renv subst ty1 ty2
+match renv subst (Coercion co1) (Coercion co2)
+ = match_co renv subst co1 co2
+match renv subst (Cast e1 co1) (Cast e2 co2)
+ = do { subst1 <- match_co renv subst co1 co2
+ ; match renv subst1 e1 e2 }
+-- Everything else fails
+match _ _ _e1 _e2 = -- pprTrace "Failing at" ((text "e1:" <+> ppr _e1) $$ (text "e2:" <+> ppr _e2)) $
+ Nothing
+match_co :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> Coercion
+ -> Coercion
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+match_co renv subst co1 co2
+ | Just cv <- getCoVar_maybe co1
+ = match_var renv subst cv (Coercion co2)
+ | Just (ty1, r1) <- isReflCo_maybe co1
+ = do { (ty2, r2) <- isReflCo_maybe co2
+ ; guard (r1 == r2)
+ ; match_ty renv subst ty1 ty2 }
+match_co renv subst co1 co2
+ | Just (tc1, cos1) <- splitTyConAppCo_maybe co1
+ = case splitTyConAppCo_maybe co2 of
+ Just (tc2, cos2)
+ | tc1 == tc2
+ -> match_cos renv subst cos1 cos2
+ _ -> Nothing
+match_co renv subst co1 co2
+ | Just (arg1, res1) <- splitFunCo_maybe co1
+ = case splitFunCo_maybe co2 of
+ Just (arg2, res2)
+ -> match_cos renv subst [arg1, res1] [arg2, res2]
+ _ -> Nothing
+match_co _ _ _co1 _co2
+ -- Currently just deals with CoVarCo, TyConAppCo and Refl
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ = pprTrace "match_co: needs more cases" (ppr _co1 $$ ppr _co2) Nothing
+ = Nothing
+match_cos :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> [Coercion]
+ -> [Coercion]
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+match_cos renv subst (co1:cos1) (co2:cos2) =
+ do { subst' <- match_co renv subst co1 co2
+ ; match_cos renv subst' cos1 cos2 }
+match_cos _ subst [] [] = Just subst
+match_cos _ _ cos1 cos2 = pprTrace "match_cos: not same length" (ppr cos1 $$ ppr cos2) Nothing
+rnMatchBndr2 :: RuleMatchEnv -> RuleSubst -> Var -> Var -> RuleMatchEnv
+rnMatchBndr2 renv subst x1 x2
+ = renv { rv_lcl = rnBndr2 rn_env x1 x2
+ , rv_fltR = delBndr (rv_fltR renv) x2 }
+ where
+ rn_env = addRnInScopeSet (rv_lcl renv) (rs_bndrs subst)
+ -- Typically this is a no-op, but it may matter if
+ -- there are some floated let-bindings
+match_alts :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> [CoreAlt] -- Template
+ -> [CoreAlt] -- Target
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+match_alts _ subst [] []
+ = return subst
+match_alts renv subst ((c1,vs1,r1):alts1) ((c2,vs2,r2):alts2)
+ | c1 == c2
+ = do { subst1 <- match renv' subst r1 r2
+ ; match_alts renv subst1 alts1 alts2 }
+ where
+ renv' = foldl' mb renv (vs1 `zip` vs2)
+ mb renv (v1,v2) = rnMatchBndr2 renv subst v1 v2
+match_alts _ _ _ _
+ = Nothing
+okToFloat :: RnEnv2 -> VarSet -> Bool
+okToFloat rn_env bind_fvs
+ = allVarSet not_captured bind_fvs
+ where
+ not_captured fv = not (inRnEnvR rn_env fv)
+match_var :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> Var -- Template
+ -> CoreExpr -- Target
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+match_var renv@(RV { rv_tmpls = tmpls, rv_lcl = rn_env, rv_fltR = flt_env })
+ subst v1 e2
+ | v1' `elemVarSet` tmpls
+ = match_tmpl_var renv subst v1' e2
+ | otherwise -- v1' is not a template variable; check for an exact match with e2
+ = case e2 of -- Remember, envR of rn_env is disjoint from rv_fltR
+ Var v2 | v1' == rnOccR rn_env v2
+ -> Just subst
+ | Var v2' <- lookupIdSubst (text "match_var") flt_env v2
+ , v1' == v2'
+ -> Just subst
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ v1' = rnOccL rn_env v1
+ -- If the template is
+ -- forall x. f x (\x -> x) = ...
+ -- Then the x inside the lambda isn't the
+ -- template x, so we must rename first!
+match_tmpl_var :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> Var -- Template
+ -> CoreExpr -- Target
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+match_tmpl_var renv@(RV { rv_lcl = rn_env, rv_fltR = flt_env })
+ subst@(RS { rs_id_subst = id_subst, rs_bndrs = let_bndrs })
+ v1' e2
+ | any (inRnEnvR rn_env) (exprFreeVarsList e2)
+ = Nothing -- Occurs check failure
+ -- e.g. match forall a. (\x-> a x) against (\y. y y)
+ | Just e1' <- lookupVarEnv id_subst v1'
+ = if eqExpr (rnInScopeSet rn_env) e1' e2'
+ then Just subst
+ else Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = -- Note [Matching variable types]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- However, we must match the *types*; e.g.
+ -- forall (c::Char->Int) (x::Char).
+ -- f (c x) = "RULE FIRED"
+ -- We must only match on args that have the right type
+ -- It's actually quite difficult to come up with an example that shows
+ -- you need type matching, esp since matching is left-to-right, so type
+ -- args get matched first. But it's possible (e.g. simplrun008) and
+ -- this is the Right Thing to do
+ do { subst' <- match_ty renv subst (idType v1') (exprType e2)
+ ; return (subst' { rs_id_subst = id_subst' }) }
+ where
+ -- e2' is the result of applying flt_env to e2
+ e2' | isEmptyVarSet let_bndrs = e2
+ | otherwise = substExpr (text "match_tmpl_var") flt_env e2
+ id_subst' = extendVarEnv (rs_id_subst subst) v1' e2'
+ -- No further renaming to do on e2',
+ -- because no free var of e2' is in the rnEnvR of the envt
+match_ty :: RuleMatchEnv
+ -> RuleSubst
+ -> Type -- Template
+ -> Type -- Target
+ -> Maybe RuleSubst
+-- Matching Core types: use the matcher in TcType.
+-- Notice that we treat newtypes as opaque. For example, suppose
+-- we have a specialised version of a function at a newtype, say
+-- newtype T = MkT Int
+-- We only want to replace (f T) with f', not (f Int).
+match_ty renv subst ty1 ty2
+ = do { tv_subst'
+ <- Unify.ruleMatchTyKiX (rv_tmpls renv) (rv_lcl renv) tv_subst ty1 ty2
+ ; return (subst { rs_tv_subst = tv_subst' }) }
+ where
+ tv_subst = rs_tv_subst subst
+Note [Expanding variables]
+Here is another Very Important rule: if the term being matched is a
+variable, we expand it so long as its unfolding is "expandable". (Its
+occurrence information is not necessarily up to date, so we don't use
+it.) By "expandable" we mean a WHNF or a "constructor-like" application.
+This is the key reason for "constructor-like" Ids. If we have
+ {-# NOINLINE [1] CONLIKE g #-}
+ {-# RULE f (g x) = h x #-}
+then in the term
+ let v = g 3 in ....(f v)....
+we want to make the rule fire, to replace (f v) with (h 3).
+Note [Do not expand locally-bound variables]
+Do *not* expand locally-bound variables, else there's a worry that the
+unfolding might mention variables that are themselves renamed.
+ case x of y { (p,q) -> ...y... }
+Don't expand 'y' to (p,q) because p,q might themselves have been
+renamed. Essentially we only expand unfoldings that are "outside"
+the entire match.
+Hence, (a) the guard (not (isLocallyBoundR v2))
+ (b) when we expand we nuke the renaming envt (nukeRnEnvR).
+Note [Tick annotations in RULE matching]
+We used to unconditionally look through Notes in both template and
+expression being matched. This is actually illegal for counting or
+cost-centre-scoped ticks, because we have no place to put them without
+changing entry counts and/or costs. So now we just fail the match in
+these cases.
+On the other hand, where we are allowed to insert new cost into the
+tick scope, we can float them upwards to the rule application site.
+cf Note [Notes in call patterns] in SpecConstr
+Note [Matching lets]
+Matching a let-expression. Consider
+ RULE forall x. f (g x) = <rhs>
+and target expression
+ f (let { w=R } in g E))
+Then we'd like the rule to match, to generate
+ let { w=R } in (\x. <rhs>) E
+In effect, we want to float the let-binding outward, to enable
+the match to happen. This is the WHOLE REASON for accumulating
+bindings in the RuleSubst
+We can only do this if the free variables of R are not bound by the
+part of the target expression outside the let binding; e.g.
+ f (\v. let w = v+1 in g E)
+Here we obviously cannot float the let-binding for w. Hence the
+use of okToFloat.
+There are a couple of tricky points.
+ (a) What if floating the binding captures a variable?
+ f (let v = x+1 in v) v
+ --> NOT!
+ let v = x+1 in f (x+1) v
+ (b) What if two non-nested let bindings bind the same variable?
+ f (let v = e1 in b1) (let v = e2 in b2)
+ --> NOT!
+ let v = e1 in let v = e2 in (f b2 b2)
+ See testsuite test "RuleFloatLet".
+Our cunning plan is this:
+ * Along with the growing substitution for template variables
+ we maintain a growing set of floated let-bindings (rs_binds)
+ plus the set of variables thus bound.
+ * The RnEnv2 in the MatchEnv binds only the local binders
+ in the term (lambdas, case)
+ * When we encounter a let in the term to be matched, we
+ check that does not mention any locally bound (lambda, case)
+ variables. If so we fail
+ * We use GHC.Core.Subst.substBind to freshen the binding, using an
+ in-scope set that is the original in-scope variables plus the
+ rs_bndrs (currently floated let-bindings). So in (a) above
+ we'll freshen the 'v' binding; in (b) above we'll freshen
+ the *second* 'v' binding.
+ * We apply that freshening substitution, in a lexically-scoped
+ way to the term, although lazily; this is the rv_fltR field.
+Note [Matching cases]
+{- NOTE: This idea is currently disabled. It really only works if
+ the primops involved are OkForSpeculation, and, since
+ they have side effects readIntOfAddr and touch are not.
+ Maybe we'll get back to this later . -}
+ f (case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#, n# #) ->
+ case touch# fp s# of { _ ->
+ I# n# } } )
+This happened in a tight loop generated by stream fusion that
+Roman encountered. We'd like to treat this just like the let
+case, because the primops concerned are ok-for-speculation.
+That is, we'd like to behave as if it had been
+ case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#, n# #) ->
+ case touch# fp s# of { _ ->
+ f (I# n# } } )
+Note [Lookup in-scope]
+Consider this example
+ foo :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int
+ foo 0 (Just n) = n
+ foo m (Just n) = foo (m-n) (Just n)
+SpecConstr sees this fragment:
+ case w_smT of wild_Xf [Just A] {
+ Data.Maybe.Nothing -> lvl_smf;
+ Data.Maybe.Just n_acT [Just S(L)] ->
+ case n_acT of wild1_ams [Just A] { GHC.Base.I# y_amr [Just L] ->
+ $wfoo_smW (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xmb y_amr) wild_Xf
+ }};
+and correctly generates the rule
+ RULES: "SC:$wfoo1" [0] __forall {y_amr [Just L] :: GHC.Prim.Int#
+ sc_snn :: GHC.Prim.Int#}
+ $wfoo_smW sc_snn (Data.Maybe.Just @ GHC.Base.Int (GHC.Base.I# y_amr))
+ = $s$wfoo_sno y_amr sc_snn ;]
+BUT we must ensure that this rule matches in the original function!
+Note that the call to $wfoo is
+ $wfoo_smW (GHC.Prim.-# ds_Xmb y_amr) wild_Xf
+During matching we expand wild_Xf to (Just n_acT). But then we must also
+expand n_acT to (I# y_amr). And we can only do that if we look up n_acT
+in the in-scope set, because in wild_Xf's unfolding it won't have an unfolding
+at all.
+That is why the 'lookupRnInScope' call in the (Var v2) case of 'match'
+is so important.
+* *
+ Rule-check the program
+* *
+ We want to know what sites have rules that could have fired but didn't.
+ This pass runs over the tree (without changing it) and reports such.
+-- | Report partial matches for rules beginning with the specified
+-- string for the purposes of error reporting
+ruleCheckProgram :: CompilerPhase -- ^ Rule activation test
+ -> String -- ^ Rule pattern
+ -> (Id -> [CoreRule]) -- ^ Rules for an Id
+ -> CoreProgram -- ^ Bindings to check in
+ -> SDoc -- ^ Resulting check message
+ruleCheckProgram phase rule_pat rules binds
+ | isEmptyBag results
+ = text "Rule check results: no rule application sites"
+ | otherwise
+ = vcat [text "Rule check results:",
+ line,
+ vcat [ p $$ line | p <- bagToList results ]
+ ]
+ where
+ env = RuleCheckEnv { rc_is_active = isActive phase
+ , rc_id_unf = idUnfolding -- Not quite right
+ -- Should use activeUnfolding
+ , rc_pattern = rule_pat
+ , rc_rules = rules }
+ results = unionManyBags (map (ruleCheckBind env) binds)
+ line = text (replicate 20 '-')
+data RuleCheckEnv = RuleCheckEnv {
+ rc_is_active :: Activation -> Bool,
+ rc_id_unf :: IdUnfoldingFun,
+ rc_pattern :: String,
+ rc_rules :: Id -> [CoreRule]
+ruleCheckBind :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreBind -> Bag SDoc
+ -- The Bag returned has one SDoc for each call site found
+ruleCheckBind env (NonRec _ r) = ruleCheck env r
+ruleCheckBind env (Rec prs) = unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | (_,r) <- prs]
+ruleCheck :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreExpr -> Bag SDoc
+ruleCheck _ (Var _) = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _ (Lit _) = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _ (Type _) = emptyBag
+ruleCheck _ (Coercion _) = emptyBag
+ruleCheck env (App f a) = ruleCheckApp env (App f a) []
+ruleCheck env (Tick _ e) = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Cast e _) = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Let bd e) = ruleCheckBind env bd `unionBags` ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Lam _ e) = ruleCheck env e
+ruleCheck env (Case e _ _ as) = ruleCheck env e `unionBags`
+ unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | (_,_,r) <- as]
+ruleCheckApp :: RuleCheckEnv -> Expr CoreBndr -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> Bag SDoc
+ruleCheckApp env (App f a) as = ruleCheck env a `unionBags` ruleCheckApp env f (a:as)
+ruleCheckApp env (Var f) as = ruleCheckFun env f as
+ruleCheckApp env other _ = ruleCheck env other
+ruleCheckFun :: RuleCheckEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Bag SDoc
+-- Produce a report for all rules matching the predicate
+-- saying why it doesn't match the specified application
+ruleCheckFun env fn args
+ | null name_match_rules = emptyBag
+ | otherwise = unitBag (ruleAppCheck_help env fn args name_match_rules)
+ where
+ name_match_rules = filter match (rc_rules env fn)
+ match rule = (rc_pattern env) `isPrefixOf` unpackFS (ruleName rule)
+ruleAppCheck_help :: RuleCheckEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreRule] -> SDoc
+ruleAppCheck_help env fn args rules
+ = -- The rules match the pattern, so we want to print something
+ vcat [text "Expression:" <+> ppr (mkApps (Var fn) args),
+ vcat (map check_rule rules)]
+ where
+ n_args = length args
+ i_args = args `zip` [1::Int ..]
+ rough_args = map roughTopName args
+ check_rule rule = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ rule_herald rule <> colon <+> rule_info dflags rule
+ rule_herald (BuiltinRule { ru_name = name })
+ = text "Builtin rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
+ rule_herald (Rule { ru_name = name })
+ = text "Rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
+ rule_info dflags rule
+ | Just _ <- matchRule dflags (emptyInScopeSet, rc_id_unf env)
+ noBlackList fn args rough_args rule
+ = text "matches (which is very peculiar!)"
+ rule_info _ (BuiltinRule {}) = text "does not match"
+ rule_info _ (Rule { ru_act = act,
+ ru_bndrs = rule_bndrs, ru_args = rule_args})
+ | not (rc_is_active env act) = text "active only in later phase"
+ | n_args < n_rule_args = text "too few arguments"
+ | n_mismatches == n_rule_args = text "no arguments match"
+ | n_mismatches == 0 = text "all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not"
+ | otherwise = text "arguments" <+> ppr mismatches <+> text "do not match (1-indexing)"
+ where
+ n_rule_args = length rule_args
+ n_mismatches = length mismatches
+ mismatches = [i | (rule_arg, (arg,i)) <- rule_args `zip` i_args,
+ not (isJust (match_fn rule_arg arg))]
+ lhs_fvs = exprsFreeVars rule_args -- Includes template tyvars
+ match_fn rule_arg arg = match renv emptyRuleSubst rule_arg arg
+ where
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (lhs_fvs `unionVarSet` exprFreeVars arg)
+ renv = RV { rv_lcl = mkRnEnv2 in_scope
+ , rv_tmpls = mkVarSet rule_bndrs
+ , rv_fltR = mkEmptySubst in_scope
+ , rv_unf = rc_id_unf env }