path: root/compiler/GHC/JS/Optimizer.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/JS/Optimizer.hs')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/JS/Optimizer.hs b/compiler/GHC/JS/Optimizer.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.JS.Optimizer
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young <>
+-- Luite Stegeman <>
+-- Sylvain Henry <>
+-- Josh Meredith <>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- * Domain and Purpose
+-- GHC.JS.Optimizer is a shallow embedding of a peephole optimizer. That is,
+-- this module defines transformations over the JavaScript IR in
+-- 'GHC.JS.Syntax', transforming the IR forms from inefficient, or
+-- non-idiomatic, JavaScript to more efficient and idiomatic JavaScript. The
+-- optimizer is written in continuation passing style so optimizations
+-- compose.
+-- * Architecture of the optimizer
+-- The design is that each optimization pattern matches on the head of a
+-- block by pattern matching onto the head of the stream of nodes in the
+-- JavaScript IR. If an optimization gets a successful match then it performs
+-- whatever rewrite is necessary and then calls the 'loop' continuation. This
+-- ensures that the result of the optimization is subject to the same
+-- optimization, /and/ the rest of the optimizations. If there is no match
+-- then the optimization should call the 'next' continuation to pass the
+-- stream to the next optimization in the optimization chain. We then define
+-- the last "optimization" to be @tailLoop@ which selects the next block of
+-- code to optimize and begin the optimization pipeline again.
+module GHC.JS.Optimizer
+ ( jsOptimize
+ ) where
+import Prelude
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import Control.Arrow
+Note [ Unsafe JavaScript Optimizations ]
+There are a number of optimizations that the JavaScript Backend performs that
+are not sound with respect to arbritrary JavaScript. We still perform these
+optimizations because we are not optimizing arbritrary javascript and under the
+assumption that the JavaScript backend will not generate code that violates the
+soundness of the optimizer. For example, the @deadCodeElim@ optimization removes
+all statements that occur after a 'return' in JavaScript, however this is not
+always sound because of hoisting, consider this program:
+ function foo() {
+ var x = 2;
+ bar();
+ return x;
+ function bar() {
+ x = 10;
+ }}
+ which is transformed to:
+ function foo() {
+ var x = 2;
+ bar();
+ return x;
+ }}
+The optimized form is clearly a program that goes wrong because `bar()` is no
+longer defined. But the JavaScript backend will never generate this code, so as
+long as that assumption holds we are safe to perform optimizations that would
+normally be unsafe.
+-- Top level Driver
+jsOptimize :: JStat -> JStat
+jsOptimize = go
+ where
+ p_opt = jsOptimize
+ opt = jsOptimize'
+ e_opt = jExprOptimize
+ -- base case
+ go (BlockStat xs) = BlockStat (opt xs)
+ -- recursive cases
+ go (ForStat i p s body) = ForStat (go i) (e_opt p) (go s) (p_opt body)
+ go (ForInStat b i p body) = ForInStat b i p (p_opt body)
+ go (WhileStat b c body) = WhileStat b (e_opt c) (p_opt body)
+ go (SwitchStat s ps body) = SwitchStat s (fmap (second go) ps) (p_opt body)
+ go (FuncStat i args body) = FuncStat i args (p_opt body)
+ go (IfStat c t e) = IfStat (e_opt c) (p_opt t) (p_opt e)
+ go (TryStat ths i c f) = TryStat (p_opt ths) i (p_opt c) (p_opt f)
+ go (LabelStat lbl s) = LabelStat lbl (p_opt s)
+ -- special case: drive the optimizer into expressions
+ go (AssignStat id op rhs) = AssignStat (e_opt id) op (e_opt rhs)
+ go (DeclStat i (Just e)) = DeclStat i (Just $ e_opt e)
+ go (ReturnStat e) = ReturnStat (e_opt e)
+ go (UOpStat op e) = UOpStat op (e_opt e)
+ go (ApplStat f args) = ApplStat (e_opt f) (e_opt <$> args)
+ -- all else is terminal, we match on these to force a warning in the event
+ -- another constructor is added
+ go x@BreakStat{} = x
+ go x@ContinueStat{} = x
+ go x@DeclStat{} = x -- match on the nothing case
+jsOptimize' :: [JStat] -> [JStat]
+jsOptimize' = runBlockOpt opts . single_pass_opts
+ where
+ opts :: BlockOpt
+ opts = safe_opts
+ <> unsafe_opts
+ <> tailLoop -- tailloop must be last, see module description
+ unsafe_opts :: BlockOpt
+ unsafe_opts = mconcat [ deadCodeElim ]
+ safe_opts :: BlockOpt
+ safe_opts = mconcat [ declareAssign, combineOps ]
+ single_pass_opts :: BlockTrans
+ single_pass_opts = runBlockTrans sp_opts
+ sp_opts = [flattenBlocks]
+-- | recur over a @JExpr@ and optimize the @JVal@s
+jExprOptimize :: JExpr -> JExpr
+-- the base case
+jExprOptimize (ValExpr val) = ValExpr (jValOptimize val)
+-- recursive cases
+jExprOptimize (SelExpr obj field) = SelExpr (jExprOptimize obj) field
+jExprOptimize (IdxExpr obj ix) = IdxExpr (jExprOptimize obj) (jExprOptimize ix)
+jExprOptimize (UOpExpr op exp) = UOpExpr op (jExprOptimize exp)
+jExprOptimize (IfExpr c t e) = IfExpr c (jExprOptimize t) (jExprOptimize e)
+jExprOptimize (ApplExpr f args ) = ApplExpr (jExprOptimize f) (jExprOptimize <$> args)
+jExprOptimize (InfixExpr op l r) = InfixExpr op (jExprOptimize l) (jExprOptimize r)
+-- | drive optimizations to anonymous functions and over expressions
+jValOptimize :: JVal -> JVal
+-- base case
+jValOptimize (JFunc args body) = JFunc args (jsOptimize body)
+-- recursive cases
+jValOptimize (JList exprs) = JList (jExprOptimize <$> exprs)
+jValOptimize (JHash hash) = JHash (jExprOptimize <$> hash)
+-- all else is terminal
+jValOptimize x@JVar{} = x
+jValOptimize x@JDouble{} = x
+jValOptimize x@JInt{} = x
+jValOptimize x@JStr{} = x
+jValOptimize x@JRegEx{} = x
+-- | A block transformation is a function from a stream of syntax to another
+-- stream
+type BlockTrans = [JStat] -> [JStat]
+-- | A BlockOpt is a function that alters the stream, and a continuation that
+-- represents the rest of the stream. The first @BlockTrans@ represents
+-- restarting the optimizer after a change has happened. The second @BlockTrans@
+-- represents the rest of the continuation stream.
+newtype BlockOpt = BlockOpt (BlockTrans -> BlockTrans -> BlockTrans)
+-- | To merge two BlockOpt we first run the left-hand side optimization and
+-- capture the right-hand side in the continuation
+instance Semigroup BlockOpt where
+ BlockOpt opt0 <> BlockOpt opt1 = BlockOpt
+ $ \loop next -> opt0 loop (opt1 loop next)
+instance Monoid BlockOpt where
+ -- don't loop, just finalize
+ mempty = BlockOpt $ \_loop next -> next
+-- | loop until a fixpoint is reached
+runBlockOpt :: BlockOpt -> [JStat] -> [JStat]
+runBlockOpt (BlockOpt opt) xs = recur xs
+ where recur = opt recur id
+runBlockTrans :: [BlockTrans] -> [JStat] -> [JStat]
+runBlockTrans opts = foldl (.) id opts
+-- | Perform all the optimizations on the tail of a block.
+tailLoop :: BlockOpt
+tailLoop = BlockOpt $ \loop next -> \case
+ [] -> next []
+ -- this call to jsOptimize is required or else the optimizer will not
+ -- properly recur down JStat. See the 'deadCodeElim' test for examples which
+ -- were failing before this change
+ (x:xs) -> next (jsOptimize x : loop xs)
+-- Single Slot Optimizations
+{- |
+ Catch modify and assign operators:
+ case 1:
+ i = i + 1; ==> ++i;
+ case 2:
+ i = i - 1; ==> --i;
+ case 3:
+ i = i + n; ==> i += n;
+ case 4:
+ i = i - n; ==> i -= n;
+combineOps :: BlockOpt
+combineOps = BlockOpt $ \loop next ->
+ \case
+ -- find a op pattern, and rerun the optimizer on its result unless there is
+ -- nothing to optimize, in which case call the next optimization
+ (unchanged@(AssignStat
+ ident@(ValExpr (JVar i))
+ AssignOp
+ (InfixExpr op (ValExpr (JVar i')) e)) : xs)
+ | i == i' -> case (op, e) of
+ (AddOp, (ValExpr (JInt 1))) -> loop $ UOpStat PreIncOp ident : xs
+ (SubOp, (ValExpr (JInt 1))) -> loop $ UOpStat PreDecOp ident : xs
+ (AddOp, e') -> loop $ AssignStat ident AddAssignOp e' : xs
+ (SubOp, e') -> loop $ AssignStat ident SubAssignOp e' : xs
+ _ -> next $ unchanged : xs
+ -- commutative cases
+ (unchanged@(AssignStat
+ ident@(ValExpr (JVar i))
+ AssignOp
+ (InfixExpr op e (ValExpr (JVar i')))) : xs)
+ | i == i' -> case (op, e) of
+ (AddOp, (ValExpr (JInt 1))) -> loop $ UOpStat PreIncOp ident : xs
+ (SubOp, (ValExpr (JInt 1))) -> loop $ UOpStat PreDecOp ident : xs
+ (AddOp, e') -> loop $ AssignStat ident AddAssignOp e' : xs
+ (SubOp, e') -> loop $ AssignStat ident SubAssignOp e' : xs
+ _ -> next $ unchanged : xs
+ -- general case, we had nothing to optimize in this case so call the next
+ -- optimization
+ xs -> next xs
+-- Dual Slot Optimizations
+-- | Catch 'var i; i = q;' ==> 'var i = q;'
+declareAssign :: BlockOpt
+declareAssign = BlockOpt $
+ \loop next -> \case
+ ( (DeclStat i Nothing)
+ : (AssignStat (ValExpr (JVar i')) AssignOp v)
+ : xs
+ ) | i == i' -> loop (DeclStat i (Just v) : xs)
+ xs -> next xs
+-- | Eliminate all code after a return statement. This is a special case
+-- optimization that doesn't need to loop. See Note [Unsafe JavaScript
+-- optimizations]
+deadCodeElim :: BlockOpt
+deadCodeElim = BlockOpt $
+ \_loop next -> \case
+ (x@ReturnStat{}:_) -> next [x]
+ xs -> next xs
+-- | remove nested blocks
+flattenBlocks :: BlockTrans
+flattenBlocks (BlockStat y : ys) = flattenBlocks y ++ flattenBlocks ys
+flattenBlocks (x:xs) = x : flattenBlocks xs
+flattenBlocks [] = []