path: root/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
index f3a6122144..73f11a98d0 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Basic ( Boxity(..) )
import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
-import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Ppr
@@ -66,21 +65,13 @@ import GHC.IO (throwIO)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List ((\\))
-#if defined(INTEGER_GMP)
+import Data.List
import GHC.Exts
-import Data.Array.Base
-import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals
-#elif defined(INTEGER_SIMPLE)
-import GHC.Exts
-import GHC.Integer.Simple.Internals
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence (viewl, ViewL(..))
import Foreign
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- * A representation of semi evaluated Terms
@@ -330,11 +321,12 @@ cPprTermBase y =
. subTerms)
, ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && subTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
- , ifTerm' (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) ppr_int
- , ifTerm' (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) ppr_char
- , ifTerm' (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) ppr_float
- , ifTerm' (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) ppr_double
- , ifTerm' (isIntegerTy . ty) ppr_integer
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon intTyCon . ty) ppr_int
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon charTyCon . ty) ppr_char
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon floatTyCon . ty) ppr_float
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon doubleTyCon . ty) ppr_double
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon integerTyCon . ty) ppr_integer
+ , ifTerm' (isTyCon naturalTyCon . ty) ppr_natural
ifTerm :: (Term -> Bool)
@@ -357,10 +349,6 @@ cPprTermBase y =
(tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
return (a_tc == tc)
- isIntegerTy ty = fromMaybe False $ do
- (tc,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
- return (tyConName tc == integerTyConName)
ppr_int, ppr_char, ppr_float, ppr_double
:: Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
ppr_int _ Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=[w]}]} =
@@ -393,63 +381,53 @@ cPprTermBase y =
return (Just (Ppr.double f))
ppr_double _ _ = return Nothing
- ppr_integer :: Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
-#if defined(INTEGER_GMP)
- -- Reconstructing Integers is a bit of a pain. This depends deeply
- -- on the integer-gmp representation, so it'll break if that
- -- changes (but there are several tests in
- -- tests/ghci.debugger/scripts that will tell us if this is wrong).
- --
- -- data Integer
- -- = S# Int#
- -- | Jp# {-# UNPACK #-} !BigNat
- -- | Jn# {-# UNPACK #-} !BigNat
- --
- -- data BigNat = BN# ByteArray#
- --
- ppr_integer _ Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=[W# w]}]} =
- return (Just (Ppr.integer (S# (word2Int# w))))
- ppr_integer _ Term{dc=Right con,
- subTerms=[Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=ws}]}]} = do
- -- We don't need to worry about sizes that are not an integral
- -- number of words, because luckily GMP uses arrays of words
- -- (see GMP_LIMB_SHIFT).
+ ppr_bignat :: Bool -> Precedence -> [Word] -> m (Maybe SDoc)
+ ppr_bignat sign _ ws = do
- !(UArray _ _ _ arr#) = listArray (0,length ws-1) ws
- constr
- | "Jp#" <- getOccString (dataConName con) = Jp#
- | otherwise = Jn#
- return (Just (Ppr.integer (constr (BN# arr#))))
-#elif defined(INTEGER_SIMPLE)
- -- As with the GMP case, this depends deeply on the integer-simple
- -- representation.
+ wordSize = finiteBitSize (0 :: Word) -- does the word size depend on the target?
+ makeInteger n _ [] = n
+ makeInteger n s (x:xs) = makeInteger (n + (fromIntegral x `shiftL` s)) (s + wordSize) xs
+ signf = case sign of
+ False -> 1
+ True -> -1
+ return $ Just $ Ppr.integer $ signf * (makeInteger 0 0 ws)
+ -- Reconstructing Bignums is a bit of a pain. This depends deeply on their
+ -- representation, so it'll break if that changes (but there are several
+ -- tests in tests/ghci.debugger/scripts that will tell us if this is wrong).
- -- @
- -- data Integer = Positive !Digits | Negative !Digits | Naught
+ -- data Integer
+ -- = IS !Int#
+ -- | IP !BigNat
+ -- | IN !BigNat
- -- data Digits = Some !Word# !Digits
- -- | None
- -- @
+ -- data Natural
+ -- = NS !Word#
+ -- | NB !BigNat
- -- NB: the above has some type synonyms expanded out for the sake of brevity
- ppr_integer _ Term{subTerms=[]} =
- return (Just (Ppr.integer Naught))
- ppr_integer _ Term{dc=Right con, subTerms=[digitTerm]}
- | Just digits <- get_digits digitTerm
- = return (Just (Ppr.integer (constr digits)))
- where
- get_digits :: Term -> Maybe Digits
- get_digits Term{subTerms=[]} = Just None
- get_digits Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=[W# w]},t]}
- = Some w <$> get_digits t
- get_digits _ = Nothing
- constr
- | "Positive" <- getOccString (dataConName con) = Positive
- | otherwise = Negative
+ -- type BigNat = ByteArray#
+ ppr_integer :: Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
+ ppr_integer _ Term{dc=Right con, subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=ws}]}
+ | con == integerISDataCon
+ , [W# w] <- ws
+ = return (Just (Ppr.integer (fromIntegral (I# (word2Int# w)))))
+ ppr_integer p Term{dc=Right con, subTerms=[Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=ws}]}]}
+ | con == integerIPDataCon = ppr_bignat False p ws
+ | con == integerINDataCon = ppr_bignat True p ws
+ | otherwise = panic "Unexpected Integer constructor"
ppr_integer _ _ = return Nothing
+ ppr_natural :: Precedence -> Term -> m (Maybe SDoc)
+ ppr_natural _ Term{dc=Right con, subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=ws}]}
+ | con == naturalNSDataCon
+ , [w] <- ws
+ = return (Just (Ppr.integer (fromIntegral w)))
+ ppr_natural p Term{dc=Right con, subTerms=[Term{subTerms=[Prim{valRaw=ws}]}]}
+ | con == naturalNBDataCon = ppr_bignat False p ws
+ | otherwise = panic "Unexpected Natural constructor"
+ ppr_natural _ _ = return Nothing
--Note pprinting of list terms is not lazy
ppr_list :: Precedence -> Term -> m SDoc
ppr_list p (Term{subTerms=[h,t]}) = do