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3 files changed, 212 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
index c9142443c1..77df389dfb 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Arity.hs
@@ -509,9 +509,6 @@ this transformation. So we try to limit it as much as possible:
Of course both (1) and (2) are readily defeated by disguising the bottoms.
-Another place where -fpedantic-bottoms comes up is during eta-reduction.
-See Note [Eta reduction soundness], the bit about -fpedantic-bottoms.
4. Note [Newtype arity]
Non-recursive newtypes are transparent, and should not get in the way.
@@ -2382,20 +2379,13 @@ case where `e` is trivial):
`e = \x y. bot`.
Could we relax to "*At least one call in the same trace* is with n args"?
- (NB: Strictness analysis can only answer this relaxed question, not the
- original formulation.)
- Consider what happens for
+ No. Consider what happens for
``g2 c = c True `seq` c False 42``
Here, `g2` will call `c` with 2 arguments (if there is a call at all).
But it is unsound to eta-reduce the arg in `g2 (\x y. e x y)` to `g2 e`
when `e = \x. if x then bot else id`, because the latter will diverge when
- the former would not.
- On the other hand, with `-fno-pedantic-bottoms` , we will have eta-expanded
- the definition of `e` and then eta-reduction is sound
- (see Note [Dealing with bottom]).
- Consequence: We have to check that `-fpedantic-bottoms` is off; otherwise
- eta-reduction based on demands is in fact unsound.
+ the former would not. Fortunately, the strictness analyser will report
+ "Not always called with two arguments" for `g2` and we won't eta-expand.
See Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context] for the implementation
details. This criterion is tested extensively in T21261.
@@ -2541,7 +2531,7 @@ Then this is how the pieces are put together:
Because it's irrelevant! When we simplify an expression, we do so under the
assumption that it is currently under evaluation.)
This sub-demand literally says "Whenever this expression is evaluated, it
- is also called with two arguments, potentially multiple times".
+ is called with at least two arguments, potentially multiple times".
* Then the simplifier takes apart the lambda and simplifies the lambda group
and then calls 'tryEtaReduce' when rebuilding the lambda, passing the
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
index 5e5fb8bc52..86ad7df93d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
@@ -1643,11 +1643,7 @@ rebuildLam env bndrs body cont
mb_rhs = contIsRhs cont
-- See Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context]
- eval_sd
- | sePedanticBottoms env = topSubDmd
- -- See Note [Eta reduction soundness], criterion (S)
- -- the bit about -fpedantic-bottoms
- | otherwise = contEvalContext cont
+ eval_sd = contEvalContext cont
-- NB: cont is never ApplyToVal, because beta-reduction would
-- have happened. So contEvalContext can panic on ApplyToVal.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
index 8a207bd40e..85a5fbb4e0 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
@@ -598,26 +598,6 @@ multCard (Card a) (Card b)
bit1 = (a .&. b) .&. 0b010
bitN = (a .|. b) .&. shiftL bit1 1 .&. 0b100
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower and '+' on upper bounds of 'Card'.
-lubPlusCard :: Card -> Card -> Card
--- See Note [Algebraic specification for plusCard and multCard]
-lubPlusCard (Card a) (Card b)
- = Card (bit0 .|. bit1 .|. bitN)
- where
- bit0 = (a .|. b) .&. 0b001
- bit1 = (a .|. b) .&. 0b010
- bitN = ((a .|. b) .|. shiftL (a .&. b) 1) .&. 0b100
--- | Denotes '+' on lower and '∪' on upper bounds of 'Card'.
-plusLubCard :: Card -> Card -> Card
--- See Note [Algebraic specification for plusCard and multCard]
-plusLubCard (Card a) (Card b)
- = Card (bit0 .|. bit1 .|. bitN)
- where
- bit0 = (a .&. b) .&. 0b001
- bit1 = (a .|. b) .&. 0b010
- bitN = (a .|. b) .&. 0b100
* *
@@ -626,11 +606,11 @@ plusLubCard (Card a) (Card b)
--- | A demand describes a /scaled evaluation context/, e.g. how many times
--- and how deep the denoted thing is evaluated.
+-- | A demand describes
+-- * How many times a variable is evaluated, via a 'Card'inality, and
+-- * How deep its value was evaluated in turn, via a 'SubDemand'.
--- The "how many" component is represented by a 'Card'inality.
--- The "how deep" component is represented by a 'SubDemand'.
-- Examples (using Note [Demand notation]):
-- * 'seq' puts demand @1A@ on its first argument: It evaluates the argument
@@ -674,8 +654,8 @@ viewDmdPair BotDmd = (C_10, botSubDmd)
viewDmdPair AbsDmd = (C_00, botSubDmd)
viewDmdPair (D n sd) = (n, sd)
--- | @c :* sd@ is a demand that says \"evaluated @c@ times, and each time it
--- was evaluated, it was at least as deep as @sd@\".
+-- | @c :* sd@ is a demand that says \"evaluated @c@ times, and any trace in
+-- which it is evaluated will evaluate at least as deep as @sd@\".
-- Matching on this pattern synonym is a complete match.
-- If the matched demand was 'AbsDmd', it will match as @C_00 :* seqSubDmd@.
@@ -695,8 +675,9 @@ pattern n :* sd <- (viewDmdPair -> (n, sd)) where
n :* sd = D n sd & assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n) (ppr n $$ ppr sd)
{-# COMPLETE (:*) #-}
--- | A sub-demand describes an /evaluation context/, e.g. how deep the
--- denoted thing is evaluated. See 'Demand' for examples.
+-- | A sub-demand describes an /evaluation context/ (in the sense of an
+-- operational semantics), e.g. how deep the denoted thing is going to be
+-- evaluated. See 'Demand' for examples.
-- See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] for a more detailed
-- description of what a sub-demand means.
@@ -714,14 +695,17 @@ data SubDemand
-- @Poly b n@ is semantically equivalent to @Prod b [n :* Poly b n, ...]
-- or @Call n (Poly Boxed n)@. 'viewCall' and 'viewProd' do these rewrites.
- -- In Note [Demand notation]: @L === P(L,L,...)@ and @L === CL(L)@,
- -- @B === P(B,B,...)@ and @B === CB(B)@,
- -- @!A === !P(A,A,...)@ and @!A === !CA(B)@,
+ -- In Note [Demand notation]: @L === P(L,L,...)@ and @L === C(L)@,
+ -- @B === P(B,B,...)@ and @B === C(B)@,
+ -- @!A === !P(A,A,...)@ and @!A === C(A)@,
-- and so on.
-- We'll only see 'Poly' with 'C_10' (B), 'C_00' (A), 'C_0N' (L) and sometimes
-- 'C_1N' (S) through 'plusSubDmd', never 'C_01' (M) or 'C_11' (1) (grep the
-- source code). Hence 'CardNonOnce', which is closed under 'lub' and 'plus'.
+ --
+ -- Why doesn't this constructor simply carry a 'Demand' instead of its fields?
+ -- See Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand].
| Call !CardNonAbs !SubDemand
-- ^ @Call n sd@ describes the evaluation context of @n@ function
-- applications (with one argument), where the result of each call is
@@ -803,7 +787,7 @@ viewProd _ _
-- equality @Call C_0N (Poly C_0N) === Poly C_0N@, simplifying to 'Poly' 'SubDemand's
-- when possible.
mkCall :: CardNonAbs -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-mkCall C_1N sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd
+--mkCall C_1N sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd -- NO! #21085 strikes. See Note [mkCall and plusSubDmd]
mkCall C_0N sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) = sd
mkCall n sd = assertPpr (isCardNonAbs n) (ppr n $$ ppr sd) $
Call n sd
@@ -838,17 +822,6 @@ unboxDeeplyDmd BotDmd = BotDmd
unboxDeeplyDmd dmd@(D n sd) | isStrict n = D n (unboxDeeplySubDmd sd)
| otherwise = dmd
-multSubDmd :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-multSubDmd C_11 sd = sd -- An optimisation, for when sd is a deep Prod
--- The following three equations don't have an impact on Demands, only on
--- Boxity. They are needed so that we don't trigger the assertions in `:*`
--- when called from `multDmd`.
-multSubDmd C_00 _ = seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd A L == A /= !A`
-multSubDmd C_10 (Poly _ n) = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd B L == B /= !B`
-multSubDmd C_10 (Call n _) = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise we'd call `mkCall` with absent cardinality
-multSubDmd n (Poly b m) = Poly b (multCard n m)
-multSubDmd n (Call n' sd) = mkCall (multCard n n') sd
-multSubDmd n (Prod b ds) = mkProd b (strictMap (multDmd n) ds)
multDmd :: Card -> Demand -> Demand
multDmd C_11 dmd = dmd -- An optimisation
@@ -866,170 +839,85 @@ multDmd n BotDmd = if isStrict n then BotDmd else AbsDmd
-- See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] for the strictifyCard
multDmd n (D m sd) = multCard n m :* multSubDmd (strictifyCard n) sd
-{- Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-As Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation] points out, we need all 4
-different combinations of lub/plus demand operations on upper and lower bounds
- lubDmd, plusDmd, lubPlusDmd, plusLubDmd
-and the same for lubSubDmd, etc. In order to share as much code as possible
-and for the programmer to see immediately how the operations differ, we have
-one implementation of opDmd (and opSubDmd) that dispatches on a 'OpMode'.
-For good perf, we specialise this one implementation to the four different
-modes. So ideally we'd write
-lubSubDmd = opSubDmd (Lub, Lub)
-opSubDmd (l, u) = ... opSubDmd ...
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd" opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubSubDmd #-}
-But unfortunately, 'opSubDmd' will be picked as a loop-breaker and thus never
-inline into 'lubSubDmd', so its body will never actually be specialised for
-the op mode `(Lub, Lub)`. So instead we write
-lubSubDmd = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Lub)
-opSubDmdInl (l, u) = ... opSubDmd ...
-{-# INLINE opSubDmdInl #-}
-opSubDmd = opSubDmdInl
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd" forall l r. opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubSubDmd #-}
-Here, 'opSubDmdInl' will not be picked as the loop-breaker and thus inline into
-'lubSubDmd' and 'opSubDmd'. Since the latter will never inline, we'll specialise
-all call sites of 'opSubDmd' for the proper op mode. A nice trick!
-data LubOrPlus = Lub | Plus deriving Show
-instance Outputable LubOrPlus where ppr = text . show
--- | Determines whether to use 'LubOrPlus' for lower bounds and upper bounds,
--- respectively. See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd].
-type OpMode = (LubOrPlus, LubOrPlus)
+multSubDmd :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+multSubDmd C_11 sd = sd -- An optimisation, for when sd is a deep Prod
+-- The following three equations don't have an impact on Demands, only on
+-- Boxity. They are needed so that we don't trigger the assertions in `:*`
+-- when called from `multDmd`.
+multSubDmd C_00 _ = seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd A L == A /= !A`
+multSubDmd C_10 (Poly _ n) = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise `multSubDmd B L == B /= !B`
+multSubDmd C_10 (Call n _) = if isStrict n then botSubDmd else seqSubDmd -- Otherwise we'd call `mkCall` with absent cardinality
+multSubDmd n (Poly b m) = Poly b (multCard n m)
+multSubDmd n (Call n' sd) = mkCall (multCard n n') sd
+multSubDmd n (Prod b ds) = mkProd b (strictMap (multDmd n) ds)
--- | Denotes '∪' on 'SubDemand'.
-lubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Lub) l r
+lazifyIfStrict :: Card -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+lazifyIfStrict n sd = multSubDmd (glbCard C_01 n) sd
-- | Denotes '∪' on 'Demand'.
lubDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubDmd l r = opDmdInl (Lub, Lub) l r
+lubDmd BotDmd dmd2 = dmd2
+lubDmd dmd1 BotDmd = dmd1
+lubDmd (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "lubDmd" (\it -> ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
+ lubCard n1 n2 :* lubSubDmd sd1 sd2
--- | Denotes '+' on 'SubDemand'.
-plusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Plus, Plus) l r
+lubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+-- Shortcuts for neutral and absorbing elements.
+-- Below we assume that Boxed always wins.
+lubSubDmd (Poly Unboxed C_10) sd = sd
+lubSubDmd sd (Poly Unboxed C_10) = sd
+lubSubDmd sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) _ = sd
+lubSubDmd _ sd@(Poly Boxed C_0N) = sd
+-- Handle Prod
+lubSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
+ | let !d = polyFieldDmd b2 n2
+ = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (lubDmd d) ds1)
+lubSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
+ | equalLength ds1 ds2
+ = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith lubDmd ds1 ds2)
+-- Handle Call
+lubSubDmd (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
+ mkCall (lubCard n1 n2) (lubSubDmd sd1 sd2)
+-- Handle Poly
+lubSubDmd (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (lubCard n1 n2)
+-- Other Poly case by commutativity
+lubSubDmd sd1@Poly{} sd2 = lubSubDmd sd2 sd1
+-- Otherwise (Call `lub` Prod) return Top
+lubSubDmd _ _ = topSubDmd
-- | Denotes '+' on 'Demand'.
plusDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusDmd l r = opDmdInl (Plus, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-lubPlusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubPlusSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Lub, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'Demand'.
-lubPlusDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-lubPlusDmd l r = opDmdInl (Lub, Plus) l r
--- | Denotes '+' on lower bounds and '∪' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-plusLubSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusLubSubDmd l r = opSubDmdInl (Plus, Lub) l r
--- | Denotes '∪' on lower bounds and '+' on upper bounds on 'SubDemand'.
-plusLubDmd :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-plusLubDmd l r = opDmdInl (Plus, Lub) l r
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-{-# RULES "lubSubDmd" opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubDmd" opDmd (Lub, Lub) = lubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusSubDmd" opSubDmd (Plus, Plus) = plusSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusDmd" opDmd (Plus, Plus) = plusDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubPlusSubDmd" opSubDmd (Lub, Plus) = lubPlusSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "lubPlusDmd" opDmd (Lub, Plus) = lubPlusDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusLubSubDmd" opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) = plusLubSubDmd #-}
-{-# RULES "plusLubDmd" opDmd (Plus, Lub) = plusLubDmd #-}
--- And now the actual implementation that is to be specialised:
+plusDmd AbsDmd dmd2 = dmd2
+plusDmd dmd1 AbsDmd = dmd1
+plusDmd (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "plusDmd" (\it -> ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
+ -- Why lazify? See Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]
+ -- and also Note [Unrealised opportunity in plusDmd] which applies when both
+ -- n1 and n2 are lazy already
+ plusCard n1 n2 :* plusSubDmd (lazifyIfStrict n1 sd1) (lazifyIfStrict n2 sd2)
-neutralCard :: OpMode -> Card
-neutralCard (Lub, _) = C_10
-neutralCard (Plus, _) = C_00
-{-# INLINE neutralCard #-}
-absorbingCard :: OpMode -> Card
-absorbingCard (Lub, _) = C_0N
-absorbingCard (Plus, _) = C_1N
-{-# INLINE absorbingCard #-}
-opCard :: OpMode -> Card -> Card -> Card
-opCard (Lub, Lub) = lubCard
-opCard (Lub, Plus) = lubPlusCard
-opCard (Plus, Lub) = plusLubCard
-opCard (Plus, Plus) = plusCard
-{-# INLINE opCard #-}
-opDmdInl, opDmd :: OpMode -> Demand -> Demand -> Demand
-opDmdInl m (n1 :* _) dmd2 | n1 == neutralCard m = dmd2
-opDmdInl m dmd1 (n2 :* _) | n2 == neutralCard m = dmd1
-opDmdInl m@(l,u) (n1 :* sd1) (n2 :* sd2) = -- pprTraceWith "opDmd" (\it -> ppr l <+> ppr u $$ ppr (n1:*sd1) $$ ppr (n2:*sd2) $$ ppr it) $
- opCard m n1 n2 :* case l of
- Lub -> opSubDmd m sd1 sd2
- -- For Plus, there are four special cases due to strictness demands and
- -- Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]:
- Plus -> case (isStrict n1, isStrict n2) of
- (True, True) -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) sd1 sd2 -- (D1)
- (True, False) -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) sd1 (lazifySubDmd sd2) -- (D2)
- (False, True) -> opSubDmd (Plus, u) (lazifySubDmd sd1) sd2 -- (D2)
- (False, False) -> opSubDmd (Lub, u) sd1 sd2 -- (D3)
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-opDmd = opDmdInl
-{-# INLINE opDmdInl #-}
-{-# NOINLINE opDmd #-}
-opSubDmdInl, opSubDmd :: OpMode -> SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
+plusSubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand -> SubDemand
-- Shortcuts for neutral and absorbing elements.
-- Below we assume that Boxed always wins.
-opSubDmdInl m (Poly Unboxed n) sd | n == neutralCard m = sd
-opSubDmdInl m sd (Poly Unboxed n) | n == neutralCard m = sd
-opSubDmdInl m sd@(Poly Boxed n) _ | n == absorbingCard m = sd
-opSubDmdInl m _ sd@(Poly Boxed n) | n == absorbingCard m = sd
+plusSubDmd (Poly Unboxed C_00) sd = sd
+plusSubDmd sd (Poly Unboxed C_00) = sd
+plusSubDmd sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) _ = sd
+plusSubDmd _ sd@(Poly Boxed C_1N) = sd
-- Handle Prod
-opSubDmdInl m (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
+plusSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Poly b2 n2)
| let !d = polyFieldDmd b2 n2
- = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (opDmd m d) ds1)
-opSubDmdInl m (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
+ = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictMap (plusDmd d) ds1)
+plusSubDmd (Prod b1 ds1) (Prod b2 ds2)
| equalLength ds1 ds2
- = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith (opDmd m) ds1 ds2)
+ = mkProd (lubBoxity b1 b2) (strictZipWith plusDmd ds1 ds2)
-- Handle Call
-opSubDmdInl m@(l, _) (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
- mkCall (opCard m n1 n2) $! case l of
- Lub -> opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) sd1 sd2
- -- For Plus, there are four special cases due to strictness demands and
- -- Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation]. Usage is always lubbed:
- Plus -> case (isStrict n1, isStrict n2) of
- (True, True) -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) sd1 sd2 -- (C3)
- (False, True) -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) (lazifySubDmd sd1) sd2 -- (C2)
- (True, False) -> opSubDmd (Plus, Lub) sd1 (lazifySubDmd sd2) -- (C2)
- (False, False) -> opSubDmd (Lub, Lub) sd1 sd2 -- (C1)
+plusSubDmd (Call n1 sd1) (viewCall -> Just (n2, sd2)) =
+ mkCall (plusCard n1 n2) (lubSubDmd sd1 sd2)
-- Handle Poly
-opSubDmdInl m (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (opCard m n1 n2)
+plusSubDmd (Poly b1 n1) (Poly b2 n2) = Poly (lubBoxity b1 b2) (plusCard n1 n2)
-- Other Poly case by commutativity
-opSubDmdInl m sd1@Poly{} sd2 = opSubDmd m sd2 sd1
--- Otherwise (Call `op` Prod) return Top
-opSubDmdInl _ _ _ = topSubDmd
--- See Note [Manual specialisation of lub*Dmd/plus*Dmd]
-opSubDmd = opSubDmdInl
-{-# INLINE opSubDmdInl #-}
-{-# NOINLINE opSubDmd #-}
+plusSubDmd sd1@Poly{} sd2 = plusSubDmd sd2 sd1
+-- Otherwise (Call `plus` Prod) return Top
+plusSubDmd _ _ = topSubDmd
-- | Used to suppress pretty-printing of an uninformative demand
isTopDmd :: Demand -> Bool
@@ -1129,11 +1017,6 @@ strictifyDictDmd _ dmd = dmd
lazifyDmd :: Demand -> Demand
lazifyDmd = multDmd C_01
--- | Make a 'SubDemand' lazy.
-lazifySubDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand
-lazifySubDmd = multSubDmd C_01
-- | Wraps the 'SubDemand' with a one-shot call demand: @d@ -> @C1(d)@.
mkCalledOnceDmd :: SubDemand -> SubDemand
mkCalledOnceDmd sd = mkCall C_11 sd
@@ -1166,7 +1049,7 @@ subDemandIfEvaluated (_ :* sd) = sd
mkWorkerDemand :: Int -> Demand
mkWorkerDemand n = C_01 :* go n
where go 0 = topSubDmd
- go n = Call C_01 $ go (n-1)
+ go n = mkCall C_01 $ go (n-1)
argsOneShots :: DmdSig -> Arity -> [[OneShotInfo]]
-- ^ See Note [Computing one-shot info]
@@ -1242,22 +1125,24 @@ NB: The Premise only makes a difference for lower bounds/strictness.
Upper bounds/usage are unaffected by adding or leaving out evaluations that
never happen.
-So if `x` was demanded with `LP(1L)`, so perhaps `<body>` was
- f1 x = (x `seq` case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
-then `x` will be evaluated lazily, but any time `x` is evaluated, `e` is
-evaluated with sub-demand `P(1L)`, e.g., the first field of `e` is evaluated
-strictly, too.
-How does the additional strictness help? The long version is in #21081.
+The Premise comes into play when we have lazy Demands. For example, if `x` was
+demanded with `LP(SL,A)`, so perhaps the full expression was
+ let x = (e1, e2) in (x `seq` fun y `seq` case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
+then `x` will be evaluated lazily, but in any trace in which `x` is evaluated,
+the pair in its RHS will ultimately be evaluated deeply with sub-demand
+`P(SL,A)`. That means that `e1` is ultimately evaluated strictly, even though
+evaluation of the field does not directly follow the eval of `x` due to the
+intermittent call `fun y`.
+How does the additional strictness help? The long version is the list of
+examples at the end of this Note (as procured in #21081 and #18903).
The short version is
- * We get to take advantage of call-by-value/let-to-case in more situations.
- See example "More let-to-case" below.
+ * We get to take advantage of call-by-value/let-to-case in more situations,
+ as for e1 above. See example "More let-to-case" below.
* Note [Eta reduction based on evaluation context] applies in more situations.
See example "More eta reduction" below.
* We get to unbox more results, see example "More CPR" below.
- * We prevent annoying issues with `Poly` equalities, #21085. In short, we'd get
- `L + S = S = CS(S) < CS(L) = C(L+S)(LuS) = L + CS(S)` although `S = CS(S)`.
It seems like we don't give up anything in return. Indeed that is the case:
@@ -1271,47 +1156,26 @@ It seems like we don't give up anything in return. Indeed that is the case:
well as when expanding absent 'Poly's to 'Call' sub-demands in 'viewCall'.
Of course, we now have to maintain the Premise when we unpack and rebuild
-SubDemands. For strict demands, we know that the Premise indeed always holds for
+Demands. For strict demands, we know that the Premise indeed always holds for
any program trace abstracted over, whereas we have to be careful for lazy
-That makes for a strange definition of `plusDmd`, where we use `plusSubDmd`
-throughout for upper bounds (every eval returns the same, memoised heap object),
-but what we do on lower bounds depends on the strictness of both arguments:
- D1 `plusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are strict.
- D2 `plusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if one of them is lazy, which we
- *lazify* before (that's new), so that e.g.
- `LP(SL) + SP(L) = (L+S)P((M*SL)+L) = SP(L+L) = SP(L)`
- Multiplying with `M`/`C_01` is the "lazify" part here.
- Example proving that point:
- d2 :: <LP(SL)><SP(A)>
- d2 x y = y `seq` (case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
- -- What is demand on x in (d2 x x)? NOT SP(SL)!!
- D3 `lubPlusSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are lazy.
- This new operation combines `lubSubDmd` on lower bounds with `plusSubDmd`
- on upper bounds.
- Examples proving that point:
- d3 :: <LP(SL)><LP(A)>
- d3 x y = (case x of (a,b) -> a, y `seq` ())
- -- What is demand on x in `snd (d3 x x)`?
- -- Not LP(SL)!! d3 might evaluate second argument but not first.
- -- Lub lower bounds because we might evaluate one OR the other.
-Similarly, in the handling of Call SubDemands `Cn(sd)` in `plusSubDmd`, we use
-`lub` for upper bounds (because every call returns a fresh heap object), but
-what we do for lower bounds depends on whether the outer `n`s are strict:
- C1 `lubSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are lazy.
- C2 `plusLubSubDmd` on the nested `sd`s if one of the `n`s is lazy. That one's
- nested `sd` we *lazify*, so that e.g.
- `CL(SL) + CS(L) = C(L+S)((M*SL)+L) = CS(L+L) = CS(L)`
- `plusLubSubDmd` combines `plusSubDmd` on lower bounds with `lubSubDmd` on
- upper bounds.
- C3 `plusLubSubDmd` on the nested SubDemands if both args are strict.
-There are a couple of other examples in T21081.
-Here is a selection of examples demonstrating the
-usefulness of The Premise:
+In particular, when doing `plusDmd` we have to *lazify* the nested SubDemand
+if the outer cardinality is lazy. E.g.,
+ LP(SL) + SP(L) = (L+S)P((M*SL)+L) = SP(L+L) = SP(L)
+Multiplying with `M`/`C_01` is the "lazify" part here and is implemented in
+`lazifyIfStrict`. Example proving that point:
+ d2 :: <LP(SL)><SP(A)>
+ d2 x y = y `seq` (case x of (a,b) -> a, True)
+ -- What is the demand on x in (d2 x x)? NOT SP(SL)!!
+We used to apply the same reasoning to Call SubDemands `Cn(sd)` in `plusSubDmd`,
+but that led to #21717, because different calls return different heap objects.
+See Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand].
+There are a couple more examples that improve in T21081.
+Here is a selection of those examples demonstrating the usefulness of The
* "More let-to-case" (from testcase T21081):
@@ -1355,6 +1219,102 @@ usefulness of The Premise:
pair. That in turn means that Nested CPR can unbox the result of the
division even though it might throw.
+Note [Unrealised opportunity in plusDmd]
+Recall the lazification of SubDemands happening in `plusDmd` as described in
+Note [SubDemand denotes at least one evaluation].
+We *could* do better when both Demands are lazy already. Example
+ (fun 1, fun 2)
+Both args put Demand SCS(L) on `fun`. The lazy pair arg context lazifies
+this to LCS(L), and it would be reasonable to report this Demand on `fun` for
+the entire pair expression; after all, `fun` is called whenever it is evaluated.
+But our definition of `plusDmd` will compute
+ LCS(L) + LCS(L) = (L+L)(M*CS(L) + M*CS(L)) = L(CL(L)) = L
+Which is clearly less precise.
+Doing better here could mean to `lub` when both demands are lazy, e.g.,
+ LCS(L) + LCS(L) = (L+L)(CS(L) ⊔ CS(L)) = L(CS(L))
+Indeed that's what we did at one point between 9.4 and 9.6 after !7599, but it
+means that we need a function `lubPlusSubDmd` that lubs on lower bounds but
+plus'es upper bounds, implying maintenance challenges and complicated
+Plus, NoFib says that this special case doesn't bring all that much
+(geom. mean +0.0% counted instructions), so we don't bother anymore.
+Note [Call SubDemand vs. evaluation Demand]
+Although both evaluation Demands and Call SubDemands carry a (Card,SubDemand)
+pair, their interpretation is quite different. Example:
+ f x = fst x * snd x
+ -- f :: <SP(1L,1L)>, because 1P(1L,A)+1P(A,1L) = SP(1L,1L)
+ g x = fst (x 1) * snd (x 2)
+ -- g :: <SCS(P(ML,ML))>, because 1C1(P(1L,A))+1C1(P(A,1L)) = SCS(P(ML,ML))
+The point about this example is that both demands have P(A,1L)/P(1L,A) as
+sub-expressions, but when these sub-demands occur
+ 1. under an evaluation demand, we combine with `plusSubDmd`
+ 2. whereas under a Call sub-demand, we combine with `lubSubDmd`
+And thus (1) yields a stricter demand on the pair components than (2).
+In #21717 we saw that we really need lub in (2), because otherwise we make an
+unsound prediction in `g (\n -> if n == 1 then (1,1) else (bot,2))`; we'd say
+that the `bot` expression is always evaluated, when it clearly is not.
+Operationally, every call to `g` gives back a potentially distinct,
+heap-allocated pair with potentially different contents, and we must `lubSubDmd`
+over all such calls to approximate how any of those pairs might be used.
+That is in stark contrast to f's argument `x`: Operationally, every eval of
+`x` must yield the same pair and `f` evaluates both components of that pair.
+The theorem "every eval of `x` returns the same heap object" is a very strong
+MUST-alias property and we capitalise on that by using `plusSubDmd` in (1).
+And indeed we *must* use `plusSubDmd` in (1) for sound upper bounds in an
+analysis that assumes call-by-need (as opposed to the weaker call-by-name) for
+let bindings. Consider
+ h x = fst x * fst x
+ -- h :: <SP(SL,A)>
+And the expression `let a=1; p=(a,a)} in h p`. Here, *although* the RHS of `p`
+is only evaluated once under call-by-need, `a` is still evaluated twice.
+If we had used `lubSubDmd`, we'd see SP(1L,A) and the 1L unsoundly says "exactly
+If the analysis had assumed call-by-name, it would be sound to say "a is used
+once in p": p is used multiple times and hence so would a, as if p was a
+function. So using `plusSubDmd` does not only yield better strictness, it is
+also "holding up the other end of the bargain" of the call-by-need assumption
+for upper bounds.
+(To SG's knowledge, the distinction between call-by-name and call-by-need does
+not matter for strictness analysis/lower bounds, thus it would be sound to use
+`lubSubDmd` all the time there.)
+Note [mkCall and plusSubDmd]
+We never rewrite a strict, non-absent Call sub-demand like CS(S) to a
+polymorphic sub-demand like S, otherwise #21085 strikes. Consider the
+following inequality (would also for M and 1 instead of L and S, but we forbid
+such Polys):
+ L+S = S = CS(S) < CS(L) = CL(L)+CS(S)
+Note that L=CL(L). If we also had S=CS(S), we'd be in trouble: Now
+`plusSubDmd` would no longer maintain the equality relation on sub-demands,
+much less monotonicity. Bad!
+Clearly, `n <= Cn(n)` is unproblematic, as is `n >= Cn(n)` for any `n`
+except 1 and S. But `CS(S) >= S` would mean trouble, because then we'd get
+the problematic `CS(S) = S`. We have just established that `S < CS(S)`!
+As such, the rewrite CS(S) to S is anti-monotone and we forbid it, first
+and foremost in `mkCall` (which is the only place that rewrites Cn(n) to n).
+Crisis and #21085 averted!
Note [Computing one-shot info]
Consider a call
@@ -2102,7 +2062,7 @@ If this same function is applied to one arg, all we can say is that it
uses x with 1L, and its arg with demand 1P(L,L).
Note [Understanding DmdType and DmdSig]
Demand types are sound approximations of an expression's semantics relative to
the incoming demand we put the expression under. Consider the following