path: root/compiler/parser/Parser.y
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/parser/Parser.y')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Parser.y b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
index 5fea8646a4..e969e31e1e 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import Util ( looksLikePackageName, fstOf3, sndOf3, thdOf3 )
import GhcPrelude
-%expect 236 -- shift/reduce conflicts
+%expect 237 -- shift/reduce conflicts
{- Last updated: 04 June 2018
@@ -542,10 +542,10 @@ are the most common patterns, rewritten as regular expressions for clarity:
'<-' { L _ (ITlarrow _) }
'->' { L _ (ITrarrow _) }
'@' { L _ ITat }
- '~' { L _ ITtilde }
'=>' { L _ (ITdarrow _) }
'-' { L _ ITminus }
- '!' { L _ ITbang }
+ PREFIX_TILDE { L _ ITtilde }
+ PREFIX_BANG { L _ ITbang }
'*' { L _ (ITstar _) }
'-<' { L _ (ITlarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation
'>-' { L _ (ITrarrowtail _) } -- for arrow notation
@@ -647,8 +647,6 @@ identifier :: { Located RdrName }
| qconop { $1 }
| '(' '->' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName funTyCon)
[mop $1,mu AnnRarrow $2,mcp $3] }
- | '(' '~' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ eqTyCon_RDR)
- [mop $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mcp $3] }
-- Backpack stuff
@@ -1681,13 +1679,22 @@ rule_activation :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe Activation) }
: {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) }
| rule_explicit_activation { (fst $1,Just (snd $1)) }
+rule_activation_marker :: { [AddAnn] }
+ : PREFIX_TILDE { [mj AnnTilde $1] }
+ | VARSYM {% if (getVARSYM $1 == fsLit "~")
+ then return [mj AnnTilde $1]
+ else do { addError (getLoc $1) $ text "Invalid rule activation marker"
+ ; return [] } }
rule_explicit_activation :: { ([AddAnn]
,Activation) } -- In brackets
: '[' INTEGER ']' { ([mos $1,mj AnnVal $2,mcs $3]
,ActiveAfter (getINTEGERs $2) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $2)))) }
- | '[' '~' INTEGER ']' { ([mos $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mj AnnVal $3,mcs $4]
+ | '[' rule_activation_marker INTEGER ']'
+ { ($2++[mos $1,mj AnnVal $3,mcs $4]
,ActiveBefore (getINTEGERs $3) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $3)))) }
- | '[' '~' ']' { ([mos $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mcs $3]
+ | '[' rule_activation_marker ']'
+ { ($2++[mos $1,mcs $3]
,NeverActive) }
rule_foralls :: { ([AddAnn], Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs], [LRuleBndr GhcPs]) }
@@ -2027,9 +2034,7 @@ tyapps :: { [Located TyEl] } -- NB: This list is reversed
tyapp :: { Located TyEl }
: atype { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpd (unLoc $1) }
| TYPEAPP atype { sLL $1 $> $ (TyElKindApp (comb2 $1 $2) $2) }
- | qtyconop { sL1 $1 $ if isBangRdr (unLoc $1) then TyElBang else
- if isTildeRdr (unLoc $1) then TyElTilde else
- TyElOpr (unLoc $1) }
+ | qtyconop { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) }
| tyvarop { sL1 $1 $ TyElOpr (unLoc $1) }
| SIMPLEQUOTE qconop {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ TyElOpr (unLoc $2))
[mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnVal $2] }
@@ -2042,6 +2047,8 @@ atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
| tyvar { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- (See Note [Unit tuples])
| '*' {% do { warnStarIsType (getLoc $1)
; return $ sL1 $1 (HsStarTy noExtField (isUnicode $1)) } }
+ | PREFIX_TILDE atype {% ams (sLL $1 $> (mkBangTy SrcLazy $2)) [mj AnnTilde $1] }
+ | PREFIX_BANG atype {% ams (sLL $1 $> (mkBangTy SrcStrict $2)) [mj AnnBang $1] }
| '{' fielddecls '}' {% amms (checkRecordSyntax
(sLL $1 $> $ HsRecTy noExtField $2))
-- Constructor sigs only
@@ -2411,25 +2418,8 @@ docdecld :: { LDocDecl }
decl_no_th :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
: sigdecl { $1 }
- | '!' aexp rhs {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 ->
- do { let { e = patBuilderBang (getLoc $1) $2
- ; l = comb2 $1 $> };
- (ann, r) <- checkValDef SrcStrict e Nothing $3 ;
- runPV $ hintBangPat (comb2 $1 $2) (unLoc e) ;
- -- Depending upon what the pattern looks like we might get either
- -- a FunBind or PatBind back from checkValDef. See Note
- -- [FunBind vs PatBind]
- case r of {
- (FunBind _ n _ _ _) ->
- amsL l [mj AnnFunId n] >> return () ;
- (PatBind _ (dL->L l _) _rhs _) ->
- amsL l [] >> return () } ;
- _ <- amsL l (ann ++ fst (unLoc $3) ++ [mj AnnBang $1]) ;
- return $! (sL l $ ValD noExtField r) } }
| infixexp_top opt_sig rhs {% runECP_P $1 >>= \ $1 ->
- do { (ann,r) <- checkValDef NoSrcStrict $1 (snd $2) $3;
+ do { (ann,r) <- checkValDef $1 (snd $2) $3;
let { l = comb2 $1 $> };
-- Depending upon what the pattern looks like we might get either
-- a FunBind or PatBind back from checkValDef. See Note
@@ -2551,8 +2541,8 @@ activation :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe Activation) }
explicit_activation :: { ([AddAnn],Activation) } -- In brackets
: '[' INTEGER ']' { ([mj AnnOpenS $1,mj AnnVal $2,mj AnnCloseS $3]
,ActiveAfter (getINTEGERs $2) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $2)))) }
- | '[' '~' INTEGER ']' { ([mj AnnOpenS $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mj AnnVal $3
- ,mj AnnCloseS $4]
+ | '[' rule_activation_marker INTEGER ']'
+ { ($2++[mj AnnOpenS $1,mj AnnVal $3,mj AnnCloseS $4]
,ActiveBefore (getINTEGERs $3) (fromInteger (il_value (getINTEGER $3)))) }
@@ -2712,10 +2702,14 @@ aexp :: { ECP }
-- If you change the parsing, make sure to understand
-- Note [Lexing type applications] in Lexer.x
- | '~' aexp { ECP $
+ | PREFIX_TILDE aexp { ECP $
runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 ->
amms (mkHsLazyPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mj AnnTilde $1] }
+ | PREFIX_BANG aexp { ECP $
+ runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 ->
+ amms (mkHsBangPatPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2) [mj AnnBang $1] }
| '\\' apat apats '->' exp
{ ECP $
runECP_PV $5 >>= \ $5 ->
@@ -3194,24 +3188,14 @@ gdpat :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (LGRHS GhcPs (Located b)) }
-- we parse them right when bang-patterns are off
pat :: { LPat GhcPs }
pat : exp {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $1 }
- | '!' aexp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 ->
- amms (checkPattern (patBuilderBang (getLoc $1) $2))
- [mj AnnBang $1] }
bindpat :: { LPat GhcPs }
bindpat : exp {% -- See Note [Parser-Validator ReaderT SDoc] in RdrHsSyn
checkPattern_msg (text "Possibly caused by a missing 'do'?")
(runECP_PV $1) }
- | '!' aexp {% -- See Note [Parser-Validator ReaderT SDoc] in RdrHsSyn
- amms (checkPattern_msg (text "Possibly caused by a missing 'do'?")
- (patBuilderBang (getLoc $1) `fmap` runECP_PV $2))
- [mj AnnBang $1] }
apat :: { LPat GhcPs }
apat : aexp {% (checkPattern <=< runECP_P) $1 }
- | '!' aexp {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 ->
- amms (checkPattern (patBuilderBang (getLoc $1) $2))
- [mj AnnBang $1] }
apats :: { [LPat GhcPs] }
: apat apats { $1 : $2 }
@@ -3473,7 +3457,6 @@ oqtycon_no_varcon :: { Located RdrName } -- Type constructor which cannot be mi
| '(' ':' ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName
; name = sL1 $2 $! consDataCon_RDR }
in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] }
- | '(' '~' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ eqTyCon_RDR) [mop $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mcp $3] }
{- Note [Type constructors in export list]
@@ -3519,12 +3502,13 @@ qtyconsym :: { Located RdrName }
tyconsym :: { Located RdrName }
: CONSYM { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $1) }
- | VARSYM { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getVARSYM $1) }
+ | VARSYM { sL1 $1 $!
+ if getVARSYM $1 == fsLit "~"
+ then eqTyCon_RDR
+ else mkUnqual tcClsName (getVARSYM $1) }
| ':' { sL1 $1 $! consDataCon_RDR }
| '-' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit "-") }
- | '!' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit "!") }
| '.' { sL1 $1 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit ".") }
- | '~' { sL1 $1 $ eqTyCon_RDR }
@@ -3534,7 +3518,6 @@ op :: { Located RdrName } -- used in infix decls
: varop { $1 }
| conop { $1 }
| '->' { sL1 $1 $ getRdrName funTyCon }
- | '~' { sL1 $1 $ eqTyCon_RDR }
varop :: { Located RdrName }
: varsym { $1 }
@@ -3677,8 +3660,7 @@ special_id
| 'signature' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "signature") }
special_sym :: { Located FastString }
-special_sym : '!' {% ams (sL1 $1 (fsLit "!")) [mj AnnBang $1] }
- | '.' { sL1 $1 (fsLit ".") }
+special_sym : '.' { sL1 $1 (fsLit ".") }
| '*' { sL1 $1 (fsLit (starSym (isUnicode $1))) }
@@ -4015,10 +3997,6 @@ in ApiAnnotation.hs
mj :: HasSrcSpan e => AnnKeywordId -> e -> AddAnn
mj a l = AddAnn a (gl l)
-mjL :: AnnKeywordId -> SrcSpan -> AddAnn
-mjL = AddAnn
-- |Construct an AddAnn from the annotation keyword and the Located Token. If
-- the token has a unicode equivalent and this has been used, provide the
@@ -4101,12 +4079,12 @@ mcs ll = mj AnnCloseS ll
-- |Given a list of the locations of commas, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnComma
-- entry for each SrcSpan
mcommas :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn]
-mcommas ss = map (mjL AnnCommaTuple) ss
+mcommas = map (AddAnn AnnCommaTuple)
-- |Given a list of the locations of '|'s, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnVbar
-- entry for each SrcSpan
mvbars :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn]
-mvbars ss = map (mjL AnnVbar) ss
+mvbars = map (AddAnn AnnVbar)
-- |Get the location of the last element of a OrdList, or noSrcSpan
oll :: HasSrcSpan a => OrdList a -> SrcSpan