path: root/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index b9bfcce531..ba56325e31 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module RnEnv (
lookupTypeOccRn, lookupKindOccRn,
lookupGlobalOccRn, lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe,
+ lookupOccRn_overloaded, lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded,
HsSigCtxt(..), lookupLocalTcNames, lookupSigOccRn,
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ module RnEnv (
lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupSubBndrOcc, lookupFamInstName,
lookupSubBndrGREs, lookupConstructorFields,
+ lookupFldInstAxiom, lookupFldInstDFun, fieldLabelInScope,
lookupSyntaxName, lookupSyntaxNames, lookupIfThenElse,
lookupGreRn, lookupGreRn_maybe,
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ module RnEnv (
addFvRn, mapFvRn, mapMaybeFvRn, mapFvRnCPS,
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
- dataTcOccs, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg,
+ dataTcOccs, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg, unknownSubordinateErr,
HsDocContext(..), docOfHsDocContext
) where
@@ -50,17 +52,19 @@ import IfaceEnv
import HsSyn
import RdrName
import HscTypes
-import TcEnv ( tcLookupDataCon, tcLookupField, isBrackStage )
+import TcEnv
import TcRnMonad
-import Id ( isRecordSelector )
+import Id
+import Var
import Name
import NameSet
import NameEnv
import Avail
import Module
import ConLike
-import DataCon ( dataConFieldLabels, dataConTyCon )
-import TyCon ( isTupleTyCon, tyConArity )
+import DataCon
+import TyCon
+import CoAxiom
import PrelNames ( mkUnboundName, isUnboundName, rOOT_MAIN, forall_tv_RDR )
import ErrUtils ( MsgDoc )
import BasicTypes ( Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), minPrecedence, defaultFixity )
@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ lookupFamInstName Nothing tc_rdr -- Family instance; tc_rdr is an *occurrenc
= lookupLocatedOccRn tc_rdr
-lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [Name]
+lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [FieldLabel]
-- Look up the fields of a given constructor
-- * For constructors from this module, use the record field env,
-- which is itself gathered from the (as yet un-typechecked)
@@ -346,7 +350,7 @@ lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [Name]
lookupConstructorFields con_name
= do { this_mod <- getModule
; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod con_name then
- do { RecFields field_env _ <- getRecFieldEnv
+ do { field_env <- getRecFieldEnv
; return (lookupNameEnv field_env con_name `orElse` []) }
do { con <- tcLookupDataCon con_name
@@ -404,7 +408,7 @@ greRdrName gre
Imported is -> used_rdr_name_from_is is
- occ = nameOccName (gre_name gre)
+ occ = greOccName gre
unqual_rdr = mkRdrUnqual occ
used_rdr_name_from_is imp_specs -- rdr_name is unqualified
@@ -428,12 +432,16 @@ lookupSubBndrGREs env parent rdr_name
ParentIs p
| isUnqual rdr_name -> filter (parent_is p) gres
| otherwise -> filter (parent_is p) (pickGREs rdr_name gres)
+ FldParent { par_is = p }
+ | isUnqual rdr_name -> filter (parent_is p) gres
+ | otherwise -> filter (parent_is p) (pickGREs rdr_name gres)
gres = lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
- parent_is p (GRE { gre_par = ParentIs p' }) = p == p'
- parent_is _ _ = False
+ parent_is p (GRE { gre_par = ParentIs p' }) = p == p'
+ parent_is p (GRE { gre_par = FldParent { par_is = p'}}) = p == p'
+ parent_is _ _ = False
Note [Family instance binders]
@@ -692,6 +700,56 @@ lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe rdr_name
Just gre -> return (Just (gre_name gre)) }
+-- The following are possible results of lookupOccRn_overloaded:
+-- Nothing -> name not in scope (no error reported)
+-- Just (Left x) -> name uniquely refers to x, or there is a name clash (reported)
+-- Just (Right (l, xs)) -> ambiguous between the fields xs with label l;
+-- fields are represented as (parent, selector) pairs
+lookupOccRn_overloaded :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe (Either Name (FieldLabelString, [(Name, Name)])))
+lookupOccRn_overloaded rdr_name
+ = do { local_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; case lookupLocalRdrEnv local_env rdr_name of {
+ Just name -> return (Just (Left name)) ;
+ Nothing -> do
+ { mb_name <- lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded rdr_name
+ ; case mb_name of {
+ Just name -> return (Just name) ;
+ Nothing -> do
+ { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; is_ghci <- getIsGHCi -- This test is not expensive,
+ -- and only happens for failed lookups
+ ; lookupQualifiedNameGHCi_overloaded dflags is_ghci rdr_name } } } } }
+lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe (Either Name (FieldLabelString, [(Name, Name)])))
+lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded rdr_name
+ | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name -- This happens in derived code
+ = do { n' <- lookupExactOcc n; return (Just (Left n')) }
+ | Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
+ = do { n <- lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
+ ; return (Just (Left n)) }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; overload_ok <- xoptM Opt_OverloadedRecordFields
+ ; case lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name env of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ [gre] | Just lbl <- greLabel gre
+ -> do { addUsedRdrName True gre rdr_name
+ ; return (Just (Right (lbl, [greBits gre]))) }
+ [gre] -> do { addUsedRdrName True gre rdr_name
+ ; return (Just (Left (gre_name gre))) }
+ gres | all isRecFldGRE gres && overload_ok
+ -> do { mapM_ (\ gre -> addUsedRdrName True gre rdr_name) gres
+ ; return (Just (Right (expectJust "greLabel" (greLabel (head gres)), map greBits gres))) }
+ gres -> do { addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
+ ; return (Just (Left (gre_name (head gres)))) } }
+ where
+ greBits (GRE{ gre_name = n, gre_par = FldParent { par_is = p }}) = (p, n)
+ greBits gre = pprPanic "lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded/greBits" (ppr gre)
-- Lookup in the Global RdrEnv of the module
@@ -735,6 +793,104 @@ lookupGreRn_help rdr_name lookup
; return (Just (head gres)) } }
+%* *
+ Looking up record field instances
+%* *
+The Has and Upd typeclasses, and the FldTy and UpdTy type families,
+(all defined in GHC.Records) are magical, in that rather than looking
+for instances in the usual way, we refer to the fields that are in
+scope. When looking for a match for
+ Has (T a b) "foo" t
+ FldTy (T a b) "foo"
+ etc.
+we check that the field foo belonging to type T is in scope, and look
+up the dfun created by makeOverloadedRecFldInsts in TcFldInsts (see
+Note [Instance scoping for OverloadedRecordFields] in TcFldInsts).
+The lookupFldInstAxiom and lookupFldInstDFun functions each call
+lookupRecFieldLabel to perform most of the checks and find the
+appropriate name.
+Note [Duplicate field labels with data families]
+Consider the following example:
+ module M where
+ data family F a
+ data instance F Int = MkF1 { foo :: Int }
+ module N where
+ import M
+ data instance F Char = MkF2 { foo :: Char }
+Both fields have the same lexical parent (the family tycon F)! Thus
+it is not enough to lookup the field in the GlobalRdrEnv with
+lookupSubBndrGREs: we also need to check the selector names to find
+the one with the right representation tycon.
+lookupRecFieldLabel :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> TyCon
+ -> TcM (Maybe FieldLabel)
+-- Lookup the FieldLabel from a label string, parent tycon and
+-- representation tycon
+lookupRecFieldLabel lbl tc rep_tc
+ = case lookupFsEnv (tyConFieldLabelEnv rep_tc) lbl of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing -- This field doesn't belong to the datatype!
+ Just fl -> do { gbl_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; if fieldLabelInScope (tcg_rdr_env gbl_env) tc fl
+ then do { addUsedSelector (flSelector fl)
+ ; return $ Just fl }
+ else return Nothing }
+lookupFldInstAxiom :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> TyCon
+ -> Bool -> TcM (Maybe (CoAxiom Branched))
+-- Lookup a FldTy or UpdTy axiom from a label string, parent
+-- tycon and representation tycon
+lookupFldInstAxiom lbl tc rep_tc want_get
+ = do { mb_fl <- lookupRecFieldLabel lbl tc rep_tc
+ ; case mb_fl of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just fl -> do { thing <- tcLookupGlobal (get_or_set fl)
+ ; case thing of -- See Note [Bogus instances] in TcFldInsts
+ ACoAxiom ax -> return $ Just ax
+ _ -> return Nothing } }
+ where
+ get_or_set | want_get = flFldTyAxiom
+ | otherwise = flUpdTyAxiom
+lookupFldInstDFun :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> TyCon
+ -> Bool -> TcM (Maybe DFunId)
+-- Lookup a Has or Upd DFunId from a label string, parent tycon and
+-- representation tycon
+lookupFldInstDFun lbl tc rep_tc want_has
+ = do { mb_fl <- lookupRecFieldLabel lbl tc rep_tc
+ ; case mb_fl of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just fl -> do { dfun <- tcLookupId (has_or_upd fl)
+ ; if isDFunId dfun -- See Note [Bogus instances] in TcFldInsts
+ then return $ Just dfun
+ else return Nothing } }
+ where
+ has_or_upd | want_has = flHasDFun
+ | otherwise = flUpdDFun
+fieldLabelInScope :: GlobalRdrEnv -> TyCon -> FieldLabel -> Bool
+-- Determine whether a FieldLabel in scope, given its parent (family)
+-- tycon. See Note [Duplicate field labels with data families].
+fieldLabelInScope env tc fl = any ((flSelector fl ==) . gre_name) gres
+ where
+ gres = lookupSubBndrGREs env (ParentIs (tyConName tc))
+ (mkVarUnqual (flLabel fl))
%* *
@@ -758,6 +914,12 @@ Note [Handling of deprecations]
- the things exported by a module export 'module M'
+addUsedSelector :: Name -> RnM ()
+-- Record usage of record selectors by OverloadedRecordFields
+addUsedSelector n = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; updMutVar (tcg_used_selectors env)
+ (\s -> addOneToNameSet s n) }
addUsedRdrName :: Bool -> GlobalRdrElt -> RdrName -> RnM ()
-- Record usage of imported RdrNames
addUsedRdrName warnIfDeprec gre rdr
@@ -787,9 +949,10 @@ warnIfDeprecated gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_prov = Imported (imp_spec : _)
Just txt -> addWarn (mk_msg txt)
Nothing -> return () } }
+ occ = greOccName gre
mk_msg txt = sep [ sep [ ptext (sLit "In the use of")
- <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name))
- <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ <+> pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace occ)
+ <+> quotes (ppr occ)
, parens imp_msg <> colon ]
, ppr txt ]
@@ -807,8 +970,9 @@ lookupImpDeprec :: ModIface -> GlobalRdrElt -> Maybe WarningTxt
lookupImpDeprec iface gre
= mi_warn_fn iface (gre_name gre) `mplus` -- Bleat if the thing,
case gre_par gre of -- or its parent, is warn'd
- ParentIs p -> mi_warn_fn iface p
- NoParent -> Nothing
+ ParentIs p -> mi_warn_fn iface p
+ FldParent { par_is = p } -> mi_warn_fn iface p
+ NoParent -> Nothing
Note [Used names with interface not loaded]
@@ -879,6 +1043,50 @@ lookupQualifiedNameGHCi dflags is_ghci rdr_name
= return Nothing
doc = ptext (sLit "Need to find") <+> ppr rdr_name
+-- Overloaded counterpart to lookupQualifiedNameGHCi: a qualified name
+-- should never be overloaded, so when we check for overloaded field
+-- matches, generate name clash errors if we find more than one.
+lookupQualifiedNameGHCi_overloaded :: DynFlags -> Bool -> RdrName
+ -> RnM (Maybe (Either Name (FieldLabelString, [(Name, Name)])))
+lookupQualifiedNameGHCi_overloaded dflags is_ghci rdr_name
+ | Just (mod,occ) <- isQual_maybe rdr_name
+ , is_ghci
+ , gopt Opt_ImplicitImportQualified dflags -- Enables this GHCi behaviour
+ , not (safeDirectImpsReq dflags) -- See Note [Safe Haskell and GHCi]
+ = -- We want to behave as we would for a source file import here,
+ -- and respect hiddenness of modules/packages, hence loadSrcInterface.
+ do { res <- loadSrcInterface_maybe doc mod False Nothing
+ ; case res of
+ Succeeded iface
+ | (n:ns) <- [ name
+ | avail <- mi_exports iface
+ , name <- availNames avail
+ , nameOccName name == occ ]
+ -> ASSERT(null ns) return (Just (Left n))
+ | xs@((p, lbl, sel):ys) <- [ (availName avail, lbl, sel)
+ | avail <- mi_exports iface
+ , (lbl, sel) <- availOverloadedFlds avail
+ , lbl == occNameFS occ ]
+ -> do { when (not (null ys)) $
+ addNameClashErrRn rdr_name (map (toFakeGRE mod) xs)
+ ; return (Just (Right (lbl, [(p, sel)]))) }
+ _ -> -- Either we couldn't load the interface, or
+ -- we could but we didn't find the name in it
+ do { traceRn (text "lookupQualifiedNameGHCI_overloaded" <+> ppr rdr_name)
+ ; return Nothing } }
+ | otherwise
+ = return Nothing
+ where
+ doc = ptext (sLit "Need to find") <+> ppr rdr_name
+ -- Make up a fake GRE solely for error-reporting purposes.
+ toFakeGRE mod (p, lbl, sel) = GRE { gre_name = sel
+ , gre_par = FldParent p (Just lbl)
+ , gre_prov = Imported [imp_spec] }
+ where imp_spec = ImpSpec (ImpDeclSpec mod mod True noSrcSpan) ImpAll
Note [Looking up signature names]
@@ -988,7 +1196,7 @@ lookupBindGroupOcc ctxt what rdr_name
[] | null all_gres -> bale_out_with Outputable.empty
| otherwise -> bale_out_with local_msg
- | ParentIs {} <- gre_par gre
+ | gre_par gre /= NoParent
, not meth_ok
-> bale_out_with sub_msg
| otherwise
@@ -1386,18 +1594,10 @@ checkShadowedOccs (global_env,local_env) get_loc_occ ns
is_shadowed_gre :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM Bool
-- Returns False for record selectors that are shadowed, when
-- punning or wild-cards are on (cf Trac #2723)
- is_shadowed_gre gre@(GRE { gre_par = ParentIs _ })
+ is_shadowed_gre gre | isRecFldGRE gre
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; if (xopt Opt_RecordPuns dflags || xopt Opt_RecordWildCards dflags)
- then do { is_fld <- is_rec_fld gre; return (not is_fld) }
- else return True }
+ ; return $ not (xopt Opt_RecordPuns dflags || xopt Opt_RecordWildCards dflags) }
is_shadowed_gre _other = return True
- is_rec_fld gre -- Return True for record selector ids
- | isLocalGRE gre = do { RecFields _ fld_set <- getRecFieldEnv
- ; return (gre_name gre `elemNameSet` fld_set) }
- | otherwise = do { sel_id <- tcLookupField (gre_name gre)
- ; return (isRecordSelector sel_id) }
@@ -1607,7 +1807,7 @@ warnUnusedTopBinds gres
$ do isBoot <- tcIsHsBoot
let noParent gre = case gre_par gre of
NoParent -> True
- ParentIs _ -> False
+ _ -> False
-- Don't warn about unused bindings with parents in
-- .hs-boot files, as you are sometimes required to give
-- unused bindings (trac #3449).
@@ -1626,50 +1826,48 @@ check_unused flag bound_names used_names
-- Helpers
warnUnusedGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedGREs gres
- = warnUnusedBinds [(n,p) | GRE {gre_name = n, gre_prov = p} <- gres]
-warnUnusedLocals :: [Name] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedLocals names
- = warnUnusedBinds [(n,LocalDef) | n<-names]
-warnUnusedBinds :: [(Name,Provenance)] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedBinds names = mapM_ warnUnusedName (filter reportable names)
- where reportable (name,_)
+warnUnusedGREs gres = mapM_ warnUnusedGRE (filter reportable gres)
+ where reportable gre@(GRE { gre_name = name })
| isWiredInName name = False -- Don't report unused wired-in names
-- Otherwise we get a zillion warnings
-- from Data.Tuple
- | otherwise = not (startsWithUnderscore (nameOccName name))
+ | otherwise = not (startsWithUnderscore (greOccName gre))
+warnUnusedLocals :: [Name] -> RnM ()
+warnUnusedLocals names
+ = warnUnusedGREs [GRE {gre_name = n, gre_par = NoParent, gre_prov = LocalDef} | n<-names]
-warnUnusedName :: (Name, Provenance) -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedName (name, LocalDef)
- = addUnusedWarning name (nameSrcSpan name)
+warnUnusedGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM ()
+warnUnusedGRE gre = case gre_prov gre of
+ LocalDef -> addUnusedWarning gre (nameSrcSpan (gre_name gre))
(ptext (sLit "Defined but not used"))
-warnUnusedName (name, Imported is)
- = mapM_ warn is
- where
- warn spec = addUnusedWarning name span msg
+ Imported is -> mapM_ warn is
+ where
+ warn spec = addUnusedWarning gre span msg
span = importSpecLoc spec
pp_mod = quotes (ppr (importSpecModule spec))
msg = ptext (sLit "Imported from") <+> pp_mod <+> ptext (sLit "but not used")
-addUnusedWarning :: Name -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> RnM ()
-addUnusedWarning name span msg
+addUnusedWarning :: GlobalRdrElt -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> RnM ()
+addUnusedWarning gre span msg
= addWarnAt span $
sep [msg <> colon,
- nest 2 $ pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (nameOccName name))
- <+> quotes (ppr name)]
+ nest 2 $ pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace (greOccName gre))
+ <+> quotes pp_name]
+ where
+ pp_name | isOverloadedRecFldGRE gre = ppr (greOccName gre)
+ | otherwise = ppr (gre_name gre)
addNameClashErrRn :: RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
- | all isLocalGRE gres -- If there are two or more *local* defns, we'll have reported
- = return () -- that already, and we don't want an error cascade
+ | all isLocalGRE gres && not (all isRecFldGRE gres)
+ -- If there are two or more *local* defns, we'll have reported
+ = return () -- that already, and we don't want an error cascade
| otherwise
= addErr (vcat [ptext (sLit "Ambiguous occurrence") <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name),
ptext (sLit "It could refer to") <+> vcat (msg1 : msgs)])
@@ -1677,7 +1875,10 @@ addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
(np1:nps) = gres
msg1 = ptext (sLit "either") <+> mk_ref np1
msgs = [ptext (sLit " or") <+> mk_ref np | np <- nps]
- mk_ref gre = sep [quotes (ppr (gre_name gre)) <> comma, pprNameProvenance gre]
+ mk_ref gre = sep [nom <> comma, pprNameProvenance gre]
+ where nom = case gre_par gre of
+ FldParent { par_lbl = Just lbl } -> text "the field" <+> quotes (ppr lbl)
+ _ -> quotes (ppr (gre_name gre))
shadowedNameWarn :: OccName -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
shadowedNameWarn occ shadowed_locs