path: root/ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/pphs.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/pphs.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1030 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/pphs.c b/ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/pphs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index aa31a3e7bd..0000000000
--- a/ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/pphs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1030 +0,0 @@
- /* pphs - a pretty printer for Haskell code */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define MAXLINELENGTH 256
-enum face {KW, ID, IS, SU, ST, CO, NU, MA, SP, LC, RC, CR, BF, FQ, EQ, DQ, QD, EE, DC, DP, CP, LE, GE, LA, RA, RR, TI, BE};
- /* Possible values of typeface */
-int widecolons = 0; /* User may want space between double colons */
-int subscripts = 0; /* User may want subscripts after '_' in identifiers */
-int tablength = 8; /* User's input file tablength */
-typedef struct ElementType_Tag { /* Basic storage unit */
- char chars[MAXLINELENGTH]; /* Characters */
- enum face typeface[MAXLINELENGTH]; /* Typefaces */
- int indentation, length, col; /* Indentation level, non-empty length, column level */
-} ElementType;
-typedef struct StackNodeType_Tag *Link; /* Stack-related types */
-typedef struct StackNodeType_Tag {
- ElementType Element; /* Stack item */
- Link Next; /* Link to next node */
-} StackNodeType;
-typedef StackNodeType *StackNodePtr;
-typedef StackNodePtr StackType;
-typedef int QueueSizeType; /* Queue-related types */
-typedef struct QueueNodeType_Tag *Connection;
-typedef struct QueueNodeType_Tag {
- ElementType Element; /* Queue item */
- Connection Next; /* Link to next node */
-} QueueNodeType;
-typedef QueueNodeType *QueueNodePtr;
-typedef struct QueueType_Tag {
- QueueNodePtr Front, Rear;
- QueueSizeType Length;
-} QueueType;
-FILE *ifptr; /* input file pointer */
- /* * * STACK FUNCTIONS * * */
- CreateStack() /* Returns an empty stack */
- return(NULL);
- IsEmptyStack(s) /* Returns 1 if s is empty, 0 otherwise */
-StackType s;
- return(s == NULL);
- Push(s, x) /* Returns stack with x pushed onto s */
-StackType s;
-ElementType x;
- StackType p;
- p = (StackNodeType *) malloc(sizeof(StackNodeType));
- if (p == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "pphs: Stack is too big\n");
- exit(3);
- }
- else {
- (*p).Element = x;
- (*p).Next = s;
- return(p);
- }
- Top(s) /* Returns value of top element in s */
-StackType s;
- return((*s).Element);
- Pop(s) /* Returns stack with top element of s popped off */
-StackType s;
- StackType t;
- t = (*s).Next;
- free(s);
- return(t);
- PopSym(s) /* Returns stack with top element of s popped off without freeing */
-StackType s;
- StackType t;
- t = (*s).Next;
-/* free(s); As PopSym is called within a function, free would free space needed later */
- return(t);
- /* * * QUEUE FUNCTIONS * * */
- CreateQueue() /* Returns an empty queue */
- QueueType q;
- q.Front = NULL;
- q.Rear = NULL;
- q.Length = 0;
- return(q);
- IsEmptyQueue(q) /* Returns 1 if q is empty, 0 otherwise */
-QueueType q;
- return(q.Front == NULL);
- LengthOfQueue(q) /* Returns length of q */
-QueueType q;
- return(q.Length);
- FrontOfQueue(q) /* Returns pointer to front of q */
-QueueType q;
- return(q.Front);
- RearOfQueue(q) /* Returns pointer to rear of q */
-QueueType q;
- return(q.Rear);
- AddToQueue(q, x) /* Adds item x to rear of queue q */
-QueueType q;
-ElementType x;
- QueueNodePtr p;
- p = (QueueNodeType *) malloc(sizeof(QueueNodeType));
- if (p == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "pphs: Queue is too big\n");
- exit(4);
- }
- else {
- (*p).Element = x;
- (*p).Next = NULL;
- if (q.Front == NULL)
- q.Front = p;
- else
- (*(q.Rear)).Next = p;
- q.Rear = p;
- q.Length++;
- return(q);
- }
- TakeFromQueue(q) /* Removes front item from queue */
-QueueType q;
- QueueNodePtr p;
- if (q.Front == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "pphs: Stack underflow\n");
- exit(5);
- }
- else {
- p = q.Front;
- q.Front = (*(q.Front)).Next;
- if (q.Front == NULL)
- q.Rear = NULL;
- q.Length--;
- free(p);
- return(q);
- }
- /* * * TYPEFACE FUNCTIONS * * */
- IsMathsChar(c) /* Returns 1 if c is a character to be in maths */
-char c;
- return((c == '[') || (c == ']') || (c == '/') || (c == ',') || (c == '!')
- || (c == ':') || (c == ';') || (c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '&')
- || (c == '#') || (c == '+') || (c == '-') || (c == '<') || (c == '>')
- || (c == '{') || (c == '}') || (c == '=') || (c == '|') || (c == '\'')
- || (c == '^'));
- ChangeTypeface(store, length, finish, tf) /* Changes the typeface to tf in store
- for length until finish */
-ElementType store;
-int length, finish;
-enum face tf;
- int counter;
- for (counter = (finish - length); counter < finish; counter++)
- store.typeface[counter] = tf;
- return(store);
- CheckForDoubleChar(store, position) /* Checks for double character
- in store.chars[position - 2..position - 1],
- if found alters typeface */
-ElementType store;
-int position;
- if ((position >= 2) && (store.typeface[position - 2] != DC)) {
- if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '-') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '-')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = LC; /* Haskell "--" line comment */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = LC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '{') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '-')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = RC; /* Haskell "{-" regional comment begin */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '-') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '}')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = CR; /* Haskell "-}" regional comment end */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '+') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '+')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = DP; /* Double plus */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == ':') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '+')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = CP; /* Colon plus */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '<') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '=')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = LE; /* Less than or equal to */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '>') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '=')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = GE; /* Greater than or equal to */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '<') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '-')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = LA; /* Leftarrow */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '-') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '>')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = RA; /* Rightarrow */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if ((store.chars[position - 2] == '=') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '>')) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = RR; /* Double rightarrow */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = DC;
- }
- else if (((store.chars[position - 2] == '*') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '*'))
- || ((store.chars[position - 2] == '^') && (store.chars[position - 1] == '^'))) {
- store.typeface[position - 2] = MA; /* Exponent, ie not Times */
- store.typeface[position - 1] = MA;
- }
- }
- return(store);
- IsHaskellPunc(c) /* Returns 1 if c is a punctuation mark not part of identifier */
-char c;
- return((c == ' ') || (c == ',') || (c == '@') || (c == '#') || (c == '$')
- || (c == '%') || (c == '&') || (c == '*') || (c == '(') || (c == ')')
- || (c == '-') || (c == '+') || (c == '=') || (c == '\\') || (c == '|')
- || (c == '[') || (c == ']') || (c == '{') || (c == '}') || (c == ':')
- || (c == ';') || (c == '"') || (c == '~') || (c == '?') || (c == '/')
- || (c == '<') || (c == '>') || (c == '^'));
- IsKeyWord(str) /* Returns 1 if str is a keyword to be in keyword font */
- return((!(strcmp(str, "case"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "class")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "data"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "default")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "deriving"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "else")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "hiding"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "if")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "import"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "in")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "infix"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "infixl")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "infixr"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "instance")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "interface"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "let")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "module"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "of")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "renaming"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "then")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "to"))) || (!(strcmp(str, "type")))
- || (!(strcmp(str, "where"))));
- KeyWord(c, store, position) /* Returns length of keyword if a keyword ends
- at store.chars[position - 1] */
-char c;
-ElementType store;
-int position;
- int counter, start, end = position - 1, keywordlen = 0;
- char str[MAXLINELENGTH];
- if ((!isalpha(c)) && (c != '_') && (c != '\'') && (position)) {
- for (counter = end; (counter >= 0) && ((isalpha(store.chars[counter]))
- || (c == '_') || (c == '\''))
- && (counter >= store.indentation); counter--) {
- ; /* Just count letters */
- }
- start = ++counter;
- for (counter = 0; counter + start <= end; counter++) {
- str[counter] = store.chars[counter + start]; /* Copy letters into str */
- }
- str[counter] = '\0'; /* Add null character to end */
- if (IsKeyWord(str)) /* Checks word in str is keyword */
- keywordlen = strlen(str); /* and measures it */
- }
- return(keywordlen);
- CheckForKeyword(c, store, position) /* Returns store with any possible keyword
- ending at store.chars[position - 1]
- identified as such in store.typeface */
-char c;
-ElementType store;
-int position;
- if (KeyWord(c, store, position))
- store = ChangeTypeface(store, KeyWord(c, store, position), position, KW);
- return(store);
- IsNumber(c, store, position, statesok) /* Returns 1 if c forms part of a number */
-char c;
-ElementType store;
-int position, statesok;
- int counter, foundident = 0, foundpunc = 0;
- if (((isdigit(c)) || (c == 'e') || (c == 'E') || (c == '|') || (c == '.'))
- && (statesok)) {
- counter = position - 1;
- while ((isdigit(store.chars[counter])) && (counter >= 0))
- counter--;
- if (((store.chars[counter] == '+') || (store.chars[counter] == '-'))
- && ((store.chars[counter - 1] == 'e') || (store.chars[counter - 1] == 'E'))
- && (counter > 2))
- counter -= 2;
- else if (((store.chars[counter] == 'e') || (store.chars[counter] == 'E'))
- && (counter > 1))
- counter--;
- while ((isdigit(store.chars[counter])) && (counter >= 0))
- counter--;
- if ((store.chars[counter] == '.') && (counter > 1))
- counter--;
- while ((isdigit(store.chars[counter])) && (counter >= 0))
- counter--;
- if ((isalpha(store.chars[counter])) && (counter >= 0))
- foundident = 1; /* ie not number */
- else if ((IsHaskellPunc(store.chars[counter])) || (counter < 0))
- foundpunc = 1; /* ie is number */
- }
- return(foundpunc);
- SelectSkipLine(s, store, linecounter) /* Returns store containing line for skipover */
-StackType s;
-ElementType store;
-int linecounter;
- ElementType temp;
- int counter;
- if (!(IsEmptyStack(s))) {
- while (((Top(s)).length <= linecounter) || ((Top(s)).indentation >= linecounter)) {
- temp = Top(s);
- s = PopSym(s);
- if (IsEmptyStack(s)) {
- counter = temp.length;
- while (counter < linecounter) {
- temp.chars[counter] = ' ';
- temp.typeface[counter++] = SP;
- }
- temp.chars[counter] = '\0'; /* Add null character to end */
- s = Push(s, temp);
- break;
- }
- }
- store = Top(s);
- }
- else { /* Stack is empty */
- counter = store.length;
- while (counter < linecounter) {
- store.chars[counter] = ' ';
- store.typeface[counter++] = SP;
- }
- store.chars[counter] = '\0'; /* Add null character to end */
- }
- return(store);
- /* * * STORING FUNCTIONS * * */
- CreateStore() /* Returns an empty store */
- ElementType store;
- strcpy(store.chars, "");
- store.length = 0;
- store.indentation = 0;
- store.col = 0;
- return(store);
- StoreSpace(store, position) /* Stores a space in the store at current position */
-ElementType store;
-int position;
- store.chars[position] = ' ';
- store.typeface[position] = SP;
- return(store);
- /* * * WRITING FUNCTIONS * * */
- WriteStartFace(tf) /* Writes LaTeX typeface commands for start of section */
-enum face tf;
- if (tf == KW) /* Keywords */
- printf("{\\keyword ");
- else if ((tf == ID) || (tf == IS)) /* Identifiers */
- printf("{\\iden ");
- else if (tf == ST) /* Strings */
- printf("{\\stri ");
- else if (tf == CO) /* Comments */
- printf("{\\com ");
- else if (tf == NU) /* Numbers */
- printf("{\\numb ");
- else if ((tf == MA) || (tf == TI)) /* Various maths */
- printf("$");
- WriteFinishFace(tf) /* Writes LaTeX typeface commands for end of section */
-enum face tf;
- if ((tf == KW) || (tf == ID) || (tf == ST) || (tf == CO)
- || (tf == NU)) /* Keywords, identifiers, strings, comments or numbers */
- printf("\\/}");
- else if ((tf == MA) || (tf == TI)) /* Various maths */
- printf("$");
- else if (tf == IS) /* Subscripts in identifiers */
- printf("\\/}$");
- WriteSpaces(store, counter, finish) /* Writes consecutive spaces,
- returning new counter value */
-ElementType store;
-int counter, finish;
- int spaces = 0; /* The number of spaces found */
- for (; (store.typeface[counter] == SP) && (counter < finish); counter++)
- spaces++;
- printf("\\xspa{%d}", spaces);
- return(--counter);
- WriteChar(store, counter, finish) /* Writes charater, returning new counter value */
-ElementType store;
-int counter, finish;
- if (store.typeface[counter] == SP) /* Space */
- printf("\\xspa1"); /* Redundant */
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == BE) /* Bar under equals sign */
- printf("\\bareq");
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == DP) { /* Double plus */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("\\plusplus");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == CP) { /* Colon plus */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("{:}{+}");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == LE) { /* Less than or equal to */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("$\\leq$");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == GE) { /* Greater than or equal to */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("$\\geq$");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == LA) { /* Leftarrow */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("$\\leftarrow$");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == RA) { /* Rightarrow */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("$\\rightarrow$");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == RR) { /* Double rightarrow */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("$\\Rightarrow$");
- counter++;
- }
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == RC) { /* Regional comment begin */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("{\\com \\{-\\/}");
- counter++;
- }
- else
- printf("{\\com \\{\\/}");
- }
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == CR) { /* Regional comment end */
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == DC)) {
- printf("{\\com -\\}\\/}");
- counter++;
- }
- else
- printf("{\\com -\\/}");
- }
- else if ((store.typeface[counter] == LC) && (store.chars[counter] == '-'))
- printf("{\\rm -}"); /* Comment - problem: "--" becomes "-" in LaTeX so fix done */
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '\\')
- printf("\\hbox{$\\setminus$}"); /* Backslash */
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '*') {
- if (store.typeface[counter] == TI)
- printf("\\times "); /* Multiplication */
- else
- printf("*"); /* Other star symbols, eg Exponent */
- }
- else if ((store.chars[counter] == '_') && (store.typeface[counter] == SU)) {
- if ((counter < finish - 1) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == IS))
- printf("$_"); /* Subscript character */
- }
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '^')
- printf("\\char'136 "); /* Up-arrow */
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '~')
- printf("\\char'176 "); /* Tilda */
- else if ((store.chars[counter] == ':') && (store.chars[counter - 1] == ':')
- && (widecolons))
- printf("\\,:"); /* Double colon */
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '"') {
- if ((counter) && ((store.chars[counter - 1] == '"')
- || (store.chars[counter - 1] == '\'')))
- printf("\\,"); /* If previous character was a quote, leave a little space */
- if (store.typeface[counter] == DQ)
- printf("{\\rm ``}"); /* Open doublequote */
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == QD)
- printf("{\\rm \"}"); /* Close doublequote */
- else
- printf("{\\rm \\char'175}"); /* Escape doublequote in string */
- }
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '\'') {
- if ((counter) && ((store.chars[counter - 1] == '"')
- || ((store.chars[counter - 1] == '\'')
- && ((store.typeface[counter - 1] != MA)
- || (store.typeface[counter] != MA)))))
- printf("\\,"); /* If previous character was a quote, leave a little space
- except when it's a double prime */
- if (store.typeface[counter] == FQ)
- printf("\\forquo "); /* Forward single quote */
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == EQ)
- printf("\\escquo "); /* Escape single quote */
- else if (store.typeface[counter] == BF) {
- if ((counter + 1 < store.length) && (store.typeface[counter + 1] == BF)
- && (counter + 1 != store.indentation)) {
- printf("{\\com \'\'\\/}"); /* Closing LaTeX style quote */
- counter++;
- }
- else
- printf("{\\com \'\\/}"); /* Single quote following backquote in comment */
- }
- else
- printf("\'"); /* Prime */
- }
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '{')
- printf("\\hbox{$\\cal \\char'146$}"); /* Open curly bracket */
- else if (store.chars[counter] == '}')
- printf("\\hbox{$\\cal \\char'147$}"); /* Close curly bracket */
- else if ((counter) && (store.chars[counter - 1] == '[') && (store.chars[counter] == ']'))
- printf("\\,]"); /* Leave small gap between adjacent square brackets */
- else if ((store.chars[counter] == '$') || (store.chars[counter] == '%')
- || (store.chars[counter] == '_') || (store.chars[counter] == '#')
- || (store.chars[counter] == '&')) /* Various characters needing '\' for LaTeX */
- printf("\\%c", store.chars[counter]);
- else /* Other characters */
- printf("%c", store.chars[counter]);
- return(counter);
- WriteSkipover(store) /* Writes the skipover portion of line in store */
-ElementType store;
- int counter = 0;
- printf("\\skipover{"); /* Write opening LaTeX skipover command */
- WriteStartFace(store.typeface[counter]); /* Write opening LaTeX typeface command */
- if (store.typeface[counter] == SP)
- counter = WriteSpaces(store, counter, store.indentation); /* Write spaces */
- else
- counter = WriteChar(store, counter, store.indentation); /* Write character */
- for (counter++; counter < store.indentation; counter++){ /* until end of skipover */
- if (store.typeface[counter - 1] != store.typeface[counter]) { /* If typeface change */
- WriteFinishFace(store.typeface[counter - 1]); /* write closing typeface command */
- WriteStartFace(store.typeface[counter]); /* write opening LaTeX typeface command */
- }
- if (store.typeface[counter] == SP)
- counter = WriteSpaces(store, counter, store.indentation); /* Write spaces */
- else
- counter = WriteChar(store, counter, store.indentation); /* Write character */
- }
- if (store.typeface[counter - 1] == SU)
- ; /* If indentation is under subscript don't open math section */
- else
- WriteFinishFace(store.typeface[counter - 1]); /* Write closing LaTeX typeface command */
- printf("}"); /* Write closing LaTeX skipover command */
- WriteWords(store) /* Writes rest of line, starting at indentation level */
-ElementType store;
- int counter = store.indentation;
- int intabular = 0; /* Boolean: is in tabular section for internal alignment */
- WriteStartFace(store.typeface[counter]); /* Write opening LaTeX typeface command */
- if (store.typeface[counter] == SP)
- counter = WriteSpaces(store, counter, store.length); /* Write spaces */
- else
- counter = WriteChar(store, counter, store.length); /* Write character */
- for (counter++; counter < store.length; counter++){ /* until end of word */
- if ((store.col) && (store.col == counter)) {
- printf(" & ");
- if (store.chars[counter - 1] == ':')
- printf("$:");
- intabular = 1;
- }
- if (store.typeface[counter - 1] != store.typeface[counter]) /* If typeface change */
- WriteFinishFace(store.typeface[counter - 1]); /* Write closing typeface command */
- if ((store.typeface[counter] == SP) && (intabular)) {
- printf(" & ");
- intabular = 0;
- }
- if ((store.typeface[counter - 1] != store.typeface[counter]) /* If typeface change */
- && ((store.chars[counter] != ':') || (store.col != counter + 1)))
- WriteStartFace(store.typeface[counter]); /* Write opening LaTeX typeface command */
- if (store.typeface[counter] == SP)
- counter = WriteSpaces(store, counter, store.length); /* Write spaces */
- else if ((store.chars[counter] != ':') || (!store.col) || (store.col != counter + 1))
- counter = WriteChar(store, counter, store.length); /* Write character */
- }
- WriteFinishFace(store.typeface[counter - 1]); /* Write closing LaTeX typeface command */
- WriteLine(store, needed) /* Writes the line in store,
- only writing LaTeX newline if needed */
-ElementType store;
-int needed;
- if (store.indentation)
- WriteSkipover(store);
- if (store.indentation < store.length)
- WriteWords(store);
- if (needed)
- printf("\\\\"); /* LaTeX newline character */
- printf("\n");
- WriteQueue(q) /* Writes lines, removing them from queue,
- leaves last line in queue if not in tabular section */
-QueueType q;
- int intabular = 0;
- if ((!(IsEmptyQueue(q))) && ((*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element.col)) {
- printf("\\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\\xspa1}c@{}l}\n");
- intabular = 1;
- }
- while (LengthOfQueue(q) > !intabular) {
- WriteLine((*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element, 1); /* LaTeX newline character is needed */
- q = TakeFromQueue(q);
- }
- if (intabular)
- printf("\\end{tabular}\\\\\n");
- return(q);
- WriteRestOfQueue(q) /* Writes all lines, removing them from queue,
- doesn't have LaTeX newline after last line */
-QueueType q;
- int intabular = 0;
- if ((!(IsEmptyQueue(q))) && ((*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element.col)) {
- printf("\\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\\xspa1}c@{}l}\n");
- intabular = 1;
- }
- while (!(IsEmptyQueue(q))) {
- WriteLine((*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element, (LengthOfQueue(q) > 1)); /* Last line doesn't
- need LaTeX newline character */
- q = TakeFromQueue(q);
- }
- if (intabular) {
- printf("\\end{tabular}");
- if (!IsEmptyQueue(q)) /* Last line doesn't need LaTeX newline character */
- printf("\\\\");
- printf("\n");
- }
- return(q);
-main (argc, argv) /* * * MAIN PROGRAM * * */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- int tripped = 1, instring = 0, instringincomment = 0, inlinecomment = 0;
- int incharquote = 0, incharquoteincomment = 0, inbackquoteincomment = 0;
- int insub = 0;
- /* Booleans - just taken new line, in string, in string inside comment, in line comment,
- in character quote, in character quote inside comment, in backquote inside comment,
- in subscript */
- int linecounter = 0, indentcounter = 0, inregcomment = 0, pos;
- /* Counters: current position on line, indentation of current line,
- nesting level of regional comments, position marker */
- char c; /* Character */
- StackType s; /* Stack of previous longest lines */
- QueueType q; /* Queue of lines waiting to be printed */
- ElementType store; /* Store of letters, typefaces and non-empty length */
- if ((argc == 3) && (argv[1][0] == '-')) { /* If options specified with call */
- if (strstr(argv[1], "s")) /* if -s option, subscripts in identifiers wanted */
- subscripts = 1;
- if (strstr(argv[1], "t")) { /* if -tX option, tab characters are X spaces */
- for (pos = 1; (argv[1][pos] != 't'); pos++) /* find 't' */
- ;
- for (pos++, tablength = 0; isdigit(argv[1][pos]); pos++) /* read number */
- tablength = (tablength * 10) + (argv[1][pos] - '0');
- }
- if (strstr(argv[1], "w")) /* if -w option called, wide double colons wanted */
- widecolons = 1;
- }
- else if (argc == 2) /* If no options */
- ;
- else { /* If not called with pphs and a filename */
- fprintf(stderr, "pphs: Call with one file name\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((strcspn(argv[argc - 1], ".") == strlen(argv[argc - 1])) /* If filename has no extention */
- && ((ifptr = fopen(argv[argc - 1], "r")) == NULL)) /* and no plain file of that name */
- strcat(argv[argc - 1], ".hs"); /* add a ".hs" extention */
- if ((ifptr = fopen(argv[argc - 1], "r")) == NULL) { /* Open input file */
- fprintf(stderr, "pphs: File could not be opened\n"); /* eg isn't there */
- exit(2);
- }
- else {
- printf("\\begin{tabbing}\n"); /* Start of Haskell program */
- store = CreateStore(); /* an empty one */
- s = CreateStack(); /* an empty one */
- q = CreateQueue(); /* an empty one */
- fscanf(ifptr, "%c", &c); /* Read character */
- while (!feof(ifptr)) { /* While not at end of input file */
- while ((isspace(c)) && (!(feof(ifptr)))) { /* Read blank characters */
- if (c == ' ') {
- if (tripped)
- linecounter++; /* Count leading spaces */
- else { /* or */
- store = StoreSpace(store, linecounter++); /* Store intermediate
- or trailing space */
- if (store.length < linecounter)
- store.chars[linecounter] = '\0'; /* Add null character to end */
- }
- fscanf(ifptr, "%c", &c); /* Read next character */
- }
- else if (c == '\t') {
- if (tripped)
- linecounter += (tablength - (linecounter % tablength));
- else {
- store = StoreSpace(store, linecounter++);
- for (; linecounter % tablength; linecounter++)
- store = StoreSpace(store, linecounter);
- if (store.length < linecounter)
- store.chars[linecounter] = '\0'; /* Add null character to end */
- }
- fscanf(ifptr, "%c", &c); /* Read next character */
- }
- else if (c == '\n') {
- tripped = 1; /* Just taken a new line */
- inlinecomment = 0;
- if (!(IsEmptyStack(s)))
- while (((Top(s)).length <= store.length)
- && ((Top(s)).indentation >= store.length)) {
- s = Pop(s);
- if (IsEmptyStack(s))
- break;
- }
- if (store.length > 0) { /* Push non-empty line onto indentation stack */
- store.indentation = indentcounter;
- s = Push(s, store);
- }
- if (!(IsEmptyQueue(q))) {
- if ((store.col != (*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element.col)
- || (!(*(FrontOfQueue(q))).Element.col))
- q = WriteQueue(q); /* If internal alignment changes or there is none
- write out lines */
- }
- q = AddToQueue(q, store); /* Add to writing queue */
- linecounter = 0; /* Get ready to count leading spaces */
- store.length = linecounter;
- fscanf(ifptr, "%c", &c); /* Read next character */
- }
- else break;
- }
- if (tripped) {
- indentcounter = linecounter;
- store.indentation = linecounter;
- store.col = 0;
- }
- if ((tripped) && (linecounter)) { /* Skipover necessary for indentation */
- store = SelectSkipLine(s, store, linecounter);
- store.indentation = linecounter;
- store.col = 0;
- }
- if (!feof(ifptr))
- tripped = 0; /* No longer just taken new line */
- while ((!(isspace(c))) && (!(feof(ifptr)))) { /* Read word */
- if ((linecounter > 1) && (!IsEmptyQueue(q))
- && ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.length >= linecounter)
- && (linecounter > store.indentation)
- && (linecounter > (*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.indentation)
- && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] == ' ')
- && ((((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter - 1] == ' ')
- && ((c == (*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter])
- || ((c == '=')
- && ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter] == ':')
- && ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter + 1] == ':'))))
- || (((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter - 1] == ':')
- && ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter] == ':')
- && (c == '=')))
- && ((store.chars[linecounter - 2] == ' ')
- || ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter - 2] == ' '))
- && (((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.col == 0)
- || ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.col == linecounter))) {
- store.col = linecounter; /* Identify any internal alignment */
- (*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.col = linecounter;
- }
- if ((c == '"') && (!incharquote) /* String outside comments */
- && (!inregcomment) && (!inlinecomment)) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\'))
- || (!linecounter))
- instring = !instring;
- }
- else if ((c == '"') && (!incharquoteincomment) /* String inside comment */
- && (!inbackquoteincomment)
- && ((inregcomment) || (inlinecomment))) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\'))
- || (!linecounter))
- instringincomment = !instringincomment;
- }
- else if ((c == '`') && ((inlinecomment) || (inregcomment))) {
- if ((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '`'))
- inbackquoteincomment = 2; /* Opening LaTeX style quote in comment */
- else
- inbackquoteincomment = !inbackquoteincomment; /* Backquote in comment */
- }
- else if ((linecounter) && (!inlinecomment) && (!instring)) {
- if ((store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '{') && (c == '-'))
- inregcomment++; /* Haskell "{-" regional comment begin */
- else if ((store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '-') && (c == '}')) {
- inregcomment--; /* Haskell "-}" regional comment end */
- instringincomment = 0;
- incharquoteincomment = 0;
- inbackquoteincomment = 0;
- }
- }
- if (c == '|') {
- if ((!IsEmptyQueue(q))
- && ((((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.chars[linecounter] == '=')
- && (linecounter == store.indentation))
- || ((*(RearOfQueue(q))).Element.typeface[linecounter] == BE)))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = BE;
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = MA;
- }
- else if ((c == '\'') && (linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '\\'))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = EQ; /* Escape character quote */
- else if ((c == '\'') && (!instring) && (!inregcomment) && (!inlinecomment)) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\')
- && ((IsHaskellPunc(store.chars[linecounter - 1])) || (incharquote)))
- || (!linecounter)) {
- incharquote = !incharquote;
- store.typeface[linecounter] = FQ; /* Character quote */
- }
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = MA; /* Prime */
- }
- else if ((c == '\'') && (!instringincomment)
- && ((inregcomment) || (inlinecomment))) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\')
- && ((IsHaskellPunc(store.chars[linecounter - 1]))
- || (incharquoteincomment)))
- || (!linecounter)) {
- incharquoteincomment = !incharquoteincomment;
- store.typeface[linecounter] = FQ; /* Character quote in comment */
- }
- else if (inbackquoteincomment) {
- inbackquoteincomment--;
- store.typeface[linecounter] = BF; /* `x' character quote in comment */
- }
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = MA; /* Prime */
- }
- else if (c == '"') {
- if ((!incharquote) && (!incharquoteincomment) && (!inbackquoteincomment)
- && ((instring) || (instringincomment))) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\'))
- || (!linecounter))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = DQ; /* Open doublequote */
- else if (store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '\\')
- store.typeface[linecounter] = EE; /* Escape doublequote */
- }
- else if ((!incharquote) && (!incharquoteincomment) && (!inbackquoteincomment)) {
- if (((linecounter) && (store.chars[linecounter - 1] != '\\'))
- || (!linecounter))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = QD; /* Close doublequote */
- else if (store.chars[linecounter - 1] == '\\')
- store.typeface[linecounter] = EE; /* Escape doublequote */
- }
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = EE; /* Character quote of doublequote */
- }
- else if (c == '`') {
- if ((inlinecomment) || (inregcomment))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = CO;
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = MA;
- }
- else if ((linecounter) && (subscripts) && (c == '_')
- && (store.typeface[linecounter - 1] == ID))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = SU; /* Subscript in identifier */
- else if (c == '*')
- store.typeface[linecounter] = TI; /* Times - may be changed by double char */
- else if (IsMathsChar(c))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = MA; /* Maths characters */
- else if (IsNumber(c, store, linecounter,
- ((!inregcomment) && (!instring) && (!inlinecomment))))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = NU; /* Numbers */
- else if ((instring) || (incharquote))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = ST; /* Characters in strings */
- else if ((inlinecomment) || (inregcomment))
- store.typeface[linecounter] = CO; /* Characters in comments */
- else {
- if (insub)
- store.typeface[linecounter] = IS; /* Subscript identifiers */
- else
- store.typeface[linecounter] = ID; /* Others */
- }
- if (linecounter)
- if ((store.typeface[linecounter - 1] == IS)
- && (store.typeface[linecounter] != IS))
- insub = 0; /* End of subscript identifier */
- store.chars[linecounter++] = c; /* Place character in store */
- if (linecounter > store.indentation + 1)
- store = CheckForDoubleChar(store, linecounter);
- if ((store.typeface[linecounter - 1] == LC) && (!inregcomment)
- && (!instring) && (!incharquote)) {
- instringincomment = 0;
- incharquoteincomment = 0;
- inbackquoteincomment = 0;
- inlinecomment = 1;
- }
- else if ((store.typeface[linecounter - 1] == SU)
- && (linecounter != store.indentation))
- insub = 1;
- fscanf(ifptr, "%c", &c); /* Read next character */
- if (feof(ifptr))
- c = ' ';
- if ((!inregcomment) && (!inlinecomment) && (!instring))
- store = CheckForKeyword(c, store, linecounter); /* Keywords not in comments or
- strings to be in keyword typeface */
- }
- insub = 0;
- store.chars[linecounter] = '\0'; /* String terminating null character */
- store.length = linecounter;
- }
- if ((!tripped) && (!store.col)) /* If last line not in internal alignment */
- q = WriteQueue(q); /* write previous lines which might */
- if (!tripped) /* Put final line in queue if non-empty */
- q = AddToQueue(q, store);
- if (feof(ifptr)) /* Write remaining lines */
- q = WriteRestOfQueue(q);
- printf("\\end{tabbing}\n"); /* End of Haskell program */
- exit(0);
- }