path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
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1 files changed, 125 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index c5ba50eba0..ed835ca5eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ they may be affected by renaming (which isn't fully worked out yet).
module RnBinds (
- rnTopMonoBinds, rnMonoBinds, rnMonoBindsAndThen,
+ rnTopBinds, rnBinds, rnBindsAndThen,
rnMethodBinds, renameSigs, checkSigs
) where
@@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ module RnBinds (
import HsSyn
-import HsBinds ( hsSigDoc, sigLoc, eqHsSig )
+import HsBinds ( hsSigDoc, eqHsSig )
import RdrHsSyn
import RnHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
-import RnTypes ( rnHsSigType, rnHsType, rnPat )
+import RnTypes ( rnHsSigType, rnLHsType, rnLPat )
import RnExpr ( rnMatch, rnGRHSs, checkPrecMatch )
-import RnEnv ( bindLocatedLocalsRn, lookupBndrRn, lookupInstDeclBndr,
- lookupSigOccRn, bindPatSigTyVars, bindPatSigTyVarsFV,
+import RnEnv ( bindLocatedLocalsRn, lookupLocatedBndrRn,
+ lookupLocatedInstDeclBndr,
+ lookupLocatedSigOccRn, bindPatSigTyVars, bindPatSigTyVarsFV,
warnUnusedLocalBinds, mapFvRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn,
@@ -37,7 +38,11 @@ import PrelNames ( isUnboundName )
import RdrName ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc )
import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel )
import List ( unzip4 )
+import SrcLoc ( mkSrcSpan, Located(..), unLoc )
+import Bag
import Outputable
+import Monad ( foldM )
-- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ a set of variables free in @Exp@ is written @fvExp@
%* *
-%* analysing polymorphic bindings (HsBinds, Bind, MonoBinds) *
+%* analysing polymorphic bindings (HsBindGroup, HsBind)
%* *
@@ -150,20 +155,20 @@ it expects the global environment to contain bindings for the binders
contains bindings for the binders of this particular binding.
-rnTopMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds
- -> [RdrNameSig]
- -> RnM (RenamedHsBinds, DefUses)
+rnTopBinds :: Bag (LHsBind RdrName)
+ -> [LSig RdrName]
+ -> RnM ([HsBindGroup Name], DefUses)
-- The binders of the binding are in scope already;
-- the top level scope resolution does that
-rnTopMonoBinds mbinds sigs
- = bindPatSigTyVars (collectSigTysFromMonoBinds mbinds) $ \ _ ->
+rnTopBinds mbinds sigs
+ = bindPatSigTyVars (collectSigTysFromHsBinds (bagToList mbinds)) $ \ _ ->
-- Hmm; by analogy with Ids, this doesn't look right
-- Top-level bound type vars should really scope over
-- everything, but we only scope them over the other bindings
- rnMonoBinds TopLevel mbinds sigs
+ rnBinds TopLevel mbinds sigs
@@ -174,24 +179,24 @@ rnTopMonoBinds mbinds sigs
-rnMonoBindsAndThen :: RdrNameMonoBinds
- -> [RdrNameSig]
- -> (RenamedHsBinds -> RnM (result, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (result, FreeVars)
+rnBindsAndThen :: Bag (LHsBind RdrName)
+ -> [LSig RdrName]
+ -> ([HsBindGroup Name] -> RnM (result, FreeVars))
+ -> RnM (result, FreeVars)
-rnMonoBindsAndThen mbinds sigs thing_inside -- Non-empty monobinds
+rnBindsAndThen mbinds sigs thing_inside
= -- Extract all the binders in this group, and extend the
-- current scope, inventing new names for the new binders
-- This also checks that the names form a set
bindLocatedLocalsRn doc mbinders_w_srclocs $ \ _ ->
- bindPatSigTyVarsFV (collectSigTysFromMonoBinds mbinds) $
+ bindPatSigTyVarsFV (collectSigTysFromHsBinds (bagToList mbinds)) $
-- Then install local fixity declarations
-- Notice that they scope over thing_inside too
- bindLocalFixities [sig | FixSig sig <- sigs ] $
+ bindLocalFixities [sig | L _ (FixSig sig) <- sigs ] $
-- Do the business
- rnMonoBinds NotTopLevel mbinds sigs `thenM` \ (binds, bind_dus) ->
+ rnBinds NotTopLevel mbinds sigs `thenM` \ (binds, bind_dus) ->
-- Now do the "thing inside"
thing_inside binds `thenM` \ (result,result_fvs) ->
@@ -213,15 +218,15 @@ rnMonoBindsAndThen mbinds sigs thing_inside -- Non-empty monobinds
-- bindings in the wrong order, and the type checker will complain
-- that x isn't in scope
- mbinders_w_srclocs = collectLocatedMonoBinders mbinds
+ mbinders_w_srclocs = collectHsBindLocatedBinders mbinds
doc = text "In the binding group for:"
- <+> pprWithCommas ppr (map fst mbinders_w_srclocs)
+ <+> pprWithCommas ppr (map unLoc mbinders_w_srclocs)
%* *
-\subsubsection{ MonoBinds -- the main work is done here}
+\subsubsection{rnBinds -- the main work is done here}
%* *
@@ -231,27 +236,26 @@ This is done {\em either} by pass 3 (for the top-level bindings),
{\em or} by @rnMonoBinds@ (for the nested ones).
-rnMonoBinds :: TopLevelFlag
- -> RdrNameMonoBinds
- -> [RdrNameSig]
- -> RnM (RenamedHsBinds, DefUses)
+rnBinds :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> Bag (LHsBind RdrName)
+ -> [LSig RdrName]
+ -> RnM ([HsBindGroup Name], DefUses)
-- Assumes the binders of the binding are in scope already
-rnMonoBinds top_lvl mbinds sigs
+rnBinds top_lvl mbinds sigs
= renameSigs sigs `thenM` \ siglist ->
- -- Rename the bindings, returning a MonoBindsInfo
+ -- Rename the bindings, returning a [HsBindVertex]
-- which is a list of indivisible vertices so far as
-- the strongly-connected-components (SCC) analysis is concerned
- flattenMonoBinds siglist mbinds `thenM` \ mbinds_info ->
+ mkBindVertices siglist mbinds `thenM` \ mbinds_info ->
-- Do the SCC analysis
scc_result = rnSCC mbinds_info
- (binds_s, bind_dus_s) = unzip (map reconstructCycle scc_result)
+ (groups, bind_dus_s) = unzip (map reconstructCycle scc_result)
bind_dus = mkDUs bind_dus_s
- final_binds = foldr ThenBinds EmptyBinds binds_s
binders = duDefs bind_dus
-- Check for duplicate or mis-placed signatures
@@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ rnMonoBinds top_lvl mbinds sigs
(if isTopLevel top_lvl &&
then let
- type_sig_vars = [n | Sig n _ _ <- siglist]
+ type_sig_vars = [ unLoc n | L _ (Sig n _) <- siglist]
un_sigd_binders = filter (not . (`elem` type_sig_vars))
(nameSetToList binders)
@@ -273,27 +277,22 @@ rnMonoBinds top_lvl mbinds sigs
returnM ()
) `thenM_`
- returnM (final_binds, bind_dus `plusDU` usesOnly (hsSigsFVs siglist))
+ returnM (groups, bind_dus `plusDU` usesOnly (hsSigsFVs siglist))
-@flattenMonoBinds@ is ever-so-slightly magical in that it sticks
+@mkBindVertices@ is ever-so-slightly magical in that it sticks
unique ``vertex tags'' on its output; minor plumbing required.
-flattenMonoBinds :: [RenamedSig] -- Signatures
- -> RdrNameMonoBinds
- -> RnM [FlatMonoBinds]
-flattenMonoBinds sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnM []
+mkBindVertices :: [LSig Name] -- Signatures
+ -> Bag (LHsBind RdrName)
+ -> RnM [BindVertex]
+mkBindVertices sigs = mapM (mkBindVertex sigs) . bagToList
-flattenMonoBinds sigs (AndMonoBinds bs1 bs2)
- = flattenMonoBinds sigs bs1 `thenM` \ flat1 ->
- flattenMonoBinds sigs bs2 `thenM` \ flat2 ->
- returnM (flat1 ++ flat2)
-flattenMonoBinds sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss locn)
- = addSrcLoc locn $
- rnPat pat `thenM` \ (pat', pat_fvs) ->
+mkBindVertex :: [LSig Name] -> LHsBind RdrName -> RnM BindVertex
+mkBindVertex sigs (L loc (PatBind pat grhss))
+ = addSrcSpan loc $
+ rnLPat pat `thenM` \ (pat', pat_fvs) ->
-- Find which things are bound in this group
@@ -302,30 +301,33 @@ flattenMonoBinds sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss locn)
sigsForMe names_bound_here sigs `thenM` \ sigs_for_me ->
rnGRHSs PatBindRhs grhss `thenM` \ (grhss', fvs) ->
- [(names_bound_here, fvs `plusFV` pat_fvs,
- PatMonoBind pat' grhss' locn, sigs_for_me
- )]
+ (names_bound_here, fvs `plusFV` pat_fvs,
+ L loc (PatBind pat' grhss'), sigs_for_me
+ )
-flattenMonoBinds sigs (FunMonoBind name inf matches locn)
- = addSrcLoc locn $
- lookupBndrRn name `thenM` \ new_name ->
+mkBindVertex sigs (L loc (FunBind name inf matches))
+ = addSrcSpan loc $
+ lookupLocatedBndrRn name `thenM` \ new_name ->
- names_bound_here = unitNameSet new_name
+ plain_name = unLoc new_name
+ names_bound_here = unitNameSet plain_name
sigsForMe names_bound_here sigs `thenM` \ sigs_for_me ->
- mapFvRn (rnMatch (FunRhs new_name)) matches `thenM` \ (new_matches, fvs) ->
- mappM_ (checkPrecMatch inf new_name) new_matches `thenM_`
+ mapFvRn (rnMatch (FunRhs plain_name)) matches `thenM` \ (new_matches, fvs) ->
+ mappM_ (checkPrecMatch inf plain_name) new_matches `thenM_`
- [(unitNameSet new_name, fvs,
- FunMonoBind new_name inf new_matches locn, sigs_for_me
- )]
+ (unitNameSet plain_name, fvs,
+ L loc (FunBind new_name inf new_matches), sigs_for_me
+ )
sigsForMe names_bound_here sigs
= foldlM check [] (filter (sigForThisGroup names_bound_here) sigs)
-- sigForThisGroup only returns signatures for
-- which sigName returns a Just
- check sigs sig = case filter (eqHsSig sig) sigs of
+ eq sig1 sig2 = eqHsSig (unLoc sig1) (unLoc sig2)
+ check sigs sig = case filter (eq sig) sigs of
[] -> returnM (sig:sigs)
other -> dupSigDeclErr sig other `thenM_`
returnM sigs
@@ -333,7 +335,7 @@ sigsForMe names_bound_here sigs
@rnMethodBinds@ is used for the method bindings of a class and an instance
-declaration. Like @rnMonoBinds@ but without dependency analysis.
+declaration. Like @rnBinds@ but without dependency analysis.
NOTA BENE: we record each {\em binder} of a method-bind group as a free variable.
That's crucial when dealing with an instance decl:
@@ -350,67 +352,61 @@ a binder.
rnMethodBinds :: Name -- Class name
-> [Name] -- Names for generic type variables
- -> RdrNameMonoBinds
- -> RnM (RenamedMonoBinds, FreeVars)
+ -> (LHsBinds RdrName)
+ -> RnM (LHsBinds Name, FreeVars)
-rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars EmptyMonoBinds = returnM (EmptyMonoBinds, emptyFVs)
+rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars binds
+ = foldM do_one (emptyBag,emptyFVs) (bagToList binds)
+ where do_one (binds,fvs) bind = do
+ (bind', fvs_bind) <- rnMethodBind cls gen_tyvars bind
+ return (bind' `unionBags` binds, fvs_bind `plusFV` fvs)
-rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
- = rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars mb1 `thenM` \ (mb1', fvs1) ->
- rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars mb2 `thenM` \ (mb2', fvs2) ->
- returnM (mb1' `AndMonoBinds` mb2', fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
-rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars (FunMonoBind name inf matches locn)
- = addSrcLoc locn $
- lookupInstDeclBndr cls name `thenM` \ sel_name ->
+rnMethodBind cls gen_tyvars (L loc (FunBind name inf matches))
+ = addSrcSpan loc $
+ lookupLocatedInstDeclBndr cls name `thenM` \ sel_name ->
+ let plain_name = unLoc sel_name in
-- We use the selector name as the binder
- mapFvRn (rn_match sel_name) matches `thenM` \ (new_matches, fvs) ->
- mappM_ (checkPrecMatch inf sel_name) new_matches `thenM_`
- returnM (FunMonoBind sel_name inf new_matches locn, fvs `addOneFV` sel_name)
+ mapFvRn (rn_match plain_name) matches `thenM` \ (new_matches, fvs) ->
+ mappM_ (checkPrecMatch inf plain_name) new_matches `thenM_`
+ returnM (unitBag (L loc (FunBind sel_name inf new_matches)), fvs `addOneFV` plain_name)
-- Gruesome; bring into scope the correct members of the generic type variables
-- See comments in RnSource.rnSourceDecl(ClassDecl)
- rn_match sel_name match@(Match (TypePat ty : _) _ _)
+ rn_match sel_name match@(L _ (Match (L _ (TypePat ty) : _) _ _))
= extendTyVarEnvFVRn gen_tvs $
rnMatch (FunRhs sel_name) match
- tvs = map rdrNameOcc (extractHsTyRdrTyVars ty)
+ tvs = map (rdrNameOcc.unLoc) (extractHsTyRdrTyVars ty)
gen_tvs = [tv | tv <- gen_tyvars, nameOccName tv `elem` tvs]
rn_match sel_name match = rnMatch (FunRhs sel_name) match
-- Can't handle method pattern-bindings which bind multiple methods.
-rnMethodBinds cls gen_tyvars mbind@(PatMonoBind other_pat _ locn)
- = addSrcLoc locn (addErr (methodBindErr mbind)) `thenM_`
- returnM (EmptyMonoBinds, emptyFVs)
+rnMethodBind cls gen_tyvars mbind@(L loc (PatBind other_pat _))
+ = addLocErr mbind methodBindErr `thenM_`
+ returnM (emptyBag, emptyFVs)
%* *
Strongly connected components
%* *
-During analysis a @MonoBinds@ is flattened to a @FlatMonoBinds@.
-The @RenamedMonoBinds@ is always an empty bind, a pattern binding or
-a function binding, and has itself been dependency-analysed and
-type FlatMonoBinds = (Defs, Uses, RenamedMonoBinds, [RenamedSig])
+type BindVertex = (Defs, Uses, LHsBind Name, [LSig Name])
-- Signatures, if any, for this vertex
-rnSCC :: [FlatMonoBinds] -> [SCC FlatMonoBinds]
+rnSCC :: [BindVertex] -> [SCC BindVertex]
rnSCC nodes = stronglyConnComp (mkEdges nodes)
type VertexTag = Int
-mkEdges :: [FlatMonoBinds] -> [(FlatMonoBinds, VertexTag, [VertexTag])]
+mkEdges :: [BindVertex] -> [(BindVertex, VertexTag, [VertexTag])]
-- We keep the uses with the binding,
-- so we can track unused bindings better
mkEdges nodes
@@ -426,16 +422,16 @@ mkEdges nodes
defs `intersectsNameSet` uses
-reconstructCycle :: SCC FlatMonoBinds -> (RenamedHsBinds, (Defs,Uses))
-reconstructCycle (AcyclicSCC (defs, uses, binds, sigs))
- = (MonoBind binds sigs NonRecursive, (defs, uses))
+reconstructCycle :: SCC BindVertex -> (HsBindGroup Name, (Defs,Uses))
+reconstructCycle (AcyclicSCC (defs, uses, bind, sigs))
+ = (HsBindGroup (unitBag bind) sigs NonRecursive, (defs, uses))
reconstructCycle (CyclicSCC cycle)
- = (MonoBind this_gp_binds this_gp_sigs Recursive,
+ = (HsBindGroup this_gp_binds this_gp_sigs Recursive,
(unionManyNameSets defs_s, unionManyNameSets uses_s))
(defs_s, uses_s, binds_s, sigs_s) = unzip4 cycle
- this_gp_binds = foldr1 AndMonoBinds binds_s
- this_gp_sigs = foldr1 (++) sigs_s
+ this_gp_binds = listToBag binds_s
+ this_gp_sigs = foldr1 (++) sigs_s
@@ -456,8 +452,8 @@ At the moment we don't gather free-var info from the types in
signatures. We'd only need this if we wanted to report unused tyvars.
-checkSigs :: (RenamedSig -> Bool) -- OK-sig predicbate
- -> [RenamedSig]
+checkSigs :: (LSig Name -> Bool) -- OK-sig predicbate
+ -> [LSig Name]
-> RnM ()
checkSigs ok_sig sigs
-- Check for (a) duplicate signatures
@@ -467,7 +463,8 @@ checkSigs ok_sig sigs
bad sig = not (ok_sig sig) &&
case sigName sig of
- Just n | isUnboundName n -> False -- Don't complain about an unbound name again
+ Just n | isUnboundName n -> False
+ -- Don't complain about an unbound name again
other -> True
-- We use lookupSigOccRn in the signatures, which is a little bit unsatisfactory
@@ -479,33 +476,29 @@ checkSigs ok_sig sigs
-- is in scope. (I'm assuming that Baz.op isn't in scope unqualified.)
-- Doesn't seem worth much trouble to sort this.
-renameSigs :: [Sig RdrName] -> RnM [Sig Name]
-renameSigs sigs = mappM renameSig (filter (not . isFixitySig) sigs)
+renameSigs :: [LSig RdrName] -> RnM [LSig Name]
+renameSigs sigs = mappM (wrapLocM renameSig) (filter (not . isFixitySig . unLoc) sigs)
-- Remove fixity sigs which have been dealt with already
renameSig :: Sig RdrName -> RnM (Sig Name)
-- FixitSig is renamed elsewhere.
-renameSig (Sig v ty src_loc)
- = addSrcLoc src_loc $
- lookupSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
+renameSig (Sig v ty)
+ = lookupLocatedSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
rnHsSigType (quotes (ppr v)) ty `thenM` \ new_ty ->
- returnM (Sig new_v new_ty src_loc)
+ returnM (Sig new_v new_ty)
-renameSig (SpecInstSig ty src_loc)
- = addSrcLoc src_loc $
- rnHsType (text "A SPECIALISE instance pragma") ty `thenM` \ new_ty ->
- returnM (SpecInstSig new_ty src_loc)
+renameSig (SpecInstSig ty)
+ = rnLHsType (text "A SPECIALISE instance pragma") ty `thenM` \ new_ty ->
+ returnM (SpecInstSig new_ty)
-renameSig (SpecSig v ty src_loc)
- = addSrcLoc src_loc $
- lookupSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
+renameSig (SpecSig v ty)
+ = lookupLocatedSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
rnHsSigType (quotes (ppr v)) ty `thenM` \ new_ty ->
- returnM (SpecSig new_v new_ty src_loc)
+ returnM (SpecSig new_v new_ty)
-renameSig (InlineSig b v p src_loc)
- = addSrcLoc src_loc $
- lookupSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
- returnM (InlineSig b new_v p src_loc)
+renameSig (InlineSig b v p)
+ = lookupLocatedSigOccRn v `thenM` \ new_v ->
+ returnM (InlineSig b new_v p)
@@ -516,24 +509,25 @@ renameSig (InlineSig b v p src_loc)
-dupSigDeclErr sig sigs
- = addSrcLoc loc $
- addErr (vcat [ptext SLIT("Duplicate") <+> what_it_is <> colon,
- nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_sig (sig:sigs)))])
+dupSigDeclErr (L loc sig) sigs
+ = addErrAt loc $
+ vcat [ptext SLIT("Duplicate") <+> what_it_is <> colon,
+ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr_sig (L loc sig:sigs)))]
- (what_it_is, loc) = hsSigDoc sig
- ppr_sig sig = ppr (sigLoc sig) <> colon <+> ppr sig
+ what_it_is = hsSigDoc sig
+ ppr_sig (L loc sig) = ppr loc <> colon <+> ppr sig
-unknownSigErr sig
- = addSrcLoc loc $
- addErr (sep [ptext SLIT("Misplaced") <+> what_it_is <> colon,
- ppr sig])
+unknownSigErr (L loc sig)
+ = addErrAt loc $
+ sep [ptext SLIT("Misplaced") <+> what_it_is <> colon, ppr sig]
- (what_it_is, loc) = hsSigDoc sig
+ what_it_is = hsSigDoc sig
missingSigWarn var
- = addSrcLoc (nameSrcLoc var) $
- addWarn (sep [ptext SLIT("Definition but no type signature for"), quotes (ppr var)])
+ = addWarnAt (mkSrcSpan loc loc) $
+ sep [ptext SLIT("Definition but no type signature for"), quotes (ppr var)]
+ where
+ loc = nameSrcLoc var -- TODO: make a proper span
methodBindErr mbind
= hang (ptext SLIT("Can't handle multiple methods defined by one pattern binding"))