path: root/ghc/compiler/simplCore
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/simplCore')
12 files changed, 1958 insertions, 2468 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
index 506950721b..f125975de0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module BinderInfo (
deadOccurrence, funOccurrence, noBinderInfo,
- markLazy, markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC,
+ markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC,
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ deadOccurrence :: BinderInfo
deadOccurrence = DeadCode
funOccurrence :: Int -> BinderInfo
-funOccurrence = OneOcc StrictOcc NotInsideSCC 1
+funOccurrence = OneOcc NotInsideLam NotInsideSCC 1
-markLazy, markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC :: BinderInfo -> BinderInfo
+markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC :: BinderInfo -> BinderInfo
markMany (OneOcc _ _ _ ar) = ManyOcc ar
markMany (ManyOcc ar) = ManyOcc ar
@@ -108,9 +108,6 @@ markInsideLam other = other
markInsideSCC (OneOcc dup_danger _ n_alts ar) = OneOcc dup_danger InsideSCC n_alts ar
markInsideSCC other = other
-markLazy (OneOcc StrictOcc scc n_alts ar) = OneOcc LazyOcc scc n_alts ar
-markLazy other = other
addBinderInfo, orBinderInfo :: BinderInfo -> BinderInfo -> BinderInfo
addBinderInfo DeadCode info2 = info2
@@ -138,8 +135,7 @@ orBinderInfo info1 info2
or_dups InsideLam _ = InsideLam
or_dups _ InsideLam = InsideLam
-or_dups StrictOcc StrictOcc = StrictOcc
-or_dups _ _ = LazyOcc
+or_dups _ _ = NotInsideLam
or_sccs InsideSCC _ = InsideSCC
or_sccs _ InsideSCC = InsideSCC
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
index 865531a718..c53315eeba 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ module FloatIn ( floatInwards ) where
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core )
import CoreSyn
import CoreLint ( beginPass, endPass )
-import FreeVars ( CoreExprWithFVs, freeVars, freeVarsOf )
-import Var ( Id )
+import Const ( isDataCon )
+import CoreFVs ( CoreExprWithFVs, freeVars, freeVarsOf )
+import Var ( Id, idType )
+import Type ( isUnLiftedType )
import VarSet
import Util ( zipEqual )
import Outputable
@@ -196,6 +198,10 @@ fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnNote InlineCall expr)
-- the the call it annotates
mkCoLets' to_drop (Note InlineCall (fiExpr [] expr))
+fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnNote InlineMe expr)
+ = -- Ditto... don't float anything into an INLINE expression
+ mkCoLets' to_drop (Note InlineMe (fiExpr [] expr))
fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnNote note@(Coerce _ _) expr)
= -- Just float in past coercion
Note note (fiExpr to_drop expr)
@@ -216,12 +222,12 @@ let
w = ...
in {
let v = ... w ...
- in ... w ...
+ in ... v .. w ...
Look at the inner \tr{let}. As \tr{w} is used in both the bind and
body of the inner let, we could panic and leave \tr{w}'s binding where
-it is. But \tr{v} is floatable into the body of the inner let, and
+it is. But \tr{v} is floatable further into the body of the inner let, and
{\em then} \tr{w} will also be only in the body of that inner let.
So: rather than drop \tr{w}'s binding here, we add it onto the list of
@@ -229,13 +235,19 @@ things to drop in the outer let's body, and let nature take its
-fiExpr to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnNonRec id rhs) body)
+fiExpr to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnNonRec id rhs@(rhs_fvs, ann_rhs)) body)
= fiExpr new_to_drop body
- rhs_fvs = freeVarsOf rhs
body_fvs = freeVarsOf body
- [shared_binds, rhs_binds, body_binds] = sepBindsByDropPoint [rhs_fvs, body_fvs] to_drop
+ final_body_fvs | noFloatIntoRhs ann_rhs
+ || isUnLiftedType (idType id) = body_fvs `unionVarSet` rhs_fvs
+ | otherwise = body_fvs
+ -- See commments with letrec below
+ -- No point in floating in only to float straight out again
+ -- Ditto ok-for-speculation unlifted RHSs
+ [shared_binds, rhs_binds, body_binds] = sepBindsByDropPoint [rhs_fvs, final_body_fvs] to_drop
new_to_drop = body_binds ++ -- the bindings used only in the body
[(NonRec id rhs', rhs_fvs')] ++ -- the new binding itself
@@ -253,7 +265,25 @@ fiExpr to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnRec bindings) body)
rhss_fvs = map freeVarsOf rhss
body_fvs = freeVarsOf body
- (shared_binds:body_binds:rhss_binds) = sepBindsByDropPoint (body_fvs:rhss_fvs) to_drop
+ -- Add to body_fvs the free vars of any RHS that has
+ -- a lambda at the top. This has the effect of making it seem
+ -- that such things are used in the body as well, and hence prevents
+ -- them getting floated in. The big idea is to avoid turning:
+ -- let x# = y# +# 1#
+ -- in
+ -- letrec f = \z. ...x#...f...
+ -- in ...
+ -- into
+ -- letrec f = let x# = y# +# 1# in \z. ...x#...f... in ...
+ --
+ -- Because now we can't float the let out again, because a letrec
+ -- can't have unboxed bindings.
+ final_body_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . get_extras) body_fvs rhss
+ get_extras (rhs_fvs, rhs) | noFloatIntoRhs rhs = rhs_fvs
+ | otherwise = emptyVarSet
+ (shared_binds:body_binds:rhss_binds) = sepBindsByDropPoint (final_body_fvs:rhss_fvs) to_drop
new_to_drop = -- the bindings used only in the body
body_binds ++
@@ -292,6 +322,11 @@ fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr alts)
-- to get free vars of alt
fi_alt to_drop (con, args, rhs) = (con, args, fiExpr to_drop rhs)
+noFloatIntoRhs (AnnNote InlineMe _) = True
+noFloatIntoRhs (AnnLam _ _) = True
+noFloatIntoRhs (AnnCon con _) = isDataCon con
+noFloatIntoRhs other = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
index 659e7b2fb1..e4e47f757e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module FloatOut ( floatOutwards ) where
import CoreSyn
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_D_simplifier_stats )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_D_dump_simpl_stats )
import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet )
import CostCentre ( dupifyCC, CostCentre )
import Id ( Id )
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ floatOutwards us pgm
let { (tlets, ntlets, lams) = get_stats (sum_stats fss) };
- dumpIfSet opt_D_simplifier_stats "FloatOut stats:"
+ dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_simpl_stats "FloatOut stats:"
(hcat [ int tlets, ptext SLIT(" Lets floated to top level; "),
int ntlets, ptext SLIT(" Lets floated elsewhere; from "),
int lams, ptext SLIT(" Lambda groups")]);
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
index a1bbe934e9..bb9a08f138 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module LiberateCase ( liberateCase ) where
import CmdLineOpts ( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_LiberateCaseThreshold )
import CoreLint ( beginPass, endPass )
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold ( calcUnfoldingGuidance, UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
+import CoreUnfold ( calcUnfoldingGuidance, couldBeSmallEnoughToInline )
import Var ( Id )
import VarEnv
import Maybes
@@ -209,9 +209,7 @@ libCaseBind env (Rec pairs)
-- [May 98: all this is now handled by SimplCore.tidyCore]
rhs_small_enough rhs
- = case (calcUnfoldingGuidance lIBERATE_BOMB_SIZE rhs) of
- UnfoldNever -> False
- _ -> True -- we didn't BOMB, so it must be OK
+ = couldBeSmallEnoughToInline (calcUnfoldingGuidance lIBERATE_BOMB_SIZE rhs)
lIBERATE_BOMB_SIZE = bombOutSize env
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 692209adaf..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
-\section[MagicUFs]{Magic unfoldings that the simplifier knows about}
-module MagicUFs (
- MagicUnfoldingFun, -- absolutely abstract
- mkMagicUnfoldingFun,
- applyMagicUnfoldingFun
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import CoreSyn
-import SimplMonad ( SimplM, SimplCont )
-import Type ( mkFunTys )
-import TysWiredIn ( mkListTy )
-import Unique ( Unique{-instances-} )
-import Util ( assoc, zipWith3Equal, nOfThem )
-import Panic ( panic )
-%* *
-\subsection{Types, etc., for magic-unfolding functions}
-%* *
-data MagicUnfoldingFun
- = MUF ( SimplCont -> Maybe (SimplM CoreExpr))
- -- Just result, or Nothing
-Give us a value's @Unique@, we'll give you back the corresponding MUF.
-mkMagicUnfoldingFun :: Unique -> MagicUnfoldingFun
-mkMagicUnfoldingFun tag
- = assoc "mkMagicUnfoldingFun" magic_UFs_table tag
-magic_UFs_table = panic "MagicUFs.magic_UFs_table:ToDo"
-Give us an MUF and stuff to apply it to, and we'll give you back the answer.
- :: MagicUnfoldingFun
- -> SimplCont
- -> Maybe (SimplM CoreExpr)
-applyMagicUnfoldingFun (MUF fun) cont = fun cont
-%* *
-\subsection{The table of actual magic unfoldings}
-%* *
-{- LATER:
-magic_UFs_table :: [(FAST_STRING, MagicUnfoldingFun)]
- = [(SLIT("augment"), MUF augment_fun),
- (SLIT("build"), MUF build_fun),
- (SLIT("foldl"), MUF foldl_fun),
- (SLIT("foldr"), MUF foldr_fun),
- (SLIT("unpackFoldrPS__"), MUF unpack_foldr_fun),
- (SLIT("unpackAppendPS__"), MUF unpack_append_fun)]
-%* *
-\subsubsection{Unfolding function for @append@}
-%* *
--- First build, the way we express our lists.
-build_fun :: SimplEnv
- -> [CoreArg]
- -> Maybe (SimplM CoreExpr)
-build_fun env [TypeArg ty,ValArg (VarArg e)]
- | switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild
- = Just result
- where
- tyL = mkListTy ty
- ourCons = CoTyApp (Var consDataCon) ty
- ourNil = CoTyApp (Var nilDataCon) ty
- result = newIds [ mkFunTys [ty, tyL] tyL, tyL ] `thenSmpl` \ [c,n] ->
- returnSmpl(Let (NonRec c ourCons)
- (Let (NonRec n ourNil)
- (App (App (CoTyApp (Var e) tyL) (VarArg c)) (VarArg n)))
--- ToDo: add `build' without an argument instance.
--- This is strange, because of g's type.
-build_fun env _ = ASSERT (not (switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild))
- Nothing
-augment_fun :: SimplEnv
- -> [CoreArg]
- -> Maybe (SimplM CoreExpr)
-augment_fun env [TypeArg ty,ValArg (VarArg e),ValArg nil]
- | switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild
- = Just result
- where
- tyL = mkListTy ty
- ourCons = CoTyApp (Var consDataCon) ty
- result = newId (mkFunTys [ty, tyL] tyL) `thenSmpl` \ c ->
- returnSmpl (Let (NonRec c ourCons)
- (App (App (CoTyApp (Var e) tyL) (VarArg c)) nil))
--- ToDo: add `build' without an argument instance.
--- This is strange, because of g's type.
-augment_fun env _ = ASSERT (not (switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild))
- Nothing
-Now foldr, the way we consume lists.
-foldr_fun :: SimplEnv
- -> [CoreArg]
- -> Maybe (SimplM CoreExpr)
-foldr_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg arg_z:rest_args)
- | do_fb_red && isConsFun env arg_k && isNilForm env arg_z
- -- foldr (:) [] ==> id
- -- this transformation is *always* benificial
- -- cf. foldr (:) [] (build g) == g (:) []
- -- with foldr (:) [] (build g) == build g
- -- after unfolding build, they are the same thing.
- = Just (tick Foldr_Cons_Nil `thenSmpl_`
- newId (mkListTy ty1) `thenSmpl` \ x ->
- returnSmpl({-trace "foldr (:) []"-} (mkGenApp (Lam x (Var x)) rest_args))
- )
- where
- do_fb_red = switchIsSet env SimplDoFoldrBuild
-foldr_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg arg_z:ValArg arg_list:rest_args)
- | do_fb_red && isNilForm env arg_list
- -- foldr f z [] = z
- -- again another short cut, helps with unroling of constant lists
- = Just (tick Foldr_Nil `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (argToExpr arg_z)
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isBuildForm
- -- foldr k z (build g) ==> g k z
- -- this next line *is* the foldr/build rule proper.
- = Just (tick FoldrBuild `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Var g) (TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg arg_z:rest_args))
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isAugmentForm
- -- foldr k z (augment g h) ==> let v = foldr k z h in g k v
- -- this next line *is* the foldr/augment rule proper.
- = Just (tick FoldrAugment `thenSmpl_`
- newId ty2 `thenSmpl` \ v ->
- returnSmpl (
- Let (NonRec v (mkGenApp (Var foldrId)
- [TypeArg ty1,TypeArg ty2,
- ValArg arg_k,
- ValArg arg_z,
- ValArg h]))
- (mkGenApp (Var g') (TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg (VarArg v):rest_args)))
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isListForm
- -- foldr k z (a:b:c:rest) =
- -- (\ f -> f a (f b (f c (foldr f z rest)))) k rest_args
- -- NB: 'k' is used just one by foldr, but 'f' is used many
- -- times inside the list structure. This means that
- -- 'f' needs to be inside a lambda, to make sure the simplifier
- -- realises this.
- --
- -- The structure of
- -- f a (f b (f c (foldr f z rest)))
- -- in core becomes:
- -- let ele_1 = foldr f z rest
- -- ele_2 = f c ele_1
- -- ele_3 = f b ele_2
- -- in f a ele_3
- --
- = Just (tick Foldr_List `thenSmpl_`
- newIds (
- mkFunTys [ty1, ty2] ty2 :
- nOfThem (length the_list) ty2
- ) `thenSmpl` \ (f_id:ele_id1:ele_ids) ->
- let
- fst_bind = NonRec
- ele_id1
- (mkGenApp (Var foldrId)
- [TypeArg ty1,TypeArg ty2,
- ValArg (VarArg f_id),
- ValArg arg_z,
- ValArg the_tl])
- rest_binds = zipWith3Equal "Foldr:rest_binds"
- (\ e v e' -> NonRec e (mkRhs v e'))
- ele_ids
- (reverse (tail the_list))
- (init (ele_id1:ele_ids))
- mkRhs v e = App (App (Var f_id) v) (VarArg e)
- core_list = foldr
- Let
- (mkRhs (head the_list) (last (ele_id1:ele_ids)))
- (fst_bind:rest_binds)
- in
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Lam f_id core_list) (ValArg arg_k:rest_args))
- )
- --
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isStringForm -- ok, its a string!
- -- foldr f z "foo" => unpackFoldrPS__ f z "foo"#
- = Just (tick Str_FoldrStr `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Var unpackCStringFoldrId)
- (TypeArg ty2:
- ValArg (LitArg (MachStr str_val)):
- ValArg arg_k:
- ValArg arg_z:
- rest_args))
- )
- where
- do_fb_red = switchIsSet env SimplDoFoldrBuild
- arg_list_isStringForm = maybeToBool stringForm
- stringForm = getStringForm env arg_list
- (Just str_val) = stringForm
- arg_list_isBuildForm = maybeToBool buildForm
- buildForm = getBuildForm env arg_list
- (Just g) = buildForm
- arg_list_isAugmentForm = maybeToBool augmentForm
- augmentForm = getAugmentForm env arg_list
- (Just (g',h)) = augmentForm
- arg_list_isListForm = maybeToBool listForm
- listForm = getListForm env arg_list
- (Just (the_list,the_tl)) = listForm
- arg_list_isAppendForm = maybeToBool appendForm
- appendForm = getAppendForm env arg_list
- (Just (xs,ys)) = appendForm
-foldr_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:rest_args)
- | doing_inlining && isConsFun env arg_k && not dont_fold_back_append
- -- foldr (:) z xs = xs ++ z
- = Just (tick Foldr_Cons `thenSmpl_`
- newIds [ty2,mkListTy ty1] `thenSmpl` \ [z,x] ->
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp
- (Lam z (Lam x (mkGenApp
- (Var appendId) [
- TypeArg ty1,
- ValArg (VarArg x),
- ValArg (VarArg z)]))
- rest_args))
- )
- | doing_inlining && (isInterestingArg env arg_k
- || isConsFun env arg_k)
- -- foldr k args =
- -- (\ f z xs ->
- -- letrec
- -- h x = case x of
- -- [] -> z
- -- (a:b) -> f a (h b)
- -- in
- -- h xs) k args
- --
--- tick FoldrInline `thenSmpl_`
- = Just (newIds [
- ty1, -- a :: t1
- mkListTy ty1, -- b :: [t1]
- ty2, -- v :: t2
- mkListTy ty1, -- x :: t1
- mkFunTys [mkListTy ty1] ty2,
- -- h :: [t1] -> t2
- mkFunTys [ty1, ty2] ty2,
- -- f
- ty2, -- z
- mkListTy ty1 -- xs
- ] `thenSmpl` \ [a,b,v,x,h,f,z,xs] ->
- let
- h_rhs = (Lam x (Case (Var x)
- (AlgAlts
- [(nilDataCon,[],argToExpr (VarArg z)),
- (consDataCon,[a,b],body)]
- NoDefault)))
- body = Let (NonRec v (App (Var h) (VarArg b)))
- (App (App (argToExpr (VarArg f))
- (VarArg a))
- (VarArg v))
- in
- returnSmpl (
- mkGenApp
- (Lam f (Lam z (Lam xs
- (Let (Rec [(h,h_rhs)])
- (App (Var h) (VarArg xs))))))
- (ValArg arg_k:rest_args))
- )
- where
- doing_inlining = switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild
- dont_fold_back_append = switchIsSet env SimplDontFoldBackAppend
-foldr_fun _ _ = Nothing
-isConsFun :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
-isConsFun env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding _ (Lam (x,_) (Lam (y,_) (Con con tys [VarArg x',VarArg y']))) _
- | con == consDataCon && x==x' && y==y'
- -> ASSERT ( length tys == 1 ) True
- _ -> False
-isConsFun env _ = False
-isNilForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
-isNilForm env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding _ (CoTyApp (Var id) _) _ | id == nilDataCon -> True
- SimpleUnfolding _ (Lit (NoRepStr s)) _ | _NULL_ s -> True
- _ -> False
-isNilForm env _ = False
-getBuildForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe Id
-getBuildForm env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding False _ _ _ -> Nothing
- -- not allowed to inline :-(
- SimpleUnfolding _ (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _) (VarArg g)) _
- | bld == buildId -> Just g
- SimpleUnfolding _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
- (VarArg g)) h) _
- | bld == augmentId && isNilForm env h -> Just g
- _ -> Nothing
-getBuildForm env _ = Nothing
-getAugmentForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe (Id,CoreArg)
-getAugmentForm env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding False _ _ _ -> Nothing
- -- not allowed to inline :-(
- SimpleUnfolding _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
- (VarArg g)) h) _
- | bld == augmentId -> Just (g,h)
- _ -> Nothing
-getAugmentForm env _ = Nothing
-getStringForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe FAST_STRING
-getStringForm env (LitArg (NoRepStr str)) = Just str
-getStringForm env _ = Nothing
-getAppendForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe (GenCoreAtom Id,GenCoreAtom Id)
-getAppendForm env (VarArg v) =
- case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding False _ _ _ -> Nothing -- not allowed to inline :-(
- SimpleUnfolding _ (App (App (App (CoTyApp (CoTyApp (Var fld) _) _) con) ys) xs) _
- | fld == foldrId && isConsFun env con -> Just (xs,ys)
- _ -> Nothing
-getAppendForm env _ = Nothing
--- this gets a list of the form a : b : c : d and returns ([a,b,c],d)
--- it natuarally follows that [a,b,c] => ([a,b,c],e), where e = []
- :: SimplEnv
- -> CoreArg
- -> Maybe ([CoreArg],CoreArg)
-getListForm env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding _ (Con id [ty_arg,head,tail]) _
- | id == consDataCon ->
- case getListForm env tail of
- Nothing -> Just ([head],tail)
- Just (lst,new_tail) -> Just (head:lst,new_tail)
- _ -> Nothing
-getListForm env _ = Nothing
-isInterestingArg :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
-isInterestingArg env (VarArg v)
- = case lookupUnfolding env v of
- SimpleUnfolding False _ _ UnfoldNever -> False
- SimpleUnfolding _ exp guide -> True
- _ -> False
-isInterestingArg env _ = False
-foldl_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg arg_z:ValArg arg_list:rest_args)
- | do_fb_red && isNilForm env arg_list
- -- foldl f z [] = z
- -- again another short cut, helps with unroling of constant lists
- = Just (tick Foldl_Nil `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (argToExpr arg_z)
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isBuildForm
- -- foldl t1 t2 k z (build t3 g) ==>
- -- let c {- INLINE -} = \ b g' a -> g' (f a b)
- -- n {- INLINE -} = \ a -> a
- -- in g t1 c n z
- -- this next line *is* the foldr/build rule proper.
- = Just(tick FoldlBuild `thenSmpl_`
- -- c :: t2 -> (t1 -> t1) -> t1 -> t1
- -- n :: t1 -> t1
- newIds [
- {- pre_c -} mkFunTys [ty2, mkFunTys [ty1] ty1, ty1] ty1,
- {- pre_n -} mkFunTys [ty1] ty1,
- {- b -} ty2,
- {- g' -} mkFunTys [ty1] ty1,
- {- a -} ty1,
- {- a' -} ty1,
- {- t -} ty1
- ] `thenSmpl` \ [pre_c,
- pre_n,
- b,
- g',
- a,
- a',
- t] ->
- let
- c = addInlinePragma pre_c
- c_rhs = Lam b (Lam g' (Lam a
- (Let (NonRec t (App (App (argToExpr arg_k) (VarArg a)) (VarArg b)))
- (App (Var g') (VarArg t)))))
- n = addInlinePragma pre_n
- n_rhs = Lam a' (Var a')
- in
- returnSmpl (Let (NonRec c c_rhs) $
- Let (NonRec n n_rhs) $
- mkGenApp (Var g)
- (TypeArg (mkFunTys [ty1] ty1):ValArg (VarArg c):ValArg (VarArg n)
- :ValArg arg_z:rest_args))
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isAugmentForm
- -- foldl t1 t2 k z (augment t3 g h) ==>
- -- let c {- INLINE -} = \ b g' a -> g' (f a b)
- -- n {- INLINE -} = \ a -> a
- -- r {- INLINE -} = foldr t2 (t1 -> t1) c n h
- -- in g t1 c r z
- -- this next line *is* the foldr/build rule proper.
- = Just (tick FoldlAugment `thenSmpl_`
- -- c :: t2 -> (t1 -> t1) -> t1 -> t1
- -- n :: t1 -> t1
- newIds [
- {- pre_c -} mkFunTys [ty2, mkFunTys [ty1] ty1, ty1] ty1,
- {- pre_n -} mkFunTys [ty1] ty1,
- {- pre_r -} mkFunTys [ty1] ty1,
- {- b -} ty2,
- {- g_ -} mkFunTys [ty1] ty1,
- {- a -} ty1,
- {- a' -} ty1,
- {- t -} ty1
- ] `thenSmpl` \ [pre_c,
- pre_n,
- pre_r,
- b,
- g_,
- a,
- a',
- t] ->
- let
- c = addInlinePragma pre_c
- c_rhs = Lam b (Lam g_ (Lam a
- (Let (NonRec t (App (App (argToExpr arg_k) (VarArg a)) (VarArg b)))
- (App (Var g_) (VarArg t)))))
- n = addInlinePragma pre_n
- n_rhs = Lam a' (Var a')
- r = addInlinePragma pre_r
- r_rhs = mkGenApp (Var foldrId)
- [TypeArg ty2,TypeArg (mkFunTys [ty1] ty1),
- ValArg (VarArg c),
- ValArg (VarArg n),
- ValArg h]
- in
- returnSmpl (Let (NonRec c c_rhs) $
- Let (NonRec n n_rhs) $
- Let (NonRec r r_rhs) $
- mkGenApp (Var g')
- (TypeArg (mkFunTys [ty1] ty1):ValArg (VarArg c):ValArg (VarArg r)
- :ValArg arg_z:rest_args))
- )
- | do_fb_red && arg_list_isListForm
- -- foldl k z (a:b:c:rest) =
- -- (\ f -> foldl f (f (f (f z a) b) c) rest) k rest_args
- -- NB: 'k' is used just one by foldr, but 'f' is used many
- -- times inside the list structure. This means that
- -- 'f' needs to be inside a lambda, to make sure the simplifier
- -- realises this.
- --
- -- The structure of
- -- foldl f (f (f (f z a) b) c) rest
- -- f a (f b (f c (foldr f z rest)))
- -- in core becomes:
- -- let ele_1 = f z a
- -- ele_2 = f ele_1 b
- -- ele_3 = f ele_2 c
- -- in foldl f ele_3 rest
- --
- = Just (tick Foldl_List `thenSmpl_`
- newIds (
- mkFunTys [ty1, ty2] ty1 :
- nOfThem (length the_list) ty1
- ) `thenSmpl` \ (f_id:ele_ids) ->
- let
- rest_binds = zipWith3Equal "foldl:rest_binds"
- (\ e v e' -> NonRec e (mkRhs v e'))
- ele_ids -- :: [Id]
- the_list -- :: [CoreArg]
- (init (arg_z:map VarArg ele_ids)) -- :: [CoreArg]
- mkRhs v e = App (App (Var f_id) e) v
- last_bind = mkGenApp (Var foldlId)
- [TypeArg ty1,TypeArg ty2,
- ValArg (VarArg f_id),
- ValArg (VarArg (last ele_ids)),
- ValArg the_tl]
- core_list = foldr
- Let
- last_bind
- rest_binds
- in
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Lam f_id core_list)
- (ValArg arg_k:rest_args))
- )
- where
- do_fb_red = switchIsSet env SimplDoFoldrBuild
- arg_list_isAugmentForm = maybeToBool augmentForm
- augmentForm = getAugmentForm env arg_list
- (Just (g',h)) = augmentForm
- arg_list_isBuildForm = maybeToBool buildForm
- buildForm = getBuildForm env arg_list
- (Just g) = buildForm
- arg_list_isListForm = maybeToBool listForm
- listForm = getListForm env arg_list
- (Just (the_list,the_tl)) = listForm
- arg_list_isAppendForm = maybeToBool appendForm
- appendForm = getAppendForm env arg_list
- (Just (xs,ys)) = appendForm
-foldl_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:rest_args)
- | doing_inlining && (isInterestingArg env arg_k
- || isConsFun env arg_k)
- -- foldl k args =
- -- (\ f z xs ->
- -- letrec
- -- h x r = case x of
- -- [] -> r
- -- (a:b) -> h b (f r a)
- -- in
- -- h xs z) k args
- --
- = Just (
--- tick FoldrInline `thenSmpl_`
- newIds [
- ty2, -- a :: t1
- mkListTy ty2, -- b :: [t1]
- ty1, -- v :: t2
- mkListTy ty2, -- x :: t1
- mkFunTys [mkListTy ty2, ty1] ty1,
- -- h :: [t2] -> t1 -> t1
- mkFunTys [ty1, ty2] ty1,
- -- f
- ty1, -- z
- mkListTy ty2, -- xs
- ty1 -- r
- ] `thenSmpl` \ [a,b,v,x,h,f,z,xs,r] ->
- let
- h_rhs = (Lam x (Lam r (Case (Var x))
- (AlgAlts
- [(nilDataCon,[],argToExpr (VarArg r)),
- (consDataCon,[a,b],body)]
- NoDefault)))
- body = Let (NonRec v (App (App (Var f) (VarArg r))
- (VarArg a)))
- (App (App (argToExpr (VarArg h))
- (VarArg b))
- (VarArg v))
- in
- returnSmpl (
- (mkGenApp
- (Lam f (Lam z (Lam xs
- (Let (Rec [(h,h_rhs)])
- (App (App (Var h) (VarArg xs))
- (VarArg z))))))
- (ValArg arg_k:rest_args))
- )
- where
- doing_inlining = switchIsSet env SimplDoInlineFoldrBuild
-foldl_fun env _ = Nothing
--- Foldr unpackFoldr "str"# (:) stuff ==> unpackAppend "str"#
-unpack_foldr_fun env [TypeArg ty,ValArg str,ValArg arg_k,ValArg arg_z]
- | switchIsSet env SimplDoFoldrBuild && isConsFun env arg_k
- = Just (tick Str_UnpackCons `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Var unpackCStringAppendId)
- [ValArg str,
- ValArg arg_z])
- )
-unpack_foldr_fun env _ = Nothing
-unpack_append_fun env
- [ValArg (LitArg (MachStr str_val)),ValArg arg_z]
- | switchIsSet env SimplDoFoldrBuild && isNilForm env arg_z
- = Just (tick Str_UnpackNil `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (Lit (NoRepStr str_val))
- )
-unpack_append_fun env _ = Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 002517297c..60f846d24d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ core expression with (hopefully) improved usage information.
module OccurAnal (
occurAnalyseBinds, occurAnalyseExpr, occurAnalyseGlobalExpr,
- markBinderInsideLambda
+ markBinderInsideLambda, tagBinders,
+ UsageDetails
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -21,28 +22,28 @@ module OccurAnal (
import BinderInfo
import CmdLineOpts ( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, idSpecVars )
+import CoreFVs ( idRuleVars )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial )
import Const ( Con(..), Literal(..) )
-import Id ( idWantsToBeINLINEd, isSpecPragmaId,
+import Id ( isSpecPragmaId,
getInlinePragma, setInlinePragma,
- omitIfaceSigForId,
+ isExportedId, modifyIdInfo, idInfo,
idType, idUnique, Id
-import IdInfo ( InlinePragInfo(..), OccInfo(..) )
-import SpecEnv ( isEmptySpecEnv )
+import IdInfo ( InlinePragInfo(..), OccInfo(..), copyIdInfo )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
-import PrelInfo ( noRepStrIds, noRepIntegerIds )
-import Name ( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
+import ThinAir ( noRepStrIds, noRepIntegerIds )
+import Name ( isLocallyDefined )
import Type ( splitFunTy_maybe, splitForAllTys )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Digraph ( stronglyConnCompR, SCC(..) )
-import Unique ( u2i )
+import Unique ( u2i, buildIdKey, foldrIdKey, runSTRepIdKey, augmentIdKey )
import UniqFM ( keysUFM )
-import Util ( zipWithEqual, mapAndUnzip )
+import Util ( zipWithEqual, mapAndUnzip, count )
import Outputable
@@ -56,23 +57,6 @@ import Outputable
Here's the externally-callable interface:
- :: (SimplifierSwitch -> Bool)
- -> [CoreBind]
- -> [CoreBind]
-occurAnalyseBinds simplifier_sw_chkr binds
- = binds'
- where
- (_, _, binds') = occAnalTop initial_env binds
- initial_env = OccEnv (simplifier_sw_chkr IgnoreINLINEPragma)
- (\id -> isLocallyDefined id) -- Anything local is interesting
- emptyVarSet
occurAnalyseExpr :: (Id -> Bool) -- Tells if a variable is interesting
-> CoreExpr
-> (IdEnv BinderInfo, -- Occ info for interesting free vars
@@ -81,9 +65,7 @@ occurAnalyseExpr :: (Id -> Bool) -- Tells if a variable is interesting
occurAnalyseExpr interesting expr
= occAnal initial_env expr
- initial_env = OccEnv False {- Do not ignore INLINE Pragma -}
- interesting
- emptyVarSet
+ initial_env = OccEnv interesting emptyVarSet []
occurAnalyseGlobalExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
occurAnalyseGlobalExpr expr
@@ -115,7 +97,7 @@ Without this we never get rid of the exp = loc thing.
This save a gratuitous jump
(from \tr{x_exported} to \tr{x_local}), and makes strictness
information propagate better.
-This used to happen in the final phase, but its tidier to do it here.
+This used to happen in the final phase, but it's tidier to do it here.
If more than one exported thing is equal to a local thing (i.e., the
@@ -147,81 +129,79 @@ and it's dangerous to do this fiddling in STG land
because we might elminate a binding that's mentioned in the
unfolding for something.
-occAnalTop :: OccEnv -- What's in scope
- -> [CoreBind]
- -> (IdEnv BinderInfo, -- Occurrence info
- IdEnv Id, -- Indirection elimination info
- [CoreBind]
- )
-occAnalTop env [] = (emptyDetails, emptyVarEnv, [])
--- Special case for eliminating indirections
--- Note: it's a shortcoming that this only works for
--- non-recursive bindings. Elminating indirections
--- makes perfect sense for recursive bindings too, but
--- it's more complicated to implement, so I haven't done so
-occAnalTop env (bind : binds)
- = case bind of
- NonRec exported_id (Var local_id) | shortMeOut ind_env exported_id local_id
- -> -- Aha! An indirection; let's eliminate it!
- (scope_usage, ind_env', binds')
+occurAnalyseBinds :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+occurAnalyseBinds binds
+ = binds'
+ where
+ (_, _, binds') = go initialTopEnv binds
+ go :: OccEnv -> [CoreBind]
+ -> (UsageDetails, -- Occurrence info
+ IdEnv Id, -- Indirection elimination info
+ [CoreBind])
+ go env [] = (emptyDetails, emptyVarEnv, [])
+ go env (bind : binds)
+ = let
+ new_env = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
+ (scope_usage, ind_env, binds') = go new_env binds
+ (final_usage, new_binds) = occAnalBind env (zapBind ind_env bind) scope_usage
+ -- NB: I zap before occur-analysing, so
+ -- I don't need to worry about getting the
+ -- occ info on the new bindings right.
+ in
+ case bind of
+ NonRec exported_id (Var local_id)
+ | shortMeOut ind_env exported_id local_id
+ -- Special case for eliminating indirections
+ -- Note: it's a shortcoming that this only works for
+ -- non-recursive bindings. Elminating indirections
+ -- makes perfect sense for recursive bindings too, but
+ -- it's more complicated to implement, so I haven't done so
+ -> (scope_usage, ind_env', binds')
ind_env' = extendVarEnv ind_env local_id exported_id
- other -> -- Ho ho! The normal case
+ other -> -- Ho ho! The normal case
(final_usage, ind_env, new_binds ++ binds')
- where
- (final_usage, new_binds) = occAnalBind env (zap_bind bind) scope_usage
- where
- new_env = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
- (scope_usage, ind_env, binds') = occAnalTop new_env binds
- -- Deal with any indirections
- zap_bind (NonRec bndr rhs)
- | bndr `elemVarEnv` ind_env = Rec (zap (bndr,rhs))
- -- The Rec isn't strictly necessary, but it's convenient
- zap_bind (Rec pairs)
- | or [id `elemVarEnv` ind_env | (id,_) <- pairs] = Rec (concat (map zap pairs))
- zap_bind bind = bind
+initialTopEnv = OccEnv isLocallyDefined -- Anything local is interesting
+ emptyVarSet
+ []
- zap pair@(bndr,rhs) = case lookupVarEnv ind_env bndr of
- Nothing -> [pair]
- Just exported_id -> [(bndr, Var exported_id),
- (exported_id, rhs)]
+-- Deal with any indirections
+zapBind ind_env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ | bndr `elemVarEnv` ind_env = Rec (zap ind_env (bndr,rhs))
+ -- The Rec isn't strictly necessary, but it's convenient
+zapBind ind_env (Rec pairs)
+ | or [id `elemVarEnv` ind_env | (id,_) <- pairs] = Rec (concat (map (zap ind_env) pairs))
+zapBind ind_env bind = bind
+zap ind_env pair@(bndr,rhs)
+ = case lookupVarEnv ind_env bndr of
+ Nothing -> [pair]
+ Just exported_id -> [(bndr, Var exported_id),
+ (exported_id_w_info, rhs)]
+ where
+ exported_id_w_info = modifyIdInfo (copyIdInfo (idInfo bndr)) exported_id
+ -- See notes with copyIdInfo about propagating IdInfo from
+ -- one to t'other
shortMeOut ind_env exported_id local_id
- = isExported exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
+ = isExportedId exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
isLocallyDefined local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
-- module, so that we *can* change its
-- binding to be the exported thing!
- not (isExported local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
+ not (isExportedId local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
-- since the transformation will nuke it
- not (omitIfaceSigForId local_id) && -- Don't do the transformation if rhs_id is
- -- something like a constructor, whose
- -- definition is implicitly exported and
- -- which must not vanish.
- -- To illustrate the preceding check consider
- -- data T = MkT Int
- -- mkT = MkT
- -- f x = MkT (x+1)
- -- Here, we'll make a local, non-exported, defn for MkT, and without the
- -- above condition we'll transform it to:
- -- mkT = \x. MkT [x]
- -- f = \y. mkT (y+1)
- -- This is bad because mkT will get the IdDetails of MkT, and won't
- -- be exported. Also the code generator won't make a definition for
- -- the MkT constructor.
- -- Slightly gruesome, this.
not (local_id `elemVarEnv` ind_env) -- Only if not already substituted for
@@ -468,21 +448,20 @@ reOrderRec env (CyclicSCC (bind : binds))
score :: Node Details2 -> Int -- Higher score => less likely to be picked as loop breaker
score ((bndr, rhs), _, _)
| exprIsTrivial rhs &&
- not (isExported bndr) = 3 -- Practically certain to be inlined
- | inlineCandidate bndr = 3 -- Likely to be inlined
+ not (isExportedId bndr) = 3 -- Practically certain to be inlined
+ | inlineCandidate bndr rhs = 3 -- Likely to be inlined
| not_fun_ty (idType bndr) = 2 -- Data types help with cases
- | not (isEmptySpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation bndr)) = 1
- -- Avoid things with a SpecEnv; we'd like
- -- to take advantage of the SpecEnv in the subsequent bindings
+ | not (isEmptyCoreRules (getIdSpecialisation bndr)) = 1
+ -- Avoid things with specialisations; we'd like
+ -- to take advantage of them in the subsequent bindings
| otherwise = 0
- inlineCandidate :: Id -> Bool
- inlineCandidate id
- = case getInlinePragma id of
- IWantToBeINLINEd -> True
- IMustBeINLINEd -> True
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ _ -> True
- other -> False
+ inlineCandidate :: Id -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+ inlineCandidate id (Note InlineMe _) = True
+ inlineCandidate id rhs = case getInlinePragma id of
+ IMustBeINLINEd -> True
+ ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ _ -> True
+ other -> False
-- Real example (the Enum Ordering instance from PrelBase):
-- rec f = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> p x
@@ -509,43 +488,27 @@ ToDo: try using the occurrence info for the inline'd binder.
[March 97] We do the same for atomic RHSs. Reason: see notes with reOrderRec.
[June 98, SLPJ] I've undone this change; I don't understand it. See notes with reOrderRec.
-[March 98] A new wrinkle is that if the binder has specialisations inside
-it then we count the specialised Ids as "extra rhs's". That way
-the "parent" keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent
-dies (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will
-die too unless they are already referenced directly.
occAnalRhs :: OccEnv
-> Id -> CoreExpr -- Binder and rhs
-> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
-{- DELETED SLPJ June 98: seems quite bogus to me
-occAnalRhs env id (Var v)
- | isCandidate env v
- = (unitVarEnv v (markMany (funOccurrence 0)), Var v)
- | otherwise
- = (emptyDetails, Var v)
occAnalRhs env id rhs
- | idWantsToBeINLINEd id
- = (mapVarEnv markMany total_usage, rhs')
- | otherwise
- = (total_usage, rhs')
+ = (final_usage, rhs')
(rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnal env rhs
- lazy_rhs_usage = mapVarEnv markLazy rhs_usage
- total_usage = foldVarSet add lazy_rhs_usage spec_ids
- add v u = addOneOcc u v noBinderInfo -- Give a non-committal binder info
- -- (i.e manyOcc) because many copies
- -- of the specialised thing can appear
- spec_ids = idSpecVars id
+ -- [March 98] A new wrinkle is that if the binder has specialisations inside
+ -- it then we count the specialised Ids as "extra rhs's". That way
+ -- the "parent" keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent
+ -- dies (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will
+ -- die too unless they are already referenced directly.
+ final_usage = foldVarSet add rhs_usage (idRuleVars id)
+ add v u = addOneOcc u v noBinderInfo -- Give a non-committal binder info
+ -- (i.e manyOcc) because many copies
+ -- of the specialised thing can appear
@@ -558,9 +521,19 @@ occAnal :: OccEnv
occAnal env (Type t) = (emptyDetails, Type t)
-occAnal env (Var v)
- | isCandidate env v = (unitVarEnv v funOccZero, Var v)
- | otherwise = (emptyDetails, Var v)
+occAnal env (Var v)
+ = (var_uds, Var v)
+ where
+ var_uds | isCandidate env v = unitVarEnv v funOccZero
+ | otherwise = emptyDetails
+ -- At one stage, I gathered the idRuleVars for v here too,
+ -- which in a way is the right thing to do.
+ -- But that went wrong right after specialisation, when
+ -- the *occurrences* of the overloaded function didn't have any
+ -- rules in them, so the *specialised* versions looked as if they
+ -- weren't used at all.
We regard variables that occur as constructor arguments as "dangerousToDup":
@@ -596,17 +569,14 @@ occAnal env expr@(Con (Literal lit) args)
| otherwise = uds
occAnal env (Con con args)
- = case mapAndUnzip (occAnal env) args of { (arg_uds_s, args') ->
+ = case occAnalArgs env args of { (arg_uds, args') ->
- arg_uds = foldr combineUsageDetails emptyDetails arg_uds_s
-- We mark the free vars of the argument of a constructor as "many"
-- This means that nothing gets inlined into a constructor argument
-- position, which is what we want. Typically those constructor
-- arguments are just variables, or trivial expressions.
final_arg_uds = case con of
DataCon _ -> mapVarEnv markMany arg_uds
- PrimOp _ -> mapVarEnv markLazy arg_uds
other -> arg_uds
(final_arg_uds, Con con args')
@@ -614,6 +584,11 @@ occAnal env (Con con args)
+occAnal env (Note InlineMe body)
+ = case occAnal env body of { (usage, body') ->
+ (mapVarEnv markMany usage, Note InlineMe body')
+ }
occAnal env (Note note@(SCC cc) body)
= case occAnal env body of { (usage, body') ->
(mapVarEnv markInsideSCC usage, Note note body')
@@ -626,12 +601,9 @@ occAnal env (Note note body)
-occAnal env (App fun arg)
- = case occAnal env fun of { (fun_usage, fun') ->
- case occAnal env arg of { (arg_usage, arg') ->
- (fun_usage `combineUsageDetails` mapVarEnv markLazy arg_usage, App fun' arg')
- }}
+occAnal env app@(App fun arg)
+ = occAnalApp env (collectArgs app)
-- Ignore type variables altogether
-- (a) occurrences inside type lambdas only not marked as InsideLam
-- (b) type variables not in environment
@@ -651,15 +623,19 @@ occAnal env expr@(Lam x body) | isTyVar x
-- Then, the simplifier is careful when partially applying lambdas.
occAnal env expr@(Lam _ _)
- = case occAnal (env `addNewCands` binders) body of { (body_usage, body') ->
+ = case occAnal (env_body `addNewCands` binders) body of { (body_usage, body') ->
(final_usage, tagged_binders) = tagBinders body_usage binders
+ really_final_usage = if linear then
+ final_usage
+ else
+ mapVarEnv markInsideLam final_usage
- (mapVarEnv markInsideLam final_usage,
+ (really_final_usage,
mkLams tagged_binders body') }
- (binders, body) = collectBinders expr
+ (binders, body) = collectBinders expr
+ (linear, env_body) = getCtxt env (count isId binders)
occAnal env (Case scrut bndr alts)
= case mapAndUnzip (occAnalAlt alt_env) alts of { (alts_usage_s, alts') ->
@@ -679,8 +655,61 @@ occAnal env (Let bind body)
(final_usage, mkLets new_binds body') }}
new_env = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
+occAnalArgs env args
+ = case mapAndUnzip (occAnal env) args of { (arg_uds_s, args') ->
+ (foldr combineUsageDetails emptyDetails arg_uds_s, args')}
+Applications are dealt with specially because we want
+the "build hack" to work.
+-- Hack for build, fold, runST
+occAnalApp env (Var fun, args)
+ = case args_stuff of { (args_uds, args') ->
+ let
+ final_uds = fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` args_uds
+ in
+ (final_uds, mkApps (Var fun) args') }
+ where
+ fun_uniq = idUnique fun
+ fun_uds | isCandidate env fun = unitVarEnv fun funOccZero
+ | otherwise = emptyDetails
+ args_stuff | fun_uniq == buildIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True,True] args
+ | fun_uniq == augmentIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True,True] args
+ | fun_uniq == foldrIdKey = appSpecial env 3 [False,True] args
+ | fun_uniq == runSTRepIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True] args
+ | otherwise = occAnalArgs env args
+occAnalApp env (fun, args)
+ = case occAnal env fun of { (fun_uds, fun') ->
+ case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') ->
+ let
+ final_uds = fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` args_uds
+ in
+ (final_uds, mkApps fun' args') }}
+appSpecial :: OccEnv -> Int -> CtxtTy -> [CoreExpr] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreExpr])
+appSpecial env n ctxt args
+ = go n args
+ where
+ go n [] = (emptyDetails, []) -- Too few args
+ go 1 (arg:args) -- The magic arg
+ = case occAnal (setCtxt env ctxt) arg of { (arg_uds, arg') ->
+ case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') ->
+ (combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }}
+ go n (arg:args)
+ = case occAnal env arg of { (arg_uds, arg') ->
+ case go (n-1) args of { (args_uds, args') ->
+ (combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }}
Case alternatives
@@ -700,29 +729,44 @@ occAnalAlt env (con, bndrs, rhs)
-data OccEnv =
- OccEnv
- Bool -- IgnoreINLINEPragma flag
- -- False <=> OK to use INLINEPragma information
- -- True <=> ignore INLINEPragma information
+-- We gather inforamtion for variables that are either
+-- (a) in scope or
+-- (b) interesting
- (Id -> Bool) -- Tells whether an Id occurrence is interesting,
- -- given the set of in-scope variables
+data OccEnv =
+ OccEnv (Id -> Bool) -- Tells whether an Id occurrence is interesting,
+ IdSet -- In-scope Ids
+ CtxtTy -- Tells about linearity
- IdSet -- In-scope Ids
+type CtxtTy = [Bool]
+ -- [] No info
+ --
+ -- True:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that will be
+ -- applied just once
+ --
+ -- False:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that may
+ -- be applied many times; but when it is,
+ -- the CtxtTy inside applies
+isCandidate :: OccEnv -> Id -> Bool
+isCandidate (OccEnv ifun cands _) id = id `elemVarSet` cands || ifun id
addNewCands :: OccEnv -> [Id] -> OccEnv
-addNewCands (OccEnv ip ifun cands) ids
- = OccEnv ip ifun (cands `unionVarSet` mkVarSet ids)
+addNewCands (OccEnv ifun cands ctxt) ids
+ = OccEnv ifun (cands `unionVarSet` mkVarSet ids) ctxt
addNewCand :: OccEnv -> Id -> OccEnv
-addNewCand (OccEnv ip ifun cands) id
- = OccEnv ip ifun (extendVarSet cands id)
+addNewCand (OccEnv ifun cands ctxt) id
+ = OccEnv ifun (extendVarSet cands id) ctxt
-isCandidate :: OccEnv -> Id -> Bool
-isCandidate (OccEnv _ ifun cands) id = id `elemVarSet` cands || ifun id
+setCtxt :: OccEnv -> CtxtTy -> OccEnv
+setCtxt (OccEnv ifun cands _) ctxt = OccEnv ifun cands ctxt
+getCtxt :: OccEnv -> Int -> (Bool, OccEnv) -- True <=> this is a linear lambda
+ -- The Int is the number of lambdas
+getCtxt env@(OccEnv ifun cands []) n = (False, env)
+getCtxt (OccEnv ifun cands ctxt) n = (and (take n ctxt), OccEnv ifun cands (drop n ctxt))
+ -- Only return True if *all* the lambdas are linear
type UsageDetails = IdEnv BinderInfo -- A finite map from ids to their usage
@@ -745,9 +789,7 @@ emptyDetails = (emptyVarEnv :: UsageDetails)
unitDetails id info = (unitVarEnv id info :: UsageDetails)
usedIn :: Id -> UsageDetails -> Bool
-v `usedIn` details = isExported v
- || v `elemVarEnv` details
- || isSpecPragmaId v
+v `usedIn` details = isExportedId v || v `elemVarEnv` details
tagBinders :: UsageDetails -- Of scope
-> [Id] -- Binders
@@ -786,8 +828,6 @@ setBinderPrag usage bndr
ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ _ -> new_bndr -- from the previous iteration of
IAmALoopBreaker -> new_bndr -- the occurrence analyser
- IAmASpecPragmaId -> bndr -- Don't ever overwrite or drop these as dead
other | its_now_dead -> new_bndr -- Overwrite the others iff it's now dead
| otherwise -> bndr
@@ -802,7 +842,7 @@ setBinderPrag usage bndr
new_prag = occInfoToInlinePrag occ_info
- | isExported bndr = noBinderInfo
+ | isExportedId bndr = noBinderInfo
-- Don't use local usage info for visible-elsewhere things
-- But NB that we do set NoInlinePragma for exported things
-- thereby nuking any IAmALoopBreaker from a previous pass.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
index 3982c8ac4e..0e75d9fdcd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Type ( mkTyVarTy, mkSigmaTy,
import MkId ( mkSysLocal )
-import Id ( idType, idName, mkUserId )
+import Id ( idType, idName, mkVanillaId )
import UniqSupply
import Util
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ newSATName id ty us env
new_name = mkCompoundName SLIT("$sat") unique (idName id)
- (mkUserId new_name ty, env) }
+ (mkVanillaId new_name ty, env) }
getArgLists :: CoreExpr -> ([Arg Type],[Arg Id])
getArgLists expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
index 10c6de626c..3b01473a5c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
@@ -3,11 +3,21 @@
-We attach binding levels to Core bindings, in preparation for floating
-outwards (@FloatOut@).
+ ***************************
+ Overview
+ ***************************
+* We attach binding levels to Core bindings, in preparation for floating
+ outwards (@FloatOut@).
+* We also let-ify many expressions (notably case scrutinees), so they
+ will have a fighting chance of being floated sensible.
+* We clone the binders of any floatable let-binding, so that when it is
+ floated out it will be unique. (This used to be done by the simplifier
+ but the latter now only ensures that there's no shadowing.)
-We also let-ify many applications (notably case scrutinees), so they
-will have a fighting chance of being floated sensible.
module SetLevels (
@@ -22,18 +32,16 @@ module SetLevels (
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUtils ( coreExprType, exprIsTrivial, idFreeVars, exprIsBottom
- )
-import FreeVars -- all of it
+import CoreUtils ( coreExprType, exprIsTrivial, exprIsBottom )
+import CoreFVs -- all of it
import Id ( Id, idType, mkSysLocal )
-import Var ( IdOrTyVar )
+import Var ( IdOrTyVar, Var, setVarUnique )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Type ( isUnLiftedType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, Type )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
-import UniqSupply ( initUs_, thenUs, returnUs, mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs, getUniqueUs,
- mapAndUnzip3Us, UniqSM, UniqSupply )
+import UniqSupply
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Util ( zipWithEqual, zipEqual )
import Outputable
@@ -96,6 +104,13 @@ incMinorLvl :: Level -> Level
incMinorLvl Top = Level 0 1
incMinorLvl (Level major minor) = Level major (minor+1)
+unTopify :: Type -> Level -> Level
+unTopify ty lvl
+ | isUnLiftedType ty = case lvl of
+ Top -> Level 0 0 -- Unboxed floats can't go right
+ other -> lvl -- to the top
+ | otherwise = lvl
maxLvl :: Level -> Level -> Level
maxLvl Top l2 = l2
maxLvl l1 Top = l1
@@ -130,25 +145,33 @@ instance Outputable Level where
-type LevelEnv = VarEnv Level
+type LevelEnv = VarEnv (Var, Level)
+ -- We clone let-bound variables so that they are still
+ -- distinct when floated out; hence the Var in the range
+extendLvlEnv :: LevelEnv -> [(Var,Level)] -> LevelEnv
+ -- Used when *not* cloning
+extendLvlEnv env prs = foldl add env prs
+ where
+ add env (v,l) = extendVarEnv env v (v,l)
varLevel :: LevelEnv -> IdOrTyVar -> Level
varLevel env v
= case lookupVarEnv env v of
- Just level -> level
- Nothing -> tOP_LEVEL
+ Just (_,level) -> level
+ Nothing -> tOP_LEVEL
maxIdLvl :: LevelEnv -> IdOrTyVar -> Level -> Level
maxIdLvl env var lvl | isTyVar var = lvl
| otherwise = case lookupVarEnv env var of
- Just lvl' -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
- Nothing -> lvl
+ Just (_,lvl') -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
+ Nothing -> lvl
maxTyVarLvl :: LevelEnv -> IdOrTyVar -> Level -> Level
maxTyVarLvl env var lvl | isId var = lvl
| otherwise = case lookupVarEnv env var of
- Just lvl' -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
- Nothing -> lvl
+ Just (_,lvl') -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
+ Nothing -> lvl
@@ -200,25 +223,18 @@ lvlBind :: Level
-> CoreBindWithFVs
-> LvlM ([LevelledBind], LevelEnv)
-lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnNonRec name rhs)
- = setFloatLevel (Just name) ctxt_lvl env rhs ty `thenLvl` \ (final_lvl, rhs') ->
+lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnNonRec bndr rhs)
+ = setFloatLevel (Just bndr) ctxt_lvl env rhs ty `thenLvl` \ (final_lvl, rhs') ->
+ cloneVar ctxt_lvl bndr `thenLvl` \ new_bndr ->
- new_env = extendVarEnv env name final_lvl
+ new_env = extendVarEnv env bndr (new_bndr,final_lvl)
- returnLvl ([NonRec (name, final_lvl) rhs'], new_env)
+ returnLvl ([NonRec (new_bndr, final_lvl) rhs'], new_env)
- ty = idType name
+ ty = idType bndr
-lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnRec pairs)
- = decideRecFloatLevel ctxt_lvl env binders rhss `thenLvl` \ (final_lvl, extra_binds, rhss') ->
- let
- binders_w_lvls = binders `zip` repeat final_lvl
- new_env = extendVarEnvList env binders_w_lvls
- in
- returnLvl (extra_binds ++ [Rec (zipEqual "lvlBind" binders_w_lvls rhss')], new_env)
- where
- (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+lvlBind ctxt_lvl env (AnnRec pairs) = lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
@@ -253,7 +269,9 @@ If there were another lambda in @r@'s rhs, it would get level-2 as well.
lvlExpr _ _ (_, AnnType ty) = returnLvl (Type ty)
-lvlExpr _ _ (_, AnnVar v) = returnLvl (Var v)
+lvlExpr _ env (_, AnnVar v) = case lookupVarEnv env v of
+ Just (v',_) -> returnLvl (Var v')
+ Nothing -> returnLvl (Var v)
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnCon con args)
= mapLvl (lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env) args `thenLvl` \ args' ->
@@ -286,7 +304,7 @@ lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnLam bndr rhs)
incd_lvl | bndr_is_id = incMajorLvl ctxt_lvl
| otherwise = incMinorLvl ctxt_lvl
lvld_bndrs = [(b,incd_lvl) | b <- (bndr:bndrs)]
- new_env = extendVarEnvList env lvld_bndrs
+ new_env = extendLvlEnv env lvld_bndrs
go (_, AnnLam bndr rhs) | bndr_is_id && isId bndr
|| bndr_is_tyvar && isTyVar bndr
@@ -305,12 +323,12 @@ lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env (_, AnnCase expr case_bndr alts)
expr_type = coreExprType (deAnnotate expr)
incd_lvl = incMinorLvl ctxt_lvl
- alts_env = extendVarEnv env case_bndr incd_lvl
+ alts_env = extendVarEnv env case_bndr (case_bndr,incd_lvl)
lvl_alt (con, bs, rhs)
= let
bs' = [ (b, incd_lvl) | b <- bs ]
- new_env = extendVarEnvList alts_env bs'
+ new_env = extendLvlEnv alts_env bs'
lvlMFE incd_lvl new_env rhs `thenLvl` \ rhs' ->
returnLvl (con, bs', rhs')
@@ -403,10 +421,11 @@ setFloatLevel maybe_let_bound ctxt_lvl env expr@(expr_fvs, _) ty
| not alreadyLetBound
&& (expr_is_trivial || expr_is_bottom || not will_float_past_lambda)
= -- Pin trivial non-let-bound expressions,
-- or ones which aren't going anywhere useful
lvlExpr ctxt_lvl env expr `thenLvl` \ expr' ->
- returnLvl (ctxt_lvl, expr')
+ returnLvl (safe_ctxt_lvl, expr')
{- SDM 7/98
The above case used to read (whnf_or_bottom || not will_float_past_lambda).
@@ -420,13 +439,13 @@ the expr_is_trivial condition.
= -- Process the expression with a new ctxt_lvl, obtained from
-- the free vars of the expression itself
lvlExpr expr_lvl env expr `thenLvl` \ expr' ->
- returnLvl (expr_lvl, expr')
+ returnLvl (safe_expr_lvl, expr')
| otherwise -- This will create a let anyway, even if there is no
-- type variable to abstract, so we try to abstract anyway
= abstractWrtTyVars offending_tyvars ty env lvl_after_ty_abstr expr
`thenLvl` \ final_expr ->
- returnLvl (expr_lvl, final_expr)
+ returnLvl (safe_expr_lvl, final_expr)
-- OLD LIE: The body of the let, just a type application, isn't worth floating
-- so pin it with ctxt_lvl
-- The truth: better to give it expr_lvl in case it is pinning
@@ -434,6 +453,9 @@ the expr_is_trivial condition.
alreadyLetBound = maybeToBool maybe_let_bound
+ safe_ctxt_lvl = unTopify ty ctxt_lvl
+ safe_expr_lvl = unTopify ty expr_lvl
fvs = case maybe_let_bound of
Nothing -> expr_fvs
Just id -> expr_fvs `unionVarSet` idFreeVars id
@@ -485,7 +507,7 @@ abstractWrtTyVars offending_tyvars ty env lvl expr
-- These defns are just like those in the TyLam case of lvlExpr
incd_lvl = incMinorLvl lvl
tyvar_lvls = [(tv,incd_lvl) | tv <- offending_tyvars]
- new_env = extendVarEnvList env tyvar_lvls
+ new_env = extendLvlEnv env tyvar_lvls
Recursive definitions. We want to transform
@@ -507,7 +529,7 @@ to
let D in body
where ab are the tyvars pinning the defn further in than it
-need be, and D is a bunch of simple type applications:
+need be, and D is a bunch of simple type applications:
x1_cl = x1' ab
@@ -525,55 +547,62 @@ but differ in their level numbers; here the ab are the newly-introduced
type lambdas.
-decideRecFloatLevel ctxt_lvl env ids rhss
+lvlRecBind ctxt_lvl env pairs
| ids_only_lvl `ltLvl` tyvars_only_lvl
= -- Abstract wrt tyvars;
-- offending_tyvars is definitely non-empty
-- (I love the ASSERT to check this... WDP 95/02)
- incd_lvl = incMinorLvl ids_only_lvl
- tyvars_w_lvl = [(var,incd_lvl) | var <- offending_tyvars]
- ids_w_lvl = [(var,incd_lvl) | var <- ids]
- new_env = extendVarEnvList env (tyvars_w_lvl ++ ids_w_lvl)
+ incd_lvl = incMinorLvl ids_only_lvl
+ tyvars_w_rhs_lvl = [(var,incd_lvl) | var <- offending_tyvars]
+ bndrs_w_rhs_lvl = [(var,incd_lvl) | var <- bndrs]
+ rhs_env = extendLvlEnv env (tyvars_w_rhs_lvl ++ bndrs_w_rhs_lvl)
- mapLvl (lvlExpr incd_lvl new_env) rhss `thenLvl` \ rhss' ->
+ mapLvl (lvlExpr incd_lvl rhs_env) rhss `thenLvl` \ rhss' ->
mapLvl newLvlVar poly_tys `thenLvl` \ poly_vars ->
+ mapLvl (cloneVar ctxt_lvl) bndrs `thenLvl` \ new_bndrs ->
- ids_w_poly_vars = zipEqual "decideRec2" ids poly_vars
-- The "d_rhss" are the right-hand sides of "D" and "D'"
-- in the documentation above
d_rhss = [ mkTyApps (Var poly_var) offending_tyvar_tys | poly_var <- poly_vars]
-- "local_binds" are "D'" in the documentation above
- local_binds = zipWithEqual "SetLevels" NonRec ids_w_lvl d_rhss
+ local_binds = zipWithEqual "SetLevels" NonRec bndrs_w_rhs_lvl d_rhss
- poly_var_rhss = [ mkLams tyvars_w_lvl (mkLets local_binds rhs')
+ poly_var_rhss = [ mkLams tyvars_w_rhs_lvl (mkLets local_binds rhs')
| rhs' <- rhss'
poly_binds = zipEqual "poly_binds" [(poly_var, ids_only_lvl) | poly_var <- poly_vars]
+ -- The new right-hand sides, just a type application,
+ -- aren't worth floating so pin it with ctxt_lvl
+ bndrs_w_lvl = new_bndrs `zip` repeat ctxt_lvl
+ new_env = extendVarEnvList env (bndrs `zip` bndrs_w_lvl)
+ -- "d_binds" are the "D" in the documentation above
+ d_binds = zipWithEqual "SetLevels" NonRec bndrs_w_lvl d_rhss
- returnLvl (ctxt_lvl, [Rec poly_binds], d_rhss)
- -- The new right-hand sides, just a type application, aren't worth floating
- -- so pin it with ctxt_lvl
+ returnLvl (Rec poly_binds : d_binds, new_env)
| otherwise
= -- Let it float freely
+ mapLvl (cloneVar ctxt_lvl) bndrs `thenLvl` \ new_bndrs ->
- ids_w_lvls = ids `zip` repeat expr_lvl
- new_env = extendVarEnvList env ids_w_lvls
+ bndrs_w_lvls = new_bndrs `zip` repeat expr_lvl
+ new_env = extendVarEnvList env (bndrs `zip` bndrs_w_lvls)
mapLvl (lvlExpr expr_lvl new_env) rhss `thenLvl` \ rhss' ->
- returnLvl (expr_lvl, [], rhss')
+ returnLvl ([Rec (bndrs_w_lvls `zip` rhss')], new_env)
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
-- Finding the free vars of the binding group is annoying
- bind_fvs = (unionVarSets (map fst rhss) `unionVarSet` unionVarSets (map idFreeVars ids))
+ bind_fvs = (unionVarSets (map fst rhss) `unionVarSet` unionVarSets (map idFreeVars bndrs))
- mkVarSet ids
+ mkVarSet bndrs
ids_only_lvl = foldVarSet (maxIdLvl env) tOP_LEVEL bind_fvs
tyvars_only_lvl = foldVarSet (maxTyVarLvl env) tOP_LEVEL bind_fvs
@@ -584,8 +613,8 @@ decideRecFloatLevel ctxt_lvl env ids rhss
| otherwise = ids_only_lvl `ltLvl` varLevel env var
offending_tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys offending_tyvars
- tys = map idType ids
- poly_tys = map (mkForAllTys offending_tyvars) tys
+ tys = map idType bndrs
+ poly_tys = map (mkForAllTys offending_tyvars) tys
@@ -601,15 +630,15 @@ initLvl = initUs_
thenLvl = thenUs
returnLvl = returnUs
mapLvl = mapUs
-mapAndUnzipLvl = mapAndUnzipUs
-mapAndUnzip3Lvl = mapAndUnzip3Us
-We create a let-binding for `interesting' (non-utterly-trivial)
-applications, to give them a fighting chance of being floated.
newLvlVar :: Type -> LvlM Id
newLvlVar ty = getUniqueUs `thenLvl` \ uniq ->
returnUs (mkSysLocal SLIT("lvl") uniq ty)
+cloneVar :: Level -> Id -> LvlM Id
+cloneVar Top v = returnUs v -- Don't clone top level things
+cloneVar _ v = getUniqueUs `thenLvl` \ uniq ->
+ returnUs (setVarUnique v uniq)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
index 181a38aa99..5eed5f9a84 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
@@ -9,30 +9,32 @@ module SimplCore ( core2core ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CmdLineOpts ( CoreToDo(..), SimplifierSwitch(..),
- SwitchResult, switchIsOn,
- opt_D_dump_occur_anal,
+ SwitchResult(..), switchIsOn, intSwitchSet,
+ opt_D_dump_occur_anal, opt_D_dump_rules,
- opt_D_simplifier_stats,
- opt_D_dump_simpl,
+ opt_D_dump_simpl_stats,
+ opt_D_dump_simpl, opt_D_dump_rules,
import CoreLint ( beginPass, endPass )
+import CoreTidy ( tidyCorePgm )
import CoreSyn
+import Rules ( RuleBase, ProtoCoreRule(..), pprProtoCoreRule, prepareRuleBase, orphanRule )
+import CoreUnfold
import PprCore ( pprCoreBindings )
import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseBinds )
import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, coreExprType )
-import Simplify ( simplBind )
-import SimplUtils ( etaCoreExpr, findDefault )
+import Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr )
+import SimplUtils ( etaCoreExpr, findDefault, simplBinders )
import SimplMonad
-import CoreUnfold
import Const ( Con(..), Literal(..), literalType, mkMachInt )
import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet )
import FloatIn ( floatInwards )
import FloatOut ( floatOutwards )
-import Id ( Id, mkSysLocal, mkUserId, isBottomingId,
- idType, setIdType, idName, idInfo, idDetails
+import Id ( Id, mkSysLocal, mkVanillaId, isBottomingId,
+ idType, setIdType, idName, idInfo, setIdNoDiscard
import IdInfo ( InlinePragInfo(..), specInfo, setSpecInfo,
inlinePragInfo, setInlinePragInfo,
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ import Demand ( wwLazy )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Module ( Module )
-import Name ( mkLocalName, tidyOccName, tidyTopName, initTidyOccEnv, isExported,
+import Name ( mkLocalName, tidyOccName, tidyTopName,
NamedThing(..), OccName
import TyCon ( TyCon, isDataTyCon )
@@ -58,17 +60,15 @@ import TysWiredIn ( smallIntegerDataCon, isIntegerTy )
import LiberateCase ( liberateCase )
import SAT ( doStaticArgs )
import Specialise ( specProgram)
-import SpecEnv ( specEnvToList, specEnvFromList )
import UsageSPInf ( doUsageSPInf )
import StrictAnal ( saBinds )
import WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds )
import CprAnalyse ( cprAnalyse )
-import Var ( TyVar, mkId )
import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..),
- ratioTyConKey, mkUnique, incrUnique, initTidyUniques
+ ratioTyConKey
-import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, mkSplitUniqSupply, splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply )
import Constants ( tARGET_MIN_INT, tARGET_MAX_INT )
import Util ( mapAccumL )
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
@@ -80,94 +80,159 @@ import Outputable
import Ratio ( numerator, denominator )
+%* *
+\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
+%* *
core2core :: [CoreToDo] -- Spec of what core-to-core passes to do
- -> Module -- Module name (profiling only)
- -> [Class] -- Local classes
- -> UniqSupply -- A name supply
- -> [CoreBind] -- Input
- -> IO [CoreBind] -- Result
+ -> [CoreBind] -- Binds in
+ -> [ProtoCoreRule] -- Rules
+ -> IO ([CoreBind], [ProtoCoreRule])
-core2core core_todos module_name classes us binds
+core2core core_todos binds rules
= do
- let (us1, us23) = splitUniqSupply us
- (us2, us3 ) = splitUniqSupply us23
+ us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
+ let (cp_us, us1) = splitUniqSupply us
+ (ru_us, ps_us) = splitUniqSupply us1
+ better_rules <- simplRules ru_us rules binds
+ let (binds1, rule_base) = prepareRuleBase binds better_rules
-- Do the main business
- processed_binds <- doCorePasses us1 binds core_todos
+ (stats, processed_binds) <- doCorePasses zeroSimplCount cp_us binds1
+ rule_base core_todos
- -- Do the post-simplification business
- post_simpl_binds <- doPostSimplification us2 processed_binds
+ dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
+ "Grand total simplifier statistics"
+ (pprSimplCount stats)
- -- Do the final tidy-up
- final_binds <- tidyCorePgm us3 module_name classes post_simpl_binds
+ -- Do the post-simplification business
+ post_simpl_binds <- doPostSimplification ps_us processed_binds
-- Return results
- return final_binds
+ return (post_simpl_binds, filter orphanRule better_rules)
-doCorePasses us binds []
- = return binds
+doCorePasses stats us binds irs []
+ = return (stats, binds)
-doCorePasses us binds (to_do : to_dos)
+doCorePasses stats us binds irs (to_do : to_dos)
= do
let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- binds1 <- doCorePass us1 binds to_do
- doCorePasses us2 binds1 to_dos
-doCorePass us binds (CoreDoSimplify sw_chkr) = _scc_ "Simplify" simplifyPgm sw_chkr us binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreLiberateCase = _scc_ "LiberateCase" liberateCase binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoFloatInwards = _scc_ "FloatInwards" floatInwards binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoFullLaziness = _scc_ "CoreFloating" floatOutwards us binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoStaticArgs = _scc_ "CoreStaticArgs" doStaticArgs us binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoStrictness = _scc_ "CoreStranal" saBinds binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoWorkerWrapper = _scc_ "CoreWorkWrap" wwTopBinds us binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoSpecialising = _scc_ "Specialise" specProgram us binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoUSPInf
+ (stats1, binds1) <- doCorePass us1 binds irs to_do
+ doCorePasses (stats `plusSimplCount` stats1) us2 binds1 irs to_dos
+doCorePass us binds rb (CoreDoSimplify sw_chkr) = _scc_ "Simplify" simplifyPgm rb sw_chkr us binds
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreLiberateCase = _scc_ "LiberateCase" noStats (liberateCase binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoFloatInwards = _scc_ "FloatInwards" noStats (floatInwards binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoFullLaziness = _scc_ "FloatOutwards" noStats (floatOutwards us binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoStaticArgs = _scc_ "StaticArgs" noStats (doStaticArgs us binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoStrictness = _scc_ "Stranal" noStats (saBinds binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoWorkerWrapper = _scc_ "WorkWrap" noStats (wwTopBinds us binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoSpecialising = _scc_ "Specialise" noStats (specProgram us binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoCPResult = _scc_ "CPResult" noStats (cprAnalyse binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoPrintCore = _scc_ "PrintCore" noStats (printCore binds)
+doCorePass us binds rb CoreDoUSPInf
= _scc_ "CoreUsageSPInf"
if opt_UsageSPOn then
- doUsageSPInf us binds
+ noStats (doUsageSPInf us binds)
trace "WARNING: ignoring requested -fusagesp pass; requires -fusagesp-on" $
- return binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoCPResult = _scc_ "CPResult" cprAnalyse binds
-doCorePass us binds CoreDoPrintCore
- = _scc_ "PrintCore"
- do
- putStr (showSDoc $ pprCoreBindings binds)
- return binds
+ noStats (return binds)
+printCore binds = do dumpIfSet True "Print Core"
+ (pprCoreBindings binds)
+ return binds
+noStats thing = do { result <- thing; return (zeroSimplCount, result) }
%* *
+\subsection{Dealing with rules}
+%* *
+We must do some gentle simplifiation on the template (but not the RHS)
+of each rule. The case that forced me to add this was the fold/build rule,
+which without simplification looked like:
+ fold k z (build (/\a. g a)) ==> ...
+This doesn't match unless you do eta reduction on the build argument.
+simplRules :: UniqSupply -> [ProtoCoreRule] -> [CoreBind] -> IO [ProtoCoreRule]
+simplRules us rules binds
+ = do let (better_rules,_) = initSmpl sw_chkr us bind_vars black_list_all (mapSmpl simplRule rules)
+ dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_rules
+ "Transformation rules"
+ (vcat (map pprProtoCoreRule better_rules))
+ return better_rules
+ where
+ black_list_all v = True -- This stops all inlining
+ sw_chkr any = SwBool False -- A bit bogus
+ -- Boringly, we need to gather the in-scope set.
+ -- Typically this thunk won't even be force, but the test in
+ -- simpVar fails if it isn't right, and it might conceivably matter
+ bind_vars = foldr (unionVarSet . mkVarSet . bindersOf) emptyVarSet binds
+simplRule rule@(ProtoCoreRule is_local id (Rule name bndrs args rhs))
+ | not is_local
+ = returnSmpl rule -- No need to fiddle with imported rules
+ | otherwise
+ = simplBinders bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
+ mapSmpl simplExpr args `thenSmpl` \ args' ->
+ simplExpr rhs `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
+ returnSmpl (ProtoCoreRule is_local id (Rule name bndrs' args' rhs'))
+%* *
\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
%* *
-simplifyPgm :: (SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult)
+simplifyPgm :: RuleBase
+ -> (SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult)
-> UniqSupply
- -> [CoreBind] -- Input
- -> IO [CoreBind] -- New bindings
+ -> [CoreBind] -- Input
+ -> IO (SimplCount, [CoreBind]) -- New bindings
-simplifyPgm sw_chkr us binds
+simplifyPgm (imported_rule_ids, rule_lhs_fvs)
+ sw_chkr us binds
= do {
beginPass "Simplify";
- (termination_msg, it_count, counts, binds') <- iteration us 1 zeroSimplCount binds;
+ -- Glom all binds together in one Rec, in case any
+ -- transformations have introduced any new dependencies
+ let { recd_binds = [Rec (flattenBinds binds)] };
+ (termination_msg, it_count, counts_out, binds') <- iteration us 1 zeroSimplCount recd_binds;
- dumpIfSet opt_D_simplifier_stats "Simplifier statistics"
+ dumpIfSet (opt_D_verbose_core2core && opt_D_dump_simpl_stats)
+ "Simplifier statistics"
(vcat [text termination_msg <+> text "after" <+> ppr it_count <+> text "iterations",
text "",
- pprSimplCount counts]);
+ pprSimplCount counts_out]);
endPass "Simplify"
(opt_D_verbose_core2core && not opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations)
- binds'
+ binds' ;
+ return (counts_out, binds')
- max_iterations = getSimplIntSwitch sw_chkr MaxSimplifierIterations
- simpl_switch_is_on = switchIsOn sw_chkr
+ max_iterations = getSimplIntSwitch sw_chkr MaxSimplifierIterations
+ black_list_fn = blackListed rule_lhs_fvs (intSwitchSet sw_chkr SimplInlinePhase)
core_iter_dump binds | opt_D_verbose_core2core = pprCoreBindings binds
| otherwise = empty
@@ -175,12 +240,15 @@ simplifyPgm sw_chkr us binds
iteration us iteration_no counts binds
= do {
-- Occurrence analysis
- let { tagged_binds = _scc_ "OccAnal" occurAnalyseBinds simpl_switch_is_on binds };
+ let { tagged_binds = _scc_ "OccAnal" occurAnalyseBinds binds } ;
dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_occur_anal "Occurrence analysis"
(pprCoreBindings tagged_binds);
-- Simplify
- let { (binds', counts') = initSmpl sw_chkr us1 (simplTopBinds tagged_binds);
+ let { (binds', counts') = initSmpl sw_chkr us1 imported_rule_ids
+ black_list_fn
+ (simplTopBinds tagged_binds);
all_counts = counts `plusSimplCount` counts'
} ;
@@ -193,14 +261,19 @@ simplifyPgm sw_chkr us binds
dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
("Simplifier iteration " ++ show iteration_no
++ " out of " ++ show max_iterations)
- (vcat[pprSimplCount counts',
- text "",
- core_iter_dump binds']) ;
+ (pprSimplCount counts') ;
+ if opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations then
+ endPass ("Simplifier iteration " ++ show iteration_no ++ " result")
+ opt_D_verbose_core2core
+ binds'
+ else
+ return [] ;
-- Stop if we've run out of iterations
if iteration_no == max_iterations then
do {
- if max_iterations > 1 then
+ if max_iterations > 2 then
hPutStr stderr ("NOTE: Simplifier still going after " ++
show max_iterations ++
" iterations; bailing out.\n")
@@ -214,192 +287,11 @@ simplifyPgm sw_chkr us binds
} }
(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
-simplTopBinds binds = go binds `thenSmpl` \ (binds', _) ->
- returnSmpl binds'
- where
- go [] = returnSmpl ([], ())
- go (bind1 : binds) = simplBind bind1 (go binds)
%* *
-\subsection{Tidying core}
-%* *
-Several tasks are done by @tidyCorePgm@
-1. Make certain top-level bindings into Globals. The point is that
- Global things get externally-visible labels at code generation
- time
-2. Give all binders a nice print-name. Their uniques aren't changed;
- rather we give them lexically unique occ-names, so that we can
- safely print the OccNae only in the interface file. [Bad idea to
- change the uniques, because the code generator makes global labels
- from the uniques for local thunks etc.]
-3. If @opt_UsageSPOn@ then compute usage information (which is
- needed by Core2Stg). ** NOTE _scc_ HERE **
-tidyCorePgm :: UniqSupply -> Module -> [Class] -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
-tidyCorePgm us mod local_classes binds_in
- = do
- beginPass "Tidy Core"
- let (_, binds_tidy) = mapAccumL (tidyBind (Just mod)) init_tidy_env binds_in
- binds_out <- if opt_UsageSPOn
- then _scc_ "CoreUsageSPInf" doUsageSPInf us binds_tidy
- else return binds_tidy
- endPass "Tidy Core" (opt_D_dump_simpl || opt_D_verbose_core2core) binds_out
- where
- -- Make sure to avoid the names of class operations
- -- They don't have top-level bindings, so we won't see them
- -- in binds_in; so we must initialise the tidy_env appropriately
- --
- -- We also make sure to avoid any exported binders. Consider
- -- f{-u1-} = 1 -- Local decl
- -- ...
- -- f{-u2-} = 2 -- Exported decl
- --
- -- The second exported decl must 'get' the name 'f', so we
- -- have to put 'f' in the avoids list before we get to the first
- -- decl. Name.tidyName then does a no-op on exported binders.
- init_tidy_env = (initTidyOccEnv avoids, emptyVarEnv)
- avoids = [getOccName sel_id | cls <- local_classes,
- sel_id <- classSelIds cls]
- ++
- [getOccName bndr | bind <- binds_in,
- bndr <- bindersOf bind,
- isExported bndr]
-tidyBind :: Maybe Module -- (Just m) for top level, Nothing for nested
- -> TidyEnv
- -> CoreBind
- -> (TidyEnv, CoreBind)
-tidyBind maybe_mod env (NonRec bndr rhs)
- = let
- (env', bndr') = tidyBndr maybe_mod env bndr
- rhs' = tidyExpr env rhs
- in
- (env', NonRec bndr' rhs')
-tidyBind maybe_mod env (Rec pairs)
- = let
- -- We use env' when tidying the rhss
- -- When tidying the binder itself we may tidy it's
- -- specialisations; if any of these mention other binders
- -- in the group we should really feed env' to them too;
- -- but that seems (a) unlikely and (b) a bit tiresome.
- -- So I left it out for now
- (bndrs, rhss) = unzip pairs
- (env', bndrs') = mapAccumL (tidyBndr maybe_mod) env bndrs
- rhss' = map (tidyExpr env') rhss
- in
- (env', Rec (zip bndrs' rhss'))
-tidyExpr env (Type ty) = Type (tidyType env ty)
-tidyExpr env (Con con args) = Con con (map (tidyExpr env) args)
-tidyExpr env (App f a) = App (tidyExpr env f) (tidyExpr env a)
-tidyExpr env (Note n e) = Note (tidyNote env n) (tidyExpr env e)
-tidyExpr env (Let b e) = Let b' (tidyExpr env' e)
- where
- (env', b') = tidyBind Nothing env b
-tidyExpr env (Case e b alts) = Case (tidyExpr env e) b' (map (tidyAlt env') alts)
- where
- (env', b') = tidyNestedBndr env b
-tidyExpr env (Var v) = case lookupVarEnv var_env v of
- Just v' -> Var v'
- Nothing -> Var v
- where
- (_, var_env) = env
-tidyExpr env (Lam b e) = Lam b' (tidyExpr env' e)
- where
- (env', b') = tidyNestedBndr env b
-tidyAlt env (con, vs, rhs) = (con, vs', tidyExpr env' rhs)
- where
- (env', vs') = mapAccumL tidyNestedBndr env vs
-tidyNote env (Coerce t1 t2) = Coerce (tidyType env t1) (tidyType env t2)
-tidyNote env note = note
-tidyBndr (Just mod) env id = tidyTopBndr mod env id
-tidyBndr Nothing env var = tidyNestedBndr env var
-tidyNestedBndr env tyvar
- | isTyVar tyvar
- = tidyTyVar env tyvar
-tidyNestedBndr env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
- = -- Non-top-level variables
- let
- -- Give the Id a fresh print-name, *and* rename its type
- -- The SrcLoc isn't important now, though we could extract it from the Id
- name' = mkLocalName (getUnique id) occ' noSrcLoc
- (tidy_env', occ') = tidyOccName tidy_env (getOccName id)
- ty' = tidyType env (idType id)
- id' = mkUserId name' ty'
- -- NB: This throws away the IdInfo of the Id, which we
- -- no longer need. That means we don't need to
- -- run over it with env, nor renumber it.
- var_env' = extendVarEnv var_env id id'
- in
- ((tidy_env', var_env'), id')
-tidyTopBndr mod env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
- = -- Top level variables
- let
- (tidy_env', name') = tidyTopName mod tidy_env (idName id)
- ty' = tidyTopType (idType id)
- idinfo' = tidyIdInfo env (idInfo id)
- id' = mkId name' ty' (idDetails id) idinfo'
- var_env' = extendVarEnv var_env id id'
- in
- ((tidy_env', var_env'), id')
--- tidyIdInfo does these things:
--- a) tidy the specialisation info (if any)
--- b) zap a complicated ICanSafelyBeINLINEd pragma,
--- c) zap the unfolding
--- The latter two are to avoid space leaks
-tidyIdInfo env info
- = info3
- where
- spec_items = specEnvToList (specInfo info)
- spec_env' = specEnvFromList (map tidy_item spec_items)
- info1 | null spec_items = info
- | otherwise = spec_env' `setSpecInfo` info
- info2 = case inlinePragInfo info of
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ _ -> NoInlinePragInfo `setInlinePragInfo` info1
- other -> info1
- info3 = noUnfolding `setUnfoldingInfo` (wwLazy `setDemandInfo` info2)
- tidy_item (tyvars, tys, rhs)
- = (tyvars', tidyTypes env' tys, tidyExpr env' rhs)
- where
- (env', tyvars') = tidyTyVars env tyvars
-%* *
%* *
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
index 9c1a6671ee..17a4639fe5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
@@ -11,19 +11,24 @@ module SimplMonad (
-- The continuation type
SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), contIsDupable, contResultType,
+ contIsInteresting, pushArgs, discardCont, countValArgs, countArgs,
+ contIsInline, discardInlineCont,
-- The monad
initSmpl, returnSmpl, thenSmpl, thenSmpl_,
mapSmpl, mapAndUnzipSmpl, mapAccumLSmpl,
+ -- The inlining black-list
+ getBlackList,
-- Unique supply
getUniqueSmpl, getUniquesSmpl,
newId, newIds,
-- Counting
- SimplCount, TickType(..), TickCounts,
- tick, tickUnfold,
+ SimplCount, Tick(..), TickCounts,
+ tick, freeTick,
getSimplCount, zeroSimplCount, pprSimplCount,
plusSimplCount, isZeroSimplCount,
@@ -34,31 +39,41 @@ module SimplMonad (
getEnclosingCC, setEnclosingCC,
-- Environments
- InScopeEnv, SubstEnv,
+ getSubst, setSubst,
+ getSubstEnv, extendSubst, extendSubstList,
getInScope, setInScope, extendInScope, extendInScopes, modifyInScope,
- emptySubstEnv, getSubstEnv, setSubstEnv, zapSubstEnv,
- extendIdSubst, extendTySubst,
- getTyEnv, getValEnv,
+ setSubstEnv, zapSubstEnv,
getSimplBinderStuff, setSimplBinderStuff,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Const ( Con(DEFAULT) )
import Id ( Id, mkSysLocal, idMustBeINLINEd )
import IdInfo ( InlinePragInfo(..) )
import Demand ( Demand )
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUtils ( IdSubst, SubstCoreExpr, coreExprType, coreAltsType )
+import PprCore () -- Instances
+import Rules ( RuleBase )
import CostCentre ( CostCentreStack, subsumedCCS )
import Var ( TyVar )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
-import Type ( Type, TyVarSubst, funResultTy, fullSubstTy, applyTy )
+import qualified Subst
+import Subst ( Subst, emptySubst, mkSubst,
+ substTy, substEnv,
+ InScopeSet, substInScope, isInScope, lookupInScope
+ )
+import Type ( Type, TyVarSubst, applyTy )
import UniqSupply ( uniqsFromSupply, uniqFromSupply, splitUniqSupply,
-import CmdLineOpts ( SimplifierSwitch(..), SwitchResult(..), intSwitchSet )
+import FiniteMap
+import CmdLineOpts ( SimplifierSwitch(..), SwitchResult(..),
+ opt_PprStyle_Debug, opt_HistorySize,
+ intSwitchSet
+ )
import Unique ( Unique )
import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Util ( zipWithEqual )
@@ -101,19 +116,21 @@ type SwitchChecker = SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult
-type OutExprStuff = OutStuff (InScopeEnv, OutExpr)
+type OutExprStuff = OutStuff (InScopeSet, OutExpr)
type OutStuff a = ([OutBind], a)
-- We return something equivalent to (let b in e), but
-- in pieces to avoid the quadratic blowup when floating
-- incrementally. Comments just before simplExprB in Simplify.lhs
data SimplCont -- Strict contexts
- = Stop
+ = Stop OutType -- Type of the result
- | CoerceIt DupFlag
- InType SubstEnv
+ | CoerceIt OutType -- The To-type, simplified
+ | InlinePlease -- This continuation makes a function very
+ SimplCont -- keen to inline itelf
| ApplyTo DupFlag
InExpr SubstEnv -- The argument, as yet unsimplified,
SimplCont -- and its subst-env
@@ -122,18 +139,23 @@ data SimplCont -- Strict contexts
InId [InAlt] SubstEnv -- The case binder, alts, and subst-env
- | ArgOf DupFlag -- An arbitrary strict context: the argument
- (OutExpr -> SimplM OutExprStuff) -- of a strict function, or a primitive-arg fn
- -- or a PrimOp
- OutType -- Type of the result of the whole thing
+ | ArgOf DupFlag -- An arbitrary strict context: the argument
+ -- of a strict function, or a primitive-arg fn
+ -- or a PrimOp
+ OutType -- The type of the expression being sought by the context
+ -- f (error "foo") ==> coerce t (error "foo")
+ -- when f is strict
+ -- We need to know the type t, to which to coerce.
+ (OutExpr -> SimplM OutExprStuff) -- What to do with the result
instance Outputable SimplCont where
- ppr Stop = ptext SLIT("Stop")
+ ppr (Stop _) = ptext SLIT("Stop")
ppr (ApplyTo dup arg se cont) = (ptext SLIT("ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr arg) $$ ppr cont
- ppr (ArgOf dup cont_fn _) = ptext SLIT("ArgOf...") <+> ppr dup
+ ppr (ArgOf dup _ _) = ptext SLIT("ArgOf...") <+> ppr dup
ppr (Select dup bndr alts se cont) = (ptext SLIT("Select") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
(nest 4 (ppr alts)) $$ ppr cont
- ppr (CoerceIt dup ty se cont) = (ptext SLIT("CoerceIt") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr ty) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (CoerceIt ty cont) = (ptext SLIT("CoerceIt") <+> ppr ty) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (InlinePlease cont) = ptext SLIT("InlinePlease") $$ ppr cont
data DupFlag = OkToDup | NoDup
@@ -142,25 +164,107 @@ instance Outputable DupFlag where
ppr NoDup = ptext SLIT("nodup")
contIsDupable :: SimplCont -> Bool
-contIsDupable Stop = True
+contIsDupable (Stop _) = True
contIsDupable (ApplyTo OkToDup _ _ _) = True
contIsDupable (ArgOf OkToDup _ _) = True
contIsDupable (Select OkToDup _ _ _ _) = True
-contIsDupable (CoerceIt OkToDup _ _ _) = True
+contIsDupable (CoerceIt _ cont) = contIsDupable cont
+contIsDupable (InlinePlease cont) = contIsDupable cont
contIsDupable other = False
-contResultType :: InScopeEnv -> Type -> SimplCont -> Type
-contResultType in_scope e_ty cont
- = go e_ty cont
- where
- go e_ty Stop = e_ty
- go e_ty (ApplyTo _ (Type ty) se cont) = go (applyTy e_ty (simpl se ty)) cont
- go e_ty (ApplyTo _ val_arg _ cont) = go (funResultTy e_ty) cont
- go e_ty (ArgOf _ fun cont_ty) = cont_ty
- go e_ty (CoerceIt _ ty se cont) = go (simpl se ty) cont
- go e_ty (Select _ _ alts se cont) = go (simpl se (coreAltsType alts)) cont
- simpl (ty_subst, _) ty = fullSubstTy ty_subst in_scope ty
+contIsInline :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsInline (InlinePlease cont) = True
+contIsInline other = False
+discardInlineCont :: SimplCont -> SimplCont
+discardInlineCont (InlinePlease cont) = cont
+discardInlineCont cont = cont
+Comment about contIsInteresting
+We want to avoid inlining an expression where there can't possibly be
+any gain, such as in an argument position. Hence, if the continuation
+is interesting (eg. a case scrutinee, application etc.) then we
+inline, otherwise we don't.
+Previously some_benefit used to return True only if the variable was
+applied to some value arguments. This didn't work:
+ let x = _coerce_ (T Int) Int (I# 3) in
+ case _coerce_ Int (T Int) x of
+ I# y -> ....
+we want to inline x, but can't see that it's a constructor in a case
+scrutinee position, and some_benefit is False.
+Another example:
+dMonadST = _/\_ t -> :Monad (g1 _@_ t, g2 _@_ t, g3 _@_ t)
+.... case dMonadST _@_ x0 of (a,b,c) -> ....
+we'd really like to inline dMonadST here, but we *don't* want to
+inline if the case expression is just
+ case x of y { DEFAULT -> ... }
+since we can just eliminate this case instead (x is in WHNF). Similar
+applies when x is bound to a lambda expression. Hence
+contIsInteresting looks for case expressions with just a single
+default case.
+contIsInteresting :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsInteresting (Select _ _ alts _ _) = not (just_default alts)
+contIsInteresting (CoerceIt _ cont) = contIsInteresting cont
+contIsInteresting (ApplyTo _ (Type _) _ cont) = contIsInteresting cont
+contIsInteresting (ApplyTo _ _ _ _) = True
+contIsInteresting (ArgOf _ _ _) = True
+ -- If this call is the arg of a strict function, the context
+ -- is a bit interesting. If we inline here, we may get useful
+ -- evaluation information to avoid repeated evals: e.g.
+ -- x + (y * z)
+ -- Here the contIsInteresting makes the '*' keener to inline,
+ -- which in turn exposes a constructor which makes the '+' inline.
+ -- Assuming that +,* aren't small enough to inline regardless.
+contIsInteresting (InlinePlease _) = True
+contIsInteresting other = False
+just_default [(DEFAULT,_,_)] = True -- See notes below for why we look
+just_default alts = False -- for this special case
+pushArgs :: SubstEnv -> [InExpr] -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+pushArgs se [] cont = cont
+pushArgs se (arg:args) cont = ApplyTo NoDup arg se (pushArgs se args cont)
+discardCont :: SimplCont -- A continuation, expecting
+ -> SimplCont -- Replace the continuation with a suitable coerce
+discardCont (Stop to_ty) = Stop to_ty
+discardCont cont = CoerceIt to_ty (Stop to_ty)
+ where
+ to_ty = contResultType cont
+contResultType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contResultType (Stop to_ty) = to_ty
+contResultType (ArgOf _ to_ty _) = to_ty
+contResultType (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (CoerceIt _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (InlinePlease cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (Select _ _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+countValArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
+countValArgs (ApplyTo _ (Type ty) se cont) = countValArgs cont
+countValArgs (ApplyTo _ val_arg se cont) = 1 + countValArgs cont
+countValArgs other = 0
+countArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
+countArgs (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) = 1 + countArgs cont
+countArgs other = 0
@@ -182,21 +286,40 @@ type SimplM result -- We thread the unique supply because
data SimplEnv
= SimplEnv {
- seChkr :: SwitchChecker,
- seCC :: CostCentreStack, -- The enclosing CCS (when profiling)
- seSubst :: SubstEnv, -- The current substitution
- seInScope :: InScopeEnv -- Says what's in scope and gives info about it
+ seChkr :: SwitchChecker,
+ seCC :: CostCentreStack, -- The enclosing CCS (when profiling)
+ seBlackList :: Id -> Bool, -- True => don't inline this Id
+ seSubst :: Subst -- The current substitution
+ -- The range of the substitution is OutType and OutExpr resp
+ --
+ -- The substitution is idempotent
+ -- It *must* be applied; things in its domain simply aren't
+ -- bound in the result.
+ --
+ -- The substitution usually maps an Id to its clone,
+ -- but if the orig defn is a let-binding, and
+ -- the RHS of the let simplifies to an atom,
+ -- we just add the binding to the substitution and elide the let.
+ -- The in-scope part of Subst includes *all* in-scope TyVars and Ids
+ -- The elements of the set may have better IdInfo than the
+ -- occurrences of in-scope Ids, and (more important) they will
+ -- have a correctly-substituted type. So we use a lookup in this
+ -- set to replace occurrences
initSmpl :: SwitchChecker
-> UniqSupply -- No init count; set to 0
+ -> VarSet -- In scope (usually empty, but useful for nested calls)
+ -> (Id -> Bool) -- Black-list function
-> SimplM a
-> (a, SimplCount)
-initSmpl chkr us m = case m (emptySimplEnv chkr) us zeroSimplCount of
- (result, _, count) -> (result, count)
+initSmpl chkr us in_scope black_list m
+ = case m (emptySimplEnv chkr in_scope black_list) us zeroSimplCount of
+ (result, _, count) -> (result, count)
{-# INLINE thenSmpl #-}
@@ -266,135 +389,262 @@ getUniquesSmpl n env us sc = case splitUniqSupply us of
-doTickSmpl :: (SimplCount -> SimplCount) -> SimplM ()
-doTickSmpl f env us sc = sc' `seq` ((), us, sc')
- where
- sc' = f sc
getSimplCount :: SimplM SimplCount
getSimplCount env us sc = (sc, us, sc)
-The assoc list isn't particularly costly, because we only use
-the number of ticks in ``real life.''
+tick :: Tick -> SimplM ()
+tick t env us sc = sc' `seq` ((), us, sc')
+ where
+ sc' = doTick t sc
+freeTick :: Tick -> SimplM ()
+-- Record a tick, but don't add to the total tick count, which is
+-- used to decide when nothing further has happened
+freeTick t env us sc = sc' `seq` ((), us, sc')
+ where
+ sc' = doFreeTick t sc
-The right thing to do, if you want that to go fast, is thread
-a mutable array through @SimplM@.
+verboseSimplStats = opt_PprStyle_Debug -- For now, anyway
+-- Defined both with and without debugging
+zeroSimplCount :: SimplCount
+isZeroSimplCount :: SimplCount -> Bool
+pprSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SDoc
+doTick, doFreeTick :: Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
+plusSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
-data SimplCount
- = SimplCount !TickCounts
- !UnfoldingHistory
-type TickCounts = [(TickType, Int)] -- Assoc list of all diff kinds of ticks
- -- Kept in increasing order of TickType
- -- Zeros not present
-type UnfoldingHistory = (Int, -- N
- [Id], -- Last N unfoldings
- [Id]) -- The MaxUnfoldHistory unfoldings before that
-data TickType
- = PreInlineUnconditionally
- | PostInlineUnconditionally
- | UnfoldingDone
- | MagicUnfold
- | CaseOfCase
- | LetFloatFromLet
- | KnownBranch
- | Let2Case
- | Case2Let
- | CaseMerge
- | CaseElim
- | CaseIdentity
- | EtaExpansion
- | CaseOfError
- | BetaReduction
- | SpecialisationDone
- | FillInCaseDefault
- | LeavesExamined
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-pprSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SDoc
-pprSimplCount (SimplCount stuff (_, unf1, unf2))
- = vcat (map ppr_item stuff)
- $$ (text "Most recent unfoldings (most recent at top):"
- $$ nest 4 (vcat (map ppr (unf1 ++ unf2))))
- where
- ppr_item (t,n) = text (show t) <+> char '\t' <+> ppr n
+#ifndef DEBUG
+-- Debugging OFF
+type SimplCount = Int
zeroSimplCount :: SimplCount
-zeroSimplCount = SimplCount [] (0, [], [])
-isZeroSimplCount :: SimplCount -> Bool
-isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount [] _) = True
-isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount [(LeavesExamined,_)] _) = True
-isZeroSimplCount other = False
--- incTick is careful to be pretty strict, so we don't
--- get a huge buildup of thunks
-incTick :: TickType -> FAST_INT -> TickCounts -> TickCounts
-incTick tick_type n []
- = [(tick_type, IBOX(n))]
-incTick tick_type n (x@(ttype, I# cnt#) : xs)
- = case tick_type `compare` ttype of
- LT -> -- Insert here
- (tick_type, IBOX(n)) : x : xs
- EQ -> -- Increment
- case cnt# +# n of
- incd -> (ttype, IBOX(incd)) : xs
- GT -> -- Move on
- rest `seq` x : rest
- where
- rest = incTick tick_type n xs
--- Second argument is more recent stuff
-plusSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
-plusSimplCount (SimplCount tc1 uh1) (SimplCount tc2 uh2)
- = SimplCount (plusTickCounts tc1 tc2) (plusUnfolds uh1 uh2)
-plusTickCounts :: TickCounts -> TickCounts -> TickCounts
-plusTickCounts ts1 [] = ts1
-plusTickCounts [] ts2 = ts2
-plusTickCounts ((tt1,n1) : ts1) ((tt2,n2) : ts2)
- = case tt1 `compare` tt2 of
- LT -> (tt1,n1) : plusTickCounts ts1 ((tt2,n2) : ts2)
- EQ -> (tt1,n1+n2) : plusTickCounts ts1 ts2
- GT -> (tt2,n2) : plusTickCounts ((tt1,n1) : ts1) ts2
--- Second argument is the more recent stuff
-plusUnfolds uh1 (0, h2, t2) = uh1 -- Nothing recent
-plusUnfolds (n1, h1, t1) (n2, h2, []) = (n2, h2, (h1++t1)) -- Small amount recent
-plusUnfolds (n1, h1, t1) uh2 = uh2 -- Decent batch recent
+zeroSimplCount = 0
+isZeroSimplCount n = n==0
-Counting-related monad functions:
+doTick t n = n+1 -- Very basic when not debugging
+doFreeTick t n = n -- Don't count leaf visits
-tick :: TickType -> SimplM ()
+pprSimplCount n = ptext SLIT("Total ticks:") <+> int n
+plusSimplCount n m = n+m
+-- Debugging ON
+data SimplCount = SimplCount {
+ ticks :: !Int, -- Total ticks
+ details :: !TickCounts, -- How many of each type
+ n_log :: !Int, -- N
+ log1 :: [Tick], -- Last N events; <= opt_HistorySize
+ log2 :: [Tick] -- Last opt_HistorySize events before that
+ }
-tick tick_type
- = doTickSmpl f
+type TickCounts = FiniteMap Tick Int
+zeroSimplCount = SimplCount {ticks = 0, details = emptyFM,
+ n_log = 0, log1 = [], log2 = []}
+isZeroSimplCount sc = ticks sc == 0
+doFreeTick tick sc@SimplCount { details = dts }
+ = dts' `seqFM` sc { details = dts' }
+ where
+ dts' = dts `addTick` tick
+-- Gross hack to persuade GHC 3.03 to do this important seq
+seqFM fm x | isEmptyFM fm = x
+ | otherwise = x
+doTick tick sc@SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, n_log = nl, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 }
+ | nl >= opt_HistorySize = sc1 { n_log = 1, log1 = [tick], log2 = l1 }
+ | otherwise = sc1 { n_log = nl+1, log1 = tick : l1 }
+ where
+ sc1 = sc { ticks = tks+1, details = dts `addTick` tick }
+-- Don't use plusFM_C because that's lazy, and we want to
+-- be pretty strict here!
+addTick :: TickCounts -> Tick -> TickCounts
+addTick fm tick = case lookupFM fm tick of
+ Nothing -> addToFM fm tick 1
+ Just n -> n1 `seq` addToFM fm tick n1
+ where
+ n1 = n+1
+plusSimplCount sc1@(SimplCount { ticks = tks1, details = dts1 })
+ sc2@(SimplCount { ticks = tks2, details = dts2 })
+ = log_base { ticks = tks1 + tks2, details = plusFM_C (+) dts1 dts2 }
- f (SimplCount stuff unf) = SimplCount (incTick tick_type ILIT(1) stuff) unf
-maxUnfoldHistory :: Int
-maxUnfoldHistory = 20
-tickUnfold :: Id -> SimplM ()
-tickUnfold id
- = doTickSmpl f
- where
- f (SimplCount stuff (n_unf, unf1, unf2))
- | n_unf >= maxUnfoldHistory = SimplCount new_stuff (1, [id], unf1)
- | otherwise = SimplCount new_stuff (n_unf+1, id:unf1, unf2)
- where
- new_stuff = incTick UnfoldingDone ILIT(1) stuff
+ -- A hackish way of getting recent log info
+ log_base | null (log1 sc2) = sc1 -- Nothing at all in sc2
+ | null (log2 sc2) = sc2 { log2 = log1 sc1 }
+ | otherwise = sc2
+pprSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 })
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("Total ticks: ") <+> int tks,
+ text "",
+ pprTickCounts (fmToList dts),
+ if verboseSimplStats then
+ vcat [text "",
+ ptext SLIT("Log (most recent first)"),
+ nest 4 (vcat (map ppr l1) $$ vcat (map ppr l2))]
+ else empty
+ ]
+pprTickCounts :: [(Tick,Int)] -> SDoc
+pprTickCounts [] = empty
+pprTickCounts ((tick1,n1):ticks)
+ = vcat [int tot_n <+> text (tickString tick1),
+ pprTCDetails real_these,
+ pprTickCounts others
+ ]
+ where
+ tick1_tag = tickToTag tick1
+ (these, others) = span same_tick ticks
+ real_these = (tick1,n1):these
+ same_tick (tick2,_) = tickToTag tick2 == tick1_tag
+ tot_n = sum [n | (_,n) <- real_these]
+pprTCDetails ticks@((tick,_):_)
+ | verboseSimplStats || isRuleFired tick
+ = nest 4 (vcat [int n <+> pprTickCts tick | (tick,n) <- ticks])
+ | otherwise
+ = empty
+%* *
+%* *
+data Tick
+ = PreInlineUnconditionally Id
+ | PostInlineUnconditionally Id
+ | UnfoldingDone Id
+ | RuleFired FAST_STRING -- Rule name
+ | LetFloatFromLet Id -- Thing floated out
+ | EtaExpansion Id -- LHS binder
+ | EtaReduction Id -- Binder on outer lambda
+ | BetaReduction Id -- Lambda binder
+ | CaseOfCase Id -- Bndr on *inner* case
+ | KnownBranch Id -- Case binder
+ | CaseMerge Id -- Binder on outer case
+ | CaseElim Id -- Case binder
+ | CaseIdentity Id -- Case binder
+ | FillInCaseDefault Id -- Case binder
+ | BottomFound
+ | LeafVisit
+ | SimplifierDone -- Ticked at each iteration of the simplifier
+isRuleFired (RuleFired _) = True
+isRuleFired other = False
+instance Outputable Tick where
+ ppr tick = text (tickString tick) <+> pprTickCts tick
+instance Eq Tick where
+ a == b = case a `cmpTick` b of { EQ -> True; other -> False }
+instance Ord Tick where
+ compare = cmpTick
+tickToTag :: Tick -> Int
+tickToTag (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = 0
+tickToTag (PostInlineUnconditionally _) = 1
+tickToTag (UnfoldingDone _) = 2
+tickToTag (RuleFired _) = 3
+tickToTag (LetFloatFromLet _) = 4
+tickToTag (EtaExpansion _) = 5
+tickToTag (EtaReduction _) = 6
+tickToTag (BetaReduction _) = 7
+tickToTag (CaseOfCase _) = 8
+tickToTag (KnownBranch _) = 9
+tickToTag (CaseMerge _) = 10
+tickToTag (CaseElim _) = 11
+tickToTag (CaseIdentity _) = 12
+tickToTag (FillInCaseDefault _) = 13
+tickToTag BottomFound = 14
+tickToTag LeafVisit = 15
+tickToTag SimplifierDone = 16
+tickString :: Tick -> String
+tickString (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = "PreInlineUnconditionally"
+tickString (PostInlineUnconditionally _)= "PostInlineUnconditionally"
+tickString (UnfoldingDone _) = "UnfoldingDone"
+tickString (RuleFired _) = "RuleFired"
+tickString (LetFloatFromLet _) = "LetFloatFromLet"
+tickString (EtaExpansion _) = "EtaExpansion"
+tickString (EtaReduction _) = "EtaReduction"
+tickString (BetaReduction _) = "BetaReduction"
+tickString (CaseOfCase _) = "CaseOfCase"
+tickString (KnownBranch _) = "KnownBranch"
+tickString (CaseMerge _) = "CaseMerge"
+tickString (CaseElim _) = "CaseElim"
+tickString (CaseIdentity _) = "CaseIdentity"
+tickString (FillInCaseDefault _) = "FillInCaseDefault"
+tickString BottomFound = "BottomFound"
+tickString SimplifierDone = "SimplifierDone"
+tickString LeafVisit = "LeafVisit"
+pprTickCts :: Tick -> SDoc
+pprTickCts (PreInlineUnconditionally v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (PostInlineUnconditionally v)= ppr v
+pprTickCts (UnfoldingDone v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (RuleFired v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (LetFloatFromLet v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (EtaExpansion v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (EtaReduction v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (BetaReduction v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseOfCase v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (KnownBranch v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseMerge v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseElim v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (CaseIdentity v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts (FillInCaseDefault v) = ppr v
+pprTickCts other = empty
+cmpTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
+cmpTick a b = case (tickToTag a `compare` tickToTag b) of
+ GT -> GT
+ EQ | isRuleFired a || verboseSimplStats -> cmpEqTick a b
+ | otherwise -> EQ
+ LT -> LT
+ -- Always distinguish RuleFired, so that the stats
+ -- can report them even in non-verbose mode
+cmpEqTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
+cmpEqTick (PreInlineUnconditionally a) (PreInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (PostInlineUnconditionally a) (PostInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (UnfoldingDone a) (UnfoldingDone b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (RuleFired a) (RuleFired b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (LetFloatFromLet a) (LetFloatFromLet b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (EtaExpansion a) (EtaExpansion b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (EtaReduction a) (EtaReduction b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (BetaReduction a) (BetaReduction b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseOfCase a) (CaseOfCase b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (KnownBranch a) (KnownBranch b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseMerge a) (CaseMerge b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseElim a) (CaseElim b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (CaseIdentity a) (CaseIdentity b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick (FillInCaseDefault a) (FillInCaseDefault b) = a `compare` b
+cmpEqTick other1 other2 = EQ
@@ -476,11 +726,8 @@ environment seems like wild overkill.
switchOffInlining :: SimplM a -> SimplM a
-switchOffInlining m env@(SimplEnv { seChkr = sw_chkr }) us sc
- = m (env { seChkr = new_chkr }) us sc
- where
- new_chkr EssentialUnfoldingsOnly = SwBool True
- new_chkr other = sw_chkr other
+switchOffInlining m env us sc
+ = m (env { seBlackList = \v -> True }) us sc
@@ -505,120 +752,94 @@ setEnclosingCC cc m env us sc = m (env { seCC = cc }) us sc
%* *
-type SubstEnv = (TyVarSubst, IdSubst)
- -- The range of these substitutions is OutType and OutExpr resp
- --
- -- The substitution is idempotent
- -- It *must* be applied; things in its domain simply aren't
- -- bound in the result.
- --
- -- The substitution usually maps an Id to its clone,
- -- but if the orig defn is a let-binding, and
- -- the RHS of the let simplifies to an atom,
- -- we just add the binding to the substitution and elide the let.
-type InScopeEnv = IdOrTyVarSet
- -- Domain includes *all* in-scope TyVars and Ids
- --
- -- The elements of the set may have better IdInfo than the
- -- occurrences of in-scope Ids, and (more important) they will
- -- have a correctly-substituted type. So we use a lookup in this
- -- set to replace occurrences
--- INVARIANT: If t is in the in-scope set, it certainly won't be
--- in the domain of the SubstEnv, and vice versa
-emptySubstEnv :: SubstEnv
-emptySubstEnv = (emptyVarEnv, emptyVarEnv)
-emptySimplEnv :: SwitchChecker -> SimplEnv
+emptySimplEnv :: SwitchChecker -> InScopeSet -> (Id -> Bool) -> SimplEnv
-emptySimplEnv sw_chkr
+emptySimplEnv sw_chkr in_scope black_list
= SimplEnv { seChkr = sw_chkr, seCC = subsumedCCS,
- seSubst = emptySubstEnv,
- seInScope = emptyVarSet }
+ seBlackList = black_list,
+ seSubst = mkSubst in_scope emptySubstEnv }
-- The top level "enclosing CC" is "SUBSUMED".
-getTyEnv :: SimplM (TyVarSubst, InScopeEnv)
-getTyEnv (SimplEnv {seSubst = (ty_subst,_), seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
- = ((ty_subst, in_scope), us, sc)
+getSubst :: SimplM Subst
+getSubst env us sc = (seSubst env, us, sc)
-getValEnv :: SimplM (IdSubst, InScopeEnv)
-getValEnv (SimplEnv {seSubst = (_, id_subst), seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
- = ((id_subst, in_scope), us, sc)
+getBlackList :: SimplM (Id -> Bool)
+getBlackList env us sc = (seBlackList env, us, sc)
-getInScope :: SimplM InScopeEnv
-getInScope env us sc = (seInScope env, us, sc)
+setSubst :: Subst -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+setSubst subst m env us sc = m (env {seSubst = subst}) us sc
-setInScope :: InScopeEnv -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-setInScope in_scope m env us sc = m (env {seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
+getSubstEnv :: SimplM SubstEnv
+getSubstEnv env us sc = (substEnv (seSubst env), us, sc)
extendInScope :: CoreBndr -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-extendInScope v m env@(SimplEnv {seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
- = m (env {seInScope = extendVarSet in_scope v}) us sc
+extendInScope v m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = Subst.extendInScope subst v}) us sc
extendInScopes :: [CoreBndr] -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-extendInScopes vs m env@(SimplEnv {seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
- = m (env {seInScope = foldl extendVarSet in_scope vs}) us sc
+extendInScopes vs m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = Subst.extendInScopes subst vs}) us sc
+getInScope :: SimplM InScopeSet
+getInScope env us sc = (substInScope (seSubst env), us, sc)
+setInScope :: InScopeSet -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+setInScope in_scope m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = Subst.setInScope subst in_scope}) us sc
modifyInScope :: CoreBndr -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
modifyInScope v m env us sc
#ifdef DEBUG
- | not (v `elemVarSet` seInScope env )
+ | not (v `isInScope` seSubst env)
= pprTrace "modifyInScope: not in scope:" (ppr v)
m env us sc
| otherwise
= extendInScope v m env us sc
-getSubstEnv :: SimplM SubstEnv
-getSubstEnv env us sc = (seSubst env, us, sc)
-setSubstEnv :: SubstEnv -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-setSubstEnv subst_env m env us sc = m (env {seSubst = subst_env}) us sc
+extendSubst :: CoreBndr -> SubstResult -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+extendSubst var res m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env { seSubst = Subst.extendSubst subst var res }) us sc
-extendIdSubst :: Id -> SubstCoreExpr -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-extendIdSubst id expr m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = (ty_subst, id_subst)}) us sc
- = m (env { seSubst = (ty_subst, extendVarEnv id_subst id expr) }) us sc
+extendSubstList :: [CoreBndr] -> [SubstResult] -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+extendSubstList vars ress m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env { seSubst = Subst.extendSubstList subst vars ress }) us sc
-extendTySubst :: TyVar -> OutType -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-extendTySubst tv ty m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = (ty_subst, id_subst)}) us sc
- = m (env { seSubst = (extendVarEnv ty_subst tv ty, id_subst) }) us sc
+setSubstEnv :: SubstEnv -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+setSubstEnv senv m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = Subst.setSubstEnv subst senv}) us sc
zapSubstEnv :: SimplM a -> SimplM a
-zapSubstEnv m env us sc = m (env {seSubst = emptySubstEnv}) us sc
+zapSubstEnv m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = Subst.zapSubstEnv subst}) us sc
-getSimplBinderStuff :: SimplM (TyVarSubst, IdSubst, InScopeEnv, UniqSupply)
-getSimplBinderStuff (SimplEnv {seSubst = (ty_subst, id_subst), seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
- = ((ty_subst, id_subst, in_scope, us), us, sc)
+getSimplBinderStuff :: SimplM (Subst, UniqSupply)
+getSimplBinderStuff (SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
+ = ((subst, us), us, sc)
-setSimplBinderStuff :: (TyVarSubst, IdSubst, InScopeEnv, UniqSupply)
- -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
-setSimplBinderStuff (ty_subst, id_subst, in_scope, us) m env _ sc
- = m (env {seSubst = (ty_subst, id_subst), seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
+setSimplBinderStuff :: (Subst, UniqSupply) -> SimplM a -> SimplM a
+setSimplBinderStuff (subst, us) m env _ sc
+ = m (env {seSubst = subst}) us sc
newId :: Type -> (Id -> SimplM a) -> SimplM a
-- Extends the in-scope-env too
-newId ty m env@(SimplEnv {seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
+newId ty m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
= case splitUniqSupply us of
- (us1, us2) -> m v (env {seInScope = extendVarSet in_scope v}) us2 sc
+ (us1, us2) -> m v (env {seSubst = Subst.extendInScope subst v}) us2 sc
v = mkSysLocal SLIT("s") (uniqFromSupply us1) ty
newIds :: [Type] -> ([Id] -> SimplM a) -> SimplM a
-newIds tys m env@(SimplEnv {seInScope = in_scope}) us sc
+newIds tys m env@(SimplEnv {seSubst = subst}) us sc
= case splitUniqSupply us of
- (us1, us2) -> m vs (env {seInScope = foldl extendVarSet in_scope vs}) us2 sc
+ (us1, us2) -> m vs (env {seSubst = Subst.extendInScopes subst vs}) us2 sc
vs = zipWithEqual "newIds" (mkSysLocal SLIT("s"))
(uniqsFromSupply (length tys) us1) tys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index 9c5c64743d..3615dbfb80 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -6,33 +6,35 @@
module SimplUtils (
simplBinder, simplBinders, simplIds,
- mkRhsTyLam,
+ transformRhs,
- etaExpandCount,
- mkCase, findAlt, findDefault
+ mkCase, findAlt, findDefault,
+ mkCoerce
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import BinderInfo
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_DoEtaReduction, switchIsOn, SimplifierSwitch(..) )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_SimplDoLambdaEtaExpansion, opt_SimplCaseMerge )
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsCheap, exprIsTrivial, exprFreeVars, cheapEqExpr,
- FormSummary(..),
- substId, substIds
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsCheap, exprIsTrivial, cheapEqExpr, coreExprType,
+ exprIsWHNF, FormSummary(..)
+import Subst ( substBndrs, substBndr, substIds )
import Id ( Id, idType, getIdArity, isId, idName,
getInlinePragma, setInlinePragma,
- getIdDemandInfo
+ getIdDemandInfo, mkId
-import IdInfo ( arityLowerBound, InlinePragInfo(..) )
-import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
+import IdInfo ( arityLowerBound, InlinePragInfo(..), setInlinePragInfo, vanillaIdInfo )
+import Maybes ( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
import Const ( Con(..) )
-import Name ( isLocalName )
+import Name ( isLocalName, setNameUnique )
import SimplMonad
import Type ( Type, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, mkForAllTys,
- splitTyConApp_maybe, substTyVar, mkTyVarTys
+ splitTyConApp_maybe, mkTyVarTys, applyTys, splitFunTys, mkFunTys
+import TysPrim ( statePrimTyCon )
import Var ( setVarUnique )
import VarSet
import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply )
@@ -47,67 +49,56 @@ import Outputable
%* *
-When we hit a binder we may need to
- (a) apply the the type envt (if non-empty) to its type
- (b) apply the type envt and id envt to its SpecEnv (if it has one)
- (c) give it a new unique to avoid name clashes
simplBinders :: [InBinder] -> ([OutBinder] -> SimplM a) -> SimplM a
simplBinders bndrs thing_inside
- = getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ sw_chkr ->
- getSimplBinderStuff `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
+ = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
- must_clone = switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplPleaseClone
- (stuff', bndrs') = mapAccumL (subst_binder must_clone) stuff bndrs
+ (subst', bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
- setSimplBinderStuff stuff' $
+ setSubst subst' $
thing_inside bndrs'
simplBinder :: InBinder -> (OutBinder -> SimplM a) -> SimplM a
simplBinder bndr thing_inside
- = getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ sw_chkr ->
- getSimplBinderStuff `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
+ = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
- must_clone = switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplPleaseClone
- (stuff', bndr') = subst_binder must_clone stuff bndr
+ (subst', bndr') = substBndr subst bndr
- setSimplBinderStuff stuff' $
+ setSubst subst' $
thing_inside bndr'
-- Same semantics as simplBinders, but a little less
-- plumbing and hence a little more efficient.
-- Maybe not worth the candle?
simplIds :: [InBinder] -> ([OutBinder] -> SimplM a) -> SimplM a
simplIds ids thing_inside
- = getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ sw_chkr ->
- getSimplBinderStuff `thenSmpl` \ (ty_subst, id_subst, in_scope, us) ->
+ = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
- must_clone = switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplPleaseClone
- (id_subst', in_scope', us', ids') = substIds (simpl_clone_fn must_clone)
- ty_subst id_subst in_scope us ids
+ (subst', bndrs') = substIds subst ids
- setSimplBinderStuff (ty_subst, id_subst', in_scope', us') $
- thing_inside ids'
+ setSubst subst' $
+ thing_inside bndrs'
-subst_binder must_clone (ty_subst, id_subst, in_scope, us) bndr
- | isTyVar bndr
- = case substTyVar ty_subst in_scope bndr of
- (ty_subst', in_scope', bndr') -> ((ty_subst', id_subst, in_scope', us), bndr')
- | otherwise
- = case substId (simpl_clone_fn must_clone) ty_subst id_subst in_scope us bndr of
- (id_subst', in_scope', us', bndr')
- -> ((ty_subst, id_subst', in_scope', us'), bndr')
-simpl_clone_fn must_clone in_scope us id
- | (must_clone && isLocalName (idName id))
- || id `elemVarSet` in_scope
- = case splitUniqSupply us of
- (us1, us2) -> Just (us1, setVarUnique id (uniqFromSupply us2))
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
+%* *
+\subsection{Transform a RHS}
+%* *
+Try (a) eta expansion
+ (b) type-lambda swizzling
+transformRhs :: InExpr -> SimplM InExpr
+transformRhs rhs
+ = tryEtaExpansion body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
+ mkRhsTyLam tyvars body'
+ where
+ (tyvars, body) = collectTyBinders rhs
@@ -159,18 +150,40 @@ So far as the implemtation is concerned:
G = F . Let {xi = xi' tvs}
-mkRhsTyLam (Lam b e)
- | isTyVar b = case collectTyBinders e of
- (bs,body) -> mkRhsTyLam_help (b:bs) body
+[May 1999] If we do this transformation *regardless* then we can
+end up with some pretty silly stuff. For example,
-mkRhsTyLam other_expr -- No-op if not a type lambda
- = returnSmpl other_expr
+ let
+ st = /\ s -> let { x1=r1 ; x2=r2 } in ...
+ in ..
+ let y1 = /\s -> r1
+ y2 = /\s -> r2
+ st = /\s -> ...[y1 s/x1, y2 s/x2]
+ in ..
+Unless the "..." is a WHNF there is really no point in doing this.
+Indeed it can make things worse. Suppose x1 is used strictly,
+and is of the form
-mkRhsTyLam_help tyvars body
+ x1* = case f y of { (a,b) -> e }
+If we abstract this wrt the tyvar we then can't do the case inline
+as we would normally do.
+mkRhsTyLam tyvars body -- Only does something if there's a let
+ | null tyvars || not (worth_it body) -- inside a type lambda, and a WHNF inside that
+ = returnSmpl (mkLams tyvars body)
+ | otherwise
= go (\x -> x) body
+ worth_it (Let _ e) = whnf_in_middle e
+ worth_it other = False
+ whnf_in_middle (Let _ e) = whnf_in_middle e
+ whnf_in_middle e = exprIsWHNF e
main_tyvar_set = mkVarSet tyvars
go fn (Let bind@(NonRec var rhs) body) | exprIsTrivial rhs
@@ -190,7 +203,7 @@ mkRhsTyLam_help tyvars body
-- /\ a b -> let t :: (a,b) = (e1, e2)
-- x :: a = fst t
-- in ...
- -- Here, b isn't free in a's type, but we must nevertheless
+ -- Here, b isn't free in x's type, but we must nevertheless
-- abstract wrt b as well, because t's type mentions b.
-- Since t is floated too, we'd end up with the bogus:
-- poly_t = /\ a b -> (e1, e2)
@@ -219,29 +232,29 @@ mkRhsTyLam_help tyvars body
go fn body = returnSmpl (mkLams tyvars (fn body))
mk_poly tyvars_here var
- = newId (mkForAllTys tyvars_here (idType var)) $ \ poly_id ->
+ = getUniqueSmpl `thenSmpl` \ uniq ->
+ poly_name = setNameUnique (idName var) uniq -- Keep same name
+ poly_ty = mkForAllTys tyvars_here (idType var) -- But new type of course
-- It's crucial to copy the inline-prag of the original var, because
-- we're looking at occurrence-analysed but as yet unsimplified code!
-- In particular, we mustn't lose the loop breakers.
- -- *However* we don't want to retain a single-occurrence or dead-var info
- -- because we're adding a load of "silly bindings" of the form
- -- var _U_ = poly_var t1 t2
- -- with a must-inline pragma on the silly binding to prevent the
- -- poly-var from being inlined right back in. Since poly_var now
- -- occurs inside an INLINE binding, it should be given a ManyOcc,
- -- else it may get inlined unconditionally
- poly_inline_prag = case getInlinePragma var of
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ _ -> NoInlinePragInfo
- IAmDead -> NoInlinePragInfo
- var_inline_prag -> var_inline_prag
- poly_id' = setInlinePragma poly_id poly_inline_prag
+ -- It's even right to retain single-occurrence or dead-var info:
+ -- Suppose we started with /\a -> let x = E in B
+ -- where x occurs once in E. Then we transform to:
+ -- let x' = /\a -> E in /\a -> let x* = x' a in B
+ -- where x* has an INLINE prag on it. Now, once x* is inlined,
+ -- the occurrences of x' will be just the occurrences originaly
+ -- pinned on x.
+ poly_info = vanillaIdInfo `setInlinePragInfo` getInlinePragma var
+ poly_id = mkId poly_name poly_ty poly_info
- returnSmpl (poly_id', mkTyApps (Var poly_id') (mkTyVarTys tyvars_here))
+ returnSmpl (poly_id, mkTyApps (Var poly_id) (mkTyVarTys tyvars_here))
- mk_silly_bind var rhs = NonRec (setInlinePragma var IWantToBeINLINEd) rhs
+ mk_silly_bind var rhs = NonRec (setInlinePragma var IMustBeINLINEd) rhs
-- The addInlinePragma is really important! If we don't say
-- INLINE on these silly little bindings then look what happens!
-- Suppose we start with:
@@ -254,12 +267,104 @@ mkRhsTyLam_help tyvars body
-- * but then it gets inlined into the rhs of g*
-- * then the binding for g* is floated out of the /\b
-- * so we're back to square one
- -- The silly binding for g* must be INLINE, so that no inlining
- -- will happen in its RHS.
- -- PS: Jun 98: actually this isn't important any more;
- -- inlineUnconditionally will catch the type applicn
- -- and inline it unconditionally, without ever trying
- -- to simplify the RHS
+ -- The silly binding for g* must be IMustBeINLINEs, so that
+ -- we simply substitute for g* throughout.
+%* *
+\subsection{Eta expansion}
+%* *
+ Try eta expansion for RHSs
+We go for:
+ \x1..xn -> N ==> \x1..xn y1..ym -> N y1..ym
+ N E1..En ==> let z1=E1 .. zn=En in \y1..ym -> N z1..zn y1..ym
+where (in both cases) N is a NORMAL FORM (i.e. no redexes anywhere)
+wanting a suitable number of extra args.
+NB: the Ei may have unlifted type, but the simplifier (which is applied
+to the result) deals OK with this).
+There is no point in looking for a combination of the two,
+because that would leave use with some lets sandwiched between lambdas;
+but it's awkward to detect that case, so we don't bother.
+tryEtaExpansion :: InExpr -> SimplM InExpr
+tryEtaExpansion rhs
+ | not opt_SimplDoLambdaEtaExpansion
+ || exprIsTrivial rhs -- Don't eta-expand a trival RHS
+ || null y_tys -- No useful expansion
+ = returnSmpl rhs
+ | otherwise -- Consider eta expansion
+ = newIds y_tys ( \ y_bndrs ->
+ tick (EtaExpansion (head y_bndrs)) `thenSmpl_`
+ mapAndUnzipSmpl bind_z_arg args `thenSmpl` (\ (z_binds, z_args) ->
+ returnSmpl (mkLams x_bndrs $
+ mkLets (catMaybes z_binds) $
+ mkLams y_bndrs $
+ mkApps (mkApps fun z_args) (map Var y_bndrs))))
+ where
+ (x_bndrs, body) = collectValBinders rhs
+ (fun, args) = collectArgs body
+ no_of_xs = length x_bndrs
+ fun_arity = case fun of
+ Var v -> arityLowerBound (getIdArity v)
+ other -> 0
+ bind_z_arg arg | exprIsTrivial arg = returnSmpl (Nothing, arg)
+ | otherwise = newId (coreExprType arg) $ \ z ->
+ returnSmpl (Just (NonRec z arg), Var z)
+ -- Note: I used to try to avoid the coreExprType call by using
+ -- the type of the binder. But this type doesn't necessarily
+ -- belong to the same substitution environment as this rhs;
+ -- and we are going to make extra term binders (y_bndrs) from the type
+ -- which will be processed with the rhs substitution environment.
+ -- This only went wrong in a mind bendingly complicated case.
+ (potential_extra_arg_tys, inner_ty) = splitFunTys (coreExprType body)
+ y_tys :: [InType]
+ y_tys = take no_extras_wanted potential_extra_arg_tys
+ no_extras_wanted :: Int
+ no_extras_wanted =
+ -- We used to expand the arity to the previous arity fo the
+ -- function; but this is pretty dangerous. Consdier
+ -- f = \xy -> e
+ -- so that f has arity 2. Now float something into f's RHS:
+ -- f = let z = BIG in \xy -> e
+ -- The last thing we want to do now is to put some lambdas
+ -- outside, to get
+ -- f = \xy -> let z = BIG in e
+ --
+ -- (bndr_arity - no_of_xs) `max`
+ -- See if the body could obviously do with more args
+ (fun_arity - valArgCount args) `max`
+ -- Finally, see if it's a state transformer, and xs is non-null
+ -- (so it's also a function not a thunk) in which
+ -- case we eta-expand on principle! This can waste work,
+ -- but usually doesn't.
+ -- I originally checked for a singleton type [ty] in this case
+ -- but then I found a situation in which I had
+ -- \ x -> let {..} in \ s -> f (...) s
+ -- AND f RETURNED A FUNCTION. That is, 's' wasn't the only
+ -- potential extra arg.
+ case (x_bndrs, potential_extra_arg_tys) of
+ (_:_, ty:_) -> case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tycon,_) | tycon == statePrimTyCon -> 1
+ other -> 0
+ other -> 0
@@ -274,8 +379,9 @@ mkRhsTyLam_help tyvars body
e.g. \ x y -> f x y ===> f
It is used
- a) Before constructing an Unfolding, to
- try to make the unfolding smaller;
+-- OLD
+-- a) Before constructing an Unfolding, to
+-- try to make the unfolding smaller;
b) In tidyCoreExpr, which is done just before converting to STG.
But we only do this if
@@ -283,8 +389,9 @@ But we only do this if
The idea is that lambdas are often quite helpful: they indicate
head normal forms, so we don't want to chuck them away lightly.
- ii) It exposes a simple variable or a type application; in short
- it exposes a "trivial" expression. (exprIsTrivial)
+-- OLD: in core2stg we want to do this even if the result isn't trivial
+-- ii) It exposes a simple variable or a type application; in short
+-- it exposes a "trivial" expression. (exprIsTrivial)
etaCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
@@ -292,13 +399,12 @@ etaCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- lambda into a bottom variable. Sigh
etaCoreExpr expr@(Lam bndr body)
- | opt_DoEtaReduction
= check (reverse binders) body
(binders, body) = collectBinders expr
check [] body
- | exprIsTrivial body && not (any (`elemVarSet` body_fvs) binders)
+ | not (any (`elemVarSet` body_fvs) binders)
= body -- Success!
body_fvs = exprFreeVars body
@@ -315,76 +421,12 @@ etaCoreExpr expr = expr -- The common case
%* *
-\subsection{Eta expansion}
-%* *
-@etaExpandCount@ takes an expression, E, and returns an integer n,
-such that
- E ===> (\x1::t1 x1::t2 ... xn::tn -> E x1 x2 ... xn)
-is a safe transformation. In particular, the transformation should
-not cause work to be duplicated, unless it is ``cheap'' (see
-@manifestlyCheap@ below).
-@etaExpandCount@ errs on the conservative side. It is always safe to
-return 0.
-An application of @error@ is special, because it can absorb as many
-arguments as you care to give it. For this special case we return
-100, to represent "infinity", which is a bit of a hack.
-etaExpandCount :: CoreExpr
- -> Int -- Number of extra args you can safely abstract
-etaExpandCount (Lam b body)
- | isId b
- = 1 + etaExpandCount body
-etaExpandCount (Let bind body)
- | all exprIsCheap (rhssOfBind bind)
- = etaExpandCount body
-etaExpandCount (Case scrut _ alts)
- | exprIsCheap scrut
- = minimum [etaExpandCount rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
-etaExpandCount fun@(Var _) = eta_fun fun
-etaExpandCount (App fun (Type ty))
- = eta_fun fun
-etaExpandCount (App fun arg)
- | exprIsCheap arg = case etaExpandCount fun of
- 0 -> 0
- n -> n-1 -- Knock off one
-etaExpandCount other = 0 -- Give up
- -- Lit, Con, Prim,
- -- non-val Lam,
- -- Scc (pessimistic; ToDo),
- -- Let with non-whnf rhs(s),
- -- Case with non-whnf scrutinee
-eta_fun :: CoreExpr -- The function
- -> Int -- How many args it can safely be applied to
-eta_fun (App fun (Type ty)) = eta_fun fun
-eta_fun (Var v) = arityLowerBound (getIdArity v)
-eta_fun other = 0 -- Give up
-%* *
\subsection{Case absorption and identity-case elimination}
%* *
-mkCase :: SwitchChecker -> OutExpr -> OutId -> [OutAlt] -> SimplM OutExpr
+mkCase :: OutExpr -> OutId -> [OutAlt] -> SimplM OutExpr
@mkCase@ tries the following transformation (if possible):
@@ -407,11 +449,11 @@ transformation is called Case Merging. It avoids that the same
variable is scrutinised multiple times.
-mkCase sw_chkr scrut outer_bndr outer_alts
- | switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplCaseMerge
+mkCase scrut outer_bndr outer_alts
+ | opt_SimplCaseMerge
&& maybeToBool maybe_case_in_default
- = tick CaseMerge `thenSmpl_`
+ = tick (CaseMerge outer_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
returnSmpl (Case scrut outer_bndr new_alts)
-- Warning: don't call mkCase recursively!
-- Firstly, there's no point, because inner alts have already had
@@ -449,9 +491,9 @@ Now the identity-case transformation:
and similar friends.
-mkCase sw_chkr scrut case_bndr alts
+mkCase scrut case_bndr alts
| all identity_alt alts
- = tick CaseIdentity `thenSmpl_`
+ = tick (CaseIdentity case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
returnSmpl scrut
identity_alt (DEFAULT, [], Var v) = v == case_bndr
@@ -469,7 +511,7 @@ mkCase sw_chkr scrut case_bndr alts
The catch-all case
-mkCase sw_chkr other_scrut case_bndr other_alts
+mkCase other_scrut case_bndr other_alts
= returnSmpl (Case other_scrut case_bndr other_alts)
@@ -492,4 +534,11 @@ findAlt con alts
matches (DEFAULT, _, _) = True
matches (con1, _, _) = con == con1
+mkCoerce to_ty (Note (Coerce _ from_ty) expr)
+ | to_ty == from_ty = expr
+ | otherwise = Note (Coerce to_ty from_ty) expr
+mkCoerce to_ty expr
+ = Note (Coerce to_ty (coreExprType expr)) expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index aca723c605..5940184702 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -4,70 +4,115 @@
\section[Simplify]{The main module of the simplifier}
-module Simplify ( simplBind ) where
+module Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import CmdLineOpts ( switchIsOn, opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_PprStyle_Debug,
- opt_NoPreInlining, opt_DictsStrict, opt_D_dump_inlinings,
+import CmdLineOpts ( intSwitchSet,
+ opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_PprStyle_Debug, opt_SimplDoEtaReduction,
+ opt_SimplNoPreInlining, opt_DictsStrict, opt_SimplPedanticBottoms,
+ opt_SimplDoCaseElim,
import SimplMonad
-import SimplUtils ( mkCase, etaCoreExpr, etaExpandCount, findAlt, mkRhsTyLam,
- simplBinder, simplBinders, simplIds, findDefault
+import SimplUtils ( mkCase, transformRhs, findAlt,
+ simplBinder, simplBinders, simplIds, findDefault, mkCoerce
-import Var ( TyVar, mkSysTyVar, tyVarKind )
+import Var ( TyVar, mkSysTyVar, tyVarKind, maybeModifyIdInfo )
import VarEnv
import VarSet
-import Id ( Id, idType,
- getIdUnfolding, setIdUnfolding,
+import Id ( Id, idType, idInfo, idUnique,
+ getIdUnfolding, setIdUnfolding, isExportedId,
getIdSpecialisation, setIdSpecialisation,
getIdDemandInfo, setIdDemandInfo,
getIdArity, setIdArity,
- getIdStrictness,
- setInlinePragma, getInlinePragma, idMustBeINLINEd,
- idWantsToBeINLINEd
+ getIdStrictness,
+ setInlinePragma, getInlinePragma, idMustBeINLINEd
import IdInfo ( InlinePragInfo(..), OccInfo(..), StrictnessInfo(..),
- ArityInfo, atLeastArity, arityLowerBound, unknownArity
+ ArityInfo(..), atLeastArity, arityLowerBound, unknownArity,
+ specInfo, inlinePragInfo, zapLamIdInfo
import Demand ( Demand, isStrict, wwLazy )
import Const ( isWHNFCon, conOkForAlt )
import ConFold ( tryPrimOp )
-import PrimOp ( PrimOp, primOpStrictness )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConNumInstArgs, dataConStrictMarks, dataConSig, dataConArgTys )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp, primOpStrictness, primOpType )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConNumInstArgs, dataConRepStrictness, dataConSig, dataConArgTys )
import Const ( Con(..) )
-import MagicUFs ( applyMagicUnfoldingFun )
-import Name ( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
+import Name ( isLocallyDefined )
import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold ( Unfolding(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..),
- mkUnfolding, smallEnoughToInline,
- isEvaldUnfolding, unfoldAlways
- )
-import CoreUtils ( IdSubst, SubstCoreExpr(..),
- cheapEqExpr, exprIsDupable, exprIsWHNF, exprIsTrivial,
- coreExprType, coreAltsType, exprIsCheap, substExpr,
+import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
+import CoreUnfold ( Unfolding(..), mkUnfolding, callSiteInline,
+ isEvaldUnfolding, blackListed )
+import CoreUtils ( cheapEqExpr, exprIsDupable, exprIsWHNF, exprIsTrivial,
+ coreExprType, coreAltsType, exprIsCheap, exprArity,
+ exprOkForSpeculation,
FormSummary(..), mkFormSummary, whnfOrBottom
-import SpecEnv ( lookupSpecEnv, isEmptySpecEnv, substSpecEnv )
+import Rules ( lookupRule )
import CostCentre ( isSubsumedCCS, currentCCS, isEmptyCC )
-import Type ( Type, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, isUnLiftedType, fullSubstTy,
+import Type ( Type, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, isUnLiftedType,
mkFunTy, splitFunTys, splitTyConApp_maybe, splitFunTy_maybe,
- applyTy, applyTys, funResultTy, isDictTy, isDataType
+ funResultTy, isDictTy, isDataType, applyTy, applyTys, mkFunTys
+ )
+import Subst ( Subst, mkSubst, emptySubst, substExpr, substTy,
+ substEnv, lookupInScope, lookupSubst, substRules
import TyCon ( isDataTyCon, tyConDataCons, tyConClass_maybe, tyConArity, isDataTyCon )
import TysPrim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
-import PrelVals ( realWorldPrimId )
-import BasicTypes ( StrictnessMark(..) )
+import PrelInfo ( realWorldPrimId )
+import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
-import Util ( zipWithEqual, stretchZipEqual )
+import Util ( zipWithEqual, stretchZipEqual, lengthExceeds )
import PprCore
import Outputable
The guts of the simplifier is in this module, but the driver
-loop for the simplifier is in SimplPgm.lhs.
+loop for the simplifier is in SimplCore.lhs.
+%* *
+%* *
+simplTopBinds :: [InBind] -> SimplM [OutBind]
+simplTopBinds binds
+ = -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
+ -- so that if a transformation rule has unexpectedly brought
+ -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
+ -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
+ extendInScopes top_binders $
+ simpl_binds binds `thenSmpl` \ (binds', _) ->
+ freeTick SimplifierDone `thenSmpl_`
+ returnSmpl binds'
+ where
+ top_binders = bindersOfBinds binds
+ simpl_binds [] = returnSmpl ([], panic "simplTopBinds corner")
+ simpl_binds (NonRec bndr rhs : binds) = simplLazyBind TopLevel bndr bndr rhs (simpl_binds binds)
+ simpl_binds (Rec pairs : binds) = simplRecBind TopLevel pairs (map fst pairs) (simpl_binds binds)
+simplRecBind :: TopLevelFlag -> [(InId, InExpr)] -> [OutId]
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
+simplRecBind top_lvl pairs bndrs' thing_inside
+ = go pairs bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (binds', stuff) ->
+ returnSmpl (addBind (Rec (flattenBinds binds')) stuff)
+ where
+ go [] _ = thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
+ returnSmpl ([], stuff)
+ go ((bndr, rhs) : pairs) (bndr' : bndrs')
+ = simplLazyBind top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs (go pairs bndrs')
+ -- Don't float unboxed bindings out,
+ -- because we can't "rec" them
@@ -124,130 +169,219 @@ might do the same again.
-simplExpr :: CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM CoreExpr
-simplExpr expr cont = simplExprB expr cont `thenSmpl` \ (binds, (_, body)) ->
- returnSmpl (mkLetBinds binds body)
+simplExpr :: CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
+simplExpr expr = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
+ simplExprC expr (Stop (substTy subst (coreExprType expr)))
+ -- The type in the Stop continuation is usually not used
+ -- It's only needed when discarding continuations after finding
+ -- a function that returns bottom
-simplExprB :: InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+simplExprC :: CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM CoreExpr
+ -- Simplify an expression, given a continuation
-simplExprB (Note InlineCall (Var v)) cont
- = simplVar True v cont
+simplExprC expr cont = simplExprF expr cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (_, body)) ->
+ returnSmpl (mkLets floats body)
-simplExprB (Var v) cont
- = simplVar False v cont
+simplExprF :: InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+ -- Simplify an expression, returning floated binds
-simplExprB expr@(Con (PrimOp op) args) cont
- = simplType (coreExprType expr) `thenSmpl` \ expr_ty ->
- getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
- let
- (val_arg_demands, _) = primOpStrictness op
+simplExprF (Var v) cont
+ = simplVar v cont
- -- Main game plan: loop through the arguments, simplifying
- -- each of them with an ArgOf continuation. Getting the right
- -- cont_ty in the ArgOf continuation is a bit of a nuisance.
- go [] ds args' = rebuild_primop (reverse args')
- go (arg:args) ds args'
- | isTypeArg arg = setSubstEnv se (simplArg arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
- go args ds (arg':args')
- go (arg:args) (d:ds) args'
- | not (isStrict d) = setSubstEnv se (simplArg arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
- go args ds (arg':args')
- | otherwise = setSubstEnv se (simplExprB arg (mk_cont args ds args'))
- cont_ty = contResultType in_scope expr_ty cont
- mk_cont args ds args' = ArgOf NoDup (\ arg' -> go args ds (arg':args')) cont_ty
- in
- go args val_arg_demands []
- where
+simplExprF expr@(Con (PrimOp op) args) cont
+ = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
+ prepareArgs (ppr op)
+ (primOpType op)
+ (primOpStrictness op)
+ (pushArgs se args cont) $ \ args1 cont1 ->
- rebuild_primop args'
- = -- Try the prim op simplification
+ let
+ -- Boring... we may have too many arguments now, so we push them back
+ n_args = length args
+ args2 = ASSERT( length args1 >= n_args )
+ take n_args args1
+ cont2 = pushArgs emptySubstEnv (drop n_args args1) cont1
+ in
+ -- Try the prim op simplification
-- It's really worth trying simplExpr again if it succeeds,
-- because you can find
-- case (eqChar# x 'a') of ...
-- ==>
-- case (case x of 'a' -> True; other -> False) of ...
- case tryPrimOp op args' of
- Just e' -> zapSubstEnv (simplExprB e' cont)
- Nothing -> rebuild (Con (PrimOp op) args') cont
+ case tryPrimOp op args2 of
+ Just e' -> zapSubstEnv (simplExprF e' cont2)
+ Nothing -> rebuild (Con (PrimOp op) args2) cont2
-simplExprB (Con con@(DataCon _) args) cont
- = simplConArgs args $ \ args' ->
- rebuild (Con con args') cont
+simplExprF (Con con@(DataCon _) args) cont
+ = freeTick LeafVisit `thenSmpl_`
+ simplConArgs args ( \ args' ->
+ rebuild (Con con args') cont)
-simplExprB expr@(Con con@(Literal _) args) cont
+simplExprF expr@(Con con@(Literal _) args) cont
= ASSERT( null args )
+ freeTick LeafVisit `thenSmpl_`
rebuild expr cont
-simplExprB (App fun arg) cont
+simplExprF (App fun arg) cont
= getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
- simplExprB fun (ApplyTo NoDup arg se cont)
+ simplExprF fun (ApplyTo NoDup arg se cont)
-simplExprB (Case scrut bndr alts) cont
+simplExprF (Case scrut bndr alts) cont
= getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
- simplExprB scrut (Select NoDup bndr alts se cont)
+ simplExprF scrut (Select NoDup bndr alts se cont)
+simplExprF (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
+ = simplIds (map fst pairs) $ \ bndrs' ->
+ -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or spec-envs
+ -- We add them as we go down, using simplPrags
-simplExprB (Note (Coerce to from) e) cont
- | to == from = simplExprB e cont
- | otherwise = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
- simplExprB e (CoerceIt NoDup to se cont)
+ simplRecBind NotTopLevel pairs bndrs' (simplExprF body cont)
+simplExprF expr@(Lam _ _) cont = simplLam expr cont
+simplExprF (Type ty) cont
+ = ASSERT( case cont of { Stop _ -> True; ArgOf _ _ _ -> True; other -> False } )
+ simplType ty `thenSmpl` \ ty' ->
+ rebuild (Type ty') cont
+simplExprF (Note (Coerce to from) e) cont
+ | to == from = simplExprF e cont
+ | otherwise = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
+ simplExprF e (CoerceIt (substTy subst to) cont)
-- hack: we only distinguish subsumed cost centre stacks for the purposes of
-- inlining. All other CCCSs are mapped to currentCCS.
-simplExprB (Note (SCC cc) e) cont
+simplExprF (Note (SCC cc) e) cont
= setEnclosingCC currentCCS $
- simplExpr e Stop `thenSmpl` \ e ->
+ simplExpr e `thenSmpl` \ e ->
rebuild (mkNote (SCC cc) e) cont
-simplExprB (Note note e) cont
- = simplExpr e Stop `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild (mkNote note e') cont
+simplExprF (Note InlineCall e) cont
+ = simplExprF e (InlinePlease cont)
+-- Comments about the InlineMe case
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Don't inline in the RHS of something that has an
+-- inline pragma. But be careful that the InScopeEnv that
+-- we return does still have inlinings on!
+-- It really is important to switch off inlinings. This function
+-- may be inlinined in other modules, so we don't want to remove
+-- (by inlining) calls to functions that have specialisations, or
+-- that may have transformation rules in an importing scope.
+-- E.g. {-# INLINE f #-}
+-- f x = ...g...
+-- and suppose that g is strict *and* has specialisations.
+-- If we inline g's wrapper, we deny f the chance of getting
+-- the specialised version of g when f is inlined at some call site
+-- (perhaps in some other module).
+simplExprF (Note InlineMe e) cont
+ = case cont of
+ Stop _ -> -- Totally boring continuation
+ -- Don't inline inside an INLINE expression
+ switchOffInlining (simplExpr e) `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
+ rebuild (mkNote InlineMe e') cont
+ other -> -- Dissolve the InlineMe note if there's
+ -- an interesting context of any kind to combine with
+ -- (even a type application -- anything except Stop)
+ simplExprF e cont
-- A non-recursive let is dealt with by simplBeta
-simplExprB (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
- = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
- simplBeta bndr rhs se body cont
-simplExprB (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
- = simplRecBind pairs (simplExprB body cont)
--- Type-beta reduction
-simplExprB expr@(Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) arg_se body_cont)
- = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
- tick BetaReduction `thenSmpl_`
- setSubstEnv arg_se (simplType ty_arg) `thenSmpl` \ ty' ->
- extendTySubst bndr ty' $
- simplExprB body body_cont
--- Ordinary beta reduction
-simplExprB expr@(Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ arg arg_se body_cont)
- = tick BetaReduction `thenSmpl_`
- simplBeta bndr' arg arg_se body body_cont
+simplExprF (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
+ = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ se ->
+ simplBeta bndr rhs se (contResultType cont) $
+ simplExprF body cont
+simplLam fun cont
+ = go fun cont
- bndr' = zapLambdaBndr bndr body body_cont
+ zap_it = mkLamBndrZapper fun (countArgs cont)
+ cont_ty = contResultType cont
+ -- Type-beta reduction
+ go (Lam bndr body) (ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) arg_se body_cont)
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
+ tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
+ let
+ ty' = substTy (mkSubst in_scope arg_se) ty_arg
+ in
+ extendSubst bndr (DoneTy ty')
+ (go body body_cont)
+ -- Ordinary beta reduction
+ go (Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ arg arg_se body_cont)
+ = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ simplBeta zapped_bndr arg arg_se cont_ty
+ (go body body_cont)
+ where
+ zapped_bndr = zap_it bndr
+ -- Not enough args
+ go lam@(Lam _ _) cont = completeLam [] lam cont
+ -- Exactly enough args
+ go expr cont = simplExprF expr cont
-simplExprB (Lam bndr body) cont
+-- completeLam deals with the case where a lambda doesn't have an ApplyTo
+-- continuation. Try for eta reduction, but *only* if we get all
+-- the way to an exprIsTrivial expression.
+-- 'acc' holds the simplified binders, in reverse order
+completeLam acc (Lam bndr body) cont
= simplBinder bndr $ \ bndr' ->
- simplExpr body Stop `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
- rebuild (Lam bndr' body') cont
+ completeLam (bndr':acc) body cont
-simplExprB (Type ty) cont
- = ASSERT( case cont of { Stop -> True; ArgOf _ _ _ -> True; other -> False } )
- simplType ty `thenSmpl` \ ty' ->
- rebuild (Type ty') cont
+completeLam acc body cont
+ = simplExpr body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
+ case (opt_SimplDoEtaReduction, check_eta acc body') of
+ (True, Just body'') -- Eta reduce!
+ -> tick (EtaReduction (head acc)) `thenSmpl_`
+ rebuild body'' cont
-simplArg :: InArg -> SimplM OutArg
-simplArg arg = simplExpr arg Stop
+ other -> -- No eta reduction
+ rebuild (foldl (flip Lam) body' acc) cont
+ -- Remember, acc is the reversed binders
+ where
+ -- NB: the binders are reversed
+ check_eta (b : bs) (App fun arg)
+ | (varToCoreExpr b `cheapEqExpr` arg)
+ = check_eta bs fun
+ check_eta [] body
+ | exprIsTrivial body && -- ONLY if the body is trivial
+ not (any (`elemVarSet` body_fvs) acc)
+ = Just body -- Success!
+ where
+ body_fvs = exprFreeVars body
+ check_eta _ _ = Nothing -- Bale out
+mkLamBndrZapper :: CoreExpr -- Function
+ -> Int -- Number of args
+ -> Id -> Id -- Use this to zap the binders
+mkLamBndrZapper fun n_args
+ | saturated fun n_args = \b -> b
+ | otherwise = \b -> maybeModifyIdInfo zapLamIdInfo b
+ where
+ saturated (Lam b e) 0 = False
+ saturated (Lam b e) n = saturated e (n-1)
+ saturated e n = True
simplConArgs makes sure that the arguments all end up being atomic.
-That means it may generate some Lets, hence the
+That means it may generate some Lets, hence the strange type
simplConArgs :: [InArg] -> ([OutArg] -> SimplM OutExprStuff) -> SimplM OutExprStuff
@@ -255,7 +389,7 @@ simplConArgs [] thing_inside
= thing_inside []
simplConArgs (arg:args) thing_inside
- = switchOffInlining (simplArg arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
+ = switchOffInlining (simplExpr arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
-- Simplify the RHS with inlining switched off, so that
-- only absolutely essential things will happen.
@@ -275,282 +409,159 @@ simplConArgs (arg:args) thing_inside
simplType :: InType -> SimplM OutType
simplType ty
- = getTyEnv `thenSmpl` \ (ty_subst, in_scope) ->
- returnSmpl (fullSubstTy ty_subst in_scope ty)
+ = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
+ returnSmpl (substTy subst ty)
--- Find out whether the lambda is saturated,
--- if not zap the over-optimistic info in the binder
-zapLambdaBndr bndr body body_cont
- | isTyVar bndr || safe_info || definitely_saturated 20 body body_cont
- -- The "20" is to catch pathalogical cases with bazillions of arguments
- -- because we are using an n**2 algorithm here
- = bndr -- No need to zap
- | otherwise
- = setInlinePragma (setIdDemandInfo bndr wwLazy)
- safe_inline_prag
- where
- inline_prag = getInlinePragma bndr
- demand = getIdDemandInfo bndr
- safe_info = is_safe_inline_prag && not (isStrict demand)
- is_safe_inline_prag = case inline_prag of
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd StrictOcc nalts -> False
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd LazyOcc nalts -> False
- other -> True
- safe_inline_prag = case inline_prag of
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd _ nalts
- -> ICanSafelyBeINLINEd InsideLam nalts
- other -> inline_prag
- definitely_saturated :: Int -> CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> Bool
- definitely_saturated 0 _ _ = False -- Too expensive to find out
- definitely_saturated n (Lam _ body) (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = definitely_saturated (n-1) body cont
- definitely_saturated n (Lam _ _) other_cont = False
- definitely_saturated n _ _ = True
%* *
%* *
-simplVar inline_call var cont
- = getValEnv `thenSmpl` \ (id_subst, in_scope) ->
- case lookupVarEnv id_subst var of
- Just (Done e)
- -> zapSubstEnv (simplExprB e cont)
- Just (SubstMe e ty_subst id_subst)
- -> setSubstEnv (ty_subst, id_subst) (simplExprB e cont)
- Nothing -> let
- var' = case lookupVarSet in_scope var of
- Just v' -> v'
- Nothing ->
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if isLocallyDefined var && not (idMustBeINLINEd var) then
- -- Not in scope
- pprTrace "simplVar:" (ppr var) var
- else
- var
- in
- getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ sw_chkr ->
- completeVar sw_chkr in_scope inline_call var' cont
-completeVar sw_chkr in_scope inline_call var cont
- | maybeToBool maybe_magic_result
- = tick MagicUnfold `thenSmpl_`
- magic_result
- -- Look for existing specialisations before trying inlining
- | maybeToBool maybe_specialisation
- = tick SpecialisationDone `thenSmpl_`
- setSubstEnv (spec_bindings, emptyVarEnv) (
- -- See note below about zapping the substitution here
- simplExprB spec_template remaining_cont
- )
+@simplBeta@ is used for non-recursive lets in expressions,
+as well as true beta reduction.
- -- Don't actually inline the scrutinee when we see
- -- case x of y { .... }
- -- and x has unfolding (C a b). Why not? Because
- -- we get a silly binding y = C a b. If we don't
- -- inline knownCon can directly substitute x for y instead.
- | has_unfolding && var_is_case_scrutinee && unfolding_is_constr
- = knownCon (Var var) con con_args cont
+Very similar to @simplLazyBind@, but not quite the same.
- -- Look for an unfolding. There's a binding for the
- -- thing, but perhaps we want to inline it anyway
- | has_unfolding && (inline_call || ok_to_inline)
- = getEnclosingCC `thenSmpl` \ encl_cc ->
- if must_be_unfolded || costCentreOk encl_cc var
- then -- OK to unfold
- tickUnfold var `thenSmpl_` (
- zapSubstEnv $
- -- The template is already simplified, so don't re-substitute.
- -- This is VITAL. Consider
- -- let x = e in
- -- let y = \z -> ...x... in
- -- \ x -> ...y...
- -- We'll clone the inner \x, adding x->x' in the id_subst
- -- Then when we inline y, we must *not* replace x by x' in
- -- the inlined copy!!
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if opt_D_dump_inlinings then
- pprTrace "Inlining:" (ppr var <+> ppr unf_template) $
- simplExprB unf_template cont
- else
- simplExprB unf_template cont
- )
- else
+simplBeta :: InId -- Binder
+ -> InExpr -> SubstEnv -- Arg, with its subst-env
+ -> OutType -- Type of thing computed by the context
+ -> SimplM OutExprStuff -- The body
+ -> SimplM OutExprStuff
#ifdef DEBUG
- pprTrace "Inlining disallowed due to CC:\n" (ppr encl_cc <+> ppr unf_template <+> ppr (coreExprCc unf_template)) $
+simplBeta bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
+ | isTyVar bndr
+ = pprPanic "simplBeta" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs)
- -- Can't unfold because of bad cost centre
- rebuild (Var var) cont
- | inline_call -- There was an InlineCall note, but we didn't inline!
- = rebuild (Note InlineCall (Var var)) cont
+simplBeta bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
+ | preInlineUnconditionally bndr && not opt_SimplNoPreInlining
+ = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ extendSubst bndr (ContEx rhs_se rhs) thing_inside
| otherwise
- = rebuild (Var var) cont
- where
- unfolding = getIdUnfolding var
- ---------- Magic unfolding stuff
- maybe_magic_result = case unfolding of
- MagicUnfolding _ magic_fn -> applyMagicUnfoldingFun magic_fn
- cont
- other -> Nothing
- Just magic_result = maybe_magic_result
+ = -- Simplify the RHS
+ simplBinder bndr $ \ bndr' ->
+ simplArg (idType bndr') (getIdDemandInfo bndr)
+ rhs rhs_se cont_ty $ \ rhs' ->
+ -- Now complete the binding and simplify the body
+ completeBeta bndr bndr' rhs' thing_inside
+completeBeta bndr bndr' rhs' thing_inside
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType bndr') && not (exprOkForSpeculation rhs')
+ -- Make a case expression instead of a let
+ -- These can arise either from the desugarer,
+ -- or from beta reductions: (\x.e) (x +# y)
+ = getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
+ thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (_, body)) ->
+ returnSmpl ([], (in_scope, Case rhs' bndr' [(DEFAULT, [], mkLets floats body)]))
- ---------- Unfolding stuff
- has_unfolding = case unfolding of
- CoreUnfolding _ _ _ -> True
- other -> False
- CoreUnfolding form guidance unf_template = unfolding
- -- overrides cost-centre business
- must_be_unfolded = case getInlinePragma var of
- IMustBeINLINEd -> True
- _ -> False
- ok_to_inline = okToInline sw_chkr in_scope var form guidance cont
- unfolding_is_constr = case unf_template of
- Con con _ -> conOkForAlt con
- other -> False
- Con con con_args = unf_template
+ | otherwise
+ = completeBinding bndr bndr' rhs' thing_inside
- ---------- Specialisation stuff
- ty_args = initial_ty_args cont
- remaining_cont = drop_ty_args cont
- maybe_specialisation = lookupSpecEnv (ppr var) (getIdSpecialisation var) ty_args
- Just (spec_bindings, spec_template) = maybe_specialisation
- initial_ty_args (ApplyTo _ (Type ty) (ty_subst,_) cont)
- = fullSubstTy ty_subst in_scope ty : initial_ty_args cont
- -- Having to do the substitution here is a bit of a bore
- initial_ty_args other_cont = []
+simplArg :: OutType -> Demand
+ -> InExpr -> SubstEnv
+ -> OutType -- Type of thing computed by the context
+ -> (OutExpr -> SimplM OutExprStuff)
+ -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+simplArg arg_ty demand arg arg_se cont_ty thing_inside
+ | isStrict demand ||
+ isUnLiftedType arg_ty ||
+ (opt_DictsStrict && isDictTy arg_ty && isDataType arg_ty)
+ -- Return true only for dictionary types where the dictionary
+ -- has more than one component (else we risk poking on the component
+ -- of a newtype dictionary)
+ = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ body_se ->
+ transformRhs arg `thenSmpl` \ t_arg ->
+ setSubstEnv arg_se (simplExprF t_arg (ArgOf NoDup cont_ty $ \ arg' ->
+ setSubstEnv body_se (thing_inside arg')
+ )) -- NB: we must restore body_se before carrying on with thing_inside!!
- drop_ty_args (ApplyTo _ (Type _) _ cont) = drop_ty_args cont
- drop_ty_args other_cont = other_cont
+ | otherwise
+ = simplRhs NotTopLevel True arg_ty arg arg_se thing_inside
- ---------- Switches
- var_is_case_scrutinee = case cont of
- Select _ _ _ _ _ -> True
- other -> False
+ - deals only with Ids, not TyVars
+ - take an already-simplified RHS
------------ costCentreOk
--- costCentreOk checks that it's ok to inline this thing
--- The time it *isn't* is this:
--- f x = let y = E in
--- scc "foo" (...y...)
--- Here y has a "current cost centre", and we can't inline it inside "foo",
--- regardless of whether E is a WHNF or not.
--- We can inline a top-level binding anywhere.
-costCentreOk ccs_encl x
- = not opt_SccProfilingOn
- || isSubsumedCCS ccs_encl -- can unfold anything into a subsumed scope
- || not (isLocallyDefined x)
+It does *not* attempt to do let-to-case. Why? Because they are used for
+ - top-level bindings
+ (when let-to-case is impossible)
-%* *
-%* *
+ - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
+ (so let-to-case is inappropriate).
-simplBind :: InBind -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
-simplBind (NonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside
- = simplTopRhs bndr rhs `thenSmpl` \ (binds, in_scope, rhs', arity) ->
- setInScope in_scope $
- completeBindNonRec (bndr `setIdArity` arity) rhs' thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
- returnSmpl (addBinds binds stuff)
-simplBind (Rec pairs) thing_inside
- = simplRecBind pairs thing_inside
- -- The assymetry between the two cases is a bit unclean
-simplRecBind :: [(InId, InExpr)] -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
-simplRecBind pairs thing_inside
- = simplIds (map fst pairs) $ \ bndrs' ->
- -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or spec-envs
- -- We add them as we go down, using simplPrags
- go (pairs `zip` bndrs') `thenSmpl` \ (pairs', stuff) ->
- returnSmpl (addBind (Rec pairs') stuff)
- where
- go [] = thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
- returnSmpl ([], stuff)
- go (((bndr, rhs), bndr') : pairs)
- = simplTopRhs bndr rhs `thenSmpl` \ (rhs_binds, in_scope, rhs', arity) ->
- setInScope in_scope $
- completeBindRec bndr (bndr' `setIdArity` arity)
- rhs' (go pairs) `thenSmpl` \ (pairs', stuff) ->
- returnSmpl (flatten rhs_binds pairs', stuff)
- flatten (NonRec b r : binds) prs = (b,r) : flatten binds prs
- flatten (Rec prs1 : binds) prs2 = prs1 ++ flatten binds prs2
- flatten [] prs = prs
+completeBinding :: InId -- Binder
+ -> OutId -- New binder
+ -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -- Thing inside
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
+completeBinding old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs thing_inside
+ | isDeadBinder old_bndr -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
+ -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
+ -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
+ -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
+ = thing_inside
-completeBindRec bndr bndr' rhs' thing_inside
- | postInlineUnconditionally bndr etad_rhs
+ | postInlineUnconditionally old_bndr new_rhs
+ -- Maybe we don't need a let-binding! Maybe we can just
+ -- inline it right away. Unlike the preInlineUnconditionally case
+ -- we are allowed to look at the RHS.
+ --
-- NB: a loop breaker never has postInlineUnconditionally True
-- and non-loop-breakers only have *forward* references
-- Hence, it's safe to discard the binding
- = tick PostInlineUnconditionally `thenSmpl_`
- extendIdSubst bndr (Done etad_rhs) thing_inside
+ = tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ extendSubst old_bndr (DoneEx new_rhs)
+ thing_inside
| otherwise
- = -- Here's the only difference from completeBindNonRec: we
- -- don't do simplBinder first, because we've already
- -- done simplBinder on the recursive binders
- simplPrags bndr bndr' etad_rhs `thenSmpl` \ bndr'' ->
- modifyInScope bndr'' $
- thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ (pairs, res) ->
- returnSmpl ((bndr'', etad_rhs) : pairs, res)
- where
- etad_rhs = etaCoreExpr rhs'
+ = getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
+ let
+ bndr_info = idInfo old_bndr
+ old_rules = specInfo bndr_info
+ new_rules = substRules subst old_rules
+ -- The new binding site Id needs its specialisations re-attached
+ bndr_w_arity = new_bndr `setIdArity` ArityAtLeast (exprArity new_rhs)
+ binding_site_id
+ | isEmptyCoreRules old_rules = bndr_w_arity
+ | otherwise = bndr_w_arity `setIdSpecialisation` new_rules
+ -- At the occurrence sites we want to know the unfolding,
+ -- and the occurrence info of the original
+ -- (simplBinder cleaned up the inline prag of the original
+ -- to eliminate un-stable info, in case this expression is
+ -- simplified a second time; hence the need to reattach it)
+ occ_site_id = binding_site_id
+ `setIdUnfolding` mkUnfolding new_rhs
+ `setInlinePragma` inlinePragInfo bndr_info
+ in
+ modifyInScope occ_site_id thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
+ returnSmpl (addBind (NonRec binding_site_id new_rhs) stuff)
%* *
-\subsection{Right hand sides}
%* *
-simplRhs basically just simplifies the RHS of a let(rec).
+simplLazyBind basically just simplifies the RHS of a let(rec).
It does two important optimisations though:
* It floats let(rec)s out of the RHS, even if they
@@ -559,237 +570,325 @@ It does two important optimisations though:
* It does eta expansion
-simplTopRhs :: InId -> InExpr
- -> SimplM ([OutBind], InScopeEnv, OutExpr, ArityInfo)
-simplTopRhs bndr rhs
- = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ bndr_se ->
- simplRhs bndr bndr_se rhs
-simplRhs bndr bndr_se rhs
- | idWantsToBeINLINEd bndr -- Don't inline in the RHS of something that has an
- -- inline pragma. But be careful that the InScopeEnv that
- -- we return does still have inlinings on!
- = switchOffInlining (simplExpr rhs Stop) `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
- getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- returnSmpl ([], in_scope, rhs', unknownArity)
+simplLazyBind :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> InId -> OutId
+ -> InExpr -- The RHS
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -- The body of the binding
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
+-- When called, the subst env is correct for the entire let-binding
+-- and hence right for the RHS.
+-- Also the binder has already been simplified, and hence is in scope
+simplLazyBind top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs thing_inside
+ | preInlineUnconditionally bndr && not opt_SimplNoPreInlining
+ = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ rhs_se ->
+ (extendSubst bndr (ContEx rhs_se rhs) thing_inside)
| otherwise
- = -- Swizzle the inner lets past the big lambda (if any)
- mkRhsTyLam rhs `thenSmpl` \ swizzled_rhs ->
- -- Simplify the swizzled RHS
- simplRhs2 bndr bndr_se swizzled_rhs `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (in_scope, rhs', arity)) ->
- if not (null floats) && exprIsWHNF rhs' then -- Do the float
- tick LetFloatFromLet `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (floats, in_scope, rhs', arity)
- else -- Don't do it
- getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- returnSmpl ([], in_scope, mkLetBinds floats rhs', arity)
+ = -- Simplify the RHS
+ getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ rhs_se ->
+ simplRhs top_lvl False {- Not ok to float unboxed -}
+ (idType bndr')
+ rhs rhs_se $ \ rhs' ->
+ -- Now compete the binding and simplify the body
+ completeBinding bndr bndr' rhs' thing_inside
- Try eta expansion for RHSs
-We need to pass in the substitution environment for the RHS, because
-it might be different to the current one (see simplBeta, as called
-from simplExpr for an applied lambda). The binder needs to
-simplRhs2 bndr bndr_se (Let bind body)
- = simplBind bind (simplRhs2 bndr bndr_se body)
-simplRhs2 bndr bndr_se rhs
- | null ids -- Prevent eta expansion for both thunks
- -- (would lose sharing) and variables (nothing gained).
- -- To see why we ignore it for thunks, consider
- -- let f = lookup env key in (f 1, f 2)
- -- We'd better not eta expand f just because it is
- -- always applied!
- --
- -- Also if there isn't a lambda at the top we use
- -- simplExprB so that we can do (more) let-floating
- = simplExprB rhs Stop `thenSmpl` \ (binds, (in_scope, rhs')) ->
- returnSmpl (binds, (in_scope, rhs', unknownArity))
- | otherwise -- Consider eta expansion
- = getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ sw_chkr ->
- getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- simplBinders tyvars $ \ tyvars' ->
- simplBinders ids $ \ ids' ->
- if switchIsOn sw_chkr SimplDoLambdaEtaExpansion
- && not (null extra_arg_tys)
+simplRhs :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> Bool -- True <=> OK to float unboxed (speculative) bindings
+ -> OutType -> InExpr -> SubstEnv
+ -> (OutExpr -> SimplM (OutStuff a))
+ -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
+simplRhs top_lvl float_ubx rhs_ty rhs rhs_se thing_inside
+ = -- Swizzle the inner lets past the big lambda (if any)
+ -- and try eta expansion
+ transformRhs rhs `thenSmpl` \ t_rhs ->
+ -- Simplify it
+ setSubstEnv rhs_se (simplExprF t_rhs (Stop rhs_ty)) `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (in_scope', rhs')) ->
+ -- Float lets out of RHS
+ let
+ (floats_out, rhs'') | float_ubx = (floats, rhs')
+ | otherwise = splitFloats floats rhs'
+ in
+ if (isTopLevel top_lvl || exprIsWHNF rhs') && -- Float lets if (a) we're at the top level
+ not (null floats_out) -- or (b) it exposes a HNF
- tick EtaExpansion `thenSmpl_`
- setSubstEnv bndr_se (mapSmpl simplType extra_arg_tys)
- `thenSmpl` \ extra_arg_tys' ->
- newIds extra_arg_tys' $ \ extra_bndrs' ->
- simplExpr body (mk_cont extra_bndrs') `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
- let
- expanded_rhs = mkLams tyvars'
- $ mkLams ids'
- $ mkLams extra_bndrs' body'
- expanded_arity = atLeastArity (no_of_ids + no_of_extras)
- in
- returnSmpl ([], (in_scope, expanded_rhs, expanded_arity))
- else
- simplExpr body Stop `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
- let
- unexpanded_rhs = mkLams tyvars'
- $ mkLams ids' body'
- unexpanded_arity = atLeastArity no_of_ids
- in
- returnSmpl ([], (in_scope, unexpanded_rhs, unexpanded_arity))
+ tickLetFloat floats_out `thenSmpl_`
+ -- Do the float
+ --
+ -- There's a subtlety here. There may be a binding (x* = e) in the
+ -- floats, where the '*' means 'will be demanded'. So is it safe
+ -- to float it out? Answer no, but it won't matter because
+ -- we only float if arg' is a WHNF,
+ -- and so there can't be any 'will be demanded' bindings in the floats.
+ -- Hence the assert
+ WARN( any demanded_float floats_out, ppr floats_out )
+ setInScope in_scope' (thing_inside rhs'') `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
+ -- in_scope' may be excessive, but that's OK;
+ -- it's a superset of what's in scope
+ returnSmpl (addBinds floats_out stuff)
+ else
+ -- Don't do the float
+ thing_inside (mkLets floats rhs')
+-- In a let-from-let float, we just tick once, arbitrarily
+-- choosing the first floated binder to identify it
+tickLetFloat (NonRec b r : fs) = tick (LetFloatFromLet b)
+tickLetFloat (Rec ((b,r):prs) : fs) = tick (LetFloatFromLet b)
+demanded_float (NonRec b r) = isStrict (getIdDemandInfo b) && not (isUnLiftedType (idType b))
+ -- Unlifted-type (cheap-eagerness) lets may well have a demanded flag on them
+demanded_float (Rec _) = False
+-- Don't float any unlifted bindings out, because the context
+-- is either a Rec group, or the top level, neither of which
+-- can tolerate them.
+splitFloats floats rhs
+ = go floats
- (tyvars, ids, body) = collectTyAndValBinders rhs
- no_of_ids = length ids
+ go [] = ([], rhs)
+ go (f:fs) | must_stay f = ([], mkLets (f:fs) rhs)
+ | otherwise = case go fs of
+ (out, rhs') -> (f:out, rhs')
- potential_extra_arg_tys :: [InType] -- NB: InType
- potential_extra_arg_tys = case splitFunTys (applyTys (idType bndr) (mkTyVarTys tyvars)) of
- (arg_tys, _) -> drop no_of_ids arg_tys
- extra_arg_tys :: [InType]
- extra_arg_tys = take no_extras_wanted potential_extra_arg_tys
- no_of_extras = length extra_arg_tys
- no_extras_wanted = -- Use information about how many args the fn is applied to
- (arity - no_of_ids) `max`
- -- See if the body could obviously do with more args
- etaExpandCount body `max`
- -- Finally, see if it's a state transformer, in which
- -- case we eta-expand on principle! This can waste work,
- -- but usually doesn't
- case potential_extra_arg_tys of
- [ty] | ty == realWorldStatePrimTy -> 1
- other -> 0
- arity = arityLowerBound (getIdArity bndr)
- mk_cont [] = Stop
- mk_cont (b:bs) = ApplyTo OkToDup (Var b) emptySubstEnv (mk_cont bs)
+ must_stay (Rec prs) = False -- No unlifted bindings in here
+ must_stay (NonRec b r) = isUnLiftedType (idType b)
%* *
%* *
-simplBeta :: InId -- Binder
- -> InExpr -> SubstEnv -- Arg, with its subst-env
- -> InExpr -> SimplCont -- Lambda body
- -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+simplVar var cont
+ = freeTick LeafVisit `thenSmpl_`
+ getSubst `thenSmpl` \ subst ->
+ case lookupSubst subst var of
+ Just (DoneEx (Var v)) -> zapSubstEnv (simplVar v cont)
+ Just (DoneEx e) -> zapSubstEnv (simplExprF e cont)
+ Just (ContEx env' e) -> setSubstEnv env' (simplExprF e cont)
+ Nothing -> let
+ var' = case lookupInScope subst var of
+ Just v' -> v'
+ Nothing ->
#ifdef DEBUG
-simplBeta bndr rhs rhs_se body cont
- | isTyVar bndr
- = pprPanic "simplBeta" ((ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs) $$ ppr cont)
+ if isLocallyDefined var && not (idMustBeINLINEd var)
+ -- The idMustBeINLINEd test accouunts for the fact
+ -- that class method selectors don't have top level
+ -- bindings and hence aren't in scope.
+ then
+ -- Not in scope
+ pprTrace "simplVar:" (ppr var) var
+ else
+ var
+ in
+ getBlackList `thenSmpl` \ black_list ->
+ getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
-simplBeta bndr rhs rhs_se body cont
- | isUnLiftedType bndr_ty
- || (isStrict (getIdDemandInfo bndr) || is_dict bndr) && not (exprIsWHNF rhs)
- = tick Let2Case `thenSmpl_`
- getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ body_se ->
- setSubstEnv rhs_se $
- simplExprB rhs (Select NoDup bndr [(DEFAULT, [], body)] body_se cont)
- | preInlineUnconditionally bndr && not opt_NoPreInlining
- = tick PreInlineUnconditionally `thenSmpl_`
- case rhs_se of { (ty_subst, id_subst) ->
- extendIdSubst bndr (SubstMe rhs ty_subst id_subst) $
- simplExprB body cont }
- | otherwise
- = getSubstEnv `thenSmpl` \ bndr_se ->
- setSubstEnv rhs_se (simplRhs bndr bndr_se rhs)
- `thenSmpl` \ (floats, in_scope, rhs', arity) ->
- setInScope in_scope $
- completeBindNonRec (bndr `setIdArity` arity) rhs' (
- simplExprB body cont
- ) `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
- returnSmpl (addBinds floats stuff)
+ prepareArgs (ppr var') (idType var') (get_str var') cont $ \ args' cont' ->
+ completeCall black_list in_scope var' args' cont'
- -- Return true only for dictionary types where the dictionary
- -- has more than one component (else we risk poking on the component
- -- of a newtype dictionary)
- is_dict bndr = opt_DictsStrict && isDictTy bndr_ty && isDataType bndr_ty
- bndr_ty = idType bndr
+ get_str var = case getIdStrictness var of
+ NoStrictnessInfo -> (repeat wwLazy, False)
+ StrictnessInfo demands result_bot -> (demands, result_bot)
- - deals only with Ids, not TyVars
- - take an already-simplified RHS
- - always produce let bindings
+-- Preparing arguments for a call
-It does *not* attempt to do let-to-case. Why? Because they are used for
+prepareArgs :: SDoc -- Error message info
+ -> OutType -> ([Demand],Bool) -> SimplCont
+ -> ([OutExpr] -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExprStuff)
+ -> SimplM OutExprStuff
- - top-level bindings
- (when let-to-case is impossible)
+prepareArgs pp_fun orig_fun_ty (fun_demands, result_bot) orig_cont thing_inside
+ = go [] demands orig_fun_ty orig_cont
+ where
+ not_enough_args = fun_demands `lengthExceeds` countValArgs orig_cont
+ -- "No strictness info" is signalled by an infinite list of wwLazy
+ demands | not_enough_args = repeat wwLazy -- Not enough args, or no strictness
+ | result_bot = fun_demands -- Enough args, and function returns bottom
+ | otherwise = fun_demands ++ repeat wwLazy -- Enough args and function does not return bottom
+ -- NB: demands is finite iff enough args and result_bot is True
- - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
- (so let-to-case is inappropriate).
+ -- Main game plan: loop through the arguments, simplifying
+ -- each of them in turn. We carry with us a list of demands,
+ -- and the type of the function-applied-to-earlier-args
-completeBindNonRec :: InId -- Binder
- -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
- -> SimplM (OutStuff a) -- Thing inside
- -> SimplM (OutStuff a)
-completeBindNonRec bndr rhs thing_inside
- | isDeadBinder bndr -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
- -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
- -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
- -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
- = thing_inside
+ -- Type argument
+ go acc ds fun_ty (ApplyTo _ arg@(Type ty_arg) se cont)
+ = getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
+ let
+ ty_arg' = substTy (mkSubst in_scope se) ty_arg
+ res_ty = applyTy fun_ty ty_arg'
+ in
+ go (Type ty_arg' : acc) ds res_ty cont
+ -- Value argument
+ go acc (d:ds) fun_ty (ApplyTo _ val_arg se cont)
+ = case splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty of {
+ Nothing -> pprTrace "prepareArgs" (pp_fun $$ ppr orig_fun_ty $$ ppr orig_cont)
+ (thing_inside (reverse acc) cont) ;
+ Just (arg_ty, res_ty) ->
+ simplArg arg_ty d val_arg se (contResultType cont) $ \ arg' ->
+ go (arg':acc) ds res_ty cont }
+ -- We've run out of demands, which only happens for functions
+ -- we *know* now return bottom
+ -- This deals with
+ -- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
+ -- * (error "Hello") arg
+ -- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
+ -- etc
+ go acc [] fun_ty cont = tick_case_of_error cont `thenSmpl_`
+ thing_inside (reverse acc) (discardCont cont)
+ -- We're run out of arguments
+ go acc ds fun_ty cont = thing_inside (reverse acc) cont
+-- Boring: we must only record a tick if there was an interesting
+-- continuation to discard. If not, we tick forever.
+tick_case_of_error (Stop _) = returnSmpl ()
+tick_case_of_error (CoerceIt _ (Stop _)) = returnSmpl ()
+tick_case_of_error other = tick BottomFound
- | postInlineUnconditionally bndr etad_rhs
- = tick PostInlineUnconditionally `thenSmpl_`
- extendIdSubst bndr (Done etad_rhs)
- thing_inside
+-- Dealing with a call
+completeCall black_list_fn in_scope var args cont
+ -- Look for rules or specialisations that match
+ -- Do this *before* trying inlining because some functions
+ -- have specialisations *and* are strict; we don't want to
+ -- inline the wrapper of the non-specialised thing... better
+ -- to call the specialised thing instead.
+ | maybeToBool maybe_rule_match
+ = tick (RuleFired rule_name) `thenSmpl_`
+ zapSubstEnv (completeApp rule_rhs rule_args cont)
+ -- See note below about zapping the substitution here
+ -- Look for an unfolding. There's a binding for the
+ -- thing, but perhaps we want to inline it anyway
+ | maybeToBool maybe_inline
+ = tick (UnfoldingDone var) `thenSmpl_`
+ zapSubstEnv (completeInlining var unf_template args (discardInlineCont cont))
+ -- The template is already simplified, so don't re-substitute.
+ -- This is VITAL. Consider
+ -- let x = e in
+ -- let y = \z -> ...x... in
+ -- \ x -> ...y...
+ -- We'll clone the inner \x, adding x->x' in the id_subst
+ -- Then when we inline y, we must *not* replace x by x' in
+ -- the inlined copy!!
+ | otherwise -- Neither rule nor inlining
+ = rebuild (mkApps (Var var) args) cont
+ where
+ ---------- Unfolding stuff
+ maybe_inline = callSiteInline black_listed inline_call
+ var args interesting_cont
+ Just unf_template = maybe_inline
+ interesting_cont = contIsInteresting cont
+ inline_call = contIsInline cont
+ black_listed = black_list_fn var
- | otherwise -- Note that we use etad_rhs here
- -- This gives maximum chance for a remaining binding
- -- to be zapped by the indirection zapper in OccurAnal
- = simplBinder bndr $ \ bndr' ->
- simplPrags bndr bndr' etad_rhs `thenSmpl` \ bndr'' ->
- modifyInScope bndr'' $
- thing_inside `thenSmpl` \ stuff ->
- returnSmpl (addBind (NonRec bndr'' etad_rhs) stuff)
+ ---------- Specialisation stuff
+ maybe_rule_match = lookupRule in_scope var args
+ Just (rule_name, rule_rhs, rule_args) = maybe_rule_match
+-- First a special case
+-- Don't actually inline the scrutinee when we see
+-- case x of y { .... }
+-- and x has unfolding (C a b). Why not? Because
+-- we get a silly binding y = C a b. If we don't
+-- inline knownCon can directly substitute x for y instead.
+completeInlining var (Con con con_args) args (Select _ bndr alts se cont)
+ | conOkForAlt con
+ = ASSERT( null args )
+ knownCon (Var var) con con_args bndr alts se cont
+-- Now the normal case
+completeInlining var unfolding args cont
+ = completeApp unfolding args cont
+-- completeApp applies a new InExpr (from an unfolding or rule)
+-- to an *already simplified* set of arguments
+completeApp :: InExpr -- (\xs. body)
+ -> [OutExpr] -- Args; already simplified
+ -> SimplCont -- What to do with result of applicatoin
+ -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+completeApp fun args cont
+ = go fun args
- etad_rhs = etaCoreExpr rhs
+ zap_it = mkLamBndrZapper fun (length args)
+ cont_ty = contResultType cont
+ -- These equations are very similar to simplLam and simplBeta combined,
+ -- except that they deal with already-simplified arguments
+ -- Type argument
+ go (Lam bndr fun) (Type ty:args) = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ extendSubst bndr (DoneTy ty)
+ (go fun args)
+ -- Value argument
+ go (Lam bndr fun) (arg:args)
+ | preInlineUnconditionally bndr && not opt_SimplNoPreInlining
+ = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ extendSubst bndr (DoneEx arg)
+ (go fun args)
+ | otherwise
+ = tick (BetaReduction bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ simplBinder zapped_bndr ( \ bndr' ->
+ completeBeta zapped_bndr bndr' arg $
+ go fun args
+ )
+ where
+ zapped_bndr = zap_it bndr
--- (simplPrags old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs) does two things
--- (a) it attaches the new unfolding to new_bndr
--- (b) it grabs the SpecEnv from old_bndr, applies the current
--- substitution to it, and attaches it to new_bndr
--- The assumption is that new_bndr, which is produced by simplBinder
--- has no unfolding or specenv.
+ -- Consumed all the lambda binders or args
+ go fun args = simplExprF fun (pushArgs emptySubstEnv args cont)
-simplPrags old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
- | isEmptySpecEnv spec_env
- = returnSmpl (bndr_w_unfolding)
- | otherwise
- = getSimplBinderStuff `thenSmpl` \ (ty_subst, id_subst, in_scope, us) ->
- let
- spec_env' = substSpecEnv ty_subst in_scope (subst_val id_subst) spec_env
- final_bndr = bndr_w_unfolding `setIdSpecialisation` spec_env'
- in
- returnSmpl final_bndr
- where
- bndr_w_unfolding = new_bndr `setIdUnfolding` mkUnfolding new_rhs
+----------- costCentreOk
+-- costCentreOk checks that it's ok to inline this thing
+-- The time it *isn't* is this:
+-- f x = let y = E in
+-- scc "foo" (...y...)
+-- Here y has a "current cost centre", and we can't inline it inside "foo",
+-- regardless of whether E is a WHNF or not.
+costCentreOk ccs_encl cc_rhs
+ = not opt_SccProfilingOn
+ || isSubsumedCCS ccs_encl -- can unfold anything into a subsumed scope
+ || not (isEmptyCC cc_rhs) -- otherwise need a cc on the unfolding
- spec_env = getIdSpecialisation old_bndr
- subst_val id_subst ty_subst in_scope expr
- = substExpr ty_subst id_subst in_scope expr
+%* *
+\subsection{Decisions about inlining}
+%* *
preInlineUnconditionally :: InId -> Bool
@@ -810,8 +909,14 @@ preInlineUnconditionally :: InId -> Bool
-- we'd do the same for y -- aargh! So we must base this
-- pre-rhs-simplification decision solely on x's occurrences, not
-- on its rhs.
+ --
+ -- Evne RHSs labelled InlineMe aren't caught here, because
+ -- there might be no benefit from inlining at the call site.
+ -- But things labelled 'IMustBeINLINEd' *are* caught. We use this
+ -- for the trivial bindings introduced by SimplUtils.mkRhsTyLam
preInlineUnconditionally bndr
= case getInlinePragma bndr of
+ IMustBeINLINEd -> True
ICanSafelyBeINLINEd InsideLam _ -> False
ICanSafelyBeINLINEd not_in_lam True -> True -- Not inside a lambda,
-- one occurrence ==> safe!
@@ -828,46 +933,38 @@ postInlineUnconditionally :: InId -> OutExpr -> Bool
-- we'll get another opportunity when we get to the ocurrence(s)
postInlineUnconditionally bndr rhs
- | isExported bndr
+ | isExportedId bndr
= False
| otherwise
= case getInlinePragma bndr of
IAmALoopBreaker -> False
- IMustNotBeINLINEd -> False
- IAmASpecPragmaId -> False -- Don't discard SpecPrag Ids
ICanSafelyBeINLINEd InsideLam one_branch -> exprIsTrivial rhs
- -- Don't inline even WHNFs inside lambdas; this
- -- isn't the last chance; see NOTE above.
+ -- Don't inline even WHNFs inside lambdas; doing so may
+ -- simply increase allocation when the function is called
+ -- This isn't the last chance; see NOTE above.
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd not_in_lam one_branch -> one_branch || exprIsDupable rhs
+ ICanSafelyBeINLINEd not_in_lam one_branch -> one_branch || exprIsTrivial rhs
+ -- Was 'exprIsDupable' instead of 'exprIsTrivial' but the
+ -- decision about duplicating code is best left to callSiteInline
other -> exprIsTrivial rhs -- Duplicating is *free*
- -- NB: Even IWantToBeINLINEd and IMustBeINLINEd are ignored here
+ -- NB: Even InlineMe and IMustBeINLINEd are ignored here
-- Why? Because we don't even want to inline them into the
-- RHS of constructor arguments. See NOTE above
+ -- NB: Even IMustBeINLINEd is ignored here: if the rhs is trivial
+ -- it's best to inline it anyway. We often get a=E; b=a
+ -- from desugaring, with both a and b marked NOINLINE.
inlineCase bndr scrut
- = case getInlinePragma bndr of
- -- Not expecting IAmALoopBreaker etc; this is a case binder!
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd StrictOcc one_branch
- -> one_branch || exprIsDupable scrut
- -- This case is the entire reason we distinguish StrictOcc from LazyOcc
- -- We want eliminate the "case" only if we aren't going to
- -- build a thunk instead, and that's what StrictOcc finds
- -- For example:
- -- case (f x) of y { DEFAULT -> g y }
- -- Here we DO NOT WANT:
- -- g (f x)
- -- *even* if g is strict. We want to avoid constructing the
- -- thunk for (f x)! So y gets a LazyOcc.
- other -> exprIsTrivial scrut -- Duplication is free
- && ( isUnLiftedType (idType bndr)
- || scrut_is_evald_var -- So dropping the case won't change termination
- || isStrict (getIdDemandInfo bndr)) -- It's going to get evaluated later, so again
- -- termination doesn't change
+ = exprIsTrivial scrut -- Duplication is free
+ && ( isUnLiftedType (idType bndr)
+ || scrut_is_evald_var -- So dropping the case won't change termination
+ || isStrict (getIdDemandInfo bndr) -- It's going to get evaluated later, so again
+ -- termination doesn't change
+ || not opt_SimplPedanticBottoms) -- Or we don't care!
-- Check whether or not scrut is known to be evaluted
-- It's not going to be a visible value (else the previous
@@ -877,150 +974,6 @@ inlineCase bndr scrut
other -> False
-okToInline is used at call sites, so it is a bit more generous.
-It's a very important function that embodies lots of heuristics.
-okToInline :: SwitchChecker
- -> InScopeEnv
- -> Id -- The Id
- -> FormSummary -- The thing is WHNF or bottom;
- -> UnfoldingGuidance
- -> SimplCont
- -> Bool -- True <=> inline it
--- A non-WHNF can be inlined if it doesn't occur inside a lambda,
--- and occurs exactly once or
--- occurs once in each branch of a case and is small
--- If the thing is in WHNF, there's no danger of duplicating work,
--- so we can inline if it occurs once, or is small
-okToInline sw_chkr in_scope id form guidance cont
- =
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if opt_D_dump_inlinings then
- pprTrace "Considering inlining"
- (ppr id <+> vcat [text "inline prag:" <+> ppr inline_prag,
- text "whnf" <+> ppr whnf,
- text "small enough" <+> ppr small_enough,
- text "some benefit" <+> ppr some_benefit,
- text "arg evals" <+> ppr arg_evals,
- text "result scrut" <+> ppr result_scrut,
- text "ANSWER =" <+> if result then text "YES" else text "NO"])
- result
- else
- result
- where
- result =
- case inline_prag of
- IAmDead -> pprTrace "okToInline: dead" (ppr id) False
- IAmASpecPragmaId -> False
- IMustNotBeINLINEd -> False
- IAmALoopBreaker -> False
- IMustBeINLINEd -> True -- If "essential_unfoldings_only" is true we do no inlinings at all,
- -- EXCEPT for things that absolutely have to be done
- -- (see comments with idMustBeINLINEd)
- IWantToBeINLINEd -> inlinings_enabled
- ICanSafelyBeINLINEd inside_lam one_branch
- -> inlinings_enabled && (unfold_always || consider_single inside_lam one_branch)
- NoInlinePragInfo -> inlinings_enabled && (unfold_always || consider_multi)
- inlinings_enabled = not (switchIsOn sw_chkr EssentialUnfoldingsOnly)
- unfold_always = unfoldAlways guidance
- -- Consider benefit for ICanSafelyBeINLINEd
- consider_single inside_lam one_branch
- = (small_enough || one_branch) && some_benefit && (whnf || not_inside_lam)
- where
- not_inside_lam = case inside_lam of {InsideLam -> False; other -> True}
- -- Consider benefit for NoInlinePragInfo
- consider_multi = whnf && small_enough && some_benefit
- -- We could consider using exprIsCheap here,
- -- as in postInlineUnconditionally, but unlike the latter we wouldn't
- -- necessarily eliminate a thunk; and the "form" doesn't tell
- -- us that.
- inline_prag = getInlinePragma id
- whnf = whnfOrBottom form
- small_enough = smallEnoughToInline id arg_evals result_scrut guidance
- (arg_evals, result_scrut) = get_evals cont
- -- some_benefit checks that *something* interesting happens to
- -- the variable after it's inlined.
- some_benefit = contIsInteresting cont
- -- Finding out whether the args are evaluated. This isn't completely easy
- -- because the args are not yet simplified, so we have to peek into them.
- get_evals (ApplyTo _ arg (te,ve) cont)
- | isValArg arg = case get_evals cont of
- (args, res) -> (get_arg_eval arg ve : args, res)
- | otherwise = get_evals cont
- get_evals (Select _ _ _ _ _) = ([], True)
- get_evals other = ([], False)
- get_arg_eval (Con con _) ve = isWHNFCon con
- get_arg_eval (Var v) ve = case lookupVarEnv ve v of
- Just (SubstMe e' _ ve') -> get_arg_eval e' ve'
- Just (Done (Con con _)) -> isWHNFCon con
- Just (Done (Var v')) -> get_var_eval v'
- Just (Done other) -> False
- Nothing -> get_var_eval v
- get_arg_eval other ve = False
- get_var_eval v = case lookupVarSet in_scope v of
- Just v' -> isEvaldUnfolding (getIdUnfolding v')
- Nothing -> isEvaldUnfolding (getIdUnfolding v)
-contIsInteresting :: SimplCont -> Bool
-contIsInteresting Stop = False
-contIsInteresting (ArgOf _ _ _) = False
-contIsInteresting (ApplyTo _ (Type _) _ cont) = contIsInteresting cont
-contIsInteresting (CoerceIt _ _ _ cont) = contIsInteresting cont
--- See notes below on why a case with only a DEFAULT case is not intersting
--- contIsInteresting (Select _ _ [(DEFAULT,_,_)] _ _) = False
-contIsInteresting _ = True
-Comment about some_benefit above
-We want to avoid inlining an expression where there can't possibly be
-any gain, such as in an argument position. Hence, if the continuation
-is interesting (eg. a case scrutinee, application etc.) then we
-inline, otherwise we don't.
-Previously some_benefit used to return True only if the variable was
-applied to some value arguments. This didn't work:
- let x = _coerce_ (T Int) Int (I# 3) in
- case _coerce_ Int (T Int) x of
- I# y -> ....
-we want to inline x, but can't see that it's a constructor in a case
-scrutinee position, and some_benefit is False.
-Another example:
-dMonadST = _/\_ t -> :Monad (g1 _@_ t, g2 _@_ t, g3 _@_ t)
-.... case dMonadST _@_ x0 of (a,b,c) -> ....
-we'd really like to inline dMonadST here, but we *don't* want to
-inline if the case expression is just
- case x of y { DEFAULT -> ... }
-since we can just eliminate this case instead (x is in WHNF). Similar
-applies when x is bound to a lambda expression. Hence
-contIsInteresting looks for case expressions with just a single
-default case.
@@ -1031,95 +984,68 @@ default case.
-rebuild :: OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExprStuff
-rebuild expr cont
- = tick LeavesExamined `thenSmpl_`
- case expr of
- Var v -> case getIdStrictness v of
- NoStrictnessInfo -> do_rebuild expr cont
- StrictnessInfo demands result_bot -> ASSERT( not (null demands) || result_bot )
- -- If this happened we'd get an infinite loop
- rebuild_strict demands result_bot expr (idType v) cont
- other -> do_rebuild expr cont
+-- Finish rebuilding
rebuild_done expr
- = getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
+ = getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
returnSmpl ([], (in_scope, expr))
--- Stop continuation
-do_rebuild expr Stop = rebuild_done expr
+rebuild :: OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM OutExprStuff
+-- Stop continuation
+rebuild expr (Stop _) = rebuild_done expr
-- ArgOf continuation
+rebuild expr (ArgOf _ _ cont_fn) = cont_fn expr
-do_rebuild expr (ArgOf _ cont_fn _) = cont_fn expr
-- ApplyTo continuation
+rebuild expr cont@(ApplyTo _ arg se cont')
+ = setSubstEnv se (simplExpr arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
+ rebuild (App expr arg') cont'
-do_rebuild expr cont@(ApplyTo _ arg se cont')
- = setSubstEnv se (simplArg arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
- do_rebuild (App expr arg') cont'
-- Coerce continuation
+rebuild expr (CoerceIt to_ty cont)
+ = rebuild (mkCoerce to_ty expr) cont
-do_rebuild expr (CoerceIt _ to_ty se cont)
- = setSubstEnv se $
- simplType to_ty `thenSmpl` \ to_ty' ->
- do_rebuild (mk_coerce to_ty' expr) cont
+-- Inline continuation
+rebuild expr (InlinePlease cont)
+ = rebuild (Note InlineCall expr) cont
-- Case of known constructor or literal
-do_rebuild expr@(Con con args) cont@(Select _ _ _ _ _)
+rebuild expr@(Con con args) (Select _ bndr alts se cont)
| conOkForAlt con -- Knocks out PrimOps and NoRepLits
- = knownCon expr con args cont
+ = knownCon expr con args bndr alts se cont
-- Case of other value (e.g. a partial application or lambda)
-- Turn it back into a let
-do_rebuild expr (Select _ bndr ((DEFAULT, bs, rhs):alts) se cont)
- | case mkFormSummary expr of { ValueForm -> True; other -> False }
+rebuild scrut (Select _ bndr ((DEFAULT, bs, rhs):alts) se cont)
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType bndr) && exprOkForSpeculation scrut
+ || exprIsWHNF scrut
= ASSERT( null bs && null alts )
- tick Case2Let `thenSmpl_`
- setSubstEnv se (
- completeBindNonRec bndr expr $
- simplExprB rhs cont
- )
+ setSubstEnv se $
+ simplBinder bndr $ \ bndr' ->
+ completeBinding bndr bndr' scrut $
+ simplExprF rhs cont
-- The other Select cases
-do_rebuild scrut (Select _ bndr alts se cont)
- = getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ chkr ->
- if all (cheapEqExpr rhs1) other_rhss
- && inlineCase bndr scrut
- && all binders_unused alts
- && switchIsOn chkr SimplDoCaseElim
- then
- -- Get rid of the case altogether
+rebuild scrut (Select _ bndr alts se cont)
+ | all (cheapEqExpr rhs1) other_rhss
+ && inlineCase bndr scrut
+ && all binders_unused alts
+ && opt_SimplDoCaseElim
+ = -- Get rid of the case altogether
-- See the extensive notes on case-elimination below
-- Remember to bind the binder though!
- tick CaseElim `thenSmpl_`
+ tick (CaseElim bndr) `thenSmpl_`
setSubstEnv se (
- extendIdSubst bndr (Done scrut) $
- simplExprB rhs1 cont
+ extendSubst bndr (DoneEx scrut) $
+ simplExprF rhs1 cont
- else
- rebuild_case chkr scrut bndr alts se cont
+ | otherwise
+ = rebuild_case scrut bndr alts se cont
(rhs1:other_rhss) = [rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
binders_unused (_, bndrs, _) = all isDeadBinder bndrs
@@ -1204,90 +1130,15 @@ So the case-elimination algorithm is:
If so, then we can replace the case with one of the rhss.
--- Rebuiling a function with strictness info
--- This just a version of do_rebuild, enhanced with info about
--- the strictness of the thing being rebuilt.
-rebuild_strict :: [Demand] -> Bool -- Stricness info
- -> OutExpr -> OutType -- Function and type
- -> SimplCont -- Continuation
- -> SimplM OutExprStuff
-rebuild_strict [] True fun fun_ty cont = rebuild_bot fun fun_ty cont
-rebuild_strict [] False fun fun_ty cont = do_rebuild fun cont
-rebuild_strict ds result_bot fun fun_ty (CoerceIt _ to_ty se cont)
- = setSubstEnv se $
- simplType to_ty `thenSmpl` \ to_ty' ->
- rebuild_strict ds result_bot (mk_coerce to_ty' fun) to_ty' cont
-rebuild_strict ds result_bot fun fun_ty (ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) se cont)
- -- Type arg; don't consume a demand
- = setSubstEnv se (simplType ty_arg) `thenSmpl` \ ty_arg' ->
- rebuild_strict ds result_bot (App fun (Type ty_arg'))
- (applyTy fun_ty ty_arg') cont
-rebuild_strict (d:ds) result_bot fun fun_ty (ApplyTo _ val_arg se cont)
- | isStrict d || isUnLiftedType arg_ty
- -- Strict value argument
- = getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- let
- cont_ty = contResultType in_scope res_ty cont
- in
- setSubstEnv se (simplExprB val_arg (ArgOf NoDup cont_fn cont_ty))
- | otherwise -- Lazy value argument
- = setSubstEnv se (simplArg val_arg) `thenSmpl` \ val_arg' ->
- cont_fn val_arg'
- where
- Just (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
- cont_fn arg' = rebuild_strict ds result_bot
- (App fun arg') res_ty
- cont
-rebuild_strict ds result_bot fun fun_ty cont = do_rebuild fun cont
--- Dealing with
--- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
--- * (error "Hello") arg
--- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
--- etc
-rebuild_bot expr expr_ty Stop -- No coerce needed
- = rebuild_done expr
-rebuild_bot expr expr_ty (CoerceIt _ to_ty se Stop) -- Don't "tick" on this,
- -- else simplifier never stops
- = setSubstEnv se $
- simplType to_ty `thenSmpl` \ to_ty' ->
- rebuild_done (mkNote (Coerce to_ty' expr_ty) expr)
-rebuild_bot expr expr_ty cont -- Abandon the (strict) continuation,
- -- and just return expr
- = tick CaseOfError `thenSmpl_`
- getInScope `thenSmpl` \ in_scope ->
- let
- result_ty = contResultType in_scope expr_ty cont
- in
- rebuild_done (mkNote (Coerce result_ty expr_ty) expr)
-mk_coerce to_ty (Note (Coerce _ from_ty) expr) = Note (Coerce to_ty from_ty) expr
-mk_coerce to_ty expr = Note (Coerce to_ty (coreExprType expr)) expr
Blob of helper functions for the "case-of-something-else" situation.
-- Case of something else
-rebuild_case sw_chkr scrut case_bndr alts se cont
+rebuild_case scrut case_bndr alts se cont
= -- Prepare case alternatives
- prepareCaseAlts (splitTyConApp_maybe (idType case_bndr))
+ prepareCaseAlts case_bndr (splitTyConApp_maybe (idType case_bndr))
scrut_cons alts `thenSmpl` \ better_alts ->
-- Set the new subst-env in place (before dealing with the case binder)
@@ -1309,7 +1160,7 @@ rebuild_case sw_chkr scrut case_bndr alts se cont
simplAlts zap_occ_info scrut_cons
case_bndr'' better_alts cont' `thenSmpl` \ alts' ->
- mkCase sw_chkr scrut case_bndr'' alts' `thenSmpl` \ case_expr ->
+ mkCase scrut case_bndr'' alts' `thenSmpl` \ case_expr ->
rebuild_done case_expr
-- scrut_cons tells what constructors the scrutinee can't possibly match
@@ -1320,32 +1171,38 @@ rebuild_case sw_chkr scrut case_bndr alts se cont
other -> []
-knownCon expr con args (Select _ bndr alts se cont)
- = tick KnownBranch `thenSmpl_`
- setSubstEnv se (
+knownCon expr con args bndr alts se cont
+ = tick (KnownBranch bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ setSubstEnv se (
+ simplBinder bndr $ \ bndr' ->
case findAlt con alts of
(DEFAULT, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
- completeBindNonRec bndr expr $
- simplExprB rhs cont
+ completeBinding bndr bndr' expr $
+ -- Don't use completeBeta here. The expr might be
+ -- an unboxed literal, like 3, or a variable
+ -- whose unfolding is an unboxed literal... and
+ -- completeBeta will just construct another case
+ -- expression!
+ simplExprF rhs cont
(Literal lit, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
- extendIdSubst bndr (Done expr) $
+ extendSubst bndr (DoneEx expr) $
-- Unconditionally substitute, because expr must
-- be a variable or a literal. It can't be a
-- NoRep literal because they don't occur in
-- case patterns.
- simplExprB rhs cont
+ simplExprF rhs cont
- (DataCon dc, bs, rhs) -> completeBindNonRec bndr expr $
- extend bs real_args $
- simplExprB rhs cont
+ (DataCon dc, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( length bs == length real_args )
+ completeBinding bndr bndr' expr $
+ -- See note above
+ extendSubstList bs (map mk real_args) $
+ simplExprF rhs cont
- real_args = drop (dataConNumInstArgs dc) args
+ real_args = drop (dataConNumInstArgs dc) args
+ mk (Type ty) = DoneTy ty
+ mk other = DoneEx other
- where
- extend [] [] thing_inside = thing_inside
- extend (b:bs) (arg:args) thing_inside = extendIdSubst b (Done arg) $
- extend bs args thing_inside
@@ -1372,7 +1229,7 @@ variables! Example:
Here, b and p are dead. But when we move the argment inside the first
case RHS, and eliminate the second case, we get
- case x or { (a,b) -> a b
+ case x or { (a,b) -> a b }
Urk! b is alive! Reason: the scrutinee was a variable, and case elimination
happened. Hence the zap_occ_info function returned by substForVarScrut
@@ -1405,12 +1262,12 @@ prepareCaseAlts does two things:
when rhs also scrutinises x or e.
-prepareCaseAlts (Just (tycon, inst_tys)) scrut_cons alts
+prepareCaseAlts bndr (Just (tycon, inst_tys)) scrut_cons alts
| isDataTyCon tycon
= case (findDefault filtered_alts, missing_cons) of
((alts_no_deflt, Just rhs), [data_con]) -- Just one missing constructor!
- -> tick FillInCaseDefault `thenSmpl_`
+ -> tick (FillInCaseDefault bndr) `thenSmpl_`
(_,_,ex_tyvars,_,_,_) = dataConSig data_con
@@ -1437,7 +1294,7 @@ prepareCaseAlts (Just (tycon, inst_tys)) scrut_cons alts
[data_con | (DataCon data_con, _, _) <- filtered_alts]
-- The default case
-prepareCaseAlts _ scrut_cons alts
+prepareCaseAlts _ _ scrut_cons alts
= returnSmpl alts -- Functions
@@ -1456,8 +1313,8 @@ simplAlts zap_occ_info scrut_cons case_bndr'' alts cont'
= -- In the default case we record the constructors that the
-- case-binder *can't* be.
-- We take advantage of any OtherCon info in the case scrutinee
- modifyInScope (case_bndr'' `setIdUnfolding` OtherCon handled_cons) $
- simplExpr rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
+ modifyInScope (case_bndr'' `setIdUnfolding` OtherCon handled_cons) $
+ simplExprC rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
returnSmpl (DEFAULT, [], rhs')
simpl_alt (con, vs, rhs)
@@ -1471,7 +1328,7 @@ simplAlts zap_occ_info scrut_cons case_bndr'' alts cont'
con_app = Con con (map Type inst_tys' ++ map varToCoreExpr vs')
modifyInScope (case_bndr'' `setIdUnfolding` mkUnfolding con_app) $
- simplExpr rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
+ simplExprC rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
returnSmpl (con, vs', rhs')
@@ -1484,24 +1341,19 @@ simplAlts zap_occ_info scrut_cons case_bndr'' alts cont'
-- We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
-- go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
- add_evals (DataCon dc) vs = cat_evals vs (dataConStrictMarks dc)
+ add_evals (DataCon dc) vs = cat_evals vs (dataConRepStrictness dc)
add_evals other_con vs = vs
cat_evals [] [] = []
cat_evals (v:vs) (str:strs)
- | isTyVar v = v : cat_evals vs (str:strs)
- | otherwise =
- case str of
- MarkedStrict ->
- (zap_occ_info v `setIdUnfolding` OtherCon [])
- : cat_evals vs strs
- MarkedUnboxed con _ ->
- cat_evals (v:vs) (dataConStrictMarks con ++ strs)
- NotMarkedStrict -> zap_occ_info v : cat_evals vs strs
+ | isTyVar v = v : cat_evals vs (str:strs)
+ | isStrict str = (v' `setIdUnfolding` OtherCon []) : cat_evals vs strs
+ | otherwise = v' : cat_evals vs strs
+ where
+ v' = zap_occ_info v
%* *
\subsection{Duplicating continuations}
@@ -1517,25 +1369,28 @@ mkDupableCont ty cont thing_inside
| contIsDupable cont
= thing_inside cont
-mkDupableCont _ (CoerceIt _ ty se cont) thing_inside
+mkDupableCont _ (CoerceIt ty cont) thing_inside
= mkDupableCont ty cont $ \ cont' ->
- thing_inside (CoerceIt OkToDup ty se cont')
+ thing_inside (CoerceIt ty cont')
-mkDupableCont join_arg_ty (ArgOf _ cont_fn res_ty) thing_inside
+mkDupableCont ty (InlinePlease cont) thing_inside
+ = mkDupableCont ty cont $ \ cont' ->
+ thing_inside (InlinePlease cont')
+mkDupableCont join_arg_ty (ArgOf _ cont_ty cont_fn) thing_inside
= -- Build the RHS of the join point
simplType join_arg_ty `thenSmpl` \ join_arg_ty' ->
newId join_arg_ty' ( \ arg_id ->
getSwitchChecker `thenSmpl` \ chkr ->
cont_fn (Var arg_id) `thenSmpl` \ (binds, (_, rhs)) ->
- returnSmpl (Lam arg_id (mkLetBinds binds rhs))
+ returnSmpl (Lam arg_id (mkLets binds rhs))
) `thenSmpl` \ join_rhs ->
-- Build the join Id and continuation
newId (coreExprType join_rhs) $ \ join_id ->
- new_cont = ArgOf OkToDup
+ new_cont = ArgOf OkToDup cont_ty
(\arg' -> rebuild_done (App (Var join_id) arg'))
- res_ty
-- Do the thing inside
@@ -1544,7 +1399,7 @@ mkDupableCont join_arg_ty (ArgOf _ cont_fn res_ty) thing_inside
mkDupableCont ty (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) thing_inside
= mkDupableCont (funResultTy ty) cont $ \ cont' ->
- setSubstEnv se (simplArg arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
+ setSubstEnv se (simplExpr arg) `thenSmpl` \ arg' ->
if exprIsDupable arg' then
thing_inside (ApplyTo OkToDup arg' emptySubstEnv cont')
@@ -1553,40 +1408,44 @@ mkDupableCont ty (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) thing_inside
returnSmpl (addBind (NonRec bndr arg') res)
mkDupableCont ty (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont) thing_inside
- = tick CaseOfCase `thenSmpl_` (
- setSubstEnv se (
- simplBinder case_bndr $ \ case_bndr' ->
- prepareCaseCont alts cont $ \ cont' ->
- mapAndUnzipSmpl (mkDupableAlt case_bndr' cont') alts `thenSmpl` \ (alt_binds_s, alts') ->
- returnSmpl (concat alt_binds_s, (case_bndr', alts'))
- ) `thenSmpl` \ (alt_binds, (case_bndr', alts')) ->
- extendInScopes [b | NonRec b _ <- alt_binds] $
- thing_inside (Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts' emptySubstEnv Stop) `thenSmpl` \ res ->
+ = tick (CaseOfCase case_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
+ setSubstEnv se (
+ simplBinder case_bndr $ \ case_bndr' ->
+ prepareCaseCont alts cont $ \ cont' ->
+ mapAndUnzipSmpl (mkDupableAlt case_bndr case_bndr' cont') alts `thenSmpl` \ (alt_binds_s, alts') ->
+ returnSmpl (concat alt_binds_s, alts')
+ ) `thenSmpl` \ (alt_binds, alts') ->
+ extendInScopes [b | NonRec b _ <- alt_binds] $
+ -- NB that the new alternatives, alts', are still InAlts, using the original
+ -- binders. That means we can keep the case_bndr intact. This is important
+ -- because another case-of-case might strike, and so we want to keep the
+ -- info that the case_bndr is dead (if it is, which is often the case).
+ -- This is VITAL when the type of case_bndr is an unboxed pair (often the
+ -- case in I/O rich code. We aren't allowed a lambda bound
+ -- arg of unboxed tuple type, and indeed such a case_bndr is always dead
+ thing_inside (Select OkToDup case_bndr alts' se (Stop (contResultType cont))) `thenSmpl` \ res ->
returnSmpl (addBinds alt_binds res)
- )
-mkDupableAlt :: OutId -> SimplCont -> InAlt -> SimplM (OutStuff CoreAlt)
-mkDupableAlt case_bndr' cont alt@(con, bndrs, rhs)
- = simplBinders bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
- simplExpr rhs cont `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
- if exprIsDupable rhs' then
- -- It's small, so don't bother to let-bind it
- returnSmpl ([], (con, bndrs', rhs'))
- else
- -- It's big, so let-bind it
+mkDupableAlt :: InId -> OutId -> SimplCont -> InAlt -> SimplM (OutStuff InAlt)
+mkDupableAlt case_bndr case_bndr' cont alt@(con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = -- Not worth checking whether the rhs is small; the
+ -- inliner will inline it if so.
+ simplBinders bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
+ simplExprC rhs cont `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
rhs_ty' = coreExprType rhs'
- used_bndrs' = filter (not . isDeadBinder) (case_bndr' : bndrs')
+ (used_bndrs, used_bndrs')
+ = unzip [pr | pr@(bndr,bndr') <- zip (case_bndr : bndrs)
+ (case_bndr' : bndrs'),
+ not (isDeadBinder bndr)]
+ -- The new binders have lost their occurrence info,
+ -- so we have to extract it from the old ones
- ( if null used_bndrs' && isUnLiftedType rhs_ty'
- then newId realWorldStatePrimTy $ \ rw_id ->
- returnSmpl ([rw_id], [varToCoreExpr realWorldPrimId])
- else
- returnSmpl (used_bndrs', map varToCoreExpr used_bndrs')
- )
- `thenSmpl` \ (final_bndrs', final_args) ->
+ ( if null used_bndrs'
-- If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out
-- for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
-- with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So
@@ -1598,7 +1457,23 @@ mkDupableAlt case_bndr' cont alt@(con, bndrs, rhs)
-- case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS,
-- because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately
+ -- We used to say "&& isUnLiftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now
+ -- we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs'
+ -- is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly.
+ -- Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4
+ -- in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... }
+ --
+ -- Now CPR should not w/w j because it's a thunk, so
+ -- that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either,
+ -- which is a BIG LOSE. This actually happens in practice
+ then newId realWorldStatePrimTy $ \ rw_id ->
+ returnSmpl ([rw_id], [Var realWorldPrimId])
+ else
+ returnSmpl (used_bndrs', map varToCoreExpr used_bndrs)
+ )
+ `thenSmpl` \ (final_bndrs', final_args) ->
newId (foldr (mkFunTy . idType) rhs_ty' final_bndrs') $ \ join_bndr ->
returnSmpl ([NonRec join_bndr (mkLams final_bndrs' rhs')],
- (con, bndrs', mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args))
+ (con, bndrs, mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args))