path: root/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index 1970ab387f..fb8b4bf25a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ import Inst ( lookupInst, LookupInstResult(..),
newDictsFromOld, tcInstClassOp,
getDictClassTys, isTyVarDict,
instLoc, zonkInst, tidyInsts, tidyMoreInsts,
- Inst, pprInsts, pprInstsInFull,
- isIPDict, isInheritableInst
+ Inst, pprInsts, pprInstsInFull, tcGetInstEnvs,
+ isIPDict, isInheritableInst, pprDFuns
-import TcEnv ( tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcGetInstEnv, tcLookupId, findGlobals )
-import InstEnv ( lookupInstEnv, classInstEnv, InstLookupResult(..) )
+import TcEnv ( tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcLookupId, findGlobals )
+import InstEnv ( lookupInstEnv, classInstEnv )
import TcMType ( zonkTcTyVarsAndFV, tcInstTyVars, checkAmbiguity )
import TcType ( TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, ThetaType, TyVarDetails(VanillaTv),
mkClassPred, isOverloadedTy, mkTyConApp,
@@ -54,18 +54,16 @@ import NameSet ( NameSet, mkNameSet, elemNameSet )
import Class ( classBigSig, classKey )
import FunDeps ( oclose, grow, improve, pprEquationDoc )
import PrelInfo ( isNumericClass )
-import PrelNames ( splitName, fstName, sndName, showClassKey, eqClassKey, ordClassKey)
-import HscTypes ( GhciMode(Interactive) )
+import PrelNames ( splitName, fstName, sndName, integerTyConName,
+ showClassKey, eqClassKey, ordClassKey )
import Subst ( mkTopTyVarSubst, substTheta, substTy )
-import TysWiredIn ( unitTy, pairTyCon )
+import TysWiredIn ( pairTyCon, doubleTy )
import ErrUtils ( Message )
import VarSet
import VarEnv ( TidyEnv )
import FiniteMap
import Outputable
import ListSetOps ( equivClasses )
-import Unique ( hasKey )
import Util ( zipEqual, isSingleton )
import List ( partition )
import CmdLineOpts
@@ -729,13 +727,18 @@ tcSimplCheck doc get_qtvs givens wanted_lie
= check_loop givens wanted_lie `thenM` \ (qtvs, frees, binds, irreds) ->
-- Complain about any irreducible ones
- complainCheck doc givens irreds `thenM_`
+ mappM zonkInst given_dicts_and_ips `thenM` \ givens' ->
+ groupErrs (addNoInstanceErrs (Just doc) givens') irreds `thenM_`
-- Done
- extendLIEs frees `thenM_`
+ extendLIEs frees `thenM_`
returnM (qtvs, binds)
+ given_dicts_and_ips = filter (not . isMethod) givens
+ -- For error reporting, filter out methods, which are
+ -- only added to the given set as an optimisation
ip_set = mkNameSet (ipNamesOfInsts givens)
check_loop givens wanteds
@@ -1328,8 +1331,10 @@ reduceContext doc try_me givens wanteds
returnM (no_improvement, frees, binds, irreds)
+tcImprove :: Avails -> TcM Bool -- False <=> no change
+-- Perform improvement using all the predicates in Avails
tcImprove avails
- = tcGetInstEnv `thenM` \ inst_env ->
+ = tcGetInstEnvs `thenM` \ (home_ie, pkg_ie) ->
preds = [ (pred, pp_loc)
| inst <- keysFM avails,
@@ -1341,7 +1346,8 @@ tcImprove avails
-- It does not have duplicates (good)
-- NB that (?x::t1) and (?x::t2) will be held separately in avails
-- so that improve will see them separate
- eqns = improve (classInstEnv inst_env) preds
+ eqns = improve get_insts preds
+ get_insts clas = classInstEnv home_ie clas ++ classInstEnv pkg_ie clas
if null eqns then
returnM True
@@ -1689,8 +1695,7 @@ tc_simplify_top is_interactive wanteds
-- Collect together all the bad guys
bad_guys = non_stds ++ concat std_bads
- (tidy_env, tidy_dicts) = tidyInsts bad_guys
- (bad_ips, non_ips) = partition isIPDict tidy_dicts
+ (bad_ips, non_ips) = partition isIPDict bad_guys
(no_insts, ambigs) = partition no_inst non_ips
no_inst d = not (isTyVarDict d)
-- Previously, there was a more elaborate no_inst definition:
@@ -1701,8 +1706,8 @@ tc_simplify_top is_interactive wanteds
-- Report definite errors
- addTopInstanceErrs tidy_env no_insts `thenM_`
- addTopIPErrs tidy_env bad_ips `thenM_`
+ groupErrs (addNoInstanceErrs Nothing []) no_insts `thenM_`
+ addTopIPErrs bad_ips `thenM_`
-- Deal with ambiguity errors, but only if
-- if there has not been an error so far; errors often
@@ -1715,7 +1720,7 @@ tc_simplify_top is_interactive wanteds
-- e.g. Num (IO a) and Eq (Int -> Int)
-- and ambiguous dictionaries
-- e.g. Num a
- addTopAmbigErrs (tidy_env, ambigs) `thenM_`
+ addTopAmbigErrs ambigs `thenM_`
-- Disambiguate the ones that look feasible
mappM (disambigGroup is_interactive) std_oks
@@ -1778,7 +1783,7 @@ disambigGroup is_interactive dicts
-- default list which can satisfy all the ambiguous classes.
-- For example, if Real a is reqd, but the only type in the
-- default list is Int.
- getDefaultTys `thenM` \ default_tys ->
+ get_default_tys `thenM` \ default_tys ->
try_default [] -- No defaults work, so fail
= failM
@@ -1821,8 +1826,17 @@ disambigGroup is_interactive dicts
warnDefault dicts default_ty `thenM_`
returnM binds
- bomb_out = addTopAmbigErrs (tidyInsts dicts) `thenM_`
+ bomb_out = addTopAmbigErrs dicts `thenM_`
returnM EmptyMonoBinds
+ = do { mb_defaults <- getDefaultTys
+ ; case mb_defaults of
+ Just tys -> return tys
+ Nothing -> -- No use-supplied default;
+ -- use [Integer, Double]
+ do { integer_ty <- tcMetaTy integerTyConName
+ ; return [integer_ty, doubleTy] } }
[Aside - why the defaulting mechanism is turned off when
@@ -1995,28 +2009,89 @@ addInstLoc insts msg = msg $$ nest 2 (pprInstLoc (instLoc (head insts)))
plural [x] = empty
plural xs = char 's'
-addTopIPErrs tidy_env tidy_dicts
+addTopIPErrs dicts
= groupErrs report tidy_dicts
+ (tidy_env, tidy_dicts) = tidyInsts dicts
report dicts = addErrTcM (tidy_env, mk_msg dicts)
mk_msg dicts = addInstLoc dicts (ptext SLIT("Unbound implicit parameter") <>
plural tidy_dicts <+> pprInsts tidy_dicts)
--- Used for top-level irreducibles
-addTopInstanceErrs tidy_env tidy_dicts
- = groupErrs report tidy_dicts
+addNoInstanceErrs :: Maybe SDoc -- Nothing => top level
+ -- Just d => d describes the construct
+ -> [Inst] -- What is given by the context or type sig
+ -> [Inst] -- What is wanted
+ -> TcM ()
+addNoInstanceErrs mb_what givens []
+ = returnM ()
+addNoInstanceErrs mb_what givens dicts
+ = -- Some of the dicts are here because there is no instances
+ -- and some because there are too many instances (overlap)
+ -- The first thing we do is separate them
+ getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
+ tcGetInstEnvs `thenM` \ inst_envs ->
+ let
+ (tidy_env1, tidy_givens) = tidyInsts givens
+ (tidy_env2, tidy_dicts) = tidyMoreInsts tidy_env1 dicts
+ -- Run through the dicts, generating a message for each
+ -- overlapping one, but simply accumulating all the
+ -- no-instance ones so they can be reported as a group
+ (overlap_doc, no_inst_dicts) = foldl check_overlap (empty, []) tidy_dicts
+ check_overlap (overlap_doc, no_inst_dicts) dict
+ | not (isClassDict dict) = (overlap_doc, dict : no_inst_dicts)
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupInstEnv dflags inst_envs clas tys of
+ ([], _) -> (overlap_doc, dict : no_inst_dicts) -- No matches
+ inst_res -> (mk_overlap_msg dict inst_res $$ overlap_doc, no_inst_dicts)
+ where
+ (clas,tys) = getDictClassTys dict
+ in
+ mk_probable_fix tidy_env2 mb_what no_inst_dicts `thenM` \ (tidy_env3, probable_fix) ->
+ let
+ no_inst_doc | null no_inst_dicts = empty
+ | otherwise = vcat [addInstLoc no_inst_dicts heading, probable_fix]
+ heading | null givens = ptext SLIT("No instance") <> plural no_inst_dicts <+>
+ ptext SLIT("for") <+> pprInsts no_inst_dicts
+ | otherwise = sep [ptext SLIT("Could not deduce") <+> pprInsts no_inst_dicts,
+ nest 2 $ ptext SLIT("from the context") <+> pprInsts tidy_givens]
+ in
+ addErrTcM (tidy_env3, no_inst_doc $$ overlap_doc)
- report dicts = mkMonomorphismMsg tidy_env dicts `thenM` \ (tidy_env, mono_msg) ->
- addErrTcM (tidy_env, mk_msg dicts $$ mono_msg)
- mk_msg dicts = addInstLoc dicts (ptext SLIT("No instance") <> plural tidy_dicts <+>
- ptext SLIT("for") <+> pprInsts tidy_dicts)
+ mk_overlap_msg dict (matches, unifiers)
+ = vcat [ addInstLoc [dict] ((ptext SLIT("Overlapping instances for") <+> ppr dict)),
+ sep [ptext SLIT("Matching instances") <> colon,
+ nest 2 (pprDFuns (dfuns ++ unifiers))],
+ if null unifiers
+ then empty
+ else parens (ptext SLIT("The choice depends on the instantiation of") <+>
+ quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfInst dict))))]
+ where
+ dfuns = [df | (_, (_,_,df)) <- matches]
+ mk_probable_fix tidy_env Nothing dicts -- Top level
+ = mkMonomorphismMsg tidy_env dicts
+ mk_probable_fix tidy_env (Just what) dicts -- Nested (type signatures, instance decls)
+ = returnM (tidy_env, sep [ptext SLIT("Probable fix:"), nest 2 fix1, nest 2 fix2])
+ where
+ fix1 = sep [ptext SLIT("Add") <+> pprInsts dicts,
+ ptext SLIT("to the") <+> what]
+ fix2 | null instance_dicts = empty
+ | otherwise = ptext SLIT("Or add an instance declaration for")
+ <+> pprInsts instance_dicts
+ instance_dicts = [d | d <- dicts, isClassDict d, not (isTyVarDict d)]
+ -- Insts for which it is worth suggesting an adding an instance declaration
+ -- Exclude implicit parameters, and tyvar dicts
-addTopAmbigErrs (tidy_env, tidy_dicts)
+addTopAmbigErrs dicts
-- Divide into groups that share a common set of ambiguous tyvars
= mapM report (equivClasses cmp [(d, tvs_of d) | d <- tidy_dicts])
+ (tidy_env, tidy_dicts) = tidyInsts dicts
tvs_of :: Inst -> [TcTyVar]
tvs_of d = varSetElems (tyVarsOfInst d)
cmp (_,tvs1) (_,tvs2) = tvs1 `compare` tvs2
@@ -2066,72 +2141,6 @@ warnDefault dicts default_ty
quotes (ppr default_ty),
pprInstsInFull tidy_dicts]
-complainCheck doc givens irreds
- = mappM zonkInst given_dicts_and_ips `thenM` \ givens' ->
- groupErrs (addNoInstanceErrs doc givens') irreds `thenM_`
- returnM ()
- where
- given_dicts_and_ips = filter (not . isMethod) givens
- -- Filter out methods, which are only added to
- -- the given set as an optimisation
-addNoInstanceErrs what_doc givens dicts
- = getDOpts `thenM` \ dflags ->
- tcGetInstEnv `thenM` \ inst_env ->
- let
- (tidy_env1, tidy_givens) = tidyInsts givens
- (tidy_env2, tidy_dicts) = tidyMoreInsts tidy_env1 dicts
- doc = vcat [addInstLoc dicts $
- sep [herald <+> pprInsts tidy_dicts,
- nest 4 $ ptext SLIT("from the context") <+> pprInsts tidy_givens],
- ambig_doc,
- ptext SLIT("Probable fix:"),
- nest 4 fix1,
- nest 4 fix2]
- herald = ptext SLIT("Could not") <+> unambig_doc <+> ptext SLIT("deduce")
- unambig_doc | ambig_overlap = ptext SLIT("unambiguously")
- | otherwise = empty
- -- The error message when we don't find a suitable instance
- -- is complicated by the fact that sometimes this is because
- -- there is no instance, and sometimes it's because there are
- -- too many instances (overlap). See the comments in TcEnv.lhs
- -- with the InstEnv stuff.
- ambig_doc
- | not ambig_overlap = empty
- | otherwise
- = vcat [ptext SLIT("The choice of (overlapping) instance declaration"),
- nest 4 (ptext SLIT("depends on the instantiation of") <+>
- quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfInsts tidy_dicts))))]
- fix1 = sep [ptext SLIT("Add") <+> pprInsts tidy_dicts,
- ptext SLIT("to the") <+> what_doc]
- fix2 | null instance_dicts
- = empty
- | otherwise
- = ptext SLIT("Or add an instance declaration for") <+> pprInsts instance_dicts
- instance_dicts = [d | d <- tidy_dicts, isClassDict d, not (isTyVarDict d)]
- -- Insts for which it is worth suggesting an adding an instance declaration
- -- Exclude implicit parameters, and tyvar dicts
- -- Checks for the ambiguous case when we have overlapping instances
- ambig_overlap = any ambig_overlap1 dicts
- ambig_overlap1 dict
- | isClassDict dict
- = case lookupInstEnv dflags inst_env clas tys of
- NoMatch ambig -> ambig
- other -> False
- | otherwise = False
- where
- (clas,tys) = getDictClassTys dict
- in
- addErrTcM (tidy_env2, doc)
-- Used for the ...Thetas variants; all top level
noInstErr pred = ptext SLIT("No instance for") <+> quotes (ppr pred)