path: root/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
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--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-The unifier is now squarely in the typechecker monad (because of the
-updatable substitution).
-module TcUnify ( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists,
- unifyFunTy, unifyListTy, unifyTupleTy,
- unifyKind, unifyKinds, unifyOpenTypeKind
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
--- friends:
-import TcMonad
-import TypeRep ( Type(..), PredType(..) ) -- friend
-import Type ( unliftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind, openTypeKind,
- typeCon, openKindCon, hasMoreBoxityInfo,
- tyVarsOfType, typeKind,
- mkFunTy, splitFunTy_maybe, splitTyConApp_maybe,
- splitAppTy_maybe, mkTyConApp,
- tidyOpenType, tidyOpenTypes, tidyTyVar
- )
-import TyCon ( TyCon, isTupleTyCon, tupleTyConBoxity, tyConArity )
-import Var ( tyVarKind, varName, isSigTyVar )
-import VarSet ( elemVarSet )
-import TcType ( TcType, TcTauType, TcTyVar, TcKind, newBoxityVar,
- newTyVarTy, newTyVarTys, tcGetTyVar, tcPutTyVar, zonkTcType
- )
-import Name ( isSystemName )
--- others:
-import BasicTypes ( Arity, Boxity, isBoxed )
-import TysWiredIn ( listTyCon, mkListTy, mkTupleTy )
-import Outputable
-%* *
-\subsection{The Kind variants}
-%* *
-unifyKind :: TcKind -- Expected
- -> TcKind -- Actual
- -> TcM ()
-unifyKind k1 k2
- = tcAddErrCtxtM (unifyCtxt "kind" k1 k2) $
- uTys k1 k1 k2 k2
-unifyKinds :: [TcKind] -> [TcKind] -> TcM ()
-unifyKinds [] [] = returnTc ()
-unifyKinds (k1:ks1) (k2:ks2) = unifyKind k1 k2 `thenTc_`
- unifyKinds ks1 ks2
-unifyKinds _ _ = panic "unifyKinds: length mis-match"
-unifyOpenTypeKind :: TcKind -> TcM ()
--- Ensures that the argument kind is of the form (Type bx)
--- for some boxity bx
-unifyOpenTypeKind ty@(TyVarTy tyvar)
- = tcGetTyVar tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
- case maybe_ty of
- Just ty' -> unifyOpenTypeKind ty'
- other -> unify_open_kind_help ty
-unifyOpenTypeKind ty
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, [_]) | tycon == typeCon -> returnTc ()
- other -> unify_open_kind_help ty
-unify_open_kind_help ty -- Revert to ordinary unification
- = newBoxityVar `thenNF_Tc` \ boxity ->
- unifyKind ty (mkTyConApp typeCon [boxity])
-%* *
-\subsection[Unify-exported]{Exported unification functions}
-%* *
-The exported functions are all defined as versions of some
-non-exported generic functions.
-Unify two @TauType@s. Dead straightforward.
-unifyTauTy :: TcTauType -> TcTauType -> TcM ()
-unifyTauTy ty1 ty2 -- ty1 expected, ty2 inferred
- = tcAddErrCtxtM (unifyCtxt "type" ty1 ty2) $
- uTys ty1 ty1 ty2 ty2
-@unifyTauTyList@ unifies corresponding elements of two lists of
-@TauType@s. It uses @uTys@ to do the real work. The lists should be
-of equal length. We charge down the list explicitly so that we can
-complain if their lengths differ.
-unifyTauTyLists :: [TcTauType] -> [TcTauType] -> TcM ()
-unifyTauTyLists [] [] = returnTc ()
-unifyTauTyLists (ty1:tys1) (ty2:tys2) = uTys ty1 ty1 ty2 ty2 `thenTc_`
- unifyTauTyLists tys1 tys2
-unifyTauTyLists ty1s ty2s = panic "Unify.unifyTauTyLists: mismatched type lists!"
-@unifyTauTyList@ takes a single list of @TauType@s and unifies them
-all together. It is used, for example, when typechecking explicit
-lists, when all the elts should be of the same type.
-unifyTauTyList :: [TcTauType] -> TcM ()
-unifyTauTyList [] = returnTc ()
-unifyTauTyList [ty] = returnTc ()
-unifyTauTyList (ty1:tys@(ty2:_)) = unifyTauTy ty1 ty2 `thenTc_`
- unifyTauTyList tys
-%* *
-\subsection[Unify-uTys]{@uTys@: getting down to business}
-%* *
-@uTys@ is the heart of the unifier. Each arg happens twice, because
-we want to report errors in terms of synomyms if poss. The first of
-the pair is used in error messages only; it is always the same as the
-second, except that if the first is a synonym then the second may be a
-de-synonym'd version. This way we get better error messages.
-We call the first one \tr{ps_ty1}, \tr{ps_ty2} for ``possible synomym''.
-uTys :: TcTauType -> TcTauType -- Error reporting ty1 and real ty1
- -- ty1 is the *expected* type
- -> TcTauType -> TcTauType -- Error reporting ty2 and real ty2
- -- ty2 is the *actual* type
- -> TcM ()
- -- Always expand synonyms (see notes at end)
- -- (this also throws away FTVs)
-uTys ps_ty1 (NoteTy _ ty1) ps_ty2 ty2 = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
-uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (NoteTy _ ty2) = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
- -- Ignore usage annotations inside typechecker
-uTys ps_ty1 (UsageTy _ ty1) ps_ty2 ty2 = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
-uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (UsageTy _ ty2) = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
- -- Variables; go for uVar
-uTys ps_ty1 (TyVarTy tyvar1) ps_ty2 ty2 = uVar False tyvar1 ps_ty2 ty2
-uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (TyVarTy tyvar2) = uVar True tyvar2 ps_ty1 ty1
- -- "True" means args swapped
- -- Predicates
-uTys _ (PredTy (IParam n1 t1)) _ (PredTy (IParam n2 t2))
- | n1 == n2 = uTys t1 t1 t2 t2
-uTys _ (PredTy (ClassP c1 tys1)) _ (PredTy (ClassP c2 tys2))
- | c1 == c2 = unifyTauTyLists tys1 tys2
- -- Functions; just check the two parts
-uTys _ (FunTy fun1 arg1) _ (FunTy fun2 arg2)
- = uTys fun1 fun1 fun2 fun2 `thenTc_` uTys arg1 arg1 arg2 arg2
- -- Type constructors must match
-uTys ps_ty1 (TyConApp con1 tys1) ps_ty2 (TyConApp con2 tys2)
- | con1 == con2 && length tys1 == length tys2
- = unifyTauTyLists tys1 tys2
- | con1 == openKindCon
- -- When we are doing kind checking, we might match a kind '?'
- -- against a kind '*' or '#'. Notably, CCallable :: ? -> *, and
- -- (CCallable Int) and (CCallable Int#) are both OK
- = unifyOpenTypeKind ps_ty2
- -- Applications need a bit of care!
- -- They can match FunTy and TyConApp, so use splitAppTy_maybe
- -- NB: we've already dealt with type variables and Notes,
- -- so if one type is an App the other one jolly well better be too
-uTys ps_ty1 (AppTy s1 t1) ps_ty2 ty2
- = case splitAppTy_maybe ty2 of
- Just (s2,t2) -> uTys s1 s1 s2 s2 `thenTc_` uTys t1 t1 t2 t2
- Nothing -> unifyMisMatch ps_ty1 ps_ty2
- -- Now the same, but the other way round
- -- Don't swap the types, because the error messages get worse
-uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (AppTy s2 t2)
- = case splitAppTy_maybe ty1 of
- Just (s1,t1) -> uTys s1 s1 s2 s2 `thenTc_` uTys t1 t1 t2 t2
- Nothing -> unifyMisMatch ps_ty1 ps_ty2
- -- Not expecting for-alls in unification
- -- ... but the error message from the unifyMisMatch more informative
- -- than a panic message!
- -- Anything else fails
-uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2 = unifyMisMatch ps_ty1 ps_ty2
-Notes on synonyms
-If you are tempted to make a short cut on synonyms, as in this
-uTys (SynTy con1 args1 ty1) (SynTy con2 args2 ty2)
- = if (con1 == con2) then
- -- Good news! Same synonym constructors, so we can shortcut
- -- by unifying their arguments and ignoring their expansions.
- unifyTauTypeLists args1 args2
- else
- -- Never mind. Just expand them and try again
- uTys ty1 ty2
-then THINK AGAIN. Here is the whole story, as detected and reported
-by Chris Okasaki \tr{<>}:
-Here's a test program that should detect the problem:
- type Bogus a = Int
- x = (1 :: Bogus Char) :: Bogus Bool
-The problem with [the attempted shortcut code] is that
- con1 == con2
-is not a sufficient condition to be able to use the shortcut!
-You also need to know that the type synonym actually USES all
-its arguments. For example, consider the following type synonym
-which does not use all its arguments.
- type Bogus a = Int
-If you ever tried unifying, say, \tr{Bogus Char} with \tr{Bogus Bool},
-the unifier would blithely try to unify \tr{Char} with \tr{Bool} and
-would fail, even though the expanded forms (both \tr{Int}) should
-Similarly, unifying \tr{Bogus Char} with \tr{Bogus t} would
-unnecessarily bind \tr{t} to \tr{Char}.
-... You could explicitly test for the problem synonyms and mark them
-somehow as needing expansion, perhaps also issuing a warning to the
-%* *
-\subsection[Unify-uVar]{@uVar@: unifying with a type variable}
-%* *
-@uVar@ is called when at least one of the types being unified is a
-variable. It does {\em not} assume that the variable is a fixed point
-of the substitution; rather, notice that @uVar@ (defined below) nips
-back into @uTys@ if it turns out that the variable is already bound.
-uVar :: Bool -- False => tyvar is the "expected"
- -- True => ty is the "expected" thing
- -> TcTyVar
- -> TcTauType -> TcTauType -- printing and real versions
- -> TcM ()
-uVar swapped tv1 ps_ty2 ty2
- = tcGetTyVar tv1 `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty1 ->
- case maybe_ty1 of
- Just ty1 | swapped -> uTys ps_ty2 ty2 ty1 ty1 -- Swap back
- | otherwise -> uTys ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2 -- Same order
- other -> uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
- -- Expand synonyms; ignore FTVs
-uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 (NoteTy _ ty2)
- = uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
- -- The both-type-variable case
-uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 ty2@(TyVarTy tv2)
- -- Same type variable => no-op
- | tv1 == tv2
- = returnTc ()
- -- Distinct type variables
- -- ASSERT maybe_ty1 /= Just
- | otherwise
- = tcGetTyVar tv2 `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty2 ->
- case maybe_ty2 of
- Just ty2' -> uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ty2' ty2'
- Nothing | update_tv2
- -> WARN( not (k1 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` k2), (ppr tv1 <+> ppr k1) $$ (ppr tv2 <+> ppr k2) )
- tcPutTyVar tv2 (TyVarTy tv1) `thenNF_Tc_`
- returnTc ()
- | otherwise
- -> WARN( not (k2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` k1), (ppr tv2 <+> ppr k2) $$ (ppr tv1 <+> ppr k1) )
- (tcPutTyVar tv1 ps_ty2 `thenNF_Tc_`
- returnTc ())
- where
- k1 = tyVarKind tv1
- k2 = tyVarKind tv2
- update_tv2 = (k2 == openTypeKind) || (k1 /= openTypeKind && nicer_to_update_tv2)
- -- Try to get rid of open type variables as soon as poss
- nicer_to_update_tv2 = isSigTyVar tv1
- -- Don't unify a signature type variable if poss
- || isSystemName (varName tv2)
- -- Try to update sys-y type variables in preference to sig-y ones
- -- Second one isn't a type variable
-uUnboundVar swapped tv1 maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 non_var_ty2
- = -- Check that the kinds match
- checkKinds swapped tv1 non_var_ty2 `thenTc_`
- -- Check that tv1 isn't a type-signature type variable
- checkTcM (not (isSigTyVar tv1))
- (failWithTcM (unifyWithSigErr tv1 ps_ty2)) `thenTc_`
- -- Check that we aren't losing boxity info (shouldn't happen)
- warnTc (not (typeKind non_var_ty2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` tyVarKind tv1))
- ((ppr tv1 <+> ppr (tyVarKind tv1)) $$
- (ppr non_var_ty2 <+> ppr (typeKind non_var_ty2))) `thenNF_Tc_`
- -- Occurs check
- -- Basically we want to update tv1 := ps_ty2
- -- because ps_ty2 has type-synonym info, which improves later error messages
- --
- -- But consider
- -- type A a = ()
- --
- -- f :: (A a -> a -> ()) -> ()
- -- f = \ _ -> ()
- --
- -- x :: ()
- -- x = f (\ x p -> p x)
- --
- -- In the application (p x), we try to match "t" with "A t". If we go
- -- ahead and bind t to A t (= ps_ty2), we'll lead the type checker into
- -- an infinite loop later.
- -- But we should not reject the program, because A t = ().
- -- Rather, we should bind t to () (= non_var_ty2).
- --
- -- That's why we have this two-state occurs-check
- zonkTcType ps_ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ps_ty2' ->
- if not (tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ps_ty2') then
- tcPutTyVar tv1 ps_ty2' `thenNF_Tc_`
- returnTc ()
- else
- zonkTcType non_var_ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ non_var_ty2' ->
- if not (tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType non_var_ty2') then
- -- This branch rarely succeeds, except in strange cases
- -- like that in the example above
- tcPutTyVar tv1 non_var_ty2' `thenNF_Tc_`
- returnTc ()
- else
- failWithTcM (unifyOccurCheck tv1 ps_ty2')
-checkKinds swapped tv1 ty2
--- We're about to unify a type variable tv1 with a non-tyvar-type ty2.
--- We need to check that we don't unify a lifted type variable with an
--- unlifted type: e.g. (id 3#) is illegal
- | tk1 == liftedTypeKind && tk2 == unliftedTypeKind
- = tcAddErrCtxtM (unifyKindCtxt swapped tv1 ty2) $
- unifyMisMatch k1 k2
- | otherwise
- = returnTc ()
- where
- (k1,k2) | swapped = (tk2,tk1)
- | otherwise = (tk1,tk2)
- tk1 = tyVarKind tv1
- tk2 = typeKind ty2
-%* *
-%* *
-@unifyFunTy@ is used to avoid the fruitless creation of type variables.
-unifyFunTy :: TcType -- Fail if ty isn't a function type
- -> TcM (TcType, TcType) -- otherwise return arg and result types
-unifyFunTy ty@(TyVarTy tyvar)
- = tcGetTyVar tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
- case maybe_ty of
- Just ty' -> unifyFunTy ty'
- other -> unify_fun_ty_help ty
-unifyFunTy ty
- = case splitFunTy_maybe ty of
- Just arg_and_res -> returnTc arg_and_res
- Nothing -> unify_fun_ty_help ty
-unify_fun_ty_help ty -- Special cases failed, so revert to ordinary unification
- = newTyVarTy openTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ arg ->
- newTyVarTy openTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ res ->
- unifyTauTy ty (mkFunTy arg res) `thenTc_`
- returnTc (arg,res)
-unifyListTy :: TcType -- expected list type
- -> TcM TcType -- list element type
-unifyListTy ty@(TyVarTy tyvar)
- = tcGetTyVar tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
- case maybe_ty of
- Just ty' -> unifyListTy ty'
- other -> unify_list_ty_help ty
-unifyListTy ty
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, [arg_ty]) | tycon == listTyCon -> returnTc arg_ty
- other -> unify_list_ty_help ty
-unify_list_ty_help ty -- Revert to ordinary unification
- = newTyVarTy liftedTypeKind `thenNF_Tc` \ elt_ty ->
- unifyTauTy ty (mkListTy elt_ty) `thenTc_`
- returnTc elt_ty
-unifyTupleTy :: Boxity -> Arity -> TcType -> TcM [TcType]
-unifyTupleTy boxity arity ty@(TyVarTy tyvar)
- = tcGetTyVar tyvar `thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_ty ->
- case maybe_ty of
- Just ty' -> unifyTupleTy boxity arity ty'
- other -> unify_tuple_ty_help boxity arity ty
-unifyTupleTy boxity arity ty
- = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tycon, arg_tys)
- | isTupleTyCon tycon
- && tyConArity tycon == arity
- && tupleTyConBoxity tycon == boxity
- -> returnTc arg_tys
- other -> unify_tuple_ty_help boxity arity ty
-unify_tuple_ty_help boxity arity ty
- = newTyVarTys arity kind `thenNF_Tc` \ arg_tys ->
- unifyTauTy ty (mkTupleTy boxity arity arg_tys) `thenTc_`
- returnTc arg_tys
- where
- kind | isBoxed boxity = liftedTypeKind
- | otherwise = openTypeKind
-%* *
-\subsection[Unify-context]{Errors and contexts}
-%* *
-unifyCtxt s ty1 ty2 tidy_env -- ty1 expected, ty2 inferred
- = zonkTcType ty1 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty1' ->
- zonkTcType ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty2' ->
- returnNF_Tc (err ty1' ty2')
- where
- err ty1 ty2 = (env1,
- nest 4
- (vcat [
- text "Expected" <+> text s <> colon <+> ppr tidy_ty1,
- text "Inferred" <+> text s <> colon <+> ppr tidy_ty2
- ]))
- where
- (env1, [tidy_ty1,tidy_ty2]) = tidyOpenTypes tidy_env [ty1,ty2]
-unifyKindCtxt swapped tv1 ty2 tidy_env -- not swapped => tv1 expected, ty2 inferred
- -- tv1 is zonked already
- = zonkTcType ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty2' ->
- returnNF_Tc (err ty2')
- where
- err ty2 = (env2, ptext SLIT("When matching types") <+>
- sep [quotes pp_expected, ptext SLIT("and"), quotes pp_actual])
- where
- (pp_expected, pp_actual) | swapped = (pp2, pp1)
- | otherwise = (pp1, pp2)
- (env1, tv1') = tidyTyVar tidy_env tv1
- (env2, ty2') = tidyOpenType env1 ty2
- pp1 = ppr tv1'
- pp2 = ppr ty2'
-unifyMisMatch ty1 ty2
- = zonkTcType ty1 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty1' ->
- zonkTcType ty2 `thenNF_Tc` \ ty2' ->
- let
- (env, [tidy_ty1, tidy_ty2]) = tidyOpenTypes emptyTidyEnv [ty1',ty2']
- msg = hang (ptext SLIT("Couldn't match"))
- 4 (sep [quotes (ppr tidy_ty1),
- ptext SLIT("against"),
- quotes (ppr tidy_ty2)])
- in
- failWithTcM (env, msg)
-unifyWithSigErr tyvar ty
- = (env2, hang (ptext SLIT("Cannot unify the type-signature variable") <+> quotes (ppr tidy_tyvar))
- 4 (ptext SLIT("with the type") <+> quotes (ppr tidy_ty)))
- where
- (env1, tidy_tyvar) = tidyTyVar emptyTidyEnv tyvar
- (env2, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType env1 ty
-unifyOccurCheck tyvar ty
- = (env2, hang (ptext SLIT("Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:"))
- 4 (sep [ppr tidy_tyvar, char '=', ppr tidy_ty]))
- where
- (env1, tidy_tyvar) = tidyTyVar emptyTidyEnv tyvar
- (env2, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType env1 ty