path: root/ghc/compiler/types/Unify.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-This module contains a unifier and a matcher, both of which
-use an explicit substitution
-module Unify ( unifyTysX, unifyTyListsX, unifyExtendTysX,
- allDistinctTyVars,
- match, matchTy, matchTys,
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import TypeRep ( Type(..) ) -- friend
-import Type ( typeKind, tyVarsOfType, splitAppTy_maybe, getTyVar_maybe,
- splitUTy, isUTy, deNoteType
- )
-import PprType () -- Instances
- -- This import isn't strictly necessary, but it makes sure that
- -- PprType is below Unify in the hierarchy, which in turn makes
- -- fewer modules boot-import PprType
-import Var ( tyVarKind )
-import VarSet
-import VarEnv ( TyVarSubstEnv, emptySubstEnv, lookupSubstEnv, extendSubstEnv,
- SubstResult(..)
- )
-import Outputable
-%* *
-\subsection{Unification with an explicit substitution}
-%* *
-(allDistinctTyVars tys tvs) = True
- iff
-all the types tys are type variables,
-distinct from each other and from tvs.
-This is useful when checking that unification hasn't unified signature
-type variables. For example, if the type sig is
- f :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
-we want to check that 'a' and 'b' havn't
- (a) been unified with a non-tyvar type
- (b) been unified with each other (all distinct)
- (c) been unified with a variable free in the environment
-allDistinctTyVars :: [Type] -> TyVarSet -> Bool
-allDistinctTyVars [] acc
- = True
-allDistinctTyVars (ty:tys) acc
- = case getTyVar_maybe ty of
- Nothing -> False -- (a)
- Just tv | tv `elemVarSet` acc -> False -- (b) or (c)
- | otherwise -> allDistinctTyVars tys (acc `extendVarSet` tv)
-%* *
-\subsection{Unification with an explicit substitution}
-%* *
-Unify types with an explicit substitution and no monad.
-Ignore usage annotations.
-type MySubst
- = (TyVarSet, -- Set of template tyvars
- TyVarSubstEnv) -- Not necessarily idempotent
-unifyTysX :: TyVarSet -- Template tyvars
- -> Type
- -> Type
- -> Maybe TyVarSubstEnv
-unifyTysX tmpl_tyvars ty1 ty2
- = uTysX ty1 ty2 (\(_,s) -> Just s) (tmpl_tyvars, emptySubstEnv)
-unifyExtendTysX :: TyVarSet -- Template tyvars
- -> TyVarSubstEnv -- Substitution to start with
- -> Type
- -> Type
- -> Maybe TyVarSubstEnv -- Extended substitution
-unifyExtendTysX tmpl_tyvars subst ty1 ty2
- = uTysX ty1 ty2 (\(_,s) -> Just s) (tmpl_tyvars, subst)
-unifyTyListsX :: TyVarSet -> [Type] -> [Type]
- -> Maybe TyVarSubstEnv
-unifyTyListsX tmpl_tyvars tys1 tys2
- = uTyListsX tys1 tys2 (\(_,s) -> Just s) (tmpl_tyvars, emptySubstEnv)
-uTysX :: Type
- -> Type
- -> (MySubst -> Maybe result)
- -> MySubst
- -> Maybe result
-uTysX (NoteTy _ ty1) ty2 k subst = uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst
-uTysX ty1 (NoteTy _ ty2) k subst = uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst
- -- Variables; go for uVar
-uTysX (TyVarTy tyvar1) (TyVarTy tyvar2) k subst
- | tyvar1 == tyvar2
- = k subst
-uTysX (TyVarTy tyvar1) ty2 k subst@(tmpls,_)
- | tyvar1 `elemVarSet` tmpls
- = uVarX tyvar1 ty2 k subst
-uTysX ty1 (TyVarTy tyvar2) k subst@(tmpls,_)
- | tyvar2 `elemVarSet` tmpls
- = uVarX tyvar2 ty1 k subst
- -- Functions; just check the two parts
-uTysX (FunTy fun1 arg1) (FunTy fun2 arg2) k subst
- = uTysX fun1 fun2 (uTysX arg1 arg2 k) subst
- -- Type constructors must match
-uTysX (TyConApp con1 tys1) (TyConApp con2 tys2) k subst
- | (con1 == con2 && length tys1 == length tys2)
- = uTyListsX tys1 tys2 k subst
- -- Applications need a bit of care!
- -- They can match FunTy and TyConApp, so use splitAppTy_maybe
- -- NB: we've already dealt with type variables and Notes,
- -- so if one type is an App the other one jolly well better be too
-uTysX (AppTy s1 t1) ty2 k subst
- = case splitAppTy_maybe ty2 of
- Just (s2, t2) -> uTysX s1 s2 (uTysX t1 t2 k) subst
- Nothing -> Nothing -- Fail
-uTysX ty1 (AppTy s2 t2) k subst
- = case splitAppTy_maybe ty1 of
- Just (s1, t1) -> uTysX s1 s2 (uTysX t1 t2 k) subst
- Nothing -> Nothing -- Fail
- -- Not expecting for-alls in unification
-#ifdef DEBUG
-uTysX (ForAllTy _ _) ty2 k subst = panic "Unify.uTysX subst:ForAllTy (1st arg)"
-uTysX ty1 (ForAllTy _ _) k subst = panic "Unify.uTysX subst:ForAllTy (2nd arg)"
- -- Ignore usages
-uTysX (UsageTy _ t1) t2 k subst = uTysX t1 t2 k subst
-uTysX t1 (UsageTy _ t2) k subst = uTysX t1 t2 k subst
- -- Anything else fails
-uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst = Nothing
-uTyListsX [] [] k subst = k subst
-uTyListsX (ty1:tys1) (ty2:tys2) k subst = uTysX ty1 ty2 (uTyListsX tys1 tys2 k) subst
-uTyListsX tys1 tys2 k subst = Nothing -- Fail if the lists are different lengths
--- Invariant: tv1 is a unifiable variable
-uVarX tv1 ty2 k subst@(tmpls, env)
- = case lookupSubstEnv env tv1 of
- Just (DoneTy ty1) -> -- Already bound
- uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst
- Nothing -- Not already bound
- | typeKind ty2 == tyVarKind tv1
- && occur_check_ok ty2
- -> -- No kind mismatch nor occur check
- UASSERT( not (isUTy ty2) )
- k (tmpls, extendSubstEnv env tv1 (DoneTy ty2))
- | otherwise -> Nothing -- Fail if kind mis-match or occur check
- where
- occur_check_ok ty = all occur_check_ok_tv (varSetElems (tyVarsOfType ty))
- occur_check_ok_tv tv | tv1 == tv = False
- | otherwise = case lookupSubstEnv env tv of
- Nothing -> True
- Just (DoneTy ty) -> occur_check_ok ty
-%* *
-\subsection{Matching on types}
-%* *
-Matching is a {\em unidirectional} process, matching a type against a
-template (which is just a type with type variables in it). The
-matcher assumes that there are no repeated type variables in the
-template, so that it simply returns a mapping of type variables to
-types. It also fails on nested foralls.
-@matchTys@ matches corresponding elements of a list of templates and
-types. It and @matchTy@ both ignore usage annotations, unlike the
-main function @match@.
-matchTy :: TyVarSet -- Template tyvars
- -> Type -- Template
- -> Type -- Proposed instance of template
- -> Maybe TyVarSubstEnv -- Matching substitution
-matchTys :: TyVarSet -- Template tyvars
- -> [Type] -- Templates
- -> [Type] -- Proposed instance of template
- -> Maybe (TyVarSubstEnv, -- Matching substitution
- [Type]) -- Left over instance types
-matchTy tmpls ty1 ty2 = match False ty1 ty2 tmpls (\ senv -> Just senv) emptySubstEnv
-matchTys tmpls tys1 tys2 = match_list False tys1 tys2 tmpls
- (\ (senv,tys) -> Just (senv,tys))
- emptySubstEnv
-@match@ is the main function. It takes a flag indicating whether
-usage annotations are to be respected.
-match :: Bool -- Respect usages?
- -> Type -> Type -- Current match pair
- -> TyVarSet -- Template vars
- -> (TyVarSubstEnv -> Maybe result) -- Continuation
- -> TyVarSubstEnv -- Current subst
- -> Maybe result
--- When matching against a type variable, see if the variable
--- has already been bound. If so, check that what it's bound to
--- is the same as ty; if not, bind it and carry on.
-match uflag (TyVarTy v) ty tmpls k senv
- | v `elemVarSet` tmpls
- = -- v is a template variable
- case lookupSubstEnv senv v of
- Nothing -> UASSERT( not (isUTy ty) )
- k (extendSubstEnv senv v (DoneTy ty))
- Just (DoneTy ty') | ty' == ty -> k senv -- Succeeds
- | otherwise -> Nothing -- Fails
- | otherwise
- = -- v is not a template variable; ty had better match
- -- Can't use (==) because types differ
- case deNoteType ty of
- TyVarTy v' | v == v' -> k senv -- Success
- other -> Nothing -- Failure
- -- This deNoteType is *required* and cost me much pain. I guess
- -- the reason the Note-stripping case is *last* rather than first
- -- is to preserve type synonyms etc., so I'm not moving it to the
- -- top; but this means that (without the deNotetype) a type
- -- variable may not match the pattern (TyVarTy v') as one would
- -- expect, due to an intervening Note. KSW 2000-06.
-match uflag (FunTy arg1 res1) (FunTy arg2 res2) tmpls k senv
- = match uflag arg1 arg2 tmpls (match uflag res1 res2 tmpls k) senv
-match uflag (AppTy fun1 arg1) ty2 tmpls k senv
- = case splitAppTy_maybe ty2 of
- Just (fun2,arg2) -> match uflag fun1 fun2 tmpls (match uflag arg1 arg2 tmpls k) senv
- Nothing -> Nothing -- Fail
-match uflag (TyConApp tc1 tys1) (TyConApp tc2 tys2) tmpls k senv
- | tc1 == tc2
- = match_list uflag tys1 tys2 tmpls k' senv
- where
- k' (senv', tys2') | null tys2' = k senv' -- Succeed
- | otherwise = Nothing -- Fail
-match False (UsageTy _ ty1) ty2 tmpls k senv = match False ty1 ty2 tmpls k senv
-match False ty1 (UsageTy _ ty2) tmpls k senv = match False ty1 ty2 tmpls k senv
-match True (UsageTy u1 ty1) (UsageTy u2 ty2) tmpls k senv
- = match True u1 u2 tmpls (match True ty1 ty2 tmpls k) senv
-match True ty1@(UsageTy _ _) ty2 tmpls k senv
- = case splitUTy ty2 of { (u,ty2') -> match True ty1 ty2' tmpls k senv }
-match True ty1 ty2@(UsageTy _ _) tmpls k senv
- = case splitUTy ty1 of { (u,ty1') -> match True ty1' ty2 tmpls k senv }
- -- With type synonyms, we have to be careful for the exact
- -- same reasons as in the unifier. Please see the
- -- considerable commentary there before changing anything
- -- here! (WDP 95/05)
-match uflag (NoteTy _ ty1) ty2 tmpls k senv = match uflag ty1 ty2 tmpls k senv
-match uflag ty1 (NoteTy _ ty2) tmpls k senv = match uflag ty1 ty2 tmpls k senv
--- Catch-all fails
-match _ _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing
-match_list uflag [] tys2 tmpls k senv = k (senv, tys2)
-match_list uflag (ty1:tys1) [] tmpls k senv = Nothing -- Not enough arg tys => failure
-match_list uflag (ty1:tys1) (ty2:tys2) tmpls k senv
- = match uflag ty1 ty2 tmpls (match_list uflag tys1 tys2 tmpls k) senv