path: root/ghc/compiler/types/Variance.lhs
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diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Variance.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Variance.lhs
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--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Variance.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1999
-\section[Variance]{Variance in @Type@ and @TyCon@}
-module Variance(
- calcTyConArgVrcs,
- tyVarVrc
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import TypeRep ( Type(..), TyNote(..) ) -- friend
-import TyCon ( TyCon, ArgVrcs, tyConArity, tyConDataCons_maybe, tyConDataCons, tyConTyVars,
- tyConArgVrcs_maybe, getSynTyConDefn, isSynTyCon, isAlgTyCon )
-import DataCon ( dataConRepArgTys )
-import FiniteMap
-import Var ( TyVar )
-import VarSet
-import Maybes ( expectJust )
-import Maybe ( isNothing )
-import Outputable
-Computing the tyConArgVrcs info
-@tyConArgVrcs@ gives a list of (occPos,occNeg) flags, one for each
-tyvar. For @AlgTyCon@s and @SynTyCon@s, this info must be precomputed
-separately. Note that this is information about occurrences of type
-variables, not usages of term variables.
-The function @calcTyConArgVrcs@ must be passed a list of *algebraic or
-syntycons only* such that all tycons referred to (by mutual recursion)
-appear in the list. The fixpointing will be done on this set of
-tycons as a whole. It returns a list of @tyconVrcInfo@ data, ready to
-be (knot-tyingly?) stuck back into the appropriate fields.
-calcTyConArgVrcs :: [TyCon] -> FiniteMap TyCon ArgVrcs
-calcTyConArgVrcs tycons
- = tcaoFix initial_oi
- where
- initial_oi :: FiniteMap TyCon ArgVrcs
- initial_oi = foldl (\fm tc -> addToFM fm tc (initial tc)) emptyFM tycons
- initial tc = if isAlgTyCon tc && isNothing (tyConDataCons_maybe tc) then
- -- make pessimistic assumption (and warn)
- abstractVrcs tc
- else
- replicate (tyConArity tc) (False,False)
- tcaoFix :: FiniteMap TyCon ArgVrcs -- initial ArgVrcs per tycon
- -> FiniteMap TyCon ArgVrcs -- fixpointed ArgVrcs per tycon
- tcaoFix oi = let (changed,oi') = foldFM (\ tc pms
- (changed,oi')
- -> let pms' = tcaoIter oi' tc -- seq not simult
- in (changed || (pms /= pms'),
- addToFM oi' tc pms'))
- (False,oi) -- seq not simult for faster fixpting
- oi
- in if changed
- then tcaoFix oi'
- else oi'
- tcaoIter :: FiniteMap TyCon ArgVrcs -- reference ArgVrcs (initial)
- -> TyCon -- tycon to update
- -> ArgVrcs -- new ArgVrcs for tycon
- tcaoIter oi tc | isAlgTyCon tc
- = if null data_cons then
- -- Abstract types get uninformative variances
- abstractVrcs tc
- else
- map (\v -> anyVrc (\ty -> vrcInTy myfao v ty) argtys)
- vs
- where
- data_cons = tyConDataCons tc
- vs = tyConTyVars tc
- argtys = concatMap dataConRepArgTys data_cons
- myfao tc = lookupWithDefaultFM oi (expectJust "tcaoIter(Alg)" $
- tyConArgVrcs_maybe tc)
- tc
- -- we use the already-computed result for tycons not in this SCC
- tcaoIter oi tc | isSynTyCon tc
- = let (tyvs,ty) = getSynTyConDefn tc
- myfao tc = lookupWithDefaultFM oi (expectJust "tcaoIter(Syn)" $
- tyConArgVrcs_maybe tc)
- tc
- -- we use the already-computed result for tycons not in this SCC
- in map (\v -> vrcInTy myfao v ty) tyvs
-abstractVrcs :: TyCon -> ArgVrcs
-abstractVrcs tc =
-#ifdef DEBUG
- pprTrace "Vrc: abstract tycon:" (ppr tc) $
- replicate (tyConArity tc) (True,True)
-Variance of tyvars in a type
-A general variance-check function. We pass a function for determining
-the @ArgVrc@s of a tycon; when fixpointing this refers to the current
-value; otherwise this should be looked up from the tycon's own
-vrcInTy :: (TyCon -> ArgVrcs) -- function to get argVrcs of a tycon (break out of recursion)
- -> TyVar -- tyvar to check Vrcs of
- -> Type -- type to check for occ in
- -> (Bool,Bool) -- (occurs positively, occurs negatively)
-vrcInTy fao v (NoteTy (SynNote _) ty) = vrcInTy fao v ty
- -- SynTyCon doesn't neccessarily have vrcInfo at this point,
- -- so don't try and use it
-vrcInTy fao v (NoteTy (FTVNote ftv) ty) = if elemVarSet v ftv
- then vrcInTy fao v ty
- else (False,False)
- -- note that ftv cannot be calculated as occPos||occNeg,
- -- since if a tyvar occurs only as unused tyconarg,
- -- occPos==occNeg==False, but ftv=True
-vrcInTy fao v (TyVarTy v') = if v==v'
- then (True,False)
- else (False,False)
-vrcInTy fao v (AppTy ty1 ty2) = if vrcInTy fao v ty2 /= (False,False)
- then (True,True)
- else vrcInTy fao v ty1
- -- ty1 is probably unknown (or it would have been beta-reduced);
- -- hence if v occurs in ty2 at all then it could occur with
- -- either variance. Otherwise it occurs as it does in ty1.
-vrcInTy fao v (FunTy ty1 ty2) = negVrc (vrcInTy fao v ty1)
- `orVrc`
- vrcInTy fao v ty2
-vrcInTy fao v (ForAllTy v' ty) = if v==v'
- then (False,False)
- else vrcInTy fao v ty
-vrcInTy fao v (TyConApp tc tys) = let pms1 = map (vrcInTy fao v) tys
- pms2 = fao tc
- in orVrcs (zipWith timesVrc pms1 pms2)
-External entry point: assumes tyconargvrcs already computed.
-tyVarVrc :: TyVar -- tyvar to check Vrc of
- -> Type -- type to check for occ in
- -> (Bool,Bool) -- (occurs positively, occurs negatively)
-tyVarVrc = vrcInTy (expectJust "tyVarVrcs" . tyConArgVrcs_maybe)
-Variance algebra
-orVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
-orVrc (p1,m1) (p2,m2) = (p1||p2,m1||m2)
-orVrcs :: [(Bool,Bool)] -> (Bool,Bool)
-orVrcs = foldl orVrc (False,False)
-negVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
-negVrc (p1,m1) = (m1,p1)
-anyVrc :: (a -> (Bool,Bool)) -> [a] -> (Bool,Bool)
-anyVrc p as = foldl (\ pm a -> pm `orVrc` p a)
- (False,False) as
-timesVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
-timesVrc (p1,m1) (p2,m2) = (p1 && p2 || m1 && m2,
- p1 && m2 || m1 && p2)