path: root/ghc/lib/misc/BSD.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/misc/BSD.lhs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 528 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/misc/BSD.lhs b/ghc/lib/misc/BSD.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995-1997
-\section[BSD]{Misc BSD bindings}
-The @BSD@ module defines Haskell bindings to functionality
-provided by BSD Unix derivatives. Currently this covers
-network programming functionality and symbolic links.
-(OK, so the latter is pretty much supported by most *nixes
-today, but it was BSD that introduced them.)
-{-# OPTIONS -#include "cbits/ghcSockets.h" -#include "stgio.h" #-}
-#include "config.h"
-module BSD (
- HostName,
- getHostName, -- :: IO HostName
- ServiceEntry(..),
- ServiceName,
- getServiceByName, -- :: ServiceName -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
- getServiceByPort, -- :: PortNumber -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
- getServicePortNumber, -- :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
-#ifndef _WIN32
- getServiceEntry, -- :: IO ServiceEntry
- setServiceEntry, -- :: Bool -> IO ()
- endServiceEntry, -- :: IO ()
- getServiceEntries, -- :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
- ProtocolName,
- ProtocolNumber,
- ProtocolEntry(..),
- getProtocolByName, -- :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
- getProtocolByNumber, -- :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtcolEntry
- getProtocolNumber, -- :: ProtocolName -> ProtocolNumber
-#ifndef _WIN32
- setProtocolEntry, -- :: Bool -> IO ()
- getProtocolEntry, -- :: IO ProtocolEntry
- endProtocolEntry, -- :: IO ()
- getProtocolEntries, -- :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
- PortNumber,
- mkPortNumber, -- :: Int -> PortNumber
- HostEntry(..),
- getHostByName, -- :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
- getHostByAddr, -- :: HostAddress -> Family -> IO HostEntry
- hostAddress, -- :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
-#ifndef _WIN32
- setHostEntry, -- :: Bool -> IO ()
- getHostEntry, -- :: IO HostEntry
- endHostEntry, -- :: IO ()
- getHostEntries, -- :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
- NetworkName,
- NetworkAddr,
- NetworkEntry(..)
-#ifndef _WIN32
- , getNetworkByName -- :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
- , getNetworkByAddr -- :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
- , setNetworkEntry -- :: Bool -> IO ()
- , getNetworkEntry -- :: IO NetworkEntry
- , endNetworkEntry -- :: IO ()
- , getNetworkEntries -- :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
- , symlink -- :: String -> String -> IO ()
- , readlink -- :: String -> IO String
- ) where
-import GlaExts
-import PrelIOBase ( IOError (..), IOErrorType(..) )
-import Foreign
-import Addr
-import CString ( unpackCStringIO, unpackCStringBA, unvectorize, unpackNBytesBA )
-import SocketPrim
-%* *
-\subsection[BSD-DBTypes]{Service, Protocol \& Host Database Types}
-%* *
-type HostName = String
-type ProtocolName = String
-type ServiceName = String
-data ProtocolEntry =
- ProtocolEntry {
- protoName :: ProtocolName, -- Official Name
- protoAliases :: [ProtocolName], -- aliases
- protoNumber :: ProtocolNumber -- Protocol Number
- }
-data ServiceEntry =
- ServiceEntry {
- serviceName :: ServiceName, -- Official Name
- serviceAliases :: [ServiceName], -- aliases
- servicePort :: PortNumber, -- Port Number ( network byte order )
- serviceProtocol :: ProtocolName -- Protocol
- }
-data HostEntry =
- HostEntry {
- hostName :: HostName, -- Official Name
- hostAliases :: [HostName], -- aliases
- hostFamily :: Family, -- Host Type (currently AF_INET)
- hostAddresses :: [HostAddress] -- Set of Network Addresses (in network byte order)
- }
--- convenience function:
-hostAddress :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
-hostAddress (HostEntry nm _ _ ls) =
- case ls of
- [] -> error ("BSD.hostAddress: empty network address list for " ++ nm)
- (x:_) -> x
-%* *
-\subsection[BSD-DBAccess]{Service, Protocol Host Database Access}
-%* *
-Calling @getServiceByName@ for a given service and protocol returns the
-systems service entry. This should be used to find the port numbers
-for standard protocols such as SMTP and FTP. The remaining three
-functions should be used for browsing the service database
-Calling @setServiceEntry@ with \tr{True} indicates that the service
-database should be left open between calls to @getServiceEntry@. To
-close the database a call to @endServiceEntry@ is required. This
-database file is usually stored in the file /etc/services.
-getServiceByName :: ServiceName -- Service Name
- -> ProtocolName -- Protocol Name
- -> IO ServiceEntry -- Service Entry
-getServiceByName name proto = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getservbyname name proto
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getServiceByName" "no such service entry")
- else unpackServiceEntry ptr
-getServiceByPort :: PortNumber
- -> ProtocolName
- -> IO ServiceEntry
-getServiceByPort (PNum port) proto = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getservbyport port proto
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getServiceByPort" "no such service entry")
- else unpackServiceEntry ptr
-getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
-getServicePortNumber name = do
- (ServiceEntry _ _ port _) <- getServiceByName name "tcp"
- return port
-#ifndef _WIN32
-getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
-getServiceEntry = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getservent
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getServiceEntry" "no such service entry")
- else unpackServiceEntry ptr
-setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
-setServiceEntry flg = _ccall_ setservent stayOpen
- where stayOpen = (if flg then 1 else 0) :: Int
-endServiceEntry :: IO ()
-endServiceEntry = _ccall_ endservent
-getServiceEntries :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
-getServiceEntries stayOpen = do
- setServiceEntry stayOpen
- getEntries (getServiceEntry) (endServiceEntry)
-The following relate directly to the corresponding \tr{UNIX} {C} calls for
-returning the protocol entries. The protocol entry is represented by
-the Haskell type @ProtocolEntry@.
-As for @setServiceEntry@ above, calling @setProtocolEntry@.
-determines whether or not the protocol database file, usually
-\tr{/etc/protocols}, is to be kept open between calls of
-@getProtocolEntry@. Similarly,
-getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
-getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
-getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
-#ifndef _WIN32
-setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO () -- Keep DB Open ?
-getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry -- Next Protocol Entry from DB
-endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
-getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
---getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
-getProtocolByName name = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getprotobyname name
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getProtocolByName" "no such protocol entry")
- else unpackProtocolEntry ptr
---getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
-getProtocolByNumber num = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getprotobynumber num
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getProtocolByNumber" "no such protocol entry")
- else unpackProtocolEntry ptr
---getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
-getProtocolNumber proto = do
- (ProtocolEntry _ _ num) <- getProtocolByName proto
- return num
-#ifndef _WIN32
---getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry -- Next Protocol Entry from DB
-getProtocolEntry = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getprotoent
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getProtocolEntry" "no such protocol entry")
- else unpackProtocolEntry ptr
---setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO () -- Keep DB Open ?
-setProtocolEntry flg = _ccall_ setprotoent v
- where v = (if flg then 1 else 0) :: Int
---endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
-endProtocolEntry = _ccall_ endprotoent
---getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
-getProtocolEntries stayOpen = do
- setProtocolEntry stayOpen
- getEntries (getProtocolEntry) (endProtocolEntry)
-getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
-getHostByName name = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ gethostbyname name
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getHostByName" "no such host entry")
- else unpackHostEntry ptr
-getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
-getHostByAddr family addr = do
- ptr <- _casm_ ``struct in_addr addr;
- addr.s_addr = %0;
- %r = gethostbyaddr ((char*)&addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), %1);''
- addr
- (packFamily family)
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getHostByAddr" "no such host entry")
- else unpackHostEntry ptr
-#ifndef _WIN32
-getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
-getHostEntry = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ gethostent
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getHostEntry" "unable to retrieve host entry")
- else unpackHostEntry ptr
-setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
-setHostEntry flg = _ccall_ sethostent v
- where v = (if flg then 1 else 0) :: Int
-endHostEntry :: IO ()
-endHostEntry = _ccall_ endhostent
-getHostEntries :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
-getHostEntries stayOpen = do
- setHostEntry stayOpen
- getEntries (getHostEntry) (endHostEntry)
-%* *
-\subsection[BSD-Network]{Accessing network information}
-%* *
-Same set of access functions as for accessing host,protocol and service
-system info, this time for the types of networks supported.
--- network addresses are represented in host byte order.
-type NetworkAddr = Word
-type NetworkName = String
-data NetworkEntry =
- NetworkEntry {
- networkName :: NetworkName, -- official name
- networkAliases :: [NetworkName], -- aliases
- networkFamily :: Family, -- type
- networkAddress :: NetworkAddr
- }
-#ifndef _WIN32
-getNetworkByName :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
-getNetworkByName name = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getnetbyname name
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getNetworkByName" "no such network entry")
- else unpackNetworkEntry ptr
-getNetworkByAddr :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
-getNetworkByAddr addr family = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getnetbyaddr addr (packFamily family)
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getNetworkByAddr" "no such network entry")
- else unpackNetworkEntry ptr
-getNetworkEntry :: IO NetworkEntry
-getNetworkEntry = do
- ptr <- _ccall_ getnetent
- if ptr == nullAddr
- then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getNetworkEntry" "no more network entries")
- else unpackNetworkEntry ptr
-setNetworkEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
-setNetworkEntry flg = _ccall_ setnetent v
- where v = (if flg then 1 else 0) :: Int
-endNetworkEntry :: IO ()
-endNetworkEntry = _ccall_ endnetent
-getNetworkEntries :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
-getNetworkEntries stayOpen = do
- setNetworkEntry stayOpen
- getEntries (getNetworkEntry) (endNetworkEntry)
-%* *
-\subsection[BSD-Misc]{Miscellaneous Functions}
-%* *
-Calling @getHostName@ returns the standard host name for the current
-processor, as set at boot time.
-getHostName :: IO HostName
-getHostName = do
- ptr <- stToIO (newCharArray (0,256))
- rc <- _casm_ ``%r=gethostname(%0, 256);'' ptr
- if rc == ((-1)::Int)
- then ioError (userError "getHostName: unable to determine host name")
- else do
- ba <- stToIO (unsafeFreezeByteArray ptr)
- return (unpackCStringBA ba)
-Helper function used by the exported functions that provides a
-Haskellised view of the enumerator functions:
-getEntries :: IO a -- read
- -> IO () -- at end
- -> IO [a]
-getEntries getOne atEnd = loop
- where
- loop =
- catch (do { v <- getOne; vs <- loop ; return (v:vs) })
- (\ _ -> do { atEnd; return [] } )
- struct servent {
- char *s_name; /* official name of service */
- char **s_aliases; /* alias list */
- int s_port; /* port service resides at */
- char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */
- };
- The members of this structure are:
- s_name The official name of the service.
- s_aliases A zero terminated list of alternate
- names for the service.
- s_port The port number at which the ser-
- vice resides. Port numbers are
- returned in network short byte
- order.
- s_proto The name of the protocol to use
- when contacting the service.
-unpackServiceEntry :: Addr -> PrimIO ServiceEntry
-unpackServiceEntry ptr = do
- pname <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_name;'' ptr
- name <- unpackCStringIO pname
- alias <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_aliases;'' ptr
- aliases <- unvectorize alias 0
- port <- _casm_ ``%r = (int)(((struct servent*)%0)->s_port);'' ptr
- str <- _casm_ ``%r = (char *)((struct servent*)%0)->s_proto;'' ptr
- proto <- unpackCStringIO str
- return (ServiceEntry name aliases (PNum port) proto)
-unpackProtocolEntry :: Addr -> IO ProtocolEntry
-unpackProtocolEntry ptr = do
- str <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_name;'' ptr
- name <- unpackCStringIO str
- alias <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_aliases;'' ptr
- aliases <- unvectorize alias 0
- proto <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_proto;'' ptr
- return (ProtocolEntry name aliases proto)
-unpackHostEntry :: Addr -> IO HostEntry
-unpackHostEntry ptr = do
- str <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct hostent*)%0)->h_name;'' ptr
- name <- unpackCStringIO str
- alias <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct hostent*)%0)->h_aliases;'' ptr
- aliases <- unvectorize alias 0
- addrList <- unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr 0
- return (HostEntry name aliases AF_INET addrList)
-unpackNetworkEntry :: Addr -> IO NetworkEntry
-unpackNetworkEntry ptr = do
- str <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct netent*)%0)->n_name;'' ptr
- name <- unpackCStringIO str
- alias <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct netent*)%0)->n_aliases;'' ptr
- aliases <- unvectorize alias 0
- fam <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct netent*)%0)->n_addrtype;'' ptr
- na <- _casm_ ``%r = ((struct netent*)%0)->n_net;'' ptr
- return (NetworkEntry name aliases (unpackFamily fam) na)
-unvectorizeHostAddrs :: Addr -> Int -> IO [HostAddress]
-unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr n = do
- x <- _casm_ ``{ unsigned long tmp;
- if ((((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list[(int)%1]) == NULL)
- tmp=(W_)0;
- else
- tmp = (W_)((struct in_addr *)(((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list[(int)%1]))->s_addr;
- %r=(W_)tmp;} ''
- ptr n
- if x == (W# (int2Word# 0#))
- then return []
- else do
- xs <- unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr (n+1)
- return (x : xs)
-%* *
-\subsection[BSD-symlink]{Symbolic links}
-%* *
-symlink :: String -> String -> IO ()
-symlink actual_path sym_path = do
- rc <- _ccall_ symlink actual_path sym_path
- if rc == (0::Int) then
- return ()
- else do
- _ccall_ convertErrno
- cstr <- _ccall_ getErrStr__
- estr <- unpackCStringIO cstr
- ioError (userError ("BSD.symlink: " ++ estr))
-readlink :: String -> IO String
-readlink sym = do
- mbuf <- stToIO (newCharArray (0, path_max))
- buf <- stToIO (unsafeFreezeByteArray mbuf)
- rc <- _ccall_ readlink sym buf (path_max + 1)
- if rc /= -1 then
- return (unpackNBytesBA buf rc)
- else do
- _ccall_ convertErrno
- cstr <- _ccall_ getErrStr__
- estr <- unpackCStringIO cstr
- ioError (userError ("BSD.readlink: " ++ estr))
- where
- path_max = (``PATH_MAX''::Int)