path: root/hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62023d72e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Register.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+module Rules.Register (configurePackage, registerPackage) where
+import Distribution.ParseUtils
+import Distribution.Version (Version)
+import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
+import qualified Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse as Cabal
+import Hadrian.Expression
+import qualified System.Directory as IO
+import Base
+import Context
+import Packages
+import Settings
+import Target
+import Utilities
+parseCabalName :: String -> Maybe (String, Version)
+parseCabalName = readPToMaybe parse
+ where
+ parse = (,) <$> (parsePackageName <* Parse.char '-') <*> parseOptVersion
+-- | Configure a package and build its @setup-config@ file.
+configurePackage :: Context -> Rules ()
+configurePackage context@Context {..} = do
+ root <- buildRootRules
+ root -/- contextDir context -/- "setup-config" %> \_ ->
+ Cabal.configurePackage context
+-- | Register a package and initialise the corresponding package database if
+-- need be. Note that we only register packages in 'Stage0' and 'Stage1'.
+registerPackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> Rules ()
+registerPackage rs context@Context {..} = when (stage < Stage2) $ do
+ root <- buildRootRules
+ -- Initialise the package database.
+ root -/- relativePackageDbPath stage -/- packageDbStamp %> \stamp ->
+ writeFileLines stamp []
+ -- TODO: Add proper error handling for partial functions.
+ -- Register a package.
+ root -/- relativePackageDbPath stage -/- "*.conf" %> \conf -> do
+ settings <- libPath context <&> (-/- "settings")
+ platformConstants <- libPath context <&> (-/- "platformConstants")
+ need [settings, platformConstants]
+ let Just pkgName | takeBaseName conf == "rts" = Just "rts"
+ | otherwise = fst <$> parseCabalName (takeBaseName conf)
+ let Just pkg = findPackageByName pkgName
+ isBoot <- (pkg `notElem`) <$> stagePackages Stage0
+ case stage of
+ Stage0 | isBoot -> copyConf rs (context { package = pkg }) conf
+ _ -> buildConf rs (context { package = pkg }) conf
+buildConf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> FilePath -> Action ()
+buildConf _ context@Context {..} _conf = do
+ depPkgIds <- cabalDependencies context
+ -- Calling 'need' on @setupConfig@, triggers the package configuration.
+ setupConfig <- pkgSetupConfigFile context
+ need [setupConfig]
+ need =<< mapM (\pkgId -> packageDbPath stage <&> (-/- pkgId <.> "conf")) depPkgIds
+ ways <- interpretInContext context (getLibraryWays <> if package == rts then getRtsWays else mempty)
+ need =<< concatMapM (libraryTargets True) [ context { way = w } | w <- ways ]
+ -- We might need some package-db resource to limit read/write, see packageRules.
+ path <- buildPath context
+ -- Special package cases (these should ideally be rolled into Cabal).
+ when (package == rts) $
+ -- If Cabal knew about "generated-headers", we could read them from the
+ -- 'configuredCabal' information, and just "need" them here.
+ need [ path -/- "DerivedConstants.h"
+ , path -/- "ghcautoconf.h"
+ , path -/- "ghcplatform.h"
+ , path -/- "ghcversion.h"
+ , path -/- "ffi.h" ]
+ when (package == integerGmp) $ need [path -/- "ghc-gmp.h"]
+ -- Copy and register the package.
+ Cabal.copyPackage context
+ Cabal.registerPackage context
+copyConf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> FilePath -> Action ()
+copyConf rs context@Context {..} conf = do
+ depPkgIds <- fmap stdOutToPkgIds . askWithResources rs $
+ target context (GhcPkg Dependencies stage) [pkgName package] []
+ need =<< mapM (\pkgId -> packageDbPath stage <&> (-/- pkgId <.> "conf")) depPkgIds
+ -- We should unregister if the file exists since @ghc-pkg@ will complain
+ -- about existing package:
+ -- Also, we don't always do the unregistration + registration to avoid
+ -- repeated work after a full build.
+ -- We do not track 'doesFileExist' since we are going to create the file if
+ -- it is currently missing. TODO: Is this the right thing to do?
+ -- See
+ unlessM (liftIO $ IO.doesFileExist conf) $ do
+ buildWithResources rs $
+ target context (GhcPkg Unregister stage) [pkgName package] []
+ buildWithResources rs $
+ target context (GhcPkg Copy stage) [pkgName package] [conf]
+ where
+ stdOutToPkgIds :: String -> [String]
+ stdOutToPkgIds = drop 1 . concatMap words . lines