path: root/libraries/base/GHC/Records.hs
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1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Records.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Records.hs
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index 0000000000..cc1ea600fa
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+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Records.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures, DataKinds,
+ TypeFamilies, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
+ NoImplicitPrelude, EmptyDataDecls, MagicHash, UndecidableInstances #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.Records
+-- Copyright : (c) Adam Gundry, 2013-2014
+-- License : BSD-style (see libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : internal
+-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
+-- This is an internal GHC module that defines classes relating to the
+-- OverloadedRecordFields extension. For notes on the implementation
+-- of OverloadedRecordFields, see
+Note [Dependency on GHC.Records]
+This module must be compiled before any module that declares a record
+field, because the class declarations below are loaded in order to
+generate the supporting definitions for overloaded record fields. To
+achieve this, this module is imported by GHC.Base. If you receive the
+error "Failed to load interface for ‛GHC.Records’" while compiling
+base, this module has not been compiled early enough.
+module GHC.Records where
+import GHC.Integer ()
+import GHC.Prim (Proxy#)
+-- | (Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols.
+data Symbol
+The OverloadedRecordFields extension generates instances for the
+following type classes ('Has' and 'Upd') and type families
+('FldTy' and 'UpdTy'). For example, the datatype
+ data T a = MkT { foo :: [a] }
+gives rise to the instances
+ type instance FldTy (T a) "foo" = [a]
+ type instance UpdTy (T a) "foo" [c] = T c
+ instance b ~ [a] => Has (T a) "foo" b
+ instance b ~ [c] => Upd (T a) "foo" b
+See compiler/typecheck/TcFldInsts.lhs for the code that generates
+these instances. The instances are generated for every datatype,
+regardless of whether the extension is enabled, but they are not
+exported using the normal mechanism, because the instances in scope
+correspond exactly to the record fields in scope. See
+Note [Instance scoping for OverloadedRecordFields] in TcFldInsts.
+-- | @FldTy r n@ is the type of the field @n@ in record type @r@.
+type family FldTy (r :: *) (n :: Symbol) :: *
+-- See Note [Why not associated types]
+-- | @UpdTy r n t@ is the record type that results from setting
+-- the field @n@ of record type @r@ to @t@.
+type family UpdTy (r :: *) (n :: Symbol) (t :: *) :: *
+-- | @Has r n t@ means that @r@ is a record type with field @n@ of type @t@.
+class t ~ FldTy r n -- See Note [Functional dependency via equality superclass]
+ => Has r (n :: Symbol) t where
+ -- | Polymorphic field selector
+ getField :: Proxy# n -> r -> t
+-- | @Upd r n t@ means that @r@ is a record type with field @n@ which
+-- can be assigned type @t@.
+class (Has r n (FldTy r n), r ~ UpdTy r n (FldTy r n))
+ -- See Note [Superclasses of Upd]
+ => Upd (r :: *) (n :: Symbol) (t :: *) where
+ -- | Polymorphic field update
+ setField :: Proxy# n -> r -> t -> UpdTy r n t
+Note [Functional dependency via equality superclass]
+The third parameter of the 'Has' class (the field type) is
+functionally dependent on the first two (the record type and field
+name), but is present to allow for syntactic sugar:
+ r { f :: t } translates to Has r "f" t
+The functional dependency is encoded using the 'FldTy' type
+family, via the equality superclass 't ~ FldTy r n' in the
+declaration of 'Has'. Thanks to this superclass, if we have a
+ [Wanted] Has (T alpha) "foo" beta
+then we get
+ [Derived] beta ~ FldTy (T alpha) "foo".
+Now substituting for 'beta' in the wanted constraint and reducing
+'FldTy' gives
+ [Wanted] Has (T alpha) "foo" [alpha].
+This constraint could be solved via
+ instance Has (T a) "foo" [a].
+However, if the field type involved a type family, for example
+ type family F x
+ data U a = MkU { foo :: F a }
+then we would end up with
+ [Wanted] Has (U alpha) "foo" (F alpha)
+which does not obviously match
+ instance Has (U a) "foo" (F a).
+Thus we always generate an instance like
+ instance b ~ F a => Has (U a) "foo" b
+that matches only on the first two parameters.
+In any case, the third parameter of 'Upd' is not functionally
+dependent on the first two, because it represents the new type being
+assigned to the field, not its current type. Thus we must generate
+ instance b ~ [c] => Upd (T a) "foo" b
+to ensure that a constraint like
+ [Wanted] Upd (T alpha) "foo" beta
+will be solved.
+Note [Why not associated types]
+'FldTy' could be an associated type, but 'UpdTy' cannot, so
+for consistency both are separate top-level type families. The
+parameters of associated types must be exactly the same as the class
+header (they cannot be more specific instances), so this is currently
+ instance t ~ [b] => Upd (T a) "foo" t where
+ type UpdTy (T a) "foo" [b] = T b
+If this were allowed, both type families could become associated
+types. See Trac #8161. The difference is minimal, however.
+Note [Superclasses of Upd]
+The superclasses of 'Upd' ensure that there is always a corresponding
+'Has' instance, and that the invariant
+ r ~ UpdTy r n (FldTy r n)
+always holds. This says that setting a field without changing its type
+does not change the type of the record. It is included so that
+ [Given] Upd r n (FldTy r n)
+ setField :: Proxy# n -> r -> FldTy r n -> r
+which may make it easier to write some very polymorphic code to update
+fields. If you can think of a concrete example of why this is useful,
+please add it here!
+-- | @Accessor p r n t@ means that @p@ is a type into which a field
+-- with name @n@ having type @t@ in record @r@ can be translated. The
+-- canonical instance is for the function space (->), which just
+-- returns the getter (completely ignoring the setter). Lens
+-- libraries may give instances of 'Accessor' so that overloaded
+-- fields can be used as lenses.
+class Accessor (p :: * -> * -> *) (r :: *) (n :: Symbol) (t :: *) where
+ -- | @accessField z getter setter@ injects a getter and setter pair into @p@
+ accessField :: Proxy# n ->
+ (Has r n t => r -> t) ->
+ (forall t' . Upd r n t' => r -> t' -> UpdTy r n t') ->
+ p r t
+instance Has r n t => Accessor (->) r n t where
+ accessField _ getter _ = getter
+When the OverloadedRecordFields extension is enabled, a field @foo@ in
+an expression is translated into
+ field (proxy# :: Proxy# "foo") :: Accessor p r "foo" t => p r t
+-- | Target for translation of overloaded record field occurrences
+field :: forall p r n t . Accessor p r n t => Proxy# n -> p r t
+field z = accessField z (getField z) (setField z)
+Note [On the multiplicity of parameters]
+One might me tempted to remove the third redundant parameter of the
+'Has' class, since it is always determined by the first two.
+Similarly, the 'Accessor' class can be defined using only the 'p' and
+'n' parameters. However, apart from the three-parameter version of
+'Has' naturally supporting the syntactic sugar, this approach leads to
+better error messages for misues of fields. For example, we get
+ No instance for (Int -> Int) {x :: Bool}
+ arising from a use of the record selector ‛x’
+ The type ‛(->)’ does not have a field ‛x’
+instead of
+ Couldn't match type ‛GHC.Records.FldTy (Int -> Int) "x"’
+ with ‛Bool’
+ Expected type: (Int -> Int) -> Bool
+ Actual type: (Int -> Int) -> GHC.Records.FldTy (Int -> Int) "x"
+Crucially, the type of 'field', into which overloaded fields are
+translated, does not mention the 'FldTy' type family. Thus we get an
+error from failing to find the necessary 'Has' instance instead of
+failing to expand 'FldTy'.
+This also means that the type of an overloaded field 'foo' is
+ GHC.Records.Accessor t t1 "foo" t2 => t t1 t2
+rather than
+ GHC.Records.Accessor t t1 "foo" => t t1 (GHC.Records.FldTy t1 "foo")