path: root/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs')
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diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
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+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, MagicHash, PolymorphicComponents, RoleAnnotations, UnboxedTuples #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Language.Haskell.Syntax
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2003
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Portability : portable
+-- Abstract syntax definitions for Template Haskell.
+module Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax where
+import GHC.Exts
+import Data.Data (Data(..), Typeable, mkConstr, mkDataType, constrIndex)
+import qualified Data.Data as Data
+import Control.Applicative( Applicative(..) )
+import Data.IORef
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
+import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
+import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isUpper )
+import Data.Word ( Word8 )
+-- The Quasi class
+class (Monad m, Applicative m) => Quasi m where
+ qNewName :: String -> m Name
+ -- ^ Fresh names
+ -- Error reporting and recovery
+ qReport :: Bool -> String -> m () -- ^ Report an error (True) or warning (False)
+ -- ...but carry on; use 'fail' to stop
+ qRecover :: m a -- ^ the error handler
+ -> m a -- ^ action which may fail
+ -> m a -- ^ Recover from the monadic 'fail'
+ -- Inspect the type-checker's environment
+ qLookupName :: Bool -> String -> m (Maybe Name)
+ -- True <=> type namespace, False <=> value namespace
+ qReify :: Name -> m Info
+ qReifyInstances :: Name -> [Type] -> m [Dec]
+ -- Is (n tys) an instance?
+ -- Returns list of matching instance Decs
+ -- (with empty sub-Decs)
+ -- Works for classes and type functions
+ qReifyRoles :: Name -> m [Role]
+ qReifyAnnotations :: Data a => AnnLookup -> m [a]
+ qReifyModule :: Module -> m ModuleInfo
+ qLocation :: m Loc
+ qRunIO :: IO a -> m a
+ -- ^ Input/output (dangerous)
+ qAddDependentFile :: FilePath -> m ()
+ qAddTopDecls :: [Dec] -> m ()
+ qAddModFinalizer :: Q () -> m ()
+ qGetQ :: Typeable a => m (Maybe a)
+ qPutQ :: Typeable a => a -> m ()
+-- The IO instance of Quasi
+-- This instance is used only when running a Q
+-- computation in the IO monad, usually just to
+-- print the result. There is no interesting
+-- type environment, so reification isn't going to
+-- work.
+instance Quasi IO where
+ qNewName s = do { n <- readIORef counter
+ ; writeIORef counter (n+1)
+ ; return (mkNameU s n) }
+ qReport True msg = hPutStrLn stderr ("Template Haskell error: " ++ msg)
+ qReport False msg = hPutStrLn stderr ("Template Haskell error: " ++ msg)
+ qLookupName _ _ = badIO "lookupName"
+ qReify _ = badIO "reify"
+ qReifyInstances _ _ = badIO "reifyInstances"
+ qReifyRoles _ = badIO "reifyRoles"
+ qReifyAnnotations _ = badIO "reifyAnnotations"
+ qReifyModule _ = badIO "reifyModule"
+ qLocation = badIO "currentLocation"
+ qRecover _ _ = badIO "recover" -- Maybe we could fix this?
+ qAddDependentFile _ = badIO "addDependentFile"
+ qAddTopDecls _ = badIO "addTopDecls"
+ qAddModFinalizer _ = badIO "addModFinalizer"
+ qGetQ = badIO "getQ"
+ qPutQ _ = badIO "putQ"
+ qRunIO m = m
+badIO :: String -> IO a
+badIO op = do { qReport True ("Can't do `" ++ op ++ "' in the IO monad")
+ ; fail "Template Haskell failure" }
+-- Global variable to generate unique symbols
+counter :: IORef Int
+{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
+counter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
+-- The Q monad
+newtype Q a = Q { unQ :: forall m. Quasi m => m a }
+-- \"Runs\" the 'Q' monad. Normal users of Template Haskell
+-- should not need this function, as the splice brackets @$( ... )@
+-- are the usual way of running a 'Q' computation.
+-- This function is primarily used in GHC internals, and for debugging
+-- splices by running them in 'IO'.
+-- Note that many functions in 'Q', such as 'reify' and other compiler
+-- queries, are not supported when running 'Q' in 'IO'; these operations
+-- simply fail at runtime. Indeed, the only operations guaranteed to succeed
+-- are 'newName', 'runIO', 'reportError' and 'reportWarning'.
+runQ :: Quasi m => Q a -> m a
+runQ (Q m) = m
+instance Monad Q where
+ return x = Q (return x)
+ Q m >>= k = Q (m >>= \x -> unQ (k x))
+ Q m >> Q n = Q (m >> n)
+ fail s = report True s >> Q (fail "Q monad failure")
+instance Functor Q where
+ fmap f (Q x) = Q (fmap f x)
+instance Applicative Q where
+ pure x = Q (pure x)
+ Q f <*> Q x = Q (f <*> x)
+-- The TExp type
+type role TExp nominal -- See Note [Role of TExp]
+newtype TExp a = TExp { unType :: Exp }
+unTypeQ :: Q (TExp a) -> Q Exp
+unTypeQ m = do { TExp e <- m
+ ; return e }
+unsafeTExpCoerce :: Q Exp -> Q (TExp a)
+unsafeTExpCoerce m = do { e <- m
+ ; return (TExp e) }
+{- Note [Role of TExp]
+TExp's argument must have a nominal role, not phantom as would
+be inferred (Trac #8459). Consider
+ e :: TExp Age
+ e = MkAge 3
+ foo = $(coerce e) + 4::Int
+The splice will evaluate to (MkAge 3) and you can't add that to
+4::Int. So you can't coerce a (TExp Age) to a (TExp Int). -}
+-- Packaged versions for the programmer, hiding the Quasi-ness
+{- |
+Generate a fresh name, which cannot be captured.
+For example, this:
+@f = $(do
+ nm1 <- newName \"x\"
+ let nm2 = 'mkName' \"x\"
+ return ('LamE' ['VarP' nm1] (LamE [VarP nm2] ('VarE' nm1)))
+ )@
+will produce the splice
+>f = \x0 -> \x -> x0
+In particular, the occurrence @VarE nm1@ refers to the binding @VarP nm1@,
+and is not captured by the binding @VarP nm2@.
+Although names generated by @newName@ cannot /be captured/, they can
+/capture/ other names. For example, this:
+>g = $(do
+> nm1 <- newName "x"
+> let nm2 = mkName "x"
+> return (LamE [VarP nm2] (LamE [VarP nm1] (VarE nm2)))
+> )
+will produce the splice
+>g = \x -> \x0 -> x0
+since the occurrence @VarE nm2@ is captured by the innermost binding
+of @x@, namely @VarP nm1@.
+newName :: String -> Q Name
+newName s = Q (qNewName s)
+-- | Report an error (True) or warning (False),
+-- but carry on; use 'fail' to stop.
+report :: Bool -> String -> Q ()
+report b s = Q (qReport b s)
+{-# DEPRECATED report "Use reportError or reportWarning instead" #-} -- deprecated in 7.6
+-- | Report an error to the user, but allow the current splice's computation to carry on. To abort the computation, use 'fail'.
+reportError :: String -> Q ()
+reportError = report True
+-- | Report a warning to the user, and carry on.
+reportWarning :: String -> Q ()
+reportWarning = report False
+-- | Recover from errors raised by 'reportError' or 'fail'.
+recover :: Q a -- ^ handler to invoke on failure
+ -> Q a -- ^ computation to run
+ -> Q a
+recover (Q r) (Q m) = Q (qRecover r m)
+-- We don't export lookupName; the Bool isn't a great API
+-- Instead we export lookupTypeName, lookupValueName
+lookupName :: Bool -> String -> Q (Maybe Name)
+lookupName ns s = Q (qLookupName ns s)
+-- | Look up the given name in the (type namespace of the) current splice's scope. See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#namelookup" for more details.
+lookupTypeName :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
+lookupTypeName s = Q (qLookupName True s)
+-- | Look up the given name in the (value namespace of the) current splice's scope. See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#namelookup" for more details.
+lookupValueName :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
+lookupValueName s = Q (qLookupName False s)
+Note [Name lookup]
+{- $namelookup #namelookup#
+The functions 'lookupTypeName' and 'lookupValueName' provide
+a way to query the current splice's context for what names
+are in scope. The function 'lookupTypeName' queries the type
+namespace, whereas 'lookupValueName' queries the value namespace,
+but the functions are otherwise identical.
+A call @lookupValueName s@ will check if there is a value
+with name @s@ in scope at the current splice's location. If
+there is, the @Name@ of this value is returned;
+if not, then @Nothing@ is returned.
+The returned name cannot be \"captured\".
+For example:
+> f = "global"
+> g = $( do
+> Just nm <- lookupValueName "f"
+> [| let f = "local" in $( varE nm ) |]
+In this case, @g = \"global\"@; the call to @lookupValueName@
+returned the global @f@, and this name was /not/ captured by
+the local definition of @f@.
+The lookup is performed in the context of the /top-level/ splice
+being run. For example:
+> f = "global"
+> g = $( [| let f = "local" in
+> $(do
+> Just nm <- lookupValueName "f"
+> varE nm
+> ) |] )
+Again in this example, @g = \"global\"@, because the call to
+@lookupValueName@ queries the context of the outer-most @$(...)@.
+Operators should be queried without any surrounding parentheses, like so:
+> lookupValueName "+"
+Qualified names are also supported, like so:
+> lookupValueName "Prelude.+"
+> lookupValueName ""
+{- | 'reify' looks up information about the 'Name'.
+It is sometimes useful to construct the argument name using 'lookupTypeName' or 'lookupValueName'
+to ensure that we are reifying from the right namespace. For instance, in this context:
+> data D = D
+which @D@ does @reify (mkName \"D\")@ return information about? (Answer: @D@-the-type, but don't rely on it.)
+To ensure we get information about @D@-the-value, use 'lookupValueName':
+> do
+> Just nm <- lookupValueName "D"
+> reify nm
+and to get information about @D@-the-type, use 'lookupTypeName'.
+reify :: Name -> Q Info
+reify v = Q (qReify v)
+{- | @reifyInstances nm tys@ returns a list of visible instances of @nm tys@. That is,
+if @nm@ is the name of a type class, then all instances of this class at the types @tys@
+are returned. Alternatively, if @nm@ is the name of a data family or type family,
+all instances of this family at the types @tys@ are returned.
+reifyInstances :: Name -> [Type] -> Q [InstanceDec]
+reifyInstances cls tys = Q (qReifyInstances cls tys)
+{- | @reifyRoles nm@ returns the list of roles associated with the parameters of
+the tycon @nm@. Fails if @nm@ cannot be found or is not a tycon.
+The returned list should never contain 'InferR'.
+reifyRoles :: Name -> Q [Role]
+reifyRoles nm = Q (qReifyRoles nm)
+-- | @reifyAnnotations target@ returns the list of annotations
+-- associated with @target@. Only the annotations that are
+-- appropriately typed is returned. So if you have @Int@ and @String@
+-- annotations for the same target, you have to call this function twice.
+reifyAnnotations :: Data a => AnnLookup -> Q [a]
+reifyAnnotations an = Q (qReifyAnnotations an)
+-- | @reifyModule mod@ looks up information about module @mod@. To
+-- look up the current module, call this function with the return
+-- value of @thisModule@.
+reifyModule :: Module -> Q ModuleInfo
+reifyModule m = Q (qReifyModule m)
+-- | Is the list of instances returned by 'reifyInstances' nonempty?
+isInstance :: Name -> [Type] -> Q Bool
+isInstance nm tys = do { decs <- reifyInstances nm tys
+ ; return (not (null decs)) }
+-- | The location at which this computation is spliced.
+location :: Q Loc
+location = Q qLocation
+-- |The 'runIO' function lets you run an I\/O computation in the 'Q' monad.
+-- Take care: you are guaranteed the ordering of calls to 'runIO' within
+-- a single 'Q' computation, but not about the order in which splices are run.
+-- Note: for various murky reasons, stdout and stderr handles are not
+-- necesarily flushed when the compiler finishes running, so you should
+-- flush them yourself.
+runIO :: IO a -> Q a
+runIO m = Q (qRunIO m)
+-- | Record external files that runIO is using (dependent upon).
+-- The compiler can then recognize that it should re-compile the file using this TH when the external file changes.
+-- Note that ghc -M will still not know about these dependencies - it does not execute TH.
+-- Expects an absolute file path.
+addDependentFile :: FilePath -> Q ()
+addDependentFile fp = Q (qAddDependentFile fp)
+-- | Add additional top-level declarations. The added declarations will be type
+-- checked along with the current declaration group.
+addTopDecls :: [Dec] -> Q ()
+addTopDecls ds = Q (qAddTopDecls ds)
+-- | Add a finalizer that will run in the Q monad after the current module has
+-- been type checked. This only makes sense when run within a top-level splice.
+addModFinalizer :: Q () -> Q ()
+addModFinalizer act = Q (qAddModFinalizer (unQ act))
+-- | Get state from the Q monad.
+getQ :: Typeable a => Q (Maybe a)
+getQ = Q qGetQ
+-- | Replace the state in the Q monad.
+putQ :: Typeable a => a -> Q ()
+putQ x = Q (qPutQ x)
+instance Quasi Q where
+ qNewName = newName
+ qReport = report
+ qRecover = recover
+ qReify = reify
+ qReifyInstances = reifyInstances
+ qReifyRoles = reifyRoles
+ qReifyAnnotations = reifyAnnotations
+ qReifyModule = reifyModule
+ qLookupName = lookupName
+ qLocation = location
+ qRunIO = runIO
+ qAddDependentFile = addDependentFile
+ qAddTopDecls = addTopDecls
+ qAddModFinalizer = addModFinalizer
+ qGetQ = getQ
+ qPutQ = putQ
+-- The following operations are used solely in DsMeta when desugaring brackets
+-- They are not necessary for the user, who can use ordinary return and (>>=) etc
+returnQ :: a -> Q a
+returnQ = return
+bindQ :: Q a -> (a -> Q b) -> Q b
+bindQ = (>>=)
+sequenceQ :: [Q a] -> Q [a]
+sequenceQ = sequence
+-- The Lift class
+class Lift t where
+ lift :: t -> Q Exp
+instance Lift Integer where
+ lift x = return (LitE (IntegerL x))
+instance Lift Int where
+ lift x= return (LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral x)))
+instance Lift Char where
+ lift x = return (LitE (CharL x))
+instance Lift Bool where
+ lift True = return (ConE trueName)
+ lift False = return (ConE falseName)
+instance Lift a => Lift (Maybe a) where
+ lift Nothing = return (ConE nothingName)
+ lift (Just x) = liftM (ConE justName `AppE`) (lift x)
+instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (Either a b) where
+ lift (Left x) = liftM (ConE leftName `AppE`) (lift x)
+ lift (Right y) = liftM (ConE rightName `AppE`) (lift y)
+instance Lift a => Lift [a] where
+ lift xs = do { xs' <- mapM lift xs; return (ListE xs') }
+liftString :: String -> Q Exp
+-- Used in TcExpr to short-circuit the lifting for strings
+liftString s = return (LitE (StringL s))
+instance (Lift a, Lift b) => Lift (a, b) where
+ lift (a, b)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b]
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c) => Lift (a, b, c) where
+ lift (a, b, c)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c]
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d) => Lift (a, b, c, d) where
+ lift (a, b, c, d)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d]
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e)
+ => Lift (a, b, c, d, e) where
+ lift (a, b, c, d, e)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e]
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f)
+ => Lift (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
+ lift (a, b, c, d, e, f)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f]
+instance (Lift a, Lift b, Lift c, Lift d, Lift e, Lift f, Lift g)
+ => Lift (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
+ lift (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
+ = liftM TupE $ sequence [lift a, lift b, lift c, lift d, lift e, lift f, lift g]
+-- TH has a special form for literal strings,
+-- which we should take advantage of.
+-- NB: the lhs of the rule has no args, so that
+-- the rule will apply to a 'lift' all on its own
+-- which happens to be the way the type checker
+-- creates it.
+{-# RULES "TH:liftString" lift = \s -> return (LitE (StringL s)) #-}
+trueName, falseName :: Name
+trueName = mkNameG DataName "ghc-prim" "GHC.Types" "True"
+falseName = mkNameG DataName "ghc-prim" "GHC.Types" "False"
+nothingName, justName :: Name
+nothingName = mkNameG DataName "base" "Data.Maybe" "Nothing"
+justName = mkNameG DataName "base" "Data.Maybe" "Just"
+leftName, rightName :: Name
+leftName = mkNameG DataName "base" "Data.Either" "Left"
+rightName = mkNameG DataName "base" "Data.Either" "Right"
+-- Names and uniques
+newtype ModName = ModName String -- Module name
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)
+newtype PkgName = PkgName String -- package name
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)
+-- | Obtained from 'reifyModule' and 'thisModule'.
+data Module = Module PkgName ModName -- package qualified module name
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)
+newtype OccName = OccName String
+ deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data)
+mkModName :: String -> ModName
+mkModName s = ModName s
+modString :: ModName -> String
+modString (ModName m) = m
+mkPkgName :: String -> PkgName
+mkPkgName s = PkgName s
+pkgString :: PkgName -> String
+pkgString (PkgName m) = m
+-- OccName
+mkOccName :: String -> OccName
+mkOccName s = OccName s
+occString :: OccName -> String
+occString (OccName occ) = occ
+-- Names
+-- For "global" names ('NameG') we need a totally unique name,
+-- so we must include the name-space of the thing
+-- For unique-numbered things ('NameU'), we've got a unique reference
+-- anyway, so no need for name space
+-- For dynamically bound thing ('NameS') we probably want them to
+-- in a context-dependent way, so again we don't want the name
+-- space. For example:
+-- > let v = mkName "T" in [| data $v = $v |]
+-- Here we use the same Name for both type constructor and data constructor
+-- NameL and NameG are bound *outside* the TH syntax tree
+-- either globally (NameG) or locally (NameL). Ex:
+-- > f x = $(h [| (map, x) |])
+-- The 'map' will be a NameG, and 'x' wil be a NameL
+-- These Names should never appear in a binding position in a TH syntax tree
+{- $namecapture #namecapture#
+Much of 'Name' API is concerned with the problem of /name capture/, which
+can be seen in the following example.
+> f expr = [| let x = 0 in $expr |]
+> ...
+> g x = $( f [| x |] )
+> h y = $( f [| y |] )
+A naive desugaring of this would yield:
+> g x = let x = 0 in x
+> h y = let x = 0 in y
+All of a sudden, @g@ and @h@ have different meanings! In this case,
+we say that the @x@ in the RHS of @g@ has been /captured/
+by the binding of @x@ in @f@.
+What we actually want is for the @x@ in @f@ to be distinct from the
+@x@ in @g@, so we get the following desugaring:
+> g x = let x' = 0 in x
+> h y = let x' = 0 in y
+which avoids name capture as desired.
+In the general case, we say that a @Name@ can be captured if
+the thing it refers to can be changed by adding new declarations.
+{- |
+An abstract type representing names in the syntax tree.
+'Name's can be constructed in several ways, which come with different
+name-capture guarantees (see "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#namecapture" for
+an explanation of name capture):
+ * the built-in syntax @'f@ and @''T@ can be used to construct names,
+ The expression @'f@ gives a @Name@ which refers to the value @f@
+ currently in scope, and @''T@ gives a @Name@ which refers to the
+ type @T@ currently in scope. These names can never be captured.
+ * 'lookupValueName' and 'lookupTypeName' are similar to @'f@ and
+ @''T@ respectively, but the @Name@s are looked up at the point
+ where the current splice is being run. These names can never be
+ captured.
+ * 'newName' monadically generates a new name, which can never
+ be captured.
+ * 'mkName' generates a capturable name.
+Names constructed using @newName@ and @mkName@ may be used in bindings
+(such as @let x = ...@ or @\x -> ...@), but names constructed using
+@lookupValueName@, @lookupTypeName@, @'f@, @''T@ may not.
+data Name = Name OccName NameFlavour deriving (Typeable, Data)
+data NameFlavour
+ = NameS -- ^ An unqualified name; dynamically bound
+ | NameQ ModName -- ^ A qualified name; dynamically bound
+ | NameU Int# -- ^ A unique local name
+ | NameL Int# -- ^ Local name bound outside of the TH AST
+ | NameG NameSpace PkgName ModName -- ^ Global name bound outside of the TH AST:
+ -- An original name (occurrences only, not binders)
+ -- Need the namespace too to be sure which
+ -- thing we are naming
+ deriving ( Typeable )
+-- |
+-- Although the NameFlavour type is abstract, the Data instance is not. The reason for this
+-- is that currently we use Data to serialize values in annotations, and in order for that to
+-- work for Template Haskell names introduced via the 'x syntax we need gunfold on NameFlavour
+-- to work. Bleh!
+-- The long term solution to this is to use the binary package for annotation serialization and
+-- then remove this instance. However, to do _that_ we need to wait on binary to become stable, since
+-- boot libraries cannot be upgraded separately from GHC itself.
+-- This instance cannot be derived automatically due to bug #2701
+instance Data NameFlavour where
+ gfoldl _ z NameS = z NameS
+ gfoldl k z (NameQ mn) = z NameQ `k` mn
+ gfoldl k z (NameU i) = z (\(I# i') -> NameU i') `k` (I# i)
+ gfoldl k z (NameL i) = z (\(I# i') -> NameL i') `k` (I# i)
+ gfoldl k z (NameG ns p m) = z NameG `k` ns `k` p `k` m
+ gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
+ 1 -> z NameS
+ 2 -> k $ z NameQ
+ 3 -> k $ z (\(I# i) -> NameU i)
+ 4 -> k $ z (\(I# i) -> NameL i)
+ 5 -> k $ k $ k $ z NameG
+ _ -> error "gunfold: NameFlavour"
+ toConstr NameS = con_NameS
+ toConstr (NameQ _) = con_NameQ
+ toConstr (NameU _) = con_NameU
+ toConstr (NameL _) = con_NameL
+ toConstr (NameG _ _ _) = con_NameG
+ dataTypeOf _ = ty_NameFlavour
+con_NameS, con_NameQ, con_NameU, con_NameL, con_NameG :: Data.Constr
+con_NameS = mkConstr ty_NameFlavour "NameS" [] Data.Prefix
+con_NameQ = mkConstr ty_NameFlavour "NameQ" [] Data.Prefix
+con_NameU = mkConstr ty_NameFlavour "NameU" [] Data.Prefix
+con_NameL = mkConstr ty_NameFlavour "NameL" [] Data.Prefix
+con_NameG = mkConstr ty_NameFlavour "NameG" [] Data.Prefix
+ty_NameFlavour :: Data.DataType
+ty_NameFlavour = mkDataType "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.NameFlavour"
+ [con_NameS, con_NameQ, con_NameU,
+ con_NameL, con_NameG]
+data NameSpace = VarName -- ^ Variables
+ | DataName -- ^ Data constructors
+ | TcClsName -- ^ Type constructors and classes; Haskell has them
+ -- in the same name space for now.
+ deriving( Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable )
+type Uniq = Int
+-- | The name without its module prefix
+nameBase :: Name -> String
+nameBase (Name occ _) = occString occ
+-- | Module prefix of a name, if it exists
+nameModule :: Name -> Maybe String
+nameModule (Name _ (NameQ m)) = Just (modString m)
+nameModule (Name _ (NameG _ _ m)) = Just (modString m)
+nameModule _ = Nothing
+{- |
+Generate a capturable name. Occurrences of such names will be
+resolved according to the Haskell scoping rules at the occurrence
+For example:
+> f = [| pi + $(varE (mkName "pi")) |]
+> ...
+> g = let pi = 3 in $f
+In this case, @g@ is desugared to
+> g = Prelude.pi + 3
+Note that @mkName@ may be used with qualified names:
+> mkName "Prelude.pi"
+See also 'Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.dyn' for a useful combinator. The above example could
+be rewritten using 'dyn' as
+> f = [| pi + $(dyn "pi") |]
+mkName :: String -> Name
+-- The string can have a '.', thus "Foo.baz",
+-- giving a dynamically-bound qualified name,
+-- in which case we want to generate a NameQ
+-- Parse the string to see if it has a "." in it
+-- so we know whether to generate a qualified or unqualified name
+-- It's a bit tricky because we need to parse
+-- > Foo.Baz.x as Qual Foo.Baz x
+-- So we parse it from back to front
+mkName str
+ = split [] (reverse str)
+ where
+ split occ [] = Name (mkOccName occ) NameS
+ split occ ('.':rev) | not (null occ)
+ , is_rev_mod_name rev
+ = Name (mkOccName occ) (NameQ (mkModName (reverse rev)))
+ -- The 'not (null occ)' guard ensures that
+ -- mkName "&." = Name "&." NameS
+ -- The 'is_rev_mod' guards ensure that
+ -- mkName ".&" = Name ".&" NameS
+ -- mkName "^.." = Name "^.." NameS -- Trac #8633
+ -- mkName "Data.Bits..&" = Name ".&" (NameQ "Data.Bits")
+ -- This rather bizarre case actually happened; (.&.) is in Data.Bits
+ split occ (c:rev) = split (c:occ) rev
+ -- Recognises a reversed module name xA.yB.C,
+ -- with at least one component,
+ -- and each component looks like a module name
+ -- (i.e. non-empty, starts with capital, all alpha)
+ is_rev_mod_name rev_mod_str
+ | (compt, rest) <- break (== '.') rev_mod_str
+ , not (null compt), isUpper (last compt), all is_mod_char compt
+ = case rest of
+ [] -> True
+ (_dot : rest') -> is_rev_mod_name rest'
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ is_mod_char c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''
+-- | Only used internally
+mkNameU :: String -> Uniq -> Name
+mkNameU s (I# u) = Name (mkOccName s) (NameU u)
+-- | Only used internally
+mkNameL :: String -> Uniq -> Name
+mkNameL s (I# u) = Name (mkOccName s) (NameL u)
+-- | Used for 'x etc, but not available to the programmer
+mkNameG :: NameSpace -> String -> String -> String -> Name
+mkNameG ns pkg modu occ
+ = Name (mkOccName occ) (NameG ns (mkPkgName pkg) (mkModName modu))
+mkNameG_v, mkNameG_tc, mkNameG_d :: String -> String -> String -> Name
+mkNameG_v = mkNameG VarName
+mkNameG_tc = mkNameG TcClsName
+mkNameG_d = mkNameG DataName
+instance Eq Name where
+ v1 == v2 = cmpEq (v1 `compare` v2)
+instance Ord Name where
+ (Name o1 f1) `compare` (Name o2 f2) = (f1 `compare` f2) `thenCmp`
+ (o1 `compare` o2)
+instance Eq NameFlavour where
+ f1 == f2 = cmpEq (f1 `compare` f2)
+instance Ord NameFlavour where
+ -- NameS < NameQ < NameU < NameL < NameG
+ NameS `compare` NameS = EQ
+ NameS `compare` _ = LT
+ (NameQ _) `compare` NameS = GT
+ (NameQ m1) `compare` (NameQ m2) = m1 `compare` m2
+ (NameQ _) `compare` _ = LT
+ (NameU _) `compare` NameS = GT
+ (NameU _) `compare` (NameQ _) = GT
+ (NameU u1) `compare` (NameU u2) | isTrue# (u1 <# u2) = LT
+ | isTrue# (u1 ==# u2) = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+ (NameU _) `compare` _ = LT
+ (NameL _) `compare` NameS = GT
+ (NameL _) `compare` (NameQ _) = GT
+ (NameL _) `compare` (NameU _) = GT
+ (NameL u1) `compare` (NameL u2) | isTrue# (u1 <# u2) = LT
+ | isTrue# (u1 ==# u2) = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+ (NameL _) `compare` _ = LT
+ (NameG ns1 p1 m1) `compare` (NameG ns2 p2 m2) = (ns1 `compare` ns2) `thenCmp`
+ (p1 `compare` p2) `thenCmp`
+ (m1 `compare` m2)
+ (NameG _ _ _) `compare` _ = GT
+data NameIs = Alone | Applied | Infix
+showName :: Name -> String
+showName = showName' Alone
+showName' :: NameIs -> Name -> String
+showName' ni nm
+ = case ni of
+ Alone -> nms
+ Applied
+ | pnam -> nms
+ | otherwise -> "(" ++ nms ++ ")"
+ Infix
+ | pnam -> "`" ++ nms ++ "`"
+ | otherwise -> nms
+ where
+ -- For now, we make the NameQ and NameG print the same, even though
+ -- NameQ is a qualified name (so what it means depends on what the
+ -- current scope is), and NameG is an original name (so its meaning
+ -- should be independent of what's in scope.
+ -- We may well want to distinguish them in the end.
+ -- Ditto NameU and NameL
+ nms = case nm of
+ Name occ NameS -> occString occ
+ Name occ (NameQ m) -> modString m ++ "." ++ occString occ
+ Name occ (NameG _ _ m) -> modString m ++ "." ++ occString occ
+ Name occ (NameU u) -> occString occ ++ "_" ++ show (I# u)
+ Name occ (NameL u) -> occString occ ++ "_" ++ show (I# u)
+ pnam = classify nms
+ -- True if we are function style, e.g. f, [], (,)
+ -- False if we are operator style, e.g. +, :+
+ classify "" = False -- shouldn't happen; . operator is handled below
+ classify (x:xs) | isAlpha x || (x `elem` "_[]()") =
+ case dropWhile (/='.') xs of
+ (_:xs') -> classify xs'
+ [] -> True
+ | otherwise = False
+instance Show Name where
+ show = showName
+-- Tuple data and type constructors
+-- | Tuple data constructor
+tupleDataName :: Int -> Name
+-- | Tuple type constructor
+tupleTypeName :: Int -> Name
+tupleDataName 0 = mk_tup_name 0 DataName
+tupleDataName 1 = error "tupleDataName 1"
+tupleDataName n = mk_tup_name (n-1) DataName
+tupleTypeName 0 = mk_tup_name 0 TcClsName
+tupleTypeName 1 = error "tupleTypeName 1"
+tupleTypeName n = mk_tup_name (n-1) TcClsName
+mk_tup_name :: Int -> NameSpace -> Name
+mk_tup_name n_commas space
+ = Name occ (NameG space (mkPkgName "ghc-prim") tup_mod)
+ where
+ occ = mkOccName ('(' : replicate n_commas ',' ++ ")")
+ tup_mod = mkModName "GHC.Tuple"
+-- Unboxed tuple data and type constructors
+-- | Unboxed tuple data constructor
+unboxedTupleDataName :: Int -> Name
+-- | Unboxed tuple type constructor
+unboxedTupleTypeName :: Int -> Name
+unboxedTupleDataName 0 = error "unboxedTupleDataName 0"
+unboxedTupleDataName 1 = error "unboxedTupleDataName 1"
+unboxedTupleDataName n = mk_unboxed_tup_name (n-1) DataName
+unboxedTupleTypeName 0 = error "unboxedTupleTypeName 0"
+unboxedTupleTypeName 1 = error "unboxedTupleTypeName 1"
+unboxedTupleTypeName n = mk_unboxed_tup_name (n-1) TcClsName
+mk_unboxed_tup_name :: Int -> NameSpace -> Name
+mk_unboxed_tup_name n_commas space
+ = Name occ (NameG space (mkPkgName "ghc-prim") tup_mod)
+ where
+ occ = mkOccName ("(#" ++ replicate n_commas ',' ++ "#)")
+ tup_mod = mkModName "GHC.Tuple"
+-- Locations
+data Loc
+ = Loc { loc_filename :: String
+ , loc_package :: String
+ , loc_module :: String
+ , loc_start :: CharPos
+ , loc_end :: CharPos }
+type CharPos = (Int, Int) -- ^ Line and character position
+-- The Info returned by reification
+-- | Obtained from 'reify' in the 'Q' Monad.
+data Info
+ =
+ -- | A class, with a list of its visible instances
+ ClassI
+ Dec
+ [InstanceDec]
+ -- | A class method
+ | ClassOpI
+ Name
+ Type
+ ParentName
+ Fixity
+ -- | A \"plain\" type constructor. \"Fancier\" type constructors are returned using 'PrimTyConI' or 'FamilyI' as appropriate
+ | TyConI
+ Dec
+ -- | A type or data family, with a list of its visible instances. A closed
+ -- type family is returned with 0 instances.
+ | FamilyI
+ Dec
+ [InstanceDec]
+ -- | A \"primitive\" type constructor, which can't be expressed with a 'Dec'. Examples: @(->)@, @Int#@.
+ | PrimTyConI
+ Name
+ Arity
+ Unlifted
+ -- | A data constructor
+ | DataConI
+ Name
+ Type
+ ParentName
+ Fixity
+ {- |
+ A \"value\" variable (as opposed to a type variable, see 'TyVarI').
+ The @Maybe Dec@ field contains @Just@ the declaration which
+ defined the variable -- including the RHS of the declaration --
+ or else @Nothing@, in the case where the RHS is unavailable to
+ the compiler. At present, this value is _always_ @Nothing@:
+ returning the RHS has not yet been implemented because of
+ lack of interest.
+ -}
+ | VarI
+ Name
+ Type
+ (Maybe Dec)
+ Fixity
+ {- |
+ A type variable.
+ The @Type@ field contains the type which underlies the variable.
+ At present, this is always @'VarT' theName@, but future changes
+ may permit refinement of this.
+ -}
+ | TyVarI -- Scoped type variable
+ Name
+ Type -- What it is bound to
+ deriving( Show, Data, Typeable )
+-- | Obtained from 'reifyModule' in the 'Q' Monad.
+data ModuleInfo =
+ -- | Contains the import list of the module.
+ ModuleInfo [Module]
+ deriving( Show, Data, Typeable )
+{- |
+In 'ClassOpI' and 'DataConI', name of the parent class or type
+type ParentName = Name
+-- | In 'PrimTyConI', arity of the type constructor
+type Arity = Int
+-- | In 'PrimTyConI', is the type constructor unlifted?
+type Unlifted = Bool
+-- | 'InstanceDec' desribes a single instance of a class or type function.
+-- It is just a 'Dec', but guaranteed to be one of the following:
+-- * 'InstanceD' (with empty @['Dec']@)
+-- * 'DataInstD' or 'NewtypeInstD' (with empty derived @['Name']@)
+-- * 'TySynInstD'
+type InstanceDec = Dec
+data Fixity = Fixity Int FixityDirection
+ deriving( Eq, Show, Data, Typeable )
+data FixityDirection = InfixL | InfixR | InfixN
+ deriving( Eq, Show, Data, Typeable )
+-- | Highest allowed operator precedence for 'Fixity' constructor (answer: 9)
+maxPrecedence :: Int
+maxPrecedence = (9::Int)
+-- | Default fixity: @infixl 9@
+defaultFixity :: Fixity
+defaultFixity = Fixity maxPrecedence InfixL
+Note [Unresolved infix]
+{- $infix #infix#
+When implementing antiquotation for quasiquoters, one often wants
+to parse strings into expressions:
+> parse :: String -> Maybe Exp
+But how should we parse @a + b * c@? If we don't know the fixities of
+@+@ and @*@, we don't know whether to parse it as @a + (b * c)@ or @(a
++ b) * c@.
+In cases like this, use 'UInfixE' or 'UInfixP', which stand for
+\"unresolved infix expression\" and \"unresolved infix pattern\". When
+the compiler is given a splice containing a tree of @UInfixE@
+applications such as
+> UInfixE
+> (UInfixE e1 op1 e2)
+> op2
+> (UInfixE e3 op3 e4)
+it will look up and the fixities of the relevant operators and
+reassociate the tree as necessary.
+ * trees will not be reassociated across 'ParensE' or 'ParensP',
+ which are of use for parsing expressions like
+ > (a + b * c) + d * e
+ * 'InfixE' and 'InfixP' expressions are never reassociated.
+ * The 'UInfixE' constructor doesn't support sections. Sections
+ such as @(a *)@ have no ambiguity, so 'InfixE' suffices. For longer
+ sections such as @(a + b * c -)@, use an 'InfixE' constructor for the
+ outer-most section, and use 'UInfixE' constructors for all
+ other operators:
+ > InfixE
+ > Just (UInfixE ...a + b * c...)
+ > op
+ > Nothing
+ Sections such as @(a + b +)@ and @((a + b) +)@ should be rendered
+ into 'Exp's differently:
+ > (+ a + b) ---> InfixE Nothing + (Just $ UInfixE a + b)
+ > -- will result in a fixity error if (+) is left-infix
+ > (+ (a + b)) ---> InfixE Nothing + (Just $ ParensE $ UInfixE a + b)
+ > -- no fixity errors
+ * Quoted expressions such as
+ > [| a * b + c |] :: Q Exp
+ > [p| a : b : c |] :: Q Pat
+ will never contain 'UInfixE', 'UInfixP', 'ParensE', or 'ParensP'
+ constructors.
+-- The main syntax data types
+data Lit = CharL Char
+ | StringL String
+ | IntegerL Integer -- ^ Used for overloaded and non-overloaded
+ -- literals. We don't have a good way to
+ -- represent non-overloaded literals at
+ -- the moment. Maybe that doesn't matter?
+ | RationalL Rational -- Ditto
+ | IntPrimL Integer
+ | WordPrimL Integer
+ | FloatPrimL Rational
+ | DoublePrimL Rational
+ | StringPrimL [Word8] -- ^ A primitive C-style string, type Addr#
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+ -- We could add Int, Float, Double etc, as we do in HsLit,
+ -- but that could complicate the
+ -- suppposedly-simple TH.Syntax literal type
+-- | Pattern in Haskell given in @{}@
+data Pat
+ = LitP Lit -- ^ @{ 5 or 'c' }@
+ | VarP Name -- ^ @{ x }@
+ | TupP [Pat] -- ^ @{ (p1,p2) }@
+ | UnboxedTupP [Pat] -- ^ @{ (# p1,p2 #) }@
+ | ConP Name [Pat] -- ^ @data T1 = C1 t1 t2; {C1 p1 p1} = e@
+ | InfixP Pat Name Pat -- ^ @foo ({x :+ y}) = e@
+ | UInfixP Pat Name Pat -- ^ @foo ({x :+ y}) = e@
+ --
+ -- See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#infix"
+ | ParensP Pat -- ^ @{(p)}@
+ --
+ -- See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#infix"
+ | TildeP Pat -- ^ @{ ~p }@
+ | BangP Pat -- ^ @{ !p }@
+ | AsP Name Pat -- ^ @{ x \@ p }@
+ | WildP -- ^ @{ _ }@
+ | RecP Name [FieldPat] -- ^ @f (Pt { pointx = x }) = g x@
+ | ListP [ Pat ] -- ^ @{ [1,2,3] }@
+ | SigP Pat Type -- ^ @{ p :: t }@
+ | ViewP Exp Pat -- ^ @{ e -> p }@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+type FieldPat = (Name,Pat)
+data Match = Match Pat Body [Dec] -- ^ @case e of { pat -> body where decs }@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Clause = Clause [Pat] Body [Dec]
+ -- ^ @f { p1 p2 = body where decs }@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Exp
+ = VarE Name -- ^ @{ x }@
+ | ConE Name -- ^ @data T1 = C1 t1 t2; p = {C1} e1 e2 @
+ | LitE Lit -- ^ @{ 5 or 'c'}@
+ | AppE Exp Exp -- ^ @{ f x }@
+ | InfixE (Maybe Exp) Exp (Maybe Exp) -- ^ @{x + y} or {(x+)} or {(+ x)} or {(+)}@
+ -- It's a bit gruesome to use an Exp as the
+ -- operator, but how else can we distinguish
+ -- constructors from non-constructors?
+ -- Maybe there should be a var-or-con type?
+ -- Or maybe we should leave it to the String itself?
+ | UInfixE Exp Exp Exp -- ^ @{x + y}@
+ --
+ -- See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#infix"
+ | ParensE Exp -- ^ @{ (e) }@
+ --
+ -- See "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax#infix"
+ | LamE [Pat] Exp -- ^ @{ \ p1 p2 -> e }@
+ | LamCaseE [Match] -- ^ @{ \case m1; m2 }@
+ | TupE [Exp] -- ^ @{ (e1,e2) } @
+ | UnboxedTupE [Exp] -- ^ @{ (# e1,e2 #) } @
+ | CondE Exp Exp Exp -- ^ @{ if e1 then e2 else e3 }@
+ | MultiIfE [(Guard, Exp)] -- ^ @{ if | g1 -> e1 | g2 -> e2 }@
+ | LetE [Dec] Exp -- ^ @{ let x=e1; y=e2 in e3 }@
+ | CaseE Exp [Match] -- ^ @{ case e of m1; m2 }@
+ | DoE [Stmt] -- ^ @{ do { p <- e1; e2 } }@
+ | CompE [Stmt] -- ^ @{ [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ] }@
+ --
+ -- The result expression of the comprehension is
+ -- the /last/ of the @'Stmt'@s, and should be a 'NoBindS'.
+ --
+ -- E.g. translation:
+ --
+ -- > [ f x | x <- xs ]
+ --
+ -- > CompE [BindS (VarP x) (VarE xs), NoBindS (AppE (VarE f) (VarE x))]
+ | ArithSeqE Range -- ^ @{ [ 1 ,2 .. 10 ] }@
+ | ListE [ Exp ] -- ^ @{ [1,2,3] }@
+ | SigE Exp Type -- ^ @{ e :: t }@
+ | RecConE Name [FieldExp] -- ^ @{ T { x = y, z = w } }@
+ | RecUpdE Exp [FieldExp] -- ^ @{ (f x) { z = w } }@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+type FieldExp = (Name,Exp)
+-- Omitted: implicit parameters
+data Body
+ = GuardedB [(Guard,Exp)] -- ^ @f p { | e1 = e2
+ -- | e3 = e4 }
+ -- where ds@
+ | NormalB Exp -- ^ @f p { = e } where ds@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Guard
+ = NormalG Exp -- ^ @f x { | odd x } = x@
+ | PatG [Stmt] -- ^ @f x { | Just y <- x, Just z <- y } = z@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Stmt
+ = BindS Pat Exp
+ | LetS [ Dec ]
+ | NoBindS Exp
+ | ParS [[Stmt]]
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Range = FromR Exp | FromThenR Exp Exp
+ | FromToR Exp Exp | FromThenToR Exp Exp Exp
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Dec
+ = FunD Name [Clause] -- ^ @{ f p1 p2 = b where decs }@
+ | ValD Pat Body [Dec] -- ^ @{ p = b where decs }@
+ | DataD Cxt Name [TyVarBndr]
+ [Con] [Name] -- ^ @{ data Cxt x => T x = A x | B (T x)
+ -- deriving (Z,W)}@
+ | NewtypeD Cxt Name [TyVarBndr]
+ Con [Name] -- ^ @{ newtype Cxt x => T x = A (B x)
+ -- deriving (Z,W)}@
+ | TySynD Name [TyVarBndr] Type -- ^ @{ type T x = (x,x) }@
+ | ClassD Cxt Name [TyVarBndr]
+ [FunDep] [Dec] -- ^ @{ class Eq a => Ord a where ds }@
+ | InstanceD Cxt Type [Dec] -- ^ @{ instance Show w => Show [w]
+ -- where ds }@
+ | SigD Name Type -- ^ @{ length :: [a] -> Int }@
+ | ForeignD Foreign -- ^ @{ foreign import ... }
+ --{ foreign export ... }@
+ | InfixD Fixity Name -- ^ @{ infix 3 foo }@
+ -- | pragmas
+ | PragmaD Pragma -- ^ @{ {\-# INLINE [1] foo #-\} }@
+ -- | type families (may also appear in [Dec] of 'ClassD' and 'InstanceD')
+ | FamilyD FamFlavour Name
+ [TyVarBndr] (Maybe Kind) -- ^ @{ type family T a b c :: * }@
+ | DataInstD Cxt Name [Type]
+ [Con] [Name] -- ^ @{ data instance Cxt x => T [x] = A x
+ -- | B (T x)
+ -- deriving (Z,W)}@
+ | NewtypeInstD Cxt Name [Type]
+ Con [Name] -- ^ @{ newtype instance Cxt x => T [x] = A (B x)
+ -- deriving (Z,W)}@
+ | TySynInstD Name TySynEqn -- ^ @{ type instance ... }@
+ | ClosedTypeFamilyD Name
+ [TyVarBndr] (Maybe Kind)
+ [TySynEqn] -- ^ @{ type family F a b :: * where ... }@
+ | RoleAnnotD Name [Role] -- ^ @{ type role T nominal representational }@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+-- | One equation of a type family instance or closed type family. The
+-- arguments are the left-hand-side type patterns and the right-hand-side
+-- result.
+data TySynEqn = TySynEqn [Type] Type
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data FunDep = FunDep [Name] [Name]
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data FamFlavour = TypeFam | DataFam
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Foreign = ImportF Callconv Safety String Name Type
+ | ExportF Callconv String Name Type
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Callconv = CCall | StdCall
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Safety = Unsafe | Safe | Interruptible
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Pragma = InlineP Name Inline RuleMatch Phases
+ | SpecialiseP Name Type (Maybe Inline) Phases
+ | SpecialiseInstP Type
+ | RuleP String [RuleBndr] Exp Exp Phases
+ | AnnP AnnTarget Exp
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Inline = NoInline
+ | Inline
+ | Inlinable
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)
+data RuleMatch = ConLike
+ | FunLike
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)
+data Phases = AllPhases
+ | FromPhase Int
+ | BeforePhase Int
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)
+data RuleBndr = RuleVar Name
+ | TypedRuleVar Name Type
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)
+data AnnTarget = ModuleAnnotation
+ | TypeAnnotation Name
+ | ValueAnnotation Name
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)
+type Cxt = [Pred] -- ^ @(Eq a, Ord b)@
+-- | Since the advent of @ConstraintKinds@, constraints are really just types.
+-- Equality constraints use the 'EqualityT' constructor. Constraints may also
+-- be tuples of other constraints.
+type Pred = Type
+data Strict = IsStrict | NotStrict | Unpacked
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data Con = NormalC Name [StrictType] -- ^ @C Int a@
+ | RecC Name [VarStrictType] -- ^ @C { v :: Int, w :: a }@
+ | InfixC StrictType Name StrictType -- ^ @Int :+ a@
+ | ForallC [TyVarBndr] Cxt Con -- ^ @forall a. Eq a => C [a]@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+type StrictType = (Strict, Type)
+type VarStrictType = (Name, Strict, Type)
+data Type = ForallT [TyVarBndr] Cxt Type -- ^ @forall \<vars\>. \<ctxt\> -> \<type\>@
+ | AppT Type Type -- ^ @T a b@
+ | SigT Type Kind -- ^ @t :: k@
+ | VarT Name -- ^ @a@
+ | ConT Name -- ^ @T@
+ | PromotedT Name -- ^ @'T@
+ -- See Note [Representing concrete syntax in types]
+ | TupleT Int -- ^ @(,), (,,), etc.@
+ | UnboxedTupleT Int -- ^ @(#,#), (#,,#), etc.@
+ | ArrowT -- ^ @->@
+ | EqualityT -- ^ @~@
+ | ListT -- ^ @[]@
+ | PromotedTupleT Int -- ^ @'(), '(,), '(,,), etc.@
+ | PromotedNilT -- ^ @'[]@
+ | PromotedConsT -- ^ @(':)@
+ | StarT -- ^ @*@
+ | ConstraintT -- ^ @Constraint@
+ | LitT TyLit -- ^ @0,1,2, etc.@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data TyVarBndr = PlainTV Name -- ^ @a@
+ | KindedTV Name Kind -- ^ @(a :: k)@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+data TyLit = NumTyLit Integer -- ^ @2@
+ | StrTyLit String -- ^ @"Hello"@
+ deriving ( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+-- | Role annotations
+data Role = NominalR -- ^ @nominal@
+ | RepresentationalR -- ^ @representational@
+ | PhantomR -- ^ @phantom@
+ | InferR -- ^ @_@
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+-- | Annotation target for reifyAnnotations
+data AnnLookup = AnnLookupModule Module
+ | AnnLookupName Name
+ deriving( Show, Eq, Data, Typeable )
+-- | To avoid duplication between kinds and types, they
+-- are defined to be the same. Naturally, you would never
+-- have a type be 'StarT' and you would never have a kind
+-- be 'SigT', but many of the other constructors are shared.
+-- Note that the kind @Bool@ is denoted with 'ConT', not
+-- 'PromotedT'. Similarly, tuple kinds are made with 'TupleT',
+-- not 'PromotedTupleT'.
+type Kind = Type
+{- Note [Representing concrete syntax in types]
+Haskell has a rich concrete syntax for types, including
+ t1 -> t2, (t1,t2), [t], and so on
+In TH we represent all of this using AppT, with a distinguished
+type constructor at the head. So,
+ Type TH representation
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ t1 -> t2 ArrowT `AppT` t2 `AppT` t2
+ [t] ListT `AppT` t
+ (t1,t2) TupleT 2 `AppT` t1 `AppT` t2
+ '(t1,t2) PromotedTupleT 2 `AppT` t1 `AppT` t2
+But if the original HsSyn used prefix application, we won't use
+these special TH constructors. For example
+ [] t ConT "[]" `AppT` t
+ (->) t ConT "->" `AppT` t
+In this way we can faithfully represent in TH whether the original
+HsType used concrete syntax or not.
+The one case that doesn't fit this pattern is that of promoted lists
+ '[ Maybe, IO ] PromotedListT 2 `AppT` t1 `AppT` t2
+but it's very smelly because there really is no type constructor
+corresponding to PromotedListT. So we encode HsExplicitListTy with
+PromotedConsT and PromotedNilT (which *do* have underlying type
+ '[ Maybe, IO ] PromotedConsT `AppT` Maybe `AppT`
+ (PromotedConsT `AppT` IO `AppT` PromotedNilT)
+-- Internal helper functions
+cmpEq :: Ordering -> Bool
+cmpEq EQ = True
+cmpEq _ = False
+thenCmp :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
+thenCmp EQ o2 = o2
+thenCmp o1 _ = o1