path: root/rts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 684 deletions
diff --git a/rts/ b/rts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 099e6531cd..0000000000
--- a/rts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Building the RTS
-# We build the RTS with stage 1
-rts_dist-install_HC = $(GHC_STAGE1)
-rts_INSTALL_INFO = rts
-rts_VERSION = 1.0.2
-# Minimum supported Windows version.
-# These numbers can be found at:
-# If we're compiling on windows, enforce that we only support Windows 7+
-# Adding this here means it doesn't have to be done in individual .c files
-# and also centralizes the versioning.
-rts_WINVER = 0x06010000
-# merge GhcLibWays and GhcRTSWays but strip out duplicates
-rts_WAYS = $(GhcLibWays) $(filter-out $(GhcLibWays),$(GhcRTSWays))
-rts_dist-install_WAYS = $(rts_WAYS)
-ALL_RTS_LIBS = $(foreach way,$(rts_WAYS),rts/dist-install/build/libHSrts$($(way)_libsuf))
-$(eval $(call all-target,rts,$(ALL_RTS_LIBS)))
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Defining the sources
-ALL_DIRS = hooks sm eventlog linker linker/macho
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-ALL_DIRS += win32
-ALL_DIRS += posix
-tmp_rts_C_SRCS := $(wildcard rts/*.c $(foreach dir,$(ALL_DIRS),rts/$(dir)/*.c))
-# We shouldn't include this file in the binary, it's a common function so
-# it will likely clash with something later. See #19948
-rts_C_SRCS = $(filter-out rts/xxhash.c, $(tmp_rts_C_SRCS))
-rts_C_HOOK_SRCS := $(wildcard rts/hooks/*.c)
-rts_CMM_SRCS := $(wildcard rts/*.cmm)
-# Don't compile .S files when bootstrapping a new arch
-ifneq "$(PORTING_HOST)" "YES"
-# unregisterised builds use the mini interpreter
-ifneq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES"
-# use StgCRunAsm.S on ppc, ppc64, s390x, and riscv64
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), ppc) $(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), ppc64) $(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), s390x) $(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), riscv64)" ""
-rts_S_SRCS += rts/StgCRunAsm.S
-# select adjustor implementation. This much match the logic in
-ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES"
-# N.B. we don't source when CLEANING=YES so none of the below
-# variables will be set. See #20166.
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/AdjustorPool.c
-ifeq "$(UseLibffiForAdjustors)" "YES"
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/LibffiAdjustor.c
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), i386)" ""
-rts_S_SRCS += rts/adjustor/Nativei386Asm.S
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/Nativei386.c
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), x86_64)" ""
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetOS_CPP), mingw32)" ""
-rts_S_SRCS += rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64MingwAsm.S
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Mingw.c
-rts_S_SRCS += rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64Asm.S
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/NativeAmd64.c
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetArch_CPP), powerpc64le powerpc)" ""
-rts_S_SRCS += rts/AdjustorAsm.S
-rts_C_SRCS += rts/adjustor/NativePowerPC.c
-$(error Target architecture has no native adjustor implementation)
-ifeq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES"
-rts_AUTO_APPLY_CMM = rts/dist-install/build/AutoApply.cmm
-$(rts_AUTO_APPLY_CMM): $$(genapply_INPLACE)
- "$(genapply_INPLACE)" >$@
-rts_H_FILES := $(wildcard rts/*.h rts/*/*.h)
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-DTRACEPROBES_H = rts/dist-install/build/include/RtsProbes.h
-# collect the -l and -L flags that we need to link the rts dyn lib.
-# Note that, as sed on OS X doesn't handle \+, we use [^ ][^ ]* rather
-# than [^ ]\+
-rts/dist-install/libs.depend : $$(ghc-pkg_INPLACE) | $$(dir $$@)/.
- "$(ghc-pkg_INPLACE)" --simple-output field rts extra-libraries \
- | sed -e 's/\([^ ][^ ]*\)/-l\1/g' > $@
- "$(ghc-pkg_INPLACE)" --simple-output field rts library-dirs \
- | sed -e 's/\([^ ][^ ]*\)/-L\1/g' >> $@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# On Windows, as the RTS and base libraries have recursive imports,
-# we have to break the loop with "import libraries".
-# These are made from rts/win32/libHS*.def which contain lists of
-# all the symbols in those libraries used by the RTS.
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-ALL_RTS_DEF_LIBNAMES = base ghc-prim
- rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHSbase.dll.a \
- rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHSghc-prim.dll.a
-# -- import libs for the regular Haskell libraries
-define make-importlib-def # args $1 = lib name
-rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.def : rts/win32/libHS$1.def
- cat rts/win32/libHS$1.def \
- | sed "s/@LibVersion@/$$(libraries/$1_dist-install_VERSION)/" \
- | sed "s/@ProjectVersion@/$$(ProjectVersion)/" \
- > rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.def
-rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.dll.a : rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.def
- "$$(DLLTOOL)" -d rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.def \
- -l rts/dist-install/build/win32/libHS$1.dll.a
-$(foreach lib,$(ALL_RTS_DEF_LIBNAMES),$(eval $(call make-importlib-def,$(lib))))
-ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
-ifneq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-rts/dist-install/build/$(LIBFFI_DLL): libffi/build/inst/bin/$(LIBFFI_DLL)
- cp $< $@
-# This is a little hacky. We don't know the SO version, so we only
-# depend on, but copy*
-rts/dist-install/build/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)$(soext): libffi/build/inst/lib/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)$(soext)
- cp libffi/build/inst/lib/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)$(soext)* rts/dist-install/build
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "darwin"
- install_name_tool -id @rpath/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)$(soext) rts/dist-install/build/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)$(soext)
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-ifneq "$(findstring $(TargetOS_CPP), linux solaris2 freebsd)" ""
-# Building one way
-define build-rts-way # args: $1 = way
-ifneq "$$(BINDIST)" "YES"
-rts_dist-install_$1_HC_OPTS := $$(GhcRtsHcOpts)
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS := $$(GhcRtsCcOpts)
-# The per-way CC_OPTS
-ifneq "$$(findstring debug, $1)" ""
-rts_dist-install_$1_HC_OPTS += -O0
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -O0 -g3
-# Useful to ensure that inline functions can be called within GDB but not
-# supported by clang
-#rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -fkeep-inline-functions
-ifneq "$$(findstring dyn, $1)" ""
-ifeq "$$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -DCOMPILING_WINDOWS_DLL
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -DDYNAMIC
-$(call distdir-way-opts,rts,dist-install,$1,1) # 1 because the rts is built with stage1
-$(call c-suffix-rules,rts,dist-install,$1,YES)
-$(call cmm-suffix-rules,rts,dist-install,$1)
-rts_$1_LIB_FILE = libHSrts$$($1_libsuf)
-rts_$1_LIB = rts/dist-install/build/$$(rts_$1_LIB_FILE)
-rts_$1_C_OBJS = $$(patsubst rts/%.c,rts/dist-install/build/%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_C_SRCS)) $$(patsubst %.c,%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_$1_EXTRA_C_SRCS))
-rts_$1_CXX_OBJS = $$(patsubst rts/%.c,rts/dist-install/build/%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_CXX_SRCS))
-rts_$1_C_HOOK_OBJS = $$(patsubst rts/hooks/%.c,rts/dist-install/build/hooks/%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_C_HOOK_SRCS))
-rts_$1_S_OBJS = $$(patsubst rts/%.S,rts/dist-install/build/%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_S_SRCS))
-rts_$1_CMM_OBJS = $$(patsubst rts/%.cmm,rts/dist-install/build/%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_CMM_SRCS)) $$(patsubst %.cmm,%.$$($1_osuf),$$(rts_AUTO_APPLY_CMM))
-rts_$1_OBJS = $$(rts_$1_C_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_CXX_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_S_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_CMM_OBJS)
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-# On Darwin we don't need to generate binary containing probes defined
-# in DTrace script, but DTrace on Solaris expects generation of binary
-# from the DTrace probes definitions
-rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS = rts/dist-install/build/RtsProbes.$$($1_osuf)
-$$(rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS) : $$(rts_$1_OBJS)
- $(DTRACE) -G -C \
- $$(addprefix -Irts/,$$(rts_dist-install_DIST_INCLUDE_DIRS)) \
- -DDTRACE -s rts/RtsProbes.d \
- -o $$@ \
- $$(rts_$1_OBJS)
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -DRtsWay=\"rts_$1\"
-# If we're compiling on windows, enforce that we only support XP+
-# Adding this here means it doesn't have to be done in individual .c files
-# and also centralizes the versioning.
-ifeq "$$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-rts_dist-install_$1_CC_OPTS += -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(rts_WINVER)
-ifneq "$$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-rts_dist-install_FFI_SO = rts/dist-install/build/lib$$(LIBFFI_NAME)$$(soext)
-rts_dist-install_FFI_SO =
-# Making a shared library for the RTS.
-ifneq "$$(findstring dyn, $1)" ""
-ifeq "$$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-$$(rts_$1_LIB) : $$(rts_$1_OBJS) $$(ALL_RTS_DEF_LIBS) rts/dist-install/libs.depend rts/dist-install/build/$$(LIBFFI_DLL)
- "$$(RM)" $$(RM_OPTS) $$@
- # Call out to the shell script to decide how to build the dll.
- # Making a shared library for the RTS.
- # $$1 = dir
- # $$2 = distdir
- # $$3 = way
- # $$4 = extra flags
- # $$5 = extra libraries to link
- # $$6 = object files to link
- # $$7 = output filename
- # $$8 = link command
- # $$9 = create delay load import lib
- # $$10 = SxS Name
- # $$11 = SxS Version
- $$(gen-dll_INPLACE) link "rts/dist-install/build" "rts/dist-install/build" "" "" "$$(ALL_RTS_DEF_LIBS)" "$$(rts_$1_OBJS)" "$$@" "$$(rts_dist-install_HC) -this-unit-id rts -no-hs-main -shared -dynamic -dynload deploy \
- -no-auto-link-packages -Lrts/dist-install/build -l$$(LIBFFI_NAME) \
- `cat rts/dist-install/libs.depend | tr '\n' ' '` \
- $$(rts_dist-install_$1_GHC_LD_OPTS)" "NO" \
- "$(rts_INSTALL_INFO)-$(subst dyn,,$(subst _dyn,,$(subst v,,$1)))" "$(ProjectVersion)"
-ifneq "$$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-LIBFFI_LIBS = -Lrts/dist-install/build -l$$(LIBFFI_NAME)
-ifeq "$$(TargetElf)" "YES"
-LIBFFI_LIBS += -optl-Wl,-rpath -optl-Wl,'$$$$ORIGIN' -optl-Wl,-zorigin
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "darwin"
-LIBFFI_LIBS += -optl-Wl,-rpath -optl-Wl,@loader_path
-# flags will be taken care of in rts/dist-install/libs.depend
-$$(rts_$1_LIB) : $$(rts_$1_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS) rts/dist-install/libs.depend $$(rts_dist-install_FFI_SO)
- "$$(RM)" $$(RM_OPTS) $$@
- "$$(rts_dist-install_HC)" -this-unit-id rts -shared -dynamic -dynload deploy \
- -no-auto-link-packages $$(LIBFFI_LIBS) `cat rts/dist-install/libs.depend` $$(rts_$1_OBJS) \
- $$(rts_dist-install_$1_GHC_LD_OPTS) \
- $$(rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS) -o $$@
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-# A list of objects that do not get included in the RTS object that is created
-# during the linking step. To prevent future linking errors, especially when
-# using the compiler as a bootstrap compiler, we need to exclude the hook
-# objects from being re-linked into the single LINKED_OBJS object file. When the
-# hooks are being linked into the RTS object this will result in duplicated
-# symbols causing the linker to fail (e.g. `StackOverflowHook` in RTS.o and
-# hschooks.o). The excluded objects do not get relinked into the RTS object but
-# get included separately so prevent linker errors.
-# (see issue #15040)
-rts_$1_EXCLUDED_OBJS = $$(rts_$1_C_HOOK_OBJS)
-# The RTS object that gets generated to package up all of the runtime system
-# with the dtrace probe code.
-rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS = rts/dist-install/build/RTS.$$($1_osuf)
-$$(rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS) : $$(rts_$1_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_C_HOOK_OBJS)
- "$$(RM)" $$(RM_OPTS) $$@
- # When linking an archive the linker will only include the object files that
- # are actually needed during linking. It therefore does not include the dtrace
- # specific code for initializing the probes. By creating a single object that
- # also includes the probe object code we force the linker to include the
- # probes when linking the static runtime.
- #
- # The reason why we are re-linking all the objects into a single object file
- # is stated in this thread:
- #
- $(LD) -r -o $$(rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_DTRACE_OBJS) $$(filter-out $$(rts_$1_EXCLUDED_OBJS), $$(rts_$1_OBJS))
-rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS = $$(rts_$1_OBJS)
-rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS = $$(rts_$1_OBJS)
-$$(rts_$1_LIB) : $$(rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS)
- "$$(RM)" $$(RM_OPTS) $$@
- echo $$(rts_$1_LINKED_OBJS) $$(rts_$1_EXCLUDED_OBJS) | "$$(XARGS)" $$(XARGS_OPTS) "$$(AR_STAGE1)" \
-ifneq "$$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-$$(rts_$1_LIB) : rts/dist-install/build/libC$$(LIBFFI_NAME)$$($1_libsuf)
-rts/dist-install/build/libC$$(LIBFFI_NAME)$$($1_libsuf): libffi/build/inst/lib/libffi.a
- cp $$< $$@
-# And expand the above for each way:
-$(foreach way,$(rts_WAYS),$(eval $(call build-rts-way,$(way))))
-$(eval $(call distdir-opts,rts,dist-install,1))
-# Flags for compiling every file
-# We like plenty of warnings.
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wextra
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wstrict-prototypes
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wmissing-prototypes
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wmissing-declarations
-WARNING_OPTS += -Winline
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wpointer-arith
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wmissing-noreturn
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wnested-externs
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wredundant-decls
-# Some gccs annoyingly enable this archaic specimen by default
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wno-aggregate-return
-WARNING_OPTS += -Wno-unused-label
-# These ones are hard to avoid:
-#WARNING_OPTS += -Wconversion
-#WARNING_OPTS += -Wbad-function-cast
-#WARNING_OPTS += -Wshadow
-#WARNING_OPTS += -Wcast-qual
-# This one seems buggy on GCC 4.1.2, which is the only GCC version we
-# have that can bootstrap the SPARC build. We end up with lots of spurious
-# warnings of the form "cast increases required alignment of target type".
-# Some legitimate warnings can be fixed by adding an intermediate cast to
-# (void*), but we get others in rts/sm/GCUtils.c concerning the gct var
-# that look innocuous to me. We could enable this again once we deprecate
-# support for registerised builds on this arch. -- BL 2010/02/03
-# WARNING_OPTS += -Wcast-align
- $(addprefix include/,$(includes_INCLUDE_DIRS)) \
- .
-rts_dist-install_INCLUDE_DIRS = \
- $(addprefix include/,$(includes_dist-install_INCLUDE_DIRS))
-# COMPILING_RTS is only used when building Win32 DLL support.
-# HC_OPTS is included in both .c and .cmm compilations, whereas CC_OPTS is
-# only included in .c compilations. HC_OPTS included the WAY_* opts, which
-# must be included in both types of compilations.
-rts_HC_OPTS += -this-unit-id rts
-ifneq "$(GhcWithSMP)" "YES"
-rts_HC_OPTS += -optc-DNOSMP
-# We *want* type-checking of hand-written cmm.
-rts_HC_OPTS += -dcmm-lint
-# -fno-strict-aliasing is required for the runtime, because we often
-# use a variety of types to represent closure pointers (StgPtr,
-# StgClosure, StgMVar, etc.), and without -fno-strict-aliasing gcc is
-# allowed to assume that these pointers do not alias. eg. without
-# this flag we get problems in sm/Evac.c:copy() with gcc 3.4.3, the
-# upd_evacuee() assignments get moved before the object copy.
-rts_CC_OPTS += -fno-strict-aliasing
-rts_CC_OPTS += -fno-common
-ifeq "$(BeConservative)" "YES"
-# Set Windows version
-ifeq "$$(TargetOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
-rts_CC_OPTS += -DWINVER=$(rts_WINVER)
-# Flags for compiling specific files
-rts/RtsMessages_CC_OPTS += -DProjectVersion=\"$(ProjectVersion)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DProjectVersion=\"$(ProjectVersion)\"
-rts/Trace_CC_OPTS += -DProjectVersion=\"$(ProjectVersion)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DHostPlatform=\"$(HOSTPLATFORM)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DHostArch=\"$(HostArch_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DHostOS=\"$(HostOS_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DHostVendor=\"$(HostVendor_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DBuildPlatform=\"$(BUILDPLATFORM)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DBuildArch=\"$(BuildArch_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DBuildOS=\"$(BuildOS_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DBuildVendor=\"$(BuildVendor_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DTargetPlatform=\"$(TARGETPLATFORM)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DTargetArch=\"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DTargetOS=\"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DTargetVendor=\"$(TargetVendor_CPP)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DGhcUnregisterised=\"$(GhcUnregisterised)\"
-rts/RtsUtils_CC_OPTS += -DTablesNextToCode=\"$(TablesNextToCode)\"
-rts/Hash_CC_OPTS += -O3
-# Compile various performance-critical pieces *without* -fPIC -dynamic
-# even when building a shared library. If we don't do this, then the
-# GC runs about 50% slower on x86 due to the overheads of PIC. The
-# cost of doing this is a little runtime linking and less sharing, but
-# not much.
-# On x86_64 this doesn't work, because all objects in a shared library
-# must be compiled with -fPIC (since the 32-bit relocations generated
-# by the default small memory can't be resolved at runtime). So we
-# only do this on i386.
-# This apparently doesn't work on OS X (Darwin) nor on Solaris.
-# On Darwin we get errors of the form
-# ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in _stg_ap_0_fast from rts/dist-install/build/Apply.dyn_o not allowed in slidable image
-# and lots of these warnings:
-# ld: warning codegen in _stg_ap_pppv_fast (offset 0x0000005E) prevents image from loading in dyld shared cache
-# On Solaris we get errors like:
-# Text relocation remains referenced
-# against symbol offset in file
-# .rodata (section) 0x11 rts/dist-install/build/Apply.dyn_o
-# ...
-# ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections
-# collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
-ifeq "$(TargetArch_CPP)" "i386"
-i386_SPEED_HACK := "YES"
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "darwin"
-i386_SPEED_HACK := "NO"
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "solaris2"
-i386_SPEED_HACK := "NO"
-ifeq "$(TargetArch_CPP)" "i386"
-ifeq "$(i386_SPEED_HACK)" "YES"
-rts/sm/Evac_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-rts/sm/Evac_thr_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-rts/sm/Scav_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-rts/sm/Scav_thr_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-rts/sm/Compact_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-rts/sm/GC_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC
-# -static is also necessary for these bits, otherwise the NCG
-# -generates dynamic references:
-rts/Updates_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC -static
-rts/StgMiscClosures_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC -static
-rts/PrimOps_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC -static
-rts/Apply_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC -static
-rts/dist-install/build/AutoApply_HC_OPTS += -fno-PIC -static
-# add CFLAGS for libffi
-ifeq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-LIBFFI_CFLAGS = $(addprefix -I,$(FFIIncludeDir))
-rts/Interpreter_CC_OPTS += $(LIBFFI_CFLAGS)
-rts/Adjustor_CC_OPTS += $(LIBFFI_CFLAGS)
-rts/sm/Storage_CC_OPTS += $(LIBFFI_CFLAGS)
-# inlining warnings happen in Compact
-rts/sm/Compact_CC_OPTS += -Wno-inline
-# emits warnings about call-clobbered registers on x86_64
-rts/StgCRun_CC_OPTS += -w
-# On Windows:
-rts/win32/ConsoleHandler_CC_OPTS += -w
-rts/win32/ThrIOManager_CC_OPTS += -w
-# The above warning suppression flags are a temporary kludge.
-# While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
-# any warnings in the module. See
-# for details
-# Without this, thread_obj will not be inlined (at least on x86 with GCC 4.1.0)
-ifneq "$(CcLlvmBackend)" "YES"
-rts/sm/Compact_CC_OPTS += -finline-limit=2500
-# -O3 helps unroll some loops (especially in copy() with a constant argument).
-rts/sm/Evac_CC_OPTS += -funroll-loops
-rts/sm/Evac_thr_HC_OPTS += -optc-funroll-loops
-# Use system provided libffi
-ifeq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-else # UseSystemLibFFI==YES
-ifeq "$(UseLibdw)" "YES"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# dependencies
-rts_WAYS_DASHED = $(subst $(space),,$(patsubst %,-%,$(strip $(rts_WAYS))))
-rts_dist-install_depfile_base = rts/dist-install/build/.depend$(rts_WAYS_DASHED)
-rts_dist-install_C_SRCS = $(rts_C_SRCS) $(rts_thr_EXTRA_C_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_S_SRCS = $(rts_S_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_CMM_SRCS = $(rts_CMM_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_C_FILES = $(rts_dist-install_C_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_CXX_FILES = $(rts_dist-install_CXX_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_S_FILES = $(rts_dist-install_S_SRCS)
-rts_dist-install_CMM_FILES = $(rts_dist-install_CMM_SRCS)
-# Hack: we define every way-related option here, so that we get (hopefully)
-# a superset of the dependencies. To do this properly, we should generate
-# a different set of dependencies for each way. Further hack: PROFILING an
-# TICKY_TICKY can't be used together, so we omit TICKY_TICKY for now.
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-rts_dist-install_MKDEPENDC_OPTS += -Irts/dist-install/build
-$(eval $(call dependencies,rts,dist-install,1))
-$(rts_dist-install_depfile_c_asm) : $(includes_dist-install_H_FILES)
-$(rts_dist-install_depfile_c_asm) : $(DTRACEPROBES_H)
-ifneq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-$(rts_dist-install_depfile_c_asm) : $(libffi_HEADERS)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# compile dtrace probes if dtrace is supported
-ifeq "$(USE_DTRACE)" "YES"
-# Apple's dtrace (the only one supported by ghc at the moment) uses
-# gcc as its preprocessor. If gcc isn't at /usr/bin/gcc, or we need
-# to force it to use a different gcc, we need to give the path in
-# the option cpppath.
-ifeq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "darwin"
-# Darwin has a flag to tell dtrace which cpp to use.
-# Unfortunately, this isn't supported on Solaris (See Solaris Dynamic Tracing
-# Guide, Chapter 16, for the configuration variables available on Solaris)
-DTRACE_FLAGS = -x cpppath=$(CC)
-DTRACEPROBES_SRC = rts/RtsProbes.d
-$(DTRACEPROBES_H): $(DTRACEPROBES_SRC) $(includes_1_H_CONFIG) $(includes_1_H_PLATFORM) | $$(dir $$@)/.
- "$(DTRACE)" $(filter -I%,$(rts_dist-install_DIST_CC_OPTS)) -C $(DTRACE_FLAGS) -h -o $@ -s $<
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The RTS package config
-# If -DDEBUG is in effect, adjust package conf accordingly..
-ifneq "$(strip $(filter -optc-DDEBUG,$(GhcRtsHcOpts)))" ""
-ifeq "$(HaveLibMingwEx)" "YES"
-rts_dist-install_PACKAGE_CPP_OPTS = \
- $(addprefix -Irts/,$(rts_dist-install_DIST_INCLUDE_DIRS))
-$(eval $(call manual-package-config,rts,dist-install))
-rts/dist-install/package.conf.inplace : $(includes_dist-install_H_FILES)
-rts/dist-install/package.conf.install : $(includes_dist-install_H_FILES)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# installing
-ifneq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-RTS_INSTALL_LIBS += $(wildcard rts/dist-install/build/lib$(LIBFFI_NAME)*$(soext)*)
-RTS_INSTALL_LIBS += $(foreach w,$(filter-out %dyn,$(rts_WAYS)),rts/dist-install/build/libC$(LIBFFI_NAME)$($w_libsuf))
-ifneq "$(UseSystemLibFFI)" "YES"
-install: install_libffi_headers
-.PHONY: install_libffi_headers
-install_libffi_headers :
- $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghcheaderdir)"
- $(INSTALL_HEADER) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $(libffi_HEADERS) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghcheaderdir)/"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# cleaning
-$(eval $(call clean-target,rts,dist-install,rts/dist-install))