path: root/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/CASList.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/CASList.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/CASList.hs b/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/CASList.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c4c7a0186..0000000000
--- a/testsuite/tests/concurrent/prog003/CASList.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns,CPP #-}
-module CASList where
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.IORef
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.Chan
-import System.Environment
-import Data.Time
--- #define USE_UNPACK
--- #define USE_STRICT
-#if defined(USE_UNPACK)
-#define UNPACK(p) {-# UNPACK #-} !(p)
-#elif defined(USE_STRICT)
-#define UNPACK(p) !(p)
-#define UNPACK(p) p
-data List a = Node { val :: a
- , next :: UNPACK(IORef (List a)) }
- | DelNode { next :: UNPACK(IORef (List a)) }
- | Null
- | Head { next :: UNPACK(IORef (List a)) } deriving Eq
-data ListHandle a = ListHandle { headList :: UNPACK(IORef (IORef (List a))),
- tailList :: UNPACK(IORef (IORef (List a))) }
-{-# INLINE myNext #-}
-myNext :: List a -> IORef (List a)
-myNext Node{next = n} = n
-myNext DelNode{next = n} = n
-myNext Head{next = n} = n
-myNext _ = error "myNext"
--- we assume a static head pointer, pointing to the first node which must be Head
--- the deleted field of Head is always False, it's only there to make some of the code
--- more uniform
--- tail points to the last node which must be Null
-type Iterator a = IORef (IORef (List a))
--- auxiliary functions
-while b cmd = if b then do {cmd; while b cmd}
- else return ()
-repeatUntil cmd = do { b <- cmd; if b then return ()
- else repeatUntil cmd }
-atomCAS :: Eq a => IORef a -> a -> a -> IO Bool
-atomCAS ptr old new =
- atomicModifyIORef ptr (\ cur -> if cur == old
- then (new, True)
- else (cur, False))
-atomicWrite :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
-atomicWrite ptr x =
- atomicModifyIORef ptr (\ _ -> (x,()))
--- functions operating on lists
--- we create a new list
-newList :: IO (ListHandle a)
-newList =
- do null <- newIORef Null
- hd <- newIORef (Head {next = null })
- hdPtr <- newIORef hd
- tailPtr <- newIORef null
- return (ListHandle {headList = hdPtr, tailList = tailPtr})
--- we add a new node, by overwriting the null tail node
--- we only need to adjust tailList but not headList because
--- of the static Head
--- we return the location of the newly added node
-addToTail :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO ()
-addToTail (ListHandle {tailList = tailPtrPtr}) x =
- do null <- newIORef Null
- repeatUntil
- (do tailPtr <- readIORef tailPtrPtr
- b <- atomCAS tailPtr Null (Node {val = x, next = null})
- return b )
- -- we atomically update the tail
- -- (by spinning on the tailPtr)
- atomicWrite tailPtrPtr null
-find :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-find (ListHandle { headList = head }) x =
- let go !prevPtr =
- do prevNode <- readIORef prevPtr
- let curPtr = myNext prevNode -- head/node/delnode have all next
- curNode <- readIORef curPtr
- case curNode of
- Node {val = y, next = nextNode } ->
- if (x == y)
- then -- node found and alive
- return True
- else go curPtr -- continue
- Null -> return False -- reached end of list
- DelNode {next = nextNode } ->
- -- atomically delete curNode by setting the next of prevNode to next of curNode
- -- if this fails we simply move ahead
- case prevNode of
- Node {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Node {val = val prevNode,
- next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- Head {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Head {next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- DelNode {} -> go curPtr -- if parent deleted simply move ahead
- {-
- correct as well, but a deleted parent deleting a child is (for certain cases) a useless operation
- do atomicModifyIORef prevPtr ( \ cur -> (cur{next = nextNode},True))
- go prevPtr
- -}
- in do startPtr <- readIORef head
- go startPtr
-delete :: Eq a => ListHandle a -> a -> IO Bool
-delete (ListHandle { headList = head }) x =
- let go prevPtr =
- do do prevNode <- readIORef prevPtr
- let curPtr = next prevNode -- head/node/delnode have all next
- curNode <- readIORef curPtr
- case curNode of
- Node {val = y, next = nextNode } ->
- if (x == y)
- then -- node found and alive
- do b <- atomCAS curPtr curNode (DelNode {next = nextNode})
- if b then return True
- else go prevPtr -- spin
- else go curPtr -- continue
- Null -> return False -- reached end of list
- DelNode {next = nextNode } ->
- -- atomically delete curNode by setting the next of prevNode to next of curNode
- -- if this fails we simply move ahead
- case prevNode of
- Node {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Node {val = val prevNode,
- next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- Head {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Head {next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- DelNode {} -> go curPtr -- if parent deleted simply move ahead
- in do startPtr <- readIORef head
- go startPtr
--- the iterator always points to the PREVIOUS node,
--- recall that there's a static dummy new Head
--- Assumption: iterators are private,
--- ie they won't be shared among threads
-newIterator :: ListHandle a -> IO (Iterator a)
-newIterator (ListHandle {headList = hd}) =
- do hdPtr <- readIORef hd
- it <- newIORef hdPtr
- return it
--- we iterate through the list and return the first "not deleted" node
--- we delink deleted nodes
--- there's no need to adjust headList, tailList
--- cause headList has a static Head and
--- tailList points to Null
-iterateList :: Eq a => Iterator a -> IO (Maybe (IORef (List a)))
-iterateList itPtrPtr =
- let go prevPtr =
- do do prevNode <- readIORef prevPtr
- let curPtr = next prevNode -- head/node/delnode have all next
- curNode <- readIORef curPtr
- case curNode of
- Node {} -> do writeIORef itPtrPtr curPtr
- -- adjust iterator
- return (Just curPtr)
- Null -> return Nothing -- reached end of list
- DelNode {next = nextNode} ->
- -- atomically delete curNode by setting the next of prevNode to next of curNode
- -- if this fails we simply move ahead
- case prevNode of
- Node {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Node {val = val prevNode,
- next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- Head {} -> do b <- atomCAS prevPtr prevNode (Head {next = nextNode})
- if b then go prevPtr
- else go curPtr
- DelNode {} -> go curPtr -- if parent deleted simply move ahead
- in do startPtr <- readIORef itPtrPtr
- go startPtr
---printing and counting
-printList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO ()
-printList (ListHandle {headList = ptrPtr}) =
- do startptr <- (
- do ptr <- readIORef ptrPtr
- Head {next = startptr} <- readIORef ptr
- return startptr)
- printListHelp startptr
-printListHelp :: Show a => IORef (List a) -> IO ()
-printListHelp curNodePtr =
- do { curNode <- readIORef curNodePtr
- ; case curNode of
- Null -> putStr "Nil"
- Node {val = curval, next = curnext} ->
- do { putStr (show curval ++ " -> ")
- ; printListHelp curnext }
- DelNode {next = curnext} ->
- do { putStr ("DEAD -> ")
- ; printListHelp curnext }
- }
-cntList :: Show a => ListHandle a -> IO Int
-cntList (ListHandle {headList = ptrPtr}) =
- do startptr <- (
- do ptr <- readIORef ptrPtr
- Head {next = startptr} <- readIORef ptr
- return startptr)
- cntListHelp startptr 0
-cntListHelp :: Show a => IORef (List a) -> Int -> IO Int
-cntListHelp curNodePtr i =
- do { curNode <- readIORef curNodePtr
- ; case curNode of
- Null -> return i
- Node {val = curval, next = curnext} ->
- cntListHelp curnext (i+1)
- DelNode {next = curnext} ->
- cntListHelp curnext (i+1)
- }