path: root/testsuite/tests/showIface/DocsInHiFileTH.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/showIface/DocsInHiFileTH.hs')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/showIface/DocsInHiFileTH.hs b/testsuite/tests/showIface/DocsInHiFileTH.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73b46c8876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/showIface/DocsInHiFileTH.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneKindSignatures, PolyKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+-- |This is the module header
+module DocInHiFilesTH where
+import Language.Haskell.TH
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+import DocsInHiFileTHExternal
+f :: Int
+f = 42
+$(putDoc (DeclDoc 'f) "The meaning of life" >> pure [])
+-- |A data type
+data Foo =
+ -- |A constructor
+ Foo
+ Just "A data type" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''Foo)
+ Just "A constructor" <- getDoc (DeclDoc 'Foo)
+ putDoc (DeclDoc ''Foo) "A new data type"
+ putDoc (DeclDoc 'Foo) "A new constructor"
+ Just "A new data type" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''Foo)
+ Just "A new constructor" <- getDoc (DeclDoc 'Foo)
+ pure []
+-- |Some documentation
+g :: String
+g = "Hello world"
+ Just "Some documentation" <- getDoc (DeclDoc 'g)
+ pure []
+-- Testing module headers
+ Just "This is the module header" <- getDoc ModuleDoc
+ putDoc ModuleDoc "This is the new module header"
+ Just "This is the new module header" <- getDoc ModuleDoc
+ pure []
+-- Testing argument documentation
+h :: Int -- ^Your favourite number
+ -> Bool -- ^Your favourite element in the Boolean algebra
+ -> String -- ^A return value
+h _ _ = "Hello world"
+ Just "Your favourite number" <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'h 0)
+ Just "Your favourite element in the Boolean algebra" <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'h 1)
+ Just "A return value" <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'h 2)
+ Nothing <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'h 3)
+ putDoc (ArgDoc 'h 1) "Your least favourite Boolean"
+ Just "Your least favourite Boolean" <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'h 1)
+ pure []
+-- Testing classes and instances
+-- |A fancy class
+class C a where
+-- |A fancy instance
+instance C Int where
+instance C String where
+class D a where
+-- |Another fancy instance
+instance D a where
+-- |A type family
+type family E a
+-- |A type family instance
+type instance E Bool = Int
+i :: E Bool
+i = 42
+ Just "A fancy class" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''C)
+ Just "A fancy instance" <- getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| C Int |]
+ Just "Another fancy instance" <- getDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''D) (VarT (mkName "a"))))
+ Just "Another fancy instance" <- getDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''D) (VarT (mkName "b"))))
+ Nothing <- getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| C String |]
+ putDoc (DeclDoc ''C) "A new class"
+ putDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''C) (ConT ''Int))) "A new instance"
+ putDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''C) (ConT ''String))) "Another new instance"
+ putDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''D) (VarT (mkName "a")))) "Another new instance"
+ Just "A new class" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''C)
+ Just "A new instance" <- getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| C Int |]
+ Just "Another new instance" <- getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| C String |]
+ Just "Another new instance" <- getDoc (InstDoc (AppT (ConT ''D) (VarT (mkName "a"))))
+ Just "A type family" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''E)
+ -- Doesn't work just yet. See T18241
+ --
+ Just "A type family instance" <- getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| E Bool |]
+ pure []
+-- Testing documentation from external modules
+ Just "This is an external function" <- getDoc (DeclDoc 'externalFunc)
+ Just "Some integer" <- getDoc (ArgDoc 'externalFunc 0)
+ Just "This is an external class" <- getDoc (DeclDoc ''ExternalClass)
+ Just "This is an external instance" <-
+ getDoc . InstDoc =<< [t| ExternalClass Int |]
+ pure []
+data family WD11 a
+type family WD13 a
+wd8 = ()
+class F
+-- Testing combinators
+withDecsDoc "1" [d| wd1 x = () |]
+withDecsDoc "2" [d| wd2 = () |]
+withDecsDoc "3" [d| data WD3 = WD3 |]
+withDecsDoc "4" [d| newtype WD4 = WD4 () |]
+withDecsDoc "5" [d| type WD5 = () |]
+withDecsDoc "6" [d| class WD6 a where |]
+withDecsDoc "7" [d| instance C Foo where |]
+ d <- withDecDoc "8" $ sigD 'wd8 [t| () |]
+ pure [d]
+-- this gives 'Illegal variable name: ‘WD9’' when splicing
+-- withDoc "9" [sigD ''WD9 [t| Type -> Type |]]
+withDecsDoc "10" [d| data family WD10 a|]
+withDecsDoc "11" [d| data instance WD11 Foo = WD11Foo |]
+withDecsDoc "12" [d| type family WD12 a |]
+withDecsDoc "13" [d| type instance WD13 Foo = Int |]
+-- testing nullary classes here
+withDecsDoc "14" [d| instance F |]
+withDecsDoc "15" [d| foreign import ccall "math.h sin" sin :: Double -> Double |]
+-- this gives 'Foreign export not (yet) handled by Template Haskell'
+-- withDecsDoc "16" [d| foreign export ccall "addInt" (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int |]
+wd17 = 42
+ d <- withDecDoc "17" (sigD 'wd17 [t| Int |])
+ pure [d]
+ let nm = mkName "wd18"
+ d' <- withDecDoc "18" $ sigD nm [t| Int |]
+ d <- withDecDoc "19" $ valD (varP nm) (normalB [| 42 |]) []
+ pure [d, d']
+-- Doing this to test that wd20 is documented as "20" and not "2020"
+withDecsDoc "20" [d|
+ wd20 :: Int
+ wd20 = 42
+ |]
+ let defBang = bang noSourceUnpackedness noSourceStrictness
+ patSynVarName <- newName "a"
+ sequenceA
+ [ funD_doc (mkName "qux") [clause [ [p| a |], [p| b |] ] (normalB [e| () |]) []]
+ (Just "This is qux") [Just "Arg uno", Just "Arg dos"]
+ , dataD_doc (cxt []) (mkName "Quux") [] Nothing
+ [ ( normalC (mkName "Quux1") [bangType defBang (reifyType ''Int)]
+ , Just "This is Quux1", [Just "I am an integer"])
+ , ( normalC (mkName "Quux2")
+ [ bangType defBang (reifyType ''String)
+ , bangType defBang (reifyType ''Bool)
+ ]
+ , Just "This is Quux2", map Just ["I am a string", "I am a bool"])
+ ] [] (Just "This is Quux")
+ , dataD_doc (cxt []) (mkName "Quuz") [] Nothing
+ [ ( recC (mkName "Quuz") [varBangType (mkName "quuz1_a") (bangType defBang (reifyType ''String))]
+ , Just "This is a record constructor", [Just "This is the record constructor's argument"])
+ ] [] (Just "This is a record type")
+ , newtypeD_doc (cxt []) (mkName "Corge") [] Nothing
+ ( recC (mkName ("Corge")) [varBangType (mkName "runCorge") (bangType defBang [t| Int |])]
+ , Just "This is a newtype record constructor", [Just "This is the newtype record constructor's argument"]
+ ) [] (Just "This is a record newtype")
+ , dataInstD_doc (cxt []) Nothing [t| WD11 Int |] Nothing
+ [ ( normalC (mkName "WD11Int") [bangType defBang [t| Int |]]
+ , Just "This is a data instance constructor", [Just "This is a data instance constructor argument"])
+ ] [] (Just "This is a data instance")
+ , newtypeInstD_doc (cxt []) Nothing [t| WD11 Bool |] Nothing
+ (normalC (mkName "WD11Bool") [bangType defBang [t| Bool |]]
+ , Just "This is a newtype instance constructor", [Just "This is a newtype instance constructor argument"])
+ [] (Just "This is a newtype instance")
+ , patSynD_doc (mkName "Tup2") (prefixPatSyn [patSynVarName]) unidir
+ [p| ($(varP patSynVarName), $(varP patSynVarName)) |]
+ (Just "Matches a tuple of (a, a)") [Just "The thing to match twice"]
+ , withDecDoc "My cool class" $ do
+ tyVar <- newName "a"
+ classD (cxt []) (mkName "Pretty") [plainTV tyVar] []
+ [ withDecDoc "Prettily prints the object" $
+ sigD (mkName "prettyPrint") [t| $(varT tyVar) -> String |]
+ ]
+ ]