path: root/utils
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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/utils/gen-dll/Main.hs b/utils/gen-dll/Main.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c4869f13..0000000000
--- a/utils/gen-dll/Main.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
- gen-dll is a replacement for dll-split which aims to solve a simple problem
- during the building of stage2. The issue is that the PE image format only has
- a 16-bit field for the symbol count. This means we can't have more than 2^16-1
- symbols in a single PE file. See #5987.
- gen-dll solves this issue by partitioning the object files in such a way that
- a single dll never has more than the allowed amount of symbols. The general
- workflow of gen-dll is:
- 1) use nm -g to dump the symbols defined in each object file, from this dump
- we collect three key pieces information:
- a) the object file the symbol belongs to
- b) the symbol's kind (e.g data or function)
- c) the symbol name.
- 2) If the amount of symbols is lower than the maximum, we're done and we'll
- just link the entire list of symbols and move on.
- If however we have too many symbols we'll partition the symbols using a
- per object file granularity. This is because we can't split the content of
- an object file. An oc belongs to one and only one image file.
- 3) Once we have the partitioning, we sub partition these into two groups for
- each partition:
- a) data
- b) function
- The reason for this is that data exports are directly accessed, whereas
- functions generally go through a trampoline. The trampolines are there to
- allow for extra functionality such as delay loading (if requested) and to
- cover for memory model changes due to linking all the object code in on
- PE image.
- Data is usually accessed direct, so we don't want the trampoline otherwise
- extern int foo;
- would point to executable code instead of data.
- 4) Once we have everything correctly tagged, the partitions are dumped into a
- module definition file (def). Each file is named <dll-name>-pt<num>.<ext>
- which is also the partitioning scheme used for all other files including
- the resulting dlls.
- From the .def file we use genlib to generate an import library. In this
- case we generate a GNU style import library See Note [BFD import
- library].
- These import libraries are used to break the cyclic dependencies that may
- exist between the symbols due to the random partitioning. e.g. A may
- require B, but A and B can be in different dlls. With the import libraries
- we promise A that at runtime it'll have B, and vice versa. The Windows
- runtime linker and loader will take care of breaking this cycle at runtime.
- 5) Once we have an import library for each partition, we start linking the
- final dlls. if e.g. we have 3 dlls, linking dll 1 means passing import
- libraries 2 and 3 as an argument to the linking of dll 1. This allows it
- to find all symbols since PE image files can't have dangling symbols.
- 6) After creating the dlls the final step is to create one top level import
- library that is named after the original dll that we were supposed to link.
- To continue the 3 split example. say we were supposed to make libfoo.dll,
- instead we created libfoo-pt1.dll, libfoo-pt2.dll and libfoo-pt3.dll.
- Obviously using -lfoo would no longer locate the dlls.
- This is solved by using import libraries again. GNU style import libraries
- are just plain AR archives where each object file essentially contains
- only 1 symbol and the dll in which to find this symbol.
- A proper linker processes all the object files in this AR file (lld, ld and
- ghci do this.) and so while genlib doesn't allow you to create
- import libraries with multiple dll pointers, it is trivial to do.
- We use ar to merge together the import libraries into a large complete one.
- e.g. libfoo-pt1.dll.a, libfoo-pt2.dll.a and libfoo-pt3.dll.a are merged
- into libfoo.dll.a. The name isn't coincidental. On Windows you don't link
- directly against a dll, instead you link against an import library that
- then tells you how to get to the dll functions.
- In this case by creating a correctly named merged import library we solve
- the -lfoo problem.
- In the end we end up with libfoo-pt1.dll, libfoo-pt2.dll and libfoo-pt3.dll
- along with libfoo.dll.a. To the rest of the pipeline the split is
- completely transparent as -lfoo will just continue to work, and the linker
- is responsible for populating the IAT (Import Address Table) with the
- actual dlls we need.
- This scheme is fully scalable and will not need manual maintenance or
- intervention like dll-split needed. If we ever do switch to compiling using
- Microsoft compilers, we need to use a custom tool to modify the PE import
- libraries lib.exe creates. This is slightly more work but for now we can just
- rely on the GNU import libraries.
- If supported by the stage1 compiler, we'll create dll's which can be used as
- SxS assemblies, but in order for us to do so, we have to give GHC some extra
- information such as the stable abi name for the dll and the version of the
- dll being created. This is purely a deployment thing and does not really
- affect the workings of this tool.
-module Main(main) where
-import Control.Arrow ((***))
-import Control.Monad (when, forM_)
-import Control.Exception (bracket)
-import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf, nub, sort, (\\))
-import qualified Data.Map as M (Map(), alter, empty, toList)
-import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
-import System.Directory (findFilesWith, getCurrentDirectory)
-import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory, dropExtension, (<.>)
- ,takeFileName)
-import System.IO (hClose, hGetContents, withFile, IOMode(..), hPutStrLn, openFile)
-import System.Process (proc, createProcess_, StdStream (..), CreateProcess(..)
- ,waitForProcess)
-import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..), )
-import Foreign.C.String (withCWString, peekCWString, CWString)
-import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
-import Foreign.Storable (peek)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
-#if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
-# define WINDOWS_CCONV stdcall
-#elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
-# define WINDOWS_CCONV ccall
-# error Unknown mingw32 arch
--- Setup some standard program names.
-nm :: FilePath
-libexe :: FilePath
-libexe = LIB_TOOL_BIN
-genlib :: FilePath
-ar :: FilePath
--- Technically speaking the limit for the amount of symbols you can have in a
--- dll is 2^16-1, however Microsoft's lib.exe for some reason refuses to link
--- up to this amount. The reason is likely that it adds some extra symbols in
--- the generated dll, such as dllmain etc. So we reserve some space in the
--- symbol table to accommodate this. This number is just purely randomly chosen.
-#define SYMBOL_PADDING 10
-usage :: IO ()
-usage = putStrLn $ unlines [ " -= Split a dll if required and perform the linking =- "
- , ""
- , " Usage: gen-dll <action>"
- , ""
- , " Where <action> is one of:"
- , " link perform a real link of dll, "
- , " arguments: dir distdir way flags libs objs out link_cmd delay name version"
- ]
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- args <- getArgs
- if null args
- then usage
- else case (head args) of
- "link" -> let (dir:distdir:way:extra_flags:extra_libs:objs:output:
- command:delayed:abi_name:abi_version:_) = tail args
- in process_dll_link dir distdir way extra_flags extra_libs
- objs output command delayed abi_name
- abi_version
- _ -> usage
-type Symbol = String
-type Symbols = [Symbol]
-type SymbolType = Char
-data Obj
- = Obj { objName :: String
- , objCount :: Int
- , objItems :: [(SymbolType, Symbol)]
- }
- deriving Show
-type Objs = [Obj]
--- | Create the final DLL by using the provided arguments
--- This also creates the resulting special import library.
-process_dll_link :: String -- ^ dir
- -> String -- ^ distdir
- -> String -- ^ way
- -> String -- ^ extra flags
- -> String -- ^ extra libraries to link
- -> String -- ^ object files to link
- -> String -- ^ output filename
- -> String -- ^ link command
- -> String -- ^ create delay load import libs
- -> String -- ^ SxS Name
- -> String -- ^ SxS version
- -> IO ()
-process_dll_link _dir _distdir _way extra_flags extra_libs objs_files output
- link_cmd delay_imp sxs_name sxs_version
- = do let base = dropExtension output
- -- We need to know how many symbols came from other static archives
- -- So take the total number of symbols and remove those we know came
- -- from the object files. Use this to lower the max amount of symbols.
- --
- -- This granularity is the best we can do without --print-map like info.
- raw_exports <- execProg nm Nothing ["-g", "--defined-only", objs_files]
- putStrLn $ "Processing symbols.."
- let objs = collectObjs raw_exports
- num_sym = foldr (\a b -> b + objCount a) 0 objs
- exports = base <.> "lst"
- putStrLn $ "Number of symbols in object files for " ++ output ++ ": " ++ show num_sym
- _ <- withFile exports WriteMode $ \hExports ->
- mapM_ (hPutStrLn hExports . unlines . map snd . objItems) objs
-#if defined(GEN_SXS)
- -- Side-by-Side assembly generation flags for GHC. Pass these along so the DLLs
- -- get the proper manifests generated.
- let sxs_opts = [ "-fgen-sxs-assembly"
- , "-dylib-abi-name"
- , show sxs_name
- , "-dylib-abi-version"
- , show sxs_version
- ]
- let sxs_opts = []
- -- Now check that the DLL doesn't have too many symbols. See trac #5987.
- case num_sym > dll_max_symbols of
- False -> do putStrLn $ "DLL " ++ output ++ " OK, no need to split."
- let defFile = base <.> "def"
- dll_import = base <.> "dll.a"
- build_import_lib base (takeFileName output) defFile objs
- _ <- execProg link_cmd Nothing
- $ concat [[objs_files
- ,extra_libs
- ,extra_flags
- ]
- ,sxs_opts
- ,["-fno-shared-implib"
- ,"-optl-Wl,--retain-symbols-file=" ++ exports
- ,"-o"
- ,output
- ]
- ]
- build_delay_import_lib defFile dll_import delay_imp
- True -> do putStrLn $ "Too many symbols for a single DLL " ++ output
- putStrLn "We'll have to split the dll..."
- putStrLn $ "OK, we only have space for "
- ++ show dll_max_symbols
- ++ " symbols from object files when building "
- ++ output
- -- First split the dlls up by whole object files
- -- To do this, we iterate over all object file and
- -- generate a the partitions based on allowing a
- -- maximum of $DLL_MAX_SYMBOLS in one DLL.
- let spl_objs = groupObjs objs
- n_spl_objs = length spl_objs
- base' = base ++ "-pt"
- mapM_ (\(n, _) -> putStrLn $ ">> DLL split at " ++ show n ++ " symbols.") spl_objs
- putStrLn $ "OK, based on the amount of symbols we'll split the DLL into " ++ show n_spl_objs ++ " pieces."
- -- Start off by creating the import libraries to break the
- -- mutual dependency chain.
- forM_ (zip [(1::Int)..] spl_objs) $ \(i, (n, o)) ->
- do putStrLn $ "Processing file " ++ show i ++ " of "
- ++ show n_spl_objs ++ " with " ++ show n
- ++ " symbols."
- let base_pt = base' ++ show i
- file = base_pt <.> "def"
- dll = base_pt <.> "dll"
- lst = base_pt <.> "lst"
- _ <- withFile lst WriteMode $ \hExports ->
- mapM_ (hPutStrLn hExports . unlines . map snd . objItems) o
- build_import_lib base_pt (takeFileName dll) file o
- -- Now create the actual DLLs by using the import libraries
- -- to break the mutual recursion.
- forM_ (zip [1..] spl_objs) $ \(i, (n, _)) ->
- do putStrLn $ "Creating DLL " ++ show i ++ " of "
- ++ show n_spl_objs ++ " with " ++ show n
- ++ " symbols."
- let base_pt = base' ++ show i
- file = base_pt <.> "def"
- dll = base_pt <.> "dll"
- lst = base_pt <.> "lst"
- imp_lib = base_pt <.> "dll.a"
- indexes = [1..(length spl_objs)]\\[i]
- libs = map (\ix -> (base' ++ show ix) <.> "dll.a") indexes
- _ <- execProg link_cmd Nothing
- $ concat [[objs_files
- ,extra_libs
- ,extra_flags
- ,file
- ]
- ,libs
- ,sxs_opts
- ,["-fno-shared-implib"
- ,"-optl-Wl,--retain-symbols-file=" ++ lst
- ,"-o"
- ,dll
- ]
- ]
- -- build_delay_import_lib file imp_lib delay_imp
- putStrLn $ "Created " ++ dll ++ "."
- -- And finally, merge the individual import libraries into
- -- one with the name of the original library we were
- -- supposed to make. This means that nothing has to really
- -- know how we split up the DLLs, for everything else it'so
- -- as if it's still one large assembly.
- create_merged_archive base base' (length spl_objs)
-collectObjs :: [String] -> Objs
-collectObjs = map snd . M.toList . foldr collectObjs' M.empty
-collectObjs' :: String -> M.Map String Obj -> M.Map String Obj
-collectObjs' [] m = m
-collectObjs' str_in m
- = let clean = dropWhile isSpace
- str = clean str_in
- (file, rest) = ((takeWhile (/=':') . clean) *** clean) $
- break isSpace str
- (typ , sym ) = (id *** clean) $ break isSpace rest
- obj = Obj { objName = file
- , objCount = 1
- , objItems = [(head typ, sym)]
- }
- upd value
- = if length typ /= 1
- then value
- else Just $ maybe obj
- (\o -> o { objCount = objCount o + 1
- , objItems = (head typ, sym) : objItems o
- })
- value
- in M.alter upd file m
--- Split a list of objects into globals and functions
-splitObjs :: Objs -> (Symbols, Symbols)
-splitObjs [] = ([], [])
-splitObjs (y:ys) = group_ (objItems y) (splitObjs ys)
- where globals = "DdGgrRSsbBC"
- group_ :: [(Char, Symbol)] -> (Symbols, Symbols) -> (Symbols, Symbols)
- group_ [] x = x
- group_ (x:xs) (g, f) | fst x `elem` globals = group_ xs (snd x:g, f)
- | otherwise = group_ xs (g, snd x:f)
--- Determine how to split the objects up.
-groupObjs :: Objs -> [(Int, Objs)]
-groupObjs = binObjs 0 []
- where binObjs :: Int -> Objs -> Objs -> [(Int, Objs)]
- binObjs n l [] = [(n, l)]
- binObjs n l (o:os)
- = let nx = objCount o
- n' = n + nx
- in if n' > dll_max_symbols
- then (n, l) : binObjs 0 [] os
- else binObjs n' (o:l) os
--- Maximum number of symbols to allow into
--- one DLL. This is the split factor used.
-dll_max_symbols :: Int
-dll_max_symbols = 65535 - SYMBOL_PADDING -- Some padding for required symbols.
-isTrue :: String -> Bool
-isTrue s = let s' = map toLower s
- in case () of
- () | s' == "yes" -> True
- | s' == "no" -> False
- | otherwise -> error $ "Expected yes/no but got '" ++ s ++ "'"
-foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "Shellapi.h CommandLineToArgvW"
- c_CommandLineToArgvW :: CWString -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr CWString)
-foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h LocalFree"
- localFree :: Ptr a -> IO (Ptr a)
-mkArgs :: String -> IO [String]
-mkArgs [] = return []
-mkArgs arg =
- do withCWString arg $ \c_arg -> do
- alloca $ \c_size -> do
- res <- c_CommandLineToArgvW c_arg c_size
- size <- peek c_size
- args <- peekArray (fromIntegral size) res
- values <- mapM peekCWString args
- _ <- localFree res
- return values
-execProg :: String -> Maybe FilePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
-execProg prog m_stdin args =
- do args' <- fmap concat $ mapM mkArgs args
- prog' <- mkArgs prog
- let full@(c_prog:c_args) = prog' ++ args'
- -- print the commands we're executing for debugging and transparency
- putStrLn $ unwords $ full ++ [maybe "" ("< " ++) m_stdin]
- cwdir <- getCurrentDirectory
- let cp = (proc c_prog c_args)
- { std_out = CreatePipe, cwd = Just cwdir }
- cp' <- case m_stdin of
- Nothing -> return cp
- Just path -> do h <- openFile path ReadMode
- return cp{ std_in = UseHandle h}
- bracket
- (createProcess_ ("execProg: " ++ prog) cp')
- (\(_, Just hout, _, ph) -> do
- hClose hout
- code <- waitForProcess ph
- case std_in cp' of
- UseHandle h -> hClose h
- _ -> return ()
- case code of
- ExitFailure _ -> exitWith code
- ExitSuccess -> return ())
- (\(_, Just hout, _, _) -> do
- results <- hGetContents hout
- length results `seq` return $ lines results)
--- | Mingw-w64's genlib.exe is generally a few order of magnitudes faster than
--- libtool which is BFD based. We used to support both but the libtool path
--- would literally require fractions of hours to finish so we dropped it in the
--- name of consistency and simplicity.
-execLibTool :: String -> String -> IO [String]
-execLibTool input_def output_lib
- = execProg genlib Nothing [input_def, "-o", output_lib]
--- Builds a delay import lib at the very end which is used to
--- be able to delay the picking of a DLL on Windows.
--- This function is called always and decided internally
--- what to do.
-build_delay_import_lib :: String -- ^ input def file
- -> String -- ^ output import delayed import lib
- -> String -- ^ flag to indicate if delay import
- -- lib should be created
- -> IO ()
-build_delay_import_lib input_def output_lib create_delayed
- = when (isTrue create_delayed) $
- execLibTool input_def output_lib >> return ()
--- Build a normal import library from the object file definitions
-build_import_lib :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Objs -> IO ()
-build_import_lib base dll_name defFile objs
- = do -- Create a def file hiding symbols not in original object files
- -- because --export-all is re-exporting things from static libs
- -- we need to separate out data from functions. So first create two temporaries
- let (globals, functions) = splitObjs objs
- -- This split is important because for DATA entries the compiler should not generate
- -- a trampoline since CONST DATA is directly referenced and not executed. This is not very
- -- important for mingw-w64 which would generate both the trampoline and direct reference
- -- by default, but nevertheless for mingw-w64 we can trim the output.
- _ <- withFile defFile WriteMode $ \hDef -> do
- hPutStrLn hDef $ unlines $ ["LIBRARY " ++ show dll_name
- ]
- mapM_ (\v -> hPutStrLn hDef $ " " ++ show v ++ " DATA") globals
- mapM_ (\v -> hPutStrLn hDef $ " " ++ show v ) functions
- let dll_import = base <.> "dll.a"
- _ <- execLibTool defFile dll_import
- return ()
--- Do some cleanup and create merged lib.
--- Because we have no split the DLL we need
--- to provide a way for the linker to know about the split
--- DLL. Also the compile was supposed to produce a DLL
--- foo.dll and import library foo.lib. However we've actually
--- produced foo-pt1.dll, foo-pt2.dll etc. What we don't want is to have
--- To somehow convey back to the compiler that we split the DLL in x pieces
--- as this would require a lot of changes.
--- Instead we produce a merged import library which contains the union of
--- all the import libraries produced. This works because import libraries contain
--- only .idata section which point to the right dlls. So LD will do the right thing.
--- And this means we don't have to do any special handling for the rest of the pipeline.
-create_merged_archive :: FilePath -> String -> Int -> IO ()
-create_merged_archive base prefix count
- = do let ar_script = base <.> "mri"
- imp_lib = base <.> "dll.a"
- imp_libs = map (\i -> prefix ++ show i <.> "dll.a") [1..count]
- let script = [ "create " ++ imp_lib ] ++
- map ("addlib " ++) imp_libs ++
- [ "save", "end" ]
- writeFile ar_script (unlines script)
- _ <- execProg ar (Just ar_script) ["-M"]
- return ()
diff --git a/utils/gen-dll/Makefile b/utils/gen-dll/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 215b80d60a..0000000000
--- a/utils/gen-dll/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow
-# This file is part of the GHC build system.
-# To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-dir = utils/gen-dll
-TOP = ../..
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/gen-dll/ b/utils/gen-dll/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1013b0b74a..0000000000
--- a/utils/gen-dll/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
--- WARNING: gen-dll.cabal is automatically generated from by
--- ./configure. Make sure you are editing, not gen-dll.cabal.
-Name: gen-dll
-Version: 0.1
-Copyright: XXX
-License: BSD3
--- XXX License-File: LICENSE
-author: Tamar Christina
-Synopsis: Generate GHC core boot library dlls
- This package is responsible for building DLLs that are delay loaded and
- create optimized import libraries that can be used to delay load DLLs.
- Particularly the RTS. This allows us to delay the loading of the DLL while
- still having const data imports work. It also allows us to work around
- certain dlltool limitations and the very slow BFD import lib implementation.
-build-type: Simple
-cabal-version: >=1.10
-Executable gen-dll
- Default-Language: Haskell2010
- Main-Is: Main.hs
- Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5 ,
- pretty >= 1.1 && < 1.2,
- process >= 1.2 && < 1.9,
- filepath >= 1.3 && < 1.5,
- directory >= 1.1 && < 1.4,
- containers >= 0.5 && < 0.7
- Extra-Libraries: Shell32
- ghc-options: -UGEN_SXS
- -DNM_TOOL_BIN="\"@NmCmd@\""
- -DGENLIB_TOOL_BIN="\"@GenlibCmd@\""
- -DAR_TOOL_BIN="\"@ArCmd@\""