path: root/tests/DHCPv6/
diff options
authorDavid Hankins <>2007-05-08 23:05:22 +0000
committerDavid Hankins <>2007-05-08 23:05:22 +0000
commit98bd7ca0990e6d88e3345d3bc966ebe8216691a7 (patch)
treec4437ca467e8f733d530170a5c445747b2defd68 /tests/DHCPv6/
parent74dc3e0b2786c46956e7517398ae6f7c6dad52d7 (diff)
DHCPv6 branch merged to HEAD.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/DHCPv6/')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/DHCPv6/ b/tests/DHCPv6/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ebd2992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/DHCPv6/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use English;
+use Time::HiRes qw( sleep );
+use Socket;
+use Socket6;
+use IO::Select;
+use dhcp_client;
+# XXX: for debugging
+use Data::Dumper;
+# not-yet-standard options
+my $OPT_TIME_OFFSET = 41;
+# DOCSIS sub-options
+my $DOCSIS_OPT_ORO = 1;
+# 2 to 31 are reserved
+my $DOCSIS_OPT_TLV5 = 35;
+my $DOCSIS_OPT_CCC = 37;
+my $DOCSIS_OPT_VERS = 38;
+# well-known addresses
+my $All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers = "ff02::1:2";
+my $All_DHCP_Servers = "ff05::1:3";
+# ports
+my $client_port = 546;
+my $server_port = 547;
+# create a new Solicit message
+my $msg = dhcp_client::msg->new($MSG_DECLINE);
+# add the Client Identifier (required by DOCSIS and RFC 3315)
+$msg->add_option($OPT_CLIENTID, dhcp_client::duid());
+# add the Server identifier (required by RFC 3315)
+$msg->add_option($OPT_SERVERID, "InfiniteEntropy");
+# add Elapsed Time, set to 0 on first packet (required by RFC 3315)
+$msg->add_option($OPT_ELAPSED_TIME, "\x00\x00");
+# add IA_NA for each interface (required by DOCSIS and RFC 3315)
+# XXX: should this be a single interface only?
+my $iaid = 0;
+foreach my $iface (dhcp_client::iface()) {
+ my $iaaddr_option = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "1:2:3:4::");
+ $iaaddr_option .= pack("NN", 0, 0);
+ my $option_data = pack("NNN", ++$iaid, 0, 0);
+ $option_data .= pack("nn", $OPT_IAADDR, length($iaaddr_option)-8);
+ $option_data .= $iaaddr_option;
+ $msg->add_option($OPT_IA_NA, $option_data);
+# timeout parameters, from DOCSIS
+my $MRT = $SOL_MAX_RT;
+my $MRC = 4; # DOCSIS says 4, RFC 3315 says it SHOULD be 0
+my $MRD = 0;
+# sleep a random amount of time between 0 and 1 second, required by RFC 3315
+# XXX: this seems pretty stupid
+my $RT;
+my $count = 0;
+my $mrd_end_time;
+if ($MRD != 0) {
+ $mrd_end_time = time() + $MRD;
+my $reply_msg;
+do {
+ # create our socket, and send our Solicit
+ socket(SOCK, PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die;
+ my $addr = inet_pton(AF_INET6, $All_DHCP_Servers);
+ my $packet = $msg->packet();
+ my $send_ret = send(SOCK, $packet, 0,
+ pack_sockaddr_in6($server_port, $addr));
+ if (not defined($send_ret)) {
+ printf STDERR
+ "Error \%d sending DHCPv6 Solicit message;\n\%s\n",
+ exit(1);
+ } elsif ($send_ret != length($packet)) {
+ print STDERR "Unable to send entire DHCPv6 Solicit message.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ $count++;
+ my $RAND = rand(0.2) - 0.1;
+ if (defined $RT) {
+ $RT = 2*$RT + $RAND*$RT;
+ if (($RT > $MRT) && ($MRT != 0)) {
+ $RT = $MRT + $RAND*$RT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $RT = $IRT + $RAND*$IRT;
+ }
+ my $rt_end_time = time() + $RT;
+ if (defined($mrd_end_time) && ($mrd_end_time > $rt_end_time)) {
+ $rt_end_time = $mrd_end_time;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ my $timeout = $rt_end_time - time();
+ if ($timeout < 0) {
+# print STDERR "Timeout waiting for DHCPv6 Advertise ",
+# "or Reply message.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ my @ready = IO::Select->new(\*SOCK)->can_read($timeout);
+ if (@ready) {
+ my $reply;
+ my $recv_ret;
+ $recv_ret = recv(SOCK, $reply, 1500, 0);
+ if (not defined $recv_ret) {
+ printf STDERR
+ "Error \%d receiving DHCPv6 " .
+ "message;\n\%s\n",
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ $reply_msg = dhcp_client::msg::decode($reply, 1);
+ if (($reply_msg->{msg_type} == $MSG_ADVERTISE) ||
+ ($reply_msg->{msg_type} == $MSG_REPLY)) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} until ($reply_msg ||
+ (($MRC != 0) && ($count > $MRC)) ||
+ (defined($mrd_end_time) && ($mrd_end_time > time())));
+unless ($reply_msg) {
+ if (($MRC != 0) && ($count >= $MRC)) {
+ print STDERR
+ "No reply after maximum retransmission count.\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR
+ "No reply after maximum retransmission duration.\n";
+ }
+if ($reply_msg && ($reply_msg->{msg_type} == $MSG_REPLY)) {
+ print "Got DHCPv6 Reply message.\n";
+ exit(0);
+#$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
+#print Dumper($msg), "\n";
+#print Dumper($msg->packet()), "\n";
+#print "packet length: ", length($msg->packet()), "\n";