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-Network Working Group W. Wimer
-Request for Comments: 1542 Carnegie Mellon University
-Updates: 951 October 1993
-Obsoletes: 1532
-Category: Standards Track
- Clarifications and Extensions for the Bootstrap Protocol
-Status of this Memo
- This RFC specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status
- of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
- Some aspects of the BOOTP protocol were rather loosely defined in its
- original specification. In particular, only a general description
- was provided for the behavior of "BOOTP relay agents" (originally
- called BOOTP forwarding agents"). The client behavior description
- also suffered in certain ways. This memo attempts to clarify and
- strengthen the specification in these areas. Due to some errors
- introduced into RFC 1532 in the editorial process, this memo is
- reissued as RFC 1542.
- In addition, new issues have arisen since the original specification
- was written. This memo also attempts to address some of these.
-Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction................................................. 2
- 1.1 Requirements................................................ 3
- 1.2 Terminology................................................. 3
- 1.3 Data Transmission Order..................................... 4
- 2. General Issues............................................... 5
- 2.1 General BOOTP Processing.................................... 5
- 2.2 Definition of the 'flags' Field............................. 5
- 2.3 Bit Ordering of Hardware Addresses.......................... 7
- 2.4 BOOTP Over IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Networks................... 8
- 3. BOOTP Client Behavior........................................ 9
- 3.1 Client use of the 'flags' field............................. 9
- 3.1.1 The BROADCAST flag........................................ 9
- 3.1.2 The remainder of the 'flags' field........................ 9
- 3.2 Definition of the 'secs' field.............................. 10
- 3.3 Use of the 'ciaddr' and 'yiaddr' fields..................... 10
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- 3.4 Interpretation of the 'giaddr' field........................ 11
- 3.5 Vendor information "magic cookie"........................... 12
- 4. BOOTP Relay Agents........................................... 13
- 4.1 General BOOTP Processing for Relay Agents................... 14
- 4.1.1 BOOTREQUEST Messages...................................... 14
- 4.1.2 BOOTREPLY Messages........................................ 17
- 5. BOOTP Server Behavior........................................ 18
- 5.1 Reception of BOOTREQUEST Messages........................... 18
- 5.2 Use of the 'secs' field..................................... 19
- 5.3 Use of the 'ciaddr' field................................... 19
- 5.4 Strategy for Delivery of BOOTREPLY Messages................. 20
- Acknowledgements................................................ 21
- References...................................................... 22
- Security Considerations......................................... 23
- Author's Address................................................ 23
-1. Introduction
- The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) is a UDP/IP-based protocol which
- allows a booting host to configure itself dynamically and without
- user supervision. BOOTP provides a means to notify a host of its
- assigned IP address, the IP address of a boot server host, and the
- name of a file to be loaded into memory and executed [1]. Other
- configuration information such as the local subnet mask, the local
- time offset, the addresses of default routers, and the addresses of
- various Internet servers can also be communicated to a host using
- BOOTP [2].
- Unfortunately, the original BOOTP specification [1] left some issues
- of the protocol open to question. The exact behavior of BOOTP relay
- agents formerly called "BOOTP forwarding agents") was not clearly
- specified. Some parts of the overall protocol specification actually
- conflict, while other parts have been subject to misinterpretation,
- indicating that clarification is needed. This memo addresses these
- problems.
- Since the introduction of BOOTP, the IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Network
- has been developed which presents a unique problem for BOOTP's
- particular message-transfer paradigm. This memo also suggests a
- solution for this problem.
- NOTE: Unless otherwise specified in this document or a later
- document, the information and requirements specified througout this
- document also apply to extensions to BOOTP such as the Dynamic Host
- Configuration Protocol (DHCP) [3].
-Wimer [Page 2]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
-1.1 Requirements
- In this memo, the words that are used to define the significance of
- particular requirements are capitalized. These words are:
- o "MUST"
- This word or the adjective "REQUIRED" means that the item
- is an absolute requirement of the specification.
- o "MUST NOT"
- This phrase means that the item is an absolute prohibition
- of the specification.
- o "SHOULD"
- This word or the adjective "RECOMMENDED" means that there
- may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to
- ignore this item, but the full implications should be
- understood and the case carefully weighed before choosing a
- different course.
- This phrase means that there may exist valid reasons in
- particular circumstances when the listed behavior is
- acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should
- be understood and the case carefully weighed before
- implementing any behavior described with this label.
- o "MAY"
- This word or the adjective "OPTIONAL" means that this item
- is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the
- item because a particular marketplace requires it or
- because it enhances the product, for example; another
- vendor may omit the same item.
-1.2 Terminology
- This memo uses the following terms:
- A BOOTREQUEST message is a BOOTP message sent from a BOOTP
- client to a BOOTP server, requesting configuration information.
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- A BOOTREPLY message is a BOOTP message sent from a BOOTP server
- to a BOOTP client, providing configuration information.
- Silently discard
- This memo specifies several cases where a BOOTP entity is to
- "silently discard" a received BOOTP message. This means that
- the entity is to discard the message without further
- processing, and that the entity will not send any ICMP error
- message as a result. However, for diagnosis of problems, the
- entity SHOULD provide the capability of logging the error,
- including the contents of the silently-discarded message, and
- SHOULD record the event in a statistics counter.
-1.3 Data Transmission Order
- The order of transmission of the header and data described in this
- document is resolved to the octet level. Whenever a diagram shows a
- group of octets, the order of transmission of those octets is the
- normal order in which they are read in English. For example, in the
- following diagram, the octets are transmitted in the order they are
- numbered.
- 0 1
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | 1 | 2 |
- +-------------------------------+
- | 3 | 4 |
- +-------------------------------+
- | 5 | 6 |
- +-------------------------------+
- Whenever an octet represents a numeric quantity, the leftmost bit in
- the diagram is the high order or most significant bit. That is, the
- bit labeled 0 is the most significant bit. For example, the
- following diagram represents the value 170 (decimal).
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0|
- +---------------+
- Similarly, whenever a multi-octet field represents a numeric quantity
- the leftmost bit of the whole field is the most significant bit.
- When a multi-octet quantity is transmitted the most significant octet
-Wimer [Page 4]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- is transmitted first.
-2. General Issues
- This section covers issues of general relevance to all BOOTP entities
- (clients, servers, and relay agents).
-2.1 General BOOTP Processing
- The following consistency checks SHOULD be performed on BOOTP
- messages:
- o The IP Total Length and UDP Length must be large enough to
- contain the minimal BOOTP header of 300 octets (in the UDP
- data field) specified in [1].
- NOTE: Future extensions to the BOOTP protocol may increase the size
- of BOOTP messages. Therefore, BOOTP messages which, according to the
- IP Total Length and UDP Length fields, are larger than the minimum
- size specified by [1] MUST also be accepted.
- o The 'op' (opcode) field of the message must contain either the
- code for a BOOTREQUEST (1) or the code for a BOOTREPLY (2).
- BOOTP messages not meeting these consistency checks MUST be silently
- discarded.
-2.2 Definition of the 'flags' Field
- The standard BOOTP message format defined in [1] includes a two-octet
- field located between the 'secs' field and the 'ciaddr' field. This
- field is merely designated as "unused" and its contents left
- unspecified, although Section 7.1 of [1] does offer the following
- suggestion:
- "Before setting up the packet for the first time, it is a good
- idea to clear the entire packet buffer to all zeros; this will
- place all fields in their default state."
- This memo hereby designates this two-octet field as the 'flags'
- field.
- This memo hereby defines the most significant bit of the 'flags'
- field as the BROADCAST (B) flag. The semantics of this flag are
- discussed in Sections 3.1.1 and 4.1.2 of this memo.
- The remaining bits of the 'flags' field are reserved for future
- use. They MUST be set to zero by clients and ignored by servers
-Wimer [Page 5]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- and relay agents.
- The 'flags' field, then, appears as follows:
- 0 1
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- |B| MBZ |
- +-+-----------------------------+
- where:
- B BROADCAST flag (discussed in Sections 3.1.1 and 4.1.2)
- MBZ MUST BE ZERO (reserved for future use)
- The format of a BOOTP message is shown below. The numbers in
- parentheses indicate the size of each field in octets.
-Wimer [Page 6]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | op (1) | htype (1) | hlen (1) | hops (1) |
- +---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------+
- | xid (4) |
- +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
- | secs (2) | flags (2) |
- +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
- | ciaddr (4) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | yiaddr (4) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | siaddr (4) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | giaddr (4) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | chaddr (16) |
- | |
- | |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | sname (64) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | file (128) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
- | |
- | vend (64) |
- +---------------------------------------------------------------+
-2.3 Bit Ordering of Hardware Addresses
- The bit ordering used for link-level hardware addresses in the
- 'chaddr' field SHOULD be the same as the ordering used for the ARP
- protocol [4] on the client's link-level network (assuming ARP is
- defined for that network).
- The 'chaddr' field MUST be preserved as it was specified by the BOOTP
- client. A relay agent MUST NOT reverse the bit ordering of the
- 'chaddr' field even if it happens to be relaying a BOOTREQUEST
- between two networks which use different bit orderings.
- One of the primary reasons the 'chaddr' field exists is to
- enable BOOTP servers and relay agents to communicate directly
-Wimer [Page 7]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- with clients without the use of broadcasts. In practice, the
- contents of the 'chaddr' field is often used to create an ARP-
- cache entry in exactly the same way the normal ARP protocol
- would have. Clearly, interoperability can only be achieved if
- a consistent interpretation of the 'chaddr' field is used.
- As a practical example, this means that the bit ordering used
- for the 'chaddr' field by a BOOTP client on an IEEE 802.5 Token
- Ring network is the opposite of the bit ordering used by a
- BOOTP client on a DIX ethernet network.
-2.4 BOOTP Over IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Networks
- Special consideration of the client/server and client/relay agent
- interactions must be given to IEEE 802.5 networks because of non-
- transparent bridging.
- The client SHOULD send its broadcast BOOTREQUEST with an All Routes
- Explorer RIF. This will enable servers/relay agents to cache the
- return route if they choose to do so. For those server/relay agents
- which cannot cache the return route (because they are stateless, for
- example), the BOOTREPLY message SHOULD be sent to the client's
- hardware address, as taken from the BOOTP message, with a Spanning
- Tree Rooted RIF. The actual bridge route will be recorded by the
- client and server/relay agent by normal ARP processing code.
- In the simplest case, an unbridged, single ring network, the
- broadcast behavior of the BOOTP protocol is identical to that
- of Ethernet networks. However, a BOOTP client cannot know, a
- priori, that an 802.5 network is not bridged. In fact, the
- likelihood is that the server, or relay agent, will not know
- either.
- Of the four possible scenerios, only two are interesting: where
- the assumption is that the 802.5 network is not bridged and it
- is, and the assumption that the network is bridged and it is
- not. In the former case, the Routing Information Field (RIF)
- will not be used; therefore, if the server/relay agent are on
- another segment of the ring, the client cannot reach it. In
- the latter case, the RIF field will be used, resulting in a few
- extraneous bytes on the ring. It is obvious that an almost
- immeasurable inefficiency is to be preferred over a complete
- failure to communicate.
-Wimer [Page 8]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- Given that the assumption is that RIF fields will be needed, it
- is necesary to determine the optimum method for the client to
- reach the server/relay agent, and the optimum method for the
- response to be returned.
-3. BOOTP Client Behavior
- This section clarifies various issues regarding BOOTP client
- behavior.
-3.1 Client use of the 'flags' field
-3.1.1 The BROADCAST flag
- Normally, BOOTP servers and relay agents attempt to deliver BOOTREPLY
- messages directly to a client using unicast delivery. The IP
- destination address (in the IP header) is set to the BOOTP 'yiaddr'
- address and the link-layer destination address is set to the BOOTP
- 'chaddr' address. Unfortunately, some client implementations are
- unable to receive such unicast IP datagrams until they know their own
- IP address (thus we have a "chicken and egg" issue). Often, however,
- they can receive broadcast IP datagrams (those with a valid IP
- broadcast address as the IP destination and the link-layer broadcast
- address as the link-layer destination).
- If a client falls into this category, it SHOULD set (to 1) the
- newly-defined BROADCAST flag in the 'flags' field of BOOTREPLY
- messages it generates. This will provide a hint to BOOTP servers and
- relay agents that they should attempt to broadcast their BOOTREPLY
- messages to the client.
- If a client does not have this limitation (i.e., it is perfectly able
- to receive unicast BOOTREPLY messages), it SHOULD NOT set the
- BROADCAST flag (i.e., it SHOULD clear the BROADCAST flag to 0).
- This addition to the protocol is a workaround for old host
- implementations. Such implementations SHOULD be modified so
- that they may receive unicast BOOTREPLY messages, thus making
- use of this workaround unnecessary. In general, the use of
- this mechanism is discouraged.
-3.1.2 The remainder of the 'flags' field
- The remaining bits of the 'flags' field are reserved for future use.
- A client MUST set these bits to zero in all BOOTREQUEST messages it
- generates. A client MUST ignore these bits in all BOOTREPLY messages
-Wimer [Page 9]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- it receives.
-3.2 Definition of the 'secs' field
- The 'secs' field of a BOOTREQUEST message SHOULD represent the
- elapsed time, in seconds, since the client sent its first BOOTREQUEST
- message. Note that this implies that the 'secs' field of the first
- BOOTREQUEST message SHOULD be set to zero.
- Clients SHOULD NOT set the 'secs' field to a value which is constant
- for all BOOTREQUEST messages.
- The original definition of the 'secs' field was vague. It was
- not clear whether it represented the time since the first
- BOOTREQUEST message was sent or some other time period such as
- the time since the client machine was powered-up. This has
- limited its usefulness as a policy control mechanism for BOOTP
- servers and relay agents. Furthermore, certain client
- implementations have been known to simply set this field to a
- constant value or use incorrect byte-ordering. Incorrect
- byte-ordering usually makes it appear as if a client has been
- waiting much longer than it really has, so a relay agent will
- relay the BOOTREQUEST sooner than desired (usually
- immediately). These implementation errors have further
- undermined the usefulness of the 'secs' field. These incorrect
- implementations SHOULD be corrected.
-3.3 Use of the 'ciaddr' and 'yiaddr' fields
- If a BOOTP client does not know what IP address it should be using,
- the client SHOULD set the 'ciaddr' field to If the client
- has the ability to remember the last IP address it was assigned, or
- it has been preconfigured with an IP address via some alternate
- mechanism, the client MAY fill the 'ciaddr' field with that IP
- address. If the client does place a non-zero IP address in the
- 'ciaddr' field, the client MUST be prepared to accept incoming
- unicast datagrams addressed to that IP address and also answer ARP
- requests for that IP address (if ARP is used on that network).
- The BOOTP server is free to assign a different IP address (in the
- 'yiaddr' field) than the client expressed in 'ciaddr'. The client
- SHOULD adopt the IP address specified in 'yiaddr' and begin using it
- as soon as possible.
-Wimer [Page 10]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- There are various interpretations about the purpose of the
- 'ciaddr' field and, unfortunately, no agreement on a single
- correct interpretation. One interpretation is that if a client
- is willing to accept whatever IP address the BOOTP server
- assigns to it, the client should always place in the
- 'ciaddr' field, regardless of whether it knows its previously-
- assigned address. Conversely, if the client wishes to assert
- that it must have a particular IP address (e.g., the IP address
- was hand-configured by the host administrator and BOOTP is only
- being used to obtain a boot file and/or information from the
- 'vend' field), the client will then fill the 'ciaddr' field
- with the desired IP address and ignore the IP address assigned
- by the BOOTP server as indicated in the 'yiaddr' field. An
- alternate interpretation holds that the client always fills the
- 'ciaddr' field with its most recently-assigned IP address (if
- known) even if that address may be incorrect. Such a client
- will still accept and use the address assigned by the BOOTP
- server as indicated in the 'yiaddr' field. The motivation for
- this interpretation is to aid the server in identifying the
- client and/or in delivering the BOOTREPLY to the client. Yet a
- third (mis)interpretation allows the client to use 'ciaddr' to
- express the client's desired IP address, even if the client has
- never used that address before or is not currently using that
- address.
- The last interpretation is incorrect as it may prevent the
- BOOTREPLY from reaching the client. The server will usually
- unicast the reply to the address given in 'ciaddr' but the
- client may not be listening on that address yet, or the client
- may be connected to an incorrect subnet such that normal IP
- routing (correctly) routes the reply to a different subnet.
- The second interpretation also suffers from the "incorrect
- subnet" problem.
- The first interpretation seems to be the safest and most likely
- to promote interoperability.
-3.4 Interpretation of the 'giaddr' field
- The 'giaddr' field is rather poorly named. It exists to facilitate
- the transfer of BOOTREQUEST messages from a client, through BOOTP
- relay agents, to servers on different networks than the client.
- Similarly, it facilitates the delivery of BOOTREPLY messages from the
- servers, through BOOTP relay agents, back to the client. In no case
- does it represent a general IP router to be used by the client. A
-Wimer [Page 11]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- BOOTP client MUST set the 'giaddr' field to zero ( in all
- BOOTREQUEST messages it generates.
- A BOOTP client MUST NOT interpret the 'giaddr' field of a BOOTREPLY
- message to be the IP address of an IP router. A BOOTP client SHOULD
- completely ignore the contents of the 'giaddr' field in BOOTREPLY
- messages.
- The semantics of the 'giaddr' field were poorly defined.
- Section 7.5 of [1] states:
- "If 'giaddr' (gateway address) is nonzero, then the packets
- should be forwarded there first, in order to get to the
- server."
- In that sentence, "get to" refers to communication from the client to
- the server subsequent to the BOOTP exchange, such as a TFTP session.
- Unfortunately, the 'giaddr' field may contain the address of a BOOTP
- relay agent that is not itself an IP router (according to [1],
- Section 8, fifth paragraph), in which case, it will be useless as a
- first-hop for TFTP packets sent to the server (since, by definition,
- non-routers don't forward datagrams at the IP layer).
- Although now prohibited by Section 4.1.1 of this memo, the 'giaddr'
- field might contain a broadcast address according to Section 8, sixth
- paragraph of [1]. Not only would such an address be useless as a
- router address, it might also cause the client to ARP for the
- broadcast address (since, if the client didn't receive a subnet mask
- in the BOOTREPLY message, it would be unable to recognize a subnet
- broadcast address). This is clearly undesirable.
- To reach a non-local server, clients can obtain a first-hop router
- address from the "Gateway" subfield of the "Vendor Information
- Extensions" [2] (if present), or via the ICMP router discovery
- protocol [5] or other similar mechanism.
-3.5 Vendor information "magic cookie"
- It is RECOMMENDED that a BOOTP client always fill the first four
- octets of the 'vend' (vendor information) field of a BOOTREQUEST with
- a four-octet identifier called a "magic cookie." A BOOTP client
- SHOULD do this even if it has no special information to communicate
- to the BOOTP server using the 'vend' field. This aids the BOOTP
- server in determining what vendor information format it should use in
- its BOOTREPLY messages.
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- If a special vendor-specific magic cookie is not being used, a BOOTP
- client SHOULD use the dotted decimal value as specified
- in [2]. In this case, if the client has no information to
- communicate to the server, the octet immediately following the magic
- cookie SHOULD be set to the "End" tag (255) and the remaining octets
- of the 'vend' field SHOULD be set to zero.
- Sometimes different operating systems or networking packages
- are run on the same machine at different times (or even at the
- same time!). Since the hardware address placed in the 'chaddr'
- field will likely be the same, BOOTREQUESTs from completely
- different BOOTP clients on the same machine will likely be
- difficult for a BOOTP server to differentiate. If the client
- includes a magic cookie in its BOOTREQUESTs, the server will at
- least know what format the client expects and can understand in
- corresponding BOOTREPLY messages.
-4. BOOTP Relay Agents
- In many cases, BOOTP clients and their associated BOOTP
- server(s) do not reside on the same IP network or subnet. In
- such cases, some kind of third-party agent is required to
- transfer BOOTP messages between clients and servers. Such an
- agent was originally referred to as a "BOOTP forwarding agent."
- However, in order to avoid confusion with the IP forwarding
- function of an IP router, the name "BOOTP relay agent" is
- hereby adopted instead.
- A BOOTP relay agent performs a task which is distinct from an
- IP router's normal IP forwarding function. While a router
- normally switches IP datagrams between networks more-or-less
- transparently, a BOOTP relay agent may more properly be thought
- to receive BOOTP messages as a final destination and then
- generate new BOOTP messages as a result. It is incorrect for a
- relay agent implementation to simply forward a BOOTP message
- "straight through like a regular packet."
- This relay-agent functionality is most conveniently located in
- the routers which interconnect the clients and servers, but may
- alternatively be located in a host which is directly connected
- to the client subnet.
- Any Internet host or router which provides BOOTP relay-agent
- capability MUST conform to the specifications in this memo.
-Wimer [Page 13]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
-4.1 General BOOTP Processing for Relay Agents
- All locally delivered UDP messages whose UDP destination port number
- is BOOTPS (67) are considered for special processing by the host or
- router's logical BOOTP relay agent.
- In the case of a host, locally delivered datagrams are simply all
- datagrams normally received by that host, i.e., broadcast and
- multicast datagrams as well as unicast datagrams addressed to IP
- addresses of that host.
- In the case of a router, locally delivered datagrams are broadcast
- and multicast datagrams as well as unicast datagrams addressed to IP
- addresses of that router. These are datagrams for which the router
- should be considered an end destination as opposed to an intermediate
- switching node. Thus a unicast datagram with an IP destination not
- matching any of the router's IP addresses is not considered for
- processing by the router's logical BOOTP relay agent.
- Hosts and routers are usually required to silently discard incoming
- datagrams containing illegal IP source addresses. This is generally
- known as "Martian address filtering." One of these illegal addresses
- is (or actually anything on network 0). However, hosts or
- routers which support a BOOTP relay agent MUST accept for local
- delivery to the relay agent BOOTREQUEST messages whose IP source
- address is BOOTREQUEST messages from legal IP source
- addresses MUST also be accepted.
- A relay agent MUST silently discard any received UDP messages whose
- UDP destination port number is BOOTPC (68).
- There should be no need for a relay agent to process messages
- addressed to the BOOTPC port. Careful reading of the original
- BOOTP specification [1] will show this. Nevertheless, some
- relay agent implementations incorrectly relay such messages.
- The consistency checks specified in Section 2.1 SHOULD be performed
- by the relay agent. BOOTP messages not meeting these consistency
- checks MUST be silently discarded.
-4.1.1 BOOTREQUEST Messages
- Some configuration mechanism MUST exist to enable or disable the
- relaying of BOOTREQUEST messages. Relaying MUST be disabled by
- default.
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- When the BOOTP relay agent receives a BOOTREQUEST message, it MAY use
- the value of the 'secs' (seconds since client began booting) field of
- the request as a factor in deciding whether to relay the request. If
- such a policy mechanism is implemented, its threshold SHOULD be
- configurable.
- To date, this feature of the BOOTP protocol has not necessarily
- been shown to be useful. See Section 3.2 for a discussion.
- The relay agent MUST silently discard BOOTREQUEST messages whose
- 'hops' field exceeds the value 16. A configuration option SHOULD be
- provided to set this threshold to a smaller value if desired by the
- network manager. The default setting for a configurable threshold
- SHOULD be 4.
- If the relay agent does decide to relay the request, it MUST examine
- the 'giaddr' ("gateway" IP address) field. If this field is zero,
- the relay agent MUST fill this field with the IP address of the
- interface on which the request was received. If the interface has
- more than one IP address logically associated with it, the relay
- agent SHOULD choose one IP address associated with that interface and
- use it consistently for all BOOTP messages it relays. If the
- 'giaddr' field contains some non-zero value, the 'giaddr' field MUST
- NOT be modified. The relay agent MUST NOT, under any circumstances,
- fill the 'giaddr' field with a broadcast address as is suggested in
- [1] (Section 8, sixth paragraph).
- The value of the 'hops' field MUST be incremented.
- All other BOOTP fields MUST be preserved intact.
- At this point, the request is relayed to its new destination (or
- destinations). This destination MUST be configurable. Further, this
- destination configuration SHOULD be independent of the destination
- configuration for any other so-called "broadcast forwarders" (e.g.,
- for the UDP-based TFTP, DNS, Time, etc. protocols).
- The network manager may wish the relaying destination to be an
- IP unicast, multicast, broadcast, or some combination. A
- configurable list of destination IP addresses provides good
- flexibility. More flexible configuration schemes are
- encouraged. For example, it may be desirable to send to the
- limited broadcast address ( on specific
- physical interfaces. However, if the BOOTREQUEST message was
-Wimer [Page 15]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- received as a broadcast, the relay agent MUST NOT rebroadcast
- the BOOTREQUEST on the physical interface from whence it came.
- A relay agent MUST use the same destination (or set of
- destinations) for all BOOTREQUEST messages it relays from a
- given client.
- At least one known relay agent implementation uses a round-
- robin scheme to provide load balancing across multiple BOOTP
- servers. Each time it receives a new BOOTREQUEST message, it
- relays the message to the next BOOTP server in a list of
- servers. Thus, with this relay agent, multiple consecutive
- BOOTREQUEST messages from a given client will be delivered to
- different servers.
- Unfortunately, this well-intentioned scheme reacts badly with
- DHCP [3] and perhaps other variations of the BOOTP protocol
- which depend on multiple exchanges of BOOTREQUEST and BOOTREPLY
- messages between clients and servers. Therefore, all
- BOOTREQUEST messages from a given client MUST be relayed to the
- same destination (or set of destinations).
- One way to meet this requirement while providing some load-
- balancing benefit is to hash the client's link-layer address
- (or some other reliable client-identifying information) and use
- the resulting hash value to select the appropriate relay
- destination (or set of destinations). The simplest solution,
- of course, is to not use a load-balancing scheme and just relay
- ALL received BOOTREQUEST messages to the same destination (or
- set of destinations).
- When transmitting the request to its next destination, the
- relay agent may set the IP Time-To-Live field to either the
- default value for new datagrams originated by the relay agent,
- or to the TTL of the original BOOTREQUEST decremented by (at
- least) one.
- As an extra precaution against BOOTREQUEST loops, it is
- preferable to use the decremented TTL from the original
- BOOTREQUEST. Unfortunately, this may be difficult to do in
- some implementations.
- If the BOOTREQUEST has a UDP checksum (i.e., the UDP checksum
- is non-zero), the checksum must be recalculated before
-Wimer [Page 16]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- transmitting the request.
-4.1.2 BOOTREPLY Messages
- BOOTP relay agents relay BOOTREPLY messages only to BOOTP clients.
- It is the responsibility of BOOTP servers to send BOOTREPLY messages
- directly to the relay agent identified in the 'giaddr' field.
- Therefore, a relay agent may assume that all BOOTREPLY messages it
- receives are intended for BOOTP clients on its directly-connected
- networks.
- When a relay agent receives a BOOTREPLY message, it should examine
- the BOOTP 'giaddr', 'yiaddr', 'chaddr', 'htype', and 'hlen' fields.
- These fields should provide adequate information for the relay agent
- to deliver the BOOTREPLY message to the client.
- The 'giaddr' field can be used to identify the logical interface from
- which the reply must be sent (i.e., the host or router interface
- connected to the same network as the BOOTP client). If the content
- of the 'giaddr' field does not match one of the relay agent's
- directly-connected logical interfaces, the BOOTREPLY messsage MUST be
- silently discarded.
- The 'htype', 'hlen', and 'chaddr' fields supply the link-layer
- hardware type, hardware address length, and hardware address of the
- client as defined in the ARP protocol [4] and the Assigned Numbers
- document [6]. The 'yiaddr' field is the IP address of the client, as
- assigned by the BOOTP server.
- The relay agent SHOULD examine the newly-defined BROADCAST flag (see
- Sections 2.2 and 3.1.1 for more information). If this flag is set to
- 1, the reply SHOULD be sent as an IP broadcast using the IP limited
- broadcast address as the IP destination address and
- the link-layer broadcast address as the link-layer destination
- address. If the BROADCAST flag is cleared (0), the reply SHOULD be
- sent as an IP unicast to the IP address specified by the 'yiaddr'
- field and the link-layer address specified in the 'chaddr' field. If
- unicasting is not possible, the reply MAY be sent as a broadcast, in
- which case it SHOULD be sent to the link-layer broadcast address
- using the IP limited broadcast address as the IP
- destination address.
- The addition of the BROADCAST flag to the protocol is a
- workaround to help promote interoperability with certain client
- implementations.
-Wimer [Page 17]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- Note that since the 'flags' field was previously defined in [1]
- simply as an "unused" field, it is possible that old client or
- server implementations may accidentally and unknowingly set the
- new BROADCAST flag. It is actually expected that such
- implementations will be rare (most implementations seem to
- zero-out this field), but interactions with such
- implementations must nevertheless be considered. If an old
- client or server does set the BROADCAST flag to 1 incorrectly,
- conforming relay agents will generate broadcast BOOTREPLY
- messages to the corresponding client. The BOOTREPLY messages
- should still properly reach the client, at the cost of one
- (otherwise unnecessary) additional broadcast. This, however,
- is no worse than a server or relay agent which always
- broadcasts its BOOTREPLY messages.
- Older client or server implementations which accidentally set
- the BROADCAST flag SHOULD be corrected to properly comply with
- this newer specification.
- All BOOTP fields MUST be preserved intact. The relay agent
- MUST NOT modify any BOOTP field of the BOOTREPLY message when
- relaying it to the client.
- The reply MUST have its UDP destination port set to BOOTPC
- (68).
- If the BOOTREPLY has a UDP checksum (i.e., the UDP checksum is
- non-zero), the checksum must be recalculated before
- transmitting the reply.
-5. BOOTP Server Behavior
- This section provides clarifications on the behavior of BOOTP
- servers.
-5.1 Reception of BOOTREQUEST Messages
- All received UDP messages whose UDP destination port number is BOOTPS
- (67) are considered for processing by the BOOTP server.
- Hosts and routers are usually required to silently discard incoming
- datagrams containing illegal IP source addresses. This is generally
- known as "Martian address filtering." One of these illegal addresses
- is (or actually anything on network 0). However, hosts or
- routers which support a BOOTP server MUST accept for local delivery
- to the server BOOTREQUEST messages whose IP source address is
- BOOTREQUEST messages from legal IP source addresses MUST
- also be accepted.
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- A BOOTP server MUST silently discard any received UDP messages whose
- UDP destination port number is BOOTPC (68).
- There should be no need for a BOOTP server to process messages
- addressed to the BOOTPC port. Careful reading of the original
- BOOTP specification [1] will show this.
- The consistency checks specified in Section 2.1 SHOULD be
- performed by the BOOTP server. BOOTP messages not meeting
- these consistency checks MUST be silently discarded.
-5.2 Use of the 'secs' field
- When the BOOTP server receives a BOOTREQUEST message, it MAY use the
- value of the 'secs' (seconds since client began booting) field of the
- request as a factor in deciding whether and/or how to reply to the
- request.
- To date, this feature of the BOOTP protocol has not necessarily
- been shown to be useful. See Section 3.2 for a discussion.
-5.3 Use of the 'ciaddr' field
- There have been various client interpretations of the 'ciaddr' field
- for which Section 3.3 should be consulted. A BOOTP server SHOULD be
- prepared to deal with these varying interpretations. In general, the
- 'ciaddr' field SHOULD NOT be trusted as a sole key in identifying a
- client; the contents of the 'ciaddr', 'chaddr', 'htype', and 'hlen'
- fields, and probably other information (perhaps in the 'file' and
- 'vend' fields) SHOULD all be considered together in deciding how to
- respond to a given client.
- BOOTP servers SHOULD preserve the contents of the 'ciaddr' field in
- BOOTREPLY messages; the contents of 'ciaddr' in a BOOTREPLY message
- SHOULD exactly match the contents of 'ciaddr' in the corresponding
- BOOTREQUEST message.
- It has been suggested that a client may wish to use the
- contents of 'ciaddr' to further verify that a particular
- BOOTREPLY message was indeed intended for it.
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-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
-5.4 Strategy for Delivery of BOOTREPLY Messages
- Once the BOOTP server has created an appropriate BOOTREPLY message,
- that BOOTREPLY message must be properly delivered to the client.
- The server SHOULD first check the 'ciaddr' field. If the 'ciaddr'
- field is non-zero, the BOOTREPLY message SHOULD be sent as an IP
- unicast to the IP address identified in the 'ciaddr' field. The UDP
- destination port MUST be set to BOOTPC (68). However, the server
- MUST be aware of the problems identified in Section 3.3. The server
- MAY choose to ignore the 'ciaddr' field and act as if the 'ciaddr'
- field contains (and thus continue with the rest of the
- delivery algorithm below).
- The server SHOULD next check the 'giaddr' field. If this field is
- non-zero, the server SHOULD send the BOOTREPLY as an IP unicast to
- the IP address identified in the 'giaddr' field. The UDP destination
- port MUST be set to BOOTPS (67). This action will deliver the
- BOOTREPLY message directly to the BOOTP relay agent closest to the
- client; the relay agent will then perform the final delivery to the
- client. If the BOOTP server has prior knowledge that a particular
- client cannot receive unicast BOOTREPLY messages (e.g., the network
- manager has explicitly configured the server with such knowledge),
- the server MAY set the newly-defined BROADCAST flag to indicate that
- relay agents SHOULD broadcast the BOOTREPLY message to the client.
- Otherwise, the server MUST preserve the state of the BROADCAST flag
- so that the relay agent can correctly act upon it.
- If the 'giaddr' field is set to, then the client resides on
- one of the same networks as the BOOTP server. The server SHOULD
- examine the newly-defined BROADCAST flag (see Sections 2.2, 3.1.1 and
- 4.1.2 for more information). If this flag is set to 1 or the server
- has prior knowledge that the client is unable to receive unicast
- BOOTREPLY messages, the reply SHOULD be sent as an IP broadcast using
- the IP limited broadcast address as the IP
- destination address and the link-layer broadcast address as the
- link-layer destination address. If the BROADCAST flag is cleared
- (0), the reply SHOULD be sent as an IP unicast to the IP address
- specified by the 'yiaddr' field and the link-layer address specified
- in the 'chaddr' field. If unicasting is not possible, the reply MAY
- be sent as a broadcast in which case it SHOULD be sent to the link-
- layer broadcast address using the IP limited broadcast address
- as the IP destination address. In any case, the UDP
- destination port MUST be set to BOOTPC (68).
-Wimer [Page 20]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- The addition of the BROADCAST flag to the protocol is a
- workaround to help promote interoperability with certain client
- implementations.
- The following table summarizes server delivery decisions for
- BOOTREPLY messages based upon information in BOOTREQUEST
- messages:
- BOOTREQUEST fields BOOTREPLY values for UDP, IP, link-layer
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | 'ciaddr' 'giaddr' B | UDP dest IP destination link dest |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | non-zero X X | BOOTPC (68) 'ciaddr' normal |
- | non-zero X | BOOTPS (67) 'giaddr' normal |
- | 0 | BOOTPC (68) 'yiaddr' 'chaddr' |
- | 1 | BOOTPC (68) broadcast |
- +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- B = BROADCAST flag
- X = Don't care
- normal = determine from the given IP destination using normal
- IP routing mechanisms and/or ARP as for any other
- normal datagram
- The author would like to thank Gary Malkin for his contribution of
- the "BOOTP over IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Networks" section, and Steve
- Deering for his observations on the problems associated with the
- 'giaddr' field.
- Ralph Droms and the many members of the IETF Dynamic Host
- Configuration and Router Requirements working groups provided ideas
- for this memo as well as encouragement to write it.
- Philip Almquist and David Piscitello offered many helpful suggestions
- for improving the clarity, accuracy, and organization of this memo.
- These contributions are graciously acknowledged.
-Wimer [Page 21]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
- [1] Croft, B., and J. Gilmore, "Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)", RFC 951,
- Stanford University and Sun Microsystems, September 1985.
- [2] Reynolds, J., "BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions", RFC 1497,
- USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1993. This RFC is
- occasionally reissued with a new number. Please be sure to
- consult the latest version.
- [3] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC 1541,
- Bucknell University, October 1993.
- [4] Plummer, D., "An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol", STD 37,
- RFC 826, MIT, November 1982.
- [5] Deering, S., "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC 1256, Xerox
- PARC, September 1991.
- [6] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC 1340,
- USC/Information Sciences Institute, July, 1992. This RFC is
- periodically reissued with a new number. Please be sure to
- consult the latest version.
-Wimer [Page 22]
-RFC 1542 Clarifications and Extensions for BOOTP October 1993
-Security Considerations
- There are many factors which make BOOTP in its current form quite
- insecure. BOOTP is built directly upon UDP and IP which are as yet
- inherently insecure themselves. Furthermore, BOOTP is generally
- intended to make maintenance of remote and/or diskless hosts easier.
- While perhaps not impossible, configuring such hosts with passwords or
- keys may be difficult and inconvenient. This makes it difficult to
- provide any form of reasonable authentication between servers and
- clients.
- Unauthorized BOOTP servers may easily be set up. Such servers can
- then send false and potentially disruptive information to clients such
- as incorrect or duplicate IP addresses, incorrect routing information
- (including spoof routers, etc.), incorrect domain nameserver addresses
- (such as spoof nameservers), and so on. Clearly, once this "seed"
- mis-information is planted, an attacker can further compromise the
- affected systems.
- Unauthorized BOOTP relay agents may present some of the same problems
- as unauthorized BOOTP servers.
- Malicious BOOTP clients could masquerade as legitimate clients and
- retrieve information intended for those legitimate clients. Where
- dynamic allocation of resources is used, a malicious client could
- claim all resources for itself, thereby denying resources to
- legitimate clients.
-Author's Address
- Walt Wimer
- Network Development
- Carnegie Mellon University
- 5000 Forbes Avenue
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
- Phone: (412) 268-6252
- EMail: Walter.Wimer@CMU.EDU
-Wimer [Page 23]
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