path: root/
diff options
authorMCApollo <>2019-11-08 18:18:09 -0800
committerNico Williams <>2019-12-30 17:48:45 -0600
commit4c2e63a658ba1dfa483223a009e6e2eba3ac6f34 (patch)
tree36946e81335e79970c37480cbc998f16deea7aee /
parent24564b2d345398a818eb74a194faf3733655d73a (diff)
Updated script.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 1daa40d..4b47f6d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,102 +1,106 @@
-# old values
-# For parallelism in make
-NJOBS="-j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu || echo 1`"
-# Get oniguruma
-rm -rf $PWD/build/ios oniguruma-5.9.6
-echo "Downloading oniguruma 5.9.6"
-curl -L | tar xz
-cd oniguruma-5.9.6
-# So, we need to remake the configure scripts so that the arm64 architecture
-# exists in config.sub. In order to keep autoreconf from failing, create
-# NEWS and ChangeLog.
-touch NEWS ChangeLog
-autoreconf -fi >/dev/null 2>&1
-CC=`xcrun -f clang`
-autoreconf -fi
-for arch in i386 x86_64 armv7 armv7s arm64; do
- # Some of the architectures are a bit different...
- if [[ "$arch" = "i386" || "$arch" = "x86_64" ]]
- then
- SYSROOT=`xcrun -f --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path`
- else
- SYSROOT=`xcrun -f --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path`
- fi
- if [[ "$arch" = "arm64" ]]
- then
- HOST="aarch64-apple-darwin"
- else
- HOST="$arch-apple-darwin"
- fi
- CFLAGS="-arch $arch -miphoneos-version-min=6.0 -isysroot $SYSROOT $OLD_CFLAGS"
- LDFLAGS="-arch $arch -miphoneos-version-min=6.0 -isysroot $SYSROOT $OLD_LDFLAGS"
- # Build oniguruma for this architecture
- cd oniguruma-5.9.6
- CC=$CC CFLAGS=$CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --host=$HOST --prefix=$ORIG_PWD/build/ios/$arch
- if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Failed to configure oniguruma for architecture $arch. Check `pwd`/config.log for details."
- cd $PWD
- exit $STATUS
- fi
- make clean
- make $NJBOS install
- if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Failed to make oniguruma for architecture $arch."
- cd $PWD
- exit $STATUS
- fi
- # Build jq for this architecture
- cd $ORIG_PWD
- CC=$CC CFLAGS=$CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static -host=$HOST --prefix=$ORIG_PWD/build/ios/$arch --with-oniguruma=$ORIG_PWD/build/ios/$arch
- if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Failed to configure jq for architecture $arch"
- exit $STATUS
- fi
- make clean
- make $NJOBS install
- if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "Failed to make jq for architecture $arch"
- exit $STATUS
- fi
-# lipo together the different architectures into a universal 'fat' file
-lipo -create -output $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/libonig.a $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}/lib/libonig.a
-lipo -create -output $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/libjq.a $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}/lib/libjq.a
-# copy the products into the destination directory and clean up the single-architecture files.
-cp $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/i386/include/*.h $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/
-rm -rf $ORIG_PWD/build/ios/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}
-echo "Products are in $ORIG_PWD/build/ios"
+-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Mac C. for JQ.
+# Defaults
+set -e
+unset CFLAGS
+unset LDFLAGS
+# Parse args.
+cat << EOF
+${0##*/}: usage
+ Description:
+ This simple script builds oniguruma and jq for all *-apple-darwin devices.
+ Arguments:
+ --extra-cflags <arg>: Pass defines or includes to clang.
+ --extra-ldflags <arg>: Pass libs or included to ld64.
+ --with-oniguruma <arg>: Change default version of onigurma from ${oniguruma}.
+exit 1
+while (( $# )); do
+ case "$1" in
+ --with-oniguruma) shift; oniguruma="${1}" ;;
+ --extra-cflags) shift; export CFLAGS_="${1}" ;;
+ --extra-ldflags) shift; export LDFLAGS_="${1}" ;;
+ --help) usage ;;
+ *) echo -e "Unknown option: ${1}\n"; usage ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# Start building.
+echo "Building..."
+MAKEJOBS="$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu || echo 1)"
+CC_="$(xcrun -f clang || echo clang)"
+cwd="$(realpath ${PWD})"
+t_exit() {
+cat << EOF
+A error as occured.
+ oniguruma location: ${builddir}/onig
+ jq location: ${cwd}
+ Provide config.log and console logs when posting a issue.
+trap t_exit ERR
+# Onig.
+mkdir -p "${builddir}/onig"
+cd "${builddir}/"
+ curl -L ${onig_url} | tar xz
+ for arch in i386 x86_64 armv7 armv7s arm64; do
+ if [[ "$arch" = "i386" || "$arch" = "x86_64" ]]; then
+ SYSROOT=$(xcrun -f --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path)
+ else
+ SYSROOT=$(xcrun -f --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path)
+ fi
+ HOST="${arch}-apple-darwin"
+ [[ "${arch}" = "arm64" ]] && HOST="aarch64-apple-darwin"
+ CFLAGS="-arch ${arch} -miphoneos-version-min=9.0 -isysroot ${SYSROOT} ${CFLAGS_} -D_REENTRANT"
+ LDFLAGS="-arch ${arch} -miphoneos-version-min=9.0 -isysroot ${SYSROOT} ${LDFLAGS_}"
+ CC="${CC_} ${CFLAGS}"
+ # ./configure; make install
+ cd "${builddir}/onig-${oniguruma}"
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --build=$(./config.guess) --enable-shared=no --enable-static=yes --prefix=/
+ make -j${MAKEJOBS} install DESTDIR="${cwd}/ios/onig/${arch}"
+ make clean
+ # Jump back to JQ.
+ cd ${cwd}
+ [[ ! -f ./configure ]] && autoreconf -ivf
+ ./configure --host=${HOST} --build=$(./config/config.guess) --enable-docs=no --enable-shared=no --enable-static=yes --prefix=/ --with-oniguruma=${cwd}/ios/onig/${arch} $(test -z ${BISON+x} && echo '--disable-maintainer-mode')
+ make -j${MAKEJOBS} install DESTDIR="${cwd}/ios/jq/${arch}" # No jobs on purpose.
+ make clean
+ done
+mkdir -p "${cwd}/ios/dest/lib"
+# lipo, make a static lib.
+lipo -create -output ${cwd}/ios/dest/lib/libonig.a ${cwd}/ios/onig/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}/lib/libonig.a
+lipo -create -output ${cwd}/ios/dest/lib/libjq.a ${cwd}/ios/jq/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}/lib/libjq.a
+# Take the arm64 headers- the most common target.
+cp -r ${cwd}/ios/jq/arm64/include ${cwd}/ios/dest/
+rm -rf ${cwd}/build/ios/{i386,x86_64,armv7,armv7s,arm64}
+echo "Output to ${cwd}/ios/dest"