path: root/libcap/RCS/cap_sys.c,v
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Diffstat (limited to 'libcap/RCS/cap_sys.c,v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/libcap/RCS/cap_sys.c,v b/libcap/RCS/cap_sys.c,v
deleted file mode 100644
index bdd6098..0000000
--- a/libcap/RCS/cap_sys.c,v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-head 1.4;
-locks; strict;
-comment @ * @;
-date; author morgan; state Exp;
-next 1.3;
-date; author morgan; state Exp;
-next 1.2;
-date; author morgan; state Exp;
-next 1.1;
-date; author morgan; state Exp;
-next ;
-@first take
-@change to accommodate alpha (glibc?)
- * $Id: cap_sys.c,v 1.3 1998/05/24 22:54:09 morgan Exp morgan $
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1997-8 Andrew G. Morgan <>
- *
- * This file contains the system calls for getting and setting
- * capabilities
- */
-#include "libcap.h"
-#define __LIBRARY__
-#include <linux/unistd.h>
-_syscall2(int, capget,
- cap_user_header_t, header,
- cap_user_data_t, data)
-_syscall2(int, capset,
- cap_user_header_t, header,
- const cap_user_data_t, data)
- * $Log: cap_sys.c,v $
- * Revision 1.3 1998/05/24 22:54:09 morgan
- * updated for 2.1.104
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1997/04/28 00:57:11 morgan
- * fixes and zefram's patches
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1997/04/21 04:32:52 morgan
- * Initial revision
- *
- */
-@updated for 2.1.104
-@d2 1
-a2 1
- * $Id: cap_sys.c,v 1.2 1997/04/28 00:57:11 morgan Exp morgan $
-d11 1
-d24 3
-@fixes and zefram's patches
-@d2 1
-a2 1
- * $Id: cap_sys.c,v 1.1 1997/04/21 04:32:52 morgan Exp morgan $
-d4 1
-a4 1
- * Copyright (c) 1997 Andrew G. Morgan <>
-d13 7
-a19 41
-_syscall4(int, _setproccap,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-_syscall4(int, _getproccap,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s *, iset,
- __cap_s *, pset,
- __cap_s *, eset)
-/* Secondly, we have the file capabilities */
-_syscall5(int, _setfilecap,
- char const *, filename,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-_syscall5(int, _getfilecap,
- char const *, filename,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s *, iset,
- __cap_s *, pset,
- __cap_s *, eset)
-_syscall5(int, _fsetfilecap,
- int, fd,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-_syscall5(int, _fgetfilecap,
- int, fd,
- size_t, usize,
- __cap_s *, iset,
- __cap_s *, pset,
- __cap_s *, eset)
-d23 3
-@Initial revision
-@d2 1
-a2 1
- * $Id$
-d11 1
-d21 3
-a23 3
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-d25 1
-a25 1
-/* Secondly, we have the file capabilitiy setting */
-d37 3
-a39 3
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-d51 3
-a53 3
- __cap_s const *, iset,
- __cap_s const *, pset,
- __cap_s const *, eset)
-d56 4
-a59 1
- * $Log$