path: root/camlibs/st2205
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authorHans de Goede <>2010-03-22 19:17:52 +0000
committerHans de Goede <>2010-03-22 19:17:52 +0000
commit023c2ce8fb4ea5995a40b596aba790cfea135d8b (patch)
treef1176276458c87547204737101b17fcef33748c4 /camlibs/st2205
parentabc763466b5910464cefd9565c955c784f737a97 (diff)
st2205: add a README documenting the compression algorithm
git-svn-id: 67ed7778-7388-44ab-90cf-0a291f65f57c
Diffstat (limited to 'camlibs/st2205')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/camlibs/st2205/README.compression b/camlibs/st2205/README.compression
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29c316c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlibs/st2205/README.compression
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+History of the reverse engineering of the st2205 compression
+After some failed attempts by me (Hans de Goede), I asked help
+from Bertrik Sikken with reverse engineering the st2205 compression.
+He went the route of disassembling the windows binaries for uploading
+pictures, and wrote an algorithm description of the decompression on
+the picframe wiki:
+A copy of this page is included below.
+I used this description to write decompression code. The first version
+used header files with the lookup tables as C-code arrays and these
+header files were made by and given to me by Bertrik. I also wrote
+compression code by "simply" reversing the decompression algorithm.
+The lookup tables were a problem, as Bertrik copied them out of
+the windows code, and one could argue that they are copyrightable.
+Luckily the same tables are also present in the firmware of the
+picture frame, and we can read them from the frame. So the
+libgphoto2 st2205 camlib uses this approach to avoid any copyright
+Below is a dump of:
+Made on 19 March 2010.
+ • 1 Compressed image format
+ □ 1.1 Introduction
+ □ 1.2 Image decoding
+ ☆ 1.2.1 Image header
+ ☆ 1.2.2 8x8 pixel block
+ ○ Decoding chrominance
+ ○ Decoding luminance
+ ○ Color decoding
+ ☆ 1.2.3 Shuffling/unshuffling
+ □ 1.3 Table overview
+Compressed image format
+Images written on the keychain by the Photoviewer application are stored in
+a compressed form. This section describes the compressed image format.
+NOTE: code for reading images from a ST2205-based picture photoframe has
+been included now (march 2010) in gphoto SVN
+The photo keychain can contain several images. A simple directory-like
+structure starting at address 0 contains pointers to where the actual
+compressed images are stored.
+Basic principles used in the encoding:
+ • 8x8 image blocks: an image has a dimension of 128x128 pixels and is
+ subdivided into 256 blocks of 8x8 pixels each.
+ • YUV-like encoding: each of these 8x8 pixel blocks is separated into a
+ brightness component and two color components and independently encoded
+ by a lossy compression algorithm.
+ • block shuffling: the order in which the blocks are encoded is usually
+ not simply linear top-down left-right, but is controlled by one of
+ several "shuffling tables" that determine where each decoded block goes
+ into the final image. By showing the decoding process in real time and
+ using a different shuffling table for each picture, the photo key chain
+ can create various transition effects between the previously decoded
+ photo and the currently decoding photo.
+Note the above (and below) 128x128 resolution and thus 256 blocks assumes a
+frame with a lcd a resolution of 128x128, for displays with a different
+reslution this numbers change accordingly.
+Image decoding
+An image is encoded as a 16-byte image header, followed by the 256 blocks
+encoding each for an area of 8x8 pixels. Typically, each 8x8 block is
+encoded using 48 bytes (or in some special cases 56 or 64 bytes, see
+below), this means a total size of 12304 bytes. Uncompressed, the image
+would require 32768 bytes (assuming 16-bit RGB565 format), saving space by
+a factor of about 2.66.
+Image header
+An image starts with a 16-byte header:
+│ Byte │ Meaning │
+│0x00 │Image marker with a fixed value of 0xF5 │
+│0x01/0x02│Image width (0x80) encoded as big-endian │
+│0x03/0x04│Image height (0x80) encoded as big-endian │
+│0x05/0x06│Number of 8x8 blocks in the image (0x100) encoded as big-endian│
+│0x07 │Shuffle pattern to use │
+│0x08 │Unknown, bits 1 and 2 carry some special meaning. Usually │
+│ │contains value 0x04. │
+│ │Related to block shuffling, exact meaning unknown. Contain 0xFF│
+│0x09 │for shuffle pattern 1, for other shuffle patterns it contains a│
+│ │value depending on the picture frame resolution. For 128x128 │
+│ │frames it contains 1, for 96x64 frames it contains 0. │
+│0x0A/0x0B│Length of following image data │
+│0x0C-0x0F│Padding/unused (all 0x00) │
+8x8 pixel block
+The 8x8 pixel block is encoded further as a variable length block, as
+│Offset│Meaning│ Remark │
+│ │Length │Bit 0-6 is the length of the rest of the block (often │
+│0x00 │byte │0x2F). Bit 7 selects between 2-bit and 4-bit luma decoding│
+│ │ │mode │
+│ │Luma Y │Bit 0-6 is the base offset of the luminance channel for │
+│0x01 │byte │every pixel in the block. Bit 7 selects between two │
+│ │ │luminance patterns tables (LUMA1 or LUMA2) │
+│ │Chroma │Bit 0-6 is the base offset of the U chrominance channel │
+│0x02 │U byte │for every pixel in the block. Bit 7 indicates extended │
+│ │ │decoding of this chrominance channel │
+│ │Chroma │Bit 0-6 is the base offset of the V chrominance channel │
+│0x03 │V byte │for every pixel in the block. Bit 7 indicates extended │
+│ │ │decoding of this chrominance channel │
+│0x04 │Chroma │Variable length chrominance channel U decoding info, see │
+│ │U data │below │
+│... │Chroma │Variable length chrominance channel V decoding info, see │
+│ │V data │below │
+│... │Luma Y │Variable length luminance channel decoding info, see below│
+│ │data │ │
+Decoding chrominance
+Chrominance is encoded with a reduced resolution of 4x4 "pixels" per block.
+The chrominance decoding info consists of:
+│ Offset │ Meaning │ Remark │
+│ │Pattern │Index into a color base pattern table (CHROMA). The │
+│0x00 │byte A │table entry contains the pattern for the top 8 │
+│ │ │chroma pixels. │
+│ │Pattern │Index into a color base pattern table (CHROMA). The │
+│0x01 │byte B │table entry contains the pattern for the bottom 8 │
+│ │ │chroma pixels. │
+│ │ │Optional correction items for each chroma pixel │
+│0x02-0x09│Correction│(using table CORR). This part is only present when │
+│ │ │bit7 of the chroma byte is set. │
+The chrominance value is basically the sum of:
+ 1. chrominance base value (from the chroma U or V byte minus 0x40)
+ 2. one of the two base patterns selected from table CHROMA using pattern
+ byte A and B.
+ 3. optionally a set of correction values selected from table CORR (very
+ much like luminance)
+Chroma pixels in a segment are arranged in the following pattern:
+A00 A01 A02 A03
+A04 A05 A06 A07
+B00 B01 B02 B03
+B04 B05 B06 B07
+where Axx indicates data looked up using pattern byte A, and Bxx data
+looked up using pattern byte B.
+Note that the chroma info per channel (U and V) is either 2 or 10 bytes,
+which is why the total block size can be one of 48, 56, or 64 bytes (resp
+no corr, corr for 1 channel, corr for both channels). By far most blocks
+are 48 bytes big.
+Decoding luminance
+The luminance decoding info consists of:
+│ Offset │ Meaning │
+│0x00-0x07│A set of indexes into table LUMA1 or LUMA2 to select a "base │
+│ │pattern" for each row of pixels inside a block. │
+│ │Correction items for each pixel in the block, where each │
+│0x08-0x27│correction item is encoded in 4 bits. Each correction item is │
+│ │actually an index into table CORR storing a value that is added│
+│ │to the luminance value of the pixel. │
+In short, the luminance channel of each pixel is basically the sum of:
+ 1. luminance base value as encoded in byte 0x01
+ 2. one of the base patterns selected from table LUMA1 or LUMA2 using bytes
+ 0x00-0x07 (one byte for one pattern per row of 8 pixels)
+ 3. one of the correction values selected from table CORR using the nibbles
+ in bytes 0x08-0x27. This uses one nibble for each pixel, with the high
+ 4 bits (high nibble) of a byte coding the correction for the first
+ pixel that bytes corrects, and the low 4 bits code the correction for
+ the second pixel. The first byte (at offset 0x08), codes the correction
+ for pixel 00 and 01, etc.
+Pixels are arranged in the following pattern:
+00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
+08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
+38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
+Color decoding
+The color space used in the images is a kind of YUV, using one luminance
+channel (called Y here) and two chrominance channels (called U and V here),
+as follows:
+R = 2 * (Y + V)
+G = 2 * (Y - U - V)
+B = 2 * (Y + U)
+Any underflows/overflows during the calculation of the RGB values should be
+saturated to either 0 or 255 respectively.
+And conversely (during encode):
+Y = (R + G + B) / 6
+U = B/2 - Y
+V = R/2 - Y
+where U and V should be constrained to the range -64 to +63.
+Blocks of 8x8 pixels are stored in a shuffled sequence. The choice of the
+shuffle pattern is stored in byte 0x07 of the image header.
+The shuffle pattern is stored in table SHUFFLEx, which contains the (x,y)
+coordinates of each 8x8 pixel block. Currently there are 7 known shuffle
+Table overview
+Several tables are involved in encoding/decoding. Below is an overview of
+the various tables, their properties and what they are used for
+│ Table │ Dimension │ Remark │
+│ │256 entries │Entry contains brightness patterns for 1 row of 8 │
+│LUMA1 │of 8 signed │pixels within an 8x8 block. │
+│ │words │ │
+│ │256 entries │Entry contains brightness patterns for 1 row of 8 │
+│LUMA2 │of 8 signed │pixels within an 8x8 block. Alternate table. │
+│ │words │ │
+│ │256 entries │Entry contains chroma patterns for 2 rows of 4 │
+│CHROMA │of 8 signed │pixels within an 4x4 chroma block. │
+│ │words │ │
+│ │256 entries │Entry contains the (x,y) coordinates for an 8x8 │
+│SHUFFLEx│of 2 bytes │block. There are several tables like this, each one│
+│ │ │encoding for a different shuffle pattern. │
+│ │16 entries │Correction values that are applied for each pixel. │
+│CORR │of 1 signed │Values in this table: │
+│ │word │-26,-22,-18,-14,-11,-7,-4,-1,1,4,7,11,14,18,22,26 │
+The LUMA1, LUMA2 and CHROMA tables are stored inside the picframe in 16
+bits signed (2's complement) LE byte order format. LUMA1 starts at 0x8477,
+LUMA2 at 0x9477, CHROMA at 0xA477. These 3 tables are directly followed at
+0xB477 by various shuffle tables, which contain x, y coordinate pairs (1
+byte for each). There are a number of sets of shuffle tables, for different
+display resolutions. There are 8 or 7 tables per set, the first 2 tables
+are "generated" (0 = row by row, 1 = column by column), then 6 or 5 tables
+per resolution in ROM:
+│Resolution│start │Number of sets in ROM│
+│128 x 160 │0xB477│6 │
+│128 x 128 │0xC377│5 │
+│120 x 160 │0xCD77│5 │
+│96 x 64 │0xD92F│5 │
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