path: root/camlibs/toshiba
diff options
authorSean Bruno <>2004-07-18 23:37:03 +0000
committerSean Bruno <>2004-07-18 23:37:03 +0000
commit50f83d51bd19b5dd16360feb1a1fc50a182af21b (patch)
treea645fc38e8fd2440415a873c05758f5de1101c34 /camlibs/toshiba
parentf779f823cd5bad7ae9887825e0e2b3b16264a55c (diff)
Still working on Image Transfer. Successfully created an "almost" valid JPG.
git-svn-id: 67ed7778-7388-44ab-90cf-0a291f65f57c
Diffstat (limited to 'camlibs/toshiba')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/camlibs/toshiba/pdrm65/pdrm65.c b/camlibs/toshiba/pdrm65/pdrm65.c
index eb981f17d..7e7308d80 100644
--- a/camlibs/toshiba/pdrm65/pdrm65.c
+++ b/camlibs/toshiba/pdrm65/pdrm65.c
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ int pdrm65_select_file(GPPort *port, int current_pic)
char in_buf[1024];
- gp_port_write(port, out_buf, 12);
+ gp_port_write(port, out_buf, 12);bigfoot:/export/home /home nfs defaults 0 0
gp_port_read (port, in_buf, 1);
if (in_buf[0] != 0x06)
@@ -138,11 +139,13 @@ int pdrm65_get_pict(GPPort *port, const char *pic_number, CameraFile *file)
char out_buf[1024];
char in_buf[1024];
char ok = 0x06;
- char pic_buf[30656];
+ char pic_buf[JPEG_CHUNK];
uint8_t *image;
int pic_size = 0;
int data_remaining = 0;
int image_number = atoi(pic_number);
// Set active image to image_number
//1b 43 06 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 05 00
pdrm65_select_file(port, image_number);
@@ -163,9 +166,10 @@ int pdrm65_get_pict(GPPort *port, const char *pic_number, CameraFile *file)
pdrm65_select_file(port, image_number);
- pic_size = (in_buf[6] * (256*256)) + in_buf[5]*256 + in_buf[4];
+ pic_size = ( (in_buf[6]*(256*256)) + (in_buf[5]*256) + in_buf[4] );
GP_DEBUG("Picture is size %d KBytes", pic_size);
- image = malloc(pic_size);
+ image = malloc(pic_size + (((pic_size / JPEG_CHUNK)+1)*60));
//1b 43 02 00 04 0e 12 00
//out_bf[0-1]=0x1b 0x43
@@ -176,19 +180,36 @@ int pdrm65_get_pict(GPPort *port, const char *pic_number, CameraFile *file)
- while(data_remaining < pic_size)
+ while(data_remaining < sizeof(image))
+ GP_DEBUG("Size of image = %d, data_remaining = %d", sizeof(image), data_remaining);
+ //Get EXIF Header information for this packet
gp_port_read(port, in_buf, 64);
- gp_port_read(port, pic_buf, 30656);
+ memcpy(image+data_remaining, &in_buf[4], bigfoot:/export/home /home nfs defaults 0 0
+ if ((pic_size - data_remaining) > JPEG_CHUNK)
+ {
+ gp_port_read(port, pic_buf, JPEG_CHUNK);
+ memcpy(image+data_remaining+60, pic_buf, JPEG_CHUNK);
+ data_remaining += (JPEG_CHUNK + 60);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gp_port_read(port, pic_buf, (pic_size - data_remaining));
+ memcpy(image+(pic_size-data_remaining+60), in_buf, (pic_size - data_remaining));
+ data_remaining += (pic_size - data_remaining + 60 );
+ }bigfoot:/export/home /home nfs defaults 0 0
gp_port_read(port, in_buf, 6);
gp_port_write(port, &ok, 1);
- memcpy(image+data_remaining, in_buf, 30656);
- data_remaining += 30656;
- GP_DEBUG("data_remaining = %d", data_remaining);
+ GP_DEBUG("data_remaining = %d, sizeof image = %d, size of pic_size = %d", data_remaining, sizeof(image), pic_size);
- gp_file_set_mime_type(file, GP_MIME_JPEG);
+ gp_file_set_mime_type(file, GP_MIME_EXIF);
gp_file_set_data_and_size(file, image, pic_size);
return (GP_OK);