path: root/camlibs
diff options
authorMarcus Meissner <>2015-05-21 07:02:17 +0000
committerMarcus Meissner <>2015-05-21 07:02:17 +0000
commite413a68cbe837c32e759121beabc8185f0ef4495 (patch)
treeeb789c7b62172d6b67b89a7cd327a039b66ea37c /camlibs
parente1a83d01fcea1717c0dc2bddac6a64325002cb6b (diff)
added eos m3
git-svn-id: 67ed7778-7388-44ab-90cf-0a291f65f57c
Diffstat (limited to 'camlibs')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/camlibs/ptp2/cameras/canon-eos-m3.txt b/camlibs/ptp2/cameras/canon-eos-m3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcce1280e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlibs/ptp2/cameras/canon-eos-m3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+Camera summary:
+Manufacturer: Canon Inc.
+Model: Canon EOS M3
+ Version: 3-
+Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0)
+Capture Formats: JPEG
+Display Formats: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS Wave, JPEG, Defined Type, Unknown(b103), Unknown(b982), Unknown(b105), Unknown(bf01)
+Device Capabilities:
+ File Download, File Deletion, File Upload
+ No Image Capture, No Open Capture, Canon EOS Shutter Button
+Storage Devices Summary:
+ StorageDescription: SD
+ VolumeLabel: None
+ Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
+ Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
+ Access Capability: Read-Write
+ Maximum Capability: 64114262016 (61144 MB)
+ Free Space (Bytes): 29699211264 (28323 MB)
+ Free Space (Images): -1
+Device Property Summary:
+Event Emulate Mode(0xd045):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] value: 2
+Property 0xd04a:(readwrite) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: 0
+Size of Output Data from Camera(0xd02e):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288
+Size of Input Data to Camera(0xd02f):(read only) (type=0x6) 524288
+Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: 3% (3)
+Battery Type(0xd002):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,3,4,5] value: Unknown (0)
+Battery Mode(0xd003):(read only) (type=0x6) Enumeration [0,1,2,3] value: Normal (1)
+UNIX Time(0xd034):(readwrite) (type=0x6) 1432152485
+Type of Slideshow(0xd047):(read only) (type=0x4) 0
+DPOF Version(0xd046):(read only) (type=0x4) 257
+Remote API Version(0xd030):(read only) (type=0x6) 256
+Model ID(0xd049):(read only) (type=0x6) 57933824
+Camera Model(0xd032):(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS M3'
+Camera Owner(0xd033):(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[0]
+Firmware Version(0xd031):(read only) (type=0x6) 16777216
+Property 0xd050:(read only) (type=0x2) 0
+Property 0xd051:(read only) (type=0x4004) a[2] 14337,47490
+Property 0xd052:(read only) (type=0x2) 0
+Property 0xd053:(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[42] 72,97,114,108,97,110,32,65,117,66,117,99,104,111,110,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,104,97,114,108,97,110,97,117,98,117,99,104,111,110,46,99,111,109,0
+Property 0xd054:(readwrite) (type=0x4002) a[16] 72,97,114,108,97,110,32,65,117,66,117,99,104,111,110,0
+Property 0xd057:(read only) (type=0xffff) '031040012369'
+Property 0xd402:(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS M3'
+Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Windows'
+Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1
+Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1
+Label: UI Lock
+Current: 2
+Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC
+Current: 0
+Label: Drive Canon DSLR Autofocus
+Current: 0
+Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus
+Type: RADIO
+Current: None
+Choice: 0 Near 1
+Choice: 1 Near 2
+Choice: 2 Near 3
+Choice: 3 None
+Choice: 4 Far 1
+Choice: 5 Far 2
+Choice: 6 Far 3
+Label: Canon EOS Zoom
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 0
+Label: Canon EOS Zoom Position
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 0,0
+Label: Canon EOS Viewfinder
+Current: 2
+Label: Canon EOS Remote Release
+Type: RADIO
+Current: None
+Choice: 0 None
+Choice: 1 Press Half
+Choice: 2 Press Full
+Choice: 3 Release Half
+Choice: 4 Release Full
+Choice: 5 Immediate
+Choice: 6 Press 1
+Choice: 7 Press 2
+Choice: 8 Press 3
+Choice: 9 Release 1
+Choice: 10 Release 2
+Choice: 11 Release 3
+Label: Owner Name
+Type: TEXT
+Label: Capture Target
+Type: RADIO
+Current: Internal RAM
+Choice: 0 Internal RAM
+Choice: 1 Memory card
+Label: Capture
+Current: 0
+Label: Serial Number
+Type: TEXT
+Label: Camera Manufacturer
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Canon Inc.
+Label: Camera Model
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Canon EOS M3
+Label: Device Version
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 3-
+Label: Vendor Extension
+Type: TEXT
+Current: None
+Label: Camera Model
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Canon EOS M3
+Label: Firmware Version
+Type: TEXT
+Label: Event Emulate Mode
+Type: MENU
+Current: 2
+Choice: 0 1
+Choice: 1 2
+Choice: 2 3
+Choice: 3 4
+Choice: 4 5
+Choice: 5 6
+Choice: 6 7
+Label: PTP Property 0xd04a
+Type: MENU
+Current: 0
+Choice: 0 0
+Choice: 1 1
+Choice: 2 2
+Choice: 3 3
+Label: Size of Output Data from Camera
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 524288
+Label: Size of Input Data to Camera
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 524288
+Label: Battery Level
+Type: MENU
+Current: 3
+Choice: 0 0
+Choice: 1 1
+Choice: 2 2
+Choice: 3 3
+Label: Battery Type
+Type: MENU
+Current: 0
+Choice: 0 0
+Choice: 1 1
+Choice: 2 2
+Choice: 3 3
+Choice: 4 4
+Choice: 5 5
+Label: Battery Mode
+Type: MENU
+Current: 1
+Choice: 0 0
+Choice: 1 1
+Choice: 2 2
+Choice: 3 3
+Label: UNIX Time
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 1432152534
+Label: Type of Slideshow
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 0
+Label: DPOF Version
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 257
+Label: Remote API Version
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 256
+Label: Model ID
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 57933824
+Label: Camera Model
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Canon EOS M3
+Label: Camera Owner
+Type: TEXT
+Current: (null)
+Label: Firmware Version
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 16777216
+Label: PTP Property 0xd050
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 0
+Label: PTP Property 0xd051
+Type: TEXT
+Current: (null)
+Label: PTP Property 0xd052
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 0
+Label: PTP Property 0xd053
+Type: TEXT
+Current: (null)
+Label: PTP Property 0xd054
+Type: TEXT
+Current: (null)
+Label: PTP Property 0xd057
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 031040012369
+Label: PTP Property 0xd402
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Canon EOS M3
+Label: PTP Property 0xd406
+Type: TEXT
+Current: Windows
+Label: PTP Property 0xd407
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 1
+Label: PTP Property 0xd303
+Type: TEXT
+Current: 1
+Device info:
+Manufacturer: Canon Inc.
+ Model: Canon EOS M3
+ device version: 3-
+Vendor extension ID: 0x0000000b
+Vendor extension version: 100
+Vendor extension description: (null)
+Functional Mode: 0x0000
+PTP Standard Version: 100
+Supported operations:
+ 0x1014
+ 0x1015
+ 0x1016
+ 0x1017
+ 0x1001
+ 0x1002
+ 0x1003
+ 0x9013
+ 0x901f
+ 0x1004
+ 0x1005
+ 0x1006
+ 0x1007
+ 0x1008
+ 0x1009
+ 0x100a
+ 0x101b
+ 0x100c
+ 0x100d
+ 0x100b
+ 0x100f
+ 0x1012
+ 0x9001
+ 0x9021
+ 0x901b
+ 0x901e
+ 0x9019
+ 0x9006
+ 0x901c
+ 0x9002
+ 0x904c
+ 0x9024
+ 0x9025
+ 0x9038
+ 0x9039
+ 0x903a
+ 0x903b
+ 0x904b
+ 0x9060
+ 0x9062
+ 0x9801
+ 0x9802
+ 0x9803
+ 0x9804
+ 0x9805
+ 0x9116
+ 0x9101
+ 0x9102
+ 0x9103
+ 0x9105
+ 0x9106
+ 0x9107
+ 0x9109
+ 0x910a
+ 0x910c
+ 0x9117
+ 0x9118
+ 0x912c
+ 0x9132
+ 0x9135
+ 0x9140
+ 0x9141
+ 0x9143
+ 0x911a
+ 0x913f
+ 0x9115
+ 0x911b
+ 0x911c
+ 0x911d
+ 0x913d
+ 0x9136
+ 0x9137
+ 0x9114
+ 0x9153
+ 0x9128
+ 0x9129
+ 0x9158
+ 0x9159
+ 0x9154
+ 0x9160
+ 0x9155
+ 0x915b
+ 0x902f
+ 0x9110
+ 0x9127
+ 0x9182
+ 0x9183
+ 0x9184
+ 0x9185
+ 0x9050
+ 0x9051
+ 0x905c
+ 0x905d
+Events Supported:
+ 0x4001
+ 0x4002
+ 0x4003
+ 0x4004
+ 0x4005
+ 0x4006
+ 0x4007
+ 0x4008
+ 0x4009
+ 0x400a
+ 0x400b
+ 0x400c
+ 0x400e
+ 0xc001
+ 0xc005
+ 0xc00a
+ 0xc101
+Device Properties Supported:
+ 0xd045
+ 0xd04a
+ 0xd02e
+ 0xd02f
+ 0x5001
+ 0xd002
+ 0xd003
+ 0xd034
+ 0xd047
+ 0xd046
+ 0xd030
+ 0xd049
+ 0xd032
+ 0xd033
+ 0xd031
+ 0xd050
+ 0xd051
+ 0xd052
+ 0xd053
+ 0xd054
+ 0xd057
+ 0xd402
+ 0xd406
+ 0xd407
+ 0xd303