path: root/ci/gitlab.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/gitlab.yml')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/ci/gitlab.yml b/ci/gitlab.yml
index 33a9fc8..b5a9286 100644
--- a/ci/gitlab.yml
+++ b/ci/gitlab.yml
@@ -5,281 +5,78 @@
- image: docker:stable
- stage: containers
- needs: []
- services:
- - docker:dind
- before_script:
- - export TAG="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/ci-$NAME:latest"
- - export COMMON_TAG="$CI_REGISTRY/libosinfo/libosinfo/ci-$NAME:latest"
- - docker info
- - docker login -u "$CI_REGISTRY_USER" -p "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD"
- script:
- - docker pull "$TAG" || docker pull "$COMMON_TAG" || true
- - docker build --cache-from "$TAG" --cache-from "$COMMON_TAG" --tag "$TAG" -f "ci/containers/$NAME.Dockerfile" ci/containers
- - docker push "$TAG"
- after_script:
- - docker logout
- image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/ci-$NAME:latest
- stage: builds
- image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/ci-$NAME-cross-$CROSS:latest
- stage: builds
- stage: sanity_checks
- needs: []
- image:
- script:
- - /check-dco libosinfo
- except:
- variables:
- - $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == 'libosinfo'
- variables:
- GIT_DEPTH: 1000
-# Native container jobs
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: centos-stream-8
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: centos-stream-9
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-10
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-11
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-sid
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-34
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-35
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-rawhide
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: opensuse-leap-152
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: opensuse-tumbleweed
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: ubuntu-1804
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: ubuntu-2004
-# Cross container jobs
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-rawhide-cross-mingw32
- extends: .container_job
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-rawhide-cross-mingw64
-# Native build jobs
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-centos-stream-8-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: centos-stream-8
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-centos-stream-9-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: centos-stream-9
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-debian-10-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-10
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-debian-11-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-11
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-debian-sid-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: debian-sid
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-fedora-34-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-34
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-fedora-35-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-35
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-fedora-rawhide-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: fedora-rawhide
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-opensuse-leap-152-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: opensuse-leap-152
- RPM: skip
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-opensuse-tumbleweed-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: opensuse-tumbleweed
- RPM: skip
+# Variables that can be set to control the behaviour of
+# pipelines that are run
+# - RUN_PIPELINE - force creation of a CI pipeline when
+# pushing to a branch in a forked repository. Official
+# CI pipelines are triggered when merge requests are
+# created/updated. Setting this variable to a non-empty
+# value allows CI testing prior to opening a merge request.
+# - RUN_CONTAINER_BUILDS - CI pipelines in upstream only
+# publish containers if CI file changes are detected.
+# Setting this variable to a non-empty value will force
+# re-publishing, even when no file changes are detected.
+# Typically to use from a scheduled job once a month.
+# - RUN_UPSTREAM_NAMESPACE - the upstream namespace is
+# configured to default to 'libosinfo'. When testing
+# changes to CI it might be useful to use a different
+# upstream. Setting this variable will override the
+# namespace considered to be upstream.
+# These can be set as git push options
+# $ git push -o ci.variable=RUN_PIPELINE=1
+# Aliases can be set for common usage
+# $ git config --local alias.push-ci "push -o ci.variable=RUN_PIPELINE=1"
+# Allowing the less verbose invocation
+# $ git push-ci
+# Pipeline variables can also be set in the repository
+# pipeline config globally, or set against scheduled pipelines
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-ubuntu-1804-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: ubuntu-1804
- extends: .native_build_job
- needs:
- - x86_64-ubuntu-2004-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- NAME: ubuntu-2004
+ rules:
+ # upstream+forks: Avoid duplicate pipelines on pushes, if a MR is open
+ when: never
+ # upstream+forks: Avoid pipelines on tag pushes
+ - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push" && $CI_COMMIT_TAG'
+ when: never
-# Cross build jobs
+ # upstream+forks: Allow pipelines in scenarios we've figured out job rules
+ - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE =~ /^(push|merge_request_event|api|web|schedule)$/'
+ when: always
- extends: .cross_build_job
- needs:
- - mingw32-fedora-rawhide-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- CROSS: mingw32
- NAME: fedora-rawhide
+ # upstream+forks: Avoid all other pipelines
+ - when: never
- extends: .cross_build_job
- needs:
- - mingw64-fedora-rawhide-container
- allow_failure: false
- variables:
- CROSS: mingw64
- NAME: fedora-rawhide
+ image:
+ stage: sanity_checks
+ needs: []
+ script:
+ - printenv | sort
+ rules:
+ - if: '$RUN_DEBUG'
+ when: always
+ - local: '/ci/gitlab/container-templates.yml'
+ - local: '/ci/gitlab/build-templates.yml'
+ - local: '/ci/gitlab/sanity-checks.yml'
+ - local: '/ci/gitlab/containers.yml'
+ - local: '/ci/gitlab/builds.yml'