path: root/rsvg/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'rsvg/src/')
1 files changed, 2412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsvg/src/ b/rsvg/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bf726c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsvg/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2412 @@
+//! The main context structure which drives the drawing process.
+use float_cmp::approx_eq;
+use glib::translate::*;
+use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
+use pango::ffi::PangoMatrix;
+use pango::prelude::FontMapExt;
+use regex::{Captures, Regex};
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
+use std::convert::TryFrom;
+use std::f64::consts::*;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use crate::accept_language::UserLanguage;
+use crate::aspect_ratio::AspectRatio;
+use crate::bbox::BoundingBox;
+use crate::coord_units::CoordUnits;
+use crate::document::{AcquiredNodes, NodeId};
+use crate::dpi::Dpi;
+use crate::element::{Element, ElementData};
+use crate::error::{AcquireError, ImplementationLimit, RenderingError};
+use crate::filters::{self, FilterSpec};
+use crate::float_eq_cairo::ApproxEqCairo;
+use crate::gradient::{GradientVariant, SpreadMethod, UserSpaceGradient};
+use crate::layout::{
+ Filter, Image, Layer, LayerKind, Shape, StackingContext, Stroke, Text, TextSpan,
+use crate::length::*;
+use crate::marker;
+use crate::node::{CascadedValues, Node, NodeBorrow, NodeDraw};
+use crate::paint_server::{PaintSource, UserSpacePaintSource};
+use crate::path_builder::*;
+use crate::pattern::UserSpacePattern;
+use crate::properties::{
+ ClipRule, ComputedValues, FillRule, MaskType, MixBlendMode, Opacity, Overflow, PaintTarget,
+ ShapeRendering, StrokeLinecap, StrokeLinejoin, TextRendering,
+use crate::rect::{rect_to_transform, IRect, Rect};
+use crate::session::Session;
+use crate::surface_utils::{
+ shared_surface::ExclusiveImageSurface, shared_surface::SharedImageSurface,
+ shared_surface::SurfaceType,
+use crate::transform::{Transform, ValidTransform};
+use crate::unit_interval::UnitInterval;
+use crate::viewbox::ViewBox;
+/// Opaque font options for a DrawingCtx.
+/// This is used for DrawingCtx::create_pango_context.
+pub struct FontOptions {
+ options: cairo::FontOptions,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ClipMode {
+ ClipToViewport,
+ NoClip,
+/// Set path on the cairo context, or clear it.
+/// This helper object keeps track whether the path has been set already,
+/// so that it isn't recalculated every so often.
+struct PathHelper<'a> {
+ cr: &'a cairo::Context,
+ transform: ValidTransform,
+ path: &'a Path,
+ is_square_linecap: bool,
+ has_path: Option<bool>,
+impl<'a> PathHelper<'a> {
+ pub fn new(
+ cr: &'a cairo::Context,
+ transform: ValidTransform,
+ path: &'a Path,
+ linecap: StrokeLinecap,
+ ) -> Self {
+ PathHelper {
+ cr,
+ transform,
+ path,
+ is_square_linecap: linecap == StrokeLinecap::Square,
+ has_path: None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set(&mut self) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ match self.has_path {
+ Some(false) | None => {
+ self.has_path = Some(true);
+ self.path.to_cairo(, self.is_square_linecap)
+ }
+ Some(true) => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn unset(&mut self) {
+ match self.has_path {
+ Some(true) | None => {
+ self.has_path = Some(false);
+ }
+ Some(false) => {}
+ }
+ }
+/// Holds the size of the current viewport in the user's coordinate system.
+pub struct Viewport {
+ pub dpi: Dpi,
+ /// Corners of the current coordinate space.
+ pub vbox: ViewBox,
+ /// The viewport's coordinate system, or "user coordinate system" in SVG terms.
+ transform: Transform,
+impl Viewport {
+ /// FIXME: this is just used in Handle::with_height_to_user(), and in's test suite.
+ /// Find a way to do this without involving a default identity transform.
+ pub fn new(dpi: Dpi, view_box_width: f64, view_box_height: f64) -> Viewport {
+ Viewport {
+ dpi,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(view_box_width, view_box_height)),
+ transform: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates a new viewport suitable for a certain kind of units.
+ ///
+ /// For `objectBoundingBox`, CSS lengths which are in percentages
+ /// refer to the size of the current viewport. Librsvg implements
+ /// that by keeping the same current transformation matrix, and
+ /// setting a viewport size of (1.0, 1.0).
+ ///
+ /// For `userSpaceOnUse`, we just duplicate the current viewport,
+ /// since that kind of units means to use the current coordinate
+ /// system unchanged.
+ pub fn with_units(&self, units: CoordUnits) -> Viewport {
+ match units {
+ CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox => Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(1.0, 1.0)),
+ transform: self.transform,
+ },
+ CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse => Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ vbox: self.vbox,
+ transform: self.transform,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a viewport with a new size for normalizing `Length` values.
+ pub fn with_view_box(&self, width: f64, height: f64) -> Viewport {
+ Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(width, height)),
+ transform: self.transform,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct DrawingCtx {
+ session: Session,
+ initial_viewport: Viewport,
+ dpi: Dpi,
+ cr_stack: Rc<RefCell<Vec<cairo::Context>>>,
+ cr: cairo::Context,
+ user_language: UserLanguage,
+ drawsub_stack: Vec<Node>,
+ measuring: bool,
+ testing: bool,
+pub enum DrawingMode {
+ LimitToStack { node: Node, root: Node },
+ OnlyNode(Node),
+/// The toplevel drawing routine.
+/// This creates a DrawingCtx internally and starts drawing at the specified `node`.
+pub fn draw_tree(
+ session: Session,
+ mode: DrawingMode,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ viewport_rect: Rect,
+ user_language: &UserLanguage,
+ dpi: Dpi,
+ measuring: bool,
+ testing: bool,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let (drawsub_stack, node) = match mode {
+ DrawingMode::LimitToStack { node, root } => (node.ancestors().collect(), root),
+ DrawingMode::OnlyNode(node) => (Vec::new(), node),
+ };
+ let cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(&node);
+ // Preserve the user's transform and use it for the outermost bounding box. All bounds/extents
+ // will be converted to this transform in the end.
+ let user_transform = Transform::from(cr.matrix());
+ let mut user_bbox = BoundingBox::new().with_transform(user_transform);
+ //
+ //
+ // "For the outermost svg element, the SVG user agent must
+ // determine an initial viewport coordinate system and an
+ // initial user coordinate system such that the two
+ // coordinates systems are identical. The origin of both
+ // coordinate systems must be at the origin of the SVG
+ // viewport."
+ //
+ // "... the initial viewport coordinate system (and therefore
+ // the initial user coordinate system) must have its origin at
+ // the top/left of the viewport"
+ // Translate so (0, 0) is at the viewport's upper-left corner.
+ let transform = user_transform.pre_translate(viewport_rect.x0, viewport_rect.y0);
+ // Here we exit immediately if the transform is not valid, since we are in the
+ // toplevel drawing function. Downstream cases would simply not render the current
+ // element and ignore the error.
+ let valid_transform = ValidTransform::try_from(transform)?;
+ cr.set_matrix(valid_transform.into());
+ // Per the spec, so the viewport has (0, 0) as upper-left.
+ let viewport_rect = viewport_rect.translate((-viewport_rect.x0, -viewport_rect.y0));
+ let initial_viewport = Viewport {
+ dpi,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(viewport_rect),
+ transform,
+ };
+ let mut draw_ctx = DrawingCtx::new(
+ session,
+ cr,
+ &initial_viewport,
+ user_language.clone(),
+ dpi,
+ measuring,
+ testing,
+ drawsub_stack,
+ );
+ let content_bbox = draw_ctx.draw_node_from_stack(
+ &node,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &cascaded,
+ &initial_viewport,
+ false,
+ )?;
+ user_bbox.insert(&content_bbox);
+ Ok(user_bbox)
+pub fn with_saved_cr<O, F>(cr: &cairo::Context, f: F) -> Result<O, RenderingError>
+ F: FnOnce() -> Result<O, RenderingError>,
+ match f() {
+ Ok(o) => {
+ cr.restore()?;
+ Ok(o)
+ }
+ Err(e) => Err(e),
+ }
+impl Drop for DrawingCtx {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.cr_stack.borrow_mut().pop();
+ }
+const CAIRO_TAG_LINK: &str = "Link";
+impl DrawingCtx {
+ fn new(
+ session: Session,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ initial_viewport: &Viewport,
+ user_language: UserLanguage,
+ dpi: Dpi,
+ measuring: bool,
+ testing: bool,
+ drawsub_stack: Vec<Node>,
+ ) -> DrawingCtx {
+ DrawingCtx {
+ session,
+ initial_viewport: initial_viewport.clone(),
+ dpi,
+ cr_stack: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::new())),
+ cr: cr.clone(),
+ user_language,
+ drawsub_stack,
+ measuring,
+ testing,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Copies a `DrawingCtx` for temporary use on a Cairo surface.
+ ///
+ /// `DrawingCtx` maintains state using during the drawing process, and sometimes we
+ /// would like to use that same state but on a different Cairo surface and context
+ /// than the ones being used on `self`. This function copies the `self` state into a
+ /// new `DrawingCtx`, and ties the copied one to the supplied `cr`.
+ fn nested(&self, cr: cairo::Context) -> DrawingCtx {
+ let cr_stack = self.cr_stack.clone();
+ cr_stack.borrow_mut().push(;
+ DrawingCtx {
+ session: self.session.clone(),
+ initial_viewport: self.initial_viewport.clone(),
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ cr_stack,
+ cr,
+ user_language: self.user_language.clone(),
+ drawsub_stack: self.drawsub_stack.clone(),
+ measuring: self.measuring,
+ testing: self.testing,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn session(&self) -> &Session {
+ &self.session
+ }
+ pub fn user_language(&self) -> &UserLanguage {
+ &self.user_language
+ }
+ pub fn toplevel_viewport(&self) -> Rect {
+ *self.initial_viewport.vbox
+ }
+ /// Gets the transform that will be used on the target surface,
+ /// whether using an isolated stacking context or not.
+ ///
+ /// This is only used in the text code, and we should probably try
+ /// to remove it.
+ pub fn get_transform_for_stacking_ctx(
+ &self,
+ stacking_ctx: &StackingContext,
+ clipping: bool,
+ ) -> Result<ValidTransform, RenderingError> {
+ if stacking_ctx.should_isolate() && !clipping {
+ let affines = CompositingAffines::new(
+ *self.get_transform(),
+ self.initial_viewport.transform,
+ self.cr_stack.borrow().len(),
+ );
+ Ok(ValidTransform::try_from(affines.for_temporary_surface)?)
+ } else {
+ Ok(self.get_transform())
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_measuring(&self) -> bool {
+ self.measuring
+ }
+ pub fn get_transform(&self) -> ValidTransform {
+ let t = Transform::from(;
+ ValidTransform::try_from(t)
+ .expect("Cairo should already have checked that its current transform is valid")
+ }
+ pub fn empty_bbox(&self) -> BoundingBox {
+ BoundingBox::new().with_transform(*self.get_transform())
+ }
+ fn size_for_temporary_surface(&self) -> (i32, i32) {
+ let rect = self.toplevel_viewport();
+ let (viewport_width, viewport_height) = (rect.width(), rect.height());
+ let (width, height) = self
+ .initial_viewport
+ .transform
+ .transform_distance(viewport_width, viewport_height);
+ // We need a size in whole pixels, so use ceil() to ensure the whole viewport fits
+ // into the temporary surface.
+ (width.ceil() as i32, height.ceil() as i32)
+ }
+ pub fn create_surface_for_toplevel_viewport(
+ &self,
+ ) -> Result<cairo::ImageSurface, RenderingError> {
+ let (w, h) = self.size_for_temporary_surface();
+ Ok(cairo::ImageSurface::create(cairo::Format::ARgb32, w, h)?)
+ }
+ fn create_similar_surface_for_toplevel_viewport(
+ &self,
+ surface: &cairo::Surface,
+ ) -> Result<cairo::Surface, RenderingError> {
+ let (w, h) = self.size_for_temporary_surface();
+ Ok(cairo::Surface::create_similar(
+ surface,
+ cairo::Content::ColorAlpha,
+ w,
+ h,
+ )?)
+ }
+ /// Creates a new coordinate space inside a viewport and sets a clipping rectangle.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this actually changes the ``'s transformation to match
+ /// the new coordinate space, but the old one is not restored after the
+ /// result's `Viewport` is dropped. Thus, this function must be called
+ /// inside `with_saved_cr` or `draw_ctx.with_discrete_layer`.
+ pub fn push_new_viewport(
+ &self,
+ current_viewport: &Viewport,
+ vbox: Option<ViewBox>,
+ viewport_rect: Rect,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: AspectRatio,
+ clip_mode: ClipMode,
+ ) -> Option<Viewport> {
+ if let ClipMode::ClipToViewport = clip_mode {
+ clip_to_rectangle(&, &viewport_rect);
+ }
+ preserve_aspect_ratio
+ .viewport_to_viewbox_transform(vbox, &viewport_rect)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_e| {
+ match vbox {
+ None => unreachable!(
+ "viewport_to_viewbox_transform only returns errors when vbox != None"
+ ),
+ Some(v) => {
+ rsvg_log!(
+ self.session,
+ "ignoring viewBox ({}, {}, {}, {}) since it is not usable",
+ v.x0,
+ v.y0,
+ v.width(),
+ v.height()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ })
+ .map(|t| {
+ Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ vbox: vbox.unwrap_or(current_viewport.vbox),
+ transform: current_viewport.transform.post_transform(&t),
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ fn clip_to_node(
+ &mut self,
+ clip_node: &Option<Node>,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ bbox: &BoundingBox,
+ ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ if clip_node.is_none() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ let node = clip_node.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let units = borrow_element_as!(node, ClipPath).get_units();
+ if let Ok(transform) = rect_to_transform(&bbox.rect, units) {
+ let cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(node);
+ let values = cascaded.get();
+ let node_transform = values.transform().post_transform(&transform);
+ let transform_for_clip = ValidTransform::try_from(node_transform)?;
+ let orig_transform = self.get_transform();
+ for child in node.children().filter(|c| {
+ c.is_element() && element_can_be_used_inside_clip_path(&c.borrow_element())
+ }) {
+ child.draw(
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &CascadedValues::clone_with_node(&cascaded, &child),
+ viewport,
+ self,
+ true,
+ )?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn generate_cairo_mask(
+ &mut self,
+ mask_node: &Node,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ transform: Transform,
+ bbox: &BoundingBox,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<cairo::ImageSurface>, RenderingError> {
+ if bbox.rect.is_none() {
+ // The node being masked is empty / doesn't have a
+ // bounding box, so there's nothing to mask!
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ let _mask_acquired = match acquired_nodes.acquire_ref(mask_node) {
+ Ok(n) => n,
+ Err(AcquireError::CircularReference(_)) => {
+ rsvg_log!(self.session, "circular reference in element {}", mask_node);
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let mask = borrow_element_as!(mask_node, Mask);
+ let bbox_rect = bbox.rect.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(mask_node);
+ let values = cascaded.get();
+ let mask_units = mask.get_units();
+ let mask_rect = {
+ let params = NormalizeParams::new(values, &viewport.with_units(mask_units));
+ mask.get_rect(&params)
+ };
+ let mask_element = mask_node.borrow_element();
+ let mask_transform = values.transform().post_transform(&transform);
+ let transform_for_mask = ValidTransform::try_from(mask_transform)?;
+ let mask_content_surface = self.create_surface_for_toplevel_viewport()?;
+ // Use a scope because mask_cr needs to release the
+ // reference to the surface before we access the pixels
+ {
+ let mask_cr = cairo::Context::new(&mask_content_surface)?;
+ mask_cr.set_matrix(transform_for_mask.into());
+ let bbtransform = Transform::new_unchecked(
+ bbox_rect.width(),
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ bbox_rect.height(),
+ bbox_rect.x0,
+ bbox_rect.y0,
+ );
+ let clip_rect = if mask_units == CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox {
+ bbtransform.transform_rect(&mask_rect)
+ } else {
+ mask_rect
+ };
+ clip_to_rectangle(&mask_cr, &clip_rect);
+ if mask.get_content_units() == CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox {
+ if bbox_rect.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ mask_cr.transform(ValidTransform::try_from(bbtransform)?.into());
+ }
+ let mask_viewport = viewport.with_units(mask.get_content_units());
+ let mut mask_draw_ctx = self.nested(mask_cr);
+ let stacking_ctx = StackingContext::new(
+ self.session(),
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &mask_element,
+ Transform::identity(),
+ values,
+ );
+ let res = mask_draw_ctx.with_discrete_layer(
+ &stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &mask_viewport,
+ false,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| mask_node.draw_children(an, &cascaded, &mask_viewport, dc, false),
+ );
+ res?;
+ }
+ let tmp = SharedImageSurface::wrap(mask_content_surface, SurfaceType::SRgb)?;
+ let mask_result = match values.mask_type() {
+ MaskType::Luminance => tmp.to_luminance_mask()?,
+ MaskType::Alpha => tmp.extract_alpha(IRect::from_size(tmp.width(), tmp.height()))?,
+ };
+ let mask = mask_result.into_image_surface()?;
+ Ok(Some(mask))
+ }
+ pub fn with_discrete_layer(
+ &mut self,
+ stacking_ctx: &StackingContext,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ clipping: bool,
+ clip_rect: Option<Rect>,
+ draw_fn: &mut dyn FnMut(
+ &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ &mut DrawingCtx,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError>,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let stacking_ctx_transform = ValidTransform::try_from(stacking_ctx.transform)?;
+ let orig_transform = self.get_transform();
+ let res = if clipping {
+ draw_fn(acquired_nodes, self)
+ } else {
+ with_saved_cr(&, || {
+ if let Some(ref link_target) = stacking_ctx.link_target {
+ self.link_tag_begin(link_target);
+ }
+ let Opacity(UnitInterval(opacity)) = stacking_ctx.opacity;
+ let affine_at_start = self.get_transform();
+ if let Some(rect) = clip_rect {
+ clip_to_rectangle(&, &rect);
+ }
+ // Here we are clipping in user space, so the bbox doesn't matter
+ self.clip_to_node(
+ &stacking_ctx.clip_in_user_space,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport,
+ &self.empty_bbox(),
+ )?;
+ let should_isolate = stacking_ctx.should_isolate();
+ let res = if should_isolate {
+ // Compute our assortment of affines
+ let affines = CompositingAffines::new(
+ *affine_at_start,
+ self.initial_viewport.transform,
+ self.cr_stack.borrow().len(),
+ );
+ // Create temporary surface and its cr
+ let cr = match stacking_ctx.filter {
+ None => cairo::Context::new(
+ &self
+ .create_similar_surface_for_toplevel_viewport(&,
+ )?,
+ Some(_) => {
+ cairo::Context::new(self.create_surface_for_toplevel_viewport()?)?
+ }
+ };
+ cr.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(affines.for_temporary_surface)?.into());
+ let (source_surface, mut res, bbox) = {
+ let mut temporary_draw_ctx = self.nested(cr);
+ // Draw!
+ let res = draw_fn(acquired_nodes, &mut temporary_draw_ctx);
+ let bbox = if let Ok(ref bbox) = res {
+ *bbox
+ } else {
+ BoundingBox::new().with_transform(affines.for_temporary_surface)
+ };
+ if let Some(ref filter) = stacking_ctx.filter {
+ let surface_to_filter = SharedImageSurface::copy_from_surface(
+ &cairo::ImageSurface::try_from(
+ .unwrap(),
+ )?;
+ let stroke_paint_source =
+ Rc::new(filter.stroke_paint_source.to_user_space(
+ &bbox.rect,
+ viewport,
+ &filter.normalize_values,
+ ));
+ let fill_paint_source =
+ Rc::new(filter.fill_paint_source.to_user_space(
+ &bbox.rect,
+ viewport,
+ &filter.normalize_values,
+ ));
+ // Filter functions (like "blend()", not the <filter> element) require
+ // being resolved in userSpaceonUse units, since that is the default
+ // for primitive_units. So, get the corresponding NormalizeParams
+ // here and pass them down.
+ let user_space_params = NormalizeParams::from_values(
+ &filter.normalize_values,
+ &viewport.with_units(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse),
+ );
+ let filtered_surface = temporary_draw_ctx
+ .run_filters(
+ viewport,
+ surface_to_filter,
+ filter,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &stacking_ctx.element_name,
+ &user_space_params,
+ stroke_paint_source,
+ fill_paint_source,
+ bbox,
+ )?
+ .into_image_surface()?;
+ let generic_surface: &cairo::Surface = &filtered_surface; // deref to Surface
+ (generic_surface.clone(), res, bbox)
+ } else {
+ (, res, bbox)
+ }
+ };
+ // Set temporary surface as source
+ .set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(affines.compositing)?.into());
+, 0.0, 0.0)?;
+ // Clip
+ ValidTransform::try_from(affines.outside_temporary_surface)?.into(),
+ );
+ self.clip_to_node(
+ &stacking_ctx.clip_in_object_space,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport,
+ &bbox,
+ )?;
+ // Mask
+ if let Some(ref mask_node) = stacking_ctx.mask {
+ res = res.and_then(|bbox| {
+ self.generate_cairo_mask(
+ mask_node,
+ viewport,
+ affines.for_temporary_surface,
+ &bbox,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ )
+ .and_then(|mask_surf| {
+ if let Some(surf) = mask_surf {
+ ValidTransform::try_from(affines.compositing)?.into(),
+ );
+, 0.0, 0.0)?;
+ Ok(
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ })
+ .map(|_: ()| bbox)
+ });
+ }
+ {
+ // Composite the temporary surface
+ .set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(affines.compositing)?.into());
+ if opacity < 1.0 {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ res
+ } else {
+ draw_fn(acquired_nodes, self)
+ };
+ if stacking_ctx.link_target.is_some() {
+ self.link_tag_end();
+ }
+ res
+ })
+ };
+ res
+ }
+ /// Run the drawing function with the specified opacity
+ fn with_alpha(
+ &mut self,
+ opacity: UnitInterval,
+ draw_fn: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut DrawingCtx) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError>,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let res;
+ let UnitInterval(o) = opacity;
+ if o < 1.0 {
+ res = draw_fn(self);
+ } else {
+ res = draw_fn(self);
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ /// Start a Cairo tag for PDF links
+ fn link_tag_begin(&mut self, link_target: &str) {
+ let attributes = format!("uri='{}'", escape_link_target(link_target));
+ let cr =;
+ cr.tag_begin(CAIRO_TAG_LINK, &attributes);
+ }
+ /// End a Cairo tag for PDF links
+ fn link_tag_end(&mut self) {
+ }
+ fn run_filters(
+ &mut self,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ surface_to_filter: SharedImageSurface,
+ filter: &Filter,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ node_name: &str,
+ user_space_params: &NormalizeParams,
+ stroke_paint_source: Rc<UserSpacePaintSource>,
+ fill_paint_source: Rc<UserSpacePaintSource>,
+ node_bbox: BoundingBox,
+ ) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, RenderingError> {
+ // We try to convert each item in the filter_list to a FilterSpec.
+ //
+ // However, the spec mentions, "If the filter references a non-existent object or
+ // the referenced object is not a filter element, then the whole filter chain is
+ // ignored." -
+ //
+ // So, run through the filter_list and collect into a Result<Vec<FilterSpec>>.
+ // This will return an Err if any of the conversions failed.
+ let filter_specs = filter
+ .filter_list
+ .iter()
+ .map(|filter_value| {
+ filter_value.to_filter_spec(
+ acquired_nodes,
+ user_space_params,
+ filter.current_color,
+ viewport,
+ self,
+ node_name,
+ )
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<FilterSpec>, _>>();
+ match filter_specs {
+ Ok(specs) => {
+ // Start with the surface_to_filter, and apply each filter spec in turn;
+ // the final result is our return value.
+ specs.iter().try_fold(surface_to_filter, |surface, spec| {
+ filters::render(
+ spec,
+ stroke_paint_source.clone(),
+ fill_paint_source.clone(),
+ surface,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ self,
+ *self.get_transform(),
+ node_bbox,
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ rsvg_log!(
+ self.session,
+ "not rendering filter list on node {} because it was in error: {}",
+ node_name,
+ e
+ );
+ // just return the original surface without filtering it
+ Ok(surface_to_filter)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_gradient(&mut self, gradient: &UserSpaceGradient) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ let g = match gradient.variant {
+ GradientVariant::Linear { x1, y1, x2, y2 } => {
+ cairo::Gradient::clone(&cairo::LinearGradient::new(x1, y1, x2, y2))
+ }
+ GradientVariant::Radial {
+ cx,
+ cy,
+ r,
+ fx,
+ fy,
+ fr,
+ } => cairo::Gradient::clone(&cairo::RadialGradient::new(fx, fy, fr, cx, cy, r)),
+ };
+ g.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(gradient.transform)?.into());
+ g.set_extend(cairo::Extend::from(gradient.spread));
+ for stop in &gradient.stops {
+ let UnitInterval(stop_offset) = stop.offset;
+ g.add_color_stop_rgba(
+ stop_offset,
+ f64::from(stop.rgba.red_f32()),
+ f64::from(stop.rgba.green_f32()),
+ f64::from(stop.rgba.blue_f32()),
+ f64::from(stop.rgba.alpha_f32()),
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(
+ }
+ fn set_pattern(
+ &mut self,
+ pattern: &UserSpacePattern,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<bool, RenderingError> {
+ // Bail out early if the pattern has zero size, per the spec
+ if approx_eq!(f64, pattern.width, 0.0) || approx_eq!(f64, pattern.height, 0.0) {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ // Bail out early if this pattern has a circular reference
+ let pattern_node_acquired = match pattern.acquire_pattern_node(acquired_nodes) {
+ Ok(n) => n,
+ Err(AcquireError::CircularReference(ref node)) => {
+ rsvg_log!(self.session, "circular reference in element {}", node);
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let pattern_node = pattern_node_acquired.get();
+ let taffine = self.get_transform().pre_transform(&pattern.transform);
+ let mut scwscale = (taffine.xx.powi(2) + taffine.xy.powi(2)).sqrt();
+ let mut schscale = (taffine.yx.powi(2) + taffine.yy.powi(2)).sqrt();
+ let pw: i32 = (pattern.width * scwscale) as i32;
+ let ph: i32 = (pattern.height * schscale) as i32;
+ if pw < 1 || ph < 1 {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ scwscale = f64::from(pw) / pattern.width;
+ schscale = f64::from(ph) / pattern.height;
+ // Apply the pattern transform
+ let (affine, caffine) = if scwscale.approx_eq_cairo(1.0) && schscale.approx_eq_cairo(1.0) {
+ (pattern.coord_transform, pattern.content_transform)
+ } else {
+ (
+ pattern
+ .coord_transform
+ .pre_scale(1.0 / scwscale, 1.0 / schscale),
+ pattern.content_transform.post_scale(scwscale, schscale),
+ )
+ };
+ // Draw to another surface
+ let surface = self
+ .cr
+ .target()
+ .create_similar(cairo::Content::ColorAlpha, pw, ph)?;
+ let cr_pattern = cairo::Context::new(&surface)?;
+ // Set up transformations to be determined by the contents units
+ let transform = ValidTransform::try_from(caffine)?;
+ cr_pattern.set_matrix(transform.into());
+ // Draw everything
+ {
+ let mut pattern_draw_ctx = self.nested(cr_pattern);
+ let pattern_viewport = Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(pattern.width, pattern.height)),
+ transform: *transform,
+ };
+ pattern_draw_ctx
+ .with_alpha(pattern.opacity, &mut |dc| {
+ let pattern_cascaded = CascadedValues::new_from_node(pattern_node);
+ let pattern_values = pattern_cascaded.get();
+ let elt = pattern_node.borrow_element();
+ let stacking_ctx = StackingContext::new(
+ self.session(),
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &elt,
+ Transform::identity(),
+ pattern_values,
+ );
+ dc.with_discrete_layer(
+ &stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &pattern_viewport,
+ false,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| {
+ pattern_node.draw_children(
+ an,
+ &pattern_cascaded,
+ &pattern_viewport,
+ dc,
+ false,
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ })
+ .map(|_| ())?;
+ }
+ // Set the final surface as a Cairo pattern into the Cairo context
+ let pattern = cairo::SurfacePattern::create(&surface);
+ if let Some(m) = affine.invert() {
+ pattern.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(m)?.into());
+ pattern.set_extend(cairo::Extend::Repeat);
+ pattern.set_filter(cairo::Filter::Best);
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ fn set_color(&self, rgba: cssparser::RGBA) {
+ f64::from(rgba.red_f32()),
+ f64::from(rgba.green_f32()),
+ f64::from(rgba.blue_f32()),
+ f64::from(rgba.alpha_f32()),
+ );
+ }
+ fn set_paint_source(
+ &mut self,
+ paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<bool, RenderingError> {
+ match *paint_source {
+ UserSpacePaintSource::Gradient(ref gradient, _c) => {
+ self.set_gradient(gradient)?;
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ UserSpacePaintSource::Pattern(ref pattern, c) => {
+ if self.set_pattern(pattern, acquired_nodes)? {
+ Ok(true)
+ } else if let Some(c) = c {
+ self.set_color(c);
+ Ok(true)
+ } else {
+ Ok(false)
+ }
+ }
+ UserSpacePaintSource::SolidColor(c) => {
+ self.set_color(c);
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ UserSpacePaintSource::None => Ok(false),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Computes and returns a surface corresponding to the given paint server.
+ pub fn get_paint_source_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ ) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, RenderingError> {
+ let mut surface = ExclusiveImageSurface::new(width, height, SurfaceType::SRgb)?;
+ surface.draw(&mut |cr| {
+ let mut temporary_draw_ctx = self.nested(cr);
+ // FIXME: we are ignoring any error
+ let had_paint_server =
+ temporary_draw_ctx.set_paint_source(paint_source, acquired_nodes)?;
+ if had_paint_server {
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ })?;
+ Ok(surface.share()?)
+ }
+ fn stroke(
+ &mut self,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ let had_paint_server = self.set_paint_source(paint_source, acquired_nodes)?;
+ if had_paint_server {
+ cr.stroke_preserve()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn fill(
+ &mut self,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ let had_paint_server = self.set_paint_source(paint_source, acquired_nodes)?;
+ if had_paint_server {
+ cr.fill_preserve()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn compute_path_extents(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Option<Rect>, RenderingError> {
+ if path.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ let surface = cairo::RecordingSurface::create(cairo::Content::ColorAlpha, None)?;
+ let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface)?;
+ path.to_cairo(&cr, false)?;
+ let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = cr.path_extents()?;
+ Ok(Some(Rect::new(x0, y0, x1, y1)))
+ }
+ pub fn draw_layer(
+ &mut self,
+ layer: &Layer,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ clipping: bool,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ match &layer.kind {
+ LayerKind::Shape(shape) => self.draw_shape(
+ shape,
+ &layer.stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ clipping,
+ viewport,
+ ),
+ LayerKind::Text(text) => self.draw_text(
+ text,
+ &layer.stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ clipping,
+ viewport,
+ ),
+ LayerKind::Image(image) => self.draw_image(
+ image,
+ &layer.stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ clipping,
+ viewport,
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ fn draw_shape(
+ &mut self,
+ shape: &Shape,
+ stacking_ctx: &StackingContext,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ clipping: bool,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ if shape.extents.is_none() {
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ self.with_discrete_layer(
+ stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport,
+ clipping,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| {
+ let cr =;
+ let transform = dc.get_transform_for_stacking_ctx(stacking_ctx, clipping)?;
+ let mut path_helper =
+ PathHelper::new(&cr, transform, &shape.path, shape.stroke.line_cap);
+ if clipping {
+ if shape.is_visible {
+ cr.set_fill_rule(cairo::FillRule::from(shape.clip_rule));
+ path_helper.set()?;
+ }
+ return Ok(dc.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ cr.set_antialias(cairo::Antialias::from(shape.shape_rendering));
+ setup_cr_for_stroke(&cr, &shape.stroke);
+ cr.set_fill_rule(cairo::FillRule::from(shape.fill_rule));
+ path_helper.set()?;
+ let bbox = compute_stroke_and_fill_box(
+ &cr,
+ &shape.stroke,
+ &shape.stroke_paint,
+ &dc.initial_viewport,
+ )?;
+ if shape.is_visible {
+ for &target in &shape.paint_order.targets {
+ // fill and stroke operations will preserve the path.
+ // markers operation will clear the path.
+ match target {
+ PaintTarget::Fill => {
+ path_helper.set()?;
+ dc.fill(&cr, an, &shape.fill_paint)?;
+ }
+ PaintTarget::Stroke => {
+ path_helper.set()?;
+ let backup_matrix = if shape.stroke.non_scaling {
+ let matrix = cr.matrix();
+ cr.set_matrix(
+ ValidTransform::try_from(dc.initial_viewport.transform)?
+ .into(),
+ );
+ Some(matrix)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ dc.stroke(&cr, an, &shape.stroke_paint)?;
+ if let Some(matrix) = backup_matrix {
+ cr.set_matrix(matrix);
+ }
+ }
+ PaintTarget::Markers => {
+ path_helper.unset();
+ marker::render_markers_for_shape(
+ shape, viewport, dc, an, clipping,
+ )?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ path_helper.unset();
+ Ok(bbox)
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ fn paint_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ surface: &SharedImageSurface,
+ width: f64,
+ height: f64,
+ ) -> Result<(), cairo::Error> {
+ let cr =;
+ // We need to set extend appropriately, so can't use cr.set_source_surface().
+ //
+ // If extend is left at its default value (None), then bilinear scaling uses
+ // transparency outside of the image producing incorrect results.
+ // For example, in svg1.1/filters-blend-01-b.svgthere's a completely
+ // opaque 100×1 image of a gradient scaled to 100×98 which ends up
+ // transparent almost everywhere without this fix (which it shouldn't).
+ let ptn = surface.to_cairo_pattern();
+ ptn.set_extend(cairo::Extend::Pad);
+ cr.set_source(&ptn)?;
+ // Clip is needed due to extend being set to pad.
+ clip_to_rectangle(&cr, &Rect::from_size(width, height));
+ cr.paint()
+ }
+ fn draw_image(
+ &mut self,
+ image: &Image,
+ stacking_ctx: &StackingContext,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ clipping: bool,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let image_width = image.surface.width();
+ let image_height = image.surface.height();
+ if clipping || image.rect.is_empty() || image_width == 0 || image_height == 0 {
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ let image_width = f64::from(image_width);
+ let image_height = f64::from(image_height);
+ let vbox = ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(image_width, image_height));
+ let clip_mode = if !(image.overflow == Overflow::Auto
+ || image.overflow == Overflow::Visible)
+ && image.aspect.is_slice()
+ {
+ ClipMode::ClipToViewport
+ } else {
+ ClipMode::NoClip
+ };
+ // The bounding box for <image> is decided by the values of the image's x, y, w, h
+ // and not by the final computed image bounds.
+ let bounds = self.empty_bbox().with_rect(image.rect);
+ if image.is_visible {
+ self.with_discrete_layer(
+ stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport, // FIXME: should this be the push_new_viewport below?
+ clipping,
+ None,
+ &mut |_an, dc| {
+ with_saved_cr(&, || {
+ if let Some(_params) = dc.push_new_viewport(
+ viewport,
+ Some(vbox),
+ image.rect,
+ image.aspect,
+ clip_mode,
+ ) {
+ dc.paint_surface(&image.surface, image_width, image_height)?;
+ }
+ Ok(bounds)
+ })
+ },
+ )
+ } else {
+ Ok(bounds)
+ }
+ }
+ fn draw_text_span(
+ &mut self,
+ span: &TextSpan,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ clipping: bool,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let path = pango_layout_to_path(span.x, span.y, &span.layout, span.gravity)?;
+ if path.is_empty() {
+ // Empty strings, or only-whitespace text, get turned into empty paths.
+ // In that case, we really want to return "no bounds" rather than an
+ // empty rectangle.
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ // #851 - We can't just render all text as paths for PDF; it
+ // needs the actual text content so text is selectable by PDF
+ // viewers.
+ let can_use_text_as_path = != cairo::SurfaceType::Pdf;
+ with_saved_cr(&, || {
+ .set_antialias(cairo::Antialias::from(span.text_rendering));
+ setup_cr_for_stroke(&, &span.stroke);
+ if clipping {
+ path.to_cairo(&, false)?;
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ path.to_cairo(&, false)?;
+ let bbox = compute_stroke_and_fill_box(
+ &,
+ &span.stroke,
+ &span.stroke_paint,
+ &self.initial_viewport,
+ )?;
+ if span.is_visible {
+ if let Some(ref link_target) = span.link_target {
+ self.link_tag_begin(link_target);
+ }
+ for &target in &span.paint_order.targets {
+ match target {
+ PaintTarget::Fill => {
+ let had_paint_server =
+ self.set_paint_source(&span.fill_paint, acquired_nodes)?;
+ if had_paint_server {
+ if can_use_text_as_path {
+ path.to_cairo(&, false)?;
+ } else {
+, span.y);
+ let matrix =;
+ let rotation_from_gravity = span.gravity.to_rotation();
+ if !rotation_from_gravity.approx_eq_cairo(0.0) {
+ }
+ pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&, &span.layout);
+ pangocairo::functions::show_layout(&, &span.layout);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PaintTarget::Stroke => {
+ let had_paint_server =
+ self.set_paint_source(&span.stroke_paint, acquired_nodes)?;
+ if had_paint_server {
+ path.to_cairo(&, false)?;
+ }
+ }
+ PaintTarget::Markers => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if span.link_target.is_some() {
+ self.link_tag_end();
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(bbox)
+ })
+ }
+ fn draw_text(
+ &mut self,
+ text: &Text,
+ stacking_ctx: &StackingContext,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ clipping: bool,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ self.with_discrete_layer(
+ stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport,
+ clipping,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| {
+ let mut bbox = dc.empty_bbox();
+ for span in &text.spans {
+ let span_bbox = dc.draw_text_span(span, an, clipping)?;
+ bbox.insert(&span_bbox);
+ }
+ Ok(bbox)
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ pub fn get_snapshot(
+ &self,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ ) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, RenderingError> {
+ // TODO: as far as I can tell this should not render elements past the last (topmost) one
+ // with enable-background: new (because technically we shouldn't have been caching them).
+ // Right now there are no enable-background checks whatsoever.
+ //
+ // Addendum: SVG 2 has deprecated the enable-background property, and replaced it with an
+ // "isolation" property from the CSS Compositing and Blending spec.
+ //
+ // Deprecation:
+ //
+ //
+ // BackgroundImage, BackgroundAlpha in the "in" attribute of filter primitives:
+ //
+ //
+ // CSS Compositing and Blending, "isolation" property:
+ //
+ let mut surface = ExclusiveImageSurface::new(width, height, SurfaceType::SRgb)?;
+ surface.draw(&mut |cr| {
+ // TODO: apparently DrawingCtx.cr_stack is just a way to store pairs of
+ // (surface, transform). Can we turn it into a DrawingCtx.surface_stack
+ // instead? See what CSS isolation would like to call that; are the pairs just
+ // stacking contexts instead, or the result of rendering stacking contexts?
+ for (depth, draw) in self.cr_stack.borrow().iter().enumerate() {
+ let affines = CompositingAffines::new(
+ Transform::from(draw.matrix()),
+ self.initial_viewport.transform,
+ depth,
+ );
+ cr.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(affines.for_snapshot)?.into());
+ cr.set_source_surface(&, 0.0, 0.0)?;
+ cr.paint()?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ })?;
+ Ok(surface.share()?)
+ }
+ pub fn draw_node_to_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ node: &Node,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ cascaded: &CascadedValues<'_>,
+ affine: Transform,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ ) -> Result<SharedImageSurface, RenderingError> {
+ let surface = cairo::ImageSurface::create(cairo::Format::ARgb32, width, height)?;
+ let save_cr =;
+ {
+ let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface)?;
+ cr.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(affine)?.into());
+ = cr;
+ let viewport = Viewport {
+ dpi: self.dpi,
+ transform: affine,
+ vbox: ViewBox::from(Rect::from_size(f64::from(width), f64::from(height))),
+ };
+ let _ = self.draw_node_from_stack(node, acquired_nodes, cascaded, &viewport, false)?;
+ }
+ = save_cr;
+ Ok(SharedImageSurface::wrap(surface, SurfaceType::SRgb)?)
+ }
+ pub fn draw_node_from_stack(
+ &mut self,
+ node: &Node,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ cascaded: &CascadedValues<'_>,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ clipping: bool,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let stack_top = self.drawsub_stack.pop();
+ let draw = if let Some(ref top) = stack_top {
+ top == node
+ } else {
+ true
+ };
+ let res = if draw {
+ node.draw(acquired_nodes, cascaded, viewport, self, clipping)
+ } else {
+ Ok(self.empty_bbox())
+ };
+ if let Some(top) = stack_top {
+ self.drawsub_stack.push(top);
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ pub fn draw_from_use_node(
+ &mut self,
+ node: &Node,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ values: &ComputedValues,
+ use_rect: Rect,
+ link: &NodeId,
+ clipping: bool,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ fill_paint: Arc<PaintSource>,
+ stroke_paint: Arc<PaintSource>,
+ ) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ // <use> is an element that is used directly, unlike
+ // <pattern>, which is used through a fill="url(#...)"
+ // reference. However, <use> will always reference another
+ // element, potentially itself or an ancestor of itself (or
+ // another <use> which references the first one, etc.). So,
+ // we acquire the <use> element itself so that circular
+ // references can be caught.
+ let _self_acquired = match acquired_nodes.acquire_ref(node) {
+ Ok(n) => n,
+ Err(AcquireError::CircularReference(_)) => {
+ rsvg_log!(self.session, "circular reference in element {}", node);
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let acquired = match acquired_nodes.acquire(link) {
+ Ok(acquired) => acquired,
+ Err(AcquireError::CircularReference(node)) => {
+ rsvg_log!(self.session, "circular reference in element {}", node);
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ Err(AcquireError::MaxReferencesExceeded) => {
+ return Err(RenderingError::LimitExceeded(
+ ImplementationLimit::TooManyReferencedElements,
+ ));
+ }
+ Err(AcquireError::InvalidLinkType(_)) => unreachable!(),
+ Err(AcquireError::LinkNotFound(node_id)) => {
+ rsvg_log!(
+ self.session,
+ "element {} references nonexistent \"{}\"",
+ node,
+ node_id
+ );
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ };
+ // width or height set to 0 disables rendering of the element
+ //
+ if use_rect.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ let child = acquired.get();
+ if clipping && !element_can_be_used_inside_use_inside_clip_path(&child.borrow_element()) {
+ return Ok(self.empty_bbox());
+ }
+ let orig_transform = self.get_transform();
+ .transform(ValidTransform::try_from(values.transform())?.into());
+ let use_element = node.borrow_element();
+ let defines_a_viewport = if is_element_of_type!(child, Symbol) {
+ let symbol = borrow_element_as!(child, Symbol);
+ Some((symbol.get_viewbox(), symbol.get_preserve_aspect_ratio()))
+ } else if is_element_of_type!(child, Svg) {
+ let svg = borrow_element_as!(child, Svg);
+ Some((svg.get_viewbox(), svg.get_preserve_aspect_ratio()))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let res = if let Some((viewbox, preserve_aspect_ratio)) = defines_a_viewport {
+ // <symbol> and <svg> define a viewport, as described in the specification:
+ //
+ //
+ let elt = child.borrow_element();
+ let values = elt.get_computed_values();
+ // FIXME: do we need to look at preserveAspectRatio.slice, like in draw_image()?
+ let clip_mode = if !values.is_overflow() {
+ ClipMode::ClipToViewport
+ } else {
+ ClipMode::NoClip
+ };
+ let stacking_ctx = StackingContext::new(
+ self.session(),
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &use_element,
+ Transform::identity(),
+ values,
+ );
+ self.with_discrete_layer(
+ &stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport, // FIXME: should this be the child_viewport from below?
+ clipping,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| {
+ if let Some(child_viewport) = dc.push_new_viewport(
+ viewport,
+ viewbox,
+ use_rect,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ clip_mode,
+ ) {
+ child.draw_children(
+ an,
+ &CascadedValues::new_from_values(
+ child,
+ values,
+ Some(fill_paint.clone()),
+ Some(stroke_paint.clone()),
+ ),
+ &child_viewport,
+ dc,
+ clipping,
+ )
+ } else {
+ Ok(dc.empty_bbox())
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ } else {
+ // otherwise the referenced node is not a <symbol>; process it generically
+ let stacking_ctx = StackingContext::new(
+ self.session(),
+ acquired_nodes,
+ &use_element,
+ Transform::new_translate(use_rect.x0, use_rect.y0),
+ values,
+ );
+ self.with_discrete_layer(
+ &stacking_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes,
+ viewport,
+ clipping,
+ None,
+ &mut |an, dc| {
+ child.draw(
+ an,
+ &CascadedValues::new_from_values(
+ child,
+ values,
+ Some(fill_paint.clone()),
+ Some(stroke_paint.clone()),
+ ),
+ viewport,
+ dc,
+ clipping,
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ };
+ if let Ok(bbox) = res {
+ let mut res_bbox = BoundingBox::new().with_transform(*orig_transform);
+ res_bbox.insert(&bbox);
+ Ok(res_bbox)
+ } else {
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ /// Extracts the font options for the current state of the DrawingCtx.
+ ///
+ /// You can use the font options later with create_pango_context().
+ pub fn get_font_options(&self) -> FontOptions {
+ let mut options = cairo::FontOptions::new().unwrap();
+ if self.testing {
+ options.set_antialias(cairo::Antialias::Gray);
+ }
+ options.set_hint_style(cairo::HintStyle::None);
+ options.set_hint_metrics(cairo::HintMetrics::Off);
+ FontOptions { options }
+ }
+/// Create a Pango context with a particular configuration.
+pub fn create_pango_context(font_options: &FontOptions, transform: &Transform) -> pango::Context {
+ let font_map = pangocairo::FontMap::default();
+ let context = font_map.create_context();
+ context.set_round_glyph_positions(false);
+ let pango_matrix = PangoMatrix {
+ xx: transform.xx,
+ xy: transform.xy,
+ yx: transform.yx,
+ yy: transform.yy,
+ x0: transform.x0,
+ y0: transform.y0,
+ };
+ let pango_matrix_ptr: *const PangoMatrix = &pango_matrix;
+ let matrix = unsafe { pango::Matrix::from_glib_none(pango_matrix_ptr) };
+ context.set_matrix(Some(&matrix));
+ pangocairo::functions::context_set_font_options(&context, Some(&font_options.options));
+ // Pango says this about pango_cairo_context_set_resolution():
+ //
+ // Sets the resolution for the context. This is a scale factor between
+ // points specified in a #PangoFontDescription and Cairo units. The
+ // default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13
+ // units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).
+ //
+ // I.e. Pango font sizes in a PangoFontDescription are in *points*, not pixels.
+ // However, we are normalizing everything to userspace units, which amount to
+ // pixels. So, we will use 72.0 here to make Pango not apply any further scaling
+ // to the size values we give it.
+ //
+ // An alternative would be to divide our font sizes by (dpi_y / 72) to effectively
+ // cancel out Pango's scaling, but it's probably better to deal with Pango-isms
+ // right here, instead of spreading them out through our Length normalization
+ // code.
+ pangocairo::functions::context_set_resolution(&context, 72.0);
+ context
+/// Converts a Pango layout to a Cairo path on the specified cr starting at (x, y).
+/// Does not clear the current path first.
+fn pango_layout_to_cairo(
+ x: f64,
+ y: f64,
+ layout: &pango::Layout,
+ gravity: pango::Gravity,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+) {
+ let rotation_from_gravity = gravity.to_rotation();
+ let rotation = if !rotation_from_gravity.approx_eq_cairo(0.0) {
+ Some(-rotation_from_gravity)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ cr.move_to(x, y);
+ let matrix = cr.matrix();
+ if let Some(rot) = rotation {
+ cr.rotate(rot);
+ }
+ pangocairo::functions::update_layout(cr, layout);
+ pangocairo::functions::layout_path(cr, layout);
+ cr.set_matrix(matrix);
+/// Converts a Pango layout to a Path starting at (x, y).
+pub fn pango_layout_to_path(
+ x: f64,
+ y: f64,
+ layout: &pango::Layout,
+ gravity: pango::Gravity,
+) -> Result<Path, RenderingError> {
+ let surface = cairo::RecordingSurface::create(cairo::Content::ColorAlpha, None)?;
+ let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface)?;
+ pango_layout_to_cairo(x, y, layout, gravity, &cr);
+ let cairo_path = cr.copy_path()?;
+ Ok(Path::from_cairo(cairo_path))
+fn element_can_be_used_inside_clip_path(element: &Element) -> bool {
+ use ElementData::*;
+ matches!(
+ element.element_data,
+ Circle(_)
+ | Ellipse(_)
+ | Line(_)
+ | Path(_)
+ | Polygon(_)
+ | Polyline(_)
+ | Rect(_)
+ | Text(_)
+ | Use(_)
+ )
+fn element_can_be_used_inside_use_inside_clip_path(element: &Element) -> bool {
+ use ElementData::*;
+ matches!(
+ element.element_data,
+ Circle(_) | Ellipse(_) | Line(_) | Path(_) | Polygon(_) | Polyline(_) | Rect(_) | Text(_)
+ )
+struct CompositingAffines {
+ pub outside_temporary_surface: Transform,
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub initial: Transform,
+ pub for_temporary_surface: Transform,
+ pub compositing: Transform,
+ pub for_snapshot: Transform,
+impl CompositingAffines {
+ fn new(current: Transform, initial: Transform, cr_stack_depth: usize) -> CompositingAffines {
+ let is_topmost_temporary_surface = cr_stack_depth == 0;
+ let initial_inverse = initial.invert().unwrap();
+ let outside_temporary_surface = if is_topmost_temporary_surface {
+ current
+ } else {
+ current.post_transform(&initial_inverse)
+ };
+ let (scale_x, scale_y) = initial.transform_distance(1.0, 1.0);
+ let for_temporary_surface = if is_topmost_temporary_surface {
+ current
+ .post_transform(&initial_inverse)
+ .post_scale(scale_x, scale_y)
+ } else {
+ current
+ };
+ let compositing = if is_topmost_temporary_surface {
+ initial.pre_scale(1.0 / scale_x, 1.0 / scale_y)
+ } else {
+ Transform::identity()
+ };
+ let for_snapshot = compositing.invert().unwrap();
+ CompositingAffines {
+ outside_temporary_surface,
+ initial,
+ for_temporary_surface,
+ compositing,
+ for_snapshot,
+ }
+ }
+fn compute_stroke_and_fill_extents(
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ stroke: &Stroke,
+ stroke_paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ initial_viewport: &Viewport,
+) -> Result<PathExtents, RenderingError> {
+ // Dropping the precision of cairo's bezier subdivision, yielding 2x
+ // _rendering_ time speedups, are these rather expensive operations
+ // really needed here? */
+ let backup_tolerance = cr.tolerance();
+ cr.set_tolerance(1.0);
+ // Bounding box for fill
+ //
+ // Unlike the case for stroke, for fills we always compute the bounding box.
+ // In GNOME we have SVGs for symbolic icons where each icon has a bounding
+ // rectangle with no fill and no stroke, and inside it there are the actual
+ // paths for the icon's shape. We need to be able to compute the bounding
+ // rectangle's extents, even when it has no fill nor stroke.
+ let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = cr.fill_extents()?;
+ let fill_extents = Some(Rect::new(x0, y0, x1, y1));
+ // Bounding box for stroke
+ //
+ // When presented with a line width of 0, Cairo returns a
+ // stroke_extents rectangle of (0, 0, 0, 0). This would cause the
+ // bbox to include a lone point at the origin, which is wrong, as a
+ // stroke of zero width should not be painted, per
+ //
+ //
+ // So, see if the stroke width is 0 and just not include the stroke in the
+ // bounding box if so.
+ let stroke_extents = if !stroke.width.approx_eq_cairo(0.0)
+ && !matches!(stroke_paint_source, UserSpacePaintSource::None)
+ {
+ let backup_matrix = if stroke.non_scaling {
+ let matrix = cr.matrix();
+ cr.set_matrix(ValidTransform::try_from(initial_viewport.transform)?.into());
+ Some(matrix)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = cr.stroke_extents()?;
+ if let Some(matrix) = backup_matrix {
+ cr.set_matrix(matrix);
+ }
+ Some(Rect::new(x0, y0, x1, y1))
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ // objectBoundingBox
+ let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = cr.path_extents()?;
+ let path_extents = Some(Rect::new(x0, y0, x1, y1));
+ // restore tolerance
+ cr.set_tolerance(backup_tolerance);
+ Ok(PathExtents {
+ path_only: path_extents,
+ fill: fill_extents,
+ stroke: stroke_extents,
+ })
+fn compute_stroke_and_fill_box(
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ stroke: &Stroke,
+ stroke_paint_source: &UserSpacePaintSource,
+ initial_viewport: &Viewport,
+) -> Result<BoundingBox, RenderingError> {
+ let extents =
+ compute_stroke_and_fill_extents(cr, stroke, stroke_paint_source, initial_viewport)?;
+ let ink_rect = match (extents.fill, extents.stroke) {
+ (None, None) => None,
+ (Some(f), None) => Some(f),
+ (None, Some(s)) => Some(s),
+ (Some(f), Some(s)) => Some(f.union(&s)),
+ };
+ let mut bbox = BoundingBox::new().with_transform(Transform::from(cr.matrix()));
+ if let Some(rect) = extents.path_only {
+ bbox = bbox.with_rect(rect);
+ }
+ if let Some(ink_rect) = ink_rect {
+ bbox = bbox.with_ink_rect(ink_rect);
+ }
+ Ok(bbox)
+fn setup_cr_for_stroke(cr: &cairo::Context, stroke: &Stroke) {
+ cr.set_line_width(stroke.width);
+ cr.set_miter_limit(stroke.miter_limit.0);
+ cr.set_line_cap(cairo::LineCap::from(stroke.line_cap));
+ cr.set_line_join(cairo::LineJoin::from(stroke.line_join));
+ let total_length: f64 = stroke.dashes.iter().sum();
+ if total_length > 0.0 {
+ cr.set_dash(&stroke.dashes, stroke.dash_offset);
+ } else {
+ cr.set_dash(&[], 0.0);
+ }
+/// escape quotes and backslashes with backslash
+fn escape_link_target(value: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> {
+ static REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"['\\]").unwrap());
+ REGEX.replace_all(value, |caps: &Captures<'_>| {
+ match caps.get(0).unwrap().as_str() {
+ "'" => "\\'".to_owned(),
+ "\\" => "\\\\".to_owned(),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ })
+fn clip_to_rectangle(cr: &cairo::Context, r: &Rect) {
+ cr.rectangle(r.x0, r.y0, r.width(), r.height());
+ cr.clip();
+impl From<SpreadMethod> for cairo::Extend {
+ fn from(s: SpreadMethod) -> cairo::Extend {
+ match s {
+ SpreadMethod::Pad => cairo::Extend::Pad,
+ SpreadMethod::Reflect => cairo::Extend::Reflect,
+ SpreadMethod::Repeat => cairo::Extend::Repeat,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<StrokeLinejoin> for cairo::LineJoin {
+ fn from(j: StrokeLinejoin) -> cairo::LineJoin {
+ match j {
+ StrokeLinejoin::Miter => cairo::LineJoin::Miter,
+ StrokeLinejoin::Round => cairo::LineJoin::Round,
+ StrokeLinejoin::Bevel => cairo::LineJoin::Bevel,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<StrokeLinecap> for cairo::LineCap {
+ fn from(j: StrokeLinecap) -> cairo::LineCap {
+ match j {
+ StrokeLinecap::Butt => cairo::LineCap::Butt,
+ StrokeLinecap::Round => cairo::LineCap::Round,
+ StrokeLinecap::Square => cairo::LineCap::Square,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<MixBlendMode> for cairo::Operator {
+ fn from(m: MixBlendMode) -> cairo::Operator {
+ use cairo::Operator;
+ match m {
+ MixBlendMode::Normal => Operator::Over,
+ MixBlendMode::Multiply => Operator::Multiply,
+ MixBlendMode::Screen => Operator::Screen,
+ MixBlendMode::Overlay => Operator::Overlay,
+ MixBlendMode::Darken => Operator::Darken,
+ MixBlendMode::Lighten => Operator::Lighten,
+ MixBlendMode::ColorDodge => Operator::ColorDodge,
+ MixBlendMode::ColorBurn => Operator::ColorBurn,
+ MixBlendMode::HardLight => Operator::HardLight,
+ MixBlendMode::SoftLight => Operator::SoftLight,
+ MixBlendMode::Difference => Operator::Difference,
+ MixBlendMode::Exclusion => Operator::Exclusion,
+ MixBlendMode::Hue => Operator::HslHue,
+ MixBlendMode::Saturation => Operator::HslSaturation,
+ MixBlendMode::Color => Operator::HslColor,
+ MixBlendMode::Luminosity => Operator::HslLuminosity,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<ClipRule> for cairo::FillRule {
+ fn from(c: ClipRule) -> cairo::FillRule {
+ match c {
+ ClipRule::NonZero => cairo::FillRule::Winding,
+ ClipRule::EvenOdd => cairo::FillRule::EvenOdd,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<FillRule> for cairo::FillRule {
+ fn from(f: FillRule) -> cairo::FillRule {
+ match f {
+ FillRule::NonZero => cairo::FillRule::Winding,
+ FillRule::EvenOdd => cairo::FillRule::EvenOdd,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<ShapeRendering> for cairo::Antialias {
+ fn from(sr: ShapeRendering) -> cairo::Antialias {
+ match sr {
+ ShapeRendering::Auto | ShapeRendering::GeometricPrecision => cairo::Antialias::Default,
+ ShapeRendering::OptimizeSpeed | ShapeRendering::CrispEdges => cairo::Antialias::None,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<TextRendering> for cairo::Antialias {
+ fn from(tr: TextRendering) -> cairo::Antialias {
+ match tr {
+ TextRendering::Auto
+ | TextRendering::OptimizeLegibility
+ | TextRendering::GeometricPrecision => cairo::Antialias::Default,
+ TextRendering::OptimizeSpeed => cairo::Antialias::None,
+ }
+ }
+impl From<cairo::Matrix> for Transform {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(m: cairo::Matrix) -> Self {
+ Self::new_unchecked(m.xx(), m.yx(), m.xy(), m.yy(), m.x0(), m.y0())
+ }
+impl From<ValidTransform> for cairo::Matrix {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(t: ValidTransform) -> cairo::Matrix {
+ cairo::Matrix::new(t.xx, t.yx, t.xy, t.yy, t.x0, t.y0)
+ }
+/// Extents for a path in its current coordinate system.
+/// Normally you'll want to convert this to a BoundingBox, which has knowledge about just
+/// what that coordinate system is.
+pub struct PathExtents {
+ /// Extents of the "plain", unstroked path, or `None` if the path is empty.
+ pub path_only: Option<Rect>,
+ /// Extents of just the fill, or `None` if the path is empty.
+ pub fill: Option<Rect>,
+ /// Extents for the stroked path, or `None` if the path is empty or zero-width.
+ pub stroke: Option<Rect>,
+impl Path {
+ pub fn to_cairo(
+ &self,
+ cr: &cairo::Context,
+ is_square_linecap: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+ assert!(!self.is_empty());
+ for subpath in self.iter_subpath() {
+ // If a subpath is empty and the linecap is a square, then draw a square centered on
+ // the origin of the subpath. See #165.
+ if is_square_linecap {
+ let (x, y) = subpath.origin();
+ if subpath.is_zero_length() {
+ let stroke_size = 0.002;
+ cr.move_to(x - stroke_size / 2., y);
+ cr.line_to(x + stroke_size / 2., y);
+ }
+ }
+ for cmd in subpath.iter_commands() {
+ cmd.to_cairo(cr);
+ }
+ }
+ // We check the cr's status right after feeding it a new path for a few reasons:
+ //
+ // * Any of the individual path commands may cause the cr to enter an error state, for
+ // example, if they come with coordinates outside of Cairo's supported range.
+ //
+ // * The *next* call to the cr will probably be something that actually checks the status
+ // (i.e. in cairo-rs), and we don't want to panic there.
+ cr.status().map_err(|e| e.into())
+ }
+ /// Converts a `cairo::Path` to a librsvg `Path`.
+ fn from_cairo(cairo_path: cairo::Path) -> Path {
+ let mut builder = PathBuilder::default();
+ // Cairo has the habit of appending a MoveTo to some paths, but we don't want a
+ // path for empty text to generate that lone point. So, strip out paths composed
+ // only of MoveTo.
+ if !cairo_path_is_only_move_tos(&cairo_path) {
+ for segment in cairo_path.iter() {
+ match segment {
+ cairo::PathSegment::MoveTo((x, y)) => builder.move_to(x, y),
+ cairo::PathSegment::LineTo((x, y)) => builder.line_to(x, y),
+ cairo::PathSegment::CurveTo((x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) => {
+ builder.curve_to(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
+ }
+ cairo::PathSegment::ClosePath => builder.close_path(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ builder.into_path()
+ }
+fn cairo_path_is_only_move_tos(path: &cairo::Path) -> bool {
+ path.iter()
+ .all(|seg| matches!(seg, cairo::PathSegment::MoveTo((_, _))))
+impl PathCommand {
+ fn to_cairo(&self, cr: &cairo::Context) {
+ match *self {
+ PathCommand::MoveTo(x, y) => cr.move_to(x, y),
+ PathCommand::LineTo(x, y) => cr.line_to(x, y),
+ PathCommand::CurveTo(ref curve) => curve.to_cairo(cr),
+ PathCommand::Arc(ref arc) => arc.to_cairo(cr),
+ PathCommand::ClosePath => cr.close_path(),
+ }
+ }
+impl EllipticalArc {
+ fn to_cairo(&self, cr: &cairo::Context) {
+ match self.center_parameterization() {
+ ArcParameterization::CenterParameters {
+ center,
+ radii,
+ theta1,
+ delta_theta,
+ } => {
+ let n_segs = (delta_theta / (PI * 0.5 + 0.001)).abs().ceil() as u32;
+ let d_theta = delta_theta / f64::from(n_segs);
+ let mut theta = theta1;
+ for _ in 0..n_segs {
+ arc_segment(center, radii, self.x_axis_rotation, theta, theta + d_theta)
+ .to_cairo(cr);
+ theta += d_theta;
+ }
+ }
+ ArcParameterization::LineTo => {
+ let (x2, y2) =;
+ cr.line_to(x2, y2);
+ }
+ ArcParameterization::Omit => {}
+ }
+ }
+impl CubicBezierCurve {
+ fn to_cairo(&self, cr: &cairo::Context) {
+ let Self { pt1, pt2, to } = *self;
+ cr.curve_to(pt1.0, pt1.1, pt2.0, pt2.1, to.0, to.1);
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn rsvg_path_from_cairo_path() {
+ let surface = cairo::ImageSurface::create(cairo::Format::ARgb32, 10, 10).unwrap();
+ let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface).unwrap();
+ cr.move_to(1.0, 2.0);
+ cr.line_to(3.0, 4.0);
+ cr.curve_to(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0);
+ cr.close_path();
+ let cairo_path = cr.copy_path().unwrap();
+ let path = Path::from_cairo(cairo_path);
+ assert_eq!(
+ path.iter().collect::<Vec<PathCommand>>(),
+ vec![
+ PathCommand::MoveTo(1.0, 2.0),
+ PathCommand::LineTo(3.0, 4.0),
+ PathCommand::CurveTo(CubicBezierCurve {
+ pt1: (5.0, 6.0),
+ pt2: (7.0, 8.0),
+ to: (9.0, 10.0),
+ }),
+ PathCommand::ClosePath,
+ PathCommand::MoveTo(1.0, 2.0), // cairo inserts a MoveTo after ClosePath
+ ],
+ );
+ }