path: root/rsvg/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rsvg/src/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsvg/src/ b/rsvg/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d470d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsvg/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+//! Load and render SVG images into Cairo surfaces.
+//! This crate can load SVG images and render them to Cairo surfaces,
+//! using a mixture of SVG's [static mode] and [secure static mode].
+//! Librsvg does not do animation nor scripting, and can load
+//! references to external data only in some situations; see below.
+//! Librsvg supports reading [SVG 1.1] data, and is gradually adding
+//! support for features in [SVG 2]. Librsvg also supports SVGZ
+//! files, which are just an SVG stream compressed with the GZIP
+//! algorithm.
+//! # Basic usage
+//! * Create a [`Loader`] struct.
+//! * Get an [`SvgHandle`] from the [`Loader`].
+//! * Create a [`CairoRenderer`] for the [`SvgHandle`] and render to a Cairo context.
+//! You can put the following in your `Cargo.toml`:
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies]
+//! rsvg = { git="" }
+//! cairo-rs = "0.8.0"
+//! glib = "0.9.0" # only if you need streams
+//! gio = { version="0.8.1", features=["v2_50"] } # likewise
+//! ```
+//! # Example
+//! ```
+//! const WIDTH: i32 = 640;
+//! const HEIGHT: i32 = 480;
+//! fn main() {
+//! // Loading from a file
+//! let handle = rsvg::Loader::new().read_path("example.svg").unwrap();
+//! let surface = cairo::ImageSurface::create(cairo::Format::ARgb32, WIDTH, HEIGHT).unwrap();
+//! let cr = cairo::Context::new(&surface).expect("Failed to create a cairo context");
+//! let renderer = rsvg::CairoRenderer::new(&handle);
+//! renderer.render_document(
+//! &cr,
+//! &cairo::Rectangle::new(0.0, 0.0, f64::from(WIDTH), f64::from(HEIGHT))
+//! ).unwrap();
+//! // Loading from a static SVG asset
+//! let bytes = glib::Bytes::from_static(
+//! br#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+//! <svg xmlns="" width="50" height="50">
+//! <rect id="foo" x="10" y="10" width="30" height="30"/>
+//! </svg>
+//! "#
+//! );
+//! let stream = gio::MemoryInputStream::from_bytes(&bytes);
+//! let handle = rsvg::Loader::new().read_stream(
+//! &stream,
+//! None::<&gio::File>, // no base file as this document has no references
+//! None::<&gio::Cancellable>, // no cancellable
+//! ).unwrap();
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! # The "base file" and resolving references to external files
+//! When you load an SVG, librsvg needs to know the location of the "base file"
+//! for it. This is so that librsvg can determine the location of referenced
+//! entities. For example, say you have an SVG in <filename>/foo/bar/foo.svg</filename>
+//! and that it has an image element like this:
+//! ```xml
+//! <image href="resources/foo.png" .../>
+//! ```
+//! In this case, librsvg needs to know the location of the toplevel
+//! `/foo/bar/foo.svg` so that it can generate the appropriate
+//! reference to `/foo/bar/resources/foo.png`.
+//! ## Security and locations of referenced files
+//! When processing an SVG, librsvg will only load referenced files if
+//! they are in the same directory as the base file, or in a
+//! subdirectory of it. That is, if the base file is
+//! `/foo/bar/baz.svg`, then librsvg will only try to load referenced
+//! files (from SVG's `<image>` element, for example, or from content
+//! included through XML entities) if those files are in `/foo/bar/*`
+//! or in `/foo/bar/*/.../*`. This is so that malicious SVG documents
+//! cannot include files that are in a directory above.
+//! The full set of rules for deciding which URLs may be loaded is as follows;
+//! they are applied in order. A referenced URL will not be loaded as soon as
+//! one of these rules fails:
+//! 1. All `data:` URLs may be loaded. These are sometimes used to
+//! include raster image data, encoded as base-64, directly in an SVG
+//! file.
+//! 2. All other URL schemes in references require a base URL. For
+//! example, this means that if you load an SVG with [`Loader::read_stream`]
+//! without providing a `base_file`, then any referenced files will not
+//! be allowed (e.g. raster images to be loaded from other files will
+//! not work).
+//! 3. If referenced URLs are absolute, rather than relative, then
+//! they must have the same scheme as the base URL. For example, if
+//! the base URL has a "`file`" scheme, then all URL references inside
+//! the SVG must also have the "`file`" scheme, or be relative
+//! references which will be resolved against the base URL.
+//! 4. If referenced URLs have a "`resource`" scheme, that is, if they
+//! are included into your binary program with GLib's resource
+//! mechanism, they are allowed to be loaded (provided that the base
+//! URL is also a "`resource`", per the previous rule).
+//! 5. Otherwise, non-`file` schemes are not allowed. For example,
+//! librsvg will not load `http` resources, to keep malicious SVG data
+//! from "phoning home".
+//! 6. A relative URL must resolve to the same directory as the base
+//! URL, or to one of its subdirectories. Librsvg will canonicalize
+//! filenames, by removing "`..`" path components and resolving symbolic
+//! links, to decide whether files meet these conditions.
+//! [static mode]:
+//! [secure static mode]:
+//! [SVG 1.1]:
+//! [SVG 2]:
+#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
+#![warn(nonstandard_style, rust_2018_idioms, unused)]
+// Some lints no longer exist
+// Standalone lints
+#![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts)]
+// The public API is exported here
+pub use crate::api::*;
+pub use crate::color::Color;
+pub use crate::rect::{IRect, Rect};
+pub mod log;
+mod parsers;
+mod coord_units;
+mod float_eq_cairo;
+mod node;
+mod property_macros;
+mod util;
+mod accept_language;
+mod angle;
+mod api;
+mod aspect_ratio;
+mod bbox;
+mod color;
+mod cond;
+mod css;
+mod dasharray;
+mod document;
+mod dpi;
+mod drawing_ctx;
+mod element;
+mod error;
+mod filter;
+mod filter_func;
+pub mod filters;
+mod font_props;
+mod gradient;
+mod handle;
+mod href;
+mod image;
+mod io;
+mod iri;
+mod layout;
+mod length;
+mod limits;
+mod marker;
+mod paint_server;
+mod path_builder;
+mod path_parser;
+mod pattern;
+mod properties;
+mod property_defs;
+mod rect;
+mod session;
+mod shapes;
+mod space;
+mod structure;
+mod style;
+pub mod surface_utils;
+mod text;
+mod transform;
+mod unit_interval;
+mod url_resolver;
+mod viewbox;
+mod xml;
+#[cfg(feature = "test-utils")]
+pub mod test_utils;
+pub mod bench_only {
+ pub use crate::path_builder::PathBuilder;
+ pub use crate::path_parser::Lexer;
+#[cfg(feature = "c-api")]
+pub mod c_api_only {
+ pub use crate::handle::Handle;
+ pub use crate::session::Session;
+pub mod doctest_only {
+ pub use crate::aspect_ratio::AspectRatio;
+ pub use crate::error::AttributeResultExt;
+ pub use crate::error::ElementError;
+ pub use crate::error::ValueErrorKind;
+ pub use crate::href::is_href;
+ pub use crate::href::set_href;
+ pub use crate::length::{Both, CssLength, Horizontal, Length, LengthUnit, ULength, Vertical};
+ pub use crate::parsers::{Parse, ParseValue};
+pub mod rsvg_convert_only {
+ pub use crate::aspect_ratio::AspectRatio;
+ pub use crate::error::ParseError;
+ pub use crate::length::{
+ CssLength, Horizontal, Length, Normalize, NormalizeParams, Signed, ULength, Unsigned,
+ Validate, Vertical,
+ };
+ pub use crate::parsers::{Parse, ParseValue};
+ pub use crate::rect::Rect;
+ pub use crate::viewbox::ViewBox;