path: root/docs/reference/
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+Title: Migrating from libsoup 2
+Slug: migrating-from-libsoup-2
+# Migrating from libsoup 2
+## Removed APIs
+This is a list of APIs that have been removed:
+ - XML-RPC support.
+ - Handling of `file://` and `data://` URIs You should use [iface@Gio.File] for
+ the former and [func@uri_decode_data_uri] for the latter.
+ - Define aliases for property names You must use the string name of properties
+ directly which works in libsoup 2 already.
+ - `SoupSession:add-feature` and `SoupSession:add-feature-by-type` You must call
+ [method@Session.add_feature] and [method@Session.add_feature_by_type]
+ directly.
+ - `SoupRequest`: You should use [method@Session.send] or
+ [method@Session.send_async] methods.
+ - `SoupAddress` has been replaced with [class@Gio.InetAddress] and
+ [class@Gio.NetworkAddress].
+ - `SoupSocket` has been removed.
+ - `SoupProxyResolverDefault` is replaced by
+ [func@Gio.ProxyResolver.get_default].
+ - `SoupBuffer` has been replaced by [struct@GLib.Bytes] and
+ [struct@GLib.ByteArray].
+ - `SoupDate` has been replaced by `GDateTime`.
+ - `SoupSession:ssl-strict` has been removed in favor of using the
+ [signal@Message::accept-certificate] signal.
+ - `soup_session_cancel_message()` has been removed instead you
+ pass a [class@Gio.Cancellable] to APIs and call [method@Gio.Cancellable.cancel].
+## Moved authenticate signal
+The `SoupSession::authenticate` signal has been replaced by
+[signal@Message::authenticate]. It now allows returning `TRUE` to signify if
+you will handle authentication which allows for asynchronous handling.
+## Structs are private
+You can no longer directly access various structs such as [class@Message]. These are
+now accessed by getters and setters. See below for direct
+<!-- TODO add links -->
+ <tr>
+ <th>Struct field</th>
+ <th>Getter/Setter function</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.method</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_method()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.status_code</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_status()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.reason_phrase</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_reason_phrase()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.uri</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_uri(), soup_message_set_uri()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.request_headers</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_request_headers()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.response_headers</td>
+ <td>soup_message_get_response_headers()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.request_body</td>
+ <td>soup_message_set_request_body(), soup_message_set_request_body_from_bytes()</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>SoupMessage.response_body</td>
+ <td>See section on IO</td>
+ </tr>
+Similar struct changes exist for [struct@Cookie] but have very straightforward
+## URI type changed
+The `SoupURI` type has been replaced with the [struct@GLib.Uri] type which has
+some implications.
+Creating a [struct@GLib.Uri] is generally as simple as `g_uri_parse (uri,
+ SOUP_HTTP_URI_FLAGS, NULL)`. You may want to add
+`G_URI_FLAGS_PARSE_RELAXED` to accept input that used to be considered valid.
+Note that unlike `SoupURI`, `GUri` is an immutable type so you cannot change the
+contents of one after it has been constructed. We provide [func@uri_copy] to aid
+in modifying them.
+The equivalent behavior to `soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE)`
+is `g_uri_to_string_partial (uri, G_URI_HIDE_PASSWORD)`.
+Since `GUri` does not provide any function to check for equality
+[func@uri_equal] still exists.
+Sending a `OPTIONS` message with a path of `*` is no longer a valid URI and has
+been replaced with [property@Message:is-options-ping].
+## Status codes no longer used for internal errors
+Previously [enum@Status] was used to hold libsoup errors
+(`SOUP_STATUS_IS_TRANSPORT_ERROR()`). Now all of these errors are propagated up
+through the normal [struct@GLib.Error] method on the various APIs to send
+messages. Here is a mapping chart between the status codes and new errors:
+ <tr>
+ <th>Old Status Codes</th>
+ <th>New <code>GError</code></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED</code></td>
+ <td><code>G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>SOUP_STATUS_MALFORMED</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>SOUP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS</code></td>
+ </tr>
+## All IO is now GIOStream-based
+Previously there were ways to allow libsoup to read data into buffers and for
+you to read from those buffers such as `SoupMessage:response-body`
+`SoupMessage:response-body-data`, and `SoupServerMessage::got-chunk`.
+libsoup no longer stores a buffer of data for you to read from and instead it
+returns a [class@Gio.InputStream] which you read from using normal GIO APIs.
+If you want to simply request a buffer and nothing more you can use the
+[method@Session.send_and_read] or [method@Session.send_and_read_async] APIs.
+This also applies to writing data where you can set a [class@Gio.InputStream]
+using [method@Message.set_request_body] or use the convenience API
+[method@Message.set_request_body_from_bytes] to use a [struct@GLib.Bytes]
+## Clarification on thread-safety
+In libsoup 2 there was an attempt at making various APIs of the library
+thread-safe. However this was never well tested, maintained, or documented.
+In libsoup 3 it now behaves in line with other GObject libraries. Once you
+create a [class@Session] all usage of that session must happen on the same
+thread. You may create separate sessions per thread but in most use-cases you
+should be using the async APIs which handle non-blocking IO for you.