path: root/tests/storagepoolcapstest.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* tests: Return EXIT_FAILURE/EXIT_SUCCESS instead of -1/0Michal Privoznik2021-05-171-1/+1
* lib: Drop internal virXXXPtr typedefsMichal Privoznik2021-04-131-4/+4
* tests: Use g_strdup_printf() instead of virAsprintf()Michal Privoznik2019-11-121-4/+2
* Use g_autoptr instead of VIR_AUTOUNREFJán Tomko2019-10-161-3/+3
* Use g_autofree instead of VIR_AUTOFREEJán Tomko2019-10-161-2/+2
* tests: use VIR_AUTOUNREF in storagepoolcapstestPavel Hrdina2019-03-071-20/+11
* tests: invert the return logic in storagepoolcapstestPavel Hrdina2019-03-071-5/+5
* tests: use virTestCompareToFile in storagepoolcapstestPavel Hrdina2019-03-071-7/+1
* tests: Introduce storage pool capabilites testJohn Ferlan2019-03-061-0/+124