path: root/vp8/common/ppc/idctllm_altivec.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'vp8/common/ppc/idctllm_altivec.asm')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vp8/common/ppc/idctllm_altivec.asm b/vp8/common/ppc/idctllm_altivec.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e88af8d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vp8/common/ppc/idctllm_altivec.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+; Copyright (c) 2010 The VP8 project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license and patent
+; grant that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+; tree. All contributing project authors may be found in the AUTHORS
+; file in the root of the source tree.
+ .globl short_idct4x4llm_ppc
+.macro load_c V, LABEL, OFF, R0, R1
+ lis \R0, \LABEL@ha
+ la \R1, \LABEL@l(\R0)
+ lvx \V, \OFF, \R1
+;# r3 short *input
+;# r4 short *output
+;# r5 int pitch
+ .align 2
+ mfspr r11, 256 ;# get old VRSAVE
+ oris r12, r11, 0xfff8
+ mtspr 256, r12 ;# set VRSAVE
+ load_c v8, sinpi8sqrt2, 0, r9, r10
+ load_c v9, cospi8sqrt2minus1, 0, r9, r10
+ load_c v10, hi_hi, 0, r9, r10
+ load_c v11, lo_lo, 0, r9, r10
+ load_c v12, shift_16, 0, r9, r10
+ li r10, 16
+ lvx v0, 0, r3 ;# input ip[0], ip[ 4]
+ lvx v1, r10, r3 ;# input ip[8], ip[12]
+ ;# first pass
+ vupkhsh v2, v0
+ vupkhsh v3, v1
+ vaddsws v6, v2, v3 ;# a1 = ip[0]+ip[8]
+ vsubsws v7, v2, v3 ;# b1 = ip[0]-ip[8]
+ vupklsh v0, v0
+ vmulosh v4, v0, v8
+ vsraw v4, v4, v12
+ vaddsws v4, v4, v0 ;# ip[ 4] * sin(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vupklsh v1, v1
+ vmulosh v5, v1, v9
+ vsraw v5, v5, v12 ;# ip[12] * cos(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vaddsws v5, v5, v1
+ vsubsws v4, v4, v5 ;# c1
+ vmulosh v3, v1, v8
+ vsraw v3, v3, v12
+ vaddsws v3, v3, v1 ;# ip[12] * sin(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vmulosh v5, v0, v9
+ vsraw v5, v5, v12 ;# ip[ 4] * cos(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vaddsws v5, v5, v0
+ vaddsws v3, v3, v5 ;# d1
+ vaddsws v0, v6, v3 ;# a1 + d1
+ vsubsws v3, v6, v3 ;# a1 - d1
+ vaddsws v1, v7, v4 ;# b1 + c1
+ vsubsws v2, v7, v4 ;# b1 - c1
+ ;# transpose input
+ vmrghw v4, v0, v1 ;# a0 b0 a1 b1
+ vmrghw v5, v2, v3 ;# c0 d0 c1 d1
+ vmrglw v6, v0, v1 ;# a2 b2 a3 b3
+ vmrglw v7, v2, v3 ;# c2 d2 c3 d3
+ vperm v0, v4, v5, v10 ;# a0 b0 c0 d0
+ vperm v1, v4, v5, v11 ;# a1 b1 c1 d1
+ vperm v2, v6, v7, v10 ;# a2 b2 c2 d2
+ vperm v3, v6, v7, v11 ;# a3 b3 c3 d3
+ ;# second pass
+ vaddsws v6, v0, v2 ;# a1 = ip[0]+ip[8]
+ vsubsws v7, v0, v2 ;# b1 = ip[0]-ip[8]
+ vmulosh v4, v1, v8
+ vsraw v4, v4, v12
+ vaddsws v4, v4, v1 ;# ip[ 4] * sin(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vmulosh v5, v3, v9
+ vsraw v5, v5, v12 ;# ip[12] * cos(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vaddsws v5, v5, v3
+ vsubsws v4, v4, v5 ;# c1
+ vmulosh v2, v3, v8
+ vsraw v2, v2, v12
+ vaddsws v2, v2, v3 ;# ip[12] * sin(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vmulosh v5, v1, v9
+ vsraw v5, v5, v12 ;# ip[ 4] * cos(pi/8) * sqrt(2)
+ vaddsws v5, v5, v1
+ vaddsws v3, v2, v5 ;# d1
+ vaddsws v0, v6, v3 ;# a1 + d1
+ vsubsws v3, v6, v3 ;# a1 - d1
+ vaddsws v1, v7, v4 ;# b1 + c1
+ vsubsws v2, v7, v4 ;# b1 - c1
+ vspltish v6, 4
+ vspltish v7, 3
+ vpkswss v0, v0, v1
+ vpkswss v1, v2, v3
+ vaddshs v0, v0, v6
+ vaddshs v1, v1, v6
+ vsrah v0, v0, v7
+ vsrah v1, v1, v7
+ ;# transpose output
+ vmrghh v2, v0, v1 ;# a0 c0 a1 c1 a2 c2 a3 c3
+ vmrglh v3, v0, v1 ;# b0 d0 b1 d1 b2 d2 b3 d3
+ vmrghh v0, v2, v3 ;# a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1
+ vmrglh v1, v2, v3 ;# a2 b2 c2 d2 a3 b3 c3 d3
+ stwu r1,-416(r1) ;# create space on the stack
+ stvx v0, 0, r1
+ lwz r6, 0(r1)
+ stw r6, 0(r4)
+ lwz r6, 4(r1)
+ stw r6, 4(r4)
+ add r4, r4, r5
+ lwz r6, 8(r1)
+ stw r6, 0(r4)
+ lwz r6, 12(r1)
+ stw r6, 4(r4)
+ add r4, r4, r5
+ stvx v1, 0, r1
+ lwz r6, 0(r1)
+ stw r6, 0(r4)
+ lwz r6, 4(r1)
+ stw r6, 4(r4)
+ add r4, r4, r5
+ lwz r6, 8(r1)
+ stw r6, 0(r4)
+ lwz r6, 12(r1)
+ stw r6, 4(r4)
+ addi r1, r1, 416 ;# recover stack
+ mtspr 256, r11 ;# reset old VRSAVE
+ blr
+ .align 4
+ .short 35468, 35468, 35468, 35468, 35468, 35468, 35468, 35468
+ .align 4
+ .short 20091, 20091, 20091, 20091, 20091, 20091, 20091, 20091
+ .align 4
+ .long 16, 16, 16, 16
+ .align 4
+ .byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
+ .align 4
+ .byte 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31