path: root/bolt/test
diff options
authorAlexander Yermolovich <>2022-12-07 12:22:58 -0800
committerAlexander Yermolovich <>2022-12-07 13:08:35 -0800
commitf7a21317665a623170425f00721bc5c026a968c1 (patch)
tree714d80d78abc3da4c4435db832bb9d1d493cd0f7 /bolt/test
parenta5bd76a6e3119af9dd9c1d8af89e2b89f5267deb (diff)
[BOLT][DWARF] Don't create extra .debug_str_offsets contributions
With ThinLTO mutliple CUs can share the same .debug_str_offsets contribution. We were creating a new one for each CU. This lead to a binary size increase. Reviewed By: maksfb Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'bolt/test')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-shared-str-offset-base.s b/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-shared-str-offset-base.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0756d537b25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/dwarf5-shared-str-offset-base.s
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# REQUIRES: system-linux
+# RUN: llvm-mc --filetype=obj --triple x86_64 %s -o %tmain.o --defsym MAIN=0
+# RUN: llvm-mc --filetype=obj --triple x86_64 %s -o %thelper.o
+# RUN: %clang %cflags %tmain.o %thelper.o -o %tmain.exe
+# RUN: llvm-bolt %tmain.exe -o %tmain.exe.bolt --update-debug-sections
+# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --debug-info %tmain.exe.bolt > %tout.text
+# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --show-section-sizes %tmain.exe >> %tout.text
+# RUN: llvm-dwarfdump --show-section-sizes %tmain.exe.bolt >> %tout.text
+# RUN: cat %tout.text | FileCheck %s
+# This test checks that with DWARF5 when two CUs share the same .debug_str_offsets
+# entry BOLT does not create a duplicate.
+# CHECK: DW_AT_str_offsets_base (0x[[#%.8x,ADDR:]]
+# CHECK: DW_AT_str_offsets_base (0x[[#ADDR]]
+# CHECK: .debug_str_offsets [[#ADDR2:]]
+# CHECK: .debug_str_offsets [[#ADDR2]]
+# main.cpp
+# int main(){
+# return 0;
+# }
+# helper.cpp
+# void foo(){}
+## Create two CUs, with dwo_ids 0 and 1 respectively.
+.ifdef MAIN
+ .file "main.cpp"
+ .globl main # -- Begin function main
+ .p2align 4, 0x90
+ .type main,@function
+main: # @main
+ .file 0 "." "main.cpp" md5 0x32c197b0a8b855eb3d7573c993ada862
+ .loc 0 1 0 # main.cpp:1:0
+ .cfi_startproc
+# %bb.0:
+ pushq %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+ movl $0, -4(%rbp)
+ .loc 0 2 1 prologue_end # main.cpp:2:1
+ xorl %eax, %eax
+ popq %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8
+ retq
+ .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main
+ .cfi_endproc
+ # -- End function
+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+ .byte 1 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 17 # DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+ .byte 37 # DW_AT_producer
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 19 # DW_AT_language
+ .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 114 # DW_AT_str_offsets_base
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 16 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 27 # DW_AT_comp_dir
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .byte 27 # DW_FORM_addrx
+ .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4
+ .byte 115 # DW_AT_addr_base
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 2 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram
+ .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no
+ .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .byte 27 # DW_FORM_addrx
+ .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4
+ .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 73 # DW_AT_type
+ .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4
+ .byte 63 # DW_AT_external
+ .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 3 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 36 # DW_TAG_base_type
+ .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 62 # DW_AT_encoding
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(3)
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .long .Ldebug_info_end0-.Ldebug_info_start0 # Length of Unit
+ .short 5 # DWARF version number
+ .byte 1 # DWARF Unit Type
+ .byte 8 # Address Size (in bytes)
+ .long .debug_abbrev # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+ .byte 1 # Abbrev [1] 0xc:0x2b DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_producer
+ .short 33 # DW_AT_language
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_name
+ .long .Lstr_offsets_base0 # DW_AT_str_offsets_base
+ .long .Lline_table_start0 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .byte 2 # DW_AT_comp_dir
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .long .Laddr_table_base0 # DW_AT_addr_base
+ .byte 2 # Abbrev [2] 0x23:0xf DW_TAG_subprogram
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 86
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_decl_file
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .long 50 # DW_AT_type
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x32:0x4 DW_TAG_base_type
+ .byte 4 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 5 # DW_AT_encoding
+ .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size
+ .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark
+ .section .debug_str_offsets,"",@progbits
+ .long 24 # Length of String Offsets Set
+ .short 5
+ .short 0
+ .section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
+ .asciz "clang version 15.0.0" # string offset=0
+ .asciz "main.cpp" # string offset=146
+ .asciz "." # string offset=155
+ .asciz "main" # string offset=198
+ .asciz "int" # string offset=203
+ .section .debug_str_offsets,"",@progbits
+ .long .Linfo_string0
+ .long .Linfo_string1
+ .long .Linfo_string2
+ .long .Linfo_string3
+ .long .Linfo_string4
+ .section .debug_addr,"",@progbits
+ .long .Ldebug_addr_end0-.Ldebug_addr_start0 # Length of contribution
+ .short 5 # DWARF version number
+ .byte 8 # Address size
+ .byte 0 # Segment selector size
+ .quad .Lfunc_begin0
+ .ident "clang version 15.0.0"
+ .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
+ .addrsig
+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits
+ .file "helper.cpp"
+ .globl _Z3foov # -- Begin function _Z3foov
+ .p2align 4, 0x90
+ .type _Z3foov,@function
+_Z3foov: # @_Z3foov
+ .file 0 "." "helper.cpp" md5 0x5f98e4807e4f8781c26a82faf819f8a7
+ .loc 0 1 0 # helper.cpp:1:0
+ .cfi_startproc
+# %bb.0:
+ pushq %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+ .cfi_offset %rbp, -16
+ movq %rsp, %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
+ .loc 0 1 12 prologue_end # helper.cpp:1:12
+ popq %rbp
+ .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8
+ retq
+ .size _Z3foov, .Lfunc_end0-_Z3foov
+ .cfi_endproc
+ # -- End function
+ .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+ .byte 1 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 17 # DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes
+ .byte 37 # DW_AT_producer
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 19 # DW_AT_language
+ .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 114 # DW_AT_str_offsets_base
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 16 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 27 # DW_AT_comp_dir
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .byte 27 # DW_FORM_addrx
+ .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4
+ .byte 115 # DW_AT_addr_base
+ .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 2 # Abbreviation Code
+ .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram
+ .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no
+ .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .byte 27 # DW_FORM_addrx
+ .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4
+ .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc
+ .byte 110 # DW_AT_linkage_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 37 # DW_FORM_strx1
+ .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1
+ .byte 63 # DW_AT_external
+ .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present
+ .byte 0 # EOM(1)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(2)
+ .byte 0 # EOM(3)
+ .section .debug_info,"",@progbits
+ .long .Ldebug_info_end0-.Ldebug_info_start0 # Length of Unit
+ .short 5 # DWARF version number
+ .byte 1 # DWARF Unit Type
+ .byte 8 # Address Size (in bytes)
+ .long .debug_abbrev # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
+ .byte 1 # Abbrev [1] 0xc:0x24 DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_producer
+ .short 33 # DW_AT_language
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_name
+ .long 0x8 # DW_AT_str_offsets_base Manually modified to be the same as first CU
+ .long .Lline_table_start0 # DW_AT_stmt_list
+ .byte 2 # DW_AT_comp_dir
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .long .Laddr_table_base0 # DW_AT_addr_base
+ .byte 2 # Abbrev [2] 0x23:0xc DW_TAG_subprogram
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_low_pc
+ .long .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base
+ .byte 86
+ .byte 3 # DW_AT_linkage_name
+ .byte 4 # DW_AT_name
+ .byte 0 # DW_AT_decl_file
+ .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_line
+ # DW_AT_external
+ .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark
+# Manually removed .debug_str_offsets and .debug_str
+ .section .debug_addr,"",@progbits
+ .long .Ldebug_addr_end0-.Ldebug_addr_start0 # Length of contribution
+ .short 5 # DWARF version number
+ .byte 8 # Address size
+ .byte 0 # Segment selector size
+ .quad .Lfunc_begin0
+ .ident "clang version 15.0.0"
+ .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
+ .addrsig
+ .section .debug_line,"",@progbits