path: root/bolt
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authorRafael Auler <>2023-04-11 14:31:16 -0700
committerRafael Auler <>2023-04-11 17:19:39 -0700
commitb87bf7442805d48102404f76503237106f6b950a (patch)
tree0d4560dfd56aaee921dba191fb534d818692c1d0 /bolt
parent88f409194d5ac84eb19ee91260a17c6c8b992eda (diff)
[BOLT] Fix creation of invalid CFG in presence of dead code
When there is a direct jump right after an indirect one, in the absence of code jumpting to this direct jump, this is obviously dead code. However, BOLT was failing to recognize that by mistakenly placing both jmp instructions in the same basic block, and creating wrong successor edges. Fix that, so we can safely run UCE on that. This bug also causes validateCFG to fail and BOLT to crash if it is running ICP on that function. Reviewed By: #bolt, Amir Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'bolt')
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bolt/lib/Core/BinaryFunction.cpp b/bolt/lib/Core/BinaryFunction.cpp
index 14a10be62d20..89ba3627cdd7 100644
--- a/bolt/lib/Core/BinaryFunction.cpp
+++ b/bolt/lib/Core/BinaryFunction.cpp
@@ -2038,6 +2038,7 @@ bool BinaryFunction::buildCFG(MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId) {
MCInst *PrevInstr = PrevBB->getLastNonPseudoInstr();
assert(PrevInstr && "no previous instruction for a fall through");
if (MIB->isUnconditionalBranch(Instr) &&
+ !MIB->isIndirectBranch(*PrevInstr) &&
!MIB->isUnconditionalBranch(*PrevInstr) &&
!MIB->getConditionalTailCall(*PrevInstr) &&
!MIB->isReturn(*PrevInstr)) {
diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/unreachable-jmp.s b/bolt/test/X86/unreachable-jmp.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..201e99990736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bolt/test/X86/unreachable-jmp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This checks that we don't create an invalid CFG when there is an
+# unreachable direct jump right after an indirect one.
+# REQUIRES: system-linux
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown \
+# RUN: %s -o %t.o
+# RUN: link_fdata %s %t.o %t.fdata
+# RUN: llvm-strip --strip-unneeded %t.o
+# RUN: %clang %cflags -no-pie %t.o -o %t.exe -Wl,-q -nostdlib
+# RUN: llvm-bolt %t.exe -o %t.out --data %t.fdata \
+# RUN: --eliminate-unreachable --print-cfg | FileCheck %s
+ .globl _start
+ .type _start, %function
+ .cfi_startproc
+# FDATA: 0 [unknown] 0 1 _start 0 0 1
+ push %rbp
+ mov %rsp, %rbp
+ push %rbx
+ push %r14
+ subq $0x20, %rsp
+ movq %rdi, %rcx
+ jmpq *JUMP_TABLE(,%rcx,8)
+# FDATA: 1 _start #b# 1 _start #hotpath# 0 20
+# Unreachable direct jump here. Our CFG should still make sense and properly
+# place this instruction in a new basic block.
+ jmp .lbb2
+.lbb1: je .lexit
+ xorq %rax, %rax
+ addq $0x20, %rsp
+ pop %r14
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ movq $2, %rax
+ addq $0x20, %rsp
+ pop %r14
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ movq $1, %rax
+ addq $0x20, %rsp
+ pop %r14
+ pop %rbx
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size _start, .-_start
+ .rodata
+ .globl JUMP_TABLE
+ .quad .lbb1
+ .quad .lbb2
+ .quad hotpath
+# No basic blocks above should have 4 successors! That is a bug.
+# CHECK-NOT: Successors: {{.*}} (mispreds: 0, count: 20), {{.*}} (mispreds: 0, count: 0), {{.*}} (mispreds: 0, count: 0), {{.*}} (mispreds: 0, count: 0)
+# Check successful removal of stray direct jmp
+# CHECK: UCE removed 1 block