path: root/mlir/test
diff options
authorTatWai Chong <>2023-05-12 19:55:45 +0000
committerRobert Suderman <>2023-05-12 20:17:32 +0000
commit26a7f42306134dca659f19ca5d7bdb4fe23340f2 (patch)
treed25be110018e31cb70f7766655cc68dbbb357917 /mlir/test
parent050c09f0bed67f3135cb2ad99d4d35e241e5d61b (diff)
[mlir][tosa] Add accumulator type attribute to TOSA dialect
Tosa supports fp16 and fp32 accumulator type for fp16 input, but no way to tell for computational operators whether accumulator should be fp16 or fp32 from input type. Add this new attribute to specify the type. Set to fp32 by default for now. When the time fp16 is supported, the accumulator type can be selected based on trade-off between performance and accuracy. Reviewed By: jpienaar Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'mlir/test')
3 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
index 838e957ae16b..901dcf78380b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/TosaToLinalg/tosa-to-linalg-named.mlir
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func.func @avg_pool_f32(%arg0: tensor<1x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xf32>)
// CHECK: %[[FLT:.+]] = arith.sitofp %[[CAST]]
// CHECK: %[[DIV:.+]] = arith.divf %[[IN]], %[[FLT]]
// CHECK: linalg.yield %[[DIV]]
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xf32>)
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xf32>)
return %0 : tensor<1x5x33x62xf32>
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func.func @avg_pool_i8(%arg0: tensor<1x6x34x62xi8>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xi8>) {
// CHECK: %[[CLAMP:.+]] = %[[CMP]], %[[CMAX]], %[[SEL]]
// CHECK: %[[TRUNC:.+]] = arith.trunci %[[CLAMP]]
// CHECK: linalg.yield %[[TRUNC]]
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x6x34x62xi8>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xi8>)
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = i32, pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x6x34x62xi8>) -> (tensor<1x5x33x62xi8>)
return %0 : tensor<1x5x33x62xi8>
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ func.func @avg_pool_dyn(%arg0: tensor<?x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>)
// CHECK-SAME: outs(%[[FILL]] : tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>) -> tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>
// CHECK: %[[EMPTY:.+]] = tensor.empty(%[[BATCH]]) : tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>
// CHECK: %[[GENERIC:.+]] = linalg.generic
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<?x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>)
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, pad = array<i64: 1, 1, 1, 1>, kernel = array<i64: 4, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<?x6x34x62xf32>) -> (tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>)
return %0 : tensor<?x5x33x62xf32>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/ops.mlir
index 68eca320aa46..bf3cf3d7084b 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/ops.mlir
@@ -12,28 +12,28 @@ func.func @test_argmax(%arg0: tensor<14x19xf32>) -> tensor<14xi32> {
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: avg_pool2d_f32
func.func @test_avg_pool2d_f32(%arg0: tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xf32> {
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>
return %0 : tensor<1x7x7x9xf32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: avg_pool2d_i8
func.func @test_avg_pool2d_i8(%arg0: tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi8> {
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = i32, kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>
return %0 : tensor<1x7x7x9xi8>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: avg_pool2d_i16
func.func @test_avg_pool2d_i16(%arg0: tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi16> {
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = i32, kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>
return %0 : tensor<1x7x7x9xi16>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: avg_pool2d_q8
func.func @test_avg_pool2d_q8(%arg0: tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>> {
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = i32, kernel = array<i64: 2, 2>, pad = array<i64: 0, 1, 0, 1>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>) -> tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>
return %0 : tensor<1x7x7x9x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 0.01>>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/tosa-infer-shapes.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/tosa-infer-shapes.mlir
index ea2bd42106a2..56b088784cbf 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/tosa-infer-shapes.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Tosa/tosa-infer-shapes.mlir
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ func.func @scatter_minimum_static(%arg0 : tensor<?x4x?xi32>, %arg1 : tensor<3x?x
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_pool_static
func.func @test_pool_static(%arg0: tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) {
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x2x4x7xf32>
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x2x4x7xf32>
%1 = "tosa.max_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ func.func @conv2d_dynamic_input(%input: tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>, %weights: tensor<5x
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_pool_dynamic_input
func.func @test_pool_dynamic_input(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) {
// CHECK: -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
// CHECK: -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
%1 = "tosa.max_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ func.func @test_pool_dynamic_input(%arg0: tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_pool_padded
func.func @test_pool_padded(%arg0: tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) {
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x5x11x7xf32>
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 1, 2, 3, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 1, 2, 3, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x5x11x7xf32>
%1 = "tosa.max_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 1, 2, 3, 4>, stride = array<i64: 1, 1>} : (tensor<3x5x6x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ func.func @conv2d_dynamic_bias(%input: tensor<2x8x9x3xf32>, %weights: tensor<5x3
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_pool_stride
func.func @test_pool_stride(%arg0: tensor<3x11x12x7xf32>) {
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x4x4x7xf32>
- %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<3x11x12x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
+ %0 = "tosa.avg_pool2d"(%arg0) {acc_type = f32, kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<3x11x12x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>
// CHECK: -> tensor<3x4x4x7xf32>
%1 = "tosa.max_pool2d"(%arg0) {kernel = array<i64: 4, 3>, pad = array<i64: 0, 0, 0, 0>, stride = array<i64: 2, 3>} : (tensor<3x11x12x7xf32>) -> tensor<?x?x?x?xf32>