path: root/src/lib_io.c
diff options
authorMike Pall <mike>2009-12-08 19:46:35 +0100
committerMike Pall <mike>2009-12-08 19:46:35 +0100
commit55b16959717084884fd4a0cbae6d19e3786c20c7 (patch)
treec8a07a43c13679751ed25a9d06796e9e7b2134a6 /src/lib_io.c
RELEASE LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta1v2.0.0-beta1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib_io.c')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib_io.c b/src/lib_io.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01623258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+** I/O library.
+** Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+** Major portions taken verbatim or adapted from the Lua interpreter.
+** Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio. See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define lib_io_c
+#define LUA_LIB
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lualib.h"
+#include "lj_obj.h"
+#include "lj_err.h"
+#include "lj_gc.h"
+#include "lj_ff.h"
+#include "lj_lib.h"
+/* Index of standard handles in function environment. */
+#define IO_INPUT 1
+#define IO_OUTPUT 2
+/* -- Error handling ------------------------------------------------------ */
+static int io_pushresult(lua_State *L, int ok, const char *fname)
+ if (ok) {
+ setboolV(L->top++, 1);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ int en = errno; /* Lua API calls may change this value. */
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ if (fname)
+ lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", fname, strerror(en));
+ else
+ lua_pushfstring(L, "%s", strerror(en));
+ lua_pushinteger(L, en);
+ return 3;
+ }
+static void io_file_error(lua_State *L, int arg, const char *fname)
+ lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", fname, strerror(errno));
+ luaL_argerror(L, arg, lua_tostring(L, -1));
+/* -- Open helpers -------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define io_tofilep(L) ((FILE **)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, LUA_FILEHANDLE))
+static FILE *io_tofile(lua_State *L)
+ FILE **f = io_tofilep(L);
+ if (*f == NULL)
+ lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_IOCLFL);
+ return *f;
+static FILE **io_file_new(lua_State *L)
+ FILE **pf = (FILE **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(FILE *));
+ *pf = NULL;
+ luaL_getmetatable(L, LUA_FILEHANDLE);
+ lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
+ return pf;
+/* -- Close helpers ------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int lj_cf_io_std_close(lua_State *L)
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, "cannot close standard file");
+ return 2;
+static int lj_cf_io_pipe_close(lua_State *L)
+ FILE **p = io_tofilep(L);
+#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
+ int ok = (pclose(*p) != -1);
+#elif defined(LUA_USE_WIN)
+ int ok = (_pclose(*p) != -1);
+ int ok = 0;
+ *p = NULL;
+ return io_pushresult(L, ok, NULL);
+static int lj_cf_io_file_close(lua_State *L)
+ FILE **p = io_tofilep(L);
+ int ok = (fclose(*p) == 0);
+ *p = NULL;
+ return io_pushresult(L, ok, NULL);
+static int io_file_close(lua_State *L)
+ lua_getfenv(L, 1);
+ lua_getfield(L, -1, "__close");
+ return (lua_tocfunction(L, -1))(L);
+/* -- Read/write helpers -------------------------------------------------- */
+static int io_file_readnum(lua_State *L, FILE *fp)
+ lua_Number d;
+ if (fscanf(fp, LUA_NUMBER_SCAN, &d) == 1) {
+ lua_pushnumber(L, d);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0; /* read fails */
+ }
+static int test_eof(lua_State *L, FILE *fp)
+ int c = getc(fp);
+ ungetc(c, fp);
+ lua_pushlstring(L, NULL, 0);
+ return (c != EOF);
+static int io_file_readline(lua_State *L, FILE *fp)
+ luaL_Buffer b;
+ luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
+ for (;;) {
+ size_t len;
+ char *p = luaL_prepbuffer(&b);
+ if (fgets(p, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE, fp) == NULL) { /* EOF? */
+ luaL_pushresult(&b);
+ return (strV(L->top-1)->len > 0); /* Anything read? */
+ }
+ len = strlen(p);
+ if (len == 0 || p[len-1] != '\n') { /* Partial line? */
+ luaL_addsize(&b, len);
+ } else {
+ luaL_addsize(&b, len - 1); /* Don't include EOL. */
+ luaL_pushresult(&b);
+ return 1; /* Got at least an EOL. */
+ }
+ }
+static int io_file_readchars(lua_State *L, FILE *fp, size_t n)
+ size_t rlen; /* how much to read */
+ size_t nr; /* number of chars actually read */
+ luaL_Buffer b;
+ luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
+ rlen = LUAL_BUFFERSIZE; /* try to read that much each time */
+ do {
+ char *p = luaL_prepbuffer(&b);
+ if (rlen > n) rlen = n; /* cannot read more than asked */
+ nr = fread(p, 1, rlen, fp);
+ luaL_addsize(&b, nr);
+ n -= nr; /* still have to read `n' chars */
+ } while (n > 0 && nr == rlen); /* until end of count or eof */
+ luaL_pushresult(&b); /* close buffer */
+ return (n == 0 || lua_objlen(L, -1) > 0);
+static int io_file_read(lua_State *L, FILE *fp, int start)
+ int ok, n, nargs = (L->top - L->base) - start;
+ clearerr(fp);
+ if (nargs == 0) {
+ ok = io_file_readline(L, fp);
+ n = start+1; /* Return 1 result. */
+ } else {
+ /* The results plus the buffers go on top of the args. */
+ luaL_checkstack(L, nargs+LUA_MINSTACK, "too many arguments");
+ ok = 1;
+ for (n = start; nargs-- && ok; n++) {
+ if (tvisstr(L->base+n)) {
+ const char *p = strVdata(L->base+n);
+ if (p[0] != '*')
+ lj_err_arg(L, n+1, LJ_ERR_INVOPT);
+ if (p[1] == 'n')
+ ok = io_file_readnum(L, fp);
+ else if (p[1] == 'l')
+ ok = io_file_readline(L, fp);
+ else if (p[1] == 'a')
+ io_file_readchars(L, fp, ~((size_t)0));
+ else
+ lj_err_arg(L, n+1, LJ_ERR_INVFMT);
+ } else if (tvisnum(L->base+n)) {
+ size_t len = (size_t)lj_lib_checkint(L, n+1);
+ ok = len ? io_file_readchars(L, fp, len) : test_eof(L, fp);
+ } else {
+ lj_err_arg(L, n+1, LJ_ERR_INVOPT);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ferror(fp))
+ return io_pushresult(L, 0, NULL);
+ if (!ok)
+ setnilV(L->top-1); /* Replace last result with nil. */
+ return n - start;
+static int io_file_write(lua_State *L, FILE *fp, int start)
+ cTValue *tv;
+ int status = 1;
+ for (tv = L->base+start; tv < L->top; tv++) {
+ if (tvisstr(tv)) {
+ MSize len = strV(tv)->len;
+ status = status && (fwrite(strVdata(tv), 1, len, fp) == len);
+ } else if (tvisnum(tv)) {
+ status = status && (fprintf(fp, LUA_NUMBER_FMT, numV(tv)) > 0);
+ } else {
+ lj_lib_checkstr(L, tv-L->base+1);
+ }
+ }
+ return io_pushresult(L, status, NULL);
+/* -- I/O file methods ---------------------------------------------------- */
+#define LJLIB_MODULE_io_method
+ if (lua_isnone(L, 1))
+ io_tofile(L);
+ return io_file_close(L);
+ return io_file_read(L, io_tofile(L), 1);
+ return io_file_write(L, io_tofile(L), 1);
+ return io_pushresult(L, fflush(io_tofile(L)) == 0, NULL);
+ FILE *fp = io_tofile(L);
+ int opt = lj_lib_checkopt(L, 2, 1, "\3set\3cur\3end");
+ lua_Number ofs;
+ int res;
+ if (opt == 0) opt = SEEK_SET;
+ else if (opt == 1) opt = SEEK_CUR;
+ else if (opt == 2) opt = SEEK_END;
+ lj_lib_opt(L, 3,
+ ofs = lj_lib_checknum(L, 3);
+ ,
+ ofs = 0;
+ )
+#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
+ res = fseeko(fp, (int64_t)ofs, opt);
+#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ res = _fseeki64(fp, (int64_t)ofs, opt);
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+ res = fseeko64(fp, (int64_t)ofs, opt);
+ res = fseek(fp, (long)ofs, opt);
+ if (res)
+ return io_pushresult(L, 0, NULL);
+#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX)
+ ofs = cast_num(ftello(fp));
+#elif _MSC_VER >= 1400
+ ofs = cast_num(_ftelli64(fp));
+#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
+ ofs = cast_num(ftello64(fp));
+ ofs = cast_num(ftell(fp));
+ setnumV(L->top-1, ofs);
+ return 1;
+ FILE *fp = io_tofile(L);
+ int opt = lj_lib_checkopt(L, 2, -1, "\4full\4line\2no");
+ size_t sz = (size_t)lj_lib_optint(L, 3, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE);
+ if (opt == 0) opt = _IOFBF;
+ else if (opt == 1) opt = _IOLBF;
+ else if (opt == 2) opt = _IONBF;
+ return io_pushresult(L, (setvbuf(fp, NULL, opt, sz) == 0), NULL);
+/* Forward declaration. */
+static void io_file_lines(lua_State *L, int idx, int toclose);
+ io_tofile(L);
+ io_file_lines(L, 1, 0);
+ return 1;
+ FILE *fp = *io_tofilep(L);
+ if (fp != NULL) io_file_close(L);
+ return 0;
+ FILE *fp = *io_tofilep(L);
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ lua_pushliteral(L, "file (closed)");
+ else
+ lua_pushfstring(L, "file (%p)", fp);
+ return 1;
+LJLIB_PUSH(top-1) LJLIB_SET(__index)
+#include "lj_libdef.h"
+/* -- I/O library functions ----------------------------------------------- */
+#define LJLIB_MODULE_io
+LJLIB_PUSH(top-2) LJLIB_SET(!) /* Set environment. */
+static FILE *io_file_get(lua_State *L, int findex)
+ GCtab *fenv = tabref(curr_func(L)->c.env);
+ GCudata *ud = udataV(&tvref(fenv->array)[findex]);
+ FILE *fp = *(FILE **)uddata(ud);
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_IOSTDCL);
+ return fp;
+ const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+ const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ *pf = fopen(fname, mode);
+ return (*pf == NULL) ? io_pushresult(L, 0, fname) : 1;
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ *pf = tmpfile();
+ return (*pf == NULL) ? io_pushresult(L, 0, NULL) : 1;
+ return lj_cf_io_method_close(L);
+ return io_file_read(L, io_file_get(L, IO_INPUT), 0);
+ return io_file_write(L, io_file_get(L, IO_OUTPUT), 0);
+ return io_pushresult(L, fflush(io_file_get(L, IO_OUTPUT)) == 0, NULL);
+LJLIB_NOREG LJLIB_CF(io_lines_iter)
+ FILE *fp = *(FILE **)uddata(udataV(lj_lib_upvalue(L, 1)));
+ int ok;
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_IOCLFL);
+ ok = io_file_readline(L, fp);
+ if (ferror(fp))
+ return luaL_error(L, "%s", strerror(errno));
+ if (ok)
+ return 1;
+ if (tvistrue(lj_lib_upvalue(L, 2))) { /* Need to close file? */
+ L->top = L->base+1;
+ setudataV(L, L->base, udataV(lj_lib_upvalue(L, 1)));
+ io_file_close(L);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void io_file_lines(lua_State *L, int idx, int toclose)
+ lua_pushvalue(L, idx);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, toclose);
+ lua_pushcclosure(L, lj_cf_io_lines_iter, 2);
+ funcV(L->top-1)->c.ffid = FF_io_lines_iter;
+ if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) { /* no arguments? */
+ /* will iterate over default input */
+ return lj_cf_io_method_lines(L);
+ } else {
+ const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ *pf = fopen(fname, "r");
+ if (*pf == NULL)
+ io_file_error(L, 1, fname);
+ io_file_lines(L, lua_gettop(L), 1);
+ return 1;
+ }
+static int io_std_get(lua_State *L, int fp, const char *mode)
+ if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) {
+ const char *fname = lua_tostring(L, 1);
+ if (fname) {
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ *pf = fopen(fname, mode);
+ if (*pf == NULL)
+ io_file_error(L, 1, fname);
+ } else {
+ io_tofile(L); /* check that it's a valid file handle */
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
+ }
+ lua_rawseti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, fp);
+ }
+ /* return current value */
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, fp);
+ return 1;
+ return io_std_get(L, IO_INPUT, "r");
+ return io_std_get(L, IO_OUTPUT, "w");
+ void *ud;
+ luaL_checkany(L, 1);
+ ud = lua_touserdata(L, 1);
+ if (ud == NULL || !lua_getmetatable(L, 1) || !lua_rawequal(L, -2, -1))
+ lua_pushnil(L); /* not a file */
+ else if (*((FILE **)ud) == NULL)
+ lua_pushliteral(L, "closed file");
+ else
+ lua_pushliteral(L, "file");
+ return 1;
+LJLIB_PUSH(top-3) LJLIB_SET(!) /* Set environment. */
+#if defined(LUA_USE_POSIX) || defined(LUA_USE_WIN)
+ const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+ const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ fflush(NULL);
+ *pf = popen(fname, mode);
+ *pf = _popen(fname, mode);
+ return (*pf == NULL) ? io_pushresult(L, 0, fname) : 1;
+ luaL_error(L, LUA_QL("popen") " not supported");
+#include "lj_libdef.h"
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+static void io_std_new(lua_State *L, FILE *fp, int k, const char *fname)
+ FILE **pf = io_file_new(L);
+ GCudata *ud = udataV(L->top-1);
+ GCtab *envt = tabV(L->top-2);
+ *pf = fp;
+ setgcref(ud->env, obj2gco(envt));
+ lj_gc_objbarrier(L, obj2gco(ud), envt);
+ if (k > 0) {
+ lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ lua_rawseti(L, -5, k);
+ }
+ lua_setfield(L, -3, fname);
+static void io_fenv_new(lua_State *L, int narr, lua_CFunction cls)
+ lua_createtable(L, narr, 1);
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, cls);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__close");
+LUALIB_API int luaopen_io(lua_State *L)
+ LJ_LIB_REG_(L, NULL, io_method);
+ io_fenv_new(L, 0, lj_cf_io_pipe_close); /* top-3 */
+ io_fenv_new(L, 2, lj_cf_io_file_close); /* top-2 */
+ LJ_LIB_REG(L, io);
+ io_fenv_new(L, 0, lj_cf_io_std_close);
+ io_std_new(L, stdin, IO_INPUT, "stdin");
+ io_std_new(L, stdout, IO_OUTPUT, "stdout");
+ io_std_new(L, stderr, 0, "stderr");
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ return 1;