diff options
authorRob Kendrick (monotony) <>2012-05-05 21:17:21 +0100
committerRob Kendrick (monotony) <>2012-05-05 21:17:21 +0100
commita22310bca8e590f27153cffd7dc4535ee422b1ae (patch)
parent6f9a7d3293c12d4b3088d0203619dd6e0b0bd65b (diff)
Higher level MQ functions, with push/pull object serialisation. Delicate.
2 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luxio/mq.lua b/luxio/mq.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42adc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luxio/mq.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+-- Light Unix I/O for Lua
+-- Copyright 2012 Rob Kendrick <>
+-- Distributed under the same terms as Lua itself (MIT).
+-- High-level functions for using POSIX message queues. Delicate.
+local l = require "luxio"
+local sio = require "luxio.simple"
+local serialise = require "luxio.serialise"
+local lua_version = tonumber(_VERSION:match "Lua (%d.%d)")
+local function err(txt, errno)
+ return nil, ("%s: %s"):format(txt, l.strerror(errno)), errno
+local mq_check_mt
+local function mq_meta_gc(o)
+ if not o.closed then
+ l.mq_close(o.desc)
+ end
+local mq_mt = {
+ send = function(o, msg, prio)
+ mq_check_mt(o)
+ local r, errno = l.mq_send(o.desc, msg, prio)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_send", errno)
+ end
+ return true
+ end,
+ receive = function(o)
+ mq_check_mt(o)
+ local r, errno, msg, prio = l.mq_receive(o.desc)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_receive", errno)
+ end
+ return msg, prio
+ end,
+ close = function(o)
+ mq_check_mt(o)
+ local r, errno = l.mq_close(o.desc)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_close", errno)
+ end
+ o.closed = true
+ return true
+ end,
+ push = function(o, data, prio)
+ mq_check_mt(o)
+ local payload = serialise(data)
+ local r, errno, attr = l.mq_getattr(o.desc)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_getattr", errno)
+ end
+ if #payload > attr.mq_msgsize then
+ return nil, "payload serialisation too large"
+ end
+ r, errno = l.mq_send(o.desc, payload, prio or 0)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_send", errno)
+ end
+ return true
+ end,
+ pull = function(o)
+ mq_check_mt(o)
+ local r, errno, data, prio = l.mq_receive(o.desc)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_receive", errno)
+ end
+ local f, err = loadstring("return " .. data)
+ if f == nil then
+ return nil, "payload error: " .. err
+ end
+ local ok, result = pcall(f)
+ if not ok then
+ return nil, "payload error: ".. result
+ end
+ return result
+ end,
+ __tostring = function(x)
+ return ("message queue: %s %s (%d)%s"):format(
+ x.rw_mode, x.path, x.desc, x.closed and " closed" or "")
+ end,
+ __gc = mq_meta_gc
+mq_mt.__index = mq_mt
+if lua_version == 5.1 then
+ mq_wrap_mt = function(t)
+ t.proxy = newproxy(true)
+ getmetatable(t.proxy).__gc = function()
+ mq_meta_gc(t)
+ end
+ setmetatable(t, mq_mt)
+ end
+ mq_wrap_mt = function(t)
+ setmetatable(t, mq_mt)
+ end
+mq_check_mt = function(x)
+ if getmetatable(x) ~= mq_mt then
+ error "object passed is not an MQ object"
+ end
+ if x.closed then
+ error "MQ passed has been closed"
+ end
+local rw_mode_map = {
+ r = l.O_RDONLY,
+ w = l.O_WRONLY,
+ rw = l.O_RDWR
+local function open(path, rw, mode)
+ -- Opens a message queue. rw is one of "r", "w", or "rw".
+ -- If mode is specified, it will also try to create it.
+ local rw_mode = rw_mode_map[rw] or error "unknown read/write mode"
+ local mq, errno
+ if mode then
+ mode = sio.tomode(mode)
+ mq, errno = l.mq_open(path, l.bit.bor(rw_mode, l.O_CREAT), mode)
+ else
+ mq, errno = l.mq_open(path, rw_mode)
+ end
+ if mq < 0 then
+ return err("mq_open", errno)
+ end
+ local t = { path = path, desc = mq, rw_mode = rw }
+ mq_wrap_mt(t)
+ return t
+local function unlink(path)
+ local r, errno = l.mq_unlink(path)
+ if r < 0 then
+ return err("mq_unlink", errno)
+ end
+ return true
+return { open = open, unlink = unlink } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/luxio/serialise.lua b/luxio/serialise.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9152b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luxio/serialise.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+local type = type
+local format = string.format
+local tostring = tostring
+local error = error
+local concat = table.concat
+local dump = string.dump
+local function a(t, x)
+ t[#t+1] = x
+local keywords = {
+ ["and"] = true,
+ ["break"] = true,
+ ["do"] = true,
+ ["else"] = true,
+ ["elseif"] = true,
+ ["end"] = true,
+ ["false"] = true,
+ ["for"] = true,
+ ["function"] = true,
+ ["if"] = true,
+ ["in"] = true,
+ ["local"] = true,
+ ["nil"] = true,
+ ["not"] = true,
+ ["or"] = true,
+ ["repeat"] = true,
+ ["return"] = true,
+ ["then"] = true,
+ ["true"] = true,
+ ["until"] = true,
+ ["while"] = true
+local serialise
+serialise = function(x)
+ local t = type(x)
+ if t == "string" then
+ return format("%q", x)
+ elseif t == "function" then
+ return format("loadstring(%q)", dump(x))
+ elseif t == "userdata" or t == "lightuserdata" then
+ error "Cannot serialise userdata or lightuserdata"
+ elseif t ~= "table" then
+ return tostring(x)
+ end
+ local r = { "{" }
+ -- first emit any sequence
+ local k = 1
+ repeat
+ local v = x[k]
+ if v ~= nil then
+ a(r, serialise(v))
+ a(r, ",")
+ end
+ k = k + 1
+ until v == nil
+ -- emit other numerical keys
+ for i, j in pairs(x) do
+ if type(i) == "number" and i >= k then
+ if r[#r] ~= "," then a(r, ",") end
+ a(r, format("[%d]=%s", i, serialise(j)))
+ a(r, ",")
+ end
+ end
+ -- emit non-numeric keys
+ for i, j in pairs(x) do
+ local key
+ local ti = type(i)
+ if ti ~= "number" then
+ if ti == "string" then
+ key = format("%q", i)
+ if not keywords[i] and i == format("%q", i):sub(2, -2) then
+ key = i
+ else
+ key = "[" .. key .. "]"
+ end
+ elseif ti == "function" then
+ key = "[loadstring(" .. format("%q", dump(i)) .. ")]"
+ elseif ti == "table" then
+ key = "[" .. serialise(i) .. "]"
+ else
+ error "unhandled key type"
+ end
+ a(r, format("%s=%s", key, serialise(j)))
+ a(r, ",")
+ end
+ end
+ if r[#r] == "," then r[#r] = nil end
+ a(r, "}")
+ return concat(r)
+return serialise