path: root/tools/args.h
diff options
authorDavid Teigland <>2020-04-10 13:17:37 -0500
committerDavid Teigland <>2020-06-16 13:46:51 -0500
commit2aed2a41f7602e9168613a0c37d8dd557e7dba9b (patch)
tree24c6f0ce4eb13a03073c6bf55dc5ef2dafaef519 /tools/args.h
parent21b37964eb88d404998e37acae5530ec102a2116 (diff)
lvcreate: new cache or writecache lv with single command
To create a new cache or writecache LV with a single command: lvcreate --type cache|writecache -n Name -L Size --cachedevice PVfast VG [PVslow ...] - A new main linear|striped LV is created as usual, using the specified -n Name and -L Size, and using the optionally specified PVslow devices. - Then, a new cachevol LV is created internally, using PVfast specified by the cachedevice option. - Then, the cachevol is attached to the main LV, converting the main LV to type cache|writecache. Include --cachesize Size to specify the size of cache|writecache to create from the specified --cachedevice PVs, otherwise the entire cachedevice PV is used. The --cachedevice option can be repeated to create the cache from multiple devices, or the cachedevice option can contain a tag name specifying a set of PVs to allocate the cache from. To create a new cache or writecache LV with a single command using an existing cachevol LV: lvcreate --type cache|writecache -n Name -L Size --cachevol LVfast VG [PVslow ...] - A new main linear|striped LV is created as usual, using the specified -n Name and -L Size, and using the optionally specified PVslow devices. - Then, the cachevol LVfast is attached to the main LV, converting the main LV to type cache|writecache. In cases where more advanced types (for the main LV or cachevol LV) are needed, they should be created independently and then combined with lvconvert. Example ------- user creates a new VG with one slow device and one fast device: $ vgcreate vg /dev/slow1 /dev/fast1 user creates a new 8G main LV on /dev/slow1 that uses all of /dev/fast1 as a writecache: $ lvcreate --type writecache --cachedevice /dev/fast1 -n main -L 8G vg /dev/slow1 Example ------- user creates a new VG with two slow devs and two fast devs: $ vgcreate vg /dev/slow1 /dev/slow2 /dev/fast1 /dev/fast2 user creates a new 8G main LV on /dev/slow1 and /dev/slow2 that uses all of /dev/fast1 and /dev/fast2 as a writecache: $ lvcreate --type writecache --cachedevice /dev/fast1 --cachedevice /dev/fast2 -n main -L 8G vg /dev/slow1 /dev/slow2 Example ------- A user has several slow devices and several fast devices in their VG, the slow devs have tag @slow, the fast devs have tag @fast. user creates a new 8G main LV on the slow devs with a 2G writecache on the fast devs: $ lvcreate --type writecache -n main -L 8G --cachedevice @fast --cachesize 2G vg @slow
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/args.h')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tools/args.h b/tools/args.h
index c69a0ecce..3a7e5d488 100644
--- a/tools/args.h
+++ b/tools/args.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ arg(cachepool_ARG, '\0', "cachepool", lv_VAL, 0, 0,
arg(cachevol_ARG, '\0', "cachevol", lv_VAL, 0, 0,
"The name of a cache volume.\n")
-arg(cachedevice_ARG, '\0', "cachedevice", pv_VAL, 0, 0,
+arg(cachedevice_ARG, '\0', "cachedevice", pv_VAL, ARG_GROUPABLE, 0,
"The name of a device to use for a cache.\n")
arg(cachesize_ARG, '\0', "cachesize", sizemb_VAL, 0, 0,